
Source: The Sun, Yuma, Ariz.迷你倉Aug. 25--There are currently 241 registered sex offenders living at residences throughout Yuma County, with 5 more listed as transients who do not have permanent homes, according to the Yuma County Sheriff's Office.There are an additional 86 sex offenders listed as having addresses in Yuma but who are currently incarcerated in prison.According to YCSO Deputy Chris Ashby, a detective with the Criminal Investigations Bureau, the number of sex offenders living in Yuma County is comparable with other communities throughout the United States.However, the number does increase during the cooler months when winter visitors and agricultural laborers flock to the area."We have people coming in and then a lot of people going back out," Ashby said.According to state law, any sex offender who comes to Yuma County with the intention of staying more than 10 days has 72 hours upon arrival, excluding weekends and legal holidays, to register in person at the sheriff's office. Those who fail to register in the designated time are guilty of a Class 4 felony.There are three categories of sex offenders, all of whom must register. Level 1 includes those least likely to reoffend, Level 2 includes those with a medium risk of reoffending, and Level 3 includes those most likely to reoffend.For Level 1 offenders, YCSO maintains information about the offender and may disseminate that information to other law enforcement agencies in addition to notifying the people with whom the offender resides. Fliers are not distributed to the public when Level 1 sex offenders move into neighborhoods.However, YCSO does provide public notifications when either Level 2 or Level 3 sex offenders move into a new residence.YCSO and other law enforcement agencies regularly check on registered sex offenders to en儲存倉ure they are living where they have claimed in writing. There are several compliance checks each year."There are minimums but there are not maximums on the number of checks that can be done in a year," Ashby said, adding that the number of annual compliance checks increase for each level of sex offenders.The most public compliance checks take place just before Halloween each year during "Operation Safe Treat," when U.S. Marshals and other Yuma-area law enforcement agencies track down sex offenders to ensure children are safe when they are trick-or-treating.In addition to providing fliers to the public, YCSO also keeps a Level 2 and Level 3 sex offender tracker for Yuma County on its website -- at the website, visitors can enter any address within Yuma County, which will appear on a map. The map will show the residence of any registered sex offenders living within a two mile radius of any address. A mugshot of each sex offender and the crimes they were convicted of committing are listed beneath the map.Yuma County residents can get the latest updates on sex offenders moving anywhere in the county by signing up for a free email service offered by YCSO. When registering, users need to specify which locations they want to keep tabs on, such as their homes, place of employment or even their children's schools or preschools."You will start getting emails when people start moving into your area," Ashby said, adding it is his hope more people will begin participating in the free service.For more information about the online sex offender tracking website or about sex offenders in general, call YCSO at 783-4427.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Sun (Yuma, Ariz.) Visit The Sun (Yuma, Ariz.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉沙田

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