新營國小推動閱讀教育,儲存倉校長張溪南率老師選出小一至小六必讀的101本課外讀物,申請QR編碼,再把每本書的QR CODE發給學生家長,家長透過智慧手機或平板電腦,可隨時隨地掃描連結上網查詢資料,讓閱讀跟得上流行。張溪南的隱藏版身分是作家,除鄉土文學,近來致力以俗稱「東國民」的新營國小為主角,推動繪本創作及文史踏查,在校內發展書籍QR CODE,與他自己作研究、找資料過程,常得上網找書名,再找書籍簡介,花費不少時間有關。「有QR CODE,家長拿手機掃一下,馬上可查到書籍內容,節省很多時間」,張溪南和老師都認為,現在雙薪家庭多,家長不見得有時間陪孩子找書、看書,校方先篩選101本適合小一到迷你倉價錢六等不同階段及不同領域的書籍,申請及建立QR CODE,再把101本書的QR CODE印成DM發給家長,就算出國旅遊,家長都可透過QR CODE了解孩子的課外讀物內容,也方便陪讀。這套系統推動半年已漸入佳境,一方面因為學校開出必讀的101本書的書單,且依年級分類,書單還涵蓋各面向,每讀完1本,學校還會發給學生1枚認證貼紙,雖沒有讀完101本才能領到畢業證書規定,但至少1年要讀10多本,對學生閱讀力提升有益。另方面,透過掃描QR CODE結連的資料豐富,現在智慧手機及平板愈來愈普及,「與其拿手機或平板打電動,不如拿來看書」,透過手機及平板電腦當載體,比傳統紙本書籍酷,間接也讓學生愛上閱讀。迷你倉
- Aug 28 Wed 2013 18:36
課外讀物QR CODE 學童閱讀也時尚
- Aug 28 Wed 2013 17:41
早報記者張颯陸玫實習生金承舟支付寶官方微博8月27日上午稱,迷你倉出租支付寶將停止所有線下POS業務。上述微博稱,“由於某些�所周知的原因,將停止所有線下POS業務。支付寶表示,對原有合作商戶會妥善處理,不會影響商戶正常業務。”支付寶是目前中國最大(按業務規模計)的第三方支付公司,隸屬被譽為傳統金融“攪局者”的阿里金融。上述事件的發生,距中國銀聯召開董事會會議提出將第三方支付線下(通過POS機進行的支付方式)、線上(互聯網支付)交易全面接入銀聯的相關議案,時間相隔僅一個月。支付寶方面未透露停止線下POS業務的具體原因,但據分析,支付寶全線放棄線下POS業務,其實是在銀聯近期一系列動作倒逼之下做出的抉擇。“由於某些�所周知的原因”的隱晦表達,被外界解讀為支付寶“敢怒不敢言”。另據兩位知情人士透露,一家此前一直與支付寶在線下POS業務密切合作的銀行在不久前被銀聯重罰。“支付寶是在拿自己放棄的一塊小業務給監管層看,線下、線上交易‘壟斷’可能會帶來的後果。”一位資深的支付業內人士昨日指出,與多數第三方支付線上、線下業務規模均分的布局不同,支付寶業務規模的大頭在線上,而上述銀聯議案中明確了對線上也要收編,這其實才是支付寶最為擔心的。中國銀聯的成員幾乎覆蓋了中國所有商業銀行。“這可能只是一個開始,只是‘壟斷’導致的結果之一。”另一支付業內人士昨日說。耐人尋味的是,對於支付寶上述舉動,銀聯方面回應稱,支付寶並未接入銀聯網絡,銀聯近期對接入銀聯網絡的非金機構的規範行動,並未對支付寶產生任何影響。近萬台PoS轉交銀行經營“由於某些�所周知的原因,支付寶將停止所有線下POS業務。對原有合作商戶我們會妥善處理,不會影響商戶的正常業務。由此給用戶和合作伙伴帶來的不便,我們深表歉意。但在支付創新的探索上,我們永遠不會止步。”昨日上午11點11分,支付寶通過其官方微博發佈了上述聲明。“POS”俗稱刷卡機,POS刷卡消費是指持卡人在商場、酒樓等消費場所用銀行卡代替現金買單進行支付結算。據悉,支付寶線下POS業務主要面向電商線下收單市場提供服務,業務範圍覆蓋電商物流、航旅酒店、在線生活服務(如汽車、房產的O2O銷售)等多個領域。去年3月,支付寶�動物流POS戰略,宣佈投入5億元推動電子商務貨到付款體系(COD),這是其2012年5月獲得支付牌照以來最大手筆的業務推進計劃。在該方案下,物流配送員可以通過1個支付寶POS終端完成刷卡收銀、取件、簽收錄入等,資金最快在2日內轉賬到電商和物流商的支付寶賬戶。支付寶計劃3年投入5億元,重點幫助電商貨到付款支付硬件升級等,其POS機投放將達到6萬台,基本覆蓋四線以上城市。支付寶副總裁樊治銘當時表示,支付寶COD業務不會分羹銀聯和銀行傳統的線下POS消費市場(酒店、商超等),支付寶物流POS支付業務只圍繞電商展開,例如B2C電子商務網站當當網當時已支持支付寶的物流POS支付方案。但對線下POS領域絕對“大佬”的銀聯來說,支付寶仍是新添的強勁對手,支付寶希望以此業務搶佔的“線上購物、線下支付”的市場容量及其貨款快速到賬能力不可小覷。樊治銘曾在去年初透露,去年全年要在POS終端上投資1億元。另據瞭解,支付寶目前為市場提供的支付寶POS終端收單設備近萬台。支付寶已投入的近萬台POS機如何處置?支付寶相關負責人透露,不會讓已經合作的客戶業務就此終止,會找1 2家銀行,把收單業務轉給這些銀行經營。銀聯“殺雞儆猴”早報記者獲得的一份銀聯在7月25日召開的第四屆董事會第六次會議上的議案———《關於進一步規範非金融支付機構銀聯卡交易維護成員銀行和銀聯權益的議案》顯示,董事會“建議成員銀行與銀聯統一步調,共同開展非金機構(編注:第三方支付)銀聯卡業務規範工作,計劃逐步將非金機構銀聯卡交易全面遷移至銀聯網絡。該議案還首次提出了實現該目標的時間節點:9月起,各成員銀行停止向非金機構新增開通銀聯卡支付接口,存量接口上不再新增無卡取現、轉賬、代授權等銀聯卡業務,2013年底前,非金機構線下銀聯卡交易以間聯或直聯模式一點接入銀聯網絡,商業銀行不再保留其與非金機構銀聯卡線下交易通道,2014年7月1日前,實現非金機構互聯網銀聯卡交易全面接入銀聯,對已介入銀聯網絡的,商業銀行不再保留其與非金機構線上交易通道。上述議案顯示,早在2011年8月,銀聯便曾召開第四屆董事會二次會議,就規範第三方支付機構的銀聯卡業務形成了決議。“但到目前相關決議尚未得到全面有效落實。”銀聯方面總結,未能落實有兩方面原因:一是商業銀行內部牽涉業務條線較多,各自訴求不同,商業銀行內部沒有形成合力;二是單個銀行和銀聯單獨落實難度較大,需聯合統一行動。去年12月,銀聯業務管理委員會曾下發給各成員銀行一份文件,名為《關於規範與非金融支付機構銀聯卡業務合作的函》(銀聯業管委【2012】17號文件,被業內稱為17號文)。文件指出,“前期調研發現,29家非金機構與17家主要成員銀行的銀聯卡業務接口超過630個,平均每家非金機構連接12家主要成員銀行,平均建立接口22個”。銀聯認為,“(這些非金機構)普遍繞開銀聯網絡,採取各種不合規手段開展業務,擾亂了市場秩序,損害了成員銀行的利益。”在17號文中,銀聯表示,非金機構向主要成員銀行支付的實際手續費費率平均為0.1%左右,大大低於銀聯網絡內的0.3%-0.55%;銀聯提出,應儘快實現非金機構業務的統一接入、統一定價。“大家可能都覺得銀聯計劃將第三方支付線下、線上交易統統對接銀聯網絡只是說說而已,但銀聯可能不會幹不成。如果幹不成,為什麼從兩年前一直迷你倉而不舍,從業管會發文到董事會議案,董事長帶隊一家一家拜訪銀行,你們以為銀聯只是做著玩玩的嗎?他確實是要做成這件事。”前述資深的支付人士說。事實上,據早報記者獲悉,支付寶此次叫停線下POS機支付其實另有隱情,也印證了銀聯收編第三方支付的決心。由於支付寶一直沒有接入銀聯,其在去年�動的線下POS業務是借用一家東部銀行的收單機構號來操作,正是這一把收單通道“借給”支付寶開展線下POS業務的銀行,在今年二季度收到銀聯的罰單。“金額不小。”一位知情人士透露,支付寶大部分的收單交易是借用這家銀行的收單機構號來做,盡管包括支付寶在內的許多第三方支付公司,都曾採用這種方式開展POS業務,但由於支付寶是國內最大的第三方支付機構,“被盯上了。”“如果銀聯進一步斷掉銀行的支付通道,銀行的一些業務都沒辦法做了,銀聯給所有的銀行上了一課,誰跟支付寶玩,我繼續罰。”上述人士透露,據其瞭解,這之後,確實沒有銀行敢將“收單通道”借給支付寶了。其他支付公司暫不跟進據銀聯方面透露的數據,截至目前250余家獲牌的第三方支付企業中,已有60家左右接入銀聯網絡。從業務運轉的層面看,這些第三方支付主導的線下POS交易主要通過接入銀聯網絡完成,按照業內“721”的規則(發卡行70%,收單機構20%,銀聯10%)與發卡行、銀聯分潤。但在互聯網支付的線上交易層面,第三方支付採取的方式是與發卡行直聯完成交易,不會通過銀聯網絡,銀聯亦無從獲得10%的分潤。“銀聯其實是在去年才提出第三方支付可以接入銀聯的網絡,在更早之前,支付公司所做的所有線上支付業務都是通過與發卡行直聯的方式來完成,那時我們想接銀聯是接不了的。而到了第三方支付可以做線下POS業務的階段,銀聯才向第三方支付開了口子。”另一支付業內人士說。“還在博弈之中……”多位受訪的支付業內人士接受早報記者採訪時指出,銀聯是用自己的壟斷和市場趨勢、央行政策、第三方支付產業在博弈。盡管如此,對於支付寶的決定,多家支付公司表示暫時不會跟進。快錢表示,不會取消線下POS業務,其所有的線下業務已經占到了該公司總業務的一半以上;拉卡拉表示,其與銀聯有穩定的合作,所以銀聯方面的動作不會對拉卡拉產生影響;易寶亦明確,線下POS業務不會停。銀行方面,一大行相關負責人昨日透露,尚未計劃按銀聯上述“收編”時間表推進相關工作。“銀行也有業務創新的壓力。”該人士補充道。“利益只是一方面,更重要的是產品創新,這才是支付企業活命的根本。不能和銀行直連,未來一切都要聽從于銀聯,就相當于限制了創新,產業發展沒有前景。誰還會做?”前述支付人士不約而同指出,在這之前,支付領域許多創新都來自發卡行與第三方支付的推動,而按銀聯的思路,支付行業相當于倒退了,“那還要我們做什麼?”央行的態度事實上,在對第三方支付是否可以直聯發卡行的問題上,央行有關人士的態度其實與銀聯相悖。7月25至26日,中國支付清算協會舉辦收單辦法解讀與風險管理培訓班。會上,央行支付結算司人士承認了允許第三方支付直連銀行模式的存在。據早報記者看到的一份會議材料,央行支付結算司組織監管處處長譚靜蕙對收單辦法進行瞭解讀,特別對第26條涉及的跨法人交易轉接與資金清算做了重點解讀。該條文提到:“收單機構將交易信息直接發送發卡銀行的,應當在發卡銀行遵守與相關銀行卡清算機構的協議約定下,與其簽訂合作協議,明確交易信息和資金安全、持卡人和商戶權益保護等方面的權利、義務和違約責任。”譚靜蕙指出,跨法人交易轉接模式分四方模式和三方模式。四方模式即收單機構直接通過銀聯等銀行卡清算機構(或通過其他機構代理接入銀行卡清算機構),將收單交易信息傳輸至發卡銀行;三方模式則為新型模式,收單機構直接將交易信息發送發卡銀行。譚靜蕙說,第26條取消了關於“收單機構為特約商戶提供人民幣銀行卡收單服務,涉及到跨法人交易轉換和資金清算的,應通過中國人民銀行批准的合法銀行卡清算機構進行”(即四方模式)的強制性規定,其目的在於發揮市場主體商業協議的約束機制,尊重市場的選擇,鼓勵創新,打破卡組織的固有模式,適應銀行卡清算市場日益開放的趨勢。但譚靜蕙的這一言論“出爐”不到10天,8月13日,銀聯召集了50余家(編注:1/5獲得牌照的第三方支付機構)與其達成協議關係的第三方支付機構,參與了銀行卡收單業務運作與收單辦法解讀會議。銀聯業務管理部總經理黃建軍在會上強調,上述第26條款不是對銀行卡轉接清算市場的開放,重在強調發揮銀行卡組織市場協調、監督和管理的職能,提升銀行卡組織市場化運作能力,強化銀行卡組織的規則執行力度。根據《銀行卡業務運作規章》規定,銀聯卡跨行交易應統一送中國銀聯處理;確因業務創新等原因,收單機構需將銀聯卡交易信息直接發送發卡銀行的,雙方應向中國銀聯提出申請,經評估審核並簽訂協議後,開展相關業務。”“銀聯似乎一直沒搞清楚自己的定位,到底是運動員,還是裁判員。”據一位參會人士透露,銀聯在上述會議上一再強調銀聯在第三方支付公司與銀行清算中的交易地位,認為第26條規定是“以發卡銀行遵守與相關銀行卡清算機構的協議約定”為前提。而事實上,央行並非簡單默認第三方支付和銀行直聯的合法性,早在7月底,央行已在金融機構官方培訓中公開明確態度。針對“收編”第三方支付的動作,銀聯董事長、央行原副行長蘇寧7月在一個發佈會後接受早報記者採訪時表示:“這是卡組織的品牌、卡的權益,第三方支付可以轉接這張銀聯卡,那麼就必須按卡組織的規矩辦。”“通過樹立規則,使得更多的商業銀行願意發這張卡,更多的商戶願意用這張卡,更多客戶願意使用這張卡。這是有規矩的。”蘇寧說。儲存倉
- Aug 28 Wed 2013 17:24
Mexico shipping seeks investment from Singapore
Mexican maritime, port authority team meets officials of MPA, six companiesMEXICO is looking to beef up its shipping and maritime capabilities and is aiming for Singapore investments to help it do so.迷你倉A Mexican shipping delegation was here yesterday for meetings with six companies and also the Maritime Port Authority (MPA).Speaking to The Business Times, the head of Mexico's maritime and port authority and the delegation, Guillermo Ruiz de Teresa, said his team had met representatives of the Port of Singapore Authority (PSA), Keppel Corp, Sembcorp, Jurong Port, Portek International and the Kuok Group to discuss investment opportunities in Mexico's ports and shipyards.Mexico has 117 ports, out of which 16 are large and commercial. Mr Guillermo said he hopes to ink a deal soon with one of the companies to develop container terminals in his country. In Mexico, the authorities act only as landlord for the ports, and award the management of terminals to private operators. "We intend to increase investments in all ports we have and also in our shipyards. In Singapore, you have good operators of ports and also shipyard owners and we want to invite them to invest in Mexico," he said.He singled out PSA as an important glob自存倉l port operator and is hopeful that it will follow up on its interest in Mexico; he disclosed PSA officials were in Mexico in April to explore opportunities in one of its ports.In the area of shipyards, Mr Guillermo said he hoped that companies such as Keppel and Portek would want to work with his agency to develop Mexico's many shipyards.The country's new President Enrique Pena Nieto has identified the shipping sector as a key engine for growth in the transformation of Mexico's economy.It has been reported that more than US$3.5 billion in investments is expected to be spent on developing Mexico's ports in the next six years, as it aims to become a key hub for logistics in the region. These plans include doubling their capacity by the end of 2018, when the current administration ends its term. Mr Nieto will be in Singapore on an official visit in October, during which shipping is likely to rank high on his agenda, Mr Guillermo said. He expressed confidence that an agreement could be signed in this area during Mr Nieto's trip. Besides promoting investment opportunities with these companies, Mr Guillermo is also looking to draw from the MPA some lessons on how it has regulated and developed the shipping sector here.迷你倉新蒲崗
- Aug 28 Wed 2013 16:28
Tupelo Honey to reopen Saturday
Source: The Knoxville News-Sentinel, Tenn.文件倉Aug. 27--Following the cleanup of its flooded basement, Tupelo Honey Cafe, 1 Market Square, will reopen at 8 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 31.Subscribe to read the full storyCurrent Subscribers -- Activate NowAlready subscribe to the News Sentinel? Unlimited access to KnoxNews.com on the web, your smartphone, tablet, Knoxville.com and GoVolsXtra.com is included with your subscription. All you need to do is ACTIVATE now!Activate NowNew Subscribers -- Subscribe NowWant to keep reading?KnoxNews now offers Premium and Digital Subscriptions. Subscribe now and select how you want to keep up-to-date on local news, reader comments, photos, videos, blogs and more.Subscribe NowLoginUsername / Email *Password * Can't remember? Reset PasswordLoginSubscription Center-- A message from our publisher-- News for subscribers-- News for non-subscribers-- Frequently asked questions-- Help downloading your app?Ready to be a News Sentinel subscriber?We're sorry. We currently do not support purchasing of new products in Internet Explorer 7. Please update to another browser.Premium SubscriptionA Premium Subscription to the News Sentinel includes:-- Home delivery service-- Unlimited Access to the KnoxNews.com, Knoxville.com and GoVolsXtra.com.-- Unlimited Access to the Knoxville News Sentinel for the iPad-- Unlimited Access to KnoxNews for iPhone and AndroidAs low as 3 months for the price of 1 Subscribe NowDigital SubscriptionA Digital Subscription the News Sentinel includes:-- Unlimited Access to the KnoxNews.com, Knoxville.com and GoVolsXtra.com.-- Unlimited Access to the Knoxville News Sentinel for the iPad-- Unlimited Access to KnoxNews for iPhone and AndroidAs low as 2 months for the price of 1 Subscribe NowPremium Subscription -- How often would you like your newspaper delivered?Special offer. Get 3 months for the price of 1.Delivery AddressAddress (Line 1)*Address (Line 2)City*State*ZIP*Check delivery address Choose different productCreate your new loginThe information entered below will be used to access your subscription to KnoxNews on the web, smartphone and tablet.Choose a different subscriptionFirst Name*Last Name*Phone Number*Email*Password*Password (Verify)*Create account BackPreparing payment optionsWe're so close!Success! Your Digital Subscrip存倉ion has been activated.Success! Your Premium Subscription has been activated.Hold on for just a moment while we finish setting up your account..Your Digital Subscription to the Knoxville News Sentinel is now available. Enjoy unlimited access to KnoxNews on the web, on your smartphone and tablet, Knoxville.com and GoVolsXtra.com.Note: Your log-in information will be needed the first time you access your subscription on another device. Use this log-in to access KnoxNews.com, Knoxville.com, GoVolsXtra.com, and all News Sentinel apps.Your Premium Subscription to the Knoxville News Sentinel is now available. In addition to your home delivery service, enjoy unlimited access to your home delivery service, enjoy unlimited access to KnoxNews on the web, on your smartphone and tablet, Knoxville.com and GoVolsXtra.com.Note: Your log-in information will be needed the first time you access your subscription on another device. Use this log-in to access KnoxNews.com, Knoxville.com, GoVolsXtra.com, and all News Sentinel apps.Begin ReadingCurrent delivery subscriber?Please help us find your account by entering all of the requested information below. Questions? Please call customer service at1-877-304-7769.First NameLast Name*Email*Phone Number*House Number*Street NameAptFind your accountCreate your new loginAwesome! We found your Premium Subscription information. Almost there. Please verify the email address listed and then create a password. This login information is how you will access KnoxNews on the web, smartphone and tablet.Make note of your new login information for future use.This email will be used as your login.Choose a passwordPassword*Password (Verify)*Complete BackSuccess! Your subscription has been activated.Your Premium Subscription to is now active. In addition to your home delivery service, enjoy unlimited access and browsing on your computer, smartphone and tablet.Note: Your log-in information will be needed the first time you access your subscription on another device. Use this log-in to access KnoxNews.com, Knoxville.com, GoVolsXtra.com, and all News Sentinel apps.Begin ReadingCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Knoxville News-Sentinel (Knoxville, Tenn.) Visit the Knoxville News-Sentinel (Knoxville, Tenn.) at .knoxnews.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Aug 27 Tue 2013 12:31
A net to prevent corruption
Effective supervision needed throughout the systemto ensure those invested with power do not abuse itThe 18th Party Congress emphasized to an unprecedented extent the importance of fighting corruption.自存倉 The concluding report pointed out that, “the problem (of corruption), if not well solved, might cause fatal damage to the Party, even lead to its downfall”.An anti-corruption campaign was launched soon after the congress, and the fall of several ministerial-level officials, some of whom were investigated after tip-offs from the public, has raised expectations of cleaner officialdom.However, the question of how to strike corruption at the root remains to be answered. Fighting corruption has been a task for probably every dynasty since the first centralized state was founded in China more than 2,000 years ago. The problem has proved impossible to eradicate. So what needs to be done if China is to root it out?“Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.” The famous words of British historian Lord Acton reveal the interrelation of corruption and power. Power is necessary in regulating the distribution of interests and duties in human society; but it is controlled by humans who have their own interests. Without proper supervision those invested with power can all too easily abuse it for their own self-interests.It is likely that corruption has existed in every regime throughout history, so in a sense corruption itself is normal. However, if corruption is found to have eroded multiple parts of the State apparatus and involved many officials, there must be problems with the system.Such systemic corruption is often caused by deficiencies in the design of the power system, in which the lack of supervision indulges those with power who seek their own gains. If this is the case, it is imperative to restructure the system so that power is supervised.The new leadership has realized this. At a meeting of the Party’s corruption-buster, the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, in February, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Party, promised to “shut power in the cage of the system”, and Wang Qishan, who is in charge of the commission, said innovations of the system are required to prevent corruption.Echoing their calls, people have proposed various changes to the system, but these have been mostly at the micro-level and would only be able to partially solve the problem. In order to effectively combat the corruption that exists in the system, a top-level design that includes supervision and restrictions on the implementation of power is needed. T迷你倉新蒲崗 be exact, the only way to combat corruption is to supervise and control the exercising of power throughout the system, from top to bottom.The net of supervision over power should be weaved of both vertical and horizontal lines. Vertically, individuals invested with power must be selected through strict processes, their behavior must be supervised, and they are responsible for what they do with their power.Horizontally, power should be divided into different parts that can supervise and limit each other; and external forces, such as the public, the media and social organizations, should have the right to supervise power against any possible misuse. To make sure the supervision from external forces can be effective, power must be implemented in a transparent way, while the supervising bodies must be independent.This net of supervision will supervise power in all its processes, thus preventing it being abused for illegal interests. The whole net must consist of different parts, so that if one part fails the other parts can still be effective. Some argue this might lower the efficiency of the system, but actually it is corruption that poses the most harm to efficiency and hurts justice in the long run.Rule of law is a necessary prerequisite to weaving the net of supervision. The 18th Party Congress also highlighted this point in its concluding report saying, “no individual or organization shall have any privilege over the constitution and the laws.”Under the rule of man, officials enjoy privilege over the laws, whether to punish somebody is decided by their will, not the law. Under the rule of law, officials will no longer be able to escape the penalties if they break the law. In one word, rule of law is an inflexible system that does not distinguish between different lawbreakers, while rule of man often implements laws selectively based on who breaks them.China has punished many corrupt officials over the decades, but still corruption is getting worse; one reason for this is selective judiciary has dispelled the people’s, as well as officials’, trust in the law.The first step toward rule of law should be winning back the people’s trust in the system; that needs cooperation from both within and without. The authorities should be just and transparent in enforcing the law, while the media and the public should participate in supervising officials. Only with the joint efforts of all can an inflexible, trustworthy system be established that will be effective against corruption in the long run.The Chinese version of this article first appeared on Study Times.迷你倉出租
- Aug 27 Tue 2013 12:00
MTR profit rises 5.1 pc to beat market target
Rail operator cites sharp rise in rental income and boost in passenger numbers, with analysts likely to revise full-year profit forecastsMTR Corp beat market expectations to post a 5.迷你倉新蒲崗1 per cent rise in underlying profit of HK$4.25 billion for the first half on a jump in rental income and passenger numbers.Analysts, who were expecting the company to post lower profit because of weakening property development earnings, may revise their forecasts for full-year profit. Their focus is likely to shift to the rail operator’s recurrent income and organic growth.With cash demand peaking next year as the group’s five rail projects enter their final stages, the group said its net debt-equity ratio, which edged up 0.6 percentage point to 11.6 per cent, would continue to climb.Financial director Stephen Law said the group would not need to raise capital in the equity market.“Our cash flow remains strong and our borrowing cost is as low as 3.5 per cent,” Law said. “We have room to raise our debt-equity ratio.”Revenue from station advertising and shop leases in stations and MTR malls all saw double-digit growth in the six months to June.A sharp jump in rents for the duty-free shops at Lo Wu and Hung Hom stations from迷你倉出租a recent renewal of contracts helped drive up station retail income by 40 per cent to HK$1.45 billion, offsetting a 14.7 per cent drop in profit from property development.Passenger numbers rose 3.6 per cent year on year on its rail and bus services, bringing total trips to 883.1 million in the first half. MTR’s local rail lines posted a slightly higher increase than its cross-border services.While property development made up more than half of earnings in 2010, its contribution has declined in the past two years amid property cooling measures.MTR is expected to see record traffic growth from 2015 when five of its new rail projects – including a cross-border link that connects Hong Kong to the national high-speed rail network – come on stream.The company has just won a 2.08 billion yuan (HK$2.6 billion) development contract for a site above Beiyunhe station on Tianjin Metro Line 6. The site will house a residential-commercial complex.But analysts worry the company’s rapid expansion on the mainland through its successful rail-plus-property model could expose it to greater financial risks.MTR will pay an interim dividend of 25 HK cents per share. Its shares closed 0.53 per cent higher at HK$28.55 yesterday.迷你倉
- Aug 27 Tue 2013 10:58
Ontario resident diagnosed with West Nile Virus
Source: Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, Calif.迷你倉Aug. 24--A second human case of the West Nile virus has been detected in San Bernardino County. The resident lives in the southern part of Ontario and is the first case within the West Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District, health officials announced Friday.A Victorville man who was diagnosed with the virus in July was briefly hospitalized and is recovering, said Lea Morgan, program coordinator for the County of San Bernardino Department of Public Health Communicable Disease Department.As of Friday morning, there have been 59 people who have tested positive for the virus statewide this year.Staff at the Ontario-based district had been concerned about the elevated levels of the virus this summer and have taken several steps to stop the spread of West Nile in the area, including doing ground-based adulticiding, a pesticide application used to reduce adult mosquitoes."It's disappointing to us. As hard as we were working this自存倉year, we were hoping we wouldn't see any human cases in this area," said Brian Reisinger, spokesman for the West Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District.Infected mosquitoes have been found in Ontario, Rancho Cuamonga, Fontana and Needles.Officials are urging people to take protective measures such as using insect repellent that contains DEET. West Valley district officials say they will increase surveillance, attempting to find any place that is breeding source.Vector officials said they are perplexed by the second human case since most of the positive mosquito cases have occurred in the north western portion of Ontario, he said."We're really trying hard this year. We do take it personal when people get sick, it's our job to keep people from getting sick," Reisinger said.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (Ontario, Calif.) Visit the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (Ontario, Calif.) at .dailybulletin.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉新蒲崗
- Aug 27 Tue 2013 10:54
One-handed girl, 4, finds unexpected friend in war hero
Source: Milwaukee Journal SentinelAug.迷你倉沙田 26--NEW BERLIN -- Bella Zizzo looked curiously at the black-leather-clad man's hook as she accepted a commemorative coin from the American hero.Normally a chatterbox, 4-year-old Bella was uncharacteristically shy around Medal of Honor recipient Gary Wetzel, who had driven his 2006 Harley-Davidson Ultra Classic from Oak Creek to meet the little girl at her family's home in New Berlin.The bearded Vietnam veteran and the tiny blonde girl whose favorite color is pink are kindred spirits in a way. Bella Zizzo was born without a left hand; Wetzel lost his left arm in combat.Bella's parents brought her up to figure things out for herself. Without anyone telling her, she found a way to pull on her socks, feed and dress herself and fix her hair. For Wetzel's visit, she picked out a pink flowery dress, pink flip-flops and a hair pin adorned with a tiny pink and yellow flower.A few months ago, Bella began noticing people staring and treating her differently and for the first time she tried to hide her left arm. And when she asked her mother if she could hold some seeds to grow fingers like the wild flowers blooming in the front yard, Sarah Zizzo and her husband Ryan decided to raise money to take her to Camp No Limits in Florida in January where she could meet other children with similar challenges.Wetzel was touched by the little girl and her family's quest to raise money to take Bella to a place where she can meet other kids with missing limbs."If we can do anything to help this girl, we will," said Wetzel, who has gotten used to people staring at his prosthesis. "Kids are honest. I tell them it was a big explosion and I let them touch the hook and they move on."Wetzel designed his prosthetic arm so he could pull and push the clutch on his Harley. Bella Zizzo has Harley enthusiasts on both sides of her family; her mother's father lost a leg when he was struck on his Harley by a vehicle that failed to stop and he continued to ride a Harley trike with his prosthetic.Wetzel plans to organize a poker run fundraiser among members of his motorcycle club this fall and House of Harley in Milwaukee has pledged its support after the 110th anniversary festivities next week. The goal is to raise $5,000 for the family of five to travel to Florida for Camp No Limits. So far, through bake sales and other events, they have raised $1,500.Sarah and Ryan Zizzo were at the 20-week ultrasound for their firstborn when the technician told them they were having a girl and almost immediately said the baby didn't have a left hand. The couple went through a flood of emotions, ranging from happiness at becoming parents of a daughter to fear for their baby. Ryan迷你倉價錢Zizzo asked if with four months to go before her birth their baby could still grow a hand.Sarah Zizzo, a pediatric nurse at Children's Hospital, knew if their daughter was to have a left hand, she would have it by 20 weeks. When Bella was born, they vowed to treat her no differently, deciding she was perfect the way she is. They let her find her own way and so far Bella has managed sippy cups, zippers, combs and buttons."There are definitely times when I want to say let me do it. She's not necessarily struggling but she's trying to figure out how to make something happen. She'll say, 'I've got it Mom,' " said Sarah Zizzo. "She's very stubborn."After meeting Wetzel this week, Bella went inside her home and while her 2-year-old brother Grayson and 6-month-old brother Luca slept, she played a game on her mom's iPhone and snapped pictures, deftly using her left arm to hold the phone and her right hand fingers to push the buttons.The couple had not considered a prosthetic until recently. Doctors at first told them when Bella was born they would have to amputate more of her arm for her to use a prosthetic, something the Zizzos were unwilling to do. But with Bella now more aware that people are noticing her arm is different, they visited a prosthetic business in Milwaukee recently with mixed emotions.They discovered cosmetic and passive arm prostheses that are controlled with shoulder movements as well as expensive myoelectric hands powered by forearm muscles. They're not sure what to do about prostheses partly because of the high cost of myoelectric hands and partly because they wonder what happens if she becomes dependent on a prosthetic hand and the device breaks.That's the main reason why they want to take Bella to Camp No Limits.Whatever their decision, the Zizzos often feel like they're going it alone. When Sarah Zizzo learned her baby's left hand had not formed she wanted to call someone and ask advice but found there's no support group or community in Wisconsin for parents of children like Bella.Sarah Zizzo started a blog to find others in the area and to raise awareness of what's a fairly common defect. Through the blog, Gary Wetzel and his wife Kathy discovered the family's quest to take Bella to the camp."We're trying to take her there so she can see there are other kids like her," said Sarah Zizzo.Donations may be made to "Bella's Camp Fund" at any PNC bank. Sarah Zizzo hopes to reach out to other parents in Wisconsin with children who have limb differences through her blog -- bellacampfund.blogspot.com/Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Visit the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel at .jsonline.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Aug 26 Mon 2013 18:09
此公告由土耳其共和國文化旅遊部發佈,迷你倉新蒲崗現公開招募2014年海外廣告代理公司。此次標書審理將于德國柏林時間2013年9月30日上午10點整開始。此次投標文件(包括管理與技術說明,文化旅遊部海外競標信息報告)可以免費從土耳其文化旅遊部的官方網站下載土耳其語和英語版本,.kulturturizm.gov.tr。所有提交的競標文件必須按照說明提交,否則視為無效標書。所有提交的競標文件必須按照招標文件的規定提交,並且郵遞至土耳其文化旅遊部位於柏林的文化處。競標文件必須于柏林時間2014年9月27日前到達。所有晚于此時間到達的競標文件將不予考慮。此次招標的全部計時以柏林時間為準。此次招標內容在開標後的90天內有效。此次招標不接受集團公司的投標,但是歡迎合資公司的參與。標書審理時間:2013年9月30-10月6日標書審理地點:土耳其文化旅遊部德國柏林辦公室標書提交地址:Botschaft?der?Rep迷你倉出租blik?T rkei?Kultur-abteilungTauentzien?Str.9-12,Europa?Center?6.OG,10789?Berlin-DEUTSCHLAND網址:.tuerkeifasziniert.de電子郵件:info@tuerkeifasziniert.de電話:+49?30?214?37?52傳真:+49?30?214?39?52標書審理委員會地址:Republic?of?Turkey,Ministry?of?Culture?andTourism/Directorate?General?for?Promotion/ismet?ininBulvari?No: 5,06100,Emek/ANKARA電子郵件:?tanitma@kulturturizm.gov.trtel:?+90?312?212?83?00-2824fax:?+90?312?212?85?95迷你倉
- Aug 26 Mon 2013 17:58
YCSO tracking 100s of sex offenders in Yuma County
Source: The Sun, Yuma, Ariz.迷你倉Aug. 25--There are currently 241 registered sex offenders living at residences throughout Yuma County, with 5 more listed as transients who do not have permanent homes, according to the Yuma County Sheriff's Office.There are an additional 86 sex offenders listed as having addresses in Yuma but who are currently incarcerated in prison.According to YCSO Deputy Chris Ashby, a detective with the Criminal Investigations Bureau, the number of sex offenders living in Yuma County is comparable with other communities throughout the United States.However, the number does increase during the cooler months when winter visitors and agricultural laborers flock to the area."We have people coming in and then a lot of people going back out," Ashby said.According to state law, any sex offender who comes to Yuma County with the intention of staying more than 10 days has 72 hours upon arrival, excluding weekends and legal holidays, to register in person at the sheriff's office. Those who fail to register in the designated time are guilty of a Class 4 felony.There are three categories of sex offenders, all of whom must register. Level 1 includes those least likely to reoffend, Level 2 includes those with a medium risk of reoffending, and Level 3 includes those most likely to reoffend.For Level 1 offenders, YCSO maintains information about the offender and may disseminate that information to other law enforcement agencies in addition to notifying the people with whom the offender resides. Fliers are not distributed to the public when Level 1 sex offenders move into neighborhoods.However, YCSO does provide public notifications when either Level 2 or Level 3 sex offenders move into a new residence.YCSO and other law enforcement agencies regularly check on registered sex offenders to en儲存倉ure they are living where they have claimed in writing. There are several compliance checks each year."There are minimums but there are not maximums on the number of checks that can be done in a year," Ashby said, adding that the number of annual compliance checks increase for each level of sex offenders.The most public compliance checks take place just before Halloween each year during "Operation Safe Treat," when U.S. Marshals and other Yuma-area law enforcement agencies track down sex offenders to ensure children are safe when they are trick-or-treating.In addition to providing fliers to the public, YCSO also keeps a Level 2 and Level 3 sex offender tracker for Yuma County on its website -- .icrimewatch.net/index.php?AgencyID=54730&disc=.Once at the website, visitors can enter any address within Yuma County, which will appear on a map. The map will show the residence of any registered sex offenders living within a two mile radius of any address. A mugshot of each sex offender and the crimes they were convicted of committing are listed beneath the map.Yuma County residents can get the latest updates on sex offenders moving anywhere in the county by signing up for a free email service offered by YCSO. When registering, users need to specify which locations they want to keep tabs on, such as their homes, place of employment or even their children's schools or preschools."You will start getting emails when people start moving into your area," Ashby said, adding it is his hope more people will begin participating in the free service.For more information about the online sex offender tracking website or about sex offenders in general, call YCSO at 783-4427.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Sun (Yuma, Ariz.) Visit The Sun (Yuma, Ariz.) at .yumasun.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉沙田