九月十九日,迷你倉宿州市朱仙莊鎮大張小學,當地的電力志願者為這裡的留守兒童送來月餅和文具,與他們共度中秋佳節。馬 勇攝呼和浩特:高檔酒店簡餐迎賓本報訊 記者喬雪峰報道:中秋國慶來臨,高檔酒店是否沿襲往日節慶傳統,為機關、企事業單位定制豪華大禮包、豪華月餅?9月18日中午,記者探訪了呼和浩特兩家高檔五星級酒店內蒙古飯店和喜來登大酒店。走進內蒙古飯店,一群來自廣東中旅的客人正在大堂接受蒙古族傳統迎賓禮儀的歡迎。今年過節,酒店大堂裝點與往年有很大不同,以往中秋時非常顯眼的禮品台不見了蹤影,只有歌聲伴著花香充盈在每一個角落。據飯店的副總經理張夢星介紹,今年公款消費銳減,餐飲消費下降了50%,為了保證飯店正常經營,他們加大節能減排力度,控制成本,厲行節約,在食材選擇上放棄過去高檔食材,通過降低人均消費推出面向普通市民的特色菜品。今年“兩節”,更將“歡樂祥和,簡樸就餐”作為飯店新的發展理念,西餐廳推出了6折促銷和返券活動,自助餐每位收費降到98元,中餐廳推出“家宴香”套餐,受到了市民的青睞,彌補了公款消費減少帶來的影響。既要讓客人享受到五星級酒店的服務,又要面向大�、降低成本,保證酒店的經營效益。今年,呼和浩特不少高檔酒店都取消了節日大禮包的定制和銷售,紛紛根據各自不同的特色迎接“兩節”。在另一家五星級酒店喜來登大酒店,大堂最醒目處是明碼標價的“酒水超市”,陳列其中的大部分是100元至300元之間的中檔酒。除了酒品,帶有中秋特色的是陳列櫃上擺放著分別標價128元和188元的兩種月餅,簡樸清新又不失淡雅。據總經理蔡屏介紹,借中秋國慶這樣的契機,酒店推出了網上預訂房價優惠以及惠及全年的餐飲“零服務費”活動。目前,網絡預訂房間每天都有20多間,網絡預訂300元的家庭4人至5人套餐更是火爆,這為酒店今後的轉型發展提供了新的思路。山東商河:少年秧歌跳出濃濃節味本報訊 記者管斌、通訊員張鳴報道:9月19日上午,山東省商河縣殷巷鎮文體公園里,30余名少年跳起鏗鏘有力的鼓子秧歌,吸引了十里八村的群�前來觀看。領隊帽楊小學校長石立武告訴記者,“中秋節到了,來給鄉親們跳上幾場!”為更好傳承“非遺”文化,帽楊小學將秧歌設為基本課程,每天上午10點半,校園喇叭里就會響起該校根據商河鼓子秧歌改編的少兒體操。鼓點響起,學生們一招一式,舞自存倉有模有樣。帽楊小學的做法只是商河縣實施“非遺”進校園活動的一個縮影,現如今,這項活動已在全縣中小學校開展。據介紹,商河縣文化部門選定鼓子秧歌國家級傳承人楊克勝和花鞭鼓舞省級傳承人張吉福以及文化館相關人員具體負責業務教學,並籌集資金20余萬元,從人力、資金上為“非遺”進校園活動提供保障。教育部門則根據全縣中小學校實際,選取第一實驗小學學習鼓子秧歌,張坊鄉希望小學、第二實驗小學學習花鞭鼓舞為試點,逐步輻射到全縣中小學校。楊克勝告訴記者,“‘非遺’傳承從娃娃抓起,這是我們優秀傳統文化得以代代相傳的保證,教這幫孩子們學秧歌很有意義,因為從這些孩子身上,我看到了商河鼓子秧歌的希望。”銀川:“家庭游”成度假區主力本報訊 記者拓兆兵 許凌報道:中秋節要怎樣過?舉家度假最歡樂。中秋節當天,記者在銀川市郊的黃河橫城旅遊度假區看到,市民們拖家帶口、攜老扶幼在度假村或者釣魚、或者騎馬、或者觀賞黃河美景,一家人其樂融融,歡聲笑語不斷。今年中秋節,許多銀川市民沒有待在家里,而是選擇了舉家到市郊的度假村過節。吃過中午飯,市民張月琴一大家子15口人來到了黃河橫城旅遊度假區,準備下午遊玩,晚上賞月。張月琴告訴記者:“這裡風景優美,離城不遠,花費不高,非常合適。”“公款旅遊度假正在減少,家庭旅遊度假成為時尚。”黃河橫城旅遊度假區副總經理曹吉剛說,“自中央出台八項規定以來,在我們度假區舉辦的會議基本不上酒水,也沒有旅遊休閒活動,餐飲收入下降非常明顯,但家庭旅遊增長很快,比去年增加了20%以上。銀川市郊的其他幾家旅遊度假區情況也基本相似。”貴州花溪:“平價菜”成餐飲業主角本報訊 記者吳秉澤報道:中秋佳節前夜,記者走進貴州省貴陽市花溪區的陽光水鄉餐廳,餐廳內流水潺潺,就餐的顧客熙熙攘攘,一派團圓景象。記者目測,老人和兒童占了當天顧客的大半,多以家庭聚餐為主。餐廳客戶經理魏梅告訴記者,隨著節儉風氣的興起,顧客的消費觀念在發生改變,餐廳也改變了經營理念,今年對中秋節期間的菜肴式樣進行大幅改革,主要以原生態蔬菜蛋禽、地方特色菜系為主,削減了高價菜,即使是海鮮類也多為平價類品種。記者瞭解到,為過一個節儉的中秋節,花溪區紀委在節前專門下發文件,嚴禁節日期間公款送禮、吃喝,並派出多個督察組赴消費場所明察暗訪,努力營造風清氣正過“兩節”的良好氛圍。迷你倉

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AS Singapore contemplates its 48th birthday and the 90th birthday of the nation's architect this month, there is ample opportunity to reflect on the wealth of advancements that its citizens have made over the last few decades.自存倉 While the country's landscape has been dramatically altered since its founding, its people's inventions have in turn gone on to change the world in the most unexpected and low-key of ways.In the pantheon of groundbreaking local products sit the thumb drive, the MP3 player and capsule speaker - a ball-shaped speaker that produces a quality of sound disproportionately greater than its small size. Alongside them, of course, chug other quietly brilliant innovations that have every chance of changing the world, from solar street lamps with a lifespan of 10 years to endoscopic robots that can remove certain kinds of tumours without surgical cuts.Despite all this, very few Singapore brands tower over their global peers or capture imagination across the world. Our products have a tendency to be routed into obscurity because of shortcomings in marketing savvy or patent enforcement. This is not for lack of support or trying. In July, the Global Innovation Index - on which Singapore is ranked eighth - gave the country high marks for its institutions and infrastructure.And yet, Singapore's eighth place was also five spots lower than its third position in 2012, solely because som迷你倉 of the ranking goalposts had been moved. It was telling that the altered indicators which had caused the drop in ranking - creativity on the Internet, licensing and patents - coincided with the areas in which Singapore has traditionally struggled. It is a figurative reflection of a literal truth in Singapore: hardware is emphasised over software. Innovation here is focused on technical superiority at the expense of the intangibles, such as branding, marketing and aesthetics.There is progress, however. The government has made a conscious effort to combine technology, media and design. By year-end, Singapore will get its first National Design Centre on Middle Road. Up to $2.5 million has been set aside over the next three years for design thinking training.Even so, there is only so much that institutional effort can achieve. The remaining necessary element is an ephemeral one, equal parts whimsy and canniness. Singapore needs to move towards products that consumers want instead of products they merely need - though today's wants can become tomorrow's needs. These products, such as luxury goods and must-have gadgets, tend to have larger competitive moats, are harder to copy and command higher premiums. Such a quality will be hard to teach, define or measure. But if Singapore is to make a name for itself that stands for more than meticulous efficiency, this trait will be increasingly necessary.迷你倉

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南都訊 記者高凌雲 在經歷了7個月的波折之後,存倉備受市場關注的戴爾私有化終於塵埃落定。上周五,戴爾股東通過了戴爾創始人邁克爾·戴爾聯合銀湖資本的249億美元收購方案,這成為科技領域史上最大規模的私有化交易。據瞭解,這一交易還需要得到有關機構最終批准。如果交易順利,預計戴爾將在今年10月底完成私有化。公司私有化後,邁克爾·戴爾將繼續擔任公司C E O並持有戴爾75%的股份。盡管這些年戴爾一直強調要向服務轉型,但在目前的市場環境和戴爾公司自身情況不理想的迷你倉實面前,市場普遍預期戴爾短期內還會將重心放在PC、平板電腦業務上。邁克爾·戴爾在股東大會通過私有化方案之後也表示,盡管全球P C市場快速下滑,但終端用戶計算仍是公司的關注重點。該業務被定義為PC和平板電腦等設備。公司在私有化之後,計劃加大PC和平板電腦市場的投資,擴大銷售覆蓋範圍,並發展分銷網絡。戴爾方面還透露,戴爾私有化方案除了主要出資人邁克爾·戴爾和銀湖資本外,微軟也將出資20億美元幫助完成私有化。顯然,微軟不願看到戴爾這個重要盟友淡化其PC業務。自存倉

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怡保這一條街,文件倉星期天早上特別熱鬧。整條街擺賣了各種舊物品和二手貨,吸引絡繹不絕的人潮到來購買和參觀,人聲沸騰、人氣旺盛,在人潮中,不少是抱著碰運氣的心理到來,希望在這裡買到人棄我取的價廉物美古董。這個充滿人氣的地方,就是在怡保荷里街的“時光隧道”跳蚤市場(Memory Lane)。數以千計市民遊客湧來每個星期天,這裡都可吸引到數以千計的市民和遊客湧來,充滿活力和人氣。存倉達約400名各族小販,於清晨5時至下午1時在此擺地攤,售賣各式各樣舊貨品,包括舊電器、古玩、日常用品、衣物、鞋子、手袋和家庭電器等,如同一個露天購物廣場。這裡的小販說,許多在店內買不到的價廉物品或小物件,也許可在這裡找到;即使不打算買東西,在這裡閒逛一趟,在視覺上也會有收獲。外國遊客和在本地謀生的外勞,也愛來到這裡遊走或淘寶,使這條街道聚滿人潮,出現水泄不通的熱鬧情景。;迷你倉

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Source: Tulsa World, Okla.迷你倉Sept. 18--In the Greek culture, families generously share and celebrate food.And there's no such thing as too much food, said Greg Metevelis, general chairman of Tulsa's Greek Festival.Especially, when you visit the home of your yia yia -- which is the Greek word for grandma, Metevelis explained."In our culture, food is a big part of family. We have a saying that your yia yia will try to fill you up when you are already full," Metevelis said.And following tradition, the coordinators of the Greek Festival always try to ensure that their guests leave the event satiated. They work for months ahead of time planning and preparing the Greek savory specialties and pastries by the thousands."After this festival, we will start the planning for next year," said Marios Parperis, who heads up the kitchen operations for the annual festival at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, 1206 S. Guthrie Ave.The a la carte menu features nine Greek specialties, including lamb, char-grilled shish kabob, gyros sandwich, Greek salad, calamari and a Greek appetizer plate with cheese pie, feta cheese, olives and spanakopita -- which is a spinach pie.The traditional Greek foods come alive with flavors of oregano, lemon and garlic, Parperis said.Guests can also sample EPSA -- an imported, naturally carbonated, nonalcoholic drink -- or Greek beer or wine. For a sweet finish, pastries such as baklava, loukoumades and finikia are available to eat there or take home.Organizers always stock up on plenty of food to feed the guests. For example, they will prepare about 1,000 pounds of green beans, 2,500 pounds of rice and 1,000 pounds of lamb this year, Parperis said.The food at the festival will vary from what was served to guests during the Greek Festival VIP Night on Sunday (read more about the event at tulsaworld.com/GreekVIPnight). Because the volume of food for the three-day event is so much larger, it means some Greek specialties won't be on the festival menu.But Metevelis shared some tips on making saganaki -- a flaming cheese appetizer that drew crowds to the center of the tent at the VIP event. It would be easy to make the dish at home; just be careful because it involves a liquor that is set on fire.Metevelis learned to make saganaki from a longtime member of the church who moved to America from Greece.As Metevelis prepared each piece of cheese, doused it with brandy and set it ablaze, flames shot high in the air Sunday night. The appetizer is as dramatic as it is tasty.The cheese that they used was kasseri, a traditional cheese used in Greece for making the dish, he explained. Kasseri is a nutty-flavored sheep's milk cheese that holds up well to high heat.The cheese used for saganaki should be firm, and other types that can be used include halloumi, kefalotyri or pecorino romano if the Greek cheeses are unavailable."You can make it with cheddar, if you want," Metevelis said, suggesting an Americanized version of the Greek dish.To make saganaki, the cheese should be sliced in blocks that are about 1/2 inch thick. They must be thick enough that the cheese does not melt too quickly in the pan, yet thin enough that the center becomes warm but still holds its shape.The cheese is then dredged in milk and then a light coating of flour, Metevelis said."That is what gives it the crispy coating," he said.A pan is prepared by melting enough butter to cover the bottom. The prepared cheese is then placed in the pan and cooked until it develops a light brown crust.The cheese is then flipped over and, once the other side sears, Metevelis said cooks should pour about 1/2 ounce brandy or ouzo liqueur over the cheese and set it on fire. It will flame up, so make sure it is not too close to anything flammable.Lemon halves are ready nearby to squeeze over the flame and extinguish it, Metevelis said.The saganaki is served with extra lemon, and tasters said that it's good served with olives and flatbread.For more information on the festival, call Holy Trinity Church at 918-583-2082 or go to tulsaworld.com/greekfestivalHere is a recipe for orzo that was served at the Greek Festival VIP Night on Sunday, followed by recipes for finikia cookies and spanakopita.YIOUVETSI(Greek orzo; pronounced you-ve-tsee)1/2 pounds minced lamb1 pound orzo1 tablespoon butter2 tablespoons olive oil1 cup tomato sauce3 tablespoons dry red wine1/2 teaspoon cinnamon1/2 cup kasseri cheese (or any other hard cheese)Salt and pepper to taste1. Salt and pepper the lamb. Brown the lamb in butter and olive oil.2. Stir in the tomato sauce, the wine and cinnamon and let it simmer for 15 minutes. Remove and set aside, keep warm.3. Bring 6 cups of water to boil. Put the orzo in the water, bring it back to boil and let it cook it for 10 minutes.4. Take the orzo out, drain the water and rinse it in cold water. Place the orzo in an oven-safe pan anmini storage add the lamb mix with the juices. Stir well.5. Sprinkle some kasseri cheese (or any other hard cheese) on top. Put in a 350-degree oven, and cook covered for 15 minutes. Take out, serve with some Parmesan cheese on top and enjoy!SPANAKOPITA(Greek spinach pie)1 1/2 sticks (12 tablespoons) unsalted butter, melted1 pound fresh spinach1/2 pound feta cheese, crumbled1 whole egg, beaten4 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped1/2 whole onion, chopped1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice1 package phyllo dough, thawed (8 ounces)1 teaspoon nutmeg2 tablespoons olive oil1. Wilt your spinach with 1 or 2 tablespoons of olive oil (you'll most likely need to work in batches). Allow the spinach to cool and squeeze out as much liquid as possible. Roughly chop and put into a medium-sized bowl.2. Saute chopped onion and parsley in olive oil until onions are translucent, about 3 minutes. Add to spinach, along with egg, lemon juice, feta and nutmeg. Mix until all ingredients are well-combined.3. Lay out 1 piece of phyllo dough, brush with butter, overlap with 1 more piece of phyllo, brushing again with butter. Using a sharp knife (or a pizza cutter), cut your phyllo into 3 strips.4. Place about 1 1/2 tablespoons of spinach mixture at the end of each strip of phyllo. Roll into triangles, like you would the American flag.5. Continue until you've used all of your spinach mixture. Bake at 375 degrees for 20-25 minutes, or until they're nice and golden. Sprinkle with a little salt while they're still hot.Tip: Keep your phyllo under plastic wrap and a damp towel while you're working with it. You can make these ahead (about 3-4 days), freeze before cooking, then when you need them, pop them in the oven without thawing.FINIKIA(honey-dipped Greek cookies)1/2 cup butter, softened1/2 cup superfine sugarZest of 1 orange1/2 cup corn oil2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour1 1/2 cups semolina4 teaspoons baking powder1 teaspoon ground cinnamon1 teaspoon ground cloves1/2 cup orange juice1 cup water1 cup white sugar1/2 cup honey1 cinnamon stick2 teaspoons lemon juice1/2 cup finely chopped walnuts1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease cookie sheet or sheets that you will use.2. In a large bowl, cream together the butter, superfine sugar and orange zest. Gradually mix in the oil and beat until light and fluffy. Combine the flour, semolina, baking powder, cinnamon and cloves; beat into the fluffy mixture alternately with the orange juice. As the mixture thickens, turn out onto a floured board and knead into a firm dough. Pinch off tablespoonfuls of dough and form them into balls or ovals. Place cookies 2 inches apart onto the prepared cookie sheets.3. Bake for 25 minutes in the preheated oven, or until golden. Cool on baking sheets until room temperature.4. To make the syrup: In a medium saucepan, over medium heat, combine the water, white sugar, honey, cinnamon stick and lemon juice. Bring to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. Remove the cinnamon stick. While the mixture is boiling hot, dip the cookies in one at a time, making sure to cover them completely. Place them on a wire rack to dry and sprinkle with walnuts. Place paper under the rack to catch the drips. Keep finished cookies in a sealed container at room temperature.- adapted from allrecipes.com53RD ANNUAL TULSA GREEK FESTIVALWhen: Thursday, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., Friday and Saturday, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.Where: Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, 1206 S. Guthrie Ave. (three blocks west of 11th Street and Denver Avenue, south of the Inner Dispersal Loop; take the Houston Avenue exit from the Broken Arrow Expressway)Cost: After 4 p.m. on Thursday and Friday and all day Saturday, admission is $3 for adults. Free admission tickets are available at tulsaworld.com/greekfestival Children, when accompanied by parents, are always admitted free.In addition to the Greek foods, guests can shop at the marketplace for imported Greek food and gifts -- such as clothes, jewelry, olive oil, Kalamata olives -- as well as a new official Tulsa Greek Festival T-shirt.There will be dancers in authentic ethnic costumes performing ancient dances that tell stories of harvest, wars, love and passion for Greece. To learn about the Greek Orthodox religion and traditions, tours of newly renovated Holy Trinity Church will be conducted throughout Tulsa Greek Festival by Father William Christ.Win free ticketsWant to go to Tulsa Greek Festival for free? Tell us why you want free Tulsa Greek Festival tickets, like any of the Tulsa World Facebook pages: Tulsa World, Tulsa World Scene, Tulsa World Food, Tulsa World Sports Extra or Tulsa World Business and share this post. We will give away two pairs from each page.Nicole Marshall Middleton 918-581-8459nicole.marshall@tulsaworld.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) Visit Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) at .tulsaworld.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

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楚天都市報訊 9月11日,儲存美國Fuhu公司在深圳舉行“nabi登陸中國——美國nabi兒童平板電腦新聞發佈會”。Fuhu亞太區總經理丘彪盛,宇宙互聯總經理張愛霞,全球頂級製造富士康科技首席質量官Carl,nabi(中國)總運營——中幼國際科技有限公司總裁萬懷勝,中國電子影像協會秘書長白為民女士,以及來自華南、湖南、湖北、江西區域的新聞記者和nabi的部分經銷商100余人見證了美國nabi兒童迷你倉板電腦在中國的首場亮相。nabi是全球首款專為兒童設計的平板電腦,倡導“Learn, Play, Grow, for life”的理念,致力于構建兒童健康成長的生態系統。由於其獨有的“兒童健康成長生態系統”受到了整個歐、美市場的歡迎,上市三個月即創造了銷量120萬台,金額過億美元的記錄,成為美國兒童平板電腦銷量第一品牌。業內人士表示,nabi兒童平板電腦的正式登陸,填補了該項產品在中國的空白。mini storage

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