BLACKROCK INVESTMENT TRUSTSNET ASSET VALUEBLACKROCK GREATER EUROPE INVESTMENT TRUST PLCThe unaudited net asset values for BlackRock Greater Europe Investment Trustplc at close of business 6 September 2013 were:230.迷你倉出租41p Capital only (undiluted)230.87p Capital only (Diluted for subscription shares)230.87p Capital only (Diluted for subscription shares & treasury shares)237.39p Including current year income (undiluted)236.62p Including current year income (Diluted for subscription shares)236.62p including current year income (Diluted for subscription shares & treasury shares)Notes:1. Investments have been valued on a bid price basis.2. Revenue items included in net asset value, with dividends payable deductedon the ex-dividend date.3. Following the implementation of the May 2013 Tender Offer, the cancellationof 333,946 ordinary shares held in Treasury and the recent conversion of 70,495Subscription Shares into Ordinary Shares on 8 August 2013, the Company's issuedshare capital now comprises 108,719,211 Ordinary Shares, 5,718,353 TreasuryShares and 23,184,318 Subscription Shares.4. For the latest daily net asset value, previous month end performancestatistics, asset allocation and ten largest holdings of the BlackRock managedInvestment Trusts; see BLRKINDEX on Reuters or page 8800 on ICB (Topic 3).NET ASSET VALUEBLACKROCK WORLD MINING TRUST PLCThe unaudited net asset values for BlackRock World Mining Trust plc at close ofbusiness on 6 September 2013 were:522.89p Capital only (undiluted)534.53p including current year income (undiluted) XDNotes:1. Investments have been valued on a bid price basis.2. Revenue items included in net asset value, with dividends payable deductedon the ex-dividend date.3. The undiluted net asset value per share has been calculated on 177,287,242ordinary shares excluding 15,724,600 held in treasury.4. For the latest daily net asset value, previous month end performancestatistics, asset allocation and ten largest holdings of the BlackRock managedInvestment Trusts; see BLRKINDEX on Reuters or page 8800 on ICB (Topic 3).NET ASSET VALUEBLACKROCK NEW ENERGY INVESTMENT TRUST PLCThe unaudited net asset values for BlackRock New Energy Investment Trust plc atclose of business on 6 September 2013 were:43.81p Capital (Pre Performance Fee)43.81p Capital (Post Performance Fee)44.19p Including income (Pre Performance Fee) - diluted for subscription shares44.19p Including income (Post Performance Fee) - diluted for subscription sharesNotes:1. Under the investment management agreement dated 14 December 2006, aperformance fee is payable based on outperformance of the Company's benchmarkindex if the Company's NAV reaches a high watermark of 55.58p. In accordancewith the AIC statement of Recommended Practice, the above NAV includes anyrelevant performance fee provisions to the extent that the high watermark hasbeen attained. The NAV prior to the calculation of any performance feeaccruals, for the purposes of calculating the high watermark, amounted to:44.19p (including income).2. Revenue items included in net asset value, with dividends payable deductedon the ex-dividend date.3. Following the recent conversion of 14,838 Subscription Shares into Ordinaryshares on 7 August 2013 the Company's issued share capital now comprises234,985,619 Ordinary Shares, 11,900,000 Treasury Shares and 45,614,192Subscription Shares.4. For the latest daily net asset value, previous month end performancestatistics, asset allocation and ten largest holdings of the BlackRock managedInvestment Trusts; see BLRKINDEX on Reuters or page 8800 on ICB (Topic 3).NET ASSET VALUEBLACKROCK COMMODITIES INCOME INVESTMENT TRUST PLCThe unaudited net asset values for BlackRock Commodities Income InvestmentTrust plc at close of business on 6 September 2013 were:110.96p Capital only112.44p Including current year incomeNotes:1. Investments have been valued on a bid price basis.2. Revenue items included in net asset value, with dividends payable deductedon the ex-dividend date.3. Following the issue of 250,000 shares on 8 August 2013, the Company now has95,008,000 ordinary shares in issue, and the unaudited NAV above has beencalculated on this basis.4. For the latest daily net asset value, previous month end performancestatistics, asset allocation and ten largest holdings of the BlackRock managedInvestment Trusts; see BLRKINDEX on Reuters or page 8800 on ICB (Topic 3).NET ASSET VALUEBLACKROCK SMALLER COMPANIES TRUST PLCThe unaudited net asset values for BlackRock Smaller Companies Trust plc atclose of business on 6 September 2013 were:814.07p Capital only and including debt at par value808.16p Capital only and including debt at fair value823.35p Including current year income and debt at par value817.44p including current year income and debt at fair valueNotes:1. Investments have been valued on a bid price basis.2. The total number of ordinary shares in issue excluding treasury shares is47,879,792. The total amount of ordinary shares held in treasury to 2,113,731.3. For the latest daily net asset value, previous month end performancestatistics, asset allocation and ten largest holdings of the BlackRock managedInvestment Trusts; see BLRKINDEX on Reuters or page 8800 on ICB (Topic 3).NET ASSET VALUETHE THROGMORTON TRUS迷你倉 PLCThe unaudited net asset values for The Throgmorton Trust PLC at close ofbusiness 6 September 2013 were:303.91p Capital only307.13p Including current year revenue303.91p Capital only (adjusted for treasury shares)307.13p Including current year income (adjusted for treasury shares)Notes:1. Investments have been valued on a bid price basis.2. The Company's issued share capital now comprises 73,130,326 Ordinary Sharesand 7,400,000 Treasury Shares.3. Revenue items included in net asset value, with dividends payable deductedon the ex-dividend date.NET ASSET VALUEBLACKROCK EMERGING EUROPE PLCThe unaudited net asset values for BlackRock Emerging Europe plc at close ofbusiness on 6 September 2013 were:446.09c per share (US cents) - Capital only285.41p per share (pence sterling) - Capital only453.72c per share (US cents) - Including current year income290.29p per share (pence sterling) - Including current year incomeNotes:1. Investments have been valued on a bid price basis.2. Revenue items included in net asset value.3. Following the implementation of the tender offer, as at 26 July 2013BlackRock Emerging Europe plc's share capital consists of 36,242,928 Ordinaryshares (excluding 5,400,000 ordinary shares held in treasury) carrying one voteeach.NET ASSET VALUEBLACKROCK FRONTIERS INVESTMENT TRUST PLCThe unaudited net asset values for the ordinary shares of BlackRock FrontiersInvestment Trust plc at close of business 6 September 2013 were:161.95c Capital only USD (cents)103.62p Capital only Sterling (pence)162.26c Including current year income USD (cents)103.81p Including current year income Sterling (pence)The unaudited net asset values for the C shares of BlackRock FrontiersInvestment Trust plc at close of business 6 September 2013 were:144.21c Capital only USD (cents)92.27p Capital only Sterling (pence)144.40c Including current year income USD (cents)92.39p Including current year income Sterling (pence)Notes:1. Investments have been valued on a bid price basis.2. Revenue items included in net asset value, with dividends payable deductedon the ex-dividend date.3. The number of ordinary shares in issue is 94,766,267 and the number of Cshares in issue is 63,566,000.NET ASSET VALUEBLACKROCK NORTH AMERICAN INCOME TRUST PLCThe unaudited net asset values for BlackRock North American Income Trust plc atclose of business on 6 September 2013 were:108.93p Capital only109.50p Including current year income XDNotes:1. Investments have been valued on a bid price basis.2. Revenue items included in net asset value, with dividends payable deductedon the ex-dividend date.3. Following the issue of 200,000 shares on 30 July 2013, the Company now has84,488,500 ordinary shares in issue. The unaudited NAV above has beencalculated on this basis.NET ASSET VALUEBLACKROCK LATIN AMERICAN INVESTMENT TRUST PLCThe unaudited net asset values for BlackRock Latin American Investment Trustplc at close of business on 6 September 2013 were:785.24c per share (US cents) - Capital only with convertible bond at par value788.44c per share (US cents) - Cum income with convertible bond at par value XD782.75c per share (US cents) - Capital only with convertible bond at fair value785.94c per share (US cents) - Cum income with convertible bond at fair value XD782.75c per share (US cents) - Capital only fully diluted for full conversion of bond785.94c per share (US cents) - Cum income fully diluted for full conversion of bond XD502.40p per share (pence sterling) Capital only with convertible bond at par value504.44p per share (pence sterling) - Cum income with convertible bond at par value XD500.80p per share (pence sterling) - Capital only with convertible bond at fair value502.84p per share (pence sterling) - Cum income with convertible bond at fair value XD500.80p per share (pence sterling) - Capital only fully diluted for full conversion of bond502.84p per share (pence sterling) - Cum income fully diluted for full conversion of bond XDNotes:1. Investments have been valued on a bid price basis.2. The conversion price of the bonds is $9.83.3. Revenue items included in net asset value, with dividends payable deductedon the ex-dividend date.4. Following the implementation of the Tender Offer in April 2013, the Companyhas 39,361,585 Ordinary Shares in issue (excluding 2,212,662 Ordinary Sharesheld in treasury) and US$ 64,000,000 3.5% convertible bonds.5. For the latest daily net asset value, previous month end performancestatistics, asset allocation and ten largest holdings of the BlackRock managedInvestment Trusts; see BLRKINDEX on Reuters or page 8800 on ICB (Topic 3)NET ASSET VALUEBLACKROCK INCOME AND GROWTH INVESTMENT TRUST PLC.The unaudited net asset values for BlackRock Income and Growth Investment Trustplc at close of business 6 September 2013 were:156.70p Capital only (undiluted)160.13p including current year income (undiluted)Notes:1. The Company has 27,399,268 ordinary shares in issue excluding 5,534,664shares in treasury following the purchase of 330,000 of its own shares to be held in treasury.There are 32,933,932 ordinary shares including shares held in treasury.2. Investments have been valued on a bid price basis.3. Revenue items included in net asset value, with dividends payable deductedon the ex-dividend date.儲存倉
- Sep 10 Tue 2013 11:59