香港文匯報訊(記者 卓建安)交通銀行(3328)董事長牛錫明表示,迷你倉價錢目前經濟正處於下行期,國家在宏觀總量、調整結構等方面出台許多新舉措,在此背景下銀行一味做大規模並不可取,而應該由「加快發展」向「穩健發展」轉變,交行則可以由資產持有型銀行向交易型銀行轉變。 牛錫明在接受內地《金融時報》專訪時表示,交行應通過積極介入貨幣、債券、外匯及衍生產品交易等各個市場,擴大非信貸資金運作渠道和規模,優化資金投向與資產配置,在保證流動性的同時,讓資產在流動中分散風險,擴大利潤增長源。少做存量多做流量 牛錫明說:「站在交行的角度,我認為可以由資產持有型銀行向交易型銀行轉變,從做存量向做流量轉變,這也是未來最有可能體現交行特色的經營領域。」他認為,目前在金融界,幾乎所有的金融創新都圍繞著銀行,證券、基金、信託、保險的創新產品只有把銀行拉上,才能賣出去。因此,銀行怎樣做到是「風險的有限承擔者」而不是「風險的全部承擔者」,是轉型中的重大考驗。 牛錫明指出,要提升跨境、迷你倉庫業、跨市場的經營能力,這實際上是國際化、綜合化經營問題。銀行依托企業走出去而國際化,依托人民幣國際化而國際化。銀行應全面提升跨境跨業的規模和層次;應鼓勵商業銀行更好地、規範地發展理財業務,並穩步推進資產證券化。 牛錫明強調,未來一段時間,中國銀行業面臨的經營大環境主要表現為經濟增速趨緩和利率市場化加速推進兩大基本特徵。此外,互聯網金融也加速了金融脫媒,並正在撼動傳統銀行的穩固地位。重點防控穩健發展 牛錫明指出,隨著經濟增速趨緩,金融資產大幅膨脹掩蓋下的金融風險開始釋放。同時,政府對經濟減速的容忍度提高,不再出台大的刺激政策,而是要倒逼金融「去槓桿化」和經濟結構調整。商業銀行「發展、轉型、風險」三者關係已經發生變化,一味做大規模,向規模要利潤的時代已經過去。 牛錫明表示,對交行來說,當前的工作重心已經轉變為「防控風險、穩健發展」。既要看眼前,保持盈利合理增長,不能讓存貸比、不良率等指標滑出底線;更要抓長遠,扎實打好基礎,積蓄後勁,持續推動轉型發展。儲存

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DENVER, storage 14, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] has chosen three world-class companies to provide CubeSat integration for Athena launch services. Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems LLC of Irvine, Calif., TriSept Corporation of Chantilly, Va., and Spaceflight, Inc. of Tukwila, Wash. will provide turnkey CubeSat integration services for multi-payload and RideShare missions using Athena launch services beginning in 2015."We are very pleased to offer this significant enhancement for CubeSat customers using Athena launch services that leverage the proven expertise of these three companies to provide comprehensive, affordable, one-stop integration and launch services to customers worldwide," said Robert R. Cleave, president of Lockheed Martin Commercial Launch Services. "Working together, we are providing customers with efficient and affordable payload integration bundled with the launch service for the expanding range of CubeSat missions."CubeSats are cube-shaped satellites built to standard dimensions called Units or "U," measuring 10x10x11 cm (approximately 4 inches), and weighing less than 1.33 kg (3 lbs) per Unit. They can range from one to six Units in size. Athena deploys CubeSats in the 3U configuration using a standard Poly-Picosatellite Orbital Deployer (P-POD). Initially developed in 1999 with dozens currently in orbit, CubeSats are enabling many mission planners to re-think what can be done with miniature spacecraft. CubeSats are quickly migrating from being used by universities as projects for training future engineers and scientists to supporting a variety of space missions for government, commercial and civil customers worldwide, but with significantly reduced mission costs.Athena can boost payloads ranging from 615 kg (280 lbs) to up to 5,900 kg (13,000 lbs) utilizing launch sites at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla. and Kodiak Launch Complex in Alaska. Using ATK's flight-proven CASTOR 120(R) for Stage I and Stage II, the modernized launch vehicles feature a newly developed and flight proven CASTOR(R) 30 for the upper stage, and Lockheed Martin's modernized electronic systems. Both solid rocket motors are in production and are used on other launch vehicles. Athena's standard Orbit Adjust Module capability can perform multiple precise deliveries of CubeSats to unique orbital parameters, the initial phasing for constellation deployments, as well as deploying CubeSats in large or small groups. In addition, Athena RideShare missions planned for 2015 and 2016 from Kodiak Launch Complex can accommodate 24 P-PODs or a mix of 3U, 6U and 12U CubeSat containerized payloads, vastly expanding launch opportunities for these very small satellites to sun synchronous orbits.For CubeSat integration services on Athena missself storageons, Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems LLC will provide engineering analysis, payload certification and final integration with the launch vehicle. TriSept Corporation will provide integrated CubeSat services contracts, including engineering analysis, payload certification and final integration to the launch vehicle. Spaceflight, Inc. will provide integrated CubeSat services contracts, including engineering analysis, payload certification and final integration to the launch vehicle.Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs about 116,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration, and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products, and services. The Corporation's net sales for 2012 were $47.2 billion.Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems LLC provides NanoSat and CubeSat space vehicle products and launch integration services that deliver advanced state-of-the-art capabilities to government and commercial customers for use in operationally and scientifically relevant missions. Tyvak Co-Founders Scott MacGillivray and Dr. Jordi Puig-Suari are leaders in the CubeSat community; with over 10 years' experience in developing, testing, operating and launching CubeSats. Dr. Jordi Puig-Suari is co-creator of the CubeSat standard and developer of the P-POD. For more information: .tyvak.comTriSept provides Athena demonstrated experience in integrating multiple small satellites (smallsats) on single missions. They have proven their rideshare integration capabilities for Department of Defense, NASA, and commercial payloads on several highly complex missions. Currently, TriSept serves as the lead integrator for the Operationally Responsive Space (ORS) Office, managing and executing the integration of 45 distinct smallsat payloads manifested between the ORS-3 and ORS-4 multiple payload missions. TriSept applies decades of mission integration experience spanning all US launch vehicles and launch sites to tailor rideshare missions in a manner that fully satisfies customer requirements. For more information: .trisept.comSpaceflight Inc. provides routine access to space for deployed and hosted payloads at affordable prices by using published commercial pricing, frequent flight opportunities, and standard interfaces. Spaceflight specializes in the launch of payloads ranging from 1kg up to 300 kg micro satellites from a variety of space launch vehicles, and has launched payloads for NASA as well as commercial customers. For more information: .spaceflightservices.comMedia Contact:Joan Underwood, 303-971-7398; joan.b.underwood@lmco.comFor additional information, visit our website:.lockheedmartin.comLockheed MartinWeb site:迷你倉

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  “妹妹啊,儲存倉你騙了我2萬多塊錢,我說不上火那是吹牛。也許你有N個理由,希望你聽我一句勸,我希望我是最後一個受騙的人,你微信的那些照片我也不准備公佈了,收手吧,不要再抱有僥倖心態……”這是小張在微信上的一段留言。截至昨天,他被這個相識僅一個月的微信好友騙走20300元錢。  小張是個“微信控”,一個月前,一則“辦理大額信用卡”廣告在微信頁面彈出。“我早就想辦個信用卡了,沒想到送上門了。”小張立刻加其為好友,通過聊天得知對方是一位90後女孩,自稱是一家銀行的員工,可以上門為小張辦理信用卡。“我也懷疑過她的身份,但她問我有沒有固定工作及養老保險。我一聽她的問題還挺專業,就放鬆警惕了,和她約定好見面。”“第一次見面是在我單位樓下,她開車來的,穿著工裝,戴胸卡,手里拿個機器,查了我養老保險的繳納年限。還看了我的房產證,填表,簽字,從頭到尾沒有一點疑點,臨走時還提醒我注意接聽銀行的反饋電話。”小張說。  3天後,銀行客服真的給小張打來電話核實各種信息,14個工作日後,那張信用卡到手了。整個過程似乎迷你倉沙田起來沒有任何不妥。接下來發生的事,讓小張走進這個90後女孩設計好的圈套。  幾天前,小張接到一個電話,這個手機號他再熟悉不過。“哥,你的信用卡辦下來了,再辦個pos機多好,用著方便,免息期50天,換句話說,你可以提現10萬元,50天內還上不收利息”,辦卡女孩在電話里告知。  小張一聽這事,有點動心。根據之前辦卡的經過,對方很值得相信,於是便同意了。女孩要求小張再次提供身份證等相關證件,交1800元pos機機器錢。小張也沒多想,直接把錢給女孩了。  前天,pos機到手,小張留了個心眼,先在pos機上刷100元,等了一上午,這100元沒有到賬,由於小張急用錢,又在卡上刷了18400元。時間一分一秒過去,18500元一分錢也沒到賬,加上之前1800元pos機錢,共計20300元打水漂了。“我現在聯繫不上她了,打電話關機,微信也不上,我肯定是上當受騙了。”小張說。  昨日記者按照女孩微信上留下的電話撥打過去,對方一直處於關機狀態。(北國網、遼沈晚報記者 李瑩)標簽:小張 信用卡 看起來 打電話 關機迷你倉價錢

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Source: La Crosse Tribune, Wis.儲存Aug. 14--Galesville police are asking for the public's help in finding the driver of a truck who tried to entice a child into his vehicle.The child was walking in Galesville about 6:30 p.m. Monday when a red truck with a black stripe on the side and a ladder rack in back pulled onto the street in front of him, police said.The driver got out and asked the child to get into his truck so he could give the child a ride home. The driver then got back into his truck and drove sout新蒲崗迷你倉 on Hwy. 53 from Hwy. 54/93.The driver is described as a white man in his 40s, about 5 feet 9 inches tall, 200 pounds, with no facial hair. He was wearing glasses, a yellow shirt and khakis.Anyone with information is asked to call Galesville police at 608-582-4013 or the Trempealeau County Sheriff's Department at 715-538-4351.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the La Crosse Tribune (La Crosse, Wis.) Visit the La Crosse Tribune (La Crosse, Wis.) at Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage

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By Agencies in Cairo ( China Daily) Egyptian police carry a wounded protester during clashes as security forces try to disperse protest camps set up by supporters of ousted president Mohammed Morsi in Cairo on Wednesday.儲存 Hassan Mohamed / Agence France-Presse State of emergency declared after dozens killed in clashes Egypt declared a monthlong state of emergency on Wednesday after Egyptian security forces, backed by armored vehicles and bulldozers, swept in to clear two sit-in camps of supporters of the country's ousted President Mohammed Morsi.The exceptional measures came as "the security and order of the nation face danger due to deliberate sabotage, and attacks on public and private buildings and the loss of life by extremist groups," the presidency said.Interim President Adly Mansour "has tasked the armed forces, in cooperation with the police, to take all necessary measures to maintain security and order and to protect public and private property and the lives of citizens." The state of emergency was announced after authorities confirmed 56 deaths in the violence on Wednesday. The Muslim Brotherhood, from which Morsi emerged, said that 2,200 people had been killed and more than 10,000 injured.Reuters said at least 60 supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood were killed, citing a nurse at a hospital who said she counted the bodies.An AFP correspondent counted at least 43 bodies in a makeshift morgue set up by medics manning a field hospital.The major crackdown happened at Rabba al-Adawia, in northeast Cairo, where thousands of Morsi supporters have staged a six-week sit-in that caused the army acute embarrassment since it ousted the elected leader.A second camp near Cairo University was swiftly cleared in the early morning.The operation, which suggested that the military had lost patience with persistent protests that were crippling parts of the capital and slowing the political process, began just after dawn with helicopters hovering over the camps.Gunfire rang out as protesters, among them women and children, fled Rabba, and clouds of black smoke rose into the air. Armored vehicles moved in beside bulldozers, which began clearing tents.The government issued a statement saying security forces had shown the "utmost degree of self-restraint", reflected in low casualties compared to the number of people "and the volume of weapons and violence directed against the security forces".A witness saw soldiers fire at protesters as they tried to enter the besieged Rabba camp in solidarity with other Morsi supporters. At least 20 were shot in the legs. Television pictures showed security forces shooting from nearby rooftops."Tear gas (canisters) were falling from the sky like rain. They closed every entrance,"新蒲崗迷你倉said protester Khaled Ahmed, 20, a university student wearing a hard hat with tears streaming down his face.Mohammed el-Beltagy, a senior Brotherhood leader, called on the police and army troops to mutiny against their commanders and on Egyptians to take to the streets to show their disapproval of raids on the sit-ins."Oh, Egyptian people, your brothers are in the square. ... Are you going to remain silent until the genocide is completed?" said el-Beltagy, who is wanted by authorities to answer allegations of inciting violence.Wednesday's attacks on the two pro-Morsi camps are the latest chapter in the turmoil that has roiled Egypt since the 2011 ouster of Hosni Mubarak and are likely to deepen the nation's division between the camp of Islamists led by the Muslim Brotherhood on one side, and secularists, liberals, moderate Muslims and minority Christians on the other.The pro-Morsi Anti-Coup Alliance claimed that security forces used live ammunition, but the Interior Ministry, which is in charge of the police, said its forces only used tear gas and that they came under fire from the camp.Regional television networks were showing images of collapsed tents and burning tires at both sites, with ambulances on standby. They were also showing protesters being arrested and led away by black-clad policemen.A TV cameraman for Britain's Sky News was shot and killed while covering the deadly violence in Cairo, the channel said.The crackdown triggered condemnation as the international community reacted with alarm to the deepening crisis.UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Wednesday condemned the violence.While the United Nations was still gathering information, it appeared that hundreds of people were killed or wounded in clashes between security forces and demonstrators, according to a statement by the secretary-general's spokesperson.Europe's leading powers, along with Iran, Qatar and Turkey, denounced the use of force by the military-backed interim government."I am deeply concerned at the escalating violence and unrest in Egypt," British Foreign Secretary William Hague said in a statement. "I condemn the use of force in clearing protests and call on the security forces to act with restraint." Qatar, a main backer of the pro-Morsi Muslim Brotherhood, issued a similar message.Turkey - which had developed strong ties with Morsi's government - urged the international community to act immediately over what it said was an "unacceptable" response to the protests.The European Union also appealed for restraint, with EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton's spokesman saying: "Confrontation and violence are not the way forward." The United States said it "strongly condemns" the violence against protesters.Reuters-AP-AFPmini storage

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Source: Mail Tribune, Medford, Ore.迷你倉價錢Aug. 14--It's funny how a party changes.One minute, I'm trying to weasel my way past bodyguards to chitchat with Brad Pitt at a chichi LA soiree. The next minute, I'm in the alley with people clutching almost-empty bottles of Thunderbird.Or maybe there's a better example of a party ripening. Take, for example, the upcoming Southern Oregon World of Wine Festival.Eleven short years ago, three members of Rogue Valley Winegrowers Association were having a drink and shaking their heads. Why were their precious grapes, they wondered, being ignored or sold for less than those from the northern part of the state?As it sometimes happens after a few drinks, the growers -- Lee Mankin of Carpenter Hill Vineyard in Medford, Joe Ginet of Plaisance Ranch in Williams and Cal Schmidt of Schmidt Family Vineyards in Grants Pass -- came up with a solid solution. They would promote Southern Oregon grapes by throwing a summer wine party.They rented a tent and hired a band, paying for everything with their personal credit cards.Cal would boil buckets of crab and shrimp to serve. The rest of the potpourri potluck would be prepared by wives Vicki Mankin, Suzi Ginet and Judy Schmidt.The spirited supporters would hang up posters, badger their friends and winemakers to attend and encourage everyone to try wine made from local grapes.As odd as it seems now, few restaurants and stores in 2003 carried Southern Oregon wines, and there were only two dozen tasting rooms sprinkled from Ashland to Eugene. Southern Oregon wasn't even an officially recognized wine region until 2004.Lee, Cal and Joe remembered Talent grape grower Laura Lotspeich saying that unlike the Willamette Valley, which is known mostly for pinot noir, the warmer, southern part of the state grew varietals from around the globe. This region, she said, represents a "world of wine."Catchy. The remark became the party's name and continues to accurately reflect the 70 types of grapes, from albarino to zinfandel, that thrive here.About 300 people came to the first event at Rob and Jolee Wallace's picturesque Del Rio Vineyards in Gold Hill. The third year of WOW, the founders added a wine competition and hired nit-picky, out-of-state judges to blind-taste the regional offerings."We wanted to play with the big boys," recalls Lee, adding that wine producers learned from the judges' early, brutal critiques.Over time, the efforts paid off. The eno trio could not have predicted that the growth and recognition of WOW would parallel that of Southern Oregon as a respected wine region.This year's WOW ( offers four days of wine-centric events Aug. 21-24 at Jacksonville's original school, the Bigham Knoll Campus.For th迷你倉庫 first time, Southern Oregon Wine Institute at Umpqua Community College will hold its cluster conference for growers and winemakers in Jacksonville during WOW week. People will be rolling in and staying for days."I didn't see it when we started," says Lee, 64, on his patio overlooking merlot and syrah vines. "But as WOW has evolved, it still follows the original mission to let people know the quality we're growing here."Across a table dotted with chardonnay-filled wineglasses are Cal, 68, and Joe, 61, who immediately asked me to reveal my age (21).Looking through a virtual rearview mirror, they say they're satisfied that WOW flourishes with support from various organizations and that ticket sales continue to underwrite educational programs.The three founders have graduated, themselves. They make and sell wine from their grapes. And those stringent, blind-tasting judges have bestowed hard-earned WOW medals on these original dreamers.WOW events start Wednesday, Aug. 21, with a cozy cocktail party ($25). Participants in a wine tasting seminar ($75) Thursday, Aug. 22, will sample WOW-winning wines in keepsake Riedel glasses (worth $100 alone).There are three $30 seminars. On Thursday, brainy enology expert Dwayne Bershaw of Southern Oregon Wine Institute will have participants sniffing and sipping through four or more wines to evaluate flavors and food pairings.Renowned climatologist Greg Jones will speak Friday, Aug. 23, about wines representing a "taste of place," with examples of the world's varying terroirs. That evening, Peter Adesman, a Medford doc better known for sharing hidden bottles from his private cellar, will compare Old World wines to Southern Oregon's.And the Grand Tasting ($75) takes place Saturday, Aug. 24, in an enormous tent. More than 50 wineries will pour tastes near a feast of locally produced beef, cheese and chocolate.I have not missed a WOW party, and I won't this year. Wear something cooling, throw a wineglass-holder lanyard over your neck to free up your hands for backslapping and belly up to the tables to chat with your favorite wine producers. It's time to celebrate how far they have come since 2003.EVENT: La Clinica, which provides medical, dental and behavioral health services for all in need, benefits from your attendance at the fifth annual Raise Your Heart for Health dinner, from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 25, at Grizzly Peak Winery in Ashland. Call 541-512-3114 or see for more information.Reach columnist Janet Eastman at 541-776-4465 or jeastman@mailtribune.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Mail Tribune (Medford, Ore.) Visit the Mail Tribune (Medford, Ore.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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Source: The Atlanta Journal-ConstitutionAug.迷你倉新蒲崗 14--Atlanta's Cathedral of St. Philip Choir has had a moving -- in more ways than one -- end to summer.The singers are lifting their voices in 15 choral services over two weeks in England: 44 performed Aug. 5-11 at St. Paul's Cathedral in London; and then 35 are doing the honors Aug. 12-18 at Canterbury Cathedral in Kent. Somewhere in there, it managed two days off to exercise legs (as tourists) and rest vocal chords.Atlantans can catch up with the group on the St. Philip website, where it has been posting blog reports (and some photos) from its "pilgrimage": in the trip, Canon for Music Dale Adelmann noted that it was "unusual and sobering" to find at least 500 people listen in on the choir's daily rehearsal in the St. Paul's Quire, then to have many of them decide to stay for Evensong."These visitors, each of them pilgrims in their own ways, literally come from all over the world, and it is our privilege and thrill not merely to share our singing with them, but to realize that many, indeed, probably most of them, come from countries where there are no choirs that sing and worship as we do," Adelmann wrote on the trip's third day.Later in the first week, decani alto Marion Hopkins posted, "Someone asked me this week if I was nervous about singing in this iconic landmark. I feel too well prepared for that, but the experience has been an emotional one. The music has given me goosebumps; some prayers have made me cry; the art and architecture have filled me with wonder, the memorials, with gratitude and admiration; and the fellowship with my fellow choir members and supporters is heart-warming. All of it good for the soul."FILMComedy classics series coming soonSchool's just starting so no need for things to get intense, like, immediately, right?In that vein, Emory Cinematheque's screening series starts on a light note, with a series of 13 free evening screenings of "American Comedy Classics" (three of them double features) beginning Aug. 28."Like the Western, the gangster film and the musical, film comedy constitutes one of America's most distinctive contributions to worldwide cinema," said Matthew Bernstein, Cinematheque curator this season and an Emory Film and Media Studies professor and chairman.Twelve of the 16 films Bernstein selected are included on the American Film Institute's list of America's 100 Funniest Movies, with the series' opener, "Some Like it Hot," topping the list.The screenings of 35mm prints take place at 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays (plus one on Sunday, same time) in White Hall 205. Each will be introduced by Bernstein and include a brief, post-screening discussion.The schedule:Aug 28: "Some Like It Hot" (1959)Sept. 11: "Duck Soup" (1933) and "I'm No Angel (1933)Sept. 18: "The Gold Rush" (1925) and "The Immigrant" (1918)Sept. 29: "The General" (1927) and "Coney Island" (1917)Oct 2: "Trouble in Paradise" (1932)迷你倉出租ct 9: "It Happened One Night" (1934)Oct 16: "The Awful Truth" (1937)Oct 23: "His Girl Friday" (1940)Oct. 30: "The Lady Eve" (1941)Nov. 6: "The Producers" (1968)Nov. 13: "Annie Hall" (1977)Nov. 20: "National Lampoon's Animal House" (1978)Dec. 4: "There's Something About Mary" (1998)White Hall is at 301 Dowman Drive, Atlanta. More details: ARTExhibit evokes Gothic SouthGet This Gallery will debut in its Midtown space Aug. 24 with Brooklyn artist Drew Conrad's exhibit "Backwater Blues" (public reception 7-10 p.m.).Conrad creates sculptural ruins of familiar domestic interiors and exteriors, once-vital spaces corroded by time. The artist, who did undergraduate studies at the University of Georgia before pursuing his master's at the Parsons School of Design, distresses by hand new and found materials such as laths, shingles, damask wallpaper, lights and household oddities.The gallery's new home, across from Piedmont Park, is the former location of Solomon Projects at 1037 Monroe Drive N.E. Hours: noon-5 p.m. Wednesdays-Saturdays. Through Oct. 5. Free. 678-596-4451, from Hollywood to Jonesboro"Reflections of Hollywood's Golden Era: Movies Connecting the Past & Future," hand-painted posters from 1927 into the 1940s at the old Loew's Grand Theater in downtown Atlanta, are on view at the Arts Clayton Gallery in Jonesboro.The posters are from the collection of Herb Bridges, who will give a gallery talk at 1 p.m. Sept. 7. Hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesdays-Fridays, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturdays. Through Sept. 28. Free. 136 S. Main St., Jonesboro. 770-473-5457, funds, seeking innovationIdea Capital, an Atlanta grassroots arts funding group that seeks to "encourage experimental and investigative art projects" in the metro area, is seeking applicants for its 2013 grants program.It offers support ranging from $500 to $2,000. It also awards one travel grant, investing up to $2,000 for an artist's travel within the U.S. or internationally to further develop his or her artistic practice.Over five years, Idea Capital has made 33 grants totaling more than $31,000 to artists working in diverse disciplines.The application deadline is Sept. 16, with grants to be announced in December. For information or to apply: Woodruff Arts Center hireLisa Robinson is the Woodruff Arts Center's new director of development and communications, responsible for leading its annual campaign and other fund-raising that supports the center's arts and arts education initiatives. The prior experience of the long-time Atlantan includes working as vice president of advancement for Visiting Nurse Health System and in a similar role for Marist School.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta, Ga.) Visit The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta, Ga.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉

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