仁寶日前宣布將以每股50.8元收購華寶,self storage帶動金仁寶集團股價同步上揚,由於未來市場上專業手機ODM廠將僅剩華冠(8101),華冠近來因客戶持續推出新機,已計劃擴增產能,昨天華冠也跟著亮燈漲停。華寶昨(1)日開盤即直奔漲停,委買量高達100多萬張,終場收在漲停價46.5元,成交量僅1,318張。分析師預測,華寶股價將持續往50.8元靠近,另迷利倉仁寶也上漲0.75元,收在22.35元;華冠則收在漲停價15.85元。業者認為,仁寶合併華寶後,在行動裝置部分,以仁寶的經濟規模、華寶的技術,接單能力上將大為提升。先前市場即盛傳,華寶有意爭取蘋果訂單,因此需要結合仁寶的資源;但也有一說指出,華寶原為微軟Windows Phone陣營最大的手機ODM廠商,在微軟合併諾基亞後,希望供應鏈支持。自存倉
- Oct 02 Wed 2013 15:24
- Oct 02 Wed 2013 15:11
URL:.chinanews.com.cn/sh/2013/10-01/5342858.shtml 在中國第15個“十一”黃金周到來之際,存倉兩部法律的實施讓其顯得與以往有所不同:一是“常回家看看”寫入法條,二是旅遊法整頓規範旅遊市場。“回家看看”還是“出去轉轉”,中國消費者似乎是時候反思一下黃金周到底應該怎麼過了。 10月1日開始實施的旅遊法對旅行社“零負團費”和“制定購物”等現象加以整治,將花費透明化,致使旅行團報價普遍上漲,而7月1日已經開始實施的新版老年人權益保障法,則加入了所謂的“常回家看看”條款。 在深圳一家銀行上班的李先生對於這個黃金周怎麼過顯得比較困惑。籍貫河南的他平時因為工作忙的緣故回家次數並不多。他告訴記者,“常回家看看”作為法律條款出現對他的觸動挺大。“倒不是擔心法律制裁我,而是覺得自己真的應該多陪陪老人。” 然而,進入9月,隨著“十一”黃金周臨近,李先生的一些朋友提出的赴台灣旅遊計劃又讓他頗為心動。“確實假期太少了,朋友們也難得一起出行。”李先生說,但是當他們去旅行社詢問時,“十一”期間台灣游普遍報價接近8000元、幾乎翻倍的費用又讓他們打起退堂鼓。 作為兩部法律實施後的第一個黃金周,相信不少人像李先生一樣經歷著選擇的糾結。 1999年,國務院決定延長“十一”等節日的放假時間並與前後雙休日拼接,中國的“黃金周”自此誕生,並日益成為國人旅遊、休閒的重要組成部分。 但記者採訪瞭解到,今年國慶期間,不少旅行社報名出團的遊客較往年大幅減少。天津大亞國際旅行社總經理趙福生說:“以出境游為例,由於報價上漲,國慶節報團人數比往常下降了30%多。去年國慶期間通過我們社出境游的有3200多人,而今年只有儲存2000人報名,造成我們在這一項目上的收入比去年減少1000多萬元。” 在旅行社行業暫時冷卻的情況下,“常回家看看”加入立法,又給黃金周加上了另一個“硬性選擇”。 在北京一家事業單位工作的陳小姐這樣安排她的國慶黃金周:先拿出2天時間回安徽老家,接下來的4天赴上海、天津自助游,最後回到北京休息1天。陳小姐告訴記者,她剛畢業不久,此行既回了家,也旅了游。 南開大學旅遊與服務學院副教授杜煒表示,在黃金周的安排上,中國消費者很多時候存在從�心理,因而黃金周也經常被“模塑化”,前幾年是別人去旅遊我也去旅遊,而現在,“常回家看看”雖然是應該的,但也不應成為黃金周的“特別任務”。 杜煒認為,眼前的困惑是因為黃金周承載了中國人太多的需求和期望。 “旅遊、回家、休息,中國人的這麼多種需要似乎都依賴于黃金周這個公共假期來實現。就旅遊而言,在相同的時間,�多遊客向有限的景點集中,對交通、景區接待、環境保護等都造成巨大的壓力;就休閒而言,中國的休閒場所似乎又太少了。”杜煒說。 記者採訪瞭解到,無論是回家還是旅遊,“錯峰”意識正逐步在人們的思想觀念中樹立起來,然而,錯峰的前提是要有足夠的時間和空間供人們選擇。 杜煒認為,要實現錯峰,需要消費者、服務機構、政府三方面做出反思和調整。“黃金周的根本目的是讓大家休閒,所以消費者首先要反思,自己需要怎樣的假期,不論是旅遊、回家還是購物,消費觀念要逐步從以價格為導向轉向以品質為導向。” 她表示,當政府以制度保證消費者有足夠的機會和時間用于休閒、服務市場為消費者提供豐富多樣的休閒產品、消費者真正回歸理性、對自己的需求做出正確判斷並加以選擇之時,中國人的黃金周才會步入升級的新階段。(記者 李鯤)self storage
- Oct 02 Wed 2013 14:51
嘉市百貨週年慶 迎大陸黃金週
【本報記者範文華嘉市報導】隨著中國「十一黃金周」開始,儲存台灣百貨公司的「週年慶」更逐漸成為陸客觀光重頭戲,光輝的十月,可說消費商機強強滾,商旅蓬勃發展,百貨業也因此受惠不少,因此週年慶檔期嘉義地區各百貨無不卯足勁,爭搶這上億元商機,從九月下旬耐斯松屋百貨展開的週年慶業績來看觀看,下半年景氣明顯略有回溫,陸客似乎也搶搭了台灣這波百貨週慶熱潮,細步觀察中國旅客偏愛台灣的珠寶、翡翠、名牌包,另外歐系化妝品在台的訂價本來就較中國便宜,若遇到台灣週年慶擅長使用的特惠組包裝,最多可以再省三至四成,陸客來台消費也間接拉動週年慶業績增長的主動力。 在地內需與觀光旅客雙向加持下,百貨週年慶熱潮升溫,例如新光三越本週mini storage10/3)加入戰局,也正式宣告嘉義的週年慶大戰開打。今年業者面對的折扣促銷可說卯足全力,特別是強化商品面,大量且熱銷的特惠商品,提高民眾下手的意願,以新光三越而言,排隊商品逾數百種,更包含了最實質的全館滿5,000送500、大家電/法雅客滿萬送1,000、業種滿額加碼送,另一方面來店禮、集點禮等相關贈品,已成為週年慶的聚客指標,今年各家百貨邀請的合作對象,大都走可愛、無害的療癒風格為主。新光三越今年與日系超人氣的Rilakkuma拉拉熊合作,拉拉熊不但名列日本、台灣前五大最受歡迎的卡通,LINE貼圖下載量更超越其他卡通圖案,此次以Wonderland系列主題、推出數十款獨家贈品,預計將引發蒐集熱潮。self storage
- Oct 01 Tue 2013 12:02
新iPhone推出後,mini storage無論你�點彈都好,仍然大把市場,部分顏色手機仍然一機難求,唔怪得之最新�評估,蘋果公司�品牌價值已經升上第一位,踢走長期霸住頭位�可口可樂公司。咦!咁蘋果公司行政總裁Tim Cook(庫克)應該飲得杯落喇!品牌價值評估機構Interbrand最新�年度百大品牌榜出籠,可口可樂蟬聯榜首十三年�局面終於有變,蘋果由第二位跳升一級,揮低可口可樂,成為今年全球最具價值�品牌,估值九百八十三億美元,比上年勁升百分之二十八。呢個百大品牌榜�○○年推出,各大品牌�估值係以企業�財務表現、營業前景同消費者調查作為推算指標。睇番今年�排行榜,第一次跌迷你倉榜首位置�可口可樂,按年增長百分之二至七百九十二億美元,畀蘋果爬過頭,輕微跌落第三位。黑莓變消失的名字科技公司�今年�排行榜可謂獨領風騷,十大品牌之中,就畀五間科技公司霸�,除�蘋果之外,其餘仲有屈居第二�Google、第五�微軟,同蘋果鬥得難分難解�三星就第八,英特爾排第九。不過,唔係所有科技公司都表現得好好,黑莓同諾基亞�排名就好似佢��手機業務咁每況愈下,宣告賣盤�黑莓舊年排名急跌三十七位至第九十三位,今年更加慘成排行榜上「消失的名字」,諾基亞舊年都仲打入頭二十名,今年已經跌到去五十七位,係十大品牌中跌幅最大�品牌,諾基亞最近就出售�手機業務畀微軟。文件倉
- Oct 01 Tue 2013 11:49
手機使用頻繁下,迷你倉最平許多人都已經有帶備外置充電器(“尿袋”)出街的習慣。雖然許多尿袋聲稱可以充滿五部iPhone以上,然而它的重量也教人卻步,比一部手機更重。這次介紹的尿袋雖然電量不如同類產品,但薄如信用卡,而且無線充電。由來自新加坡的研究人員拉菲 · 伊斯梅爾設計的這款尿袋名為WiFlux,它長七點二厘米、寬五點五厘米、厚○點五五厘米,厚薄及大小均如信用卡。伊斯梅爾表示:“為了追上現代手機的耗電量,許多外置電源應運而生。然而,現在市面上的外置電源簡直有如石器時代的產物,尤其是在無線充電、超薄鋰聚合物電池已經成為現實的廿一世紀。”WiFl儲存x的電量只有八百五十毫安,亦即它無法充滿一部iPhone的電池,只能作救急之用。然而,它沒有多餘的線路,平時只需把其插入電腦的USB槽即可充電,為手機充電時,亦無須連接任何線路,只要將它放在手機背面即能無線充電。目前,WiFlux有兩個版本的充電系統,適用於三星Galaxy S2、S3和S4,以及蘋果iPhone4、4S及5。WiFlux正於Indiegogo網站集資,集資目標為十萬美元。如果集資成功的話,產品將於明年一月推出市場。預料產品售價廿五英鎊(折合約三百一十港元),度身訂造款式為一百二十七英鎊(折合約一千五百八十港元)。稻草人mini storage
- Oct 01 Tue 2013 11:48
Regulating 'get rich quick' seminars
BT readers are not prolific letter writers but when they do send in their views for publication, they usually raise valid and important issues.迷你倉最平 Such was the case with the last missive that appeared in print "Scrutinise financial investment seminars too" on Sept 24 where reader Vincent Khoo makes a strong case for some form of regulation to be introduced to govern the dozens of "free" and paid investment seminars that are regularly advertised in the print and Internet media, particularly those that claim massive (sometimes guaranteed) profits in a short space of time.The reasoning is that if financial advisers have to be licensed under the Securities and Futures Act (SFA) and are strictly limited in what they can say or sell to their clients, then so should those who conduct these "get rich quick" courses and seminars on trading commodities, property, stocks, currencies etc.Granted, speakers at these events do not have a lasting relationship with the audience, at least not of the form that could be construed as being fiduciary, but as Mr Khoo correctly pointed out, a gullible public which pays thousands to attend and then stand to lose thousands after attendance because they think that can surely get rich should still be protected.No argument here. With bank deposit rates hovering just above zero but below inflation, it is understandable that more retail investors are turning to other investments like property, equities, currencies and derivatives to try and earn better real returns.Many however may not have the trading skills, technical understanding or professional expertise to actually make money (or avoid losing too much) when dabbling in these markets, particularly since institutions employ very high-speed computers, enjoy a significant informational advantage and have much greater resources at their disposal to withstand shocks.So it is perhaps not surprising to see the emergence of the "just follow our methods and you'll be fine" investment guru, these being claimed traders-cum-investors endowed with great and secret abilities who, having made already made tremendous amounts of money through exercise of those abilities, are now keen to share their secrets with a naive public. Or, to put it a bit more bluntly, how to get rich quick - all for a modest fee of course.Except that the fees are not that modest - anecdotal evidence is that a three-day seminar costs around $2,000-3,000, which means it can be a very lucrative business depen儲存ing on how many people sign up (Usually thought to be around 30-50 per seminar. Like any decent enterprise, bulk discounts are available, so the more that sign up, the lower the fee).Given that there are no certainties in financial markets, how should such courses and attendant claims be viewed? Undoubtedly with a fair dollop of scepticism; for example, anecdotal feedback from a course participant in how to make money trading options was that the whole time was spent on simple charting and technical analysis, with no mention of the critical option variables like time decay, implied volatility and delta hedging.Did the class learn anything useful? A little - they left knowing how to read charts. Will they be able to profitably trade options? Probably not, given that chart patterns are not really relevant in options trading.Still, a qualifier is necessary - not all financial market educators deserve to be tarred with the same brush. As in many other areas of commerce there will be fly-by-night operators but there will also be those who actually have valuable insights based on real experience that could prove beneficial to naive listeners.If so, the question then becomes: how to regulate, if at all?Paying thousands to attend a "get rich quick" course is not wholly dissimilar to investing in a unit trust or mutual fund because invariably both target the public's money, rely on clever marketing of their services whilst claiming superior performance using proprietary knowledge.If we accept this and that stricter rules are needed in a post-Mini-bond/structured notes scam era, then "get rich quick" educators should therefore be required to produce properly audited track records extending back at least five years using real live accounts - not just simulated ones - for the public to scrutinise before being given a license and allowed to conduct their courses.After all, just as it is in the fund management industry, even though past success is no guarantee of future returns, the existence and ready availability of a reliable track record should help separate those with something useful to tell and those selling the equivalent of investment snake oil.Retail investors for their part, should always be leery of claims of fantastic performance that come with profit guarantees and no risk. After all, there are no free lunches in the cut-throat world of finance - unless of course, one happens to be in the business of conducting "get rich quick" seminars.mini storage
- Oct 01 Tue 2013 11:47
(中國 北京30日訊)每逢中國長假期,迷利倉香港都是旅遊熱點之一。今年中國由10月1日起實施新的《旅遊法》,打擊廉價購物團,措施將令中國旅行團費大幅上升,打擊中國旅客赴港意慾,也嚴重影響香港導遊生計。香港旅遊業僱員總會林志挺表示,有近70%專接待中國購物團的香港導遊在今年“十一”黃金周完全無工開,國慶假期處於放假休息的狀態。負責接待中國購物團的導遊趙先生表示,《旅遊法》於“十一”實行後,來港中國自存倉行團會大減,自己接團數字亦會大跌一半,生計將受到極大影響。他估計,《旅遊法》生效後,中國旅行團價格有可能會上升4倍。扒手乘機“找快錢”與此同時,中國扒手也借黃金周涌入香港“找快錢”。香港警方指出,扒竊案有上升趨勢,而人來人往的主題公園、食肆、百貨公司和商場等,都是扒手下手的熱門地點,近期已有類似扒竊案發生。警方在黃金周期間,將會加強人手巡邏,打擊罪案,並聯同多個民間制服團體加強宣揚防罪意識。;mini storage
- Oct 01 Tue 2013 11:46
Lyme Disease on the rise in Pennsylvania
Source: Pittsburgh Post-GazetteSept.mini storage 30--"Lyme disease is here; it's the new normal," says Karen Hacker, newly appointed director of the Allegheny County Health Department. Pennsylvania has long had one of the highest rates of Lyme disease in the nation, but most cases were concentrated in the southeastern part of the state, leaving Allegheny and its surrounding counties relatively unscathed. Those were the good old days."It has definitely increased dramatically in the last three years. ... In our hospital we're seeing almost a twofold increase every year," says Andrew Nowalk, assistant professor of pediatrics at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC and University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. "And we think that Allegheny County has been seeing it, too."The actual number of people infected with Lyme disease any given year is unknown. The Pennsylvania Department of Health recognized only 10 confirmed or probable cases in Allegheny County in 2012. However, that number is based on what the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines as confirmed or probable, and experts acknowledge that such surveillance numbers are useful for observing trends but underestimate the actual number of cases."Certainly there are a substantial number of cases -- maybe even up to 50 or 100 -- that are not reported for every case that is reported," says Alison Galdys, infectious diseases physician and assistant medical director of infection prevention at UPMC.While experts cannot pinpoint the number of cases, they agree that the rate of Lyme disease is increasing. "Lyme has spread certainly over the Northeast, and it's spreading westward as well," Dr. Hacker says. In 2009, Allegheny County had 32 reported cases, whereas so far in 2013 there have been 370 reported cases -- more than a tenfold increase.Several factors likely account for the increased rate of infection, notes Dr. Galdys. First, there are more ticks in the area that carry the bacteria that spread Lyme disease. Second, health care providers are becoming more aware of the disease and testing more patients for it. And third, the CDC changed the case definition of Lyme disease, loosening requirements for the laboratory data "in order to be less conservative with regards to what is called Lyme disease and what is not."Children are particularly at risk of becoming infected. Boys age 5-9 have the highest rate of Lyme disease nationwide, likely because their outdoor play leads them into tick-infested areas. "We are seeing just an amazing number of cases in children," Dr. Nowalk says. Last year, Children's Hospital treated more than 300 cases, and the numbers have not eased up this year.Lyme disease is often misunderstood. "We run into a lot of myths when I'm seeing patients in the clinic or in the hospital," says Dr. Nowalk. The most common myth is that Lyme disease is not curable. "Believe it or not, a lot of people think that that's the case. They read on the Internet that the infection can't be fully cured with the antibiotic therapy, and you have it for the rest of your life. That's completely untrue." Another myth is that the diagnostic test can't detect people who've been infected for several years; it is "actually quite good at detecting people who've been infected for some time.""And then the last myth," Nowalk continues, "is that every single tick bite you get is going to transmit Lyme disease. ... It's actually a really small minority of tick bites that might transmit Lyme."To prevent contracting Lyme disease, "The best strategy is to try to avoid or prevent tick bites to begin with," says Dr. Hacker. The carriers of the bacteria that cause the disease, blacklegged ticks usually lie in wait for hosts in leaf litter or on long grasses. Avoid ticks by staying in the center of trails, using repellent containing DEET, and treating clothes and gear with permethrin, a neurotoxin that both kills and repels ticks. Dr. Hacker advises that city dwellers take the same precautions as residents in rural areas.The American Lyme Disease Foundation also recommends wearing light-colored clotself storageing to make it easy to spot ticks and checking clothing and exposed skin for ticks regularly. Possibly the most important method of prevention, according to the foundation, is to perform a full-body tick check before bed if you have taken part in any outdoor activities during the day. Children, especially, should be checked; parents can make a nightly tick check part of the bedtime ritual.Remove a tick by grabbing it with tweezers as close to the skin's surface as possible and pulling upward. If the mouthparts break off, try to remove them with the tweezers as well. Then clean the bite with alcohol or soap and water and monitor the area for signs of infection.PG graphic: Lyme disease transmission(Click image for larger version)"After you get that tick bite there are different possibilities," Dr. Hacker says. "Lyme is a very interesting condition in that it affects different parts of our bodies. Not everybody gets the same symptoms."The first symptoms of Lyme disease tend to appear three to 30 days after a tick bite, according to the CDC. About 70 percent to 80 percent of those infected will develop a rash at the site of the bite called erythema migrans (EM) that gradually expands and can grow to resemble a bull's eye. Other symptoms can include fatigue, fever, chills, muscle and joint aches, headaches and swollen lymph nodes. Patients who seek treatment early take a course of antibiotics and almost always recover quickly and fully.If the infection isn't treated, other symptoms can develop, including more EM lesions on other areas of the body, facial palsy, stiffness in the neck, severe fatigue, migrating joint aches, heart palpitations and dizziness. While some of those symptoms are likely to go away on their own, failing to get treatment can lead to further complications, including arthritis and neurological problems such as failing short-term memory and numbness in the hands and feet.At Children's Hospital, Dr. Nowalk says, "We've been seeing a ton of [kids] come in not just with rashes in the early stages of the disease but lots of kids who've developed the Bell's palsy, a weakness of the face, with the infection. And a number of kids with arthritis as well."Children tend to react differently to infection than adults. Adults are more likely to suffer from chronic arthritis, whereas children tend to experience acute arthritis, or bursts of severe joint pain that come and go for brief periods. "And children are much more likely to get nervous system infections," says Dr. Nowalk. Such neurologic complications include Bell's palsy and meningitis.One fact that might be feeding the myth that Lyme disease is incurable is that a minority of patients (10 percent to 20 percent, according to the CDC) receive treatment but continue to experience symptoms, a condition known as post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome. It is similar to other chronic syndromes like chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia; its origin is unclear, treatment can be hit-or-miss, and symptoms can vary for patients."It can be a very challenging diagnosis for many of those patients because there's no easy answer and no quick cure for the symptoms that they experience once they're done with the antibiotic," says Dr. Nowalk. Although researchers are uncertain about what causes the post-treatment syndrome, Dr. Nowalk says, "We certainly know that it seems to be more associated with people who had a long period of infection before diagnosis." Fortunately for parents, the syndrome is rare in children.As colder weather approaches, the season for infection is coming to an end. But while two-legged humans think about hot apple cider and holiday parties, eight-legged nymphal ticks -- potentially infected with B. burgdorferi -- will be lying dormant under leaf litter, waiting for warmer temperatures and unsuspecting hosts to come along. Welcome to southwestern Pennsylvania's new reality.Kathryn Sterling: kkaasa@post-gazette.com.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at .post-gazette.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage
- Oct 01 Tue 2013 11:45
Simala goes from wreck to win
Source: The Sun, Yuma, Ariz.自存倉Sept. 30--Brett Simala thought his night was over.Sitting in his wrecked race car in Turn 1 at Cocopah Speedway, Simala had just become collateral damage in a banzai move by another driver trying to get to the front of the Pro-Stock Division feature event field Saturday night. It was an attempt that went horribly wrong and collected three other cars in the process, including Simala's.When the dust and smoke cleared, Simala's race car was pinned under the car of Steve Jonas, whose daring maneuver set off the wreck. At first glance, it appeared Simala's car had received the worst of the damage.But after getting untangled, ducking into the pit and having a flat tire changed and mangled sheet metal -- the whole driver's side -- cut from the car, Simala rejoined the field at the back of the lineup without losing a lap and proceeded to drive off with his sixth feature event in the 2013 Cocopah Speedway Racing Series."I didn't think the car was going to be that good (after the crash), and I said, 'Well, I"m just going to make some laps and get some points,'" said Simala from victory lane afterward."And then I got up to speed and the car felt pretty good. And after a couple laps I was like, 'Man, this car is hooked up!' Apparently it didn't hurt the car at all, and I went for it."In the final stages of the race, however, he started to worry about something else, being disqualified for his actions on the track following the wreck, when he exited his car, pounded his fist on Jonas' car, and jumped down to the racing surface to survey the damage."It was a pretty hard hit, it was violent," said Simala. "The guy's car was on top of my car, basically, and I thought I was done. That's why I was so upset."I know I shouldn't have done what I did over there ... then I started thinking the last couple of laps, 'What if I get disqualified?' And I did get a warning."Finishing second behind Simala was Campo, Calif., driver Ed Bustin, with Lakeside's Mike Lerwill in third, Yuma's Steve Anthony fourth and El Centro's Steve Reeves in fifth.In other racing action on a night that did not lack for drama, Yuma's Miles Morris made a last-lap, last-turn pass to win the Factory Stock Division feature event; Yuma's Adolfo Noriega followed Morris' lead and pulled off the same move to win the Street Stock feature event win; Holtville's Chris Toth won the IMCA Sport Mod feature event; and El Mirage's Jason Noll won the IMCA "A" Modified feature event.In the Factory Stock finale, Morris set sail early and appeared to be in control of the outcome until Yuma's Michael Loera sped past him and into the lead. It was then Loera who appeared destined to win what would have been his first career feature event, until he slid up high in Turn 4 on the white flag lap, allowing Morris to drive underneath and into the lead at the checkered flag."There is a lot of luck involved," said a reserved Morris afterward. "But it was a great race, a really fun race."I got passed by the 11 car and I just hung out behind him for a while and hoped he would make a mistake on the last lap and sure enough he did. And I've been passed like that so many times."He just got a little loose, he pushed. And he was absolutely the guy to beat."Morris also said he was dedicating the win to Nancy Horton, tmini storagee wife of his car owner, Bob Horton, Nancy Horton recently passed away after a bout with cancer.Second place in the feature went to Loera, with Yuma's Rick Hibbard in third, Brawley's Amy Teague in fourth and Yuma's Brian Johnson in fifth.The finish of the Street Stock feature was almost a carbon copy of the Factory Stock finale, when Noriega, holding down second place, watched Alpine's Mike Harlan get too high in Turn 4 on the white flag lap. Noriega, in his first feature event behind the wheel of his IMCA Stock Car, seized the opportunity, drove underneath Harlan and took the win."I saw that he was pushing out of there a few times so I said, 'I'm not going to push this thing and hurt myself and go backwards, lose some positions,'" said Noriega. "But if he opens the door, and I'm in position to capitalize on it I'm going to go for it. It's not over until the fat lady sings."It might have seen that way for a while for the two-time defending champion when he had to start inside the ninth row of the 19-car field."I knew I had a lot of cars to pass," said Noriega, "and I felt like I was running out of time."But he credited his crew's setup for the dry-slick track for his ability to make it to the front, "and be there at the end, and be the leading car when it counts, on the last corner of the last lap."It was Noriega's first win since March 16th, and his fourth of the season. The win also moved Noriega to within 10 points of division point leader Steven Daffern, of Brawley.Finishing second behind Noriega was Harlan, with Daffern in third, Yuma's Joey Essary in fourth and Yuma's Josh Wood in fifth.In the IMCA Sport Mod feature, Morris, who was doing double duty, got out front early before a yellow flag erased his advantage. And on the ensuing restart Toth was able to get around and into the lead, which he would not give up."I wanted to get out front as soon as I could and I started to drive over my head a little bit there and Miles pulled away from me a little bit," said Toth afterward. "And I just tried to settle down and hit my lines. And I started reeling him in and I got by him and I said, 'I can still do this.'"Yuma's Ty Rogers, who was crowned the series' division driving champion Saturday night, finished second behind Toth with El Centro's Sean Callens in third, Morris in fourth and Brawley's Cody Daffern in fifth.The IMCA "A' Modified feature was a tuneup for the winner, Noll.The veteran said he's planning on heading to Las Vegas in November for the upcoming IMCA Duel in the Desert, "and this track gets a lot like Vegas, so we wanted to do some testing for that."He gave a lot of the credit of his win to Imperial's Lance Mari, who built Noll's car. Mari locked up the track driving championship in the IMCA "A" Modified Division with a second place finish behind Noll Saturday night."We tried a bunch of different things and they worked," said Noll. "I have to thank Lance on that. He told me to do some things that I really didn't want to do and we did, and the car was awesome. Lance is the man!"Third place went to Yuma's Keith Taber, Imperial's Steven McCollough was fourth and Brawley's Russell Allen rounded out the Top 5.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Sun (Yuma, Ariz.) Visit The Sun (Yuma, Ariz.) at .yumasun.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存
- Oct 01 Tue 2013 11:43
國內第二波的電價調整今(1)日起跑,mini storage加上中國十一長假可能會發布有新的家電補助案,政策面對LED有利,法人預估LED產業在第4季和明年第1季傳統的淡季中,會有優於市場預期的表現。這二項利多正好是LED用量最多的LED TV和照明,加上LED 廠大者恆大,已跨入照明的億光(2393)、台達電、光寶有大廠的優勢,上游的晶電、璨圓的技術上的優勢,隆達、億光、東貝、鴻海集團的榮創則是面板背光源的主要供應廠。LED族群昨(30)日由低價股領漲,包括光磊、立�、一詮、鼎元等都在盤中出現漲停,隨著政策一一出爐後,加上多數廠商都有上修第4季表現,LED不看淡。10月對於LED產業來說有二項利多,一是10月1日起,工商企業用電的漲幅最大,舉凡電價高的國家,LED燈都快速汰換,未來將會加速對於LED照明的需求,去年第一波調漲電價後,曾出現億光儲存LED燈泡到通路上出現秒殺,台達電的LED燈泡也傳出佳績,掀起一波LED廠與通路結合的風潮,由於台灣過去電價太便宜,未來高電價已是無法阻擋的趨勢,因此會加速LED燈泡的汰換。另一項利多則來自大陸,大陸可望在10月由工信部的網站宣布對節能家電的補助計劃,由於上一波家電補助5月底退場,造成LED產業在第3季旺季不旺,一旦新一波的補助方案出爐,將鼓勵企業以最高水準的能源效率生產家電,家電業大型企業將受惠這項新措施較多,台灣的LED廠也將受惠中大尺吋的背光需求量。東貝光電董事長吳慶輝表示,LED廠在第3季時,主力在電視背光源的廠商業績不佳,第4季在庫存消化的差不多後,第4季反而是背光製造廠商業績會好,以東貝為例,第4季季增率應有二位數。展望明年,由於LED照明快速成長,加上平板電腦用量也會增加,因此明年第1季不排除有淡季不淡的表現。儲存倉