南都訊 記者何偉楠 今年“兩會”期間,自存倉市政協委員林麗芬、李廣安指出,岐江夜游內容還不夠豐富,整體吸引力仍不夠等問題。近期,市住建局給出回複,岐江游目前已營運的第一期遊覽線路有三條,第二、第三期遊覽線路也已在規劃中,其中第二期線路擬2014年初開通。第三期線路則將結合南區、板芙鎮區域內岐江河段整治,擬推出與詹園項目水陸聯游路線。現狀:夜游河段不夠長,燈光夜景單一市政協委員林麗芬、李廣安在提案中指出,岐江夜游項目運營一年多來,接待遊客超過20萬人次。其中,音樂噴泉廣場成為一大亮點。但林麗芬表示,岐江夜游河段長度不夠,遊船往返的時間僅30分鐘左右,在國內城市夜游項目中屬於比較短的。由於遊覽河段和遊覽時間短,使遊客無法欣賞到內容、層次豐富的美景,必然影響項目的持續吸引力。其次,岐江河一河兩岸的城市景觀美譽度還不夠,兩岸的天際輪廓線、建築布局、高度、體量、風格特色不夠鮮明,公園綠地和公共服務設施布局和設計缺乏足夠豐富的變化。燈光夜景是夜游項目的主要吸引物之一,而目前岐江兩岸的燈光夜景在形式和色彩等方面比較單一。建議:延伸線路,相應地域納入規控林麗芬建議,拓展、延伸岐江夜游的線路勢在必行,夜游河段應儘快延伸到南區、大湧一帶。相應河段及其兩岸應盡早納入規劃控制的範圍,及時開展城市設計、控制性詳細規劃、修建性詳細規劃和交通專項規劃,提升該區域重要公共建築的設計水平,建設精品建築。減少沿江住宅、工業和汙染項目的開發,增加公園綠地和開敞空間。結合城市設計的開展,編制濱江區域的夜景照迷你倉新蒲崗專項規劃,重點改善、豐富公共建築、景觀節點的燈光效果。另外,岐江夜游目前還存在相關配套設施不盡完善,公共服務質量不高的問題。項目周邊區域交通相對閉塞,公交線路設置無法滿足市民、遊客需求,停車場停車位供應不足等問題都對項目發展形成不利因素。[市住建局回複]第二期線路擬待岐江橋建成後開通市住建局相關負責人介紹,目前岐江游公司已營運的第一期遊覽線路有三條:一條是“岐江亮麗游”,從岐江公園至南外環橋,來回約6.6公里,行程約45分鐘;另一條是向北行的“岐江風情游”,行程約1.5小時,將“吃”和“游”融合在一起,與就近餐廳合作,採取餐飲配送的方式,用“慶齡號”遊船,穿過岐江橋、光明橋、員峰橋,由餐廳配送“艇仔粥”及中山特色點心;還有一條是向南行的“岐江休閒游”,行程約2-9小時,用遊船“大總統號”、“博愛號”實現“神灣一日游”,從岐江公園碼頭出發,途經沙溪、大湧、板芙,出西河水閘後返程回岐江公園碼頭。同時還開拓了向北延伸的“橫門水道、開心農場一日游”線路,可出海至橫門,途經紅樹林等景點。市住建局相關負責人透露,與政協委員的建議不謀而合的是,岐江游項目第二、第三期遊船線路已在規劃中。二期河段將與一期共同形成“岐江游十公里景觀長廊”,並在二期河段形成岐江游核心景觀,其將是一期岐江游項目的延續與提升。二期示範段已於今年4月底動工,擬待岐江橋修建完成、興中廣場開業後,計劃2014年初開通。第三期線路將結合南區、板芙鎮區域內岐江河段整治,擬推出與詹園項目水陸聯游路線,具體開通時間待定。迷你倉出租

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☉記者 郭瑞坤 ○編輯 邱江8月29日,迷你倉出租山西股權交易中心有限公司在太原舉行揭牌開業儀式,首批掛牌展示中小企業數量達800余家。該中心由山西省國信投資(集團)公司作為第一大股東牽頭籌建,山西證券股份有限公司參股,註冊資本金為1億元。據瞭解,山西股權交易中心是省政府批准設立的公司制、市場化運作的區域性交易市場,主要為非上市公司特別是中小企業拓寬融資渠道,提供企業掛牌展示、股權登記、托管、轉讓、結算交收、代理分紅派息及企業私募債券發行、轉讓等綜合金融服務。該中心具有六大功能,即中小企業及私募產品的掛牌展示、投資、融資、股權交易、托管和擬上市公司培育。作為現有滬深交易所和商業銀行體系之外的場外市場,該中心具有門檻低、零成本、不強制公開披露信息、無交易所上市阻隔、市場自治等核心特色。據瞭解,企業存續期滿一年以上,且滿足“3211”標準之一,即可申請在山西股權交易中心掛牌展示。“3211”標準指迷你倉盈利指標,上一年度或最近12個月的淨利潤累計不少于300萬元;營業收入+成長指標,上一年度或最近12個月的營業收入累計不少于2000萬元,或最近24個營業收入累計不少于2000萬元,且增長率不少于30%;淨資產+營業收入指標,淨資產不少于1000萬元,且上一年度或最近12個月的營業收入不少于500萬元;金融機構增信指標,上一年度或最近12個月銀行貸款達100萬元以上或投資機構股權投資達100萬元以上。據介紹,首批在山西股權交易中心掛牌展示的800多家企業來自能源、機械裝備製造、生物制藥、高新技術、新材料、物流、文化、旅遊等�多行業領域。當天,山西股權交易中心還與中國銀行、浦發銀行、民生銀行、晉商銀行、興業銀行、山西證券、大同證券、銀河證券、海通證券、國泰君安證券等一批銀行、證券機構簽署合作協議。山西中小企業創業投資基金與30多家掛牌企業形成合作意向,並與6家掛牌企業代表簽署合作意向書。儲存倉

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【本報訊】蘋果盛傳下月推出新iPhone。科技網站指蘋果可能最快於下月推出舊iPhone回購計劃,新蒲崗迷你倉變相令用家可用折扣價買新iPhone。回收價視乎手機受損情況及顏色等而定,iPhone 4及4S回購價介乎九百至一千五百多港元,狀態良好的16GB iPhone 5回收價約一千九百港元。本報向香港蘋果查詢時,店方稱未提供回購服務。另網傳一些新iPhone機殼片段,其中iPhone 5S的新機殼中間大部分為石墨色,上下有黑邊,iPhone 5C則新增天藍機殼。

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信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/  李小姐懊惱  開的是奔馳車、用的是iphone5、還說著一口流利的英語,迷你倉我怎麼也想不通,看起來還多有氣派的人,居然是個騙子。  昨日,南充市民李小姐致電華西城市讀本稱,昨日下午3點半左右,自己在金魚嶺街等車時,遇見兩位駕駛著奔馳車的男子借手機,沒想到手機一借出去,奔馳車車主一腳油門就跑了。當個好心人 手機卻被騙  “那輛奔馳車突然剎到我面前,然後車上有兩個男的,後座的那個男的就給我說,他是外地人,需要借手機給朋友打個電話。”李小姐稱,在與男子對話的時,看見男子奔馳車內,有一部iphone5,便產生了質疑。“我看到他的手機後,就問他為什麼不用他自己的手機打電話,他卻說,自己是才從新加坡回來的,手機在國內不能使用。”李小姐說自己起初還是有些猶豫,但該男子說的是普通話,還一臉誠懇的樣子,於是,她同意了男子借手機的要求。“但我還是有些戒備心,畢竟騙子太多了,我就讓他把朋友號碼給我,幫他撥號,但一直無人接聽。”  李小姐正準備離開時,手機卻響了。“我看到是他朋友回過來的號碼,而且他們開的奔馳車,就沒有在意了,直接把手機遞給他了。”李小姐稱,男子接過電話,便一儲存倉用英語與對方交流。隨後,奔馳車開始往前挪動著,當車開到奔馳賓館紅綠燈路口時,他們一下就加快速度跑了。”苦尋手機 懊悔不已  李小姐瞬間傻眼了,她告訴記者,明明好心將手機借給別人,不料卻得如此“下場”,為此,她也不得不感嘆,現在的騙子手段高明,“開的是奔馳車、用的是iphone5、還說著一口流利的英語,我怎麼也想不通,看起來還多有氣派的人,居然是個騙子。”李小姐說。  想到通話記錄中有男子撥打的電話,李小姐趕到跑去營業廳,拖出了之前的通話記錄,然後根據號碼撥打了過去,沒想到電話里傳來的是一句:“對不起,你所撥打的電話已關機。”正當絕望之時,朋友的一句:“蘋果手機都是有追蹤功能的。”,讓李小姐似乎看到了希望。  隨後,在記者的陪同下,李小姐趕到蘋果專賣店,在向店員咨詢後,卻被告知,蘋果雖有追蹤功能,但必須在手機是開機的情況下,才能追蹤到,並且也只能查看到大概的一個位置。原本覺得還有一絲希望的李小姐,也開始打起了退堂鼓,“我很是後悔,很難過,手機掉了也就算了,可是裡面很多資料也掉了,不知道手機還能找回不。”  目前,李小姐已經向南充市公安局報案,而公安局有關人士告訴記者:近期類似的事情,已有好幾起……華西城市讀本 記者 許雯 陳俊君迷你倉價錢

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ITASCA, Ill.迷你倉, Aug. 28, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Nearly five years to the date after revolutionizing air travel with the launch of its in-flight Internet service, Gogo , the world leader of in-flight connectivity and wireless in-flight digital entertainment solutions, is once again set to revolutionize the service with the announcement of its next generation technology. David Cush, President and CEO of Virgin America, will join Gogo's CEO, Michael Small, for a live Webcast from the Airline Passenger Experience Expo in Anaheim, Calif. to announce the new technology. Virgin America was the first U.S. airline to offer Gogo on all of its flights and was the launch customer for Gogo's ATG-4 service.(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20110715/CG34837LOGO)Webcast Details-- To attend the Webcast and add it to your calendar, register at gogo.to/register. -- The Webcast will be streamed from Gogo's blog. The link will be emailed to you upon completing registration. -- The event will take place at 2:30 p.m. ET on Sept. 11 -- Gogo CEO, Michael Small; Virgin America President and CEO, David Cush; and Gogo's CTO, Anand Chari, will be making the announcement and available for questions after the event.About GogoGogo is the global leader of in-flight connectivity and wireless in-flight digital entertainment solutions. Using Gogo's exclusive products and services, passengers with Wi-Fi enabled devices can get online on more than 1,900 Gogo equipped commercial aircraft. In-flight connectivity partners include American Airlines, Air Canada, AirTran Air儲存倉ays, Alaska Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Frontier Airlines, United Airlines, US Airways and Virgin America. In-flight entertainment partners include American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Scoot and US Airways. In addition to its commercial airline business, Gogo has more than 6,500 business aircraft outfitted with its communications services.Back on the ground, Gogo's 600+ employees in Itasca, IL, Broomfield, CO and London are working to continually redefine flying as a productive, socially connected, and all-around more satisfying experience. Connect with Gogo at .gogoair.com, on Facebook at .facebook.com/gogo and on Twitter at .twitter.com/gogo.About Virgin AmericaHeadquartered in California, Virgin America offers guests attractive fares and a host of innovative features aimed at reinventing air travel. The airline's base of operations is San Francisco International Airport (SFO)'s sleek new Terminal 2. The airline's new aircraft offer interactive in-flight entertainment systems and power outlets near every seat. Virgin America offers Gogo((TM)) WiFi on every flight and hosts the largest in-flight entertainment library in the North American skies via the touch-screen Red((TM)) platform. For more: .virginamerica.comGogo Contacts: Media:Steve Nolan630-647-1074pr@gogoair.comInvestors:Varvara Alva630-647-7460ir@gogoair.comVirgin America Contacts:Media:Jennifer Thomas650-275-7329jennifer.thomas@virginamerica.comPatricia Condon650-906-8147patricia.condon@virginamerica.comPhoto: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20110715/CG34837LOGOGogo; Virgin AmericaWeb site: .gogoair.com/.virginamerica.com/迷你倉價錢

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繼小米機後,迷你倉價錢中興通訊旗下的努比亞昨(28)日來台推出5吋Z5和4.7吋Z5 mini,實測Z5 mini單手操控佳,順暢度還不錯,但拍照快門鍵卻不太靈敏,而Pro拍照模式對焦和測光可分離,對於相機發燒友應該會頗有興趣,16GB售價1萬2000元,9月初亞太電信開賣,另外,Z5主打商務客,售價1萬4000元。報導╱周淑萍、王心怡 攝影╱副刊攝影組 【秀外觀】 努比亞Z5 mini,搭載4.7吋螢幕,1.5GHz四核心處理器,2GB記憶體,Android 4.2作業系統,16GB售價1萬2000元,比小米2S 16GB版售價貴3401元,9月初亞太開賣。 手機背蓋為拆卸式,預定9月初上市,多彩背蓋暫定價為350元,電池不可換有點可惜。 螢幕畫面截圖除通用的按電源鍵加音量下鍵外,或採用3指下滑同樣也可截圖。 附NFC近距離無線通訊標籤,預先設好開啟音樂,無論放何處,手機感應標籤即可啟動。 【玩拍照】 手機側邊設有獨立拍照鍵,長按後可開啟拍照,但快迷你倉鍵稍嫌不夠靈敏。 Pro模式有九宮格和曲線構圖,且測光和對焦可分離,試圖讓拍照功能更強大。 Fun模式內建多款濾鏡功能,可大幅省去下載各式編輯照片的App軟體。 前鏡頭為500萬畫素,對於喜歡自拍的人來說頗為實用,效果還算不錯。 【競品新機】小米2S 4.3吋螢幕,1.7GHz四核心,2GB記憶體,16GB版搭載800萬畫素相機,售價8599元,32GB搭載1300萬畫素,售價1萬1199元。 華為Ascend P6 4.7吋螢幕,1.5GHz四核心,2GB記憶體,8GB容量,主鏡頭800萬畫素,厚度僅6.18公厘,號稱目前最薄手機,售價1萬4900元。 【同場加映】努比亞Z5 搭載5吋螢幕,1.5GHz四核心,2GB記憶體,16GB容量,1300萬畫素相機,售價1萬4000元,亞太即日起上市,台哥大下月開賣。 【哪裡買】 努比亞 0800-615-666 華為 0800-888-575 小米手機 tw.xiaomi.com新蒲崗迷你倉

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PORTLAND, Maine and MEMPHIS, Tenn.迷你倉, Aug. 28, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- BlueTarp Financial, the leading manager of in-house trade credit programs for the building supply industry, today announced it has entered into a new partnership with Central Network Retail Group (CNRG). Under this agreement, BlueTarp will manage all aspects of the CNRG credit program -- credit extension, customer service, billing and collections -- providing each CNRG location with improved cash flow, protection from credit risk, and an enhanced credit program experience for their contractors. CNRG, headquartered in Memphis, operates 43 lumberyards, hardware stores, and home centers throughout the southeast under brands like Morrison Terrebonne Lumber Center (Louisiana), Habersham Hardware (Georgia), Elliott's Hardware (Texas) and Town & Country Hardware (North Carolina).(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130501/MM05863LOGO)The origin of the relationship began with Alabama's NFL Building Supply, where BlueTarp managed NFL's credit program since 2008. CNRG acquired NFL in 2011 and was impressed with the program and BlueTarp's close working relationship with NFL's management team. "After listening to the team from NFL describe their partnership with BlueTarp and their respect for the local relationships between dealers and their customers, we were interested in learning more about BlueTarp and how it may be used in our other brands," said Boyden Moore, president of CNRG. "We were impressed with Scott Simpson and his team as we worked on a bigger scale partnership with BlueTarp. The ease of transitioning to their program is a huge advantage -- the BlueTarp team shares our passion for excellent customer service so we're working together to make sure everything goes smoothly. Our growth plans are aggressive and we bel自存倉eve that BlueTarp can keep pace and help us realize this future growth."The announcement of the partnership with CNRG comes on the heels of BlueTarp's $15 million equity increase to support their own rapid growth rate. "BlueTarp is proud to add CNRG to our growing network of dealers," said Scott Simpson, BlueTarp's CEO. "Boyden is an innovative retail leader thinking ahead of the curve on how our industry is evolving. We look forward to delivering a professional credit program for all of CNRG's locations and customers."About BlueTarp Financial BlueTarp Financial manages the in-house trade credit programs for thousands of building supply dealers across the United States. Those dealers make more money with improved cash flow and eliminate the risk of managing credit in-house. Their customers enjoy flexible credit terms, loyalty rewards and cutting-edge online tools for managing their purchases. BlueTarp Financial was founded in 1998 and is headquartered in Portland, Maine. For more information, visit .bluetarp.com or follow them on Twitter @BlueTarpCredit.About Central Network Retail Group, LLCCNRG operates 43 home center and hardware stores in Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Tennessee, Texas, North Carolina, and Georgia under nine separate brands. The company is building a multi-format, multi-brand operating company through strategic partnerships and acquisitions. More information on Central Network Retail Group can be found at .cnrgstores.com.Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130501/MM05863LOGOBlueTarp FinancialCONTACT: Caroline C. Kendall, BlueTarp Financial, (207) 321-6620,ckendall@bluetarp.com; Boyden Moore, CNRG, (901) 235-2575,boyden.moore@cnrgstores.com; or Will McClaran, Kemp Goldberg Partners,(207) 773-0700 ext. 225, wmcclaran@kempgoldberg.comWeb site: .bluetarp.com/迷你倉新蒲崗

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bjyouth.ynet.com/3.1/1308/29/8240928.html... 在過去24小時,迷你倉出租這個世界因許多意想不到而改變。對此你不能不知道。 泰快艇與漁船相撞 2名中國遊客遇難 新華社電(記者 常天童 明大軍...

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LOS ANGELES, Aug.迷你倉 28, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Steep discounts are available for retailers who want the very best in wholesale clothes for women from Los Angeles. Magic Price Clothing specializes in wholesale clothing for women and juniors who have an eye for street style, and prices are up to 70 percent lower than regular wholesale clothing market prices. New customers are rewarded with an introductory discount, including free shipping for orders over $300, and further discounts are offered to shoppers filling their carts with more than $500 on individual orders. The inventory at Magic Price includes a wide variety of wholesale tops for girls and women, in addition to many popular styles of dresses, blazers and skirts.Magic Price has deals on wholesale dresses for juniors, just in time for school, as well as women's dresses. These outfits are high in quality and value so retailers can sell the products for an affordable price. Some of the options currently for sale include a variety of knit dresses, an evergreen trend commonly seen throughout the year. Some of the available options for fall include a short-sleeved pink ombre dress, or an adorable mint green strapless dress with white polka dots. Many of the Magic Price dresses can be worn from day to night, by simply removing an accompanying blazer or jacket and wearing a statement necklace sold in the accessory category of the website. For women seeking more daring club attire, Magic Price sells form-fitting mini dresses in exciting prints that can be paired with a bangle bracelet and a pair新蒲崗迷你倉of heels.As a company, Magic Price is committed to seeking out the newest trends in street clothing and accessories, and every season more styles are added to the website from a variety of designers. The fashions offered on the website include everything from swimwear to sweaters, and the inventory is constantly being updated. Magic Price is aware that retailers have many options when it comes to stocking their shelves with the latest styles, which is why the marketing department constantly is on the lookout for new outfits to satisfy even the most demanding clientele. As a wholesale clothing distributor in Los Angeles, Magic Price continues to thrive in a competitive industry by rewarding new and repeat customers with monthly deals. Currently, Magic Price has a coupon code of 25 percent off for orders over $500, and order consolidation for international customers.For more than 13 years, Magic Price has earned a stellar reputation for providing its customers with the very best high-quality, affordable street fashions. Based in the heart of the LA Fashion District, Magic Price has garnered attention from successful fashion retailers across the globe for its collection of more than 50,000 branded and proprietary label product lines. Retailers seeking the hottest street clothing fashions are invited to browse the Magic Price Clothing website at .magicpriceclothing.com or by calling (213) 748-5151.PR Submitted by .Cyberset.comMagic Price ClothingCONTACT: Blake Wilding, +1-818-883-7277 x118, blake@cyberset.comWeb site: .magicpriceclothing.com/mini storage

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