Source: The Beaumont Enterprise, TexasAug.文件倉 28--In 1980, Beaumont's population was growing. The city was home to corporate headquarters, government operations and locally owned banks. It was the base of major political power and, according to Money magazine, the best place in the United States to get a job.More than 30 years later, Beaumont and Southeast Texas might not have dropped entirely out of the race for wealth, power and success, but they have certainly been lapped. Money magazine didn't include us in its 2010 Top 100 places to live.Much of the area's corporate, banking and government presence is gone -- often to Houston -- with satellites, kiosks and empty office space left in its place. Most of the area's elected representatives don't live here, thanks to redistricting efforts that gave more power to population-dense Houston. After years of declining population, in 2010 Beaumont finally pulled even with 1980, while the state of Texas grew by almost 77 percent in those 30 years to more than 25 million people.Is Beaumont now a backwater in what has become a rushing Texas river of power amid huge population gains fed by renewed oil and gas wealth, technology, medicine and higher education? Will it ever matter again?Pat Parsons, whose CommunityBank of Texas is about the last local institution capable of acquiring banks in Houston instead of the other way around, doesn't see a coherent center of power locally."There was always a core group of people in business, religion who could always work together to do what was best," said Parsons, chairman and chief executive of the Beaumont-headquartered bank. "Nobody got everything, but the community got what it needed. It just doesn't exist anymore."There once was a towering figure in John Gray, who led Lamar University and later forged a career in banking that powered business in Beaumont."They don't grow timber like that anymore," Parsons said. "He could bring people together."Does Beaumont -- and by extension Southeast Texas -- have influence on the state and nation?"We used to have, unquestionably," Parsons said. "There's nothing on the horizon to turn us around. I don't know anyone who has a coherent answer for that."Location, location, locationThe place itself -- merely its leaders -- could offer the best prospect for a turnaround. As the real estate folks like to say, the best sales argument is location, and the Texas Gulf Coast has it.Carl R. Griffith, former Jefferson County Judge and former sheriff and now an industry consultant, sees promise for the area because of shale gas and oil and the infrastructure that exists here."We're on the brink of the opportunity to land some of the largest projects we've ever had," he said.Some of the projects that Griffith worked on while he led Commissioners Court -- $23 billion worth, by his count -- have wrapped up, including the Motiva Port Arthur refinery expansion.The state is working through its regulatory requirements from the Obama administration, and industry is acclimating.Griffith said his business is to help major industries with site selection. He predicts that the Gulf Coast, from Pascagoula, Miss., to Brownsville will receive $160 billion in investment over the course of the next five or six years and will need 1.7 million more trained workers than are currently available."We're in position to have significant recovery," he said.Griffith, current Jefferson County Judge Jeff Branick and Greater Beaumont Chamber of Commerce president Jim Rich all have referred to at least two major projects that could be valued at $1.9 billion and $757 million, respectively, and could be located within the property taxable by the Beaumont Independent School District, which would have to approve tax abatements.None would comment on whose projects they are.Vacuum versus coalitionsGriffith said he doesn't think there is a leadership vacuum. Elected officials have made real progress on issues that will help Southeast Texas, he said.For example, state Sen. Tommy Williams, R-The Woodlands, passed a bill whose House sponsor was state Rep. Joe Deshotel, D-Beaumont, that creates access to state bonding authority to help pay for the local share of improvements to the Sabine-N存倉ches Ship Channel deepening project.It's been 50 years since the channel was deepened, back when the late Jack Brooks wielded power in Congress. Brooks served from 1952 to 1994 and secured several huge projects that still benefit the region, including the Sam Rayburn Reservoir and the Port Arthur seawall, which prevented devastating flooding after Hurricane Ike in 2008.Griffith also credited Nederland-based state Rep. Allan Ritter with crafting a constitutional amendment that will allow Texas to tap its Rainy Day fund to provide revolving loans to build water projects around the state, which also will help to protect the water in Rayburn for local needs."I don't believe we've gone backward in leadership," Griffith said.But there are other drags on the area's momentum. Beaumont's local problem child -- its dysfunctional school district, as described by a state audit -- could delay recovery.Branick has noted publicly that school district problems have caused at least one company to pass on expanding into Beaumont.The company, he said, already exists in Jefferson County -- he declined to identify it -- but it was considering opening a Beaumont office with 38 engineers. Because of BISD's issues, it decided against it, saying its employees would have needed more money than it could afford to be able to send their children to private school.Rich, Branick and Griffith all said they realize that local powers who carried outsized influence at the state and national level have left the stage.In their place, Rich said, are coalitions that people have built.He said he recently visited 24 members of Congress looking for their support on the ship channel deepening project, which will be in a new federal water projects bill that likely will come up for a vote in September."We'll never have a Jack Brooks or a (state Sen.) Carl Parker again," Rich said, "One guy by himself -- those days are over."He said economist M. Ray Perryman will make a presentation in Beaumont on Wednesday that shows the economic impact of a deeper waterway on the national economy. That includes refinery expansions such as Motiva, now the largest in the United States, and plans to convert liquefied natural gas terminals for export because of the abundance of shale gas development.Griffith said shale gas is changing lives on the Gulf Coast and in the United States."LNG is a piece of it, but cheap natural gas drives the chemical business. And we can land a lot of projects here. Low-cost gas is long-term opportunity," he said.Business obstacles remainIn the 1980s, major refineries drastically cut their work forces. Those workers didn't return, even after billions of dollars of investment in modernizing plants.Chuck Kalkbrenner, incoming Beaumont chamber of commerce chairman, said the manufacturing side of petrochemicals is more automated and offers fewer opportunities for employment, unlike the exploration side, which is booming now.Kalkbrenner is regional manager for external affairs with AT&T.Another industry, such as technology, remains elusive, he said, but Lamar University is working on it.For local industrial contractors, however, the lack of local decision-making at refineries makes it hard to do business.Chuck Mason, president of Mason Construction, which has long experience in serving the area's petrochemical industries, said it's not just banks whose leadership isn't local. It's the refineries, too."It's difficult for us to build up relationships with the people who are making the decisions," he said.That's because they aren't here."It's going on everywhere, not just here," he said. "In the last 15 or 20 years, it's changed radically. In the late 1980s, we still had local bank presidents with real authority. It used to be that (a contractor) could get his money from a refinery in 30 days. Now, it's six to eight months. You've got to be able to finance that (a business' operations). How can a small contractor survive that? It's an incredible difference." ___ (c)2013 the Beaumont Enterprise (Beaumont, Texas) Visit the Beaumont Enterprise (Beaumont, Texas) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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楚天都市報訊 (記者楚田)江河,迷你倉價錢孕育燦爛文明,激蕩經濟浪潮;楚商,創造財富傳奇,引領一方風騷。今日,本報�動“追尋楚商足跡對話四大江河”橫跨亞歐美大型採訪活動,十名記者組成的採訪團,陸續飛赴亞歐美三大洲,在長江、萊茵河、伏爾加河、密西西比河的濤聲里,探求經濟發展轉型密碼;在湖北商人的傳奇故事中,觸碰他們內心深處的中國夢。每一個文明的起源,都能聽見河水的喧嘩聲。從中國的萬里長江,到歐洲的萊茵河、伏爾加河,再到美洲的密西西比河,文明之光照耀人類跋涉的足跡。它們流經的區域,成為發達的城市集群和經濟體,在世界經濟中舉足輕重。今年7月,習近平總書記考察荊楚大地時寄語:努力把湖北建設成為中部地區崛起的重要戰略支點,在轉變經濟發展方式上走在全國前列。為踐行總書記的諄諄囑托,促進湖北科學發展、跨越式發展,本報迷你倉國採訪團將從產業轉型、城鎮化與城市群建設、流域航運、旅遊發展、環保治汙、商業一體化等六大課題入手,選擇四大江河流域最具代表性的城市,走進當地市民生活,對話當地官員、學者,解析四大流域城鎮化進程,探求經濟發展方式轉型密碼。經濟發展,如大河奔流,跌宕起伏,豪邁激蕩。楚商勇立潮頭,敢為人先,蜚聲中外。今年10月,首屆全球楚商大會將在武漢舉行。為弘揚楚商精神,凝聚楚商力量,擴大楚商影響,本報特聯合省委統戰部、省工商聯、省貿促會,尋訪叱�亞歐美的精英楚商,傾聽湖北驕子的財智故事,狀寫荊楚兒女創富傳奇,展現全球經濟中的“湖北氣場”,壯大中國經濟中的“湖北力量”。本報從編輯部抽調精兵強將,組成後方編輯團隊,對記者發回的稿件進行精心打磨,將于9月推出相關報道,敬請讀者予以垂注。本次採訪由湖北春暉集團全程贊助支持。新蒲崗迷你倉

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By Shen Jingting ( China Daily) Mobile chat application Yixin, which was launched by China Telecom Corp Ltd and NetEase Inc, is pushing China Mobile Ltd, the nation's biggest telecom operator, into an awkward corner, analysts said.迷你倉On Aug 19, China Telecom and Internet company NetEase Inc jointly launched Yixin, a smartphone app similar to Tencent Holdings Ltd's WeChat.Yixin, which has created to challenge WeChat, has several features that set it apart from the competition. For instance, the app is capable of sending free text and voice messages to any mobile phone user, whether the receiver has installed Yixin or not.To show the companies' determination to fight against WeChat, which has attracted more than 300 million users in two years, China Telecom's Chairman Wang Xiaochu and NetEase's Chief Executive Officer William Ding both appeared on stage at the launch ceremony. Other celebrities, including Sohu Inc's chairman Charles Zhang and Lan Ye, vice-president of Chinese e-commerce giant, were also present.Before that, China United Network Communications Co Ltd (China Unicom) - China's second-largest mobile carrier - had joined hands with Tencent in July to launch the nation's first SIM card customized for WeChat.After these moves, China Mobile is now expected to come up with its own strategy for the mobile instant-messaging sector, said Tian Siyu, an analyst with research firm Zero2IPO."People cannot help but wonder what kind of move will China Mobile take next? Will the world's biggest telecom carrier endure the situation and be left behind?" Tian asked.There's no indication yet that China Mobile will react to the market changes or release any strategy for the sector soon.The company declined to comment for this story.China Mobile explored the nation's instant-messaging market as early as 2008. At the time, the company introduced the Fetion app to grab market share away from Tencent's dominating QQ service. Fetion was once the second-largest instant messaging app in the country, behind QQ.In September 2011, more than six months after Tencent's launch of WeChat, China Mobile unveiled Feiliao, a mobile app that allows users to send and receive voice messages, and was intended to compete directly with WeChat.However, Feiliao failed to take users away from WeChat and China Mobile said in July that it woul自存倉 suspend upgrades for the app.However, the carrier did not abandon the mobile chat market. In June, China Mobile launched Jego - a Skype-like mobile app that targets users with international communication needs. But Jego did not last long, and China Mobile suspended the service three weeks after its launch."It's quite hard for China Mobile to do the same things that Internet companies do. China Mobile is a telecom carrier and it lacks that sort of Internet gene," Tina Tian, a telecom industry insider, pointed out.Meanwhile, a series of corruption scandals in recent years has seriously hurt China Mobile's ability to take bold moves."The company appears to be more conservative than before," Tian said.China Mobile said this month that Xu Long, its chairman in the southern province of Guangdong, was removed from his position and is under investigation for "severe disciplinary violations". Several high-level company officials have been ousted since 2010.And there's no doubt that WeChat has placed negative pressure on China Mobile's market performance. About 70 percent of its revenue last year came from traditional voice and short message services. But the company's traditional business is declining, as more customers are using WeChat because of its almost free voice and message services.China Mobile's financial reports reflect the carrier's difficulties. The company's net profit in the first half of the year rose a mere 1.5 percent year-on-year, while China Unicom's and China Telecom's net profit increased by 55 percent and 16 percent year-on-year, respectively.Sandy Shen, an analyst with Gartner Inc, said that Yixin is not likely to affect China Mobile's financial performance in the short run. "It's unclear whether Yixin will be successful. Though the mobile chatting market is big enough to house two to three major players, I still doubt that Yixin has the chance to topple WeChat's position," Shen said.Zhang Zheng, former head of NetEase's marketing department and now general manager of Zhejiang Yixin Technology, said that Yixin aims to have more than 100 million registered users within six months, with an active user base of more than 50 million users.Yixin's customer base has already surpassed 5 million, according to Zhejiang Yixin, the joint venture between China Telecom and迷你倉新蒲崗

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Source: Greeley Tribune, Colo.迷你倉新蒲崗Aug. 29--Royce Clark, a prominent member of Greeley's financial community, died on Thursday in a Las Vegas car crash. He was 80 years old.Clark, who served as president of the Colorado Bankers Association, was well-known in the Greeley community. He was first a correspondent banker out of Denver and then moved to Greeley, where he owned banks at the Greeley Mall and then off of 10th Street, which is now Bank of the West."I knew him as a very tough competitor, but as a man who was strictly ethical," said Norman Dean, a longtime Greeley resident who served as president of the Weld County Bank, which is now the United Bank of Greeley. "He had very strong personal integrity."Sarah MacQuiddy, executive director of the Greeley Chamber of Commerce, said Clark was also chairman of the chamber board in 1982."The business community was 迷你倉出租is first passion and his first love. His dealings with his bank always reflected that attitude," MacQuiddy said. "I'm gonna miss him something awful ... He was such a kind man, and always ethical in his dealings."Clark died in Las Vegas, where he had a second home, on Thursday night after his 1997 Buick collided with a pickup, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal. He was pronounced dead at the scene.Dean said Clark and his wife, who died several years ago, were avid golfers, which is why they lived part-time in Las Vegas.Dean said he remembered the first time he met Clark in the 1960s, when he was still a correspondent banker."He was very professional in his approach to banking."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Greeley Tribune (Greeley, Colo.) Visit the Greeley Tribune (Greeley, Colo.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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Source: The Telegraph, Alton, Ill.新蒲崗迷你倉Aug. 28--CARROLLTON -- Following a 5-4 season in 2011, Carrollton Hawks coach Nick Flowers moved forward with a clear goal for his program."We wanted to go from good to great," Flowers said.That target was certainly achieved in a 2012 championship run through the Western Illinois Valley Conference's South Division, where the Hawks destroyed five foes by a combined score of 215-8.But a 48-14 spanking from Maroa-Forsyth in a Class 1A playoff quarterfinal game reminded that true greatness may still be a Hawks' goal unattained."That's one thing we keep stressing to the kids," said Nick Flowers, who begins his 10th season at his alma mater with a 54-36 career record. "What's the difference between bad and great? It's good. And a lot of times, people can get pretty complacent with things. We don't want this group to get complacent with being good."We feel like we have an opportunity to do some things we have yet to do as a program. We're still in that process. ... But I really feel like we're playing at a different level right now."The 10-win season was the second in school history, matching the 10 first set in 1999. The postseason march to Round 3 was the first for the Hawks, who shook a 0-for-7 effort in second-round games by beating Sidell Jamaica 26-20 to earn a quarterfinal shot at Maroa."It was definitely a season to build on," Flowers said.A postseason push back to the quarters and beyond is among the Hawks' targets in 2013. But that comes after stated goals of winning their first game and defending their WIVC South title.Carrollton has not claimed back-to-back conference titles since 1994-95, but is a prohibitive favorite to again run the table in the South. Most of the key pieces return, though the Hawks must replace their most gifted and versatile player in graduated Jordan Harr."We have kids who have put their time in and I truly believe they can step in and shine in their own ways," Flowers said.The Hawks are cast as a Class 1A power, but they remain a team light on senior impact players. Four seniors are slated to start on offense and three on defense, with Clay Duba (6-0, 185) and Ethan Frye (6-4, 160) starting both ways.Carrollton averaged 32.9 points per game last season with sophomores in lead roles at quarterback and running back. Jacob Smith (5-9, 170, jr.) returns at QB after completing 77 of 134 passes for 1,040 yards, 12 touchdowns and five interceptions."Jacob's the brains of our offense," Flowers said. "He's probably one of the more coachable kids we've had. .mini storage. That's big-time quarterback play when a kid wants to read progressions and be able to see what a defense is doing."Junior Luke Palan is also back as a big-play threat out of the backfield. The 5-11, 170 pounder rushed for 1,025 yards and 19 TDs as a sophomore, including 154 yards on 14 carries with an 88-yard TD run in the loss to Maroa."Luke has really matured the last couple years," Flowers said. "He's gotten patient, he reads blocks better, he knows when to cut, when to spin. He really is a playmaker and he can catch the ball out of the backfield for us, too."He's a special, special player and they don't come around every year, that's for sure."Duba and Frye will line up with junior Cody Leonard and sophomore Cole Brannan in a four-receiver spread set.And providing protection for Carrollton's ballhandlers will be an offensive line featuring seniors Dylan Barnett (6-0, 280) and Travis Smith (6-0, 300) and juniors Marcus Lippert (6-0, 210), Derek McGowen (5-10, 215) and Nick Schmidt (5-10, 205).The Hawks appear well stocked on both sides of the ball, but Flowers stays vigilant against getting too comfortable."As many team strengths as we have right now, we also know we have some weaknesses and things we need to figure out real quick," Flowers said. "We're going to play in a competitive WIVC this year."The defense features two All-Area performers in linebackers Leonard (6-0, 180) and Lippert. "Those are two inside linebackers that are really going to stand out for us," Flowers said.But the Hawks face early adversity with both those standouts suspended for six quarters because of disciplinary issues. Leonard and Lippert will sit out the opener at Jacksonville ISD and the first half of the home opener against Concord Triopia in Week 2.Long-term goals, however, remain unaltered."We're preparing for a season," Flowers said, "not a game or two."The defense is stacked with 20 linemen vying for playing time in a 3-4 scheme. Schmidt and juniors Dalton Barnes (5-9, 175) and Jesse Meza (5-8, 185) will open as starters up front, but the numbers mean competition continues for line time."That's a good thing," Flowers said. "Before the year's up, I'm hoping maybe we can be two platoon or as close as we can get in 1A."Senior Dylan Funk (5-10, 165) and junior Trenton Harrelson (6-5, 200) are the outside linebackers, with Brannan, Duba, Frye and Palan manning the secondary.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Telegraph (Alton, Ill.) Visit The Telegraph (Alton, Ill.) at Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

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狂歡類獲獎名單廣東·廣州長隆旅遊度假區廣東·東莞新華南摩爾寧夏·沙坡頭旅遊景區澳門·葡京酒店香港·海洋公園在所有的景區中,mini storage狂歡類景區大概是帶給人們歡樂最多的。精心打造的遊藝項目,載歌載舞的精彩表演,精心設計的主題節慶,都能喚起人們心中的童真和快樂。廣東·廣州長隆旅遊度假區國內擁有主題公園最多的綜合性旅遊度假區簡介:廣州長隆旅遊度假區是中國擁有主題公園數量最多的綜合性旅遊度假區、中國首批國家級5A景區,集旅遊、休閒、文化三位一體,被譽為“中國最受歡迎的一站式旅遊度假勝地”。獲獎理由:長隆旅遊度假區無疑已經成為廣東旅遊的一張名片,一個國際頂尖的度假勝地。無論是在長隆歡樂世界玩十環過山車,還是在野生動物世界與各種動物親密接觸,抑或在長隆大馬戲觀賞世界級的馬戲表演,都可以感受到自己發自內心的最真實的快樂。數據說話:2012年,廣州長隆旅遊度假區年接待遊客再創新高,突破1300萬人次,連續五年超過千萬人次,躍居世界頂尖主題景區前列,每年入園遊客的高速增長創造了世界旅遊業的奇跡。廣東·東莞新華南摩爾新建88米高摩天輪簡介:東莞新華南摩爾自2005年營業以來,歡笑天地、萬達國際電影城、英國B B C天線寶寶兒童樂園、冰河世紀電玩城、魔方K T V、麥德龍、SPA R超市、尼羅河酒店、東莞城市候機樓、東莞羽毛球館等一大批商家陸續入駐,形成了東莞具有旅遊特色的華南摩爾商圈。2013年新華南摩爾投入巨資進行升級改造,其中包括新建一座88米高的摩天輪。獲獎理由:無比親民的機動遊戲,各具特色的節慶活動,東莞新華self storage摩爾已經成為東莞市民乃至廣東遊客旅遊度假的好去處。另一個讓人喜愛的理由是,這裡大部分的遊戲項目位於室內,可以使遊客避免遭受日曬雨淋的痛苦。寧夏·沙坡頭旅遊景區有中國最大天然滑沙場簡介:沙坡頭地處騰格里沙漠東南沿,可算是寧夏最知名的沙漠景區了,它是寧、蒙、甘三省區的交會點,黃河第一入川口,是歐亞大通道,古絲綢之路的必經之地,以沙漠生態治理與旅遊勝地聞名於世。這裡有中國最大的天然滑沙場,還有總長800米、橫跨黃河的“天下黃河第一索”———沙坡頭黃河滑索。獲獎理由:在沙坡頭,沙漠與黃河緊緊相連,可以看到黃河一瀉千里的壯美景色;此外這裡也是沙漠游樂的天堂;沙漠酒店更是與眾不同。巨大的景觀差異性,使得這裡成為廣東人印象最深刻的景區之一。香港·海洋公園全球最受歡迎的主題公園之一簡介:香港海洋公園享有“全球最受歡迎的主題公園”,“東南亞地區規模最大的娛樂消閑公園”,“世界最大的水族館”(之一)等多項殊榮。位於香港島南面的香港海洋公園,堪稱全球最受歡迎的主題公園之一,占地170英畝,建築分佈于南朗山上及黃竹坑谷地。公園分山上和山下兩部分,山上是香港海洋公園的主要部分,有海洋館、海濤館、海洋劇場、百鳥居;山下的水上樂園,是亞洲第一個水上游樂中心,還有花園劇場、金魚館及仿照歷代文物所建的集古村等。獲獎理由:香港海洋公園承載著一代香港人的回憶,更是快樂的代名詞。景觀的多樣性和設施設備的完善,是同區同類景點不可比擬的。如今越來越多的內地人士到香港度假,海洋公園是他們的最佳選擇。採寫:南都記者伍世然圖片均為資料圖片迷你倉

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  本報記者 黃娜 馮怡  昨天下午,迷你倉泰國旅遊城市芭提雅發生一起快艇與漁船相撞事故,導致快艇上兩名中國遊客遇難,另有7名中國遊客受傷。  本報記者昨晚向有關部門核實情況後得知,兩名遇難的中國遊客中,有一名來自嘉興。事發時快艇與一漁船相撞7名傷者已出院  據新華社消息,昨天下午1點半左右,事發快艇自金沙島返回芭提雅碼頭近100米處與一漁船相撞。快艇上搭載了一個來自中國的旅行團,該團由1名領隊和29名遊客組成,于本月25日抵達泰國,原定30日回國。  事發後,中國駐泰國大使寧賦魁高度重視,第一時間派工作組趕赴事發地。工作組抵達當地醫院後即看望了傷員,要求院方全力救治中方傷員,同時約見泰警方負責人阿倫,敦促其儘快調查事故原因和責任,同副部長蓬齊瓦南、泰國春武力府尹孔森和帕提亞市市長伊提蓬等現場提出交涉,請其積極協助中方妥善處理善後,同時採取切實措施,保障中國遊客安全。  目前,兩名死者遺體已妥善保存在當地醫院,7名傷者均為輕傷,已出院返回酒店。中國駐泰國大使館表示,將全力協助死傷者家屬來泰處理有關善後事宜。其中一名遇自存倉者為海寧人家屬將前往泰國處理後事  昨晚,本報記者從浙江省旅遊局安全管理處處長李偉鋼處瞭解到,出游泰國的旅行團中有部分遊客是在嘉興國際旅行社報團,由蘇州一家旅行社統一出團。  “事發後,旅遊局已要求旅行社和保險公司第一時間介入處理,並安排家屬儘快趕赴泰國。”李偉鋼說。  蘇州職工國際旅行社承接了此次泰國游,公司出境中心總經理沈海青說:“團里的遊客來自全國,確實有兩人不幸死亡,受傷遊客並無大礙。”  沈海青說,得知消息後,公司馬上召開緊急會議,�動應急預案,已派專人小組趕赴泰國處理。“其餘遊客應該仍然會按照原來旅遊行程,不會提前歸國。”  記者瞭解到,遇難的兩人分別是海寧某照明有限公司的職工董某(34歲,男,海寧市馬橋街道人)和廣東某照明有限公司職工張某(32歲,男,河南省南陽人)。  海寧某照明有限公司于8月25日組織員工共10余人參加嘉興國際旅行社團隊游,打算和廣東某照明有限公司的職工一起在泰國拼團旅遊。  目前,海寧某照明有限公司已經在第一時間將董某死亡情況告訴家屬,同時派專人安排家屬辦理護照前往泰國處理後事。迷你倉新蒲崗

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Source: The Philadelphia InquirerAug.自存倉 27--Americans of a certain age are more than likely to assert that they saw the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s compelling "I Have a Dream" speech live on television.It's more than likely they are deluding themselves.King's soaring oratory, the climax to the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom 50 years ago, was many things to many people. But a big TV event wasn't one of them.The timing, late afternoon on a summer weekday, didn't lend itself to wide tune-in. Plus, it was an era when national television news came from three sources, ABC, CBS, and NBC, and was consigned to distilled 24-minute dispatches at dinnertime."Only CBS committed to afternoon coverage," says Ron Simon, curator of television and radio at New York's Paley Center for Media. "And most of their broadcast," anchored by Roger Mudd, "consisted of correspondents talking to politicians about the impact of the march on legislation."Two of the networks did not cover that portion live," Simon continues. "ABC was probably broadcasting American Bandstand from Philadelphia."The young studio audience of dancers on Dick Clark's show was not desegregated until 1965, after production had moved from Philadelphia to Los Angeles.At the time King took the podium on that hot afternoon in 1963, prefaced by gospel legend Mahalia Jackson singing "I've Been 'Buked and I've Been Scorned," NBC was showing a rerun of Make Room for Daddy with Danny Thomas, Angela Cartwright, and Hans Conried."Television was lagging behind the major social movements -- racial equality, antiwar, and women's rights," says television historian Tim Brooks, coauthor of The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network and Cable TV Shows, 1946-Present. "Television was an escapist medium, showing Gilligan's Island and The Beverly Hillbillies while there were demonstrations in the street. It wasn't until late in the '60s that television began to reflect modern reality."In a very real way, that speech was instrumental in dragging TV out of the insulated Donna Reed epoch, primarily because it turned out that viewers did want to hear King's message. Ratings are the only argument that networks can hear, then as now.CBS's live coverage "did much better than the regular daytime shows," Simon says, "which I think really surprised network executives."They all did recaps in prime time that equaled the ratings for Wagon Train [ABC] and The Virginian [NBC]."Part of the reason for the scant coverage was the pervasive conviction that such a large gathering of minorities would inevitably end in violent unrest."There was a deputy attorney general standing inside the Lincoln Memorial with his finger on the button" for the loudspeaker system, says James Polk, producer of CNN's documentary We Were There: The March on Washington. 迷你倉新蒲崗He was poised to cut off the speeches if things got out of hand."For those who did watch the actual live broadcast, it was an indelible moment."I came away from the television set knowing that was a major event in the civil rights struggle," says Bob Schieffer, host of CBS's Face the Nation, who in 1963 was a reporter for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. "I had never heard such a speech, one with the power to move people, even on television."Larry Kane, the longtime dean of Philly newscasters, was working for a radio station in St. Louis in 1963. "When I saw 250,000 people on the Mall, I was stunned," he says. "Also that it wasn't an all-black audience. The problem with history is that when you're in it, you never know you're in it. Nobody that day realized what an iconic event that would turn out to be."Some had no choice but to watch the speech on tape. Harris Wofford, who served as an attorney for the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights and later as U.S. senator from Pennsylvania, was in Ethiopia at the time, organizing the nascent Peace Corps."Our only source of news was a patchy shortwave radio," Wofford says. "Everything came by mail. About 10 days after it happened, we got a documentary about the March."All the Peace Corps volunteers in Addis Ababa came to the [U.S.] Embassy to watch it," Wofford says. "We went through a moment of relief and pride that the March had been so well-planned and received."Even if you were on the Mall that day, there was a good chance you didn't get to see King deliver his inspirational remarks. (This was well before the advent of giant Diamond Vision screens flanking the stage.)"I could hear him but the crowd was too large to see him," says Barbara Still, a school psychologist in Philadelphia, who as a middle schooler traveled by bus to Washington with the Harlem Educational Project."It was powerful, but it wasn't the speech that defined the day," Still continues. "We were all excited to see the civil rights workers from the South. We really looked up to that delegation and cheered for them everywhere they went. It was a day of encouragement, and celebration, and of admiration for the civil rights worker in the South."So, if this week somebody tells you they saw King's masterpiece on live television, nod politely."We think the whole nation was galvanized by the speech," says the Paley Center's Simon. "But that simply wasn't the case. It's just that it's been referenced, anthologized, and reshown in so many different ways that everyone thinks they saw it live."Contact David Hiltbrand at or follow on Twitter @daveondemand_TV. Read his blog at ___ (c)2013 The Philadelphia Inquirer Visit The Philadelphia Inquirer at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉出租

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揭發「水門事件」,新蒲崗迷你倉在美國新聞界奠定不朽地位的百年老報《華盛頓郵報》,上周宣布賣盤予亞馬遜始創人貝索斯。消息令不少人欷歔,感歎這份叱�風雲八十年的傳統大報也要易手,是美國報業走入黃昏的又一鐵證。事實上,美國報業近年風聲鶴唳,裁員、賣盤、賣樓、破產的浪接浪,在《華郵》出售前後三天內,美國共有三份報刊易手,可說境況淒楚。「數碼化」已是美國紙媒的指定動作,網上版雖能令發行量止跌回升,奈何吸廣告的能力卻遠遜於印刷版。過去五年間,美國整體報章廣告收入下跌五成半,新聞界從業員人數在十三年間減少百分之三十。今次網上零售巨子接手百年老報,能否在四面楚歌的美國報界殺出一條血路,實是未知之數。有一百三十六年歷史的《華盛頓郵報》八月五日突然宣布賣盤,董事長兼行政總裁格雷厄姆(Donald Graham)向員工宣布以十九億五千萬元(港元.下同)將報紙賣給亞馬遜公司創始人貝索斯(Jeff Bezos)。《華郵》賣盤消息傳出後,令很多人感到欷歔,因為這意味�美國家族經營報紙的年代將成過去。在美國報章的黃金年代,各大報章均由當地的名門望族持有,這些家族長老既是老闆,也擔當社會價值守護者的角色,他們尊重編採獨立,報紙的內容與經營分離,致力捍衛新聞自由。《華盛頓郵報》一九七二年揭發水門案醜聞,格雷厄姆夫人就力抗尼克遜總統重壓,為《華郵》及美國報業奠定不朽名聲。銷量跌廣告收入差不過,近年美國報業的經營環境江河日下,在一九九○至二○一○年間,美國所有報章的單日總發行量由六千二百三十萬份,降至四千三百四十萬份,跌幅達三成。由家族持有的傳統大報紛紛賣盤,例如本由班克羅夫特(Bancroft)家族持有的《華爾街日報》於○七年賣給梅鐸的新聞集團。從理性角度看,《華郵》銷量連續七年下降,過去六年的收入下跌四成四,單單去年便虧損了四億一千八百多萬元,的確是時候另謀出路。與《華郵》同日宣布賣盤的,還有紐約時報公司旗下的《波士頓環球報》,紐時以五億多元賤售《波士頓環球報》,售價只及二十多年前轉手時的百分之六點四,可謂蝕大本。《紐時》是目前唯一仍由美國大家族持有的龍頭報紙,不過《紐時》的情況也不容樂觀。雖然在兩年前在網站築起「收費牆」後,《紐時》數碼發行量與日俱增,現已達一百一十三萬用戶,成為最多用戶訂閱的電子報,總發行量較去年同期勁升百分之十七點六,堪稱為轉型最成功的美國報章。不過,數碼版報章的吸廣告能力,遠遠不如印刷版。根據《紐時》公司八月一日公布的數據顯示,今年第二季的廣告收入較去年同期下跌百分之六,總收入亦下降百分之一。由於互聯網上廣告選擇空間巨大,令廣告價格持續低迷,網上新聞的廣告收入增長乏力,無法抵銷印刷廣告的損失。根據美國報業協會統計,美國報章廣告收益在○七年至二○一二年間暴跌百分之五十五。曾經風光一時的《新聞周刊》亦於八月三日再次易手。《新》本是華盛頓郵報公司旗下的報章,二○一○年由美國加州億萬富豪哈曼(Sidney Harman)以一美元買下並負擔其債務,本來打算大展拳腳,同年更與IAC集團旗下的The Daily Beast網站合mini storage,銳意開拓傳媒王國。但哈曼於前年去世,其家族不再願意投資,去年底《新聞周刊》結束印刷版實行電子化,最近再被《國際財經時報》(International Business Times)收購。行業難撈記者銳減在七十二小時中,美國有三大報刊易手,凸顯了美國報業的困境。《紐時》例子證明即使成功轉型亦難保廣告收入,無計可施下,美國報業惟有大力削減成本求存。去年五月,先進出版集團(Advance)宣布旗下的Times-Picayune報紙在秋季將改為一周三天出版,令新奧爾良就成了美國沒有日報出版的最大城市。今年一月,甘尼特報業集團賣掉其在紐約州羅切斯特市的前總部大樓。另外,亦有不少報業集團正出租辦公室,或者承接其他印刷業務,增加收入。美國報業協會年度員工調查顯示,二○一一年及一二年新聞部全職工作崗位分別減少約一千個。二○○○年至今,美國整體新聞編輯部從業員銳減三成,更是自一九七八年開始進行是項調查以來,首次人數低於四萬人。美國報業採取「瘦身」政策,目前仍有利可圖,但靠裁員、減刊等方法謀取利潤,難免影響報章質素,無異於飲鴆止渴,自取滅亡。美國學者研究顯示,新聞數碼化已是無可逆轉的洪流,而在訊息爆炸的年代,消費者只願意付費訂閱內容質素較免費新聞高出很多的收費新聞網站。美國八大報概況每日紙質 每日數碼 每日 與去年同期排名 報章名稱 發行量(萬) 發行量(萬) 總發行量(萬) 比較 母公司 近況1 華爾街日報 148.1 89.8 237.9 12.3% 新聞集團 歐洲版被揭發一成六發行量造假,旨在吸引 廣告客戶2 紐約時報 73.1 113.4 186.5 17.6% 紐約時報公司 賤賣旗下蝕錢的《波士頓環球報》3 今日美國 142.4 25.0 167.4 -7.9% 甘尼特報業集團 一○年裁員一百三十人,去年印刷版及網上 版均改版走年輕化路線4 洛杉磯時報 43.3 17.8 61.1 6.0% 論壇公司 母公司計劃拋售《洛時》,六月底新聞部裁 員二十人5 紐約每日新聞 36.0 15.6 51.6 -11.0% 地產大亨扎克曼 五月新聞部裁減二十多人,其中包括資深獲 (Mortimer Zuckerman) 獎記者6 紐約郵報 30.0 20.1 50.1 -9.9% 新聞集團 六月初裁減十多人7 華盛頓郵報 43.1 4.2 47.3 -6.5% 貝索斯 宣布賣盤予亞馬遜始創人貝索斯8 芝加哥太陽報 18.5 7.8 26.3 11.9% 太陽時報新聞集團 五月三十日裁掉整個攝影部資料來源:美國審計媒體聯盟(AAM)、綜合報道 註:數碼發行量包括付費瀏覽的個人電腦、平板電腦、手機訂戶撰文:趙冬兒︱攝影:路透社、資料圖片設計:章可儀self storage

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