- Oct 03 Thu 2013 12:04
(檳城1日訊)155人去世後繼續“領援助金”長達6年半,存倉檳州福利局“損失”逾34萬!《2012年總稽查司報告》顯示,檳州福利局在處理援助金方面的表現欠佳,包括就算申請者已逝世,當局仍每個月匯款給他們,估計當局在這方面已損失34萬4千540令吉。當局在接到提醒後,馬上終止當中77名逝世者的福利,並從他們銀行戶頭取回1萬3千零70令吉援助金。另外,報告也指當局仍使用舊的援助金計算率,導致59.8%的申請者每個月少收10至30令吉,估計至今當局少給29萬1千130令吉給申請者。2008年已提及紕漏沒改進報告顯示,根據東北縣及威北縣福利局資料,於2012年7月儲存有1千762人每個月通過銀行獲得援助金,但根據檳州登記局資料顯示,從2006年至2012年的6月,當中有155人已經逝世,但他們的名字仍在福利局的申請者名單中。報告也說,雖然2008年的《總稽查司報告》已提及這項紕漏,但該局至今仍沒有改進。此外,報告也指,根據程序,一旦援助金在發放的21日後仍未被領取,官員則需跟進,但在1千762名申請者中,有246人是已經從4至70個月內沒有從銀行中提取援助金,這筆費用總值53萬6千550令吉。總稽查報告也建議該局可定期與國家登記局及國家儲蓄銀行,以瞭解受惠者是否已離世等近況。【大事件:相?新聞請點2012年稽查報告】;self storage
- Oct 03 Thu 2013 11:48
(吉隆坡1日訊)根據《2012年總稽查司報告》指出,儲存從去年6月至9月向吉隆坡市政局展開的稽查中發現,在5項休閒公園的工程當中,有4項不太令人滿意,因為該局未能如期完成有關工程。報告指出,涉及的承包商是被批准一至三次展延完成有關工程,而且展延的期限是介於174天至617天。未進行調查評估工作報告說,5項的休閒公園工程的管理工作,也無法令人滿意,因為出現一些弱點,如:一)未在施工地點進行調查或評估工作;二)工程已完成,但未能供公眾與遊客使用;三)未根據工程合約、條款和規格執行工程;四)市政局園藝與休閒組未完全根據國家園藝局的園藝指南及其他相關的條規作為指南,以妥善執行工作;五)市政局園藝與休閒組沒有保存資產記錄(Rekod Inventori Aset Hidup);六)市政局園藝與休閒組維修和休養園藝與休閒設施的工作,令人不滿意。報告說,上述5項休閒公園工程,涵蓋了維修公共公園工程、草場或空地及兒童遊樂場,以及維修和提昇吉隆坡現有園藝與樹木的景觀。而在吉隆坡城市地區展開的休閒設施工作,目的是在於提供一個美觀、乾淨、整潔,以及整體充滿活力和令遊客感到滿意的景觀。撥1.8億只動用1.2億報告指出,從2010年至2012年,吉隆坡市政局已撥出1億8千276萬令吉來管理休閒設施,惟截至去年12月為止,市政局只動用到其中的1億2千332萬令吉(67.5%)撥款,原因是有關工程被取消或被展延執行。報告說,截至去年12月份為止,在5項被稽查的工程當中,在總值達到4千350萬令吉的工程當中,開銷總額已達到4千208萬令吉(96.7%),有關開銷包括徵用土地;鑑於此,總稽查司普遍上對有關財務表現感到滿意。向發展商收取違約金總稽查司也發覺,在吉隆坡熱水湖新村的發展計劃下,承包商無法在2010年9月27日的原訂期限內完成該工程,並因此而接獲9封當局發出的提醒信與3封工作未完成的信函,惟該工程最終能夠在2011年7月22日完成。根據合約規定,承包商必須繳付65萬5千600令吉的違約金,作為損失的賠償費,惟後者也申請豁免繳付該筆違約金。不過,市政局在2012年2月29日召開的第三次咨詢理事會會議後,議決將維持向發展商收取違約金。城市果園工程未直接協商下展開吉隆坡市政局是委托一家私人有限公司展開的城市果園工程,是通過直接談判來簽署合約,合約總值達到1千725萬令吉。根據政府首席秘書誌期於2002年4月17日的申請直接談判指南(Garis PanduanPermohonan Perolehan Secara Rundingan Terus)顯示,只有在取得財政部的批准下,才能進行self storage接談判和發出批文,而且獲取有關合約也必須考量到特定的緊急情況,如情況緊迫、涉及安全、策略及涉及的承包商非常有限的因素。不管怎樣,總稽查司發覺到有關工程不是在直接獲得財政部的直接協商下獲得批發。該工程也未符合任何所規定必須直接協商的條件下展開。經過調查後發覺,有關工程並非根據最初所設定的目的,即將果園打造成一座公共公園,以讓遊客可以認識大馬的各種本地水果。根據原訂的計劃,該座城市果園將栽種100種水果,且全是本地的果樹。報告書指出,基於缺乏有關資料,總稽查司無法確定究竟當局有否根據原訂計劃栽種果樹。根據實際的樹木數量,城市果園內共種有2千528棵樹木,其中只有573棵(22.7%)是本地果樹,其餘1千955棵是森林的樹木與野生果樹(77.3%)。此外,總稽查司發覺到,在1千725萬令吉的合約總值當中,只有231萬令吉(13.4%)被用來作為軟質園藝(Landskap lembut或Softscape)用途,至於其餘的1千494萬令吉(86.6%)是充作其餘園藝配件和設施用途,即建築物與硬質園藝(Landskap Kejur或Hardscape)。私人公司園藝建築顧問未接受專業培訓報告說,該計劃的失敗之處是在於受委托的私人有限公司與園藝建築物顧問未曾接受過任何發展果樹的專業培訓。經過總稽查司的審核後,發覺到該公司在接受委托時,公司只有18%的工程是運用在休閒公園,而且也僅限於在道路保留地進行栽種與剪草工作,而且只有8%的工作是涉及在休閒公園,即在高爾夫球場的管理工程。若按照合約上的材質規格與人力資源規定,在進行軟質園藝工程時,該公司與其承包商及二手承包商必須在48小時內,發出通知信給吉隆坡市政局的工程總監,才能展開栽種樹木、草坪、施肥與管理工作。報告指出,儘管市政局早在2005年5月29日,向聯邦土地與礦物局申請預留土地(Perizaban Tanah),然而後者卻遲至2009年8月13日才發出可充作該份公共用途的批准信,並於2010年2月17日才在憲報上公佈。箇中原因,是建築物發展的地段是在保留地以外。報告說,稽查司在2012年9月27日到該果園展開的調查後發覺,原本被栽種的樹木未被施肥、染上疾病、沒有結果,有者則枯萎和死亡。不過,市政局沒有提供有關詳細的記錄和數據。調查中發覺,在原本栽種的2千528棵樹木當中,有1千零84棵樹木(42.9%)已經死亡。在死亡的樹木當中,分別有55.1%是果樹與39.3%是森林樹木。市政局已採取行動,減少繳付多達3萬零2千零5令吉的經費(包括10%的保養費),以進行調整工作。【相?新聞請點大事件:2012年稽查報告】;迷利倉
- Oct 03 Thu 2013 11:34
【本報訊】據法新社2日消息:美國總統奧巴馬力推的醫療保險改革1日啟動,mini storage數百萬名民眾登入網站想瀏覽保險選項,卻因為網站出現技術性問題大塞車。介紹與登記「奧巴馬醫改」的網站平台healthcare.gov當天照預定計劃上線。共有280萬名使用者想登入healthcare.gov,不過許多人因網站塞車無法順利進入網站。美國聯邦醫療服務中心行政官員泰溫娜表示: 「新產品上self storage都會有問題。」民眾將有6個月時間上網登記「奧巴馬醫改」,泰溫娜婉拒說明上路首日有多少人登記,僅表示: 「我們可以證實有人登記。」紐約州健康交易所「紐約州健康」的網站說, 「奧巴馬醫改」「太受歡迎」,以致於推出的頭2個小時就擁入200萬名訪客,民眾如果連不上系統,請晚點再試。科技分析家凱根說: 「今天是『奧巴馬醫改』推出首日,目前為止,網站就像暑假第一天那樣,超塞的。」mini storage
- Oct 03 Thu 2013 11:24
Federal shutdown stretches across Cape Cod
Source: Cape Cod Times, Hyannis, Mass.儲存Oct. 02--As the federal government shutdown began Tuesday, Cape Cod residents and visitors were left wondering what was open, what was closed, who was working, who wasn't and how long the impasse would shutter popular services and destinations.There were no answers for them or the employees who were sent home without pay after working a few hours Tuesday morning to change their voicemails, lock the doors and prepare for an indefinite, unpaid vacation.Meanwhile the Capewide trickle-down ran the gamut from the immediate (closing bathrooms at the Cape Cod National Seashore) to the potential (burials at the Massachusetts National Cemetery in Bourne and federal housing vouchers).A Federal Emergency Management Agency training exercise held Tuesday morning at Sandwich Hollows Golf Club included several dozen police, fire and emergency personnel but went on without two key federal government employees. The session opened with Sandwich emergency management Director Brian Gallant announcing that a FEMA official and an EPA official were not going to attend.Noting the role the two played in putting together the tabletop exercise, he said, "It's a bittersweet morning for us."Here's how the shutdown looks like in our area:Tourism hot spotsAt the Cape Cod National Seashore, facilities including visitor centers and bathrooms were closed even in areas where the beaches were still reachable by vehicles. When a tour bus from North Carolina rolled up to Coast Guard Beach in North Eastham around 9:30 a.m., visitors stepped down into the soft autumn light to find only a pronounced lack of amenities."We're still looking for a bathroom," said B.J. Burcham, who was on that bus with her 91-year-old mother.Another Seashore visitor, Ohio resident Teresa Durbin, blamed the Republicans for cutting off access to Outer Cape beaches."I'm totally pissed off," Durbin said. "I've always wanted to come East, and this is our big trip."Other National Park Service facilities, including Highland Light in North Truro and Nauset Light in North Eastham, were also closed Tuesday. The Seashore employs about 130 people at this time of year, said Superintendent George Price, including park rangers, maintenance workers and law enforcement rangers. All except nine law enforcement rangers and two maintenance employees were put on furlough Tuesday, Price said."No one knows how long it will last," he said. "There's a lot of uncertainty."Price said as many as 10 to 17 buses stop at the Salt Pond Visitor Center in Eastham each day in the fall."These are the fall foliage tours that bring people from all over the United States, including many senior citizens," he said.In Truro, the Highland Links Golf Course, on land leased to the town by the National Seashore, also shut down. The same went for the Nauset Knoll Motor Lodge, a motel in East Orleans that's also on leased Seashore land."Today was a $3,000 hit," said Jim Knowles, manager of the golf course.The links brings in about $680,000 in revenue each year, with 15 percent going to the Seashore, Knowles said. It usually breaks even or earns a profit for the town. But any profit is under peril as the beautiful fall days tick by and the park service and all its concessions remain closed."The phone is ringing off the hook, and I can't answer it, because I don't know what to say and I'm not supposed to be doing business," Knowles said.On the Upper Cape, the Woods Hole Science Aquarium, run by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration's Northeast Fisheries Science Center, also is closed. The facility at 166 Water St. displays about 140 species of marine animals found in Northeast and Middle Atlantic waters, and is the oldest continuously operating marine research aquarium in the United States.Spokeswoman Shelley Dawicki said a skeleton crew will keep the animals fed.The national wildlife refuges on Nantucket and Monomoy also closed to the public, along with a number of other wildlife refuge areas in Massachusetts. On Nantucket, the closure affected only a small portion of Great Point, as most of the area on the northernmost part of the Island is owned by the private nonprofit Trustees of Reservations.Nuclear facilitiesThe Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the government agency that oversees the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station in Plymouth, will remain operational for the short term. If the shutdown continues, staffing will plummet to bare bones, NRC spokesman Neil Sheehan said."We have some carryover funding that will allow us to maintain normal operations for about a week," he said. "Then, like other agencies, our staffing will be significantly reduced until the shutdown is over."Only about 300 of the NRC's 3,900 employees would remain on the job when the carry-over dollars run out."Those who would continue to work -- that is, those deemed necessary to perform 'excepted functions' -- would include the NRC resident inspectors assigned on a full-time basis to each operating nuclear power plant, as well as staffers needed to initially respond to emergency situations at NRC-licensed facilities," Sheehan said.Air traffic controlLocal transportation officials say their operations are not likely to be affected in the short term. The Federal Aviation Administration contrmini storagect air traffic control tower at Barnstable Municipal Airport is still being staffed, airport manager Roland "Bud" Breault said.Lawmakers may have learned a lesson from the intense reaction earlier this year when the furlough of FAA staff caused travel delays across the country, he said.An official with the Transportation Security Administration, which has an office at the airport, wrote in an email to the Times that the agency's transportation security, including aviation passenger screening and the Federal Air Marshal Service, will remain operational during the shutdown.Public housingThe federal Housing and Urban Development office's main phone number played a recording Tuesday announcing that "most HUD programs have been temporarily interrupted and the department is closed."Locally, housing vouchers will be available this month, but a prolonged shutdown could have an effect on future payments."We have a little under 300 housing vouchers. We're all set for landlord payments this month, but if this goes on longer, there could be a problem," Sandra Perry, Barnstable Housing Authority executive director, said.Ed Roderick, executive director of the Yarmouth Housing Authority, said he will be nervous about new applicants who would "result in additional requests for funding" during the shutdown.Frederic Presbrey, CEO of Housing Assistance Corp., worries whether the nonprofit agency will receive federal funding for weatherization programs in October. The money is used to provide insulation and keep heating costs down for lower-income residents, he said."There's a lot we don't know at this point," Presbrey said.Wampanoag tribesThe government shutdown could result in layoffs and furloughs for the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah), which relies on grants and direct federal funding of about $8 million per year to provide services for elders, health care, child care and things like heating assistance, tribal Chairman Cheryl Andrews-Maltais said."We're totally reliant because we have no source of economic development," she said.The impact depends on the length of the shutdown, she said. "We have some resources set aside to get us through," she said. The tribe is already getting about 13 percent less in government funding than it did two years ago because of automatic reductions known as sequestration, she said.The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, which also receives federal funding, did not respond to requests for comment.Veterans ServicesVeterans Administration medical facilities and clinics remain open, including the Providence Veterans Affairs Medical Center, but VA call centers and hotlines are closed for the duration of the shutdown.The National Cemetery in Bourne is open and continuing with burials through Oct. 14, said Theresa Souza, a budget analyst at the facility. Beyond that point, staff will need guidance from the federal government on how, or if, the cemetery will continue to function.Small business lendingThe shutdown means that U.S. Small Business Administration loan applications aren't currently being processed at the federal level, said Jeannine Marshall, executive director of the Centerville-based business lender Coastal Community Capital.But that hasn't stopped Coastal Community from working on the applications and then sending them to the SBA, she said. The organization is encouraging people to still apply for the loans so the process isn't delayed further."We are going to keep them in the pipeline," she said. Meanwhile, Coastal Community will continue to use other, non-federal, small business loan offerings to assist customers.The loans can range from $25,000 to several million dollars, Marshall said, and help pay for acquisitions and other business endeavors."I think the most troublesome thing of the government shutdown is businesses do not like uncertainty. It gives them pause, which means they are not growing."The disaster recovery loan program is still operational, according to the SBA website.SchoolsAlthough they are awash in federal funds, Cape schools said the timing of the shutdown wouldn't have an immediate effect.Mashpee Superintendent Brian Hyde said the district gets about $1.1 million a year in federal funds for everything from special education programs to an Indian education grant. Some of those checks are due to arrive in October, and he said there's been no indication of a delay -- not yet, anyway."We're hoping for the best and trying to be positive," he said.Barnstable Public Schools have received funding for fiscal year 2013, but state education officials have said there could be a delay in school breakfast and lunch reimbursements until the state receives a nutrition award for October from the Department of Agriculture for fiscal year 2014, Superintendent Mary Czajkowski said."I think we can cover in the short term, but I think if this were to go on more than a couple of weeks we could have certainly some other serious issues," she said.Staff writers Christine Legere, George Brennan, K.C. Myers, Cynthia McCormick and Patrick Cassidy, and Jason Graziadei of the Inquirer and Mirror contributed to this report.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Cape Cod Times (Hyannis, Mass.) Visit the Cape Cod Times (Hyannis, Mass.) at .capecodonline.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage
- Oct 03 Thu 2013 11:16
自存倉 內地4G牌照將於年底前正式發放,對基站建設及智能手機的需求均有明顯刺激。 中移動(941)的網絡建設工作已經開始,中興(763)及華為將獲過半定單。 另一方面,中低端智能手機今年處爆發增長期,受惠中移動展開4G終端採購,相信中興的智能手機付運量增長持續強勁。 另外,中興上半年業績亦已顯著回暖,純利按年增長26.6%至3.1億元人民幣,並發出盈喜,預料今年首三季純利介乎5億至7.5億元人民幣。近日行業消息,加上盈利表現顯著改善,股價後市表現持續樂觀。 建議投資者入巿價16.00元,目標價18.00元,止蝕價15.00元。(筆者並沒持有上述股份) mini storage
- Oct 03 Thu 2013 10:46
你或許不認識任天堂社長岩田聰,文件倉但或許也聽過岩田聰在投資大會上打人一事。網上熱傳岩田聰今年中與股東會面,席間有股東質問岩田聰為何不開發iPhone遊戲,更稱他女兒嫌棄任天堂的遊戲機,寧願玩iPhone,逼得氣急敗壞的岩田聰,落台揮拳打股東。以上實際是惡搞新聞,但有網站當是真實新聞報道,就算知道是惡搞新聞,網民也樂此不疲轉載,戲謔任天堂死牛一面頸。任天堂昨天向外界承認,經典的遊戲機「Wii」在日本停產之際,回顧這則惡搞新聞,饒有意思。任天堂是百年老店,經歷過多次跌宕起伏。「Wii」一度是任天堂翻身之作,2006年推出至今賣出超過1億部,今次「Wii」在日本停售,機迷或許覺得是一個時代的結束,對任天堂來說,卻是情非得已的決定。智能手機大熱拖低銷量其實,Wii的新機型Wii U早在去年11月開賣,可惜銷量未如理想,今年第二季銷量有16萬部,反而舊版Wii賣出21萬部,連任天堂管理層也承認,大部份玩家不察覺Wii U是公司新機,導致新機滯銷。任天堂早前已率先把Wii U削價,今次再停售Wii,相信希望在日本國內推動更多人玩Wii U,但任天堂又怕全面停售Wii會影響海外銷售,於是國外繼續銷售價錢較低的舊款Wii。任天堂的手提遊戲機亦同樣面臨滯銷。任天堂早前預計,於今年財政年度,王牌手提遊戲機3DS的銷售量能夠增長至1,800萬部,即是平均每季能賣450萬部,但今年第二季,任天堂只能賣出140萬部,僅能達目標銷量額的三成。總計整個第二季度,任天堂只是賣出180萬部機,遠差過去年同期的310萬部。任天堂銷量極速下跌,反映公司面對智能手機的挑戰,束手無策。市場研究機構NPD今年發佈問卷調查,指目前有64%的12至17歲受訪存倉,有使用智能手機或平板電腦打機的習慣,比2009年上升了七倍,相關的每周打機時數,亦由一年前的五小時上升至七小時。拒開發iOS遊戲步向夕陽至於有玩電腦、傳統遊戲機包括手提遊戲機的兒童雖然達67%,但趨勢卻持續下跌。怕且智能手機的玩家在不久的將來,就會超越傳統遊戲機。不過,任天堂始終不願放棄一站式硬件、軟件發開發商的角色。八十年代,任天堂推出家用遊戲機紅白機,為電子遊戲業務奠下基礎,其後憑「Super Mario」盛極一時。時至今天,「Super Mario」仍是任天堂各款遊戲機當中,歷久不衰的遊戲。當PS3、Xbox等受惠於第三方遊戲開發商,開創成本以億元計的天價遊戲《GTA V》,谷起銷售,任天堂仍然靠「Super Mario」食老本,第三方開發的遊戲乏善可陳。岩田聰不止一次表示,智能手機普及導致遊戲機銷售大減,是錯誤的想法。兩年前,他接受《日經新聞》專訪更斷言,「一定不會」開發蘋果iOS平台的遊戲,揚言任天堂的優勢,是公司自行開發硬件,若果任天堂開發iOS遊戲,就不再是任天堂。但今天看來,任天堂依靠軟件、硬件一條龍公式營運,越來越兩頭唔到岸。任天堂成立超過100年,橫跨三個世紀,原本只是生產紙牌的公司,六十年代,前任社長山內溥發現紙牌業務步入夕陽,不轉型只會是絕路一條,試做文具、甚至經營的士、酒店、吸塵機生意均失敗告終,後來憑幾款經典玩具包括「機械手臂」死過番生,輾轉創立家用遊戲機,走向世界。任天堂多年屹立不倒,在於不自我局限。擺在任天堂面對的難關,不比六十年代的容易。不放下身段,恐怕這個百年不倒的日本創意神話,也會走到終點。丘亦生金融中心fan page:.facebook.com/hkfincentre儲存
- Oct 03 Thu 2013 10:45
國慶長假提前優化交通 青城山都江堰道路暢通無阻
信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/核心提示昨日是國慶長假第二天,迷你倉最平成都周邊景區大多開�了“人人人車車車”模式。不過,在成都王牌旅遊景點、世界雙遺產青城山-都江堰景區,由於提前對交通模式進行了優化,景區只見遊人如織,不見堵車、不聞車聲,遊客可以全身心感受都江堰的瑰麗,感受“青城天下幽”!節前提前優化機動車不進山 觀光車擺渡遊客都江堰、青城山兩個景區一“靜”一“幽”,都是需要沉下來,用心感受的景區,必須確保景區附近一定範圍內車少、不喧鬧,才能讓遊客真正品嘗到景區的“味道”。青城山都江堰景區交通全面優化方案國慶節前就出台了。記者注意到,10月1日∼7日,每天8:00∼18:00,青城前山鶴翔山莊-建福宮-飛仙觀景區公路實行機動車禁行。“為此,我們首次�用旅遊觀光車轉運遊客。”該負責人介紹,景區在岷江山莊、赤城閣、雙層停車場等三個旅遊觀光車站點,組織了30輛旅遊觀光車用于中轉遊客,最大運力達每小時2000人,每日最大中轉量約2萬人。除乘坐觀光車,遊客停車後還可以選擇青城山健康步道步行上山。青城山健康步道全是木棧道,兩側古木蒼蒼、綠草萋萋,步行上山就是一次身心深度SPA。同時,前往青城後山景區的機動車輛改由大觀鎮至青城後山景區公路或青城山鎮五里溝公路前往,避免對青城山景區外的遊客造成干擾。在都江堰城區旅遊,機動車可以停在都江堰景區停車場、銀杏廣場停車場等地,然後步行遊覽都江堰景區、南橋、灌縣古城等。該負責人特別提醒,遊客從成都城區到都江堰景區和青城山景區旅遊,可以不必去汽車站擠車,“武侯祠到都江堰-青城山景區有直通車”;到了都江堰以後,都江堰、青城山兩個景區之間有101A路公交車直達,非常方便。青城山景區直擊車不上山 遊客沿線看風景前日上午10點,從都江堰城區到青城山景區的路上,私家車、旅遊大巴絡繹不絕,秩序井然。到了青城山前山門附近,在交通組織人員指揮下,車輛開始向周邊停車場分流。隨後,遊客們從各個停車場集中到上山的步行道上,或是觀光車站。“這裡就是青城山上了嗎?空氣太好了!”“這個綠道走著好舒服,在森林里穿梭哦!”……從青城山山門上山的路上,車行道上非常清淨,偶爾一輛觀光車駛過,兩側步行道上的遊人一路走一路欣賞美景。王女士的兒子9歲,平時上學多是坐著,缺少運動,昨日專門帶孩子來青城山,“讓孩子爬爬山,多運動一下。”王女士說,她早就計劃好,將車停在山腳,然後一家人慢慢走上山去。從山腳下到景區門口,少了車輛的喇叭聲,王女士一家非常享受沿著健康步道上山的過程,“一路上都是風景,太美了!”青城山月城湖邊上,從重慶來的遊客賀先生對青城山的幽靜讚不絕口。“景區周圍就是不能有太多車,不然就成了看車,而不是看景了。”賀先生說,到青城山後,遠離城市的喧囂、現代化機械的轟鳴,“整個人都輕鬆了。”為此,他還緊急調整出行計劃,在青城山找了一個農家樂住儲存下來。世界雙遺產青城山-都江堰 感恩祈福大酬賓引爆黃金周昨日是“十一”黃金周第二天,截至下午5時,青城山-都江堰景區接待來自海內外遊客共計7萬余人次。明星“雙遺”景區遊客火爆的同時,都江堰圍繞“景城一體”灌縣古城和新地標玉壘閣等推出的精品旅遊線路,也都受到遊客追捧。昨日,成都商報記者在青城山景區和都江堰景區看到,景區推出了許多特色活動和優惠措施。特別是世界雙遺產青城山-都江堰景區的祈福感恩大酬賓活動受到遊客普遍歡迎,遊客爭相購買大酬賓套餐。玉壘閣作為新推出的旅遊產品,受到遊客的歡迎,遊客們乘步雲梯登玉壘閣體驗晨鐘暮鼓並祈福。站在高高的玉壘閣,360度全方位視覺將灌縣古城和都江堰水利工程全景盡收眼底。“不到玉壘閣,等於沒看到完整的都江堰。”遊客們紛紛感嘆。優惠方面,除了世界雙遺產青城山-都江堰感恩祈福大酬賓優惠外,都江堰景區+玉壘閣項目執行120元/套優惠票價政策(原價130元/套)。套票除參觀離堆公園、三大水利工程以外,還包含玉壘閣體驗東觀千年古城、西瞰成都平原、北眺岷江源頭、南望八百里青城、體驗步雲廊觀景扶梯、都江堰最佳最高攝影點、古城牆、文化演藝展示、免費敲鼓、免費直通車等。記者還瞭解到,國慶長假期間,遊客購買玉壘閣門票可在離堆公園、都江堰景區北大門免費乘坐景區觀光車,時間為每天8:00∼18:00。“今年在都江堰住的遊客多了不少,許多遊客來都江堰不僅僅是只看看魚嘴就走了,許多人選擇住下來耍。”為吸引更多遊客留在都江堰。國慶長假期間,青城山-都江堰景區圍繞“拜水”“問道”,精心謀劃、適時推出一系列豐富多彩的活動。在都江堰壹街區,中國(西部)國際房車露營博覽會正在進行。在都江堰古城區,大廟會每天都要上演。來自上海的小王跟女朋友是第一次來都江堰,他們9月30日晚飛抵成都,昨日一大早從成都坐快鐵抵達都江堰。“交通很方便,其實很早以前在課本裡面就知道都江堰水利工程了,但這還是我們第一次過來。真心覺得是不虛此行了。下午我們準備去青城前山玩一玩,聽說那裡是功夫熊貓主角阿寶的練功地。”小王說。雖然此次黃金周,青城山-都江堰景區門票沒有降價。但景區針對生日是10月1日的遊客,只要持有效身份證件,就可免除玉壘閣文化演繹展示項目、道解都江堰、時空之旅門票,“這相當于直接優惠了200多元。”據青城山-都江堰景區管理局相關人士介紹,除針對10月1日過生日的遊客進行優惠,凡購買玉壘山門票的遊客,還可乘坐免費的景區直通車。“青城山-都江堰作為西部旅遊黃金走廊的橋頭堡,不僅是遊客集散地、歇腳點。隨著我們對全市旅遊資源的挖掘,其作為西部旅遊黃金走廊的核心站點之一,遊客留下來住兩三天,一點也不會有審美疲勞。”目前已形成了都江堰景區、青城前山景區、青城後山景區、大熊貓基地、趙公山旅遊景點、靈岩寺,文化演出項目道解都江堰和時空之旅等都江堰全域旅遊的格局。成都商報記者 袁勇圖由都江堰旅遊局提供mini storage
- Oct 03 Thu 2013 10:32
Too many buses inefficiently serving several urban areas
I refer to the report, “Removing old buses saves lives, says study” (September 17).文件倉We at KMB would say that it is not only realistic, but also desirable, to remove older buses from Hong Kong’s roads. This is not only good for the environment, but also good for our economy.However, there is a more cost-effective way to do this: remove buses by improving efficiency. While replacing buses is financially costly, pushing efficiency costs nothing, with impact as large (if not larger) than technological upgrades.The fact is that we have simply too many buses inefficiently serving several urban areas of Hong Kong. For example, in the five districts of Kowloon alone (Sham Shui Po, Kowloon City, Kwun Tong, Wong Tai Sin, Yau Tsim Mong), KMB has nearly 1,000 buses dedicated to serve these areas. Many routes are not only duplicated with the MTR, but also minibus routes and KMB’s own routes.The government is currently working with bus operators to reorganise bus routes for greater efficiency, but the progress is far too slow. With only 5 per cent of the network reorganised after nine months of intense consultation and lobbying work with the districts, it would take over 10 years to complete this exercise if the decision-making after consulta存倉ions could not be expedited.Moreover, route reorganisation itself is insufficient to tackle the inefficiencies of road-based public transport.While the government has shown great foresight in building up a world-class railway system as the backbone of Hong Kong’s public transport system, there is insufficient investment and policy support to ensure road-based mass transport is efficient to complement the railway system.Our roads are increasingly congested with no signs of abatement.For example, 99 per cent of KMB’s bus routes experienced an increase in journey times at an average of 16 per cent during the past five years. Average bus speeds could be increased by 25 per cent in our city, which would translate into a reduction of over 1,000 buses on our roads while keeping the same service frequencies and at faster journey times. Picking this “low-hanging fruit” means that we can simply remove these buses without needing to upgrade them.In high-density international cities such as London, Singapore, Seoul and Taipei, there is policy focus on mass transport efficiency. Average bus speeds are always monitored and simple actions such as traffic enforcement at “black spots” have been effective.Evan Auyang, deputy managing director, KMB儲存
- Oct 03 Thu 2013 10:12
SUN搞作:神州寫照:處處名勝皆宣紙 人人都是王羲之
- Oct 03 Thu 2013 09:50
美政府停運 景點變死城 遊客:像孩子吵架
美國政府停運僵局未有解決�象,迷利倉共和黨議員在眾議院斬件提交部分開支撥款議案,但仍不肯撤回反對醫改的附加條件,全遭民主黨控制的參議院和總統奧巴馬拒絕。從紐約自由神像、華盛頓林肯紀念堂,以至優勝美地國家公園都關閉,無論遊客或商家均怨聲載道,有遊客批評事件胡鬧,「像孩子在遊樂場吵架,但卻發生於全球最有權力的政府。」聯邦政府機構聚集的首都華盛頓,平日上下班的人潮不見,因非緊急部門暫停運作,大部分公務員被迫放無薪假。至於旅遊景點,往日擠滿遊客的自由神像變「死城」,持票遊客未能登上自由神像俯瞰景色。29歲的IrinaStewart見到「政府暫時關閉」告示,衝口而出「這是笑話。」有中國遊客見到國家公園關閉的告示,不禁哭出來。選民:用選票回敬議員在自由神像和附近埃利斯島開禮物店和食店的老闆說,「我們今天(周二)裁減了110名員工,包括我自己。」在華盛頓以公務員顧客為主的Z-Burger快餐店,自存倉向停工公務員雪中送炭,向他們送上免費漢堡包,料4間店舖每天分別送出約5,000個漢堡包。有政府承包商則警告議員,「我們、大眾、你們的老闆,會在投票中回敬你們。」共和民主兩黨繼續指摘是對方的不是。總統奧巴馬在約十數名因醫改受惠的民眾陪同下會見傳媒,直斥共和黨國會議員以撥款要脅,勢要摧毀醫改法例,導致政府停運。雖然共和黨議員在眾院斬件提出個別機構的撥款議案,讓國家公園、退伍軍人福利及華盛頓特區政府繼續運作外,但民主黨不賣帳,阻撓議案在眾院通過。奧巴馬則縮短周六展開的亞洲訪問,取消最後兩站馬來西亞及菲律賓的訪問,以應對今次危機。另外,醫改在10月1日推行,原不獲醫療保障的民眾,在政府等資助下可獲醫保,吸引近300萬人登入有關計劃的網站,導致網絡大塞車。奧巴馬以蘋果新操作系統iOS7為例,指新法例與新產品一樣,推出時會有瑕疵,但無人會因此要求蘋果停售iPhone或iPad,甚至公司停業。mini storage