提起奧斯卡最佳導演獎得主、第64屆戛納終身成就獎獲得者、意大利名導貝納爾多·貝托魯奇,儲存中國觀�最熟悉的作品就是《末代皇帝》。除了這部電影,貝托魯奇的代表作還包括《巴黎最後的探戈》、《同流者》等。這樣一位重量級導演自然少不了在好萊塢星光大道收穫一顆屬於自己的星,不過貝托魯奇遲到了5年才最終摘得這顆星。當地時間11月19日,美國洛杉磯好萊塢星光大道被媒體記者、影迷粉絲圍得水泄不通,人群中的主角就是兩度收穫奧斯卡小金人的意mini storage利著名導演貝納爾多·貝托魯奇。雖然由於身體不適只能坐在輪椅上出席儀式,73歲的貝托魯奇依然非常開心,親眼看到刻著自己名字的這顆星,他笑得幾乎合不攏嘴(上圖)。其實早在2008年星光大道就為貝托魯奇準備了摘星儀式,遺憾的是當年他由於生病沒能前來參加。貝托魯奇回憶當時朋友的孩子到洛杉磯玩,還特意拍下這顆星的照片給他看。雖然遲到了5年,貝托魯奇說終於能親眼見證自己在星光大道的蹤跡,並和自己的星星合影,他感到相當滿足。○陳明明self storage

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  20日晚,迷你倉最平湖北省武漢市市長唐良智與美國舊金山市市長李孟賢在武漢簽署建立友好交流城市關係協議書,雙方還將互設聯絡辦公室,以推動和加強兩座城市的友好交流與合作。  美國大城市第一位華裔市長李孟賢表示,武漢與舊金山在很多方面都很相似,因此雙方有著廣泛的交流合作空間。比如,武漢有100多萬大學生,人才、技術、投資要素集聚,而舊金山有1900多家高科技公司,在電子信息、生物醫藥等領域技術力量雄厚。  舊迷你倉山友好城市交流協會總監吳敏說,舊金山之所以將武漢選為友好交流城市,主要是因為在中國“中部崛起”戰略的指引下,包括武漢在內的中部地區發展迅猛,前景可觀。未來,舊金山與武漢將在經貿、科技、文化、教育、旅遊等領域開展交流與合作。  當日,武漢還與泰國曼穀市、柬埔寨暹粒省、尼泊爾比拉德納格爾市等締結友好交流城市關係;與韓國大田、日本大分簽署年度交流合作協議書;與法國波爾多市簽署水務合作協議。(記者王賢、吳植)儲存

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儲存倉 前政務司長許仕仁被東亞銀行入稟申請破產案,聆案官在庭上指,因為東亞銀行的代表律師未交齊所有文件,故未能發出破產令,要求東亞銀行最遲於明天遞交誓章,將案件押至下周三處理。東亞銀行於今年4月入稟,向許仕仁追討透支貸款及信用卡欠款,但無公布欠款金額,外間估計涉及6千萬元,並於9月再度入稟申請要求許仕仁頒令破產。許其後再被4間金融機構追債,累積欠款高達7,500萬元。迷你倉最平

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盛鑫軟體(EASTEK)戮力研發PCB應用軟體,儲存倉以最接近產區供應、最快速服務、最實惠售價,讓PCB業者在微利時代增加獲利,歷經15年努力,盛鑫獨特功能的研發創新能力(如電測軟體)已超越目前世界最大的以色列軟體大廠,而整體策略也鎖定以色列大廠急起直追,展現2015年凌駕躍升為全球PCB軟體供應鏈第一的企圖。為慶祝成立15周年,盛鑫軟體特別於桃園諾富特機場飯店舉辦新產品技術研討會,董事長林裕盛、總經理吳俊毅親率一線主管到會場,在會中向業者說明利用盛鑫研發的軟體降低成本、增進效率的應用工具,PCB電測技術趨勢及高效能、智慧型CAM系統等,盛鑫總經理吳俊毅致詞表示,公司取名EASTEK就是東方科技的意思,未來將不斷推陳出新發表新軟體與新技術,協助國內PCB業者站穩世界產值第一的地位。盛鑫董事長林裕盛指出,盛迷你倉最平軟體近年不斷參加海內外PCB展覽,並舉辦新產品、新技術發表會造成廣大迴響,近年戮力鑽研的PCB自動化編輯軟體,採取自動編輯的方式可以讓良率大幅提升,應用涵蓋HDI、IC SUBSTRATE等高階PCB板對應範疇,國內數一數二的軟板大廠已開始採用,林裕盛強調,看好大陸PCB不斷擴產趨勢,2013已針對大陸市場加強布局,同時亦持續著墨於日本、韓國以及東南亞的印度、泰國等其他地區。林裕盛建議PCB業界不必捨近求遠,台灣的軟體能力已不輸以色列,他指出盛鑫的優勢包括價格實惠、離廠商近可隨時提供服務、維護成本低、語言溝通容易,此外可以為廠商提供「客製化」設計服務,除了台灣總部在桃園,另已於華東的崑山、蘇州,華南的東筦、廣州設立據點,期許以迅速效率的模式為所有PCB業者提供服務。洽詢電話:(03)356-8381。迷你倉

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一九四九年迄今,迷你倉十九位日本人獲諾貝爾獎……我們忽略的一個簡單問題是:在目前我國科學界很缺乏認�執著……日本的生命科學之所以出色,創造性並非其強項,主要因素是認�執著。這不是我的個人偏見,而是分析日本最優秀的生命科學研究,比較世界同類研究而得出的結論……日本在很多方面都依靠認�執著勤奮而做出優秀的工作。認�執著對日本的國富民強也可能是很重要的因素。甲午戰敗後,中國的仁人志士赴日留學;我們今天更應有學習日本和日本人長處的氣度。”【摘自《比起創新,我們更缺認�執著》,北京大學生命科學學院饒毅教授,上海《文匯報》,二○一二年十月七日】有內地遊客在網上分享在沖繩旅遊期間經歷的一件小事:他所乘旅遊巴中途停靠,望見有塊標牌寫著“消火栓”,周圍卻不見有消防龍頭,於是問導遊,導遊也覺奇怪,於是去問司機,司機察看一番後也解釋不了,於是打電話給消防局……這下中國團友覺得不好意思了,無聊隨便問問的小事,居然弄得別人興師動�,忙說算了算了mini storage可日本人就是較�,最後等消防局查核清楚後回電話給司機,原來是消火栓改了位置,但標牌還未挪走,承諾立刻派人處理……日本人的認�,可見一斑。這次在沖繩,民宿老闆書架上一本《スペナジ知?帳》也讓我大開眼界——“スペナジ知?帳”解作“知識地圖帳”之意,就是讓讀者透過地圖、照片和巨細無遺的數據,更仔細地認知日本歷史、文化、生活、旅遊、政治、經濟、時事、衣食住行等各方面資訊。令我瞠目結舌的,是居然有兩章分別是“怪獸”和“妖怪”:詳細統計影視文學中曾出現的怪獸、妖怪,包括種類、年份,更將出沒地點、重大戰役繪成地圖,連我們視作兒戲的東西,竟也如此認�!留學日本的魯迅先生曾指出,中國人的馬虎病“如果不醫好,中國是很難得救的……中國的事情往往是招牌一掛就算成功了,日本則不然”,這一貼醫馬虎病的藥“在日本人那裡有,這就是認�”。但話說回來,道理大家其實都懂,只是誰能�正做得到而已。(沖繩紀事·四)iamleer@gmail.com李 爾迷你倉

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  • Nov 21 Thu 2013 08:39
  • 臺灣


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本報訊(通訊員方芳)湖南衛視親子互動節目《爸爸去哪兒》熱播後,迷你倉假冒此節目官網的釣魚網站聞風而動,以“中獎”名義伺機詐騙。360安全瀏覽器監測到,最近一周假冒《爸爸去哪兒》官方中獎活動的釣魚網站多達200余家。網友小林發微博稱,幾天前他收到一條手機短信,對方聲稱是《爸爸去哪兒》欄目組,告訴他獲得場外幸運觀�二等獎,可獲得欄目組送出的獎金98000元以及蘋果公司提供的蘋果筆記本電腦一台,還提供了獲獎驗證碼和領獎網址。360文件倉全專家表示,借助熱門電視節目進行中獎釣魚欺詐是網絡釣魚欺詐常見的手法,之前也出現過打著《中國好聲音》、《星光大道》、《非常6+1》等熱門節目名義詐騙 的釣魚網站。這些釣魚網站除中獎內容外,其他鏈接均指向正規官方網站,迷惑性極強。網民一旦誤信“領獎”內容,輸入個人隱私信息,騙子就會以繳納保證金、報名費、手續費等為由騙取“領獎人”錢財。安全專家提醒,網民應注意核對網址真偽,使用具備釣魚網站攔截功能的360安全衛士等安全軟件。存倉

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□記者李欣欣 晨報訊據報道,儲存一輛載有中國遊客的麵包車18日在印尼巴厘島發生翻車事故,截至昨日,事故已造成7人死亡,其中包括5名中國遊客。本市不少旅行社表示,事故並未影響公司境外及後續出發客人的行程。 據介紹,這輛旅遊車是在巴厘島旅遊景點情人崖附近發生事故,赴巴厘島的旅遊團中,通常有近一半的旅遊團行程中都會安排情人崖這一景點。記迷你倉咨詢了上海錦旅、攜程旅行網、上航國旅等,相關負責人均表示,目前當地的活動均正常進行,對目前在境外及後續出發的客人行程也不會受影響。 “事故發生後,的確有客人打電話來咨詢相關事宜,在旅行社進行解釋後,客人基本都會選擇照常出行。到巴厘島的客人有不少都是去度蜜月的,假期也早早地請好了,通常不會因為意外事故而更改行程。”上航國旅有關負責人表示。 儲存倉

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One of the most beautiful island countries in Asia is comprised of 1,190 islands, some of which are just a meter above sea level.自存倉The Republic of Maldives, or simply the Maldives or the Maldives Islands, is sometimes called a string of pearls that God left in the human world. For vacationers, itÕs a heaven on Earth. ItÕs a place between some of the worldÕs clearest skies and cleanest water, a place to spend time in sync with the birds and fish, to put away troubles and revel in nature.You may have heard of its beauty, but if you have not put your feet on the spongy white sand beach, had a cocktail watching the romantic sunset, or explored the colorful coral reefs and their marine life, it would be difficult to fully appreciate the experience.The over 1,000 islands in the Indian Ocean also form an archipelago of 26 natural atolls. Covering a total area of about 90,000 square kilometers, about 99 percent of which is water, the islands stretch more than 800 kilometers from north to south. Some 200 islands are inhabited while 87 are developed as tourism resorts.The reefs of these islands, while formed by fragile living creatures, act as a barrier to protect the islands from storm-driven waves. These reefs also help create sand for the beaches and shelter marine species.Tourism is a major source of income for the Maldives, and the industry follows a "One Island, One Resort" policy. Hospitality is the nation's lifeblood, so no matter whether they offer luxury, seven-star suites or a more economic hotel, the resorts are built upon leisure and nature.Coco Bodu HithiAfter a flight of more than seven hours from Shanghai, we arrived at the Malé International Airport on Hulule island, one of the islands closest to the capital island of Malé. With a total area of 2.5 square kilometers, the city is one of the world's smallest capitals.Hulule is a busy port. Tourists transfer to speedboats or seaplane here to get into their final dreamy destinations. It took 40 minutes via speedboat to arrive at our destination, Coco Bodu Hithi, one of the resort islands owned by hotel group Coco Collection.The island has a secluded shoreline where boats gently bob and nature minds its own business.Resort staff, most of them locals, give you a Maldives-style welcome with folk songs and drum dances on the dock.The day we arrived is overcast, with clouds low overhead. The breeze offers a gentle kiss of sea spray, and our eyes are filled with different hues of blue and green — coral and marine life is clearly visible beneath the water. For those of us from a concrete world of a hustle and bustle, the surroundings and natural peacefulness suddenly purifies our minds and wipes away the weariness of the long flight.There are superb ocean views everywhere.The operator of the island tries to keep the island's original flavor. The forest grows naturally, with small paved lanes among the plants. From the outside, the island looks primitive. It's only when you enter the specially designed villa, enjoy their spa and taste their cuisine that it becomes clear the resort has done a good job weaving the modern and comfortable life into the natural environment.The staff was unfailingly welcoming and helpful — they greet visitors from China with ni hao and demonstrate Chinese-style hospitality. Walking around the island takes about 30 minutes and you can see more than 100 villas of four different styles and sizes.Both the island villas on the shore and water villas over the water are very clean and spacious, if you like the beaches more, the island villa is a better choice, while water villas are for those enjoy the ocean view and snorkeling.The resort welcomes visitors from China with an array of culinary experiences. Tailored especially to the Asian palate, a vast variety of both Western and Eastern dishes are available in Coco Bodu Hithi's five restaurants and two bars, or choose from the comprehensive in-villa dining menu.The Maldives prioritizes environmental protection. Electricity on Coco Bodu Hithi comes from diesel-powered generators on the island, which powers a reverse-osmosis plant that desalinates water and is used throughout the resort. All villas provide information guidelines asking guests to conserve energy where possible to safeguard the environment.Food is sourced locally when possible, such as the fish served at their restaurants being locally caught in a sustainable, traditional Maldivian way using hand-line fishing. This allows fishers to target specific species and return undersized or other species back to the ocean. The local dhonis — traditional Maldivian fishing boats — visit the resort every day delivering freshly caught reef fish and tuna.For waste like food and drink containers, the resort has a bottle and can crushing machine that produces bales of cans and boxes of crushed glass sent to Malé for recycling overseas. Coco Bodu Hithi also is testing a food composter that reduces food waste by 90 percent and produces fantastic compost used by the resort's orchid nursery. The orchids are used for decoration in villas, dining rooms and the like.Besides helping protect nature, the main job for guests is to relax and enjoy the slower Maldives lifestyle.When you're hungry, try not to rush. When you arrive at the restaurant, the waiters will greet you politely, talk to you and share experiences. The chef will prepare delicate and amazing food that is worth the wait.The produce, especially the vegetables, are grown in the garden on the island.To help sustain the abundant marine life around the resorts, they also have an amicable agreement with local fishers to remain at least 200 meters offshore when fishing to avoid impacting the ecosystem near the island.I stayed in a 188-square-meter beach house with a private swimming pool in the front garden and a private beach at the back yard.My butler led me to the villa, helped me with my luggage, and patiently explained in English with a Maldives accent the electronic controls of every device in the house, the environmental protection cautions, and all the services I could enjoy.He said with a shy smile that he's learning Chinese. Then he opened a bottle of bubbly, lit a candle, prepared a bubble bath for me and left quietly.Indulging myself in the bath while sipping the champagne with the view of the blue sky and ocean that merged on the horizon, all stresses and troubles vanished. This, I thought, is the life.But slowing down does not mean not having fun.You can take a sunset cruise around the island, enjoy snacks and wine on the dock, take a boat and snorkel in the Indian Ocean or rent scuba gear for an exciting dive — if you're lucky, you might see sharks.The resort is only minutes away from well-known diving sites including the Manta Point and the protected marine area of Rasfari Faru.I chose to take part in the resort's conservation initiatives that include turtle and manta ra迷你倉 identification programs, reef cleaning, coral planting and sustainable fishing trips.The resort company has a full-time marine biologist who travels between its properties in the Maldives to monitor the health of the reefs and implement new marine conservation initiatives should they be required.Once a week the marine biologist organizes a rewarding activity for guests where they join her in snorkeling on the reef and helping keep it clean and tidy for its marine inhabitants.A small but important component of the vast Indian Ocean, the barrier or "house" reefs around islands end up filtering out any debris, refuse, old fishing tackle and such. To keep the reefs healthy, it is vital to clean the reefs on a regular basis. That preserves the natural beauty of the Maldives, and the marine life that resides within is protected.Coco Privé Kuda Hithi Not far from the Coco Bodu Hithi, Coco Collection also has another more private and upscale resort, Coco Privé Kuda Hithi.On this top private island, you may feel you have landed in a tropical version of "The Great Gatsby": You are the master in a luxurious setting set up to please only you.Opened last year, Coco Privé is a six-star resort destination. The hotel takes only one party at a time, who have access to the six themed villas that offer sumptuous lodgings and sleep a total of 12 people. It is the ultimate getaway for traveling with family and friends.The sandy beach and the crystal clear water is all, exclusively, yours — it's like a traveler's second home on the Indian Ocean.Although small, the resort also has a library, restaurant, cocktail bar, a swimming pool with a glass wall that allows you to see the beach while underwater, and a gym with sauna rooms.It took five years for the Coco Collection to construct this resort on the small island as even the smallest details were given great attention.All services are tailored for every guest. Before we arrived on the island, the hotel called and asked everyone's preference on everything, including food, beds, pillows...When we arrived at the resort, the butler took our shoes and let us enjoy the feel of the soft sand beach, the wooden floors and warm water throughout our stay.It seemed that everything went back to sensory basics of easy, unfettered enjoyment.There is only one master villa on the island, called the Palm Residence, which has a spacious bedroom, living room, a living-room-sized bathroom, and, of course, a private terrace.All the devices in the suite, including the lights, the TV stereo and the massage tub are controlled by an iPad. Also, the room is equipped with the newest version of an iMac computer, the most popular single-serve coffee machine and a mini bar full of high-end surprises.The TV in the bedroom is hidden in a suitcase-like box in front of the bed, and when you touch your iPad, the TV emerges and provides you hundreds of the latest films, including a few not yet seen in cinemas.The shower and spa are important at a resort where you're exposed to the sun and sea all day. Two shower walls in the bathroom provide an amazing experience, and a spa treatment is available for relaxation at any time of day.Of course, the whole villa faces the ocean. It is difficult to decide where to lay down and enjoy the superb view through the wall of sliding-glass doors. There are too many choices: on the terrace, in the outdoor bathing tub, crashed on the couch, or just lying on the ultra-comfortable bed all day. Other villas on the island are different in size, but all are equipped with the same devices and wooden furniture that reflects a tropical feel.This destination in the middle of the Indian Ocean, with its absolute privacy, tailor-made services and all the indulgences has attracted many high-profile guests such as royal families from the Middle East and Europe.A special sandbank picnic highlights the whole journey. The next morning after we woke up with birds singing and the fresh smell of the ocean, our butler prepared a special trip for us. After sailing for 30 minutes, we encounter surprises including dolphins, seabirds, and the wonderful, colorful and vast ocean. You felt the greatness of nature.That's not all. Before sailing out, I thought we'd have a happy picnic lunch on the sandbank of an island. But when we arrived at our destination, it turned out that the island is just a sandbank. A flock of seabirds rest on the sandbank, and we need to take a small boat to get there.Under the tent that the hotel staff just set up, we had a delicately prepared lunch box next to wild seabirds and the bright blue expanse of sky and ocean. There are no other sounds except those of nature, no other views that are not natural. It is the experience of a lifetime."Want to snorkel? We may see turtles today," the guide told us.We followed him into the ocean, so pristine as to appear unreal, and swam between clownfish and other colorful species. The undersea world looked like a vast forest, and the coral reef was bigger than I imagined, like submerged mountains. It is like a scene in a cartoon movie.As I lost myself admiring the wonders under the surface, the guide suddenly dived deeply in front of us and swam to a big coral outcropping and pointed to a "rock.""Oh, my god, it's a big turtle," I thought.The creature noticed us but seemed very calm. It seemed he liked us, or at least is very curious.After he's been spotted, the big turtle slowly swam upward to us, and made a little show.It's just like British poet William Blake said:"To see the world in a grain of sand,And a heaven in a wild flower;Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,And eternity in an hour."How to get there:Mega Maldives Airlines has direct flights from Shanghai to Mal? International Airport. The flight takes around 8 hours. They also have direct flights from other cities including Beijing and Hangzhou. Srilankan Airlines and Singapore Airlines also have flights from Shanghai to Mal? International Airport with a stop.Visitors do not need a prior visa ? Maldives issues a visa on arrival for 30 days. You just need to present valid, two-way flight tickets and a hotel reservation.Tips:Marine or environment conservation programs are recommended for tourists.Avoid touching any marine life and this includes coral ? a light touch from a human may kill the fragile coral; do not remove seashells.Maldives is a Muslim country. On the resort islands, though you donÕt need to abstain from alcohol and ladies donÕt need to cover up like in some countries, wearing a long skirt or long trousers is highly recommended for women in restaurants or while shopping.The best season is from December to April. During May to November, it is the rainy season, and prices for hotels are relatively low during that period.Consult a professional guide before you engage in any water actives such as snorkeling or diving.Bringing medicine for any jellyfish sting is recommended.mini storage

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BROOKLYN, N.文件倉Y., Nov. 19, 2013 /PRNewswire-iReach/ -- Attendance and interest are building for the inaugural New York Winter Apartment & Five-Borough Retail Summit, the next installment in The National Apartment Summit Series. This new summit follows successful conferences in Manhattan, Washington D.C, White Plains, New Jersey and will bring together the most active and innovative Brooklyn multifamily executives, as well as retail innovators from around the city.-- Special Focus: Emerging Brooklyn Submarket Investment & Development -- New York City Borough Retail: Emergence of new retailers in the "digital age" -- Exploring the factors the positively or negatively impact the market: Interest rates, supply-demand and the next administrationAgenda coverage:-- State of the Brooklyn Commercial Real Estate Markets: Analysis of Investment Sales Volume & Market Fundamentals in New York's Largest Borough -- The Brooklyn Investment Outlook: Analysis & Review of the Red-Hot Acquisitions Market and Emergence of New Brooklyn Buyers -- Special Focus:Brooklyn Investment Deal of the Year -- Brooklyn Focus: Emerging Northern Brooklyn Submarkets -- Brooklyn Focus: Emerging Downtown Submarkets -- Modernizing Multifamily Design & Construction: Smaller Units, Eco-Friendliness and the Future of the New York City Apartment -- Financing Multifamily Investment & Development in Brooklyn: What Are the Unique Challenges and Rewards of Providing Capital for Brooklyn Projects? -- Five Borough Retail Investment, Development & Leasing Outlook: Analysis of Investment Sales Trends and Today's Tenant Mix -- Keynote/TBA"There could not be a more exciting time to be an investor, developer or capital source in Brooklyn. This borough now stands on its own as a destination for investors looking to invest capital in the NYC real estate market. On December 4, we'll delve into the submarkets that you should know about with the most active local players,"John Horowitz, Regional Manager - Brooklyn, Marcus & MillichapHear expert analysis from:-- John Horowitz, Regional Manager - Brooklyn, Marcus & Millichap -- Daniel Benedict, President, BENEDICT REALTY GROUP, LLC -- Ben Bernstein, Owner, RedSky Capital -- Rob Bremmer, Principal, ZT Realty -- Seth A. Brown, Principal, Aspen Equities LLC -- Melissa R. Burch, Executive Vice President, Forest City Ratner Companies -- Charles J. Hamilton Jr., Senior Counsel, Windels Marx -- Richard Katzenstein, Managing Regional Director - Northeast Region, Freddie Mac -- Nicholas Kotsonis, Managing Member, The Kotsonis Organization -- Jody L. Kriss, East River Partners -- Jeffrey A. Lenobel, Partner, Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP -- Andrew MacArthur, Managing Director, CW Capital Asset Management -- Adam Mermelstein, Principal, Treetop Development -- Rob Neiffer, Asset Manager, Invesco -- Martin Nussbaum, Principal, Silverstone Property Group -- Jason Pendergist, Head of CTL - East, Chase -- Seth Pinsky, Executive Vice President and Investment Manager - Metropolitan Emerging Market Strategy, RXR -- Shaun Riney, Marcus & Millichap -- Doug Root, Senior Director, Greystar -- Preet Sabharwal, Marcus & Millichap -- Paulius Skema, Vice President of Acquisi存倉ions, Castellan Real Estate Partners -- David Valger, Founder, DVO Real Estate (tentative) -- Alan Washington, Director of Real Estate + Planning, Downtown Brooklyn PartnershipNETWORKING & NEW BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT: 400+ senior-level commercial real estate and service providers firms are expected to attend this full-day event market intelligence and networking event.Look Who's Attending (as of November 17):-- Aegon USA Realty Advisors LLC -- Aspen Equities LLC -- Avison Young -- Berkadia Commercial Mortgage -- Berkadia Commercial Mortgage LLC -- Bloomberg News -- Brisa Builders Development Group LLC -- Calano Real Estate -- Cantor Commercial Real Estate -- CapRate Events, LLC | The National Data Center Summit Series -- Castellan Real Estate Partners -- Chase -- Constellation Group -- Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. -- CW Capital Asset Management -- Dermot Company -- Douglas Elliman -- Downtown Brooklyn Partnership -- East River Partners -- Fairview Group -- Federated Title Services -- First American Title Insurance -- First American Title Insurance Company -- Forest City Ratner Companies -- Freddie Mac -- Future Home Technology, Inc -- Goldstein Hall PLLC -- Greystar -- Invesco -- ITZHAKI Properties -- johnson Capital -- JPMorgan -- Majek Investments -- Marcus & Millichap -- Mazurek Team, Douglas Elliman -- MNS -- MRI Software -- Pella Windows & Doors -- RedSky Capital -- Riverside Abstract -- RXR -- Silverstone Property Group -- Stewart Title Insurance Company -- The Baupost Group -- The Kotsonis Organization -- The Kotsonis Organiztion, LLC -- The Oxford Group -- Treetop Development -- Windels Marx -- Windsor -- Windsor Property Management -- Zenith Abstract -- ZT RealtyFor detailed agenda and registration: .cre-events.com/wintersummit"I had a great experience at the CapRate Events New York Apartment Summit. What stood out most were the networking opportunities. The CapRate team has a knack for attracting important people in the market: the room was filled with top owners, equity sources, bankers, attorneys and other dealmakers. The panels were lively and informativeas well."- Loren Biller, Vice President, Acquisitions, Rockfeld Development GroupCapRate Events (CRE) presents high-level information and networking in powerful one-day forums. Our unique market intelligence and networking platform brings together the most active and innovative commercial real estate executives. Our agendas present original, timely and thought-provoking information that CRE executives can apply to day-to-day strategies.** Celebrating Two Years ** More than 3,500 executives have participated in regional summits since 2011 in New York, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., White Plains, NY and New Jersey. Our average conference attendance is 350.For speaking, sponsorship or exhibiting opportunities:Brian Klebash, President & Founder, CRE | 917-460-3572 | info@cre-events.comFor telephone registration and questions:Ronnie Niederman, 212-873-3484Media Contact: Brian Klebash, CAPRATE Events, LLC, 6175016075, bklebash@gmail.comNews distributed by PR Newswire iReach: https://ireach.prnewswire.comCAPRATE Events LLCWeb site: .cre-events.com/wintersummit/儲存

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