- Jul 28 Sun 2013 13:55
A HK identity born of the sea
- Jul 28 Sun 2013 13:52
編者按/ 在政策與資本的重壓之下,文件倉打車APP全行業正面臨盈利困境:模式不清晰,盈利無望。是就此偃旗息鼓,還是尋求新生路?打車APP企業目前正經歷著一場生死考驗。 7月1日,北京市交通委公佈《北京市出租汽車手機電召服務管理實施細則》(以下簡稱細則),並正式實施。此細則明確禁止手機電召軟件加價,並納入統一電招虛擬服務平台,必須與本市出租汽車電召服務收費標準“看齊”,也就是即時召車服務5元,提前4小時召車服務費6元;此外,細則還規定打車軟件內不得嵌入廣告。 “北京新出台的監管細則如果強制執行,會把整個行業搞死。”快的打車創始人陳偉星是一個多次創業者,但他最近卻陷入了一種前所未有的矛盾狀態:一方面是被發展迅猛的市場所推動,快的打車迅速落地了30多個城市,而另一方面又陷入了對政策風險的焦慮之中。 受政策因素的影響,各類快速崛起的各打車APP創業企業瞬間進入“寒冬期”。“一旦其他城市都以北京的政策為標杆,並強制執行細則,那麼打車APP 就會陷入無路可走的困境。”一位不願透露姓名的打車軟件行業的從業者告訴《中國經營報》記者。“三招”扼住盈利咽喉 北京市上述細則的出台,無疑是扼住了打車軟件企業的盈利要害。細則規定,未來所有打車APP必須接入官方的虛擬運營平台,統一進行管理,並明確了對打車APP行業的整治方案:手機電召服務運營商(打車APP企業)應與出租汽車調度中心簽署合作協議,綁定服務、聯合調派。 同時,細則還明確了打車應用合法與不合法的界限:手機電招服務運營商應用軟件須經本市出租汽車行業主管部門備案,獲得授權許可,介入行業統一電招服務平台才算合法運營的應用。 “這無非是黑名單與白名單的區別,加入就進入合法的白名單,不加入就是非法的黑名單。”打車小秘總經理楊蕓直言。 此前,6月1日,北京市運輸局已經將電話叫車系統的三大平台96106、96103、96109的後台系統進行了統一,數據統一集中在虛擬運營平台。到7月末,同一電召平台的打車應用也即將上線。 搖搖招車CEO王煒建透露,三大電召平台之一96106的統一電召APP月底就會上線,承接這一項目的,正是曾經負責12306.cn火車購票系統搭建的太極公司,而基本未來打車軟件企業被“集體招安”已不可避免。日前,國泰君安證券已將太極股份上調評級至“增持”。 現在,統一電召平台正在對接各家應用後台的數據。“這意味著,未來乘客不論通過手機APP還是通過96106呼叫中心進行車輛預訂,數據請求都將首先上傳至‘平台’,再由平台進行統一調度。”王煒建告訴記者。 記者瞭解到,除了要求提供數據對接,細則還特別規定:手機應用商的軟件名稱應保持與行業統一電招服務平台名稱的相對一致性,在96106後可冠以“××”手機電招服務運營商的名號。 對此,陳偉星直言,“數據資源提供給統一電招平台,品牌再綁到別的品牌上,我們就相當于給別人打工了。” 以北京為例,各家資源在後台打通後,很可能搖搖招車的用戶叫車用的是嘀嘀打車的出租車資源。這樣的結果就會導致:先前嘀嘀打車、搖搖招車、快的打車等花費巨資在司機端發展的出租車資源競爭門檻不再存在。回顧第一階段打車APP的白熱化搶奪,他們已向司機送移動終端,送話費流量,接一單獎勵十元,送大米,食用油等,各家拼盡招數,最後卻付之東流。 “如今的競爭格局,讓政策的干擾迅速改變了。在統一電招平台下,我們將會面臨用戶流失,品牌被弱化的局面。”王煒建坦言。 一位業內知名投資人明確表示,上述政策已經嚴重影響到了用戶體驗。打車應用的精髓就是由用戶發起需求,司機來及時響應。在他看來,加價機制能夠刺激司機運轉,以滿足用戶的不同需求。而破壞了用戶體驗, 生存基礎沒了,用戶會逐漸流失。 對細則關於“軟件內不得嵌入廣告”的監管政策,業內從業者多表示,“完全看不明白”。IT法律專家趙佔領表示,打車軟件是否嵌入、以及如何嵌入廣告屬於企業經營自主權的範圍,也是企業對於商業模式的選擇問題。現在打車軟件都處於燒錢階段,還沒有成熟的商業模式,目前看得見的商業模式就是傳統的廣告。在他看來,禁止打車軟件嵌入廣告的政策並不妥當,廣告的行政管理機構是工商部門,交通委並沒有管理的職責;而廣告是企業的一種商業模式,只要廣告內容本身不違法,就沒有被禁止的理由。否則,就屬於行政干預過度。 一位打車應用創始人直言:“這種管制很滑稽,我們現階段還不想賺錢,是政府非讓我們收費‘賺錢’”。在他看來,制定政策的人完全是從傳統角度來理解這個事的,並不知存倉互聯網的服務基本是免費的,而把收費當成固定的商業模式,執行起來很有難度。 記者還發現:在之前各地禁止加價的政策相繼出台後,主流電召軟件的“加價”功能目前已改換名頭,變成“小費”,仍然繼續保留在各大軟件中。如今,新政是否會變成一紙空文,還要看政策制定方在執行上的“另一隻靴子”如何落地。巨頭介入資本難接盤 “騰訊、阿里的盤誰敢接?”當談及資本市場對打車APP投資前景時,一位業內投資人告訴記者,騰訊、阿里等巨頭較早進入,目前這個領域已經不是VC玩兒的市場。 打車應用由於產品創新符合用戶需求,資本市場上掀起估值高峰,A輪即引來巨頭重金投入。目前,嘀嘀打車獲得騰訊1000萬美元投資,快的打車獲得阿里近千萬美元投資,打車小秘獲得寬帶資本1500萬美元投入。如今一紙細則,讓蓬勃發展手機打車企業的命運岌岌可危。 巨頭卡位,政策加碼,打車APP的資本市場已非VC能玩兒的市場,下一步找誰融資是擺在只燒錢不賺錢的打車APP面前的資本困境。 投資快的打車的天使投資人李治國表示,VC對政府政策遲疑觀望,不會再去投,市場格局已定,不是小團隊能做的了。 打車應用行業的泡沫正在褪去。楊蕓表示,上個季度行業內幾家打車應用企業平均一個月“燒了”300萬元人民幣,基金已經不敢砸錢了。在第三季度活下來的會繼續大戰,進入大洗牌期,最後剩下2~3家,再進行並購。 實際上,行業已進入洗牌期。騰訊投資的嘟嘟打車已經處於關停狀態,並開始將業務轉型到在線家政;業界也一度傳出快的打車和嘀嘀打車將合併。 上個季度的資源消耗戰,讓嘀嘀打車、搖搖招車、快的打車、大黃蜂為了爭取進入市場前三,再次融資,瘋狂地消耗資源。如今,如果無人接盤又找不到盈利模式,打車APP企業很可能會出現資金斷裂,面臨倒閉的風險。 與此同時,在打車應用混戰陷入焦灼之際,海外打車應用的鼻祖Uber決定入華。據瞭解,入華初期Uber不會與出租車公司接觸,而是會和一些高端租車公司合作。通過Uber的系統,讓這些公司接觸到新的用戶。這樣,並沒有直接與出租車行業產生衝突,在法律方面也是打了擦邊球。入口價值難抵政策風險 在政策、資本重壓之外,打車APP全行業正面臨盈利困境:打車應用行業還沒有一家盈利,模式不清晰,盈利無望。燒錢搶市場的各家又是如何盤算這塊市場的呢? 楊蕓告訴記者:“靠廣告或收費賺錢都很難,我們做之前就認為這不是一個掙錢產品,我們只是要一個出行平台。任何與出行結合的業務都會賺錢。比如打車小秘和易道用車結合,後台打通後,有幾百萬用戶的打車小秘流量導入易道用車。這些流量入口形成之後,通過流量是能夠掙錢的。但是現在要掙錢還很難。” 無獨有偶,李治國同樣表示,“我投進去的時候就預料到這個行業政府監管是最大的風險。之所以還投入,是因為這種服務模式是一個趨勢。而且我從來不把快的打車看做一個行業,它可利用O2O滲透很多行業,可以用快的打車叫家政、開鎖、洗衣,可以滲透到O2O很多行業。很容易往周邊行業擴展,而不只是一個行業發展。” 日前,高德地圖也已將其新版地圖應用叫車服務進行全面升級,服務城市範圍也由原來的5個拓展至26個。高德地圖還完成了對快的打車、嘀嘀打車等第三方叫車應用的融合,只要用戶打開高德地圖“出租車”頻道便可獲得自己所在位置及附近出租車數量與分佈情況等信息。而百度也同樣積極拉攏打車APP與百度地圖進行合作,在百度地圖成立“一站式打車服務”。正是流量入口的價值讓巨頭們甘願冒著政策風險及早卡位LBS類應用。 實際上,打車應用各家看重的是通過一個滿足用戶需求的產品,建立起O2O應用服務入口。而這個入口的價值是基於龐大的用戶規模,再向其他行業拓展尋求多元化盈利模式。 今年1月份才進入打車應用市場的百米打車,同樣也是看中這個入口的價值,一進入則大舉燒錢,以贈送百米定制硬件終端與軟件結合的方式開拓市場,推薦一個乘客下載註冊,在封閉的百米定制終端獲得可以兌換10塊錢的100積分。但隨著政策的變化,7月1日開始,贈送終端以及積分兌換現金都終止了。 百米打車CEO李聰告訴記者:“我們戰略和品牌會做一些調整,作為一家技術為核心的O2O服務商,未來我們會做生活服務的集群,適用各個場景,比如優惠和餐飲,這樣政策風險就沒那麼大。” 如今,政策因素已經左右著資本的進入,盈利前景在政策掩映之下也顯得蒼白。一位業內投資人表示,這次是一個警醒,VC在關乎民生的O2O領域會選擇市場充分競爭、政策壁壘小的行業切入,比如代駕領域跟打車領域明顯就是兩重天。自存倉
- Jul 28 Sun 2013 13:27
七月初在杭州舉行的首屆中國麵條文化節上,迷你倉新蒲崗武漢熱乾麵、北京炸醬麵、山西刀削麵、蘭州拉麵、河南燴麵、四川擔擔麵、吉林延吉冷麵、杭州片兒川、蘇州昆山奧灶麵和鎮江「鍋蓋麵」當選為「中國十大麵條」。本地廣播電台引領聽眾討論,大家質疑: 「為什麼我們的陽春麵沒評上?」這次名列榜單的都是全國聞名,甚至享譽海外的「名麵條」,其中不乏獲得歷屆美食節金獎和「非物質文化遺產」稱號者。但飲食偏好,最是主觀非理性,情感、記憶、習慣、文化背景、個人經歷都會成為好吃不好吃的依據。就說麵條吧,有人愛北方麵條的筋道實在,就有人愛南方麵湯的鮮香美味。有迷你倉出租地方把調料放進麵粉裡,有的把調料加入湯水中。即便李漁在《閒情偶寄》中聲稱研製出了最美味的麵條,沈宏非依舊不以為然,在美食專欄中大唱反調。中國地域廣闊,飲食文化豐富。傳統上北人愛麵食,以此為主食。南人吃米飯,麵條只是調劑餐飲的點心。麵條在日常生活中地位不同,食客要求也迥異。各色麵條甜酸鹹辣,冷熱乾濕,各有風味,也各有死忠粉絲。要評選出人人都認同的「十大」,恐怕是吃力不討好。不過,所謂麵條文化節估計是為拉動旅遊、餐飲業打伏筆,所以特地在麵條前標明產地,哪怕它們另有本源、哪怕別地版本更為大眾接受。這種評選結果,我們故妄聽之吧。儲存倉
- Jul 27 Sat 2013 12:23
Vancouver barbershop leaving longtime digs
Source: The Columbian, Vancouver, Wash.新蒲崗迷你倉July 26--A barbershop opened on Southeast Mill Plain Boulevard in 1966, and stepping into it takes you back in time.Unlike modern barbershops airing ESPN on flat-screen televisions, Bernie & Rollies Barber Shop offers up chitchat. Instead of walls adorned with jerseys from Northwest sports teams, Big Rick, one of two barbers, devotes his corner to the Pittsburgh Steelers. Mountain View High School football gets love, too, as owner Rochelle Debuse's son played for the Thunder.Want to flip through a magazine while you wait? A modern barbershop will have Men's Health and Sports Illustrated.At Bernie & Rollies, a wall-mounted rack holds issues of Playboy.Bernie & Rollies has a loyal following, all of whom will undoubtedly be pleased that a shop rooted in another era managed to get a jump on the future.Saturday will be the last day at 10323 S.E. Mill Plain. OnTuesday, the store will open across the street and to the west, at what used to be a television repair shop.The move was prompted by the city's plans to relieve congestion along that stretch of the major east-west arterial."We just decided to go, and be proactive," Debuse said. She'd been hearing rumors for months about the city's plans, and her landlord told her the future was uncertain. She'd seen a city map showing an extension of 104th Avenue, south of Mill Plain, that would have wiped out her parking lot."I've got 15 to 20 years left of cutting," said Debuse, who used to bring her husband and son in for flattops before becoming trained and getting hired; she bought the business in 2006. "Big Rick" Conn, who stands six-foot-five, switched professions after being laid off from his job as a computer technician and has worked with her for four years.The shop, which had a different moniker the first few years, bears the names of longtime owners Bernard Zajic, who retired in 2006, and Rolland Mayberry, who retired in 2011.Client Troy Olson, who came in Wednesday to get his flattop trimmed, said he's been getting his hair cut at Bernie & Rollies since he was a fifth grader at Sifton Elementary School. His high-maintenance style requires trims every two to three weeks and he travels a lot, so he does visit other barbers."Then I come here and have them fix it," said Olson, settled into Big Rick's chair.Federal safety grantsLoretta Callahan, spokeswoman for the city's public works department, said the city has not yet begun designing final plans to improve Mill Plain from 104th Avenue to Chkalov Drive. Early conceptual layouts showed potential for impacting businesses along the south side of Mill Plain between 104th and 107th avenues, but other options have been discussed."We are at a very early stage in the project," she said.The project, listed in the city's recently adopted 2014-2019 Transportation Improvement Program, was briefly discussed during a city council workshop last month but the city has not bought any rights of way or private property.Callahan said the goal will be enhancing safety and reducing congestion and delays along the Mill Plain corridor. The work will be primarily funded by federal grants.The city has received a $2.18 million safety grant, which did not require local matching funds, and a $2 million Surfamini storagee Transportation Program grant, which requires a 13.5 percent match. The local share will come from previously collected developer fees and a one-time local distribution related to state liquor changes, Callahan said.Callahan said that section of Mill Plain has the highest volume of traffic in the city."The signalized intersections at Southeast 104th and 105th avenues have significant operational challenges due to close spacing, which, combined with traffic volumes, limits the city's options for decreasing congestion and enhancing safety through signal timing alone," she said.She said the focus includes modifying onramps to Interstate 205, including extending the southbound ramp to let freeway-bound vehicles get out of the way of vehicles continuing east on Mill Plain and extending the left-turn lane to the northbound I-205 ramp for the same reason.The city will be working with the state Department of Transportation, school districts, PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center, local neighborhood associations and surrounding commercial property owners.Public outreach will likely start late this year, Callahan said, and the city will determine what, if any, property needs to be acquired after all federal requirements have been met and the design process is about 60 to 75 percent complete.Under the current estimate, construction isn't expected to start until 2015 and the work wouldn't be completed until mid-2016.Sad to leaveWhile moving to the north side of Mill Plain assures that she and Big Rick don't have to worry about the city's plans, Debuse said she will be sad to leave the 450-square-foot room she knows so well.The new space, at 750-square-feet, will have room for three stations, she said, and the old barber pole will be making the trip with them.In addition to their regular customers, Big Rick and Debuse are trusted with some high-profile clients. Sheriff Garry Lucas and other officers who participate in "Mustache March" every year to raise money for the American Cancer Society allow Conn and Debuse to do the honors when it comes time for a clean upper lip.They got that gig through Clark County sheriff's Sgt. Shane Gardner, who said he's been getting his hair cut at Bernie & Rollies since high school.Gardner now takes his sons there."What I love about Bernie and Rollies is that Rochelle and Big Rick treat everyone like people, not objects or jobs," Gardner said. "Rochelle used to give each of my boys the biggest hugs when they arrived. Now they are too big for that, so she just tousles their hair. But I get a hug when I leave," he said.On Saturday, the shop will be open from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Gardner said he has dibs on being Big Rick's final client in the old space, and one of his high school buddies will be sitting next to him in Debuse's chair, just like the old days.While they are sad to close the 47-year-old shop, Debuse has a positive outlook about opening up across the street."The lesson is that it's not so much the space as the humans in it," she said. "We have the best customers."Stephanie Rice: 360-735-4508 or stephanie.rice@columbian.com.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Columbian (Vancouver, Wash.) Visit The Columbian (Vancouver, Wash.) at www.columbian.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage
- Jul 27 Sat 2013 11:59
Checking out the page views on the STProperty website gives an instant snapshot of what projects buyers are keen on.迷你倉出租 This week, we look at the developments in districts 21 and 22 which have drawn the most attention.NATURE lovers will be drawn to District 21 which covers the Upper Bukit Timah, Clementi Park and Ulu Pandan areas.A prominent landmark in the district is Singapore's highest point - Bukit Timah Hill - in the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve.Home buyers will be served by the Downtown MRT line, which runs from Bukit Panjang to Bugis, when it is completed in a few years.Topping the list of private homes by page views on STProperty's website between July 15 and 21 was 928-unit Signature Park.The freehold project offered two-, three- and more bedder units at an average asking price of $1,209 per sq ft (psf).It is near the famous Bukit Timah Market and Food Centre and rows of shophouses offering a mix of food choices and cuisines.The development with the highest average asking price in District 21 was freehold Jardin, opposite King Albert Park.Among its 140 units ranging from one-, two-, three- and more bedder units, the average asking price based on list儲存倉ngs last week was $1,966 psf. It also registered the highest average transacted price among the top five between January and last month at $1,876 psf, based on data from the Urban Redevelopment Authority.Farther west lies District 22, which spans Jurong, Lakeside, Boon Lay and Tuas.Residential, commercial and industrial property can be found in this district. Some iconic buildings include the Science Centre, shopping malls IMM, Jurong Point and newly opened Jem.The East-West MRT line cuts through the area and can take home buyers to Singapore's Central Business District.The project with the most number of page views on STProperty last week was the recently launched J Gateway.The 99-year leasehold condo in Jurong East sold all but one of its 738 units when it was launched last month.That was the first time since January's property cooling measures that buyers snapped up almost all the units on the first day of a launch.It had an average asking price of $1,465 psf on STProperty between July 15 and 21.Rounding out the top five by page views were 99-year leaseholds such as Caspian, Parc Oasis, Parc Vista as well as The Lakefront Residences.rjscully@sph.com.sg迷你倉沙田
- Jul 27 Sat 2013 11:57
NEW YORK, July 26, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Following intense interest in new company registrations and innumerable requests for an extension, IR Global Rankings (IRGR) has postponed the registration deadline for the rankings and the POP+ vote to August 19! To register, just go to: www.迷你倉價錢irglobalrankings.com.This year's great innovation is the TOP CFO/IRO award, the winner of which will be the person with the highest total number of points in all four classifications: IR website, online annual report, financial disclosure procedures and corporate governance. The Top 3 CFO/IROs in each region will all receive awards, as will the overall TOP CFO/IRO in the world.Your company may also be elected for the POP+ awards, which determine the world's best IR website by popular vote. The aim is to improve the general public's knowledge of companies' IR areas through their respective IR sites, as well as recognize the best stakeholder communications procedures. Any company, local or multinational, with an IR website in English can take part in the POP+ vote and voters can come from any country. Nor do they have to have any connection with the capital markets. Voting is free, with one迷你倉庫vote per person, and can be effected through the IRGR site (www.irglobalrankings.com). All participating companies can make use of the disclosure materials made available by IR Global Rankings (banners, logos, etc.) in order to encourage votes. The winners can show the POP+ prize and the logo on their sites until the next awards in 2014.Both the ranking and POP+ results will be announced at the IR Global Rankings awards ceremony, which will take place in London in November 2013.IR Global Rankings is also proud to present the video of our first Executive Roundtable, held in Sao Paulo, to launch our new benchmark study for IR Website. The event, which was a huge success, discussed the hottest topics in IR Website, in a unique, relaxed setting, and generated a great discussion on the best practices for IR Website. Watch the video right now!For more information on voting, participation terms and conditions, and registration for the other IRGR categories, please go to: www.irglobalrankings.com.Media relations: IR Global Rankings: +55 11 3529-3468Paula Moscardi - p.moscardi@irglobalrankings.com: +55 11 97473-9797IR Global RankingsWeb site: http://www.irglobalrankings.com/儲存
- Jul 27 Sat 2013 11:52
Man arrested in police pursuit, crash
Source: The Augusta Chronicle, Ga.迷你倉新蒲崗July 26--A Martinez man who led police on a car pursuit Thursday night was arrested after crashing his vehicle in downtown Augusta.Javonist Lavert Gant, 21, was arrested after he escaped from his 2004 Suzuki Forenza, which had flipped at Seventh and Broad streets, according to a statement released by the Richmond County Sheriff's Office.A passenger, Jewel Sturgis, 17, of Augusta, ran from the vehicle after the crash and was found by emergency workers lying on the sidewalk in the middle of the 700 block of Broad Street. She was treated for leg pain.Richmond County dispatchers were notified of the chase about 10:35 p.m. after Gant ran a red light at 15th Street and Walton Way, according to authorities.Gant continued to drive his Suzuki, initially reported by deputies as a Ford Focus, south on 15th Street to 15th Avenue and into Dogwood Terrace. The deputy pursuing Gant lost sight of the vehicle, but officers in the area of Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Olive Road saw the car turn on to King, traveling north.About 10 minutes after the pursuit began, Gant ran the red light at Broad and Seventh streets and was hit on the driver's side by a Nissan Maxima traveling on Broad toward Seventh, police said. Gant's car flipped and landed on its hood in front of the Wells Fargo building on Seventh Street.The driver and passenger in the Nissan complained of minor injuries.Gant, who refused medical treatment, was taken to a hospital and has not yet been booked in the Richmond County jail, said sheriff's Lt. Calvin Chew.He faces charges of failing to obey a red light, reckless driving an迷你倉出租 fleeing to elude.Gant was a suspect in the June 22, 2011, armed robbery of Belair Package Shop at 3983 Wrightsboro Road. According to a Richmond County incident report, Gant and another man were accused of robbing a store employee at gunpoint and leading deputies on a car chase into Columbia County.The employee told authorities that a man wearing a black rag over his face and white gloves ordered him to stay behind the counter while pointing a large semi-automatic handgun at him. The robber saw something move outside and ran away without taking anything.A black Dodge Intrepid, occupied by Gant and Anthony David Callahan, was identified as the getaway car and passed deputies on Wrightsboro Road at high speed.The vehicle was stopped by Columbia County authorities, who arrested the men.In Thursday night's pursuit, deputies told dispatchers that Gant was traveling about 90 mph.Witness Reggie Watson was standing at the Broad and Seventh streets intersection when Gant's car sped past him and hit the Maxima."Dude was just coming so fast," said Watson, who was trying to cross the street until he saw the red Suzuki and police cars approaching it.Watson said the driver of the wrecked vehicle jumped out and tried to run, but was stopped by a police stun gun. Chew disputed that account and said Gant was not stunned.Firefighters were called to the scene for a gas leak caused by the wreck.Staff Writer Bianca Cain Johnson contributed to this article.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Augusta Chronicle (Augusta, Ga.) Visit The Augusta Chronicle (Augusta, Ga.) at chronicle.augusta.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉
- Jul 27 Sat 2013 11:51
作為最大的固網電話商,迷你倉出租PCCW-HKT 一直努力為這項被視為「雞肋」的服務增值,包括推出多媒體服務eye。最近eye 就用上三星最新推出的GALAXY Tab 3 作硬件, 除享用PCCW 提供的服務,亦可作一般平板電腦般帶出街使用,吸引程度立即大增。統籌:一鋒文:Gary 圖:林俊源PCCW-HKT 推出eye 服務多年,形式包括多媒體有線/無線電話、無線平板等;上一代eye 以主機支援Android Apps 作賣點,但只限指定的Apps,不能自行下載其他應用程式,加上受硬件速度規限,吸引力一般。送自家操作界面GALAXY Tab 3而最新推出的eye3,PCCW-HKT 決定不再自行推出硬件,改用GALAXY Tab 3 的7 吋Wi-Fi 版平板電腦作主機,預載eye3 通訊及娛樂系統,並設置自家編寫的Launcher 作操作界面, 用戶一開機即用到eye3 的各項功能, 亦可以使用GALAXY Tab 3 的原有功能,自由下載Android Apps,靈活度大增。即使非網上行寬頻的客戶亦可使用eye3 服務,PCCW-HKT 會為用戶安裝一條速度約3Mbps 的寬頻線及Wi-Fi,用以傳輸eye3 的多媒體資訊。可用IP 通訊打電話跟之前一樣,eye3 的功能分通訊、教育、資訊、娛樂幾大類別,部分為獨家功能或內容,部分則為預載的Apps。在通訊方面,雖然GALAXY Tab 3 的7 吋Wi-Fi 版不設通話功能,不過eye3 的系統支援透過IP 通訊的話音及視像電話,所以用戶可以像使用普通固網電話般撥打及接聽電話,但礙於機身本身沒有聽筒及收音咪,只能透過揚聲器談話,談私人電話就不太方便;另通話時必須使用指定的寬頻網絡(PCCW)。增新娛樂App 升級更方便益智教育內容一直是eye 的主打,來到eye3 亦不例外。如語文教育就包括迪士尼每日用語、朗文英漢詞典、Kids Learn toRead 及輕鬆數學推理;社會通識就有小海白動畫系列及明報Smarties;另外還有迪士尼童話細聽、維尼天才小畫家、迪士尼拼圖等學習及益智內容,不過內容跟eye2 的分別不大。其他資訊內容如美食天地、新聞及財經亦一樣,未有注入新元素。娛樂內容則有較大改動。原有的eye 系統內置的now TV 直播及MOOV 音樂播放功能,在eye3 改為儲存倉載now TV 隨身睇App、now 免費電視App 及MOOV App。雖然對用戶使用的影響不大,但方便各個Apps 日後升級及加添功能;eye3 亦新增多款遊戲Apps,包括迪士尼黃金秘寶、Hello Kitty Beauty Salon、麻將等。淨機價錢抵上台要計計eye3 所採用的7 吋Wi-Fi 版GALAXYTab 3,配備Marvell PXA986 1.2GHz 雙核處理器及1024×600 像素TFT 屏幕,體積為111.1×188×9.9mm,重量則只為300g。規格僅稍勝上一代的Tab 2,但價錢相當吸引,淨機售價為$1698。至於在PCCW-HKT 出機,雖然可享零機價,但最低月費為$198,須簽約兩年, 即整體開支至少$4752。抵用與否,就要視乎eye3 提供的內容,是否適合你的需要了。eye3 查詢:PCCW(2888 1888)Tab 3 查詢:Samsung(3698 4698)e 軟件迪士尼故事App開心學英文eye3 的教育內容是其賣點之一,其中「迪士尼童話細聽」就最歡小朋友歡迎。其實在蘋果亦有類似的App,例如迪士尼推出的「Disney Storytime」,就有20 個迪士尼的英語故事,除了以英語講故事,更有互動模式,讓小朋友邊玩邊學。此App 雖然免費下載,但免費故事只有3 個,想聽和玩更多故事就要以In-app Purchase 形式購買。下載:App Store, 「Disney Storytime」軟件212MB,須以Wi-Fi 下載價錢:3 個故事免費,故事加買2 個$28,10個$78,17 個$118通話無難度雖然GALAXY Tab 3 的7 吋Wi-Fi 版並沒有通訊功能,但eye3 支援IP 通訊,通過eye 平台就可以如普通固網般,作話音及視像通話。自家界面? eye3 雖使用GALAXY Tab 3,但加入自家編寫的界面,而非Samsung原本的TouchWiz 界面,優點是開機後即可使用各項eye 的功能。睇片唔lag 影像內容的傳輸速度及穩定度皆不俗。煮飯助手食譜一直是eye 的主要內容,eye3 亦不例外。方便攜帶香港電訊個人客戶業務董事總經理吳永豪表示, eye3 使用GALAXY Tab 3 作硬件,不但能滿足客戶在家中的通訊及娛樂需要,亦方便攜帶外出使用。迷你倉沙田
- Jul 27 Sat 2013 11:49
HP傳推廉價平板 3千搞定
電腦大廠惠普(HP)也要出廉價平板,存倉而且售價只要約3000元台幣?據CNET網站報導,根據《電子時報》引述的供應鏈消息,惠普正與美國超商沃爾瑪(Wal-Mart)合作,打算生產售價只要99美元的7吋平板電腦,由比亞迪(BYD)代工。 報導說,惠普現已銷售139.99美元(約4200元台幣)的Slate 7平板電腦,再推出更便宜的機種不無可能。惠普對此不表評論,但表示年底前會擴大平板電腦的產品線。 國際中心
- Jul 27 Sat 2013 11:34
在赤柱多年的中菜書齋已結業,迷你倉出租換上新店「捌拾」。雖沿用舊店裝修,但餐牌及廚房班底煥然一新,只保留了特別受外國遊客歡迎的點心。老闆 Susanna 從事餐飲業 20 年,開新店請來出身自美利堅、有 30 年經驗的山東籍大廚姜師傅坐鎮,為餐廳制定了以四川菜為主,北方菜為輔的餐牌, Susanna 及姜師傅有共同理念,就是用新鮮食材做四川菜,因此將食材全面升級,水煮魚用了新鮮龍�柳,自己拆骨起肉;醉雞及三杯雞都用上新鮮雞;牛肉則用紐西蘭牛柳。此外,客人可自攜海鮮,或預先訂留海鮮菜式,由姜師傅即日到市場購買,保證海鮮。Susanna 對來自世界各地的客人的口味亦瞭若指掌,原來她過去 11 年一直在赤柱做西餐及東南亞菜,習慣面對遊客,跟他們談天了解他們的口味,然後 Susanna 會應因各人口味推介菜式,像法國人愛吃甜,她推介醬爆肉絲,意大利人吃得鹹,會建議鹹肉豆腐湯,日本遊客最愛拔絲蘋果,是飯後必吃甜品。香港儲存倉來到也可問問 Susanna 意見,揀選最�自己口味的菜式。捌拾三杯雞 $138用紅�頭、連皮老薑、蒜子、八角、老抽等熬成醬汁,煮新鮮雞肉零舍惹味。水煮魚片 $138自家製作麻辣醬膽,食落先辣後麻,有層次。新鮮的龍�柳肉質嫩滑。上海小籠包 $30店中設有 14 款點心,全日供應隨時食到,小籠包肉汁不少。21 年桂花酒醉雞 $78 21 年桂花陳酒甜味夠,另加陳年紹興酒及玫瑰露,酒香濃郁而順喉。鐵板川燒蝦球 $168蝦球用茄汁、OK 汁、�汁、柑桔仔、山楂製成的醬汁爆香,到客人面前才放上燒熱的鐵板上,醬汁「滋滋渣渣」更添視覺享受。捌拾•地址:赤柱赤柱大街 80 號•電話:2217 6168•營業時間:11am-11pm•收費:現金或信用卡,設加一•交通:任何前往赤柱的小巴或巴士•泊車:赤柱廣場 $18 起 / hr•平均消費:$250 text︱黃茵 photo︱Jay edit︱winnie art︱N迷你倉沙田