ATLANTA, Sept.自存倉 30, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The U.S. Small Business Administration announced today that federal economic injury disaster loans are available to small businesses, small agricultural cooperatives, small businesses engaged in aquaculture and most private non-profit organizations of all sizes located in Abbeville, Aiken, Allendale, Anderson, Barnwell, Hampton, Jasper, McCormick and Oconee counties in South Carolina as a result of excessive rain that began on April 1, 2013.(Logo:"These counties are eligible because they are contiguous to one or more primary counties in Georgia. The Small Business Administration recognizes that disasters do not usually stop at county or state lines. For that reason, counties adjacent to primary counties named in the declaration are included," said Frank Skaggs, director of SBA's Field Operations Center East in Atlanta.Under this declaration, the SBA's Economic Injury Disaster Loan program is available to eligible farm-related and nonfarm-related entities that suffered financial losses as a direct result of this disaster. With the exception of aquaculture enterprises, SBA cannot provide disaster loans to agricultural producers, farmers, or ranchers.The loan amount can be up to $2 million with interest rates of 2.875 percent for private non-profit organizations of all sizes and 4 percent for small businesses, with terms up to mini storage0 years. The SBA determines eligibility based on the size of the applicant, type of activity and its financial resources. Loan amounts and terms are set by the SBA and are based on each applicant's financial condition. These working capital loans may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable, and other bills that could have been paid had the disaster not occurred. The loans are not intended to replace lost sales or profits.Applicants may apply online using the Electronic Loan Application (ELA) via SBA's secure website at loan information and application forms may also be obtained by calling the SBA's Customer Service Center at 800-659-2955 (800-877-8339 for the deaf and hard-of-hearing) or by sending an e-mail to Loan applications can be downloaded from the SBA's website at Completed applications should be mailed to: U.S. Small Business Administration, Processing and Disbursement Center, 14925 Kingsport Road, Fort Worth, TX 76155.Completed loan applications must be returned to SBA no later than May 27, 2014.For more information about the SBA's Disaster Loan Program, visit our website at Michael LamptonEmail: Michael.Lampton@sba.govPhone: (404) 331-0333Release Number: 13-774, GA 13785Photo: Small Business AdministrationWeb site:儲存

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  • Oct 01 Tue 2013 11:16
  • 臺灣

冠捷集團今年對台採購金額將可維持在千億元高檔,mini storage並強調代工及自有品牌並重,液晶電視出貨量全球坐四望三、液晶顯示器坐穩第一大,深化台商供應鏈優勢,F-晨星(3697)、聯發科、面板雙虎友達及群創等受惠最大。冠捷表示,目前顯示器產銷量全球市占率逾三分之一;液晶電視出貨量僅次於三星、LG及TCL。2012年顯示器出貨5,600萬台、液晶電視1,500萬台、一體式電腦達200萬台,營收突破120億美元。冠捷在香港掛牌,營運總部設在新北市中和,生產基self storage以大陸福建為主。法人認為,今年冠捷對台採購以面板、電視晶片、半導體、大尺寸背光模組、LED等為主,預估可達千億元,並有機會比去年增加。全球電視品牌廠商包括飛利浦、夏普、索尼等都是冠捷的代工客戶;一體式電腦供應聯想、HP及東芝。法人認為,冠捷採購規模大,友達、群創、F-晨星、億光、晶電、F-東科等均是受惠族群。冠捷與友達在波蘭及巴西設立後段模組廠(LCM),與華映在大陸福清、與彩晶在武漢設有LCM,背光模組也與億光與晶電成立億冠晶分擔供應量。mini storage

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本報記者 塗露芳今天零時起至7日24時,儲存倉全國高速路小客車免費通行,密集的探親、旅遊車流是否會再度引發交通大擁堵?記者從首發集團獲悉,北京各收費站將對小客車採取不發卡抬杆放行的方式提高通行效率,加上車主們對高速路免費政策慢慢習慣並有針對性地調整出行計劃,預計擁堵程度會比去年“十一”有所緩解。需要注意的是,雖然黃金周高速路小車免費從1日零時起執行,但免費時間是以出高速時間為準,因此車主不必苦等零時以後才出門。京開高速預計壓力較大客流預測顯示,這個黃金周高速路客流高峰將出現在10月1日、6日和7日,單日高峰通行量預計會超過196萬輛。“從經驗判斷,車主出京時間段較為集中,而回京時間相對分散,因此擁堵壓力主要集中在出京高峰時段。”首發集團相關負責人提醒,黃金周期間高速路交通流量的最高峰會出現在1日上午,準備駕車出游的車主最好錯峰出行。去年國慶長假第一天,北京各主要高速路都在上午7時至11時遭遇大面積擁堵,尤其京開高速的車流飆升四成以上,頻繁發生的交通剮蹭事故也進一步加劇擁堵。首發京開分公司副經理齊春艦分析,京開高速黃金周車流暴漲主要因為北京車主青睞奔南方溫暖區域旅行,同時很多車主擔心京港澳高速擁堵而改走京開。預計在這個黃金周出京高峰和返京高峰,京開高速還會遭遇較大車輛壓力,特別是雙源橋至黃�橋之間兩上兩下的狹窄路段,擁堵狀況會更明顯。如果正好趕上出京高峰,車主最好走南中軸路至蘆球路,到求賢收費口再上京開。70%車道資源向小客車傾斜鑒於去年“十一”為免費通行付出的擁堵代價,部分車主索性提前出京。昨天下午四點開始,京開、京藏、京港澳等高速路車流都明顯增長,但主收費站未見擁堵。“有苦等免費政策的,也有怕堵車早點出京的。”齊春艦認為,一些短途出游的人,高速路收費額不算太高,就怕堵在路上迷你倉最平誤時間,乾脆趕在30日出京,所以會有提前出現的第一波出京高峰。受免費政策吸引,多數車主還是會選擇1日出京。但首發方面判斷,長假首日高速路出京高峰會比往年延長,凌晨5點半可能就會迎來車流高峰,一直持續到中午才會有所緩解。由於還有相當一部分車主可能選擇錯峰出行,高速路下午還會迎來一撥出京高峰。而要提醒車主注意的是,高速路免費的時間以出高速的時刻為準,所以大可不必等到零時再上路。目前,首發集團各高速路收費口都已完成小客車免費車道及提示標識的設置。據統計,在北京高速路入口,免費專用車道加上主要服務于小車的ETC車道,70%的車道資源向小客車傾斜;在高速路出口,也有50%至60%的車道服務于小客車快速通行。30多輛巡查車晝夜監控路況昨天下午四點多,首發安暢分公司巡視員李磊、裴旋在短暫休息後繼續上路。他們的座駕——黃白雙色車身的“京PT9F88”一塵不染,車門上“路產巡視”四個大字格外醒目。在首發集團,每天有30多輛這樣的巡視車在高速路上晝夜奔馳,堪稱高速路路況最靈敏的耳目,也成為收費公路上的流動服務台。這些巡視車均裝備先進的音視頻採集系統,通過車頂360度攝像頭的拍攝,將路況及交通設施狀況實時傳輸到後方管理平台。如果發現嚴重交通事故,巡視員會立即向後方管理平台報告事故地點、有無人員傷亡,並通知交警、高速路養護部門等相關單位前往現場。與此同時,事故路段的路況信息將迅速發送到首發信息中心,並通過高速信息提示牌、交通台播報等方式通報過往車主。針對昨天第一波出京高峰,杜家坎、琉璃河出京方向都增設了定點巡查崗。“主要任務是監測現場車流量,協助交警疏導交通,同時勸離在入口處集結和等待的車輛。”五環路產隊副隊長張明禹表示,與平時相比,黃金周期間每輛巡查車的巡視距離會從400公里提升至600公里。儲存

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據新華社澳門9月30日電 國慶節來臨之際,儲存倉澳門特區政府及社會各界舉行多姿多彩的活動,熱烈慶祝中華人民共和國成立64周年。根據特區政府新聞局發佈的消息,特區政府將于10月1日國慶節當天舉行隆重的升旗儀式和招待酒會。升旗儀式于1日早上8時在新口岸金蓮花廣場舉行,行政長官崔世安將主禮升旗儀式。中央人民政府駐澳門特區聯絡辦公室、外交部駐澳門特區特派員公署、解放軍駐澳部隊的代表以及特區立法及司法機關負責人,特區政府主要官員及社會各界代表將出席。屆時,澳門廣播電視有限公司將現場直播整個升旗儀式。當日上午9時30分,特區政府將在澳門旅遊塔會展中心舉行大型酒會,與社會各界共同慶祝中華人民共和國成立64載。特區政府多個部門也將于當日舉辦一系列慶祝活動。緊接升旗儀式之後,由特區政府體育發展局籌辦的2013“澳人齊賀國慶”世界步行日歡樂跑隨即將在金蓮花廣場前起步,將由行政長官主持開步禮。當日下午2時,由澳門特區政府主辦、特區體育發展局承辦的“澳門特區國慶體藝匯演”將在東亞運動會體育館舉行,屆時將有多名著名歌手及組合傾力演出,與市民同度國慶。特區政府旅遊局主辦的第25屆澳門國際煙花比賽匯演的大軸戲,將安排在國慶之夜上演,法國、意大利及中國表演隊將先後在旅遊塔對開海面點燃璀璨煙花。特區政府民政總署與中央駐澳聯絡辦文化教育部將合辦“慶祝中華人民共和國成立64周年文藝晚會”,邀請廣東雜技團來澳于9月30日及10月1日連續兩晚在澳門綜藝館演出兩場大迷你倉最平雜技芭蕾舞劇《天鵝湖》。據新華社香港9月29日電 “十一”黃金周來臨,作為內地遊客的主要度假地之一,香港出入境及各旅遊相關部門積極準備,以期所有遊客有一個愉快的假期。香港特區政府旅遊事務署發言人表示,今年國慶假期,相關部門會密切留意人流,並作出適當的人手調配及運輸配套安排。入境事務處、警務處等部門將�動跨部門聯合指揮中心,監控陸路通關情況以及時應對。鑒於來港人流量屆時將劇增,旅遊事務署呼籲旅遊業者儘量安排非繁忙時段過關,並提醒內地遊客先確認住宿安排。通過專為黃金周而設的信息交流和緊急聯絡機制,該署已跟廣東及深圳的旅遊部門就有關準備工作、協調措施、處置突發事件等事宜進行了溝通。香港迪士尼樂園表示,將在人流高峰時作出妥善安排,並根據人流量彈性調整樂園開放時間。樂園會額外增加花車巡遊,另于部分人流較多的園區加設流動款待處,並特別安排行李寄存服務,讓遊客能夠無拘無束地暢游樂園。香港海洋公園發言人表示,會按照慣例在假期實施連串疏導及控制人流的措施,例如增加表演場數和娛樂項目、有需要時延長開放時間等。此外,為使遊客獲得最佳游園體驗,當入場人次達到九成,即約3.5萬人次時,公園會間歇性暫停售票,園內同一時間不會超過3.63萬人次。據介紹,海洋公園今年首次推出優先預約手機APP(應用軟件),遊客在入場當天,通過海洋公園APP輸入簡單的數據,系統便會為遊客及最多4位朋友安排在“高峰樂園”里5項遊戲及景點的時間,從而節省更多時間體驗更多景點。儲存

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Source: Pittsburgh Post-GazetteSept.儲存倉 30--"Lyme disease is here; it's the new normal," says Karen Hacker, newly appointed director of the Allegheny County Health Department. Pennsylvania has long had one of the highest rates of Lyme disease in the nation, but most cases were concentrated in the southeastern part of the state, leaving Allegheny and its surrounding counties relatively unscathed. Those were the good old days."It has definitely increased dramatically in the last three years. ... In our hospital we're seeing almost a twofold increase every year," says Andrew Nowalk, assistant professor of pediatrics at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC and University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. "And we think that Allegheny County has been seeing it, too."The actual number of people infected with Lyme disease any given year is unknown. The Pennsylvania Department of Health recognized only 10 confirmed or probable cases in Allegheny County in 2012. However, that number is based on what the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines as confirmed or probable, and experts acknowledge that such surveillance numbers are useful for observing trends but underestimate the actual number of cases."Certainly there are a substantial number of cases -- maybe even up to 50 or 100 -- that are not reported for every case that is reported," says Alison Galdys, infectious diseases physician and assistant medical director of infection prevention at UPMC.While experts cannot pinpoint the number of cases, they agree that the rate of Lyme disease is increasing. "Lyme has spread certainly over the Northeast, and it's spreading westward as well," Dr. Hacker says. In 2009, Allegheny County had 32 reported cases, whereas so far in 2013 there have been 370 reported cases -- more than a tenfold increase.Several factors likely account for the increased rate of infection, notes Dr. Galdys. First, there are more ticks in the area that carry the bacteria that spread Lyme disease. Second, health care providers are becoming more aware of the disease and testing more patients for it. And third, the CDC changed the case definition of Lyme disease, loosening requirements for the laboratory data "in order to be less conservative with regards to what is called Lyme disease and what is not."Children are particularly at risk of becoming infected. Boys age 5-9 have the highest rate of Lyme disease nationwide, likely because their outdoor play leads them into tick-infested areas. "We are seeing just an amazing number of cases in children," Dr. Nowalk says. Last year, Children's Hospital treated more than 300 cases, and the numbers have not eased up this year.Lyme disease is often misunderstood. "We run into a lot of myths when I'm seeing patients in the clinic or in the hospital," says Dr. Nowalk. The most common myth is that Lyme disease is not curable. "Believe it or not, a lot of people think that that's the case. They read on the Internet that the infection can't be fully cured with the antibiotic therapy, and you have it for the rest of your life. That's completely untrue." Another myth is that the diagnostic test can't detect people who've been infected for several years; it is "actually quite good at detecting people who've been infected for some time.""And then the last myth," Nowalk continues, "is that every single tick bite you get is going to transmit Lyme disease. ... It's actually a really small minority of tick bites that might transmit Lyme."To prevent contracting Lyme disease, "The best strategy is to try to avoid or prevent tick bites to begin with," says Dr. Hacker. The carriers of the bacteria that cause the disease, blacklegged ticks usually lie in wait for hosts in leaf litter or on long grasses. Avoid ticks by staying in the center of trails, using repellent containing DEET, and treating clothes and gear with permethrin, a neurotoxin that both kills and repels ticks. Dr. Hacker advises that city dwellers take the same precautions as residents in rural areas.The American Lyme Disease Foundation also recommends wearing light-colored clot迷你倉最平ing to make it easy to spot ticks and checking clothing and exposed skin for ticks regularly. Possibly the most important method of prevention, according to the foundation, is to perform a full-body tick check before bed if you have taken part in any outdoor activities during the day. Children, especially, should be checked; parents can make a nightly tick check part of the bedtime ritual.Remove a tick by grabbing it with tweezers as close to the skin's surface as possible and pulling upward. If the mouthparts break off, try to remove them with the tweezers as well. Then clean the bite with alcohol or soap and water and monitor the area for signs of infection.PG graphic: Lyme disease transmission(Click image for larger version)"After you get that tick bite there are different possibilities," Dr. Hacker says. "Lyme is a very interesting condition in that it affects different parts of our bodies. Not everybody gets the same symptoms."The first symptoms of Lyme disease tend to appear three to 30 days after a tick bite, according to the CDC. About 70 percent to 80 percent of those infected will develop a rash at the site of the bite called erythema migrans (EM) that gradually expands and can grow to resemble a bull's eye. Other symptoms can include fatigue, fever, chills, muscle and joint aches, headaches and swollen lymph nodes. Patients who seek treatment early take a course of antibiotics and almost always recover quickly and fully.If the infection isn't treated, other symptoms can develop, including more EM lesions on other areas of the body, facial palsy, stiffness in the neck, severe fatigue, migrating joint aches, heart palpitations and dizziness. While some of those symptoms are likely to go away on their own, failing to get treatment can lead to further complications, including arthritis and neurological problems such as failing short-term memory and numbness in the hands and feet.At Children's Hospital, Dr. Nowalk says, "We've been seeing a ton of [kids] come in not just with rashes in the early stages of the disease but lots of kids who've developed the Bell's palsy, a weakness of the face, with the infection. And a number of kids with arthritis as well."Children tend to react differently to infection than adults. Adults are more likely to suffer from chronic arthritis, whereas children tend to experience acute arthritis, or bursts of severe joint pain that come and go for brief periods. "And children are much more likely to get nervous system infections," says Dr. Nowalk. Such neurologic complications include Bell's palsy and meningitis.One fact that might be feeding the myth that Lyme disease is incurable is that a minority of patients (10 percent to 20 percent, according to the CDC) receive treatment but continue to experience symptoms, a condition known as post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome. It is similar to other chronic syndromes like chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia; its origin is unclear, treatment can be hit-or-miss, and symptoms can vary for patients."It can be a very challenging diagnosis for many of those patients because there's no easy answer and no quick cure for the symptoms that they experience once they're done with the antibiotic," says Dr. Nowalk. Although researchers are uncertain about what causes the post-treatment syndrome, Dr. Nowalk says, "We certainly know that it seems to be more associated with people who had a long period of infection before diagnosis." Fortunately for parents, the syndrome is rare in children.As colder weather approaches, the season for infection is coming to an end. But while two-legged humans think about hot apple cider and holiday parties, eight-legged nymphal ticks -- potentially infected with B. burgdorferi -- will be lying dormant under leaf litter, waiting for warmer temperatures and unsuspecting hosts to come along. Welcome to southwestern Pennsylvania's new reality.Kathryn Sterling: ___ (c)2013 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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全國電子為衝高液晶電視銷售量,mini storage以台電今(1)日起2度調漲電價為由,與LG、三星、聲寶、東元及奇美等廠牌攜手合作,推出購買32吋以上液晶電視就送1,000至3,500元不等現金折價券,造就全國電子9月最後1個週末及週日促銷電視銷售量,比去年同期成長20%。冠捷科技集團取得飛利浦液晶電視及顯示器的品牌製造及經營權後,今(1)日召開記者會,一口氣推出42、46及50吋總計3款LED電視,宣布重返台灣液晶電視市場,使得國內大電視市場戰火一觸即發。不過全國電子搶先推出補貼電費促銷方案,強調只要消費者在本周五前儲存買韓國LG、三星、本土的聲寶、東元及奇美等品牌LED電視就送使用年限1年期的1,000至3,500元不等現金折價券,其中買32吋至39吋LED電視就送1,000元現金折價券;40吋到49吋LED電視送2,500元現金折價券,50吋以上送3,500元全國電子現金折價券。全國電子表示,28及29日周末假日還推出購買50吋以上大電視,適用24期零利率及贈送飛利浦DVD播放器,可加價5,990元,買到市價10,900元的聲寶32吋LED液晶電視及視訊盒,造就9月最後1個周末假日液晶電視銷量比去年同期成長20%。儲存倉

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前周五聖路易聯儲銀行行長布拉德指,mini storage今次會議只是輕微多數票通過暫不退市,下月議息會議後仍有機會退巿,恐慌情緒大增,拖累道指上周一延續前周尾段跌勢。周二再有紐約聯儲銀行行長杜德利表示,主張聯儲局每月減少買債100億美元,並警告,聯儲局上次會議維持買債規模的做法已損害聯儲局公信力,加上巿場開始憂慮美國債務即將到達上限,有出現違約風險,道指跌勢持續,道指全周累跌193點或1.25%,報15,258點。美國參議院上周五通過法案,令政府能有足夠資金運作至11月15日,但仍有待眾議院於今日完結前通過才能正式落實,若法案順利通過有助紓緩道指跌勢迷你倉但巿場仍受到退巿預期因擾,仍有下跌機會。前周五巿場對聯儲局退巿的憂慮重燃,港股經過中秋節長周末及上周一因颱風關係休巿半日後低開,雖然中國民間製造業PMI造好,但都未能支持�指,其後跌破23,500點關口。�指全周大部份時間繼續受到退巿陰霾拖累,但於周五期指結算日受到上海自由貿易區於周末正式進行試驗,高開後最多升逾200點,惟收巿升幅收窄。�指全周累跌295點或1.3%,報23,207點。外圍股巿跌勢未止,內地股亦因國慶假期休巿一周,港股仍有調整壓力。蕭猷華興業僑豐證券有限公司電郵:tony.shiu@hk.oskgroup.com文件倉

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Source: Tulsa World, storageSept. 29--The Tulsa World's website will have a new look Tuesday, and readers -- viewers, too -- will find new features.On Tuesday, a redesigned will debut, and you'll find more videos (hundreds every day), more photos (check out our Friday night football coverage), and special offers from local businesses. We'll have enhanced weather radar, new community websites and sections that are easier to navigate.Here's a sneak peek on some of the changes you'll see:Websites devoted to coverage of 10 suburban cities in the area: Bartlesville, Bixby, Broken Arrow, Catoosa, Claremore, Glenpool, Jenks, Owasso, Sand Springs and Sapulpa will have their own sites devoted to coverage of news, sports and more. We have reporters and correspondents covering them, but we're also counting on you. If you want to share a story, a photo, or submit an event to our calendar, we've made it easy for you to do it. If you live in one of these cities, click on the Communities tab to see what's happening in your will feature hundreds of videos a day, on channels that make finding them easy. You can watch locally produced videos on news events and get analysis, too. You also will find videos on the biggest stories from around the country and the world.The site will have new navigation, and you'll be able to find the stories you want quickly. Section pages have been redesigned to be gro儲存ped by topic. You can quickly find our music coverage on the Scene page and OU sports on Sports Extra. We'll have the latest news headlines packaged together in an easy-to-read format at the top of the home page.We will have new apps for your phone and tablet. They will be available soon in the Apple and Android app stores. Your current Tulsa World apps will stop working on Tuesday. We will make an announcement once the new apps are made available.The e-edition is redesigned so you can better view the day's pages of the newspaper online. The pages are larger to read and you can search for keywords. You will have a six-month archive if you want to go back to read an old edition.When you view on your smartphone, you will see an optimized mobile site, offering you easy navigation to get to all the content with the touch of your finger.You will see changes to the site starting Tuesday afternoon, and it's just the beginning. We are always looking to make it better, and we want to hear from you. Tell us what you like and what you don't. We'll be reviewing it, too, and will be working to improve daily as we provide you the most comprehensive coverage of local news you can find anywhere. Email feedback to Web Editor Jason Collington at ___ (c)2013 Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) Visit Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉

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self storage□趙偉 近期,美聯儲兩檔事吸引了全世界經濟界的關注,引起不小的市場震蕩以及對未來政策的猜想:一件是Q E(量化寬鬆)政策的力度變化 storage

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