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農曆七月鬼上車!基隆市舉辦「雞籠中元祭」,儲存廿日推出「鬼怪列車」,下午三點至五點卅五分的台鐵「台北─基隆」區間車上,有古今中外各種鬼怪快閃穿梭車廂間,歡迎好膽旅客一同狂歡。 「鬼怪列車」邁入第二年,今年由十位台藝大、文化大學戲劇系學生,扮演殭屍、吸血鬼、白衣女、骷髏頭等鬼怪,南投妖怪村人氣妖怪枯麻、八豆、山大王也加入陣容,隨機與旅客扮鬼臉合照、發送小獎品。 鬼怪扮相透過臉書曝光,有民眾覺得新鮮,滿心期待搭乘鬼怪列車,也有旅客批評扮鬼嚇人不妥,新蒲崗迷你倉嚇到小孩,希望台鐵事先公告。 但台鐵表示,基隆市政府沒提出申請,就連台鐵也是從活動網站得知,雙方沒合作,無法提前公告班次。 基隆市文化局說,顧及乘客觀感,鬼怪扮相絕對不會太血腥、驚悚,也不會突然嚇人,並會慎選互動對象,盡量避開老人、小孩。 因有感於雞籠中元祭傳統文化逐漸流失,年輕族群參與意願低落,基隆市文化局才會號召大學生以鬼怪列車宣傳,從台北出發,將傳統祭典介紹給旅客;當然,鬼怪也會乖乖遵守規定,掏錢買車票,台鐵不能禁止奇裝異服的旅客搭乘。 mini storage

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近日有商界名人、金融鉅子仙遊,self storage報道指出他的座右銘是:“話到口中留半句,理從是處讓三分。”據說,這兩句話出自一位金融界前輩之口,為後者奉為圭臬,採而為座右銘矣。“話到口中留半句,理從是處讓三分。”這兩句話聽來頗像《增廣賢文》說的:“是非只為多開口,煩惱皆因強出頭。”又說:“忍一句,息一怒;饒一著,退一步。”還有:“利刀割體痕易合,惡語傷人恨不消。”這些“賢文”聽來頗有道理,到底不外一個“忍”字。為避免煩惱,不分是與非、醜與惡,一律要強忍、龜縮。其實忍必須有個原則與底線,譬如:廉頗的挑釁,藺相如的忍,這一忍,忍得對,忍得好,這是“忍一句,息一怒,饒一著,退一步”,為國家、為大局,達到“將相和”,共勷國是的團結目的。但,倘若面對外侮,面對敵人得寸進尺,我迷你倉便不應“饒一著,退一步”了。“利刀割體”是否“痕易合”?這要視乎割的深和淺,有沒有割中要害,如喉嚨、大動脈等地方。不過“惡語傷人恨不消”,則確是事實,因為“語”�“惡”而不善,肯定傷人致令痛之入骨,試問這“恨”又焉可消?是故“話到口中留半句”,這“半句”可能就是“惡語”。至於“理從是處讓三分”,三分不多,不妨讓一讓,所謂“求大同,存小異”,這“三分”亦“小異”也。這句話還說明一點,是“理從是處讓三分”,倘若“理從不是處”就絕對不讓了。佛說的“業”,即行為的意思,通常分身、口、意三方面。“話到口中”這一“業”是為“口業”,透過口部表現出來的語言行為,這種行為可善可惡,所謂“一言興邦,一言喪邦”。“留半句”,其實是說“審言慎行”,是處世待人的原則。冬春軒文件倉

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惠州屬全國著名旅遊城市之一,自存倉位於區內的大型住宅項目「光耀.全球候鳥度假地」,本周在香港舉行展銷會,全新第3期泳池別墅,建築面積由約1,152方呎起,入場費由298萬元人民幣起(約378萬元港幣起)。由光耀地產集團發展的「光耀.全球候鳥度假地」,位處惠州市惠東縣,最大賣點是是惠州唯一擁有牌照的高爾夫球場,全場18個球洞,符合國際高爾夫球比賽標準。而是次發售的「光耀.全球候鳥度假地3期泳池別墅」,屬2期的升級版,共120套,間隔為2房及3房,建築面積由約1,152方呎至約2,099方呎,而花園面積約1,399方呎至8,450方呎。項目二期將於2013年年尾入伙,另白天鵝酒店亦已完成基迷你倉新蒲崗建設,預計2013年底完成主體建設,2014年可正式投入服務。發展商現正委託利嘉閣地產在香港展銷,買家購入特選單位可獲發展商贈送高爾夫球會籍。另買家可自由選擇交予發展商放租單位,2年租金收入可保證高達10%。另該盤是由廣州白天鵝酒店管理,更可為業主提供「代租代管服務」,業主可選擇是否參與此服務,除可收取租金回報,並且1年享有30天自住優惠。至於交通方面,項目處於港、珠、澳、深、廣、惠接駁區域,高鐵開通後,時速將達250千米/小時,每天將有150班次列車對開,至香港約45分鐘,深圳只需30分鐘。另外,項目特設中港專車服務,方便客戶來往項目至香港。撰文:本刊記者 圖片由被訪者提供迷你倉出租

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Source: Albuquerque Journal, N.self storageM.Aug. 16--RUIDOSO -- For Cleveland Storm fans, Reece White's versatility was no secret. If that versatility is a secret to New Mexico Lobo fans, it won't be for long.In 2010, White was a Journal All-Metro selection as a Storm linebacker. The next year, he was an All-Metro wide receiver -- quarterback Cole Gautsche's favorite target as the Storm rolled to a 15-0 record and a Class 5A New Mexico state football title.In the spring, White ran the 110- and 300-meter hurdles for the Storm's boys track team.Now, as a New Mexico Lobo, he's been moved to a position that, aside from quarterback, might be the most difficult position on the offense.And, UNM tight ends coach Derek Warehime says, White's doing just fine."He is versatile," Warehime said of White, a sophomore walk-on who has switched this year from wide receiver to tight end. " ... (The position change) was a smart move on our part, and it's been a good fit for him."So it seems.Saturday, during the Lobos' first full scrimmage of the preseason, White caught a long touchdown pass. Thursday morning, in an 11-on-11 situation that didn't involve tackling to the ground, he did it again.At 6-foot-2 and 217 pounds, White is small for a tight end. But his wide receiver speed, he said after Thursday's practice, isn't the only reason for the position change.There's also the love of contact that made him an All-Metro linebacker."I think with my frame, I can hold a bit more weight," White said after Thursday's practice. "And I've always been kind of a hard hitter. Other than that, maybe (I bring) a little bit more speed and a little bit more depth, because we're a little bit short there right now."Depth at tight end suddenly became a greater concern Thursday when Christian Rebhun, a redshirt freshman from Denver, suffered a knee injury. Senior Andrew Aho, meanwhile, sat out Thursday's practice with a knee injury suffered in Saturday's scrimmage.An MRI was negative for serious damage, coach Bob Davie said Thursday, and Aho is expected back soon.Thursday, White and sophomore Chris Edling got most of the tight end work with the first-team offense.But then, in UNM's offense, the tight end isn't always a tight end. White, in fact, rarely is shoe-to-shoe with an offensive tackle when the ball is snapped. Instead, he'll shift into the backfield or might wind up -- like in the old days -- as a split end or 迷你倉 slot receiver.Yet, he's clearly a part of Warehime's position group."This is one of the most difficult positions on this football team to play," Warehime said, "because you literally have to know and understand three different positions."Aho, Warehime said, can do virtually everything that's asked of a tight end in UNM's offense. He sees White as being in the same mold, as both a blocker and a receiver -- bigger than most safeties, faster than most outside linebackers and a quick study."He's a smart kid," Warehime said, "so he soaks it up in meetings, he takes a lot of notes, and it shows whenever we come out here and practice. He'll play for us, for sure, just because of what he's shown he can do athletically."White played in five games last year as a freshman, mostly on special teams. If the move to tight end can get him some more catches from Gautsche, his Storm teammate and now UNM's starting quarterback, so much the better."Wherever I can go to make the team better is what I want to do, so the move is fine for me," White said. "It looks like (tight end) is where I'm gonna stay, so it's going good."INJURY REPORT: Davie said Rebhun's knee injury, sustained in a kickoff return drill, appears serious.Though the Lobos weren't tackling to the ground at the time, they nevertheless were practicing at full speed. And collisions still happen."Here we are two weeks from (the season opener), and a kid like that goes down," Davie said. "... It just breaks your heart."TALKIN' ABOUT PRACTICE:The Lobos originally were scheduled for a full scrimmage Thursday, but Davie changed things after a heavy rain washed out Wednesday evening's workout.The Lobos practiced without pads Thursday evening and were scheduled to do so again today before breaking camp and returning to Albuquerque.Saturday's "Fan Photo Day" at University Stadium won't be a full scrimmage but likely will include some full contact.The Saturday practice is scheduled at 12-2 p.m. At noon, according to a UNM release, there will be free face painting and bounce houses in the north end of the Stadium West parking lot. After the workout, players will be available for photos and autographs. Aug. 31Texas-San Antonio at New Mexico, 6 p.m. 770 AMCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) Visit the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) at .abqjournal.com Distributed by MCT Information Services文件倉

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Source: Las Cruces Sun-News, N.迷你倉沙田M.Aug. 16--LAS CRUCES >> Indulge in high tea, high fashion and a tour of a Las Cruces historic landmark -- and help kids and families in need at the same time.The Amador Foundation presents High Tea & Fashions from 3 to 5 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 25 at the historic Amador Hotel, 180 W. Amador Ave. at the corner of Water Street. The event will benefit the foundation and also collect items for sale at La Tienda de Jardin, a boutique that helps support Jardin de los Ninos, which provides services for homeless and near-homeless children and their families"We want to show people the progress that has been made in renovating the Amador. Not enough people know what the Amador is and where it has been in our history. It's underexposed," said Heather Pollard, who is president of the Amador Foundation Board and also serves on the steering committee of La Tienda de Jardin.We'll have about 10 models showing fashions from La Tienda Boutique. It may seem strange to have a fashion show with clothes from a thrift shop, but we think people will be surprised by the quality they'll find at La Tienda," Pollard said.Event organizers hope those attending will contribute to the selection by bringing "gently-used" fashion accessories or clothing to contribute to La Tienda."We especially need fall items, plus sizes and purses,which are always good," Pollard said.The event will feature food treats catered by Carol Koenig's Celebrations, and tours of the Amador will be offered.Built in the 1870s as Hotel Amador, a popular rest stop for travelers, the building became the Dona Ana Courthouse 迷你倉價錢nd post office in 1879, when owner Martin Amador added a second floor, according to the Amador Hotel Foundation's website, amadorfoundation.org.By the mid-1880s, the site was known as "the most popular entertainment hall between El Paso and Silver City," hosting theatrical productions, light opera and puppet shows. Martin and Refugio Amador left the property to their youngest daughter Corina who worked with her husband Frank Campbell to transform it into the region's finest hotel in the early 1900s. Offering an oasis of lush greenery by the then free-flowing Acequia Madre, the hotel and its Pinto Bar and restaurant welcomed such luminaries as President Theodore Roosevelt, Benito Juarez, Pat Garrett and scientists with the Manhattan Project and was the site of weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, quinceaneras and community galas.The Amador became a bank in 1972 and was purchased in 1983 for use as Dona Ana County administrative offices through 2006, when historic preservation efforts began. The site is listed on the New Mexico State Register of Cultural Properties and is now available for events. Plans are in the works for a museum space and displays of the hotel's original furnishings.Tickets, which must be purchased in advance, are $25. Mail checks, payable to Amador Foundation, to Amador Foundation, P.O. Box 1268, Las Cruces, N.M. 88004 or call 575-522-1232.S. Derrickson Moore may be reached at 575-541-5450.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Las Cruces Sun-News (Las Cruces, N.M.) Visit the Las Cruces Sun-News (Las Cruces, N.M.) at .lcsun-news.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉庫

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bjyouth.ynet.com/3.1/1308/16/8208314.html...  新華社電(記者 岳德亮)浙江金華雙龍洞景區,迷你倉價錢公共避暑地卻有人坐收“凳子錢”,遊客坐石凳休息一天需繳70元。金華雙龍管委會...

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本報白銀訊(記者李保榮)今年以來,儲存倉白銀市旅遊業以“五大文化”主線為統領,注重培訓引導,完善消費鏈條,提升管理服務水平,關注便攜商品包裝,行業系統初步形成了政府前期主導、部門各盡其能、品牌帶動鏈條、市場運作發展的格局。據統計,1至6月,全市旅遊人數達264.96萬人次,綜合收入14.55億元,同比分別增長27%和30%。白銀市加大旅遊產業規劃力度。由中科院旅遊規劃設計中心編制的《白銀市旅遊業發展規劃》已于4月正式實施。目前,《景泰縣旅遊業發展規劃》《黃河石林建設性規劃》等7個規劃原則通過評審,平川北武當旅遊規劃初步完成,黃河風情線和鄉村旅遊指導規劃正在編制,待迷你倉沙田寧紅色旅遊規劃完成後,全市旅遊規劃體系將全面形成。在此基礎上,白銀市積極組織旅遊部門及企業參加省內外旅遊節會,以加大旅遊宣傳推介力度。靖遠、景泰舉辦了法泉寺民俗節和壽鹿山采香節,擴大了兩個3A 級景區的影響。同時,市上加印了4個品種的宣傳冊頁,突出黃河、絲路、紅色、工礦、民俗五大文化要素,勾畫黃河風情游、絲路古跡游、紅色教育游、工業文明游、鄉村休閒游和原始生態游“六線游”。此外,隨著鄉村旅遊業的長足發展,今年全市正常經營的“農家樂”戶數已達161家。上半年,全市鄉村旅遊接待人數48.23萬人次,實現旅遊綜合收入4243.02 萬元,同比分別增長了58%和35%。迷你倉價錢

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