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本報記者 張駿 通訊員 程福明 錢人源今年3月下旬,文件倉在南空航空兵某師牽頭組織的某演習任務中,某型特種機首次實現全時域警巡,標誌著該型特種機具備了24小時全天候空中警戒巡邏能力,在未來信息化戰爭中,在應對行動中,掌握了信息主動權。5月,在東南沿海某演習任務中,該師某型搜救直升機首次開展遠海搜救課目訓練,在演習的數個飛行日,多次刷新最遠航程紀錄。作為全軍首家裝備特種機的航空兵師,該師的空勤人員,自然成了“第一個吃螃蟹的人”。他們的付出自然也倍加艱辛。剛改裝某型特種機時,面對著密密麻麻的電子儀表和儀器設備,哪怕有著上千小時飛行經驗的空中驕子,也一下子“找不著北”了。沒有教員、沒有教材、沒有大綱、沒有教範、沒有經驗可循,如何讓特種機飛起來,形成戰鬥力,不僅是對專業技術的挑戰,更是對整個訓練模式的考驗。翻開該師的花名冊,數百名空勤中,從其他部隊選調的占80%,新改裝的占86%。這些人員雖然都有著豐富的工作經驗,但原單位的“慣性”思維也傳遞到新單位,而這些思路與特種機部隊的任務特點顯然不適應。新機改裝中,困難重重、故障頻發,部分空勤人員出現畏難情緒,一些飛行員提出停飛或轉業。為此,該師建起能者上、庸存倉下的競爭機制,讓一批能力素質較高的飛行人才脫穎而出。他們大膽�用新空勤人員參加演習任務,加強對飛行員的戰法訓練,縮短培養周期,錘煉飛行員隊伍在陌生地域和惡劣環境中的作戰能力。面對歷史性的課題與困難,該師拓展組訓模式,硬是闖出一條新路:沒有現成資料,他們帶領技術骨幹編寫新機訓練教程;沒有同型教機,他們組織飛行員在老機型上進行相關基礎課目的摸索練習;缺少訓練時間,他們組織地面模擬練習,將天上的課目來到地面訓練,地面的訓練成果帶到天上檢驗,為改裝訓練打下了良好基礎。在技能評估機制上,他們實行持證上崗制度,按照標準化、程序化、精確化要求,對每名空勤人員的技術狀況進行階段“數字化”評估,合格的頒發上崗證,不合格的進行補差強化訓練,將因人員能力素質弱造成事故的隱患降到最低。近年來,該師擔負的任務從沿海警巡、各類安保到抗震救災,不斷呈現多樣化的趨勢。師黨委意識到,如果以消極保安全的心態開展訓練,或依照過去的訓練模式簡單複制,已不能適應發展需要,必須要走“任務帶動訓練”的路子,在任務中錘煉新員能力,提高打贏本領。目前,該師指揮長、教員等飛行骨幹比2005年增加了3倍多,已改裝完的新飛行員都能執行重大任務。迷你倉

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  作家張煒長篇小說年編、散文年編、短篇小說精選英文版新書日前在第二十屆北京國際圖書博覽會中國作家館發佈。  作為“文學魯軍”最具說服力、最有代表性的作家,迷你倉新蒲崗山東作協主席張煒從1980年發表小說起,發表了近1400萬字的文學作品,被譯成多種文字,在國內及海外出版單行本300多部,獲獎60余次。2010年出版的長篇小說《你在高原》獲得第八屆茅盾文學獎等十余獎項。今年,張煒將自己的作品按“年編”形式分張煒散文隨筆年編、張煒中短篇小說年編、張煒長篇小說年編三個系列出版。長篇小說年編共19本,由作家出版社出版,收錄了從《古船》、《九月寓言》、《外省書》,到《你在高原》的10部單行本以及2012年的《半島哈里哈氣》,囊括張煒的全部長篇小說。散文隨筆年編共20本,由湖南文藝出版社出版,是迄今最完備的非虛構文字集結。  張煒對於翻譯自己的作品非常謹慎,每次都會請專家鑒定譯者的文筆,“在這20年裡,我個人否定的外文版本不完全統計有十幾部了。”他覺得急於將作品介紹出去不是目的,如果草率地推出低質量的譯本沒有意義,反而是對中國文學的損害,“我不希望他們僅僅是翻譯故事,更要結合語言的特質相對完整地傳達出來作品的精髓。”因此這次首發的兩本英文版書顯得尤為不易,這兩本英文版書是由加拿大皇家科林斯出版集團有限公司出版的《張煒,中國最偉大的作家迷你倉出租一》和《張煒短篇小說精選》。前者旨在讓西方讀者在集中和有限的時間里瞭解張煒及其作品,後者收錄了張煒的8篇精華短篇小說。  談及影響中國文學“走出去”的因素,張煒認為翻譯是主要的瓶頸,“不是譯者懂中文,有流利的外語表達就可以。文學是語言藝術,翻譯需要把原本的語言藝術轉化成另一種語言藝術,這是非常困難的。”而全世界範圍內高水準的譯者數量不多,能夠把中國文學很好地翻譯出來的人數不超過兩百人,讓他們翻譯大量中國作品顯然是不現實的。“文學走出去一定不要急。翻譯是語言的再創造,急於推出大量作品沒有意義,好的作家要有這種自信,過分急於走出去是一種自卑心理”,張煒主張作家應踏實寫作,中國文學的“走出去”不應操之過急,需要穩步推進。  從文學本身而言,張煒覺得當代中國作家也應抱著平等的心態,對國內外的大師抱著仰視的態度,同時對自己的文學作品懷有自信,“我從來不認為自己寫了一些作品就是多麼了不起的作家”,當代有無大師不應由當代人評價,大師是一個歷史的概念,經過時間的過濾和考驗後自有定論。張煒認為現在很多國外的讀者還沒有完全做到從語言藝術欣賞的角度來看待中國的文學作品,而是將此當做獲取其他信息的窗口,他希望可以“聯合一切平等待我文學之讀者”,努力讓國外讀者欣賞我國文學作品的思想、詩性、藝術。(蘇亞)標簽:張煒 中國 長篇小說 譯者 從來不迷你倉

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要求落實公交優先發展戰略本報北京9月9日訊 記者齊慧報道: 近日,新蒲崗迷你倉 交通運輸部發佈 《關於改進提升交通運輸服務的若干指導意見》, 提出用五年左右的時間, 通過推進均等化、 規範化、便捷化、 安全化、 信息化和公開化六個方面、 28條為民服務措施的實施, 實現 “運輸服務更安全可靠, 公�出行更便捷暢通, 運輸發展更經濟高效, 發展方式更綠色低碳”的總體目標mini storage《意見》 提出要貫徹落實公交優先發展戰略, 推進 “公交都市” 建設和公交智能化應用; 著力解決農村客運發展問題, 基本實現建制村通班車, 構建城市配送和農村物流網絡; 加強公路養護作業管理, 減少養護封閉及佔用車道時間; 鼓勵中小物流企業聯盟發展, 引導傳統貨運企業向綜合物流服務商轉型; 在地級以上城市推廣出租汽車服務管理信息系統, 推廣手機智能召車軟件。self storage

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新華社西寧9月9日電(記者 陳國洲)記者從青海機場公司瞭解到,青海果洛藏族自治州民用機場已獲國務院批復建設,這將是我國在青海玉樹機場之後在青海藏區部署建設的又一高原型機場。據瞭解,果洛民用機場為國內支線機場,位於果洛藏族自治州瑪沁縣大武鎮附近,海拔約3780米,年設計旅客運輸量8萬人次、貨郵吞吐量200噸。工程總投資約11.32億元,設計機型為空客A319、波音B737-700高原型飛機。新建果洛民用機場是落實中央支持藏區發展政策、西部大開發戰略的具體體現,預計機場將在2016年8月建成並投入使用。儲存

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最高人民法院、最高人民檢察院昨天出台《關於辦理利用信息網絡實施誹謗等刑事案適用法律若干問題的解釋》(以下簡稱《解釋》),存倉規定“同一誹謗信息實際被點擊、瀏覽次數達到五千次以上,或者被轉發次數達到五百次以上的”,應當認定為網絡誹謗行為“情節嚴重”,從而為誹謗罪設定了明確的、量化入罪標準。網絡犯罪更有社會危害性最高人民法院新聞發言人孫軍工介紹,近年來,利用信息網絡實施的各類違法犯罪活動日漸增多,特別是利用互聯網等信息網絡進行造謠誹謗等違法犯罪現象比較突出。比如,在信息網絡上捏造事實惡意誹謗他人;利用社會敏感熱點問題,炮製謠言,造成公共秩序嚴重混亂,甚至引發群體性事件;以在信息網絡上發佈、刪除負面信息相要挾,索取被害人財物,甚至出現了所謂“網絡公關公司”、“網絡推手”,有償提供“刪帖”、“發帖”服務,牟取巨額非法利益。孫軍工表示,由於網絡具有公共性、匿名性、便捷性等特點,一些不法分子將網絡作為新的犯罪平台。網絡信息具有擴散範圍廣、傳播速度快、影響不易消除等特點,利用網絡實施的犯罪比採用傳統手段更具有社會危害性。但由於我國刑法對利用信息網絡實施的誹謗等犯罪並無具體規定,因此實踐中存在著法律適用不夠明確的問題。為在司法實踐中準確懲治相關犯罪提供明確的司法解釋依據,兩高經過深入調研,梳理問題,廣泛徵求意見,並借鑒其他國家通行的法律規制原則,經反複研究論證,制定司法解釋。網上誹謗他人 情節嚴重可入刑《解釋》首先對“捏造事實誹謗他人”的行為進行了說明:捏造損害他人名譽的事實,在信息網絡上散佈,或者組織、指使人員在信息網絡上散佈;將信息網絡上涉及他人的原始信息內容篡改為損害他人名譽的事實,在信息網絡上散佈,或者組織、指使人員在信息網絡上散佈;此外,明知是捏造的損害他人名譽的事實,在信息網絡上散佈,情節惡劣的,以“捏造事實誹謗他人”論。《解釋》還明確了利用信息網絡實施誹謗行為的入罪標準,即“情節嚴重”的認定問題:同一誹謗信息實際被點擊、瀏覽次數達到五千次以上,或者被轉發次數達到五百次以上;造成被害人或者其近親屬精神失常、自殘、自殺等嚴重後果的;兩年內曾因誹謗受過行政處罰,又誹謗他人的以及其他情節嚴重的情形。此外,《解釋》規定,一年內多次實施利用信息網絡誹謗他人行為未經處理,誹謗信息實際被點擊、瀏覽、轉發次數累計計算構成犯罪的,應當依法定罪處罰。孫軍工指出,《解釋》列舉的“情節嚴重”標準,從誹謗信息實際被點擊、瀏覽、轉發的次數,誹謗行為的後果,行為人的主觀惡性等方面加以具體化,在司法實踐中可操作性更強。根據刑法規定,以暴力或者其他方法公然侮辱他人或者捏造事實誹謗他人,情節嚴重的,處三年以下有期徒刑、拘役、管制或者剝奪政治權利。轉發“誹謗信息” 不知者不怪當前廣大網民利用信息網絡進行“網絡反腐”、“微博反腐”,對於反腐倡廉工作發揮了積極的作用,如果“網絡反腐”中存在失實情況,應當如何處理?孫軍工指出,網民通過網絡檢舉、揭發他人違法違紀行為的,有關部門應當認真對待,負責地核實,及時公佈調查結果,即使檢舉、揭發的部分內容失實,只要不是故意捏造事實誹謗他人,或者不屬明知是捏造的損害他人名譽的事實而在信息網絡上散佈的,就不應以誹謗罪追究刑事責任。孫軍工表示,行為人如果實施了誹謗行為,但不符合《解釋》規定的“情節嚴重”情形,也不能認定為誹謗罪。此外,若行為人不明知是他人捏造的虛假事實而在信息網絡上發佈、轉發的,即使對被害人的名譽造成了一定的損害,也不構成誹謗罪。在孫軍工看來,這充分體現了在依法、準確打擊利用信息網絡實施誹謗犯罪的同時,最大限度地保護廣大網民的表達權。網絡誹謗七種情形可公訴按照刑法規定,誹謗罪除“嚴重危害社會秩序和國家利益”的情形外,屬於“告訴才處理”的案件,即自訴案件,被害人如果沒有自行向人民法院提起訴訟,要求追究行為人刑事責任的,人民法院不能對實施誹謗的行為人處以刑罰。而“嚴重危害社會秩序和國家利益”的誹謗案件,應由公安機關立案偵查,檢察院提起公訴。對此,《解釋》列舉了七種“嚴重危害社會秩序和國家利益”的情形:引發群體性事件的;引發公共秩序混亂的;引發民族、宗教衝突的;誹謗多人,造成惡劣社會影響的;損害國家形象,嚴重危害國家利益的;造成惡劣國際影響的;其他嚴重危害社會秩序和國家利益的。孫軍工表示,這樣規定,既充分尊重當事人的處分權,依法保護被害人的合法權益,也有助于有力打擊那些嚴重危害社會秩序和國家利益的誹謗犯罪。此外,《解釋》還針對“易混淆”犯罪行為進行釋明,區別開網絡誹謗罪和網絡尋釁滋事罪、網絡敲詐勒索以及非法經營罪。熱點聚焦熱點一網絡謾罵,網絡造謠傳謠造成嚴重後果,涉嫌尋釁滋事罪。《解釋》規定:利用信息網絡辱罵、恐嚇他人,情節惡劣,破壞社會秩序的,以尋釁滋事罪定罪處罰。此外,編造虛假信息,或者明知是編造的虛假信息,在信息網絡上散佈,或者組織、指使人員在信息網絡上散佈,起哄鬧事,造成公共秩序嚴重混亂的,也以尋釁滋事罪定罪處罰。最高法院負責人:信息網絡具有兩種基本屬性,即“工具屬性”和“公共屬性”。人們把信息網絡作為獲取信息、買賣商品、收發郵件的有效途徑,說明信息網絡具有“工具屬性”。同時,信息網絡也是人們溝通交流的平台,是現實生活的延伸,是社會公共秩序的重要組成部分,又具有很強的“迷你倉共屬性”。當前,個別不法分子在網絡上大肆捏造、散佈虛假信息,其信息內容不指向特定自然人,而是以擾亂社會秩序為目的,危害公共利益。這種信息在網絡上發佈出去,很容易引發社會恐慌,造成公共秩序嚴重混亂。近期各地發生的多起群體性事件,多由不法分子編造虛假信息並在信息網絡上散佈所引發。網絡空間屬於公共空間,網絡秩序也是社會公共秩序的重要組成部分,維護社會公共秩序是全體網民的共同責任。法學界專家表示,公共場所是公�聚會、出入、交流的場所,既包括現實世界真實存在的車站、碼頭、民用航空站、商場、公園、影劇院等場所,也包括互聯網上開放性的電子信息交流“場所”,互聯網各類網站、主頁、留言板等網絡空間具有“公共場所”屬性。一些不法分子利用信息網絡惡意編造、散佈虛假信息,起哄鬧事,引發社會公共秩序嚴重混亂,具有現實的社會危害性,應以尋釁滋事罪追究刑事責任。熱點二以發帖、刪帖威脅他人,索取財物涉嫌敲詐勒索,司法機關在辦案過程中如何正確界定罪與非罪的界限?《解釋》規定:以在信息網絡上發佈、刪除等方式處理網絡信息為由,威脅、要挾他人,索取公私財物,數額較大,或者多次實施上述行為的,以敲詐勒索罪定罪處罰。最高法院負責人:目前,一些不法分子在網站上發佈涉及被害人或者被害單位的負面信息,或者上網收集與被害人、被害單位有關的負面信息,並主動聯繫被害人、被害單位,以幫助刪帖、“沉底”為由,向被害人索取財物。此類犯罪的表現形式主要有兩種,即:“發帖型”敲詐和“刪帖型”敲詐,前者是以將要發佈負面信息相要挾,要求被害人交付財物,後者則先在信息網絡上散佈負面信息,再以刪帖為由要挾被害人交付財物。此類行為實質上是行為人以非法佔有為目的,借助信息網絡對他人實施威脅、要挾,被害人基於恐懼或者因為承受某種壓力而被迫交付財物,符合敲詐勒索罪的構成要件,應當以敲詐勒索罪定罪處罰。司法實踐中,應當注意從兩個方面正確界定罪與非罪的界限。一是要求行為人必須有主動向被害人、被害單位實施威脅、要挾並索要財物的行為。如果行為人不主動與被害人聯繫刪帖事宜,未實施威脅、要挾,而是在被害人主動上門請求刪帖的情況下,以“廣告費”、“贊助費”、“服務費”等其他名義收取被害人費用的,不認定為敲詐勒索罪。二是本條使用了“信息”而非“虛假信息”的表述。行為人威脅將要在信息網絡上發佈涉及被害人、被害單位的負面信息即使是真實的,但只要行為人出于非法佔有的目的,以發佈、刪除該負面信息為由勒索公私財物的,仍然構成敲詐勒索罪。熱點三有償發佈虛假信息構成非法經營罪,司法實踐中如何正確認定?《解釋》規定:違反國家規定,以營利為目的,通過信息網絡有償提供刪除信息服務,或者明知是虛假信息,通過信息網絡有償提供發佈信息等服務,擾亂市場秩序,具有下列情形之一的,屬於非法經營行為“情節嚴重”,以非法經營罪定罪處罰:個人非法經營數額在五萬元以上,或者違法所得數額在二萬元以上的;單位非法經營數額在十五萬元以上,或者違法所得數額在五萬元以上的。最高法院負責人:一些所謂的“網絡公關公司”、“營銷公司”、“網絡推手”等以營利為目的,未經許可,在信息網絡上向他人有償提供刪除信息服務,或者明知是虛假信息,通過信息網絡向他人有償提供發佈信息等服務,此類行為違反了國家規定,擾亂了市場秩序,具有較大的社會危害性,應當以非法經營罪定罪處罰。司法實踐中必須以行為人明知所發佈的信息是虛假信息為前提。如果行為人不明知所發佈的信息為虛假信息,即使收取了費用,也不認定為非法經營罪。但對於通過信息網絡有償提供刪除信息服務,《解釋》不要求行為人明知所刪除的信息為虛假信息。當前一些非法“網絡公關公司”的主要業務是“刪帖”,所刪除的信息相當一部分是人民群�發佈的真實信息。國家依法保護信息網絡用戶正常的、合法的信息交流和服務活動,這也是網絡信息服務市場秩序的重要組成部分。行為人有償刪除信息網絡用戶真實信息,侵犯了廣大網民的合法權益,也嚴重破壞了網絡信息服務市場秩序,符合非法經營罪犯罪構成,應當依法懲處。新華時評拉起網絡世界的法律“高壓線”最高人民法院、最高人民檢察院9日發佈關於辦理利用信息網絡實施誹謗等刑事案件的司法解釋,將治理網絡謠言等違法犯罪的行動進一步納入法治軌道,同時也為網絡世界拉起了明確的法律“高壓線”。從“謠翻中國”的“秦火火”到借維權斂財的周祿寶,從泄私憤造謠的傅學勝到自建網站敲詐勒索的仲偉……近年來,網絡社會飛速發展,利用網絡實施的誹謗、敲詐勒索等違法犯罪也隨之增加。由於網絡信息傳播速度驚人,一些網絡造謠、傳謠造成的社會危害性甚大,不僅嚴重侵害公民權益、擾亂公共秩序,甚至導致群體性事件。明確劃分網絡言論的法律邊界勢在必行。傳播效果越強,信息發佈責任就越大。最新司法解釋對網絡誹謗等犯罪的行為手段、危害後果進行界定,同時對罪與非罪、此罪與彼罪、輕罪與重罪作出區分,提出明確的量化標準。據此,不僅能為當前認定利用信息網絡實施的誹謗等犯罪提供明確的法律依據,又為公民在網絡世界設置了行為底線。網絡謠言止于法治,止于良好的社會道德環境。但也必須看到,刑罰是“最後的手段”,動用刑罰定要慎重。司法機關應當嚴格按照相關法律法規執行,不枉不縱,不私不盲,以保障公民正當的言論表達。新華社記者 鄒偉 楊維漢(新華社北京9月9日電)自存倉

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信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/以“繽紛車展·炫動蓉城”為全新主題的2013成都國際汽車展覽會(以下簡稱成都車展)于9月8日在成都世紀城新國際會展中心圓滿落下帷幕,迷你倉最平展出總面積達14萬平方米。本屆車展共吸引汽車品牌95個,440家汽車廠商攜1200余輛展車高調亮相,其中概念車15輛,首發車52輛。據統計,本屆展會車輛銷售共計22361輛,其中豪車銷售866輛。為期10天的展會共接待觀�超過62萬人次,另有來自2000多家媒體的6700余名記者奔赴成都報道。經過十五年的不斷發展,成都車展從區域性車展中脫穎而出,逐漸成為繼北上廣之後的國內第四大車展。這從不斷刷新紀錄的數據上得到充分體現,同時,其品牌效應和影響力也進一步升級。如今,成都車展擁有更強的行業號召力,是國內外汽車巨頭布局西部市場不可忽視的戰略陣地。展會上的首發車數顯著提升,主辦方和展商也更具服務意識,其國內車展第四極的行業地位受到廣泛認可。西部市場吸引全球目光在一二線城市限行限購不斷蔓延的背景下,加速推進渠道下沉成為國內外車企的共同選擇,快速崛起的中西部二三線市場成為企業新的增長點。而成都作為西部汽車市場核心,其戰略地位不言而喻。眼下,成都雲集了沃爾沃、一汽大�、吉利汽車等多個主流汽車生產廠家,也是�多汽車廠商中國西部的總部所在地,很多針對終端市場的消費政策都率先在成都發佈。截至2012年年底,成都機動車達300萬輛左右,汽車保有量達220多萬輛,位居全國第二。由成都領銜,西部市場的潛力與消費力吸引全球目光,外資與合資企業紛紛加快“西進”步伐,自主企業堅守陣地的同時,更加注重品牌建設。成都車展為廣大車企發佈新品、建設品牌、接觸市場提供了絕佳平台;它更是企業開拓市場、尋求增長髮力點的重要契機。首發車型成最大亮點作為檢驗車展的最重要指標之一,近年來在成都國際車展上舉行首發儀式的車企與日俱增。2013成都車展共迎來52輛首發車。上海大�Cross Lavida、國產長安標致雪鐵龍DS5、北京現代名圖量產版、ix35等都在蓉城面世,華晨寶馬316i、改款奔馳E級、國產帕傑羅·勁暢、東南三菱風迪思、新款雷諾科雷傲、謳歌ILX2.0L、MINI三款新車型、起亞K5混動版以及多款紀念版車型也在本屆成都車展正式上市。相較去年,今年首發車的數量和質量都更勝一籌。國內外車企集體發力今年參展的國內外汽車廠商普遍加大投入,展台面積平均增幅達到20%。展位面積超過1000平方米的品牌多達35個,突破1500平方米的達10個,其中東風悅達起亞、北京現代、上海汽車、奧迪、寶馬、英菲尼迪、奔馳等7個品牌更是逼近2000平方米。近年來合資品牌乃至豪華品牌競相在中西部迷你倉建生產線,以成都為核心的西部市場成為企業在華未來發展的重中之重。而原本就以中西部市場為主陣地的國內自主品牌,其新車質量和研發投入也大幅提升,並且品牌意識越來越明晰。因此,無論是外資、合資還是自主品牌,對成都車展的參展力度都逐年增大,集體發力加強品牌與市場的溝通,主要表現為擴大展位面積、新車發佈、高層蒞臨等。德系三巨頭奧迪、寶馬、奔馳、進口高端車廠商捷豹路虎、英菲尼迪、克萊斯勒都以超大面積展台亮相;國內汽車龍頭一汽、上汽、東風、長安也如約而至,參展規格足以與合資大牌媲美。服務意識全面提升主辦方與展商全面提升的服務意識也伴隨成都車展不斷走向成熟。為了保證展會現場秩序,成都車展組委會發起倡議書,加強車模管理,杜絕低俗宣傳和偏離車展本質的炒作,讓展車回歸真正的主角地位;展會現場設立新聞中心、觀�休息廳、多個問訊處,並首次將室外廣場納入門禁系統,連通室內外,輔助觀�實現更好的參展體驗;安保措施也進一步加強以應對黃牛現象。參展廠商除了以明星車型現場比拼外,其配套服務也明顯更趨完善。展廳內,展車與繽紛活動交相輝映;展廳外,服務人員、貴賓接待室一應俱全。全民汽車嘉年華精彩紛呈的同期活動恰如其分地與本屆主題“繽紛車展·炫動蓉城”相呼應。挑戰平衡、感受新型環保代步工具的智能“思維車”體驗、兼具速度與激情的首屆RC西南挑戰賽、藝術與汽車完美結合的汽車塗鴉大賽、趣味十足的官方護照,成都車展全程都有豐富多元的活動相隨。室外廣場的路演區,也有奔馳、路虎等品牌開展創意互動。在觀展過程中,觀�可以真切感受到汽車文化的各個層面。本屆車展除了官方網站外,還特別增開了官方微博、官方微信、APP應用程序等多渠道新媒體傳播平台,及時傳達車展資訊的同時,也與觀�進行更深層次的溝通交流。由此可見,成都車展不僅是一場展覽盛會,更是一場全民狂歡的汽車嘉年華。本屆車展繼續得到媒體的全力支持,新浪、搜狐、鳳凰、汽車之家、易車網、車訊網、汽車之友、汽車族、汽車雜誌、汽車測試報告、中國汽車報、汽車商業評論等都在現場打造個性展台,並全程直播展會。來自中央電視台、新華社、中新社、中國日報、中國商報、汽車導報、經濟日報、南方日報、文匯報、大公報、成都商報等主流媒體記者也親赴現場,第一時間傳播展會盛況。作為中國西部核心城市、有著國內經濟增長第四極之稱的成都,在1998年擁有了自己的專業國際汽車展覽會。成都世紀城新國際會展中心有限公司始終致力于將成都車展打造成全國知名的A級車展,自2006年漢諾威米蘭展覽(上海)有限公司加入後,更標誌其走上國際化的發展路徑。第十六屆成都國際車展以新主題、新氣象、新高峰的完美演繹為中國汽車工業60周年獻禮,其全方位的影響力更充分彰顯行業地位。(劉逢源 圖據會展)儲存

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Source: Times Union, Albany, N.迷你倉Y.Sept. 09--ALBION -- Anna cowered in a prison hallway, her inmate jumpsuit ripped, her neck bruised. Afraid to speak the unspeakable truth, she told the sergeant who found her that she was upset about issues with her kids.When questioned later, she said Donald Lasker, a guard at Albion State Prison in Orleans County, had just raped her and threatened to harm her if she told.Lasker was eventually convicted of statutory rape. His sentence: 10 weekends in jail, 10 years' probation, and being listed as a Level 1 sex offender. He claimed in court that he'd been seduced.Anna, who now lives in Albany, was put in solitary confinement for a week "for her own safety," she was told, before finishing her two-year sentence for cashing a fake check. She requested that her last name not be used.Her story is one of many across New York in recent years, and the cases encompass a wide range of scenarios. Sexual abuse in women's prisons is nuanced, law enforcement experts say, ranging from forcible rape to more complicated types of coercion in which women may be, at least initially, willing participants.Since 2006, the state's prison agency has substantiated 33 incidents involving the sexual abuse of female inmates by prison staff and 27 incidents involving sexual harassment by staff. It's a situation well-known to state officials for decades, yet New York state has continuously failed to implement policies used in other states to protect female prisoners from being sexually victimized by prison employees, usually correction officers. One New York women's prison ranked among the worst in the nation for prison rape, with a rate five times the national average.In at least three rulings in the past year, judges compensated women raped by New York state correction officers, including a woman who gave birth to a guard's child while incarcerated. Prison officials say there have been seven pregnancies since 2000 in which the father of the inmate's child was a staff member from the facility."The sexual abuse of women in custody is a long-standing and endemic problem," said Brenda Smith, a professor at American University Washington College of Law. She has more than 30 years' experience working in the area of sexual victimization behind bars, and served from 2004 to 2009 on the National Prison Rape Elimination Commission.She called abuse by prison staff "the most basic betrayal of the public's trust," particularly since the United States has the highest population of incarcerated people in the world. "The people being victimized in custody are not just them. They are us. It could be anyone you know," Smith said.New York's prison agency, the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS), said in a statement their position can be summarized in two words: "Zero Tolerance," wrote spokesperson Tom Mailey. "Regardless of the enormity of our responsibility, for over 90,000 inmates and parolees zero tolerance means even one instance of sexual abuse is one too many ... Through prevention, education, and ongoing victim support programs, DOCCS works to eliminate all forms of sexual violence within the department, to provide access to appropriate and meaningful emotional support services for victims of sexual abuse, and to prosecute anyone who sexually abuses an offender to the fullest extent of the law."Still, justice often eludes women imprisoned here. Success in criminal court is frequently stymied by the difficult nature of proving sex crimes in prison, where an inmate's word can hold little or no credibility, and where the sympathies of a judge and jury can often lie with guards. That, coupled with an aggressive union that fights to keep its male members employed in female prisons despite allegations of abuse, has resulted in an atmosphere largely insulated from systemic change.So it continues, shrouded in secrecy.In preparing this story, the Times Union reviewed prison agency records and the court files of eight correction officers charged with felony sex crimes against female prisoners in recent years.Local district attorneys say that without hard evidence -- DNA, a letter, an admission, an eyewitness, a piece of video -- proving sexual misconduct against guards can be impossible, and they often aim for conviction on a lesser charge. There are also examples in which the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision determined that a rape occurred but the guard was not charged because prosecutors did not feel they had sufficient evidence.In recognition of the power held by guards, state law dictates there is no such thing as consent: sex between a correction officer and inmate is statutory rape, and therefore a felony crime. Yet felony convictions are rare.While an inmate at Bedford Hills prison in Westchester County, Jennifer Coombs said she and correction officer David Sawyer would meet in storage closets and his office for their sexual encounters. Coombs felt she was in love, and hoped she and Sawyer would be together when she got out. That all changed when Coombs said she heard rumors Sawyer was interested in a fellow prisoner. She said she saved his DNA and turned him in.Sawyer pleaded guilty to statutory rape and received 10 years' probation and is now listed as a Level 1 sex offender. Neither Sawyer nor his attorney responded to requests for comment.His punishment was relatively harsh when compared with similar cases. Out of the eight felony sex cases against guards reviewed for this story, five received misdemeanor convictions with minimal punishments, like short probation sentences or, in some cases, a small fine. Most officers in these cases resigned.Then there are those who keep their jobs, like a guard at Willard Drug Treatment Campus in Seneca County who faced 11 counts, including multiple charges of forcible touching and criminal sex act involving three different inmates. He pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor harassment charge and got a conditional release with an agreement that he would no longer guard women. In 2012, an Albion guard whom the prison agency determined had victimized 10 women was found not guilty by a jury. DOCCS moved him to a position at Orleans prison, an all-male facility.Lasker is the only perpetrator out of the cases reviewed sentenced to jail time, and Orleans County Court Judge James Punch expressed his condolences: "[T]here is only so much empathy you can have for an inmate who wanted to have relations with you," he said, speaking of Anna, "and you fell into the trap of having those relations."Every guard in the court cases either pleaded not guilty or claimed in court that they fell victim to the inmate's advances, even in incidents in which the women claim there was nothing consensual about their encounter.While staff sexual abuse occurs in both men's and women's facilities, it disproportionately affects female inmates, who are a fraction of the state's correctional system. Women represent 5 percent of all inmates in New York, yet account for 30 percent of sexual misconduct cases and 61 percent of sexual harassment cases that are classified as having occurred, according to the state's prison agency records from 2007 to 2012.Guards determined by the prison agency to have sexually harassed female inmates are reprimanded or referred to labor relations, but aren't typically discharged from employment.People on all sides of this issue agree that the majority of prison guards do their work honorably without crossing any lines. When a guard has an allegation lodged against him, he has a right to due process, said Donn Rowe, president of the New York State Correctional Officers and Police Benevolent Association. He noted that "retaliatory allegations" are part of "the games inmates play.""I don't think we have a substantial problem with this,文件倉 he said.In interviews, inmates admitted that other inmates sometimes lie about officers in hopes of gaining some type of advantage, like a transfer to another facility.But there's also reason to believe that many sexual encounters and assaults go unreported.Fredric Green heads the sex crimes bureau for the Westchester County District Attorney's Office, which has prosecutorial jurisdiction over two female prisons -- Taconic and Bedford Hills. Green said he has presented female inmates with video evidence and eyewitness testimony that they are involved with a guard, yet "they will look you right in the eye and say no," said Green. That's often because the woman has feelings for the guard and wants to protect him, he said.In other cases, inmates keep quiet out of fear of retribution, since complaints of abuse are reported internally. "It's not an atmosphere that makes a woman feel comfortable, when she knows she is likely reporting to someone who is a colleague of her abuser," said Green.When Coombs was first locked up for violating probation after an arson charge, the prison atmosphere surprised her. "I couldn't believe how many of the girls were with the guards," she said. "They were getting gifts, money, special treatment."Like many incarcerated women, Coombs describes being sexually abused before prison: she was raped by a friend of her ex-husband, she said. She recollects sexual relationships with seven different guards, including Sawyer, and was interviewed on multiple occasions by a DOCCS investigator."After I was raped, I felt so bad about myself. I thought sex was all that I was good for," she said.One-third of women in state prisons have been raped before their incarceration, according to the U.S. Bureau of Justice statistics. A 1999 study of inmates at Bedford Hills found that 90 percent had endured physical or sexual violence during their lifetime.New York's prison rape problem came under national scrutiny in 2010, when the federal government released its survey of 167 prison facilities, and found the state to be among the worst in the nation for staff-on-inmate abuse. Out of the 11 prisons ranked as having a "high incidence" of staff sexual misconduct, three were in New York.The highest rate of inmate-alleged staff rape occurred at Bayview, a female-only state prison in lower Manhattan. The prison had 137 women in custody, and out of 96 surveyed, 11 said staff had sexually victimized them. That's 11.5 percent of the women -- five times more than the national average of 2.2 percent. The prison was shut down after damage from Hurricane Sandy.The survey was done as part of the federal Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003, which created national standards to help deter sexual abuse in every type of detention facility.Soon after New York's prison-rape statistics were released, agency officials were summoned to testify before a federal panel in Washington. Then-Commissioner Brian Fischer addressed the high rate of reported staff abuse at all-male Elmira prison, saying, "The perception that a good pat-frisk constitutes a sexual assault is the major factor influencing the results." But he offered no explanations for the high incidence of sex assault reported by women at Bayview.It would have been relevant, since New York is one of the only states in the country with a policy that allows male guards to conduct pat-down searches of clothed female inmates absent any emergency. Only females diagnosed by mental health staff as having post-traumatic stress disorder are exempt. Prison officials say such pat-downs are rare.Male officers in New York can also be alone with women prisoners without female guards present in areas outside video surveillance, including sleeping areas.Linda (not her real name) was alone in an isolated part of the prison with a guard when she alleges he raped her at Lakeview Shock Incarceration, a state prison in Chautauqua County.She didn't plan to tell officials because she thought it would mean more time away from her kids. She later confided in a cellmate, who told prison officials her friend had been raped by the guard. Linda, like Anna and Coombs, was questioned and placed in solitary confinement for four days.It felt punitive, though staff reminded her it was for her own safety, she said.Chautauqua County District Attorney David Foley said despite corroborating stories from inmates, he didn't have enough evidence to charge the guard with a sex crime. There were no cameras in the area in which the rape allegedly happened, and no DNA evidence, so instead he indicted the guard for promoting prison contraband because he brought breakfast for the inmates the morning of Linda's alleged rape. The guard has pleaded not guilty and faces trial in December.Joe Cardone, the district attorney of Orleans County for the past 22 years, works in a town with two state prisons that employ a lot of local people. He noted that juries don't always convict on the evidence. In the first DNA case Cardone ever prosecuted, the guard was convicted on misdemeanor charges but found not guilty of the felony sex charges against him despite genetic evidence."I've had jurors say to me, 'These are people that ended up in state prison, so what happens to them they probably deserve,'" Cardone said.The effects on these women last long after they gain freedom. Anna could barely leave her house; in court she said she had five locks on her door and kept a knife under her pillow. Coombs said she still gets upset about how her younger self was taken advantage of. Linda said she still looks over her shoulder every day, and has nightmares about the guard she says raped her.Linda is now suing the state, alleging it failed to protect her from sexual abuse.Anna won the largest verdict on record in New York involving prison-abuse allegations. Court of Claims Judge Philip Patti ordered the state to pay $605,750, since Lasker was already under investigation for illicit behavior with prisoners and the state "had notice of Lasker's propensity to pursue unauthorized relationships with inmates and yet left him in the position to continue to pursue the same." Lasker declined a request for comment.Anna's attorneys, Laurie Shanks and Terence Kindlon, said the state Inspector General investigators who looked into Anna's case were all former prison guards. Kindlon likened the oversight to "a fox guarding the henhouse."The influence of the correction officers union also plays a significant role, illustrated by the case of Frederick Brenyah. Brenyah was first prosecuted for raping an inmate in 2003, but a jury acquitted him. When the state prison agency tried to terminate him, he appealed to an arbitration panel, which ruled in his favor, and he returned to his job guarding women.In 2010, he was charged with raping another inmate. He admitted receiving oral sex in the encounter, saying she pursued him. "He 'froze' because he didn't want it," an investigator wrote.In 2012, he was convicted of attempted rape and sentenced to 10 years' probation with Level 1 sex offender status.His victim, 57, a convicted murderer and arsonist, testified that Brenyah pulled her into an officers' bathroom and raped her. She was brave to speak out, said the prosecutor on the case, Westchester Assistant District Attorney Fredric Green. "The people making decisions for her for the rest of her life are all potential friends of Brenyah," Green said. "That's something no other crime victim has to deal with."asanto@timesunion.com 518-454-5008 @alysiasantoRead the full series:Part 1: Raped behind barsPart 2: Hidden world of official silencePart 3: Gender-based solution finds success in MichiganCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Times Union (Albany, N.Y.) Visit the Times Union (Albany, N.Y.) at .timesunion.com Distributed by MCT Information Services存倉

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張馨予曾在微博曬李晨送的“石頭心”,儲存引發軒然大波。“石頭戀”告吹,是因為張馨予愛上了霍建華?霍建華經紀人否認。  疑似“分手宣言”在微信朋友圈瘋傳  去年七夕,藝人李晨在微博向張馨予告白,兩人戀情正式曝光。雖不被看好,但兩人也算愛得轟轟烈烈。如今,這段“石頭戀”卻疑似已經告吹。9日凌晨,張馨予在微信朋友圈留言,稱“你是好男人,我是壞女人,應該慶幸我不再耽誤你了。”該留言截圖在圈內人士中瘋傳,同時也被質疑是張馨予寫給李晨的“分手宣言”。值得一提的是,這段分手傳聞最先爆出,並非在微博公開,而是有人將張馨予的“朋友圈”截圖流出,有網友調侃“就算在‘朋友圈’這樣相對隱秘的地方,明星也沒有秘密!”  (記者 黃岸)  疑似分手  張馨予:  你是好男人,我是壞女人  9月9日凌晨,疑似張馨予的賬戶在微信朋友圈留言:“我感謝你在我被質疑被誹謗的時候挺身而出陪伴與信任,但從我來北京到今天我接的每一個戲每一份工作都是我自己努力得來的,我也一直在繼續努力。感情是兩個人之間的事,不管出現什麼問題也只有一方的一面之詞。你們踩,你們罵,對,你是好男人,我是壞女人, 應該慶幸我不再耽誤你了。那些和這事八竿子打不著的各種起哄的人,你們先處理好自己的事情再說吧!”不少媒體都將這段留言猜測為張馨予寫給李晨的“分手宣言”。  翻開兩人的微博,“分手”一事似乎早有端倪。9月3日,李晨的微博上寫道:“如果沒有離別如何學會承受打擊, 如果沒有跌倒如何能夠學會爬起……”9月7日晚,他又接連發了兩條微博。一條是“你改變不了的,就學會接受和麵對。也許從失眠開始,我對自己無能為力……有點想回家,可又不知道我的家在哪裡……”接著,他又寫道:“不願在異鄉流淚,誰能為我按一下快進。”幾條微博都顯得悶悶不樂,而馬蘇、張歆藝、薛佳凝、關凌、文章等藝人好友則在微博上紛紛留言安慰,一位名為“童小欣jessica諾祈”的好友甚至寫道:“讓壞人遭雷劈”,疑似暗指張馨予。  另一邊,張馨予的微博也透露出傷感氣息,9月6日,她在微博上寫道:“終有一天你會知道,失去比擁有更踏實。”前天,張馨予又上傳了一張哭腫眼的照片,並附文“‘總有一天,你承受過的疼痛會有助于你。生活從來不會刻意虧欠誰,它給了你一塊陰影,必會在不遠的地方撒下陽光。’我是女漢子,除了老鼠我什麼都不怕。”  除此之外,兩人的微博也被扒出已經互相取消關注,這一舉動讓兩人分手的傳聞甚囂塵上。  秀恩愛,死得快  曾經愛得轟轟烈烈  面對兩人的分手傳聞,有網友表示“秀恩愛,死得快,但真沒想到分得這麼快”;也有網友表示,“這感情怎麼說變就變?”  去年七夕,張馨予與李晨首度在微博上公開戀情。當晚,先是張馨予在微博中曬出自己的七夕禮物,甜蜜地問“今天你幸福嗎?”隨後李晨又在微博上寫下感性留言,首度承認張馨予是自己的女友。愛得甜蜜的兩人原本只想透過微博公佈戀情,沒想到卻貢獻了年度微博上一次最歡樂的狂歡。不少網友對這段戀情並不看好,認為兩人在形象上的差距實在太大,“三流技校的女學生實在配不上好學校的學習委員。”  面對網友的吐槽攻擊,李晨沒hold住,發佈長微博《不要的祝福》,稱“我仍會真心祝你幸福,就像你願我及她不幸福一樣”,在盡述無奈的同時也向外人展現了守護女友的堅定。 而在隨後發生的“坐台傳聞”以及“石頭心事件”中,李晨與張馨予也一直不離不棄,默默力挺彼此。  今年七夕,雖然兩人因為工作未能在一起過,但李晨在接受媒體採訪還透露當天給張馨予打了電話,並送了一束花。8月25日,李晨主演的新片在北京舉行發佈會時,談到臨近的中秋,他也表示不會與女友張馨予相聚過節,但會為她送上月餅。相戀以來,雖然一直不被看好,但兩人卻從不避諱,不管是在微博上還是公開場合都大方秀恩愛,一度更傳出兩人感情穩定,將於今年完婚。  分手原因  張馨予已與霍建華秘戀2個月?  霍建華經紀人否認  有媒體爆料,早在上個月就曾拍到李晨與一�好友深夜買醉。鏡頭裡李晨一副邋遢模樣,心情非常鬱悶,現在看來似乎分手早有端倪。  截至記者發稿時,雙方對於分手及其原因都還沒有正面回應。不過,有關兩人分手的原因卻早已引起網友猜測。有消息指,張馨予與李晨之所以分手,竟是因為她愛上了霍建華!據爆料,張新蒲崗迷你倉予與霍建華已經秘戀兩個月,兩人被爆曾在杭州一同開房,李晨後來問過張馨予,張馨予承認了導致最終分手。與此同時,李晨還被爆剛分手時,曾在社交平台里留言,“祝福你和霍建華”,引起朋友關注,隨後李晨將留言秒刪。  對此,網友們反應相當激烈,有網友瘋狂吐槽,“換男人像換抹布一樣的女人,求張馨予滾出娛樂圈!”也有霍建華的女粉絲到張馨予微博里留言“求放手”。  不過,有媒體就此致電霍建華經紀人,對方表示“當然不是”。  張馨予不滿努力總被掩蓋?  張馨予近幾年來電影、電視劇接了不少,事業可謂蒸蒸日上。外界都稱,張馨予之所以有今天,其實都是李晨幫忙鋪的路。  事實上,對於外界總認為自己是靠李晨上位,張馨予似乎頗感不滿。因此,有關事業上的分歧也被質疑是兩人分手的原因之一。  有網友分析,與李晨形象上的差距,讓張馨予在這段感情中一直處於自卑心態,因此對於外界忽略她的努力,將其事業上的成功全部歸結于李晨的功勞感到不滿。這一點從張馨予發佈在朋友圈上的“分手宣言”里“從我來北京到今天我接的每一個戲每一份工作都是我自己努力得來的,我也一直在繼續努力”、“你是好男人,我是壞女人”等語句可見一斑。  張馨予上個月到廣州宣傳新電影,在接受本報記者採訪時她特別強調,不希望別人總是將她與李晨綑綁銷售,“有很多戲找我們倆合拍,也有很多活動找我們一起同台,我都拒絕了,我儘量不和他一起工作,我不喜歡別人說我用戀情來幫助事業,我更願意靠自己。”張馨予坦言,目前想先做好事業,最希望的就是擁有一部自己的代表作。  不過,也有不少網友表示這部“分手片”可能又是一次炒作。  “朋友圈”  也沒有秘密了  相對於微博的公開,近年來越來越多的明星選擇投奔到更為私密的微信“朋友圈”,畢竟,“朋友圈”更加注重隱私,特別是對於藝人這種“特別注重隱私”的特殊人群,朋友圈中評論的隱私設置規則對他們來說再適合不過。在這裡,藝人們可以只加自己熟悉的朋友,沒有了那一雙雙注視的眼睛,說起話來也更加放鬆自在。  據瞭解,為了保護自己的隱私,如今不少明星都設立了兩個陣地,一方面在微博上大打“安全牌”,幾乎只發佈一些“無傷大雅”的信息,這些信息多與工作有關,既可以與粉絲互動,對於自身形象上的維護也做到絕對安全;另一方面,作為普通的年輕人,多數明星們也有分享私生活的慾望,也需要有可以“發泄”的地方,於是,有人開闢了“微博小號”,而更多的人,則選擇了“朋友圈”。  不過,如今明星玩“朋友圈”,也並非絕對秘密。有關這次到底是誰將張馨予“朋友圈”的留言截圖並流出,同樣引發網友的熱烈討論。“若不是這張截圖,有誰會知道這段愛得熱烈的戀情其實已經結束。”“朋友圈”里加的不幾乎都是親近的熟人嗎?誰會把截圖流出?流出的目的又是什麼呢?”  細心的網友會發現,如今不少新聞的爆出,消息源就是來自于明星發在“朋友圈”里的消息。7月,有網友爆料偶像小生胡歌正式告別單身,已在上海民政局領證結婚。據知情人透露,胡歌與女友感情穩定並在上海安家一年有餘。消息一出讓小伙伴們都驚呆了,後來經過求證才知道,這條所謂的“結婚消息”,原來只是胡歌在“朋友圈”里玩遊戲被“整蠱”。那麼,到底是誰把消息傳出去?對此,胡歌在微博上大罵“告密者”:“截個圖能賣多少錢啊?編條假新聞又能掙多少錢啊?你缺錢缺到這個份兒上了呀,我媽給我安排的相親都黃了……你說你多缺德!”  像這樣的例子不止一個,很多時候,明星們在朋友圈里的一個發言,就很可能成為爆料者口中的“證據”。前段時間有關周迅、謝霆鋒秘戀事件炒得沸沸揚揚,兩人死不承認,但有消息就指出,其實兩人早就在朋友圈里大方承認。這些消息孰真孰假,作為看客我們不得而知,只知道明星是世界上最愛護自己羽毛的一類人,做什麼事都要千方百計注重隱私,如今連“朋友圈”都藏不住秘密了,真是傷不起!  網友聲音  @水野:學習委員最後慘遭隔壁三流職高女混混拋棄的戲碼早就是注定的結局了,我關心的是重點高中里曾經瘋狂迷戀他的女生們還會重新愛他嗎?  @frank_1202:李晨買醉,與張馨予分手。再恩愛的人,也經不起時間的蹉跎。  @安忍不動如大地_靜慮深密如秘藏: 李晨人品還是不錯的!《瘋狂的石頭》該拍續集了!標簽:張馨予 李晨 霍建華 胡歌 疑似mini storage

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HONG KONG, September 9, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --BetCoin (TM) Bitcoin Entertainment Network is upping the ante this month and continues to expand their casino operation, responding to a huge influx of new players with several new innovations.儲存 As the world of bitcoin gaming and online bitcoin casinos continues to gain momentum, BetCoin (TM) (betcoin.tm)stays ahead of the curve by utilizing their unparalleled drive for creating the best bitcoin gaming options available. They have announced several major upgrades to existing products, including a patented and secure user verification technology and a unification of player leagues with monthly prizes totaling thousands of bitcoins. BetCoin (TM) will also be announcing a brand new, unique multi-million dollar grade offer in the coming weeks.Within one month, BetCoin (TM) has processed 420,000 bets, with a total payout of a staggering 36,000 BTC ($4.5 million). BetCoin (TM) Dice(betcoindice.tm) proves to be a customer favorite, with 225,000 bets processed and an amazing total payout of 24,000 BTC ($3 million). BetCoin (TM) Circle(.betcoincircle.tm) has processed 150,000 bets, paying out 6,800 BTC ($850,000), and the rest of the $4.5 million payed out by BetCoin (TM) Casino(.casino.betcoin.tm).BetCoin (TM) CTO states, "I'm sort of feeling like the idea of a leader board has not been thought out all the way. With bitcoin and our instant credit and payout capability, competitive betting is made possible on a number of levels, so let's reinvent this idea and offer it to anyone who wants to use it." Not only can users gain access to different leagues, they can also win reward points and prizes in a monthly free bitcoin giveaway. The prizes for diamond league in each of the games have been set to: First prize 100BTC ($13,000), Second prize: 50 BTC ($7,500), T新蒲崗迷你倉ird Prize: 30 BTC($3,900).The CTO went on to discuss security:"We already have a robust system in place, but there is no such thing as 'too secure.' Following the success of the first month, we set out to make our platform the software equivalent of Fort Knox. We are creating a multi-factor authentication system for adding aliases and locking down the user's session, more than that, our unique patented security solution will protect the users and their funds even if a malicious party obtains their login credentials, this is something unprecedented in today's gaming industry."BetCoin (TM) isn't stopping at games, either. They have also launched the world's first Bitcoin Entertainment Wiki, where users can play and learn about bitcoin at the same time, offering newcomers to bitcoin a vast repository of information and a forum space to share ideas.BetCoin (TM) Bitcoin Entertainment Network(betcoin.tm) is consistently at the helm, continually shaping the market of bitcoin gaming and the world of online casinos. With a high volume of new features reaching its users weekly, BetCoin (TM) promises to maintain its drive for developing new and better ways to play. All three of BetCoin's (TM) existing projects have cemented their place as the global leaders in bitcoin-based gaming and online bitcoin casinos, according to this list( topbitcoinsites.com/category/gamesgambling).With all of this and still more to come, BetCoin (TM) Bitcoin Entertainment Network is making the best bitcoin gaming experience on the web better and better. This is why throngs of gamers around the world have voted BetCoin (TM) to the top, and with this level of expertise and commitment, they are there to stay.ContactJames Mason, BetCoin (TM) PRjames.mason@betcoin.tmBetCoin (TM) Bitcoin Entertainment NetworkCONTACT: +1-702-755-5082mini storage

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昨日上午,新蒲崗迷你倉武侯區玉林街道黌門公館門前停放著一輛賣菜車,上百位社區居民排著長隊買菜,難道附近沒有菜市嗎?社區居民告訴記者,這叫“菜宅送”,就是送菜上門。原來,武侯區玉林街道黌門社區為了“淡化辦公、強化服務”,更好地為老百姓居家生活服務,充分引進社團組織,為社區居民建立了菜宅送、暖心房、愛心超市、社區小法庭……社區與社會團體合作 “菜宅送”賣菜昨日上午8時10分,記者在武侯區玉林街道黌門公館小區,遠遠就看見上百位市民在小區門口排成長龍。“我們排隊等買菜。”48歲的謝女士告訴記者,她是黌門社區的居民,每周一到周六都有人專門送菜進社區。15分鐘後,一輛大貨車緩緩停靠在黌門公館小區門前。車門剛一打開,記者看到各種各樣的蔬菜裝了滿滿一車,有白皮苦瓜、芹菜、蒜苗、大青椒、大白菜……“今天的特價菜是‘下鍋火巴’、新土豆,大家先看看菜品公示表。”據老闆介紹,當天有近4000斤菜,共計42種菜品。“我們是一家食品有限公司,和社區採用合作模式,送菜上門。”菜宅送的老闆告訴記者,他們提供的都是從崇州、蒲江、大邑、金堂等蔬菜基地採集來的蔬菜,每次至少收3000斤,採集菜品30種以上。同時,社區考慮到低保戶有困難,每月還給每位低保戶發放了一張50元的“菜貼卡”。開通“暢行停” 緩解華西就診停車難除了“菜宅送”之外,黌門社區還充分利用社區資源,開設了很多服務于民的事。記者在銅鑼灣廣場看到,廣場前面有一個很大的牌子,上面寫著“就醫停車場”字樣。原來華西醫院地處黌門社區,每天都有很多的患者前來就診,造成周圍路段嚴重堵車,其根本原因就是停車難。“我們是社區‘暢行停’之一。”守車員向記者介紹,mini storage保證交通緩堵,社區引進“暢行停協會”,將小區院落上班族白天空出的車位進行核實,讓華西醫院就醫患者臨時停車。守車員說,他隨時將停車點內有多少車位匯報給一分局交警,交警指引駕駛員停車。記者瞭解到,目前社區已經將銅鑼灣廣場、黌門公館等地近10家單位、院落的車位進行了核實,大約有300余車位,以每天3輪更換計算,能解決1000車次/天的停車問題。黌門社區書記申民輝表示,“接下來社區將採用電子顯示屏,隨時更新每個點有多少車位,更方便就診市民停車。”“暖心房”搭建平台 幫助殘疾人就業為進一步加大對殘疾人就業扶持力度,增強殘疾人就業能力,黌門社區開辦了“暖心房常態造血扶助就業模式”,形成長效安置殘疾人的就業新機制。記者瞭解到,“暖心房”以搭建殘疾人自身“造血平台”為基礎,為他們建立了機票銷售服務、投幣賣水服務,解決殘疾人就業問題。據瞭解,目前該社區已經為轄區街道180余名殘疾人免費培訓了絲網花製作工藝,為轄區20余名殘疾人提供常態的就業崗位支持。為此,社區還被共青團四川省委確定為“全省黨團員志願服務示範社區”。此外,社區為了更好地為老百姓居家生活服務,還建立了愛心超市、中外友誼之家、攝影家沙龍、社區小法庭、才藝創作室、電子圖書閱覽室等多樣服務項目。成都晚報記者 鄧婧 攝影 王紅強“菜宅送”新鮮、便民賣菜時間:8:30-11:00賣菜地點:黌門公館(每周一、三、五)黌門街34號(每周二、四、六)社區廣場(每周二、四、六)每個“車載菜市”輻射周邊1平方公里蔬菜既新鮮又便宜所有的菜都比市場價低20%每天還推出1到3種特價菜(為市場價1/3)上萬戶居民每月蔬菜開銷可省100元左右self storage

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吳衛群諾基亞黯然退場,自存倉不少人怪在CEO史蒂芬·埃洛普這個“無間道”頭上。筆者認為,如果諾基亞還能給後人一些警示的話,那就是企業千萬不要對“沉沒成本”過分眷戀。“沉沒成本”,指的是人們在決定是否去做一件事情的時候,不僅要考量這件事對自己有沒有好處,而且還時時惦記著在這件事情上有過的投入,那些已經發生、不可收回的支出。一些巨無霸企業仗著家大業大,即便意識到大勢已經發生了改變,相關決策卻還是一條道走到黑,希望“能多少挽回點損失”,結果卻是窟窿越來越大。比如摩托羅拉的 “銥星計劃”。“銥星計劃”前前後後的總投資高達34億美元,董事會上也曾出現反對的聲音,最後卻淹沒在少數服從多數的票決當中。當摩托羅拉費盡千辛萬苦終於在1998年11月正式將銥星系統投入使用時,命運卻跟它開了一個很大的玩笑——GSM手機早已完全佔領了市場:終端層出不窮、通信資費不斷跳水、國際漫遊暢行無阻……由於無法形成穩定的客戶群,銥星公司連借款利息都償還不起。最後,摩托羅拉公司不得不將銥星公司申請破產保護,宣佈終止銥星服務。對諾基亞來說,塞班系統正是它的“沉沒成迷你倉新蒲崗”。塞班公司由諾基亞與愛立信、摩托羅拉等於1998年合資成立,但是,與蘋果的ios系統和穀歌的安卓系統相比,塞班在觸摸屏體驗、兼容性和移動應用等方面明顯缺乏競爭力,在與個人電腦和互聯網的交互及擴展方面也存在很大劣勢。盡管諾基亞憑塞班系統一度占據智能手機市場50%以上份額,但不久就開始走下坡路。在決定下一步該怎麼轉型的時候,諾基亞放不下“沉沒成本”。2008年,諾基亞仍執意收購塞班公司所有股權,將之作為自己的獨佔系統。2009年底,摩托羅拉、三星、LG、索尼愛立信開始紛紛終止研發塞班平台,轉而採用安卓系統;2010年,塞班被安卓趕超;2010年10月,諾基亞聘請微軟前高管埃洛普出任總裁,後者做出了與微軟結盟的決定……市場瞬息萬變,事關未來的決策就一定要向前看,而不是向後看。芬蘭經濟研究所教授于爾基·阿里—于爾克帶領的研究團隊認為,現在看來,諾基亞過久地留戀塞班,未能及時推出換代系統,也沒有立即採用安卓平台。而當新的競爭格局已定,蘋果ios、安卓如洪水猛獸的時候,諾基亞又選擇綁定Windows Phone。這時,它的敗局已定。迷你倉出租

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  德媒體報道,迷你倉美國國家安全局能夠侵入所有主流智能手機,獲取用戶數據,只是還沒有廣泛應用這一手段。  德國《明鏡》周刊網站8日報道,美國國家安全局能夠接入蘋果手機和黑莓手機的操作系統以及穀歌公司安卓系統。  報道說,美國國家安全局針對不同手機系統設立專門小組,分頭“突破”各類型手機操作系統的保護措施,以秘密訪問手機數據。  美國國家安全局可以獲取這些手機的大部分敏感數據,包括通訊錄、通話記錄、短信息、備忘錄和用戶位置信息。  報道以美國國家安全局和英國情報機構政府通信總部的內部資料為依據。  成功入侵蘋果、黑莓  按照英美情報機構的內部文件,情報人員聲稱,美國國家安全局成功入侵蘋果手機用戶用來同步數據的電腦,可以入侵蘋果手機至少38項功能。  這些機密資料清晰顯示,美國情報人員曾成功入侵黑莓手機。  美國國家安全局2009年一份文件說,可以看到和讀取黑莓手機的往來短信。  多份文件顯自存倉,美國國家安全局2009年一度無法入侵黑莓系統,但2010年3月重新“攻陷”黑莓手機。另外,美國國家安全局還曾成功侵入外界普遍認為非常安全的黑莓郵件系統。就這一報道,黑莓公司人員說:“媒體涉及政府通信監視的報道不應該由我們回應。”  手機製造商不知情  《明鏡》周刊依據所獲得的文件推斷,美國國家安全局沒有大規模監視智能手機用戶,而是在某些情形下監視特定目標,而且智能手機製造商並不知情。  這一德國主流媒體沒有提及獲取情報機構文件的方式,而報道署名作者之一是美國電影制片人勞拉·波伊特拉斯。  波伊特拉斯與斯諾登接觸密切,先前曾以斯諾登提供的資料為依據披露美國政府情報監視活動。  根據斯諾登不久前提供的信息,美國國家安全局利用超級計算機、技術標準、法庭命令和幕後勸說等多種手段,已經秘密攻破或能夠繞開現有常用互聯網加密技術,獲取用戶私密信息。(安曉萌)標簽:美國 安全局 斯諾登 入侵 大規模迷你倉新蒲崗

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Source: The Day, New London, Conn.儲存倉Sept. 09--LEDYARD -- Police are looking for the driver who struck and injured a teenager Friday night in front of the Mobil gas station on Route 117.Police said they responded to the accident at about 11:10 p.m. They found that a 16-year-old male had been struck by a car and was being treated at the scene by the Ledyard Fire Department and the Ledyard Volunteer Emergency Squad before being transported to the Lawrence + Memorial Hospital for treatment of non-life threatening injuries.According to multiple witnesses, the driver of the evading vehicle stopped to check on t迷你倉價錢e teen, but left prior to the arrival of emergency services.Witnesses described the vehicle as a light blue or silver 2008-2013 Audi A4 or A6 with tinted windows. The driver is described as a light skinned black or Hispanic male, 20 to 30 years old with short hair and a goatee. He was wearing baseball cap on backwards and glasses.Anyone with information regarding the vehicle or the driver is asked to contact the Ledyard Police Department at (860) 464-6400.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Day (New London, Conn.) Visit The Day (New London, Conn.) at .theday.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉最平

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BERNIN, France, September 9, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --Soitec (Euronext), a world leader in generating and manufacturing revolutionary semiconductor materials for the electronics and energy industries, has licensed some of its intellectual property (IP) portfolio related to back-side illumination (BSI) technology for image sensors to Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Limited (TSMC), a leading foundry provider of image sensor products.迷你倉新蒲崗 BSI is a key enabling technology in the race to develop small-pixel, high-quality image sensors used in consumer products such as digital cameras, smart phones and other portable electronics."We are very pleased to strengthen our relationship with TSMC. This licensing agreement demonstrates the value of Soitec's extensive and generic patent portfolio in manufacturing advanced devices such as BSI image sensors," said Paul Boudre, chief operating officer at Soitec. "We look forward to continuing to leverage our IP portfolio by providing our partners with access to our technologies."Soitec uses its strong portfolio of technologies and its high capacity for innovation to deliver enhanced performance and energy efficiency to the electronics and energy markets. Today Soitec's IP portfolio contains nearly 3,000 patents covering several technologies for manufacturing engineered wafers and to be used as building blocks in leading-edge mic迷你倉出租oelectronic products such as BSI image sensors. In this case, the back side illumination technology for image sensors uses some of the key process steps of Soitec's Smart Stacking(TM) generic technology.About Soitec: Soitec is an international manufacturing company, a world leader in generating and manufacturing revolutionary semiconductor materials at the frontier of the most exciting energy and electronic challenges. Soitec's products include substrates for microelectronics (most notably SOI: Silicon-on-Insulator) and concentrator photovoltaic systems (CPV). The company's core technologies are Smart Cut(TM), Smart Stacking(TM) and Concentrix(TM), as well as expertise in epitaxy. Applications include consumer and mobile electronics, microelectronics-driven IT, telecommunications, automotive electronics, lighting products and large-scale solar power plants. Soitec has manufacturing plants and R&D centers in France, Singapore, Germany and the United States. For more information, visit: .soitec.com.International Media Contacts Camille Darnaud-Dufour (trade press) +33(0)6-79-49-51-43 camille.darnaud-dufour@soitec. com [camille.darnaud-dufour@soitec.com ]Marylen Schmidt (business press) +33(0)4-76-92-87-83 marylen.schmidt@soitec.comInvestor Relations Olivier Brice +33(0)4-76-92-93-80 olivier.brice@soitec.comSoitec迷你倉

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  • Sep 10 Tue 2013 13:15

KMT at risk of splitting, Taiwan’s leader warnedTaiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou risks splitting his KMT party by putting pressure on the legislative speaker to quit in a row over an influence-peddling investigation, lawmakers warned.文件倉 Leading the News A3Free-trade role for HSBC and StanChartShanghai officials are understood to have contacted HSBC and Standard Chartered about the services they will offer in the mainland’s first free-trade zone in t存倉e city. Business B1First electric bus is up and runningHong Kong’s first franchised electric bus hit the road yesterday and picked up its first passengers. The single-decker can cover 180 kilometres on a three-hour charge. City C1Tourism lifeline for traditional craftsCrafts like threading – an ancient way to remove facial hair – that almost died out are enjoying a revival thanks to a campaign in which tourists can see practitioners at work. City C2迷你倉

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Thailand is launching an-all out shopping war to lure mainlanders away from Hong Kong.新蒲崗迷你倉 But businesses in the SAR are not too worried about losing lucrative custom to the tourist-hungry Southeast Asian kingdom. The Thai moves will see import duties slashed or scrapped on a range of luxury goods by the end of this year, Permanent Secretary for Finance Areepong Bhoocha-Oom said yesterday Duties on watches, clothes and cosmetics, which stand at 30 percent now, will range between zero and 5 percent by December. Areepong said that while the measures are aimed at drawing more tourists from the mainland, Thailand's 7 percent value-added tax on goods and services will remain in place. All first-tier mainland cities - Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing and Shenzhen - have direct flights to and from Bangkok daily. Hong Kong has been a shopping paradise for both mainlanders and other Southeast Asians, including Thais, as it charges no VAT or import duties on luxury goods. Therefore, our retail price tags are usually lower than such visitors would face back home. Also, the latest models of any fashion or electronics brand are more readily available in the SAR. Thailand has long been a popular destination for both mainland and Hong Kong tourists. But its beaches, nightspots and temples are the primary attractions, not its malls for those looking for upmarket brands. Hong Kong Retail Management Association chairwoman Caroline Mak Sui-king said she sees Thailand's move as a potential threat as some tourists may be diverted. "But Hong Kong still has advantages in a rich variety of brands and proximmini storagety to the mainland, especially for those tourists who want to do their shopping and return home the same day," she said. More than 43 percent of the 34.9 million mainland visitors to Hong Kong last year did not stay overnight. Jetour Holding chairman Ho Pak- ting said he does not think more Hongkongers will rush to Thailand to buy cheaper luxury goods. "Hongkongers are different from mainlanders, who are only crazy about shopping. We go in for fresh air, foreign culture and cuisine," Ho said. He added locals usually buy cheap daily clothes in Thailand, instead of luxury bags or shoes. "Thailand is a nice place for a spa and a massage." For his part, ANZ senior economist Raymond Yeung Yu-ting said "sightseeing, not shopping, is Thailand's core competency." In addition to luxury items, mainlanders also shop for daily necessities in Hong Kong now, Yeung said, adding that the really wealthy will fly to Europe if they want more luxury items. Retail sales in Hong Kong sharply slowed in July, rising 9.5 percent on- year to HK$40 billion from the 14.7 percent growth registered in June as local consumption softened. But sales of luxury goods, including jewelry and timepieces, stayed strong. Thailand expects tourist arrivals to surge 18 percent to 26.4 million this year, helping to counter a slump in exports and domestic consumption. Tourism and services industries account for 50 percent of Thailand's gross domestic product. Last year, the country attracted 2.8 million mainland visitors, up 62 percent from 2011 - accounting for 12.5 percent of total arrivals. grace.cao@singtaonewscorp.com self storage

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Source: Portland Press Herald, MaineSept.mini storage 09--AUGUSTA -- Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield answered questions Monday before the state Bureau of Insurance over Anthem's effort to shift individual insurance subscribers to new plans under the Affordable Care Act.Anthem, the state's largest insurer, and MaineHealth, the state's largest network of hospitals and care providers, plan to offer an insurance network on the health exchange that is being created in Maine under President Obama's health reform law.The network would include 32 of the state's 38 hospitals, excluding three hospitals owned by Central Maine Healthcare in Lewiston, as well as Parkview Adventist Hospital in Brunswick, York Hospital in York, and Mercy Hospital in Portland.Monday's hearing focused on whether Anthem can transfer individual subscribers to new insurance plans. The change would affect about 9,000 people, Anthem said. The insurer provides coverage to about self storage20,000 subscribers in a range of plans.Chris Dugan, a spokesman for Anthem, said less than 10 percent of the individual subscribers, or fewer than 1,000 people, use primary care physicians and specialists who are not in the new narrow network.The provider network and pricing system have already been approved by the state insurance bureau.Critics have argued that the narrow plan would disrupt care for subscribers in central and western Maine, who would have to change doctors or choose a new insurance plan.Anthem has said individuals would have choices of plans within their company, as well as a competing plan on the health exchange offered by Maine Community Health Options.A public comment session is scheduled for 5 p.m.This story will be updated.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Portland Press Herald (Portland, Maine) Visit the Portland Press Herald (Portland, Maine) at .pressherald.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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