- Sep 20 Fri 2013 15:15
- Sep 20 Fri 2013 15:04
Leaders had to be discreet about funds and be creative, says defenceCITY Harvest Church leaders did nothing wrong when they discreetly funded co-founder Ho Yeow Sun's pop music career through a series of companies, a court heard yesterday.迷你倉The move was said to have been necessary so that the church could use Ms Ho, 41, to evangelise with a "secular face" in countries that do not welcome open gospel preaching."You need to be discreet in accessing these countries and spreading the gospel," Senior Counsel Kannan Ramesh put it to church auditor Foong Daw Ching. "You need to be somewhat creative and think a little bit out of the box in terms of how it should be achieved."Mr Foong agreed.City Harvest founder Kong Hee, 49, and five of his deputies were charged last year with misusing about $50 million in church funds to finance Ms Ho's career and to cover this up.Mr Ramesh, acting for church finance manager Sharon Tan, pointed out yesterday, however, that Mr Foong's accounting firm Baker Tilly TFW had vetted the church's financial statements and approved of them.He added that the firm would have been "particularly sensitive" at the time to any possible wrongdoing as it had been recently sued for negligence by another client.Even so, it signed off on the church's financial statements for July 2007 to October 2008 when the accused allegedly invested in sham bonds to finance Ms Ho's career, Mr Ramesh said.He added if the Baker Tilly auditors had felt any of the deals were "unusual, wrong or inappropriate", they could have put a note about the church's accounts in its reports or notified the Commissioner of Charities - but they never did so.Mr Ramesh said Baker Tilly was ideally placed to迷你倉spot problems as it also audited church- linked Xtron Productions - a music production firm which managed Ms Ho at the time and received part of the allegedly misappropriated $50 million."As long as the auditor can see this entire scheme... the fact that the church was investing in Xtron for the purpose of Crossover would not be a disguised fact," said Mr Ramesh. He was referring to the Crossover Project which used Ms Ho's secular pop music to evangelise.Referring to e-mail and text messages between the accused, he added they had even planned to consult external lawyers and Mr Foong, a Baker Tilly partner, before carrying out some of the deals.The auditor's appointment diary mentioned the meeting and one of the accused sent an e-mail summarising their discussion afterwards, Mr Ramesh said.Baker Tilly auditors also once recommended that City Harvest disclose its "related party transaction" with Xtron due to Ms Ho's involvement in both entities, but this was never followed up.Mr Ramesh suggested that a person with "influence" at the firm had reversed the suggestion. But Mr Foong, the firm's managing partner at the time, said he could not comment.zengkun@sph.com.sgAbout the caseCITY Harvest founder Kong Hee and five of his deputies are accused of criminal breach of trust.They are alleged to have funnelled millions meant for the church's new building into sham bond investments in firms Firna and Xtron Productions.Prosecutors say City Harvest accounts were then falsified so the bonds appeared to have been "redeemed". This was allegedly done to fund the pop music career of Kong's wife, Ms Ho Yeow Sun.The defence's cross-examination of auditor Foong Daw Ching is expected to end today.儲存倉
- Sep 20 Fri 2013 14:53
- Sep 20 Fri 2013 14:45
西安遊樂場甩客操作失誤 甩傷女孩未脫生命危險
【中新社西安十九日電】針對備受關注的“西安遊樂場甩傷遊客”事故,迷你倉十九日從收治傷者的西安五二一醫院獲悉,受傷女孩魏苗仍未脫離生命危險。而事故原因已初步查明,是一起因操作人員操作失誤造成的特種設備責任事故。西安已開展遊樂設施安全隱患專項整治。三甩傷男女一好轉十五日下午十三時四十分許,西安秦嶺歡樂世界“極速風車”遊樂設施發生事故,致兩男一女共三名遊客先後從空中甩落受傷。西安五二一醫院院方十九日透露,經過救治,目前二十三歲的在校大學生任亞峰傷情有所好轉,體徵平穩,目前可進食少量流食。但另一名收治於該院的傷者魏苗,因傷勢較重,目前傷情較之前並無明顯轉好跡象,仍未脫離生命mini storage險。西京醫院急救中心急診科主任尹文表示,十四歲的馮傑主要傷情為骨盆骨折與肺部挫傷,該傷者恢復較好、體徵平穩、意識清醒,目前已轉至該院骨科住院部。查封秦嶺歡樂世界據瞭解,事故發生後,西安市成立事故調查組對遊樂場的機器設備進行技術鑒定。當地警方也將該遊樂設施操作人員及管理人員共四人帶走詢問。西安市官方通報稱,目前事故原因已初步查明,確認為設備操作人員對安全保護裝置檢查確認疏漏所致,是一起因操作人員操作失誤造成的特種設備責任事故,詳細情況仍在進一步調查中。秦嶺歡樂世界位於西安秦嶺野生動物園附近,於二○○九年八月八日開園。事發後,當地安監、公安等部門已查封秦嶺歡樂世界。self storage
- Sep 20 Fri 2013 14:32
香港文匯報訊(記者 李陽波、張仕珍 西安報道)三星電子、三星數據研發中心早前在西安正式開業,文件倉兩研發中心主要從事軟件產品高級研發業務,將進一步提升本地軟件研發、外包業務水平,帶動更多專才入區就業。陝西省省長婁勤儉、三星電子首席執行官權五鉉等出席開業儀式。 西安三星電子研發中心以電子信息技術的研究開發、軟件產品開發,以及第三代及後續移動通信系統產品開發為主要目的,主要從事手機器材、智能DTV、半導體等高級研發業務,未來還將有雲計算、智能醫療的研發。引專才提升研發水平 三星數據集團(SDS集團)是韓國最大的全球化IT解決方案提供商,落戶西安的三星數據研發中心為該集團在中國的第二大全球開發中心,主要從事集團內部全球外包項目,為三星電子西安項目提供系統IT解決方案,將發展成為SDS在全球範圍內核心的研發機構。 西安三星的兩個研發中心將在引進專才,提升當地研發科技水平方面發揮重要作用。在硬件和軟件研發的基礎上,西安三星電子研發中心和三星數據研發中心將充分利用西安優質的人才資源,積極開發優質產品。封裝測試攻存倉機市場 截至9月12日,一期投資70億美元的三星電子高級存儲芯片項目開工建設一周年。隨著三星半導體及相關配套項目相繼落戶投產,加上高新區已有的美國美光、應用材料、韓國信泰、台灣華新麗華及西嶽電子等半導體產業集群,西安高新區將很快形成一個規模過千億元的國際半導體產業集群。 三星電子封裝測試項目正式簽約,總投資約5億美元,將在西安高新區建設10-X納米級NAND閃存芯片封裝測試,以及固態硬盤組裝生產線,配套三星電子一期投資70億美元的高級存儲芯片項目。目標市場為手機和平板電腦等基本應用領域,以及日益增長的智能手機、平板電腦和固態硬盤等。 另外,三星中國與陝西省政府亦就三星社會公益合作項目簽約,雙方將通過政企合作,共同推動三星在陝西省開展社會公益(CSR)活動,在教育、社會福利、環境保護、災害救助、農村支援、人才培訓等社會公益領域合作開展新項目。陝西省委書記趙正永、陝西省省長婁勤儉、西安市委書記魏民洲、陝西省副省長王莉霞、西安市市長董軍、三星電子首席執行官權五鉉、三星集團大中華區總裁張元基等出席簽約儀式。迷你倉
- Sep 20 Fri 2013 14:22
- Sep 20 Fri 2013 14:08
我國是一個得天獨厚的國家,迷你倉不但擁有豐富的天然資源和人力資源,而且政治穩定,氣候平和,自然環境均處在均衡及穩定狀態,發生天災的幾率較小。在文化上,我國屬於多元種族及多元文化的國家,人文環境多姿多彩,巫裔、華裔、印裔及其他土著的文化互相交融滲透,在人文資源與環境方面可說是亞洲的縮影。與東南亞其它國家比較,我國確實是較吸引人的國家。尤其是居住與投資方面。2013年均富國際全球活力指數再度把馬來西亞列為東南亞國家中,第二個最具成長活力的國家,僅次于新加坡。在全球方面,我國則排名第13位,與去年的第23位相較,躍升10級。有關國際知名咨詢公司的衡量標準是各經濟體的5個關鍵領域,即經商環境、經濟增長、科學技術、勞動與人力資源和金融環境的活力表現。尤其是經商環境及金融環境這兩個領域,我國排在東南亞第二佳水平。我國在經濟增長及融資環境方面表現穩健,活力十足。從國際組織的評估來看,我國在投資環境、經商環境等方面不遜于他國,具有很大的發展潛能,還有很大成長空間。無獨有偶,中國駐馬大使柴璽指出,根據一國際組織近日對世界各國的分析報告,大馬是全球第二佳養老退休的國家,他促請我國人民做好準迷你倉,迎接第二家園的中國大隊。他也表示,許多中國銀發族獲知這項消息後,均有意願參與第二家園計劃,到大馬發展。目前到大馬旅遊的中國遊客僅有150萬人次,相信在三年後能夠翻一番,達到500萬人次。根據馬中兩國的投資數據分析,馬中兩國的去年雙邊貿易額達到948億美元(約 3033億令吉),其中大馬取得220億美元(704億令吉)的貿易順差。今年兩國的貿易額有望突破1000億美元(3200億令吉)大關。至於馬中雙向投資額,大馬在中國的累積投資達到70億美元(224億令吉),但中國在大馬的投資額卻不到7億美元(22億4000萬令吉)。兩國相信雙方的投資額會持續增加。由此可見,我國在國際組織的分析報告中是一個極具吸引力及發展潛能的國家。我國在地理環境及人文環境方面具有極為優越的條件,確實是第二家園的最佳選擇。我們相信,如果我國政府在“軟體”建設例如治安效率及投資及移民政策方面更加的開放,相信不單可以吸引到中國人,甚至可以吸引到其它國家的人到來我國投資、就學、就業甚至定居。我們希望政府持續秉持開明、開放的思維,擬定更具靈活性及寬容性的投資政策,吸引更多的外來投資,進一步促進我國的經濟。儲存倉
- Sep 20 Fri 2013 13:54
本報訊 (通訊員 李于伯 記者 黃勇娣)昨天是中秋小長假第一天,儲存位於金山區山陽鎮的金山嘴漁村一大早便熱鬧起來。作為滬上最後“活”著的漁村,近兩年隨著村子名聲鵲起,遊客接踵而至,金山嘴漁村成功實現了從傳統漁業向旅遊服務業的轉變。9時30分左右,在漁村“漁民老宅”景點內,記者看到四名大學生正在二樓上參觀迷你倉民老床。“你們是從哪裡過來的?”“西安,遠吧!”“專門來上海旅遊的嗎?”“是的,這裡是我們的目的地之一。”金山嘴漁村投資管理有限公司負責人朱敏介紹,前年開始,鎮里以打造上海特色海漁文化為基調,對漁村進行了全方位修繕和改造,力求展現老街漁村的古韻。如今漁村成功創建國家3A級景區、滬上十大“我喜愛的鄉村”。mini storage
- Sep 20 Fri 2013 13:47
Dozens tell judge Detroit's bankruptcy shouldn't come at the expense of pensions
Source: Detroit Free PressSept.迷你倉 19--About two dozen people who object to Detroit's bankruptcy filing took advantage of a rare chance this morning to address the judge who is handling the case, telling him their reasons they think the city shouldn't be allowed to enter into Chapter 9 bankruptcy."I think the emergency manager should not have the right to use the city pension system to balance the city's debt," city retiree Michael Abbott told U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Steven Rhodes. "I appreciate you considering that."The objectors say, among other things, that the city is not insolvent and should not be allowed to pursue cuts to retiree pensions. They are among about 110 individual people who filed objections to the city's bankruptcy filing.Hassan Aleem, an individual objector, said Detroit emergency manager Kevyn Orr should not be allowed to place the city in bankruptcy court because, he said, "only an elected official can file for bankruptcy.""Mr. Orr was never known as the sharpest knife in the drawer," Aleem said.That comment drew a sharp response from Rhodes, who said objectors need to respect the "serious" nature of the proceedings."I understand the depth of feelings that many, many people have about this," Rhodes said. "I truly do. At the same time, however, I have to ask you seriously to refrain from personal attacks on Mr. Orr or really anyone. This is not the time and place for that."Another objector, Paulette Brown, who worked for the city for 30 years before retiring from the water department last year, said she should not be punished because she "was a dedicated civil servant" who endured tough conditions and earned her benefits."Can you imagine how stressful it is to even hear that there is a proposed plan to reduce our pension and medical benefits?" Brown said. "Michael Vick went to prison for cruelty to animals. Your honor, I ask, who's going to prison for the proposed cruelty to retirees?"But Michael Cunningham, in contrast to most residents who attended today's hearing, said he support's the city's decision to file for bankruptcy."This is the only option that we have," said Cunningham, who runs a nonprofit organization that provides Detroit residents help with housing issues. "This is the only way that we are going to force banks to take 10 cents on the dollar for their debts."Cunningham said the policies of major banks, combined with property tax laws, make it difficult for residents to stay in their homes and to buy and renovate homes."If you continue to milk the property tax owners, they will run away," Cunningham said.Cunningham said he wants the federal government to step in to protect Detroit property owners and help the city reorganize its debts.In a municipal bankruptcy, a city must prove it is eligible to file for bankruptcy protection by showing that it is inso迷你倉vent, that it obtained the appropriate authority from the state to file and that it negotiated in good faith with its creditors before it filed for bankruptcy. A city can also argue that negotiations with creditors became "impracticable," or impossible.Until now, jousting over Detroit's ability to seek protection from its creditors and restructure $18 billion in debt has been done almost exclusively by high-paid attorneys representing the city, the State of Michigan and attorneys who represent unions, insurers and bondholders.But retirees such as Olivia Gillon was given the opportunity to speak her mind today, and she did.Gillon, who worked for the City of Detroit for nearly 34 years before retiring in 2002, said banks should not be given "preferential treatment" over retirees. She criticized Orr's plan to cut pensions and health care benefits."It seems like he's putting the onus for fixing the city's problems on the retirees," Gillon said. "And most of us were not even involved in the decisions that were made in the process that got the city into the trouble that it's in now."Joyce Davis asked Rhodes to disallow everything Orr has done."It is like someone robbing us without the use of a weapon. If you have God in you, stop this," Davis said.Perhaps the strangest argument today came from a man who said he is a representative of "the Chair of Saint Peter."Robert Marques, of Dublin, Ohio, said all of Detroit's debts were wiped out on June 30 as part of the "global reset."Marques said he came to Detroit to inform the judge and Detroit residents that the city should not be in bankruptcy."Detroit will be the first city. I don't care what the judge does. He has to follow my orders. Period," Marques said shortly before he went into the hearing today."He must follow the order. Because he is under the Roman Curia. All courts are under the Roman Curia."Marques acknowledged that his legal arguments are highly unusual."Is my argument abnormal? Absolutely." He said. " But this is not a farce."In addition to filing the objection in bankruptcy court, copies of the document were mailed to a number of Catholic parishes in Detroit in a 10-by-15-inch envelope covered with a picture of the city skyline.Ned McGrath, director of communications for the Archdiocese of Detroit, said the legal filing is among the oddest documents the Archdiocese has ever received.To prevent any potential confusion, McGrath e-mailed an advisory to all of the Archdiocese' local parishes to make them aware of the document and the website."To overstate the obvious, I would not encourage any contact with this individual and/or his website," McGrath said in his advisory to the Catholic parishes.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Detroit Free Press Visit the Detroit Free Press at .freep.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉
- Sep 20 Fri 2013 13:46
第二屆世界旅遊經濟論壇澳門舉行 努爾.白克力主席力推大美新疆
【香港商報訊】記者永凡、子歸報道:以「促進經濟活力:放眼旅遊產業」為主題的「第二屆世界旅遊經濟論壇」開幕式前日假澳門旅遊塔會展娛樂中心舉行,存倉近40位來自不同國家的部長級官員和國際知名企業領袖主講,進一步探討如何透過投資旅遊產業推動經濟發展。是次論壇吸引全球多個國家及城市組成共逾千人代表團出席,當中包括內地超過10個省區的代表團。新疆維吾爾自治區主席努爾·白克力在論壇上發表主題演講。 開幕儀式主禮嘉賓包括全國政協副主席蘇榮、全國政協副主席兼世界旅遊經濟論壇大會主席何厚鏵、澳門行政長官崔世安、澳門社會文化司司長暨世界旅遊經濟論壇執行主席張裕,以及中華全國工商業聯合會副主席李路、聯合國世界旅遊組織秘書長塔勒布•瑞法、世界旅遊業理事會主席米歇爾•弗倫策爾、亞太旅遊協會主席安棟樑等,場面盛大熱鬧。 新疆旅遊產業發展潛力巨大 努爾.白克力在中外旅遊投資推介環節發表以《新疆:中國西部的旅遊勝地》為主題的演講。他表示,豐富獨特的自然和人文資源賦予新疆旅遊業無限的發展空間和巨大潛力。他介紹道,自古以來,新疆就是一個多民族聚居和多種宗教並存的地區,也是一個人文薈萃、東西方文化交融,多元文明交匯的地方。中國著名學者季羨林曾指出:「中國、印度、希臘、伊斯蘭四迷你倉文化體系匯流的地方只有一個,就是中國的新疆。」除豐富的文化資源外,新疆還擁有神奇獨特的自然景觀,崑崙山、阿爾泰山、天山等雄奇偉岸的大山展現令世人驚嘆的美景。 2011年,中國政府將中國-亞歐博覽會永久落戶新疆首府烏魯木齊市,架起了中國新疆與世界各國溝通交流、合作的重要橋樑和紐帶。今年6月21日,天山成功申報為世界自然遺產,中國少數民族三大英雄史詩之一的柯爾克孜史詩《瑪納斯》被列為世界級非物質文化遺產,而自2010年起,中央政府舉全國之力推進新疆跨越式發展和長治久安,今天的新疆交通發達,通訊便捷,不再是那「遙遠的地方」。 2012年,新疆共接待國內外遊客4860.8萬人次,旅遊總收入576億元,比09年有大幅增長,今年上半年接待遊客數及旅遊總收入也同比增長28.3%和23%。他表示,將會堅持「環保優先、生態立區」的理念,堅持走資源開發可持續、生態環境可持續的道路,努力保護好新疆的青山綠水,歡迎大家常到新疆來走一走,看一看。第二屆世界旅遊經濟論壇為期兩日,廣西壯族自治區主席陳武、海南省副省長何西慶和貴州省副省長蒙啟良分別代表所屬省區政府,分享當地最新的貿易與投資資訊;西班牙、葡萄牙等國也在論壇上發表演講,介紹旅遊科技創新及旅遊市場發展的最新情況。自存倉