月餅都未食,迷你倉最平電視廣告已經見羅蘭姐出場,驚死你唔知萬聖節又就快到。 十月份,當然是香港兩大樂園出招時間。迪士尼黑色世界繼續保持夢幻形象,鬼屋似童話故事館,細路笑聲多過叫聲。本來最期待的海洋公園哈囉喂,今年玩全日祭,下午一點日光日白開始鬧鬼,十點收工,無得玩到半夜。最詭異是,六間鬼屋,有三間玩親子,對一般成人,又係毫無驚嚇成分。香港人,對好多�需要害怕,鬼,不包括在內。海洋公園大膽級羅蘭靈異古董店(必玩) 驚嚇度:★★★★★ 羅蘭靈異古董店為大膽級激嚇之選三間鬼屋中最恐怖一間,遊客會先在一間密室集合,室內投影播放羅蘭姐的影像和聲音,然後才開始大暴走。鬼屋內的神壇、髮廊和木偶舞台布置逼真,情景容易令人投入。最�命是有幾段路黑得伸手不見五指,仲要掛滿頭髮!而且「厲鬼」會在你估唔到的位置,如油畫、大鐘和櫃桶中彈出,真係會嚇到仆低。 大膽級凶靈工廠 驚嚇度:★★★★以變態殺人狂的廢棄工廠為主題,與往年哈囉喂鬼屋差不多。鬼屋內有大量斷手斷腳、肢解室和虐待工具等,當然不少得殺人狂和受害者。十足血腥恐怖片場景,都幾噁心﹗ 韓流懼星狂熱 驚嚇度:★★由頭到尾都十分光猛,室外場景在日頭下更是零恐怖氣氛。除了「厲鬼」打扮較潮外,感受不到韓味。而且比起羅蘭鬼屋細,分幾鐘就行完。 輕量級南瓜怪傑工作室(必玩) 今年哈囉喂以南瓜做主題,最勁,是請了美國雕刻大師Ray Villafane及其團隊到場,親自示範南瓜雕刻,幾有新鮮感。場內設計成實驗室一樣,展出大量Ray的作品,和一千磅大南瓜。當中飾演神經博士的演員亦十分入戲,無驚嚇度,但高搞笑度。 古靈精怪魔法屋 全場最無驚嚇鬼屋,應該叫糖果屋先�。場內色彩繽紛,又有大紙牌和巨型波板糖,勝在與南瓜怪傑工作室一樣,可以影相。但如果沒有小朋友同行,建議跳過。 M&M'S走鬼大逃亡 有點像迪士尼古堡式鬼屋,布置帶點華麗。最欣賞鏡迷宮,增加挑戰性。驚嚇位不多,但都夠嚇細路。好彩沿途有可愛M&M,細路有得壯膽。 香港海洋公園哈囉喂全日祭 日期:10月1、4至6、11至14、17至20、24至27及31日時間:10am-10pm(鬼屋等哈囉喂景點及表演於1pm開始)票價:$320/成人、$160/小童(香港市民可享85折優惠),另設可優先進入16個景點及獲$100園內消費券和紀念品的哈囉喂優越門票$628/成人、$314/小童。售票點:海洋公園售票處及香港全線7-11。查詢:3923 2323網址:halloween.oceanpark.com.hk 迪士尼玩到11pm挑戰忍叫程度 講鬼屋數目,以及恐怖程度,迪士尼「黑色世界」同海洋公園無得比,唯有諗計出奇制勝。今年「黑色世界」主題「好玩•唔好叫」,睇準年輕人「乜都鬥一餐」的小學雞心態,玩鬼屋鬥唔嗌,挑戰自己極限!兩個鬼屋「詭墳學院」及「黑色馬戲班」,沿用上年的故事,大橋無變,只係屋內場景稍為微調,即係點?率先試玩後可以答你,即係同上年一樣!不過反而幾配合今年個主題——叫人忍住唔好叫,上年已經玩過晒、被嚇過,今年仲叫得出聲?忍得到唔叫係咪會有獎?Sorry,純粹係一班朋友互相自我監察,唔係比賽亦無獎,玩完只好講一句「why so serious?」。 無新鬼屋,「夜光鬼魅巡遊」同「殭屍戰狼人」又係一樣,咁有乜新玩意呢?「黑色嘉年華異演」的奇人異獸表演、「大頭寶寶」萬聖節恐怖版以及大玩攤位遊戲的「灰熊山谷黑色嘉年華」,聽到都知道唔係sell驚嚇,純粹感受�萬聖節氣氛。其實唔一定要係扮鬼扮馬先恐怖,個人認為夜晚玩「灰熊山極礦飛車」同「迷離莊園」更有halloween feel,玩夜場起碼排隊無咁熱無咁多人,今年仲延長開放時間到11點,梗係玩埋其他機動遊戲先叫回本! 迪士尼迷你倉色世界 日期︰10月4日至31日,逢星期四至日時間:10:30am-11pm一日門票︰成人$450、小童$320、長者$100兩日門票︰成人$585、小童$415、長者$170夜間門票︰$299星期四夜間門票︰$300(只限OK便利店有售)網址︰.hongkongdisneyland.com 扮鬼嚇鬼D.I.Y. 鬼屋唔驚嚇,無所謂,去玩哈囉喂,重點像參加化裝晚會,如何化番個驚艷靚鬼妝才是正經事。雖然公園內設有攤位為客人即場化妝,但來來去去得幾個鬼樣可以揀,悶!而且通常化妝師只會匆匆幾筆,好難畫得仔細。一於入場前DIY個獨一無二�鬼妝,排隊等玩都搶眼過人。教你簡單用眼線筆�臉上畫蜘蛛網,再加手部燒傷特技化妝。驚化妝物料難搵?放心!扮爛肉同血漿�材料不過係棉花、枇杷膏,易買至極。 蜘蛛網妝 以眼線筆、眼線液就可以畫到蜘蛛網紋,黐上閃石夜間效果更好。記得三四粒閃石就夠,太多會好娘。1.用白色眼線筆起蜘蛛網草稿,先畫網形放射線條,再於兩條線之間畫弧形。2.以黑色眼線液沿草稿線條畫一次,不用完全覆蓋白色眼線,以營造灰塵效果。再以黑色帶閃粉眼線畫多一次,增加層次感。3.用睫毛膠水將黑色或銀灰閃石貼在蜘蛛網上作點綴。 扮燒傷 電影中�特技化妝要用到專業化妝用品,但較少地方買到。如果只�Halloween玩一晚,其實可以用魚膠粉開漿�黐棉花扮爛肉,而假血漿就用枇杷膏加紅藥水或紅色食用色素,像真度超高。1.魚膠粉加熱水拌勻,攤涼後待稠身後塗在皮膚上。2.將藥用棉花撕成條狀,不規則地黐在皮膚上,可用風筒冷風吹至稍乾。3.以海棉將粉底液印在棉花上,再補上幾筆不同深淺色乾粉,令傷口更立體。4.枇杷膏加紅藥水或食用色素拌勻,顏色深淺隨個人喜好,搽在棉花上待乾。 扮割傷 玻璃碎片用膠file剪成細塊,而凸起爛肉就用BlueTack或泥膠做。咁真,睇落都覺得痛。1.將BlueTack或泥膠搓至中間凸起,周邊壓平,靠膠本身黏力黐住皮膚。2.以海棉將粉底液印在膠上,再用膠刀在膠中間𠝹一刀來做疤痕。3.將膠file剪成不規則鷂形或三角形,插在疤痕四周,最後搽上假血漿(枇杷膏加紅藥水)。 抵玩面具 嫌化妝麻煩,可以笠個面具扮鬼扮馬,同樣快靚正!咁諗到今年扮乜鬼未?仲係《奪命狂呼》個面具?要扮就扮得潮�,等我教你�網上搵齊今年最興�cosplay衫同面具款式啦。�淘寶訂貨,款式更多更新,例如有《Gangnam Style》大叔PSY,而且價錢平好多,幾蚊至幾十蚊就有交易,抵玩。我直頭覺得應該入�貨擺�門口賣。 全身篇 Halloween又唔一定要驚嚇�,行cutie路線都得。例如最近爆熱�《怪獸公司》「毛毛」,連身衫有埋帽同埋尾巴,一笠搞掂。而且質料舒服,玩完可當家居服著。(淘寶搜尋關鍵字:怪獸大學睡衣,$111/A)。 搞笑篇 一首《Banana Song》令人人都識�《Despicable Me》迷你兵團,戴住個面具一定人見人愛(關鍵字:卑鄙的我面具,$7.2/B)。另一搞笑之選係韓國大叔PSY面具,最�著套老西打煲呔大跳《Gangnam Style》。網上有多間商店有售,但質量參差,介紹的這款像真度最高,兼夠硬淨,唔易變形。(關鍵字:江南style鳥叔面具,$6.5/B)。 嚇鬼篇 就算冇睇漫畫《進擊之巨人》,你都一定認得個筋肉樣巨人,成個頭套笠到落頸,都幾驚嚇。幾軟身,唔會硬崩崩,不過有�焗同一陣臭膠味(關鍵字:進擊的巨人頭套,$162/C)。《變形俠醫》一樣夠晒霸氣,襯番件綠色衫fit晒(關鍵字:綠巨人面具,$9.8/B)。*所有價錢未計運費 A. 淘寶商戶:PanDa MaMa R.O.CB. 淘寶商戶:山山科技C. 淘寶商戶:南洋玩具儲存

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Source: Star-News, Wilmington, N.迷你倉C.Sept. 18--More than 600 New Hanover County residents have been unable to receive emergency assistance from the county Department of Social Services (DSS) over the past two months -- in part due to the agency losing its $320,000 general assistance fund this year.The county commissioners zeroed out the general assistance fund when creating the 2013-14 budget. Though the budget year only began in July, DSS program manager Gwen Stahl said this cut in funding has forced DSS to "get creative" when assisting those in need.DSS staff on Tuesday presented a comprehensive report to the Social Services board of all emergency financial assistance requests made between July 1 and Sept. 6.The report stated that an average of 34 clients were making emergency requests each day in that time period for a total of 1,653 total individual clients.The requests were primarily for electric bills, rent and water and sewer bills. The breakdown also indicates that DSS helped cover payments for prescription drugs, mortgage payments, food, fuel, and other services -- such as the purchasing of eyeglasses.When a client comes in to make one of these requests, DSS social workers conduct an assessment of the individual or family to determine the real need, according to Stahl.The records from the past two months indicate that DSS was able to help 671 people with "some type of assistance," but it also states that 610 people were "unable to be assisted.""If I'm doing my math right, that's about 30 percent of people who came in a crisis that we could not help," board member Diana Wooley said. "That is a really high number for me. That's a real problem."There are no specific standards a resident must meet to qualify to receive money from the general assistance fund. DSS statutes only specify that it must be given out "as appropriate based on the situation or need." These rules also give it a cap of $500 per household, per year.But since some of these requests are fulfilled by grant money, they freq儲存倉ently have more specific standards. For instance, clients hoping to get funding from the Duke Energy Progress Settlement Fund to pay their electric bill must be at 200 percent of the poverty level.There hasn't been a change in the number of people applying for aid, according to Stahl, but DSS staff members are "having to help in a different type of way, whether it's a referral to an outside agency or problem solving in a new way.""We have to ask them what resources do they have that they may not have thought of using yet," she said.Since funding from DSS for these requests is not as readily available, Stahl said they are now making phone calls to the companies on their clients behalf, such as in helping to set up payment plans, as well as relying on outside agencies, like the Salvation Army, a lot more.According to the report, 372 new clients who came in with an emergency assistance request were referred to other agencies."DSS staff is doing whatever they can and they are helping as many people as possible, but you can't give what you don't have," said Commissioner Jonathan Barfield, who represents the commissioners on the DSS board.Barfield was the only member of the board of commissioners who voted against dropping the general assistance fund from the DSS budget."The reality is there's going to be a lot more people without," Barfield said. "It's nice that DSS is able to work with outside agencies and refer them there, but they're going to run out as well if they even have anything to begin with."The report is currently just for informational purposes, DSS officials said.Barfield said he would share the information with his fellow commissioners, but he said a longer time period to collect this information would likely be necessary before anything would change at the county level.Ashley Withers: 343-2223On Twitter: @AshleyWithersCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Star-News (Wilmington, N.C.) Visit the Star-News (Wilmington, N.C.) at .starnewsonline.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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儲存 cqcbepaper.cqnews.net/cqcb/html/2013-09/19/content_1677887.htm...9月21日,10大精品樓盤雲集海南旅遊地產金源酒店推介會,各類型樓盤適宜不同人群選擇 9月21日下午2點,由重慶晨報聯手海南新浪樂居舉辦...迷你倉

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 【香港中通社九月十八日電】(香港中通社記者 東尼)「馬(英九)王(金平)鬥法」引發台灣政壇「九月政爭」的風暴,存倉連續十二日佔據各大媒體版面,不過,島內一個關注青年議題的團體十七日隨機在台北西門町對二十八名台灣年輕人進行街訪,竟有多人反問「王金平是誰?」清楚九月政爭的來龍去脈者更是少數。 島內年輕世代意見領袖「宅神」朱學恆坦言,台灣年輕人相比在台旅遊的大陸旅客更不關心「馬王鬥法」,亦有台灣網友認為島內年輕一代應該重修公民課。 台灣的年輕人如何看待「馬王鬥法」?奇幻藝術基金會十七日在台北年輕人潮流地西門町隨機街訪二十八名年齡介乎十五至三十一歲的年輕人,其中有多位受訪者竟不知「王金平」是台灣重量級的政治人物,甚至有人以為他是行政機構負責人(江宜樺)。基金會指出,在知悉事件的受訪者中,挺馬、挺王者均有,挺馬者認為馬英九是做對的事,只是程序上不對,但也有挺王者則認為「關說」(請託、說情)在政壇很常見,沒啥大不了。 參與調查的朱學恆十八日在臉書發言討論此事,引發台灣年輕人熱議。他指出,在街頭訪問中不少台灣迷你倉年對王金平的履歷、職位一無所知,反倒是一名來自山西的大陸青年旅客,反倒明確知道王金平是「立法院長」。朱學恆說,對於「立法院長是如何產生?」,台灣的年輕人同樣不太清楚,有人回答是「民選」,還有人說是「馬英九指派的」。 針對馬、王之間到底發生了甚麼事?多數都知道是因為「關說案」,但問到王金平涉嫌關說的對象是誰?卻鮮有人知悉。基金會坦言,年輕人不太關注政治新聞,訪問中問及「你覺得這件事(關說案)對你來說重要嗎?」一位十七歲高中生坦言,到底有沒有颱風影響中秋烤肉比較重要。 據指出,年輕人更關注與自己切身利益相關的政治議題,如油電雙漲、物價續漲、失業率高等。 朱學�指出,他發現實際上關切這件事的島內年輕人好像沒想像中那麼多,反而來台灣旅遊的大陸旅客反而會很認真的看新聞,對台灣政治新聞充滿好奇心,十分關注「馬王鬥法」的事件進度。 對於有網友認為調查顯示台灣新一代欠缺公民意識,朱學恆卻認為不需對年輕一代過於苛求,「我十幾歲時,知道的事比這群年輕人還少」,認為年輕一代將時間都花在看書上課,「不知道很正常啦!」◇自存倉

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自存倉 攝影愛好者在風景如畫的林區創作。 ■新華社迷你倉

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Source: Bangor Daily News, MaineSept.自存倉 18--ROCKLAND, Maine -- Rockland's municipal ballot is taking shape as the deadline for candidates to file nomination papers for the Nov. 5 election is only days away.Incumbent City Councilor Larry Pritchett and former Mayor Hal Perry have filed their nomination papers and qualified to be on the fall ballot.Harbor management commission member Louise MacLellan-Ruf and former council candidate Anne Haggar also have taken out papers for the two available council seats but have yet to file the papers. The deadline for candidates to file with the city clerk's office is 4:30 p.m. Monday.There are two seats up for a vote this fall to represent Rockland on the Regional School Unit 13 Board.Incumbent Donald R0bishaw Jr. has filed his papers to make the ballot.Incumbent William Pearce and challenger Steven Roberts have taken out papers but not yet returned them.The two incumbents 迷你倉or two Rockland Port District posts -- Howard Edwards and Dan McNichol -- have returned their papers to make the ballot.City Clerk Stuart Sylvester said the city needs candidates for both the election warden and election ward clerk positions. These positions oversee voting on election days over the next year. The former office holders have not sought reelection, he said.Candidates for warden and ward clerk need 13 signatures of registered Rockland residents to make the ballot. Council and school board candidates need 100 signatures.Absentee ballots will be available 30 days before the Nov. 5 election.The city also will have one referendum ballot article, asking voters whether they approve borrowing $586,000 for a salt and sand shed.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Bangor Daily News (Bangor, Maine) Visit the Bangor Daily News (Bangor, Maine) at .bangordailynews.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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By Wong Joon San in Macaojoonsan@chinadailyhk.迷你倉comThis year’s Global Tourism Economy Forum 2013 is expected to build on last year’s success and go even further in exploring multi-directional connections and international exchanges, expanding strategic cooperation networks and creating win-win situations in the worldwide tourism economy, forum participants heard on Wednesday.In his welcome address at the two-day forum, Ho Hau-wah, vice-chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and the forum’s chairman, said the success of last year’s inaugural forum had drawn unprecedented attention and recognition globally.The former chief executive of the Macao SAR said the 2012 forum had effectively connected and stimulated exchanges between governments, private tourism and related industries on both domestic and international levels, and also cast a solid foundation for future cooperation.Macao SAR Chief Executive Chui Sai-on, in his opening address at the 2013 forum, which is held at the Macau Tower Convention and Entertainment Centre and the Venetian Macao Resort Hotel, said: “Despite frequent changes and complex factors faced by the international environment, the global tourism industry keeps growing steadily.“According to recent statistics published by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the first half of 2013 saw a 5 percent increase in the number of international visitors, or nearly half-a-billion visitors,” he said.Chui noted the global increase in the number of international tourists has exceeded some prior estimates, suggesting that tourism has become a global trend with high development potential and capability to drive economic growth for a travel destination.“With the tourism industry as one of Macao’s leading industries, the Macao SAR government resolutely implements the ‘One Country, Two Systems’ principle, while being dedicated to building Macao into a world center of tourism and leisure,” Chui said.Su Rong, also a CPPCC National Committee vice-chairman, in his congratulatory message at tmini storagee forum, said tourism is a great industry as it gives impetus towards social and economic development and also drives development of different sectors of the economy.Su praised the forum as a being a positive platform for people from various sectors to convene and discuss issues, brainstorm and look for solutions.In his supporting remarks, Taleb Rifai, secretary-general of UNWTO, said: “As there are numerous new opportunities for tourism in Asia and the rest of the world, we believe that by joining forces (as at the forum), the potential available to tourism could be tapped everywhere.”He pointed out that the number of international tourists continued to increase worldwide annually, and this trend not only assisted in job creation, but also grew much faster than many other sectors.The All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce Vice-Chairman Li Lu, who also made a supporting declaration, said under China’s 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-15), it was clearly stated that tourism had been identified as an area that had to be given priority for development while harnessing the support of the small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and those of the private sector.He said through steadily promoting the forum, it would also improve the people’s understanding of tourism as well as how to plan for tourism.“While more Chinese are going abroad to travel as well as to invest, equally there were more foreigners coming to China, boosting the development of tourism in the country,” Li said, adding that he was happy to work with the forum’s delegates this year to promote tourism for better “friendship and peace”.Du Jiang, vice-chairman of China National Tourism Administration, who also declared support for the forum, said the central government was presently promoting tourism as a pillar economy.“According to the UNWTO, by 2030 there would be 1.8 billion visitors in the Asia-Pacific region alone,” he said.By 2020, more than 180 million visitors will come to China and 150 million Chinese visitors will go traveling overseas, Du said, underlying the importance of tourism in the country.self storage

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Source: Clovis News Journal, N.迷你倉M.Sept. 18--Helping local individuals and families in need could be as simple as filling in the gaps and connecting the dots.Local volunteers and community members gathered Tuesday to help the United Way of Eastern New Mexico kick off its annual fundraising campaign to do just that."At this time every year, United Way reaches out to the community to bring everybody together to make a difference for families," said Erinn Burch, United Way executive director.Burch said United Way's focus has always been education, income and health, and this year's campaign is no different."By improving those things within our community and within our families, we can give people the tools they need to improve their lives," she said.According to Burc儲存倉, $553,000 was raised by Curry and Roosevelt counties during last year's campaign. The goal of this year's campaign is to raise $1 million between the two communities, as it was in 2012."We fell pretty short of that last year," said Leo Lovett, this year's campaign chairman. "But I believe that we can make it this year."Lovett stressed the importance of people helping people and making sure everyone in the community is asked to donate or help however they can."We're focusing on reaching everyone," he said. "Some people come to us and say we've never been asked. Everywhere I go, I'm asking."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Clovis News Journal (Clovis, N.M.) Visit the Clovis News Journal (Clovis, N.M.) at .cnjonline.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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