Source: The Roanoke Times, Va.儲存倉Aug. 30--If Virginia Tech English professor Steven Salaita were to be deported, as some in the social media world have suggested in recent days, they might be dissatisfied with the outcome.The writer of a controversial commentary titled, "No, thanks: Stop saying 'support the troops,'?" was born in Bluefield, W.Va., and raised in Bluefield, Va.Salaita's commentary, which critiques the ubiquitous "support the troops" meme as a barrier to questioning of American foreign policy and treatment of returning war veterans, has caused a social media firestorm this week that has pulled in Virginia Tech, too.For his part, Salaita said his central message has been misunderstood as anti-military, when in fact he meant to argue for better treatment of veterans.Salaita is the son of immigrants from Nicaragua and Jordan, and a graduate of Radford University. Since 2006, he has worked as an English professor at Tech and holds tenure.Over his career, Salaita has published six scholarly books that examine Middle East politics, Arab-American literature and culture, and American treatment of Arab-Americans.The commentary was published at a tumultuous time: U.S. officials are considering military action in Syria over allegations of chemical weapons attacks on civilians. Also, the piece was posted in the days between the sentencing of Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales to life in prison for the 2012 killing of 16 Afghans, and the death sentence for Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan -- a Virginia Tech graduate -- for the 2009 killing of 13 people at Fort Hood, Texas.In the commentary published Sunday, Salaita tells the story of a trip to a convenience store to buy a snack for his son. When the clerk asked Salaita to donate his spare change to "support the troops," he shocked her by politely but firmly declining."In recent years I've grown fatigued of appeals on behalf of the troops, which intensify in proportion to the belligerence or potential unpopularity of the imperial adventure du jour," Salaita wrote."Such troop worship is trite and tiresome, but that's not its primary danger," Salaita wrote.He goes on to criticize corporate influence on and profit from war, arguing that companies exploit the troops and genuine citizen support for them for monetary gain, while soldiers benefit little from it."Numerous veterans have returned home to inadequate medical coverage, psychological afflictions, unemployment and increased risk of cancer. The free market and corporate magnanimity are supposed to address these matters, but neither has ever been a viable substitute for the dynamic practices of communal policymaking," Salaita wrote.Response began small, with a handful of minor conservative bloggers picking up the story and responding with varying degrees of outrage. But within days, Facebook and Twitter postings became vitrio迷你倉價錢ic at times, and calls, emails and social media postings were directed at university officials as well.University spokesman Larry Hincker said numerous calls and emails had been directed to President Charles Steger, university admissions, the English department and Tech's press office.Some inside the university have called for Salaita's censure. Outside commentators have called for his firing, and even his death.Salaita said in an interview that university officials have assured him his rights will be protected.At Tech, campus police "have investigated responses that have come in. I can't speak to the severity of them," Hincker said. "We take everything seriously."Salaita said he has received some threatening messages, but said he is not afraid because Tech police do a "fantastic job" keeping the campus safe.The controversy has some people criticizing Tech as anti-military for employing Salaita and refusing to discipline him.In a statement responding to Salaita's article, Hincker wrote that however much the university administration may "disagree with associate professor Salaita's opinions, we also recognize one of this nation's most cherished liberties ensconced in the [F]irst [A]mendment to our nation's Constitution and embedded in the principle of academic freedom. He has a right to his opinions just as others have a right to disagree."In a phone interview, Hincker -- himself a Vietnam War-era Navy veteran -- called accusations that the university is anti-military "extremely hurtful."He emphasized that Tech takes pride in its 1,000-strong Corps of Cadets, in its efforts to hire veterans and in its expanding support for student veterans.Upholding academic freedom can be a difficult and even embarrassing thing for universities, Greg Scholtz of the American Association of University Professors said. "But we find that the most reputable institutions give the most latitude."Scholtz argues that academic freedom is a system that protects the broader public good.If professors and researchers can be controlled by college presidents, boards of trustees, legislators or others who may disagree with findings or seek to silence certain viewpoints, education and therefore the public good suffers, he said.The principles of academic freedom ensure that any censure or dismissal of a faculty member be approved by a committee of professional peers, who review accusations of misconduct to determine the competence of the accused and the action or speech in question.The protections afforded by tenure and academic freedom are not absolute, Scholtz said. If a committee of experts finds misconduct or professional incompetence, a professor can be sanctioned or dismissed under the system.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Roanoke Times (Roanoke, Va.) Visit The Roanoke Times (Roanoke, Va.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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Source: Jordan Times, AmmanAug.儲存倉 30--AMMAN -- A total of 72.9 per cent of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the Kingdom are generated by the energy sector, with carbon dioxide constituting 83.58 per cent of the sector's emissions, according to a report released on Thursday.The report categorised the waste sector as the second contributor to GHG emissions, accounting for 10.6 per cent, while industrial processes are responsible for 8.9 per cent, followed by agriculture (4.6 per cent) and land use conversion and forestry (3 per cent).The Kingdom's Third National Communication to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) indicated that the largest contributor to emissions in the energy sector in 2006, was the energy industries sub-sector, which accounted for 37.9 per cent of energy emissions, followed by the transport sector (22.5 per cent).In the industrial processes category, the carbon dioxide emissions originated mainly from cement production, accounting for 91 per cent of the sector's emissions in 2006. In addition, cement production was also the second largest source of non-methane 迷你倉價錢olatile organic compounds.The report, whose figures are still preliminary, showed that emissions from agricultural activities in 2006 were composed of methane and nitrous oxide.Meanwhile, the waste sector's emissions originated from the disposal of domestic solid waste, accounting for 98.6 per cent of the sector's GHG emissions, while wastewater handling accounted for 1.4 per cent.The findings of the report, which will be officially released in mid-2014, will guide the government in prioritising sectors which need projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and come up with means to adapt with climate change effects, Environment Ministry Secretary General Ahmad Qatarneh said at a workshop to announce results of the report.The Kingdom prepares a national communication report every four years with the aim of identifying the amount and sources of greenhouse gases in Jordan, Third National Communication Project Manager Batir Wardam said.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Jordan Times (Amman, Jordan) Visit the Jordan Times (Amman, Jordan) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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 【特訊】《〈內地與澳門關於建立更緊密經貿關係的安排〉補充協議十》(以下簡稱《〈安排〉補充協議十》)昨天(三十日)在澳門簽署,迷你倉並將於明年一月一日起正式實施。 商務部高燕副部長和經濟財政司譚伯源司長分別率領兩地政府代表團,昨日上午在政府總部舉行二0一三《安排》聯合指導委員會高層會議。 會後,在崔世安行政長官、中央駐澳聯絡辦公室仇鴻副主任、外交部駐澳門特派員公署馮鐵署理特派員、國務院港澳事務辦公室交流司黃光巡視員和海關徐禮�關長等嘉賓見證下,商務部高燕副部長和經濟財政司譚伯源司長代表雙方簽署了《〈安排〉補充協議十》。 透過雙方磋商而簽訂的《〈安排〉補充協議十》,在服務貿易方面將進一步對澳門擴大開放,其中包括繼續廣東先行先試政策、進一步放寬地域限制至福建省、新增「合同服務提供者」內容,以及進一步加強貿易投資便利化方面的合作。服務貿易方面,內地對澳門採取六十五項具體措施,在法律、建築、計算機及其相關服務、房地產、市場調研、技術檢驗和分析、人員提供與安排、建築物清潔、攝影、印刷、會展、筆譯和口譯、電信、視聽、分銷、環境服務、銀行、證券、醫院服務、社會服務、旅遊、文娛、體育、海運、航空運輸、公路運輸、貨代、商標代理等二十八個領域在原有開放承諾基礎上,進一步放寬市場准入條件、放寬股權限制、經營範圍和經營地域限制等。同時,新增加複製服務和殯葬設施服務的開放承諾。服務貿易領域累計總開放措施達到三百八十三項。 在進一步開放原有領域中,繼續廣東省先行先試政策,在法律、技術檢驗和分析、人員提供與安排、社會服務、海運和公路運輸等服務領域增加相關內容,主要是放寬股權限制、下放審批權和放寬經營範圍,共有九項具體措施,主要包括: -在廣東省進行試點,允許澳門律師事務所與廣東省律師事務所以協議方式,由廣東省律師事務所向澳門律師事務所駐粵代表機構派駐內地律師擔任內地法律顧問; -取消澳門服務提供者在廣東省設立人才中介服務機構條件中從業年限限制; -允許澳門服務提供者以獨資民辦非企業單位形式在廣東設立居家養老服務機構,開展居家養老服務; -在廣東省內試點將澳門檢測機構獲准承擔的以認證為目的的檢測服務範圍由食品類別放寬至其他自願性產品認證領域; -允許澳門服務提供者在廣東省設立合資企業,提供在線數據處理與交易處理業務,澳資股權比例不超過百分之五十五; -將澳門服務提供者在廣東省內設立外商投資企業經營國際海運集裝箱站和堆場業務、國際貨物倉儲業務登記下放到廣東省地級以上市交通運輸主管部門; -將廣東省內至澳門普通貨物運輸,以及在航澳門航線船舶變更船舶數據後繼續從事澳門航線運輸的審批權下放至廣東省交通運輸主管部門。 -將澳門服務提供者在廣東省內設立外商投資企業經營國際船舶管理業務登記下放到廣東省交通運輸主管部門; -取消澳門服務提供者在廣東省投資道路貨運和機動車維修業的立項環節,按照國家現行法規受理申請和許可審批。 為全面推進服務貿易自由化進程,《〈安排〉補充協議十》繼續放寬經營地域限制,除了在廣東省通過先行先試政策對相關服務擴大開放外,同時也對福建省相對擴大開放,共有兩項具體措施。主要開放內容是:在公路運輸服務方面,對在福建省投資的生產型企業從事貨運方面的道路運輸業務立項和變更的申請,委託福建省省級交通運輸主管部門進行審核或審批。此外,允許澳門服務提供者在內地設立合資(澳資股權比例不超過百分之四十九)或合作道路客運站(場)。對在福建省設立道路客貨運站(場)項目和變更的申請,委託福建省省級交通運輸主管部門進行審核或審批。 此外,《〈安排〉補充協議十》新增「合同服務提供者」內容。允許持有澳門身份證明文件的自然人,受僱於尚未在內地商業存在的澳門服務提供者,以合同服務提供者身份,為僱主在內地提供臨時性服務。本次協議規定二十六個服務領域,允許澳門服務提供者可僱用合同服務提供者,以自然人流動的方式在內地提供相關服務: (一)建築專業服務、(二)計算機及其相關服務、(三)房地產服務、(四)技術檢驗分析與貨物檢驗服務、(五)建築物清潔服務、(六)攝影服務、(七)印刷服務、(八)會展服務、(九)複製服務、(十)筆譯和口譯服務、(十一)電信服務、(十二)視聽服務、(十三)建築及相關工程服務、(十四)分銷服務、(十五)環境服務、(十六)醫院服務、(十七)社會服務、(十八)旅遊服務、(十九)文娛服務、(二十)體育服務、(二十一)海運服務、(二儲存二)航空運輸服務、(二十三)公路運輸服務、(二十四)貨代服務、(二十五)商標代理、(二十六)殯葬設施。 貿易投資便利化方面,雙方將進一步加強商品檢驗、質量標準領域的認證認可及標準化管理領域、以及知識產權合作保護領域的合作。主要包括: -推動粵澳第三方檢測和認證服務的檢測認證結果互認;推動粵澳自願認證的認證檢測結果互認及按照國家相關法律法規、條約的相關規定,推動強制性產品認證(CCC認證)的檢測認證結果互認; -促進粵澳商品貿易供應鏈效率,對澳門特別行政區的商品條碼系統成員開放商品信息平台,享受與內地系統成員相同的服務。同時,加強粵澳商品信息資源共享,借助商品條碼的全球唯一性,實現兩地流通商品信息的相互核實查驗,以共同打擊假冒商品,優化營商環境。 -進一步加強知識產權保護領域的合作,支持研究粵澳共同推進知識產權交易與融資,探討粵澳兩地合作開展知識產權評估互認等業務的可行性。 此外,在金融合作方面,將支持符合資格的澳門保險業者參與經營內地交通事故責任強制保險業務。對澳門保險業者提出的申請,將根據有關規定積極考慮,並提供便利。 《安排》自二00三年簽署,至今已踏入十周年,而自二00四年起全面實施至今,為兩地貿易的發展注入了新的動力,使內地與澳門的經貿關係進一步加強,為兩地的全面服務貿易自由化打下了堅實的基礎。 其中,貨物貿易方面,可享受零關稅的產品,由剛實施時的二百七十三項,後經業界要求及與內地磋商,並按《安排》規定,自二00六年起所有澳門原產的貨物,經訂定原產地標準後,全部可以享受零關稅待遇進口內地,現時按二0一三年內地稅號訂定的原產地標準貨物已達一千二百八十三項。至二0一三年七月三十一日,以零關稅優惠輸往內地的貨物總出口貨值達四億二千萬澳門元,基本上每年都持續增長。二00四年,《安排》第一年實施時,以零關稅輸往內地的貨物僅為一百八十三萬澳門元,至二0一二年已達一億澳門元,是首年的五十七倍。而在二0一三年一月一日至七月三十一日以零關稅方式進入內地巿場的貨物包括紡織成衣、覆銅板、食品、再生塑料粒、油墨、色帶、無接頭電導體、玻璃纖維布及郵票等,總出口金額約為六千零二十九萬澳門元,較去年同期上升約一成。 至二0一三年七月三十一日,經濟局共發出了四百三十五張「澳門服務提供者證明書」,領取證明書的企業主要來自貨代、運輸、倉儲、物流、電信、廣告、零售、法律、會議服務和展覽服務、公路卡車和汽車貨運、集裝箱堆場服務、批發服務(不包括鹽和煙草)、職業介紹、建築及相關工程服務、管理諮詢服務、房地產服務、空運服務的銷售和營銷服務、視聽服務、旅行社服務、以收費或合同為基礎的房地產服務、醫療和牙醫服務、航空運輸服務、商標代理及印刷和出版服務。 截至二0一三年七月三十一日,澳門身份證明局共發出一千九百八十九份永久性居民身份證明書,這些證明書擬送交至內地設立個體工商戶的地點主要集中在廣東省。截至二0一二年十二月底,在內地註冊的澳門個體工商戶為八百九十七戶,從業人員二千一百六十一人,註冊資本五千六百五十二萬元人民幣。 目前,「個人遊」已擴展至二十一個省市合共四十九個城市,至二0一三年六月,累計有五千六百九十萬人次的內地旅客以「個人遊」方式到訪過澳門,帶動了澳門整體經濟和各行各業的發展。 在專業資格考試方面,至二0一二年,本澳共有十二人通過了國家司法考試、三人通過中國註冊會計師統一考試、二百二十八人成功考取國家醫師資格證書。由二00五年十月至二0一二年十二月,共有一千三百九十人考獲包括維修技術、個人形象服務、烹調技術、花藝、服裝技術、社會服務、管理專業、計算機專業等不同範疇和級別的國家職業資格證書。此外,至今有一位澳門居民考取全國專利代理人資格。 除了貨物貿易及服務貿易外,貿易投資便利化亦是《安排》的一個重要組成部分。雙方繼續在十個不同領域進行深化合作,包括貿易投資促進;通關便利化;商品檢驗、動植物檢驗檢疫、食品安全、衛生檢疫、認證認可及標準化管理;電子商務;法律法規透明度;中小企業合作;產業合作;知識產權保護;品牌合作和教育合作。就上述的十個合作範疇,內地與澳門聯合開展了一系列的推動工作,並不斷深化合作內容及擴大合作的成效,包括成立專責工作小組、簽訂合作備忘錄及協議書,以及組織兩地主管部門和業界進行互訪交流等活動,並就貿易投資便利化的有關措施進行推廣及講解,使各界能充分了解相關措施安排,務求擴大措施的執行效果。◇新蒲崗迷你倉

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Source: AME Info, Abu Dhabi, United Arab EmiratesAug.迷你倉價錢 29--OVER 60,000 TRIPS TO EGYPT CANCELLED BY NORDIC TOUR OPERATORS: Major tour operators in Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark have cancelled at least 60,000 trips to Egypt through the winter season that lasts until April, due to recent unrest, the Associated Press has reported. Last week, charter companies and travel organisers flew back hundreds of Scandinavian holidaymakers from resorts in Egypt and halted all tours there until mid-October. The move came in the wake of Nordic governments' revised travel advisories warning against all nonessential travel to Egypt.SAUDI HOTELS SECURES SR308M LOAN FOR NEW HOTEL IN RIYADH: Saudi Hotels & Resort Areas has announced it has signed a murabaha deal with Riyad Bank for a loan of SR308m, Arab News has reported. The purpose of the loan is to meet the cost of a hotel, which the company plans to construct in Diplomatic Quarter in the Saudi capital.MIDDEAST TOURISM SEEN TO GROW BY UP TO 5 percent IN 2013: The United Nations' World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) has said international tourist numbers rose 5.2 percent to nearly half a billion people worldwide in the first half of 2013, beating earlier expectations, Saudi Gazette has reported. In the Middle East, tourist numbers soared by 12.9 percent, but these figures should be viewed "with caution" because of uneven results and limited data, the group said. Growth is expected to continue in 2013 at +3 percent to +4 percent, only slightly below the 2012 level and in line with UNWTO's long-term forecast. The Middle East is expected to register growth of up to 5 percent, it said.EXPATS NOT REQUIRED TO CARRY KSA'S RE-ENTRY VISA PRINTOUT FROM SEPTEMBER 7: The Saudi interior ministry has announced expatriate workers are no longer required to carry a printout of their exit and re-entry visas while leaving or returning to the kingdom from September 7, Saudi Gazette has reported. According to the new directive, the exit and re-entry visa details on the ( website will be considered as authentic and final.EGYPTIAN TOURISM SYNDICATE WANTS QATAR, TURKEY DELISTED AS DESTINATIONS: The Egyptian tourism ministry has played down calls by the Independent General Tourism Workers Syndicate to remove Turkey and Qatar as tourism destinations for their refusal to recognise the ouster of president Mohamed Morsi, Ahram has reported. "It's an expected development, as there are currently political tensions in relations between Egypt and both Qatar and Turkey," said spokesperson for the ministry, Rasha El-Azayzi. The call could negatively impact tourism at a time when Egypt seeks to augment tourism, to boost the state's foreign currency revenues. Egypt saw 38,200 Turkish tourists between January and July of 2013, compared with 24,037 tourists in the same period of last year, said El-Azayzi.GCC LIKELY TO IMPLEMENT SINGLE TOURIST VISA FROM 2014: The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) has said the six-member bloc is currently working on setting up an automatic system for exchanging information online, to facilitate enforcing a single tourist visa system, Khaleej Times has reported. "The issue had been discussed at the joint meeting between the Tourist Cooperation Committee in the AGCC and the GCC Tourist counterpart in the AGCC Chambers of commerce and industry, which was held in Fujairah last year," said assistant undersecretary at the GCC for economic affairs, Abdullah Al Shobaili.OMAN TO HOLD 8TH FOOD & HOTEL FAIR ON SEPTEMBER 2: Oman Expo has announced the eighth edition of Oman Food and Hotel Fair is set to kick off at Oman International Exhibition Centre on September 2, Times of Oman has reported. The three-day fair will feature local and international firms displaying the latest in the field of food and hotel, as well as foodstuff, beverages and equipment of hotel, in addition to equipment of kitchens and restaurants, packaging products, food packaging and techniques of food processing.ETIHAD HOLIDAYS OPENS FIRST VENTURE OUTSIDE THE MIDEAST: Etihad Holidays, a division of Abu Dhabi's Etihad Airways, has announced the launch of services in the UK to cater to the growing demand from one of the airline's key global markets, Khaleej Times has reported. The UK is Etihad Holidays' first venture outside the Middle East. "It is a proud moment to now take our established Holidays brand internationally to further boost growing tourism numbers into Abu Dhabi and the UAE and to ensure a growing market can benefit from our attractive range of packages," said Etihad Airways' chief commercial officer, Peter Baumgartner.KUWAITIS URGED TO LEAVE LEBANON: The embassy of Kuwait in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, has urged Kuwaiti citizens to leave the country due to security uncertainties, in the wake of two bomb attacks in Tripoli which killed and injured hundreds of people on Friday, Kuna has reported. Due to "the state of security instability which killed and injured many people, the Embassy of the State of Kuwait in Lebanon" calls on Kuwaiti citizens in Lebanon to leave the country for their own safety, it said.EGYPT INCREASES VISA FEES FOR TUNISIANS: Egyptian foreign affairs ministry has announced its decision to increase the country's entry visa fees for Tunisians fivefold, Mena has reported. The decision is in response to the recent increase imposed by Tunisia on Egyptians to EGP1,000 from EGP200. Egypt's decision will come into effect in October 2013, the ministry said.GULF INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT TO COMPLETE STAR HOTEL 迷你倉N OMAN BY 2014: Oman-based Gulf International Investment Co has announced its OR7.5m three-star hotel and shopping complex project in Ruwi is to be ready by August-September 2014, while the shopping mall will be ready by October this year, Oman Daily Observer has reported. The hotel, which will have 120 rooms and deluxe suites, will also offer a host of facilities including a sauna and steam bath, a covered swimming pool, five restaurants including a multi-cuisine eatery, traditional Arabic coffee shop, five banquet halls including one collapsible, which can accommodate 800 persons besides two board rooms on different floors and parking for around 200 cars.ABU DHABI SEEKING BIDS FOR NEW CORNICHE BEACH CLUB: The municipality of Abu Dhabi is set to launch a tender for private sector firms to develop and operate a high-end beach club at the Corniche for residents and visitors of the emirate, Gulf News has reported. To be located at the Lagoons Beach near West Plaza, the Corniche beach club will offer a selection of new facilities for both the public and beach club members, as well as membership for guests of city centre hotels, which have no private beach facilities.GERMANY WARNS CITIZENS AGAINST TRAVEL TO EGYPTIAN RED SEA RESORTS: Germany has warned its citizens to not travel to Egypt's Red Sea tourist resorts, as the political situation in the destination continues to deteriorate, Breaking Travel News has reported. The US, Sweden and Finland have already issued alerts for the resorts, advising against travel to the whole of Egypt. However, the UK continues to advise travel to Red Sea resorts is safe.SAUDI INVESTORS PREFER TOURISM INVESTMENTS IN EUROPE, FAR EAST: The GCC Chambers of Commerce and Industry Union has Saudi investors still prefer investing in Europe and the Far East and avoid investment in GCC countries, despite the efforts of the region's countries to boost tourism investments, Arab News has reported. "The continuing 'emigration of investments' prompted governments to conduct surveys on the strengths of the tourism sector, as well as the obstacles facing investments in it in the region," said chairman of the union, Ibrahim Al-Nabhani, noting the trend by Gulf businessmen to invest abroad was the result of these obstacles and the changes in the political environment.EMIRATIS WARNED AGAINST TRAVELLING TO LEBANON: The UAE foreign affairs ministry has reiterated its call on UAE citizens, holders of the diplomatic, special and regular passports, not to travel at the present time to Lebanon, because of the events being experienced by the region, Wam has reported. The ministry said holders of diplomatic and special passports must obtain prior approval from the ministry to travel in minimal and necessary situations.RAMEE GROUP OPENS 24-STOREY HOTEL IN BAHRAIN: Ramee Group of Hotels and Resorts has announced the opening of its first five-star property in Bahrain's Seef District. The $53m, 24-storey Luxury by Ramee property is the latest addition to the group's bouquet of more than 35 hotels and apartment hotels in the GCC and India. The hotel offers 166 suites and rooms, three Club floors, 800 sq m of conference/banqueting facilities; a dedicated floor to recreation facilities including a spa, a swimming pool and a fully equipped gym; and space for 180 cars across three basement levels.ACCOR EXPANDS MERCURE BRAND IN SAUDI ARABIA: French hotel chain, Accor has announced the expansion of its Mercure brand in Saudi Arabia, with the opening of a new hotel in Jeddah, Saudi Gazette has reported. Mercure Jeddah Al Hamra, which opened its doors for the first time in early July, features a total of 149 guest rooms and suites, an all-day-dining in the Palm restaurant, a coffee lounge and a health club with an indoor swimming pool. The latest addition to the Mercure portfolio brings the total number of Mercure hotels in Saudi Arabia to seven and the total number of room keys to 1216. In the Middle East, Mercure operates 19 properties representing 3,213 rooms throughout Bahrain, Qatar, the UAE, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.ADIA IN TALKS TO BUY THREE MARRIOTT PROPERTIES: Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (Adia) is nearing a deal to buy three Marriott International Inc hotels for more than $800m (Dhs2.9bn), Dow Jones has reported, citing people familiar with the matter. The hotels, in London, New York City and Miami Beach, are part of Marriott's Edition brand of boutique-style hotels the company is developing with hotelier Ian Schrager. A deal isn't final and still could fall through, said the people.JORDAN TO BUILD NABATAEAN VILLAGE IN PETRA: The Jordanian government has approved building a Nabataean village at Petra's historic site to boost tourism activity and provide jobs for local residents, Jordan Times has reported. The government also directed the Petra Development and Tourism Region Authority to draw up project plans to implement it, said the head of the Lower House's tourism committee, Adnan Farajat.UAE CUTS HAJ PILGRIMS QUOTA BY 1,246: The official Haj mission of the UAE has cut the number of the country pilgrims this Haj season by 1,246, Khaleej Times has reported. The mission's decision is in response to the recent regulation issued by Saudi authorities to reduce the numbers of pilgrims this year, due to ongoing developments in the Grand Holy Mosque in Makkah.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 AME Info (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) Visit AME Info (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) at Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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Source: Tulsa World, Okla.迷你倉價錢Aug. 29--A Tulsa man has been charged with wire fraud on accusations that he embezzled nearly $700,000 from his then-employer by billing the company for the nonexistent services of a consulting firm he created.James Ray Cooley, 45, also is charged with three tax crimes for not reporting the income he purportedly received as a result of the fraud.Cooley was employed as the regional human resources manager for Newfield Exploration Mid-Continent Inc. in Tulsa from September 2007 until January 2011, according to charges filed by the U.S. Attorney's Office in Tulsa this week.In 2008, Cooley incorporated a consulting company, created a website for it and opened a bank account for it, listing himself as the signatory, the charges say.He is accused of claiming that the consulting company "had actually performed services for Newfield when he knew no such services had been performed."The charges allege that Cooley created fal迷你倉e invoices for the consulting firm's nonexistent work and then deposited the payments into the bank account he had created.The charges outline a series of related wire transfers, totaling $693,300, from 2008 through 2010.The prosecution is seeking a money judgment against Cooley in that amount.A tipster called Newfield's ethics hotline to report Cooley, which prompted an internal investigation, Cooley's dismissal and the notification of prosecutors, Assistant U.S. Attorney Charles McLoughlin said.Cooley is charged by an "information" filed by the U.S. Attorney's Office instead of by a grand jury indictment. Cases charged in this manner normally result in guilty pleas.McLoughlin said Cooley faces 37 to 46 months in prison if he pleads guilty.David Harper 918-581-8359david.harper@tulsaworld.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) Visit Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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Source: Tampa Tribune, Fla.新蒲崗迷你倉Aug. 29--TAMPA -- Royal Caribbean International will deploy a second ship at the Port of Tampa in the fall of 2014, the sixth cruise ship that will call Tampa a home port among four cruise lines here.The 915-foot Vision of the Seas carries 2,000 guests with a crew of 742 and is scheduled to be renovated in September.It will sail every Saturday from Tampa to destinations in the Western Caribbean, including Grand Cayman, Cozumel and Costa Maya, Mexico, Roatan, Honduras or Belize throughout the winter 2014-2015 season.Royal Caribbean's Brilliance of the Seas also will sail from Tampa in winter 2013-14 and 2014-15 on four-night cruises to Cozumel, and five-night Cozumel itineraries, which also call at Grand Cayman or Key West."We look forward to having two ourmini storagemost recently revitalized ships...sailing from Tampa in 2014," said Adam Goldstein, president and CEO of Royal Caribbean International. "The Port of Tampa has been a great partner for more than a decade and we look forward to continued growth."Paul Anderson, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Port of Tampa, said the ship will add a significant cruise experience and economic value to the port and region.The additional ship will increase the port's passenger numbers to more than 1 million annually. The cruise industry counts each passenger when they board and disembark at a 259-7817Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Tampa Tribune (Tampa, Fla.) Visit the Tampa Tribune (Tampa, Fla.) at Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

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CHICAGO, Aug.迷你倉 29, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Motorola Solutions Foundation and the Civic Federation are pleased to announce a call for nominations for the 22nd Annual Motorola Solutions Foundation Excellence in Public Service Award.The Excellence in Public Service Award recognizes a non-elected government employee in Illinois who has made an extraordinary impact on the quality of government services in state and local governments. The award seeks to honor individuals who show dedication to a vision of quality management, leadership and innovation that leads to lasting achievements and more effective government.Individuals eligible for nomination are non-elected state or local government officials, including department heads and chiefs of staff. Nominees must be currently serving in a non-elected position in state or local government.Past honorees include Director of the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services Julie Hamos, the Former City of Chicago First Lady Margaret C. Daley, Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority Trustee Jim Reilly, United States Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and past Chicago Transit Authority President Ron Huberman. Other notable recipients include past Chicago Public Schools CEO Paul Vallas and Illinois Auditor General William Holland.To nominate a candidate, email the nominee's name, title, government and email address, along with a brief description of the nominee's achievements, to自存倉 We encourage any details or observations that go beyond standard career or biographical highlights. Nominations can also be sent via U.S. Mail to:Attention: Outstanding Public ServantThe Civic Federation177 N. State Street, Suite 400Chicago, IL 60601If requested, nominations can be confidential. The deadline for nominations is September 18, 2013, and the awards breakfast will take place later this year.For more information, please visit Motorola Solutions Foundation is the charitable and philanthropic arm of Motorola Solutions. With employees located around the globe, Motorola Solutions seeks to benefit the communities where it operates. The company achieves this by making strategic grants, forging strong community partnerships and fostering innovation. The Motorola Solutions Foundation focuses its funding on public safety, disaster relief, employee programs and education, especially science, technology, engineering and math programming. For more information on Motorola Solutions Corporate and Foundation giving, visit Civic Federation is an independent, non-partisan government research organization that promotes efficient delivery of public services and sustainable tax policies in the Chicago region and State of Illinois. For more information, please visit the Federation's website at Civic FederationWeb site:迷你倉新蒲崗

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漫畫牛力  9月1日起,mini storage鐵路部門將調整火車票退票和改簽辦法,實現火車票全國通退通簽,同時實行火車票梯次退票方案。這意味著,開車前不足24小時退票的,退票費相當于現在的4倍,從票價的5%提高到票價的20%。   有網友支招,要退票的旅客,可以先改簽車票,然後再退票。大多網友贊同這一方法,並稱,按照現行規定,可先將車票改簽到48小時後開車的列車,然後再退票,退票費應該按5%收取。  ○網友聲音  “濟源雞蛋不翻”:因為鐵路部門無法判斷你是有時間退票而故意拖延,還是最後一天才取消行程,不得不退。總體上說,我讚成這樣收退票費,可以減輕一人占多票的情況。“羌Endeavor”:低退票費催生的是少部分人嚴重侵佔大量社會公共資源的現象,是比高退票費更嚴重的隱形危害。  網友熱議:先改簽再退票能省手續費  日前,鐵路部門“梯次退票”方案一經公佈,便引發網友熱議。   按照梯次退票方案,9月1日起,此前按票價5%收取退票費的規定,將改為開車前48小時以上收票價5%的退票費,開車前24小時以上、不足48小時收取票價10%的退票費,開車前不足24小時收取票價20%退票費。這相當于旅客在開車前不足24小時退票,退票費相當于現在的4倍。   不少網友想出“高招”應對:如果要退當天的車票,可以在開車前到車站先辦理車票的改簽手續,改到至少兩天後出發的車次再去辦理退票,這樣就能把退票費從20%降到5%,手續費可省75%。   按照9月1日實行火車票退票新規,以一張南寧—北京西的T6車票為例,票價為480元。如果是在開車前24小時以上、不足48小時退票,要收取48元的退票費;若是在開車前不足24小時退票,退票費為96元。如果先改簽再退票,則只須付票價的5%的退票費,即24元。值得注意的是,退票和改簽均不能在代售點辦理,只能在火車站相應的窗口辦理,且每張票只有一次改簽self storage會。  鐵路部門:不提倡這種做法  對於網友的辦法,太原火車站相關人士表示,從理論上講,網友的方法是可行的。但9月起退票新政實行後,是否會出台改簽、退票的細則,目前還未收到鐵路總公司的最新通知。太原火車站工作人員介紹,網友的建議確實具備可操作性。旅客買了車票後,如不能按票面指定的日期、車次乘車,可以在列車開車前到火車站的改簽窗口辦理提前或改晚乘車簽証手續。按照同等票價的改簽不收手續費,如果改簽後票價比原來的低,也不會扣手續費,剩下的票款會返還。“改簽車票的票款都是多退少補。改簽車票的日期可以在車票預售期內的任何一天。改簽成功的前提是,車站內還有需要改簽日期內的票。”   但是,對於網友的這一“高招”,多數車站工作人員並不認同。他們表示,火車票售賣涉及列車組、售票組等多個部門,涉及各個系統。雖然是一張車票,但從售賣、改簽、退票等環節,得經過系統的多次錄入,而在該過程中,是存在一定的時限的。“不少人改簽、退票並不是有急事,而是占票。曾有一旅客因為退票要收取5%的費用,一天內分別買了不同時刻的4趟車票,無形中使得其他人無票可買。”工作人員介紹,產生大量退票現象的原因,多是旅客同時預訂了不同時間和車次、席別的車票,等到臨走時才退掉多訂的車票。“有數據顯示,開車前3小時是退票的最高峰,很多退掉的票因為打了時間差,很難被旅客再次利用。這樣損害的不僅是鐵路部門,更多的是想回家卻買不到票的人。”火車站相關負責人表示,對旅客而言,改簽、退票應是一種迫不得已的行為,是鐵路部門給旅客提供的一種便利,不能因為個人利益損害公�資源,給多數人出行帶來不便。而且,梯次退票方案不僅調節了不均衡,同時也保留了5%的原有福利,給確實需要改簽的人士保留其權益,也給惡意改簽的人士抬高了門檻。因此,對於先改簽再退票的做法,他們並不提倡。趙德偉標簽:退票費 退票 車票 牛力 梯次迷你倉

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張稚丹《 人民日報海外版 》( 2013年08月30日 第 11 版)浦東勝景來源:百度1988年7月,迷你倉朱鎔基慰問上鋼三廠戰高溫工人。《朱鎔基答記者問》,發行130萬冊;《朱鎔基講話實錄》(一套四本),發行140萬套。8月12日,由人民出版社和上海人民出版社聯合出版的《朱鎔基上海講話實錄》向全國同步發行,首印數為110萬冊,這是個驚人的數字,一本書能賣5萬冊就算暢銷書了。“因為《朱鎔基講話實錄》發行時,印刷跟不上,所以這次吸取教訓,一次印好。”人民出版社社長黃書元笑稱朱鎔基為“超級暢銷書作者”。“不管前面是地雷陣還是萬丈深淵,我都將一往無前,義無反顧,鞠躬盡瘁,死而後已。”朱鎔基就任總理時這段誓言猶在我們耳畔。鋼鐵不是一天煉成的,當總理前他是怎樣工作的?1987年12月至1991年4月間他主政上海,經常即席演講,或幽默或嚴肅,充滿生動的個人色彩。出版社將大量僅有錄音或錄像的即席講話整理成300多萬字,最終挑選出30多萬字編入《朱鎔基上海講話實錄》。85歲高齡的朱鎔基審閱了全部文稿,他定了一個選文原則,就是忠實歷史——凡別人代筆起草的、已經公開發表的一律不選。透過這本書,我們看到的是他的工作思路、工作作風、襟懷和個人魅力。細處收拾百姓心 藍圖勾畫新天地1987年,朱鎔基從國家經委副主任位上“空降”上海擔任市委副書記,1988年被選為市長,後任市委書記。朱鎔基接手時,上海正處於尷尬的轉型期,一方面原來計劃調配的能源、原材料必須議價購買,導致生產成本上升,年財政收入由1985年的181億元滑落至1988年的約153億元;另一方面,因為曆年財稅大多上繳國家,上海在城市建設方面欠賬多年,民生問題突出。“李瑞環同志認為,幹好工作很重要的一條是要振奮人的精神,增強人民的信心……否則,幹什麼都沒有人響應。”從城市建設入手難度大,也不具備經濟條件。朱鎔基向李瑞環請教後,將副食品供應作為突破口。市民住房擁擠,他向當時還是香港仲量行董事的梁振英謙虛請教,拿出國家、企業、個人一起努力的政策;市民上下班要花兩三個小時,他拍板規劃環線快速路,籌建地鐵……上海市政府研究室原副主任鄭辛逸評價說,他問題抓得准,工作思路對。“兩橋一塔”(南浦大橋、楊浦大橋、東方電視明珠塔)矗立,市容一年一個樣,使人民深受鼓舞。作為市長,他的眼光又要著眼全局和未來——上海精耕細作多年,潛力基本挖盡,陷于人口擁擠、交通困難、工業集中的困境,而一江之隔一片空白的浦東靠海有港,正是上帝賜予的寶地,是上海未來的希望。朱鎔基大力籌劃,接二連三地向中央匯報請求,1990年4月終於獲得黨中央國務院批准。他要求按一流國際城市的標準規劃浦東,並設想在最北端建一個迪士尼樂園。黃書元說:“在20年前,上海包括全國,很多人都存有疑慮。”可以想象,需要什麼樣的眼光和堅持,才能成就今天的輝煌壯麗。借開發浦東之機,朱鎔基提出“同世界經濟接軌”,大膽推出關稅豁免、自由進入、土地批租、開放外資銀行、推行股份制等一系列特殊政策。他著手組建上海市外國投資工作委員會,外商投資項目從原來要蓋126個章改為一個圖章完成全部審批手續,令外資進入上海的速度和規模成倍增加;上海實行財政包幹,他將財權、行政和社會事務下放權力給區;將經濟管理文件倉由委辦局分權給企業,實行政企分開;他大刀闊斧調整產業結構,領導傳統工業“金蟬脫殼”、“返老還童”,同時大力扶持電子、汽車、信息技術等新一代支柱產業和新興產業,被小平同志稱讚為“懂經濟”的領導人。1990年12月19日,中國第一家證券交易所——上海證券交易所開業。短短4年,他為上海成為國際金融都市奠定了堅實的基礎。“空談誤國,清談也誤國”朱鎔基給人留下的印象是剛正不阿、鐵面無私,而書封這張他在上海工作時期的照片,卻顯得溫和、明朗。他的從政之路非常奇特,因為給黨組提意見被打成“右派”蹉跎20年,而從正處到副國僅用了不到10年。“我的信條就是獨立思考,我心裡怎麼想的,我認為就應該怎麼講。我是一個孤兒……1947年找到了黨,覺得黨就是我的母親……所以我講什麼話都沒有顧忌,只要是認為有利於黨的事情我就要講。”作為市長的候選人同人大代表的見面會上,他不談政績卻講了自己三條缺點:沒有基層工作經驗、沒有地方工作經驗、性情急躁,缺乏領導者的涵養,幹工作急於求成。為什麼急躁?“看到人民群�疾苦的時候,看到我們的事情辦得這樣慢吞吞,特別是那種不負責任的情況時,我的心裡就發急。”“很多同志都很愛護我,說我的脾氣太大了,批評人家太狠了,往往當著別人的面使人家下不了台,而且今天要撤這個人的職,明天又要撤那個人的職,有沒有想過自己將來是怎麼樣的下場?……但是不公開批評,往往難以使大家吸取教訓。所以,我把自己個人的安危置之度外。同志們,我沒有別的目的,我只是要為上海人民服務好。”盡管這樣,當時的照片上,他周圍的人臉上卻多是全神貫注和由衷的笑容。因為他做的是實事,循的是正理。他常說:“吏不畏吾嚴,而畏吾廉;民不服吾能,而服吾公。公則民不敢慢,廉則吏不敢欺。公生明,廉生威。”去基層調研,他常常一碟青菜,一碗陽春面。企業準備了午宴,他轉身就走,506位局長效仿,政界風氣為之一變,街頭巷尾百姓讚美不絕。體制原因造成的國企廠長不盡責任、機關幹部拖遝不作為,要靠他個人的鐵腕來改變。到上海幾個月後,他發現自己的許多批示如泥牛入海,提出“久拖不辦要追究一把手失職”,“不一抓到底,什麼事也辦不成。”促成了領導重要批辦事項的督辦制度。中國行政體制改革研究會副會長、國家行政學院教授汪玉凱認為,這位共和國的第五任總理一定會在歷史上留下濃重的一筆:第一,為中央作出改革開放的國家戰略奠定了堅實的基礎。浦東的開發影響到整個中國改革開放的格局;第二,他在上海提出建立廉潔高效、服務型政府(中央正式提出服務型政府是在2007年的十七大);第三,注重民生,真抓實幹(我們從國家層面上開始關注民生是2003年非典後)。中國人民大學勞動人事學院副院長鄭功成認為朱鎔基銳意進取,敢於也善於改革開放,該書語言樸實、內容厚實,工作務實,找不到官話、套話、空話,也沒有正確的廢話,沒有形式主義,是治理特大城市的經驗總結,堪稱今天為官理政者的一部活教材。一位離開政壇十多年的政治家為什麼能引來如此多的關注?因為他對這個國家、對黨和人民的無限熱愛,因為他非凡的才幹和智慧,因為他剛正不阿的秉性和勇擔大任、勇往直前的氣概。所有這些,在他主政上海期間,都已有所表現。不管歷史對於他的某些經濟舉措最終如何評價,但他一顆為國為民的心,卻是可昭日月。存倉

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