Source: Erie Times-News, Pa.self storageAug. 15--Splish, splash and sploosh while you can.Eventually -- we hate to even mention it -- pool and beach season will come to an end, and all of those good times and water toys will be packed away for Erie's long, long winter.Say your final farewells to beach balls. Bid adieu to the inflatable rings.But wait! Not so fast. There are oodles of uses for those leftover pool noodles.We've scoured every corner of Pinterest, an idea-sharing website, for fun things to do with pool noodles. (Just search for "pool noodle" pins.) There are so many cool things to make -- from toys to decor -- you might even want to grab a couple more noodles before they disappear from stores.Feel the ForceGet crafty, young Jedis -- the fate of the universe depends on it! There's nothing easier or more awesome than making your very own light saber -- and if the kids start dueling, the soft foam will ensure little to no injury. (Downside: you have to make your own sound effects.) These pool noodle creations also make great party favors.How to make it: Pick a pool noodle and cut about 12 inches off its length. Carefully wrap one end using gray or chrome duct tape. Add the finishing details using black electrical tape.Get ready to raceSummer might be winding down, but the competition is heating up. Kids can enjoy a day of racing with just a pair of pool noodle tracks.How to make it: Cut a pool noodle in half, lengthwise. Lay the halves side by side on a flat surface, with the little tunnels facing down. Use tape, string or glue to help tether the two tracks together. Set up one end of the tracks, tunnel-side up, on a slight incline. Use marbles or small cars to race.Lovely lolliesHave a big sweet tooth? Pool noodles make great large, spiral lollipop decorations for birthday or holiday parties. But remember: They're not edible.How to make it: To make a striped lollipop, wrap colored duct tape at an angle around the length of the noodle.Beginning at one end, start tightly rolling the noodle. Use a hot glue gun as you go. The foam will resist being rolled, so hold on to it tightly.Continue to roll and glue to the end, and carefully wrap a cord around the spiral to keep it together while the glue dries. For the stick, cut a small hole on the outside of the spiral and insert one end of a wooden dowel.Used glue to secure the dowel.To finish, wrap the lollipop in cellophane and secure with glue or ribbon.Hang it upA neon-colored pool noodle might not appear t迷你倉 have much decor potential, but it happens to be one of the best wreath forms out there.With the holiday season coming up in a few months, it won't hurt to have a ?few noodles around for some quick and easy wreaths.How to make it: Select a pool noodle and tape the ends together to form a ring. Pick whatever materials you need -- felt, fabric, ribbon, buttons, etc. -- and start creating your wreath.Cute cupcakesThese colorful treats look good enough to eat, but don't let their appearance fool you.Whether you use them as party favors, decorations or to stock the cupboard in a play kitchen, these pool-noodle cupcakes are a fun, calorie-free project.How to make it: Cut a 4-inch piece off a pool noodle. Carefully shape the top edge with scissors to give it a rounded appearance.Using a non-fraying fabric, such as felt or flannel, cut out a circle that is one inch larger in diameter than the top of the noodle (fabric will drape a bit over the sides).Glue the fabric to the top of the noodle, then add decorations, such as beads, sequins or glitter. Place the noodle cupcake inside a cupcake wrapper.Giddyap!Have your children ever dreamed of owning their own ponies? These pool noodle horses are an easy, crafty compromise that will be rodeo-ready in no time.How to make it: Bend one end of a foam pool noodle over -- about 9 or 10 inches -- and tie twine or ribbon tightly around it. (Consider leaving a little length to make the reins.) For the ears, cut a strip of fabric about 12 inches long and an inch wide. Trim the ends into points and slide the strip into the fold of the noodle and pull it up firmly into the crook of the head. Use glue to attach the points to either side of the head. For the mane, cut a second strip of fabric that is about 12 inches long and 4 inches wide. Make a scalloped edge on each side of the fabric with scissors to create a wavy look. Find the middle of the mane and glue it to the foam high up on the back of the head. Let the scalloped edges drape. Finish by gluing on a pair of wiggly eyes, or buttons, on either side of the head.LINDSEY POISSON can be reached at 870-1871 or by e-mail. Follow her on Twitter at BEVEVINO, a student at Penn State Behrend, is completing an internship at the Erie Times-News. You can reach her at ___ (c)2013 the Erie Times-News (Erie, Pa.) Visit the Erie Times-News (Erie, Pa.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services文件倉

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信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from新橋鎮特色農家樂。新橋鎮黨委書記吳強。    遂寧市船山區新橋鎮地處遂寧城北3.5公里處,新蒲崗迷你倉東北濱臨涪江,與遂寧市經濟技術開發區毗鄰,南與橫山、西寧接壤,西北與桂花、常理連界。全鎮幅員面積40平方公里,總人口3.8萬人。新橋鎮交通便捷,遂寧中環線及遂寧至大英快速通道即將貫穿全鎮,是全國首批小城鎮綜合開發示範鎮、四川省中小企業創業示範基地、四川省環境優美示範鄉鎮、遂寧市首批新農村建設示範鎮、遂寧市文明鄉鎮。  從遂寧城區出發,一路向北至3.5公里處,就是新橋場鎮所在地。這個被遂寧中環線一分為二的鎮,有著“遂寧北大門”之稱,它不僅有緊鄰城區的區位優勢,貫穿全鎮的中環線及遂寧至大英的快速通道,也將成為新橋的一大交通亮點。  “憑借區域、交通兩大地理優勢,‘環內做大城鎮,環外做強產業’是新橋鎮發展的總體構想,中環線內,側重工業建設;環外,側重農業發展,工農發展相輔相成,實現新橋鎮經濟全面提升”,新橋鎮黨委書記吳強向華西城市讀本記者娓娓道來。書記寄語  按照“環內做大城鎮、環外做強產業”的總體構想,大力實施“做強工業,做優農業,做美城鎮,做活三產”四大戰略,以“產鎮一體、融城發展”為主線,全力打造“平安新橋”、“實力新橋”、“和諧新橋”、“魅力新橋”。  ??新橋鎮黨委書記吳強做強工業 打造省級新興產業園區  2007年7月,“新橋機電工業園區”成立。該園區規劃面積8平方公里,一期規劃3平方公里。“在中環線內,側重發展工業,新橋發展工業,最初面臨諸多困難,但我們沒有守株待兔,我們大力推進基礎設施建設,大力開展招商引資,堅持狠抓項目招引,新橋的工業終於出現亮色。”吳強說。  歷經幾年發展,新橋工業園區已建成面積近1平方公里,區內水、電、氣、道路等基礎設施日趨完善,實現招商引資12億元,現有各類工業企業49家,其中規模以上工業企業達到10家,基本形成了機電加工、生物制藥、農副產品深加工三大支柱產業。  “考慮到中環線和遂寧至大英快速通道的規劃,我們計劃在快速通道兩側另行選址,以新興產業為主導,定位於節能環保、生物科技、新能源、新材料、商貿物流製造等五大類新興產業,打造集五大類產業產品研發、培育、製造于一體的省級新興產業園區。”據吳強透露,新園區一期控制在10平方公里,二期及遠期再發展10平方公里,總體規劃控制在18-20平方公里。做優農業 打造現代農業特色園區  遂寧“唐桂新新農村示範片”的末端區域,便是新橋鎮的特色農業園區。特色農業園區的特色在哪兒?吳強介紹,栽培無公害蔬菜,餵養娃娃魚,養殖野豬等,都是園區特色所在。  目前,新橋鎮通過走集約化、基地化發展道路,引進項目業主,集中流轉土地5000余畝,形成了錦鳳園生態種養殖、順鑫圓野豬養殖、龍騰大鯢養殖、鳳閣藤椒、鳳閣脆李、綠緣特色園藝花木、玲瓏匯水果種植、盛世景翠現代農業示範園等一大批現代農業特色園區,萬畝現代農業產業特色園區也初現雛型。  據瞭解,在注重農村產業發展的同時,新橋鎮還加大了農村基礎設施建設力度。2012年,新橋鎮共向上爭取專項支農資金達2800多萬元。先後開展新橋鎮城鎮供水及基礎設施建設項目,並完成了鎮內36個塘堰、水庫除險加固整治,通過項目實施,極大地mini storage善城鎮用水條件。  交通建設上,完成了省道205線、新橋至新華道路整治8公里,在銀子、鳳閣、雙堰等村新建村社水泥道路45公里,全鎮農村交通面貌實現了歷史性的改善。做美城鎮 建設“遂寧城北新城”  作為城郊衛星鄉鎮,新橋提出主動融入城市發展集群,以建設“遂寧城北新城”為目標,著力推進現代田園居住區、建設北上戰略,按照“高起點規劃、高標準建設、市場化運作、精細化管理”的總體工作思路管理集鎮,通過對集鎮市場化運作,吸引了民間和外來資本參與集鎮建設,並收到顯著成效。  新橋鎮商住用地的儲備及招拍掛工作有序開展。2012年,在新橋村任家灣及豬市壩徵用土地170余畝,成功掛牌土地兩宗,實現土地出讓收益7000余萬元,儲備土地3宗共計132畝,切實為區政府儲備了存量土地,增加了財政收入。  與此同時,國家投資項目??新橋場鎮集中供水及基礎設施建設項目已申報續建,申請資金1200萬元,目前申報資料已上報省發改委。按照國家、省發改委對項目要求,招投標工作全面結束,項目已開工建設。  “飛虹路延伸線(接達中環線及遂寧到大英的快速通道)及小祠堂的徵地拆遷工作正有序推進,為該鎮實現工業園區拓園升級上檔、城鎮融城發展提供了有力保障,同時在城鎮建設上,鎮內道路黑化、建立城鎮地標都將一一實現。”吳強信心滿滿。實力新橋遂寧後花園  “所謂三大產業,則為農業、工業、旅遊業三大產業。工業著重農業機電生產,帶動農業發展,隨之帶動鄉村旅遊業,形成鏈動效應,三者可逆,反向促進。”吳強介紹,目前,三產升級主要圍繞“1+2”即農業+文化+旅遊發展模式,大力發展農家鄉村休閒旅遊,完成鄉村農家樂配套設施的升級改造,促使農家樂形成規模化,特別是打造1-2個有特色的5星級農家樂。  據瞭解,農業特色園區中的鳳閣村,就是打造鄉村旅遊的一個特色試點,“鳳閣村主要種植李子、藤椒等,依靠豐富的有機蔬菜瓜果以及優美的鄉村環境,再將周圍野豬、娃娃魚等養殖園區進行組團,倚靠區位交通優勢,打造出特色農家樂,必然會引來大量遊客。”在提到發展新橋鎮的旅遊業上,吳強表示,除了倚靠自然優勢,還應在農家樂的基礎設施上下功夫。  “三產逐漸升級,新橋鎮扮演好城市後花園的角色。未來,新橋鎮還將全面實現農超對接,計劃申報市級名優農產品2個,省級1個。”吳強說。抓住機遇提高發展競爭力  據瞭解,未來的新橋鎮將重點發展交通與能源。目前,新橋至新華的公路正在進行改造升級,預計2013年10月前,新橋鎮將全面完成改造升級並完成場鎮街道黑化的改造任務。  在能源使用方面,吳強透露,今後新橋鎮將大力推廣使用天然氣、沼氣和太陽能,進一步改善農村衛生狀況。  而對於農業的發展,新橋鎮在未來打算集中發展專業化、區域化、特色化的優勢產業,重點發展花卉苗木、精品水果、香椿、青花椒等特色產業。  “落實惠農政策,增加農民收入,優化返鄉農民工創業環境,鼓勵和引導積累一定資金、掌握一定技能的返鄉農民工自主創辦各種實體,同時,組建水果、蔬菜、花卉苗木等農村經濟合作組織,構建與外界進行農業技術交流與產供銷一條龍合作的平台。”吳強堅信,在幹群齊心協力下,建設“平安新橋”、“實力新橋”、“和諧新橋”、“魅力新橋”的目標一定能實現。  華西城市讀本見習記者 陳璐 記者 劉鐵  (圖片由新橋鎮政府提供)self storage

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【本報訊】埃及局勢再度惡化,自存倉香港特區政府昨日提升埃及的外遊警示級別至黑色。本港多間旅行社表示會無限期停辦埃及團,直至當地局勢穩定為止。港府呼籲巿民不應前往埃及,而身在當地的港人,則應注意人身安全,避開示威或人群聚集的地方。截至昨日下午五時三十分,入境處未有接到相關的港人求助個案。在當地港人如需協助,可致電香港入境處廿四小時求助熱線(852)1868,或與中國駐埃及大使館聯絡,大使館廿四小時值班電話為(20)2-2迷你倉新蒲崗380466或(20)2-27363556。局勢嚴峻 旅行團紛取消本港多間旅行社均稱,今年七月已停辦埃及團,東瀛遊執行董事禤國全表示,早於六月底已因當地局勢嚴峻而停辦埃及團。他指前年埃及發生政變,之後前往當地的香港團隊數目由高峰期的每月十團,減至近年的三團。永安旅遊稱本月原有兩團出發到當地,其中一團於本月廿四日出發,但因當地局勢不穩,早前已取消該兩團。康泰旅行社亦表示,早已暫停埃及團,直至當地局勢穩定才考慮復辦。迷你倉出租

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Source: The Seattle TimesAug.迷你倉沙田 15--ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. -- Mariners closer Danny Farquhar was a lone figure, waiting patiently by his locker for the media throng he knew was coming.His teammates were in a private back kitchen area of the visitor's clubhouse, grabbing a postgame meal after a 5-4 walkoff loss to the Tampa Bay Rays. Farquhar could have joined them and made the questions wait, but he seemed eager to tackle the aftermath of Wednesday night's ninth-inning meltdown.After all, the good closers learn to shrug off the good and the bad, and this first blown save in six tries in his new role would definitely provide a test."The good thing is, I failed a ton in the minors," he said. "I blew a lot of saves down there, so, tomorrow's a new day. I'm a guy who's got a pretty short memory. I'll just try to forget about it and move on."But blowing a save in the minors doesn't quite match up to doing it in the majors. The big-league stage is bigger -- even if the 14,910 fans at Tropicana Field didn't quite represent a packed house -- and so are the stakes.Tom Wilhelmsen had a tough time dealing with the aftermath of blown saves once too often, and that's why Farquhar was out there in the first place. It didn't help that three walks in a scoreless eighth inning tossed by Yoervis Medina helped bring the top of the Rays' order around once again.Those hitters had seen Farquhar notch his fifth save in five tries the previous night. And when he was a little off this time, they didn't miss.Ben Zobrist drilled a ball off the top of the right-field wall and was awarded a triple upon video review. Matt Joyce followed with a single up the middle that tied the game.Evan Longoria then ripped a ball down the left-field line for a double that put runners at second and third. Wil Myers was walked intentionally, and Jason Bourgeois then hammered a pitch over the head of a drawn-in迷你倉價錢Endy Chavez in right field to end it.Five batters, all reaching base. By the time it was over, Farquhar had barely had time to catch his breath.But he said he'd had enough time to collect himself."The whole replay (thing) took a lot of time," he said. "I'm usually a pretty quick worker. I don't usually like time to think or time to worry about things. So, it didn't bother me how fast it happened."Farquhar said he tried to mix his three pitches in steadily to keep the hitters off-balance, but wasn't as sharp as he'd have liked."I just think it was bad execution of a lot of pitches," he said. "Pitches up in the zone, in the middle of the plate. Major-league hitters take advantage of that situation."And the Rays did on a night they fell behind early. Facing Rays ace David Price for the first time, the Mariners took a 4-1 lead with a three-run fifth. For the second night in a row, Brad Miller clubbed a big hit, a triple to left-center that scored a pair of runs.Fellow Orlando-area native Nick Franklin, who, like Miller, had plenty of family and friends in the stands, followed by lining a double to the left-field corner to bring another run home.But a two-run homer by Myers in the sixth off Mariners starter Aaron Harang cut Seattle's lead to 4-3.Charlie Furbush got five outs in relief and Medina got four more without damage, but Farquhar simply couldn't get it done in the ninth."We'll see how Danny bounces back," interim manager Robby Thompson said.Closing timeDanny Farquhar didn't retire any of the five batters he faced Wednesday.Wednesday Blown save, no outs recorded, 2 runsPrevious 5 appearances 5 saves, 0.00 ERA, 8 Ks in 5.1 IPSeason total 0-1, 5.17 ERA, 5 saves, 3 blown savesGeoff Baker: 206-464-8286 or ___ (c)2013 The Seattle Times Visit The Seattle Times at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉庫

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Source: Ventura County Star, Calif.新蒲崗迷你倉Aug. 15--Honestly. It's like watching two little kids fight and call each other names.The Pac-12 Networks' squabble with DirecTV has gone on so long and become so acrimonious, the networks' PR department actually pitched a story this week wanting coverage of the advertising campaign it is launching telling people to drop DirecTV so they can watch the Pac-12 Networks.The campaign will be launched on billboards, online and radio. "It's a classic compare campaign that delivers the message to each fan base in a simple and lighthearted way," the pitch said.Well, as long as it's lightheartedIn Los Angeles, you'll see a picture of Roman soldiers with the caption "Trojans on DirecTV" and another picture of USC football players with the caption "Trojans on Pac-12 Networks." Or a picture of bears that says "Bruins on DirecTV" next to a picture of UCLA football players that says "Bruins on Pac-12 Networks."I think what Pacific-12 Conference fans would really like is for the Pac-12 Networks and DirecTV to stop devising ways to discredit the other, and instead sit down and reach a compromise that would allow these channels to seen by DirecTV subscribers.Each side making the other angrier and angrier isn't going to get it done.Good grief. You'd think they were Congress.TALENT COMPETITIONA big deal has been made over Fox hiring tons of talent in order to start up Fox Sports 1 and Fox Sports 2. But ESPN hasn't been sitting idly by either.ESPN has already signed Keith Olbermann and statistical guru Nate Silver, and now columnist Jason Whitlock is reported to be set to return to ESPN after seven years at reports Whitlock will appear on air and online.ESPN also announced this week it has signed "SportsCenter" anchor Linda Cohn and reporter/host Shannon Spake to contract extensions.MISSING IN ACTIONIf you've got Time Warner Cable, here's what you'll be missing this weekend in sports from CBS:Wyndham Championship PGA Tour golf; Western & Southern Open ATP tennis; and, last but not least, ArenaBowl XXVI, the arena football championship.That's why this dispute won't be resolved at least until the NFL season starts.OTHER NOTESNBC Sports Network's Premier League soccer telecasts begin this weekend with Liverpool-Stoke City at 4:40 a.m. Saturday, followed by Manchester United-Swansea City at 9:30. Incidentally, NBC Sports Network plans to gradually rebrand itself as NBCSN by the time the Winter Olympics start in February. The PGA Championship on CBS averaged a 3.7 big-market rating over the weekend, up 19 percent from last year, despite the absence of Time Warner subscribers in L.A., New York and Dallas. TNT had a 1.2 average, up 50 percent, for the first two rounds."Trojans Live," a USC coaches show featuring football coach Lane Kiffin and men's basketball coach Andy Enfield, will debut on KFWB (980 AM) on Thursday. Produced by Fox Sports West's USC Sports Properties, the show will be hosted by John Jackson and Jordan Moore. Radio play-by-play man Pete Arbogast will also contribute. CBS Sports Network will have AVP Pro Beach Volleyball from Salt Lake City (are there beaches on the lakmini storage?) at 1 p.m. Sunday.ESPN viewers who can't stand Chris Berman will not be cheered by the news that he will announce one of the two opening "Monday Night Football" games -- Houston-San Diego, Sept. 9 -- with Trent Dilfer. Filmmaker Peter Berg is putting together a new 90-second intro for "MNF," which will chronicle memorable moments from the 44-year-old series. ESPN has purchased the Famous Idaho Potato Bowl. Whew, that's a relief.WEEKEND WATCHABLESFRIDAYBASEBALL: Los Angeles Dodgers at Philadelphia, 4 p.m., Prime TicketZack Greinke (10-3, 3.21 ERA) pitches for the Dodgers against Cliff Lee (10-5, 3.18).PRO FOOTBALL: Exhibition, Tampa Bay at New England, 5 p.m., KTTV (Ch. 11)The buzz around Foxborough is on whether or not Tom Brady's knee is OK.PRO FOOTBALL: Exhibition, Oakland at New Orleans, 5 p.m., KTLA (Ch. 5)The Raiders topped the Dallas Cowboys 19-17 last week in their preseason opener.BASEBALL: New York Yankees at Boston, 4 p.m., MLB NetworkThe Yankees have two teams in the American League East between them and the first-place Red Sox.BASEBALL: Houston at Los Angeles Angels, 7 p.m., FS WestJerome Williams (5-8, 4.85) pitches for the Angels against Houston's colorfully named Brad Peacock (1-4, 6.43).SATURDAYSOCCER: Premier League, Stoke City at Liverpool, 4:40 a.m., NBC Sports Network; Manchester United vs. Swansea City, 9:30 a.m., NBC Sports NetworkNBCSN begins its near-saturation coverage of the English Premier League.BASEBALL: Los Angeles Dodgers at Philadelphia, 4 p.m., KCAL (Ch. 9)Six of the Dodgers' next 10 games are on CBS-owned Channel 9, which is bad news if you're a Time Warner Cable subscriber.GYMNASTICS: P&G Championships, 8 p.m., KNBC (Ch. 4) (delayed)In prime time, the U.S. championships, featuring many of the stars from the 2012 London Olympics compete in Hartford, Conn.TRACK AND FIELD: World Championships, 9 and 11:30 a.m., KNBC (Ch. 4)Athletes compete in Moscow with an eye on the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics.YOUTH BASEBALL: Little League World Series, 9 a.m., 3 and 5 p.m., ESPN; noon, KABC (Ch. 7), KEYT (Ch. 3)The 11- and 12-year-olds compete this weekend in South Williamsport, Pa.BASEBALL: Houston at Los Angeles Angels, 6 p.m., FS WestAs disappointing as the Angels have been in the AL West, the Astros are twice as far back.SUNDAYPRO FOOTBALL: Exhibition, Indianapolis at New York Giants, 4 p.m., KTTV (Ch. 11)People would be all over this matchup if it was 2010 and Peyton Manning was still playing for the Colts.BASEBALL: Los Angeles Dodgers at Philadelphia, 10:30 a.m., Prime TicketThis isn't nearly as big a matchup as it used to be. The Phillies are in fourth place in the National League East.BASEBALL: New York Yankees at Boston, 5 p.m., ESPNCC Sabathia (10-10, 4.66) of the Yankees faces Boston's Ryan Dempster (6-8, 4.50).AUTO RACING: NASCAR Pure Michigan 400, 10 a.m., ESPNSprint Cup points leader Jimmie Johnson has wrapped up a spot in the Chase for the championship. Johnson and Matt Kenseth share the series victory lead with four.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Ventura County Star (Camarillo, Calif.) Visit Ventura County Star (Camarillo, Calif.) at Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

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南都訊 記者陳岩 實習生鄺春賢 立體綠化、綠道、“萬村綠”、校園增綠、山體複綠、綠色酒店、主城區和主幹道綠化提升,自存倉這是斗門區從今年到2016年要打造的41項重點工程中的一部分,“綠”顯然是關鍵字。“3年後斗門一定會大變樣!”昨日,斗門區有關負責人表示,這些工程均設置了嚴格的完成時間表,到2016年建成“美麗斗門”不誇張。根據“美麗斗門”行動計劃,從今年起到2016年共要集中力量打造的重點工程共41項,其中絕大多數都是在“綠”字上做文章,比如該區已進行了一段時間的“環境美化綠化工程”中就包括重點道路的綠化提升、公園建設、工業園區綠化提升、立體綠化建設、生態景觀林帶及森林碳匯迷你倉新蒲崗林建設等諸多內容,此外,斗門還計劃建成數量超過100個的綠色社區、綠色學校和綠色酒店,對於竹洲頭水松林和竹銀水庫、斗門現代農業園等也要求儘快高標準打造和完成。“斗門這麼美麗,要美就要整體美,並不只是說城市美就是美。”斗門區有關人士介紹說,全部41項重點工程幾乎覆蓋了斗門全區,針對城區範圍內的只有一個“城區綠化提升”,其餘的項目基本都是在農村、工業園,比如河湧整治就包括了三個鎮和一個街道的農村,農村生活垃圾處理和人員增加覆蓋了全部農村,幸福村居農村汙水處理設施建設也涉及到了多個村等。根據斗門區計劃,所有的41項工程均須在2016年前完成,屆時斗門可以成為當之無愧的“美麗斗門”。迷你倉出租

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