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Source: Albuquerque Journal, N.儲存倉M.Sept. 29--Caja del Rio closed to motor vehiclesRecent heavy rainfall in the Espanola ranger district of the Santa Fe National Forest has required the Caja del Rio area to be temporarily closed to all motor vehicle use to prevent further resource damage, especially to area roads and adjacent grasslands.Areas closed include the Santa Fe National Forest bordered by state and private land, the Rio Grande, Canada Ancha, Cochiti Pueblo, San Ildefonso Pueblo and the Bureau of Land Management.Motor vehicles are not allowed on Forest Road 24 or any Forest Service secondary roads in the restricted area; off National Forest System roads in the restricted area; or on trails in the restricted area.The public can access the restricted area on foot, mountain bike and on horseback. The duration of the closure order will be based on weather conditions. For information on all Santa Fe National Forest closure orders and restrictions, please visit our website at santafe.Free vaccinations offered this weekFree flu and pneumonia vaccination clinics are coming up this week.Flu vaccinations are advised for everyone over 6 months old and pneumonia vaccinations are advised for those 65 and older, or anyone 19-64 with a chronic medical condition.The clinics will be 9:30-11:30 a.m. Tuesday at the Santa Cruz Senior Center, 145 Cami-no de Roberto, Santa Cruz; 12:30-2:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Bennie J. Senior Center, Juan Medina Road, Chimayo; and 9:30-11:30 a.m. Wednesday at the Adam Se迷你倉最平ior Center, 16 Avenida Torreon, Eldorado.$10K donation goes to flood reliefUnited Way has made a $10,000 contribution to the Regional Development Corporation's Local Flood Victims Relief Account, which is set up at Valley National Bank in Espanola, according to a news release.Other community members can make donations to the account at the bank, which was set up by the RDC, Rio Arriba County, the Espanola Chamber of Commerce, the Greater Espanola Valley Community Development Corporation, and the Espanola Community Market.The committee organized to oversee the fund has determined the money would best be used for heavy equipment and materials such as base course and gravel. According to Elmer Salazar, flood committee member, victims should expect at least a two-week wait until equipment will be able to access the flooded properties.According to Mateo DeVargas, RAC emergency manager, questions about government assistance have been flooding his department. The county has been compiling damage reports to send to Homeland Security, in hopes of financial assistance for families. Additionally, Los Alamos National Laboratory and El Centro Family Health have offered assistance through their volunteer programs.The Rio Arriba County Commission has declared the county in a state of disaster as of July 1, partly because of flooding.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) Visit the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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Source: Tulsa World, Okla.self storageSept. 29--Three years, six months and seven days after President Barack Obama signed it into law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act passes an important milestone Tuesday when enrollment is set to begin.Today, the Tulsa World will answer the most common questions about the law and what you need to do -- if anything.Officials on all sides say the true test of the law will be whether it actually works."I think people really don't know what will happen," said Jonathan Small, fiscal policy director of the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, a public policy organization that advocates limited government. "I think a lot of people are counting on either smashing success or a dismal failure."David Blatt, director of the Oklahoma Policy Institute, said he expects some initial glitches "as with any complicated system with lots of moving parts.""Oct. 1 is not the end of anything," Blatt said. "It's really the beginning of a six-month outreach and enrollment process."Enrollment in health-insurance plans under the law continues until March 31, 2014, with coverage starting Jan. 1.Whatever your political position on "Obamacare," you may have questions about how it will affect you, your family members or your business.Affordable Care Act Q&AWhat do I need to do?Probably nothing. If you are like most Oklahomans, you get your insurance through your employer or through a program such as Medicare or SoonerCare. People who already have health insurance can keep it and satisfy the law's requirement to have insurance as long as the plan meets minimum coverage requirements. If you are uninsured, you can log onto Oklahoma's insurance "exchange" -- -- or call 1-800-318- 2596 to find out what plans are available and whether you qualify for a discount. If you already buy an individual plan, you may be able to save money by purchasing a plan through the exchange, depending on your income.How long do I have to decide?Enrollment in health insurance plans offered under the law begins Tuesday and continues until March 31, 2014. Coverage starts Jan. 1.What is the "exchange" or "marketplace?"The exchange or marketplace are other names for websites where consumers can compare health-insurance plans. Oklahoma is one of 27 states that will have a federally created exchange. The site -- -- is designed to allow side-by-side comparisons of plans offered by different companies and at different levels of coverage. Federal officials believe this type of presentation will encourage competition.How will the exchange work?You will be able to log onto the website and see what insurance options are available to you. You need to set up an account with a user name and password, and fill out an online application. The form will ask about your household size, income, whether you currently have insurance available to you and other information. After you complete the application, you will be able to see what options you and your family qualify for, including private insurance plans, Medicaid or an insurance program for children whose parents do not qualify for Medicaid. You will also find out if you qualify for a discount off the monthly premium for coverage and for cost sharing to lower the price of out-of-pocket costs such as deductibles and co-payments. Once you review your options, you can enroll in a plan. If you need help enrolling, the website has a list of ways to get help.What types of plans will be offered?Five companies are offering insurance coverage through Oklahoma's exchange: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oklahoma, Aetna, Coventry, CommunityCare and GlobalHealth. (Aetna acquired Coventry in May but the two companies had already filed their plans.) There will up to 65 different plans available, grouped under four levels: bronze, silver, gold and platinum. If you are under 30 or on a low income, you may qualify for a "catastrophic" plan that protects you from very high medical bills. On average, the bronze plan pays 60 percent of your health care costs; silver, 70 percent; gold, 80 percent; and platinum pays 90 percent. The bronze plan has lower monthly payments but you have to pay more when you receive medical care. The platinum plan has the highest monthly costs and very low outof- pocket costs for care.How much will the plans cost?The cost of plans offered in Oklahoma's marketplace varies depending on your age, smoking status, residence, income and plan you choose. Individuals making up to $45,960 per year and families with incomes of $94,200 can qualify for a subsidy to purchase insurance under the law if their employers do not offer affordable insurance. These subsidies can dramatically reduce the cost of insurance. A family of four with a household income of $50,000 would pay $657 per month for a silver plan before the subsidy is applied and $280 per month after. For a 30-year-old non-smoker earning $24,500 per year, monthly premiums in Oklahoma would be $73 for a bronze plan or $138 for a silver plan.How do I know whether I qualify for a subsidy to buy insurance?You can go to to find a link to the Kaiser Family Foundation calculator, which will estimate your annual subsidy based on income and household size.What if I have a pre-existing condition?Starting in 2014, you cannot be turned down for insurance due to a pre-existing health condition, even if you have been turned down before. One exception is for people on individual plans known as "grandfathered" plans. People on those plans can buy a plamini storage through the exchange that covers their pre-existing condition.Can I keep my doctor?Plans sold through the marketplace will have approved "networks" of doctors, hospitals and other providers that members can use for covered medical expenses. Before you choose a plan, it is very important to examine the network of providers and see if your doctor is in the network. There may be another plan that includes your doctor or you can ask your doctor for more information. It is also important to determine how many of the network's providers are in your area. If you currently have health insurance, you can keep your plan and keep your doctor.What do these plans have to cover?Plans sold in the marketplace must provide people who buy them with a minimum of 10 "essential health benefits:" outpatient care; emergency services; hospitalization services; maternity and newborn care; mental health and substance use disorder services; prescription drugs; rehabilitative services and devices to help people with injuries, disabilities, or chronic conditions; laboratory services; preventive care and chronic disease management; and pediatric services.What happens if I don't have insurance?If you do not have health insurance by 2014 and are not among the categories of people exempt from the "individual mandate," you will have to pay a fine when you file your 2014 taxes, The fee in 2014 is 1 percent of your yearly income or $95 per person, whichever is higher. The fee increases every year and is 2.5 percent of income or $695 per person, whichever is higher, in 2016. There are also fines for uninsured children. People who have short gaps in coverage of less than three months may qualify as exempt from the fine.Who is exempt from the requirement to have health insurance?Some people will be exempt from the fines for not having health insurance. In Oklahoma, people who do not qualify for Medicaid because our state did not accept the expansion of Medicaid are among those who can apply for a "hardship" exemption. Other exemptions include people who are homeless, facing eviction or foreclosure, domestic violence victims, people who recently filed for bankruptcy or people who had a death of a close family member. Additionally, people in these categories may qualify for exemptions: uninsured for less than three months of the year; the lowest-priced coverage available would cost more than 8 percent of household income; you don't earn enough to file a tax return; you're a member of a recognized Indian tribe; you're a member of a health-care sharing ministry; you're a member of a recognized religious sect with objections to insurance; you're incarcerated after conviction; or you are an illegal immigrant.What if I own a business and want to provide insurance?The requirement that large employers provide insurance to employees has been delayed until 2015. Small business owners with 50 or fewer full-time employees may offer insurance to their employees through the "SHOP," or Small business Health Options Program. For more information, visit't Oklahoma opt out of "Obamacare?"The state decided not to accept federal money that would have expanded the number of people covered by Medicaid, a program to provide health care for lowincome people. Oklahoma also declined to create its own "exchange" -- a website where consumers can compare insurance plans -- and will have one created by the federal government. However, the law's requirement that nearly all Americans have health insurance or pay a fine does apply to Oklahomans unless they fall into an excluded category.Two health care events scheduled this weekTwo community events are planned this week to present information and answer questions about the Affordable Care Act.Monday, the North Tulsa Economic Development Initiative will present "Healthy Communities" to discuss the federal health care law. The event will be held at Tulsa Technology Center North, 3850 N. Peoria Ave.The program is free and open to the public and will feature presentations by public officials, medical providers, insurance industry representatives and others. The event will include a panel discussion and breakout sessions as well as tips to get ready for the launch of the health care law.Registration for the forum begins at 5 p.m. with the program beginning at 5:30 p.m. and lasting until 8 p.m.On Tuesday, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oklahoma will sponsor an Affordable Care Act education and enrollment event at the Greenwood Cultural Center. Enrollment in plans under the new law opens Tuesday.Representatives from Blue Cross Blue Shield will discuss requirements of the act and what citizens need to know. Representatives from Emergency Infant Services, Oklahoma's Caring Vans, Metropolitan Tulsa Urban League and the OSU Center for Health Sciences will also take part.The event will take place at the Greenwood Cultural Center, 322 N. Greenwood Ave., from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. It is free and open to the public.AFFORDABLE CARE ACTWhat is going to happen Tuesday?Enrollment opens in the Affordable Care Act, also known as "Obamacare." People can log onto and find out what health-insurance plans are available under the new law. The website will allow people to see how much the plans will cost, coverage details such as deductibles, and whether they qualify for a discount or subsidy available to many Americans.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) Visit Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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  【決勝時刻】4G發牌時間眾說紛紛,存倉有業者向本刊稱,目前問題不在4G技術本身,反而在如何分配方面,皆因中國政府在2009年1月7日宣布發出3G牌照前,先將內地「四大兩小」電訊營運商合併成三家公司,即中移動、聯通(00762)及中電信(00728),分別發出中、歐、美三張不同3G制式的牌照。  然而,目前獲國際認可作4G標準的制式只得兩個,一是由中國具自主知識產權的TD-LTE,一是由歐洲倡議發展的FDD-LTE。內地三雄之中,中儲存動基本上已確定會將現時國產3G制式(TD-SCDMA)升級;聯通現時採用的為歐式3G制式(WCDMA),預期將獲發兼容性高的FDD-LTE牌照。  餘下的中電信則因其美式CDMA網絡與上述兩個4G系統並不兼容,預期將需要投入大量資金開支建設4G網絡,或採用混合模式(TD+FDD)去發展。但中電信董事長王曉初近期表明,希望獲分發FDD-LTE牌照;聯通董事長常小兵亦稱,將於短期內開始建設TD-LTE試驗網,以作準備,反映出背後三雄角力。self storage

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Like most Chinese people do in the first week of October, I spent my first National Day holiday eight years ago traveling to Xi’an.儲存倉 The ancient capital of China ranks as one of the best tourism destinations in the country. But since I went on a group tour, that visit was largely a bust. The trip was organized by the university where I taught English during my first year in China for its foreign teachers, and naturally we were all keen to see the terra cotta warriors. However, we spent the entire morning on the day we were scheduled to visit the warriors at the misleadingly named terra cotta restoration center. That place was really an obligatory shopping stop aimed at making us spend money on overpriced merchandise. Needless to say, no one felt like parting with his money despite the coaxing of the staff. Chinese tourists going on bargained-down priced group tours are not so lucky. Such package tours typically offset the low margins or losses incurred by the travel agencies because of low pricing by forcing tourists to buy goods at designated shops — the agencies get commissions for such purchases — tip tour guides, or pay extra for surprise add-on stops. One tour guide even attacked a tourist for not spending enough at places from he was to get kickbacks on sold items. These problems, along with the bad accommodation and meals offered by low-priced tour operators, have prompted the government to enact a new law that goes into effect from Oct 1. The new law subjects operators who cheat tourists through hidden charges, such as coerced shopping, unexpected itinerary changes, and extra charges for tips, to fines and possible cancellation of their business licenses. This much-needed move to empower consumers will surely be welcomed by almost everyone in China. Indeed, when I asked my Chinese colleagues about it, they were quite happy with the law, while complaining bitterly about their experiences with package tours. The tourism law, which applies to both domestic and outbound tours, could prompt travel agencies to increase prices by 20 to 30 percent. But the increase will be offset by the elimination of hidden charges — under the new legislation, prior consent of tourists is mandatory for shopping stops or itinerary changes. But some potential tourists might be put off by 迷你倉最平he expected increase in package tour prices. Many may already have signed up for such trips thinking they were getting a good deal. And while they should have known better, one can hardly blame ordinary people, who are keen to see China and the world, for wanting to travel on the cheap. These people have to save lots of money for housing, children’s education and unexpected health emergencies, leaving them with limited funds for travel. China has made considerable progress in addressing some of these problems — for example, 90 percent of the people now have some form of health insurance. However, as the country’s new leaders recognize, much still needs to be done to boost consumer spending in China. Tourists opt for package tours not just to save money, but also because such trips cram in lots of destinations in a short period of time. Again, although it would be better for travelers to spend more time at one place to really get to know it, ordinary Chinese have good reason for doing the opposite. Most get very few days of paid leave and wish to see, or claim to have seen, more rather than fewer places. So naturally they opt for tours with crowded itineraries. The new tourism law also aims to curb the increase in entry fees at scenic and historic sites. This provision will deal with moves like the recent introduction of a 148-yuan ($24.2) entry fee for Fenghuang old town in Hunan province. While the new law is clearly welcome, local governments might not go along with it. For quite some time, many of them have been exploiting their natural scenic and historic sites as profit-making tools, as opposed to national treasures that should be accessible to and enjoyed by all Chinese. Moreover, in many of China’s poorer regions, tourism has an outsized impact on the local economies. In Yunnan province, for example, tourism accounts for 7 percent of the GDP. Local authorities may balk at not just preventing the entry fees for tourist sites from rising, but also the changes in tour packages, especially if the latter causes a drop in number of tourists. The new tourism law, then, is a good first step. But a lot of heavy lifting remains to be done to place China’s tourism industry on a sound footing and to boost domestic travel. The author is an American corporate trainer in China. 儲存

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科技發展一日千里,mini storage不過,半導體及集成電路設備製造商龍頭ASM(00522)行政總裁李偉光直言:「技術的改變,反而為公司帶來機遇。」 近年智能手機興起,相關生產商早在兩、三年前定造生產設備以迎接此商機,並為ASM的業績在2011年創出集團高峰(主要在當年的上半年)。難怪李偉光繼業績記者會後,在今次的專訪上,再次自豪地說:「無論各位用那一個牌子的手機,好大機會是使用ASM出品的機器所製造出來。」 可惜去年,尤其是下半年,在歐債危機、內地民企風暴等衝擊下,帶來的全球經濟不景氣,連帶ASM的業務也受到拖累。雖然ASM今年上半年的純利為2.38億元,按年減少50.7%(見表一),而第二季盈利佔2.3億元,按年減少25.7%,但是按季則大升29倍,再細看各項業務的第二季業績,其實環比已見回勇(見表二)。 不過,相比以往,今次一�智能手機及平板電腦製造商以外的製造商,業務更趨活躍,而李偉光直言相關製造商的行內競爭加劇,但他對行業明年的前景感到樂觀,並解釋說:「根據兩大半導體行業研究機構Gartner及SEMI所做的調查顯示,半導體設備行業將於明年回復增長(見圖三),加上美、德、法,以至英國及日本等經濟已見復甦,現在的客觀經濟環境,較兩、三年前為佳,可為行業提供支持。」 亮點1 LED照明未來兩年普及 雖然李偉光坦言行業在今年仍未全面好轉,但是對明年行業表現則相當樂觀,而他更預期,LED在照明用途方面,可以在未來兩年「起飛」,為半導體生產設備行業帶來商機,並利好集團的後工序設備業務。 現時,ASM佔LED設備市場的市佔約80%,而他續指出:「過去,LED未能在照明用途上得以普及,最主要原因在於核心部分的晶片價格太貴,令LED燈的價格顯得太貴。不過,所需的晶片價格自2010年開始已回落。在台灣,現時LED作為優質光源的需求,已經大於來自LED電視機的需求。」 另一方面,隨�科技的發展,半導體行業也出現技術的轉移。李偉光舉例說:「各項智能電子產品的出現,令到晶片的I/O儲存輸入/輸出端)愈來愈多,而它們的Fine Pitch(腳距)愈來愈窄,傳統的Wire Bonder(焊�機)未能滿足要求,衍生對Flip-Chip Bonder(覆晶焊接機),甚至TCB(Thermal Compression Bonder,熱壓焊接機)的需求增加。」 亮點2 TCB需求續增 「雖然TCB的技術早在40多年由IBM發明,但是由於當時價錢極高,加上應用不廣泛,此技術當時顯得欠缺成本效益。不過,現時的電子產品中的CPU(中央處理器)、圖像處理器等,對腳距要求愈來愈高,便衍生技術的要求,便帶來生產商需要訂購新機的機會。我們較對手早兩至三年開始投放資源到這機械上,今年上半年已有貢獻來自這部門,料明年會有更大的貢獻。現時,只有1間日本公司可以提供具備此技術的生產機械,其餘公司則提供的類似生產機械只在於給予客戶測試階段。」他補充道。 至於焊�機,雖然不能應用於腳距較高要求的焊接上,但是李偉光指出,由於TCB價錢較焊�機高出逾10倍,加上還有其他配套等,在成本效益下,焊�機仍有一定需求,並預料焊�機未來增長大致平穩,而TCB則是高增長的產品。 他續指出:「公司上半年資本開支只為1,790萬美元,遠較全年預算8,020萬美元為少,預期下半年資本開支將大增,包括投資於料明年將錄可觀增長的TCB。」 SMT業務協同效應剛開始 另一方面,ASM自2010年向西門子收購旗下的SEAS後,SEAS所需要的生產設備如前文提及的焊�機、覆晶焊接機等,可以逐步由外部供應變成內部供應,並成為ASM的SMT(Surface Mount Technology)業務。另外,該收購除了帶來集團整體業務的整合外,也產生歐洲技術與亞洲工作效率所帶來的協同效應。 不過,李偉光卻指出,協同效應其實才剛剛開始:「這項業務,我們在已經在歐洲及美洲稱冠,現在尚欠亞洲市場。過去,SMT業務主要客戶是歐洲的汽車生產商,而歐洲車市場由中國來帶動。另外,電子產品的智能化發展,也增加此方面的工業設備需求。」儲存倉

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迷你倉最平月26日,巴南區秋季消費節在鎧恩國際�動。作為重慶家具消費的主戰場,鎧恩國際的年度家居盛宴也將在消費節期間開�。 10月1日至7日...儲存

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  自2003年自由行政策實施以來,自存倉不少香港店舖都會覬覦每年幾次被稱為「黃金周」的內地長假期,內地不少旅客都會趁這段日子來港消費。  而在去年10月份政府落實買家印花稅(Buyer's Stamp Duty,簡稱BSD)前,物業市場依然是內地客有興趣追捧的「產品」。  不過,時移勢易,內地買家在港置業意慾已大大下降,因為置業成本因一系列印花稅款而顯著增加,尤其是豪宅市場影響最為明顯。內地客掃貨 盛況難再  在剛過去的中秋節假期,本港一手盤銷情亦有所放緩,而二手買賣交投依然維持在偏低水平,故即使踏入10月這段被稱為十.一國慶黃金周的檔期內,以往深受內地客歡迎的一手樓盤,除受到辣招影響外,亦沒有太多新盤推售,故此預料內地買家大舉「掃貨」此情難再。  按土地註冊處錄得的買賣註冊,並以買家姓名的英文拼音鑑別是否內地買家計算,截至今年上半年,內地買家購買住宅物業的註冊宗數比率僅為5.1mini storage,較去年下半年錄得的10.1%,下跌約5個百分點;較2011年下半年所錄得的13.2%更見有顯著跌幅。購新盤比例 跌至11%  此外,購置一手私樓的註冊宗數比率更由2011年下半年錄得的34%持續下降至今年上半年的10.7%。  至於內地買家購置二手住宅的註冊金額亦下降至今年上半年的4.1%,與2011年下半年錄得約10%相距甚遠。豪宅成交 恐7年低位  事實上,根據美聯物業資料研究部綜合土地註冊處資料顯示,本年迄今(截至9月23日),一手私樓註冊量(扣除一手公營房屋)合共錄5,562宗,比起去年同期9,164宗大跌約39.3%,而當中逾2,000萬元個案只有282宗,按年銳減71.2%,跌幅並為各類銀碼之中最大。  逾2,000萬元一手私樓註冊量自09年至12年間一直保持每年逾千宗,惟在一系列辣招及內地客買家大減情況下,料今年這類物業註冊量將跌破此水平,甚至有機會創7年新低。儲存

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「人會消失,self storage但偶的精神會留下來!」電影「不倒翁的奇幻旅程」導演林福清,在家鄉左鎮國小大門打造一條「不倒翁故事步道」,他先完成封面,後面12幅畫再由學生接棒,並延伸到校園彩繪,預計一個月完成。林福清說,小朋友都喜歡偶,就是香港人說的「公仔」,日本人更是流行用「偶」當吉祥物,行銷地方,但台灣卻很少自己的「偶」,左鎮是貧脊之地,「不倒翁」代表不向環境命運低頭,希望帶給家鄉激勵的力量。林福清有個藍圖,是左鎮處處是「不倒翁」,有不倒翁彩繪、大公仔、拼貼牆等,用左鎮的白堊土,燒出的不倒翁磚,砌在左鎮這塊土地上,吸引外地遊客,帶動左鎮發展的契機。林福清取得左鎮國迷利倉校長李智賢支持,在大門口上坡道打造一條「不倒翁繪本故事步道」,再延伸到校園內,彩繪另一部「長長」的繪本,昨天以油漆彩繪,調色功力令人佩服,他透露小時候曾想成為「電影看板」畫師。沿著步道而上,將繪製12頁作品,由團隊成員陳瑋軒先完成構圖,李智賢再安排師生一起彩繪,還要培訓小小解說員,讓每位學生都會說「不倒翁奇幻旅程」的故事,林福清也會提供繪本在學校供遊客閱讀。林福清已在籌拍第二部電影,是真人結合電腦合成的形式,電影中也有「偶」,他感慨,社會上普遍以「得獎」、「票房賣座」等論斷是不是一部好電影,但他重視的是用電影澆灌文化,他將持續關注這塊他生長的家鄉土地。自存倉

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英國首相卡梅倫(David Cameron)提前推出協助民眾置業的計劃,迷利倉以便為昨天起舉行的保守黨大會造勢。計劃以公帑作擔保,鼓勵銀行貸出高達九成半按揭,但批評者質疑措施可能刺激樓市泡沫。卡梅倫前天出人意表地宣布,原定於明年1 月推出的「幫你買」計劃(Helpto Buy)將提前於本周開展。他在聲明中指出,目前在英國置業,首期動輒需3 萬至5 萬鎊。年輕人即使有正當職業,如無豐厚收入或父母協助,根本無法「上車」, 「幫你買」計劃正是要協助因為拿不出首期而被拒於樓市門外的置業者。根據計劃,政府將撥出120 億鎊(約1503 億港元)作擔保,以鼓勵貸款商提供物業價值最多95%的按揭貸款予置業人士。計劃原定於明年1 月推出,其中不少詳情如銀行參加自存倉劃須支付的費用仍有待公布。卡梅倫突然提前計劃,相信是要為在曼徹斯特舉行的保守黨周年大會造勢,吸引選民。昨天他在會上表示,政府會削減更多稅務,又批評在野工黨提出凍結能源價格及取消削減公司稅的建議,將會令職位流失及削弱經濟復蘇。下屆大選最遲須於2015 年舉行,在野工黨黨魁文立杉(Ed Miliband)月初時率先宣布,當選後將凍結商用及家用電費及天然氣費20個月。根據最新民調,工黨支持度達42%,領先保守黨的31%及聯合政府另一成員自由民主黨的9%。英國政府3 月提出「幫你買」計劃,此後樓市漸次回勇;上周五公布的數據更顯示,第三季樓價增幅逾三年來最高。面對新計劃可能刺激樓市泡沫的疑慮,財政大臣歐思邦上周表示,已責承英倫銀行密切注視計劃的影響。mini storage

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