Source: Portland Press Herald, storage 09--AUGUSTA -- Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield answered questions Monday before the state Bureau of Insurance over Anthem's effort to shift individual insurance subscribers to new plans under the Affordable Care Act.Anthem, the state's largest insurer, and MaineHealth, the state's largest network of hospitals and care providers, plan to offer an insurance network on the health exchange that is being created in Maine under President Obama's health reform law.The network would include 32 of the state's 38 hospitals, excluding three hospitals owned by Central Maine Healthcare in Lewiston, as well as Parkview Adventist Hospital in Brunswick, York Hospital in York, and Mercy Hospital in Portland.Monday's hearing focused on whether Anthem can transfer individual subscribers to new insurance plans. The change would affect about 9,000 people, Anthem said. The insurer provides coverage to about self storage20,000 subscribers in a range of plans.Chris Dugan, a spokesman for Anthem, said less than 10 percent of the individual subscribers, or fewer than 1,000 people, use primary care physicians and specialists who are not in the new narrow network.The provider network and pricing system have already been approved by the state insurance bureau.Critics have argued that the narrow plan would disrupt care for subscribers in central and western Maine, who would have to change doctors or choose a new insurance plan.Anthem has said individuals would have choices of plans within their company, as well as a competing plan on the health exchange offered by Maine Community Health Options.A public comment session is scheduled for 5 p.m.This story will be updated.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Portland Press Herald (Portland, Maine) Visit the Portland Press Herald (Portland, Maine) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Sep 10 Tue 2013 12:45
Anthem answers questions about Maine health insurance shift