「一行白鷺上青天,mini storage我被擠在最中間;借問酒家何處有,又被堵在收費口。」總結起剛剛過去的國慶黃金周各地高速堵車盛況,有網友寫了如此一首詩予以調侃。雖然堵車已成為內地城市的一道「家常菜」了,但人們對車的嚮往依舊執著,無車便租,黃金周期間更是「一車難求」。據國際戰略諮詢公司羅蘭貝格研究報告顯示,內地汽車租賃市場將從2010年的170億元(人民幣,下同)增至2015年的390億元,年均增長率達到18%。本報記者方俊明官文清董謙君剛剛過去的國慶「黃金周」實行小車免費上高速路,加上新《旅遊法》實施, 「零負團費」被叫停引發旅行團報價升溫,自駕遊迅速升溫等因素,讓原本就火爆的假期租車市場迎來了井噴行情。據神州、瑞卡等知名連鎖租車公司透露,雖然國慶期間不少車型的租金較平時漲了一倍多,且普遍規定最短租期為5天,但依然供不應求。 車商紛紛「圈地」搶灘 相比國外汽車租賃行業數十年的發展歷程,內地市場迄今不過十幾年。隨�汽車的普及,內地有車一族越來越多;但汽車租賃業務不僅沒有下滑,反而隨�汽車保有量的增多而將市場蛋糕越做越大,短短幾年就實現了快速遞增式增長。 「近年來行情見漲,相信未來的一大段時間內亦會有良好的增長勢頭。」全國連鎖租車公司一嗨租車廣州越秀北路門店負責人對本報說,是否「經濟適用」是租車一族考慮最多的因素之一, 「日均價位在100至200元的車型從來都是最搶手的」。而便利性亦是這一行業興旺的原因之一。「像廣州等城市『限牌』政策,要上個本地牌十分難,但只要有駕駛證便可租車上路」。 從限購後帶旺的北京租車市場觀察,大型連鎖租車企業也十分看好限牌後的廣州,紛紛「圈地」。如一嗨租車近一年來在廣州新開多家門店和服務網點;神州租車廣告也在地鐵、電梯等地方頻現身影;瑞卡租車則頻繁在各大地鐵口、寫字樓等推廣其會員卡業務。 值得關注的是,近年許多4S店和經銷商集團也開始進軍租車業務。如廣汽集團、東風日產、廣物汽貿旗下紛設廣汽租賃有限公司、東風南方易租車中心、廣東物產汽車租賃公司等;其中東風南方易租車已從最初的4個城市5個網點,發展到今天覆蓋56個城市116個網點。而且,較多汽車經銷商還將租車業務與新車銷售相輔相成,成為新興的利潤增長點,也使得本已火熱的汽車租賃市場競爭更加激烈。 由於目前內地租車市場進入門檻較低,租車迷你倉司良莠不齊的現象也很明顯。僅廣州市場目前已有200多家不同規模的租車公司,除去在全國主要城市都有網點的神州租車和一嗨租車,很多中小型租車公司也分了一杯羹,出租車輛逾一萬輛。但較多中小型租車公司的業務只在廣州展開,規模比較小、車輛少、門店少,也不提供諸如異地還車的業務,以致租車市場常陷入「冷熱不均」的窘境。 市場規模有望超美國 瑞卡租車廣州五羊新城店林姓業務員對本報坦言,目前整體租車市場仍以長租為主,主要針對企業、部分外籍商旅客和高端商業用車上。得益於內地長假高速路免費及部分一線城市「限牌」等政策,刺激了短期租賃市場的萌芽,但民間車輛租賃市場還沒被真正撬開。 中外合資的安吉汽車租賃公司廣州珠江新城店相關負責人認為,在發達國家成熟的汽車租賃市場中,短期自駕租賃的比例高達八成以上,而目前內地短期自駕市場佔近一成左右,發展潛力巨大。 「未來幾年,租車可能成為中國人新的生活方式,尤其受到年輕人的歡迎。」一嗨租車副總裁蔡禮洪也看好內地租車市場。大城市的許多家庭工作日並不開車,因為交通擁堵,成本也高。對環保問題越來越多的擔憂和政府限制汽車銷售的措施都將促進汽車租賃。而神州租車董事長陸正耀也曾指出,在未來幾年內,預計中國汽車租賃市場將迅速發展,該市場的車輛規模將超過美國。 街訪 廣州市民魏先生對於短途出行,租車會越來越成為一些暫未有能力購車的年輕人的選擇,身邊有朋友體驗過租車服務後亦好評頗多。畢竟現在在廣州要購車上牌也不是一件容易的事情,外地牌照還會受到限牌的阻礙;相比而言租車更顯得方便實惠,也大大降低了駕車出行的門檻。(本報實習記者董謙君整理) 大學生李同學 租車行業近年來發達了很多,雖然自己還沒有駕照,但朋友租車組織外出遊玩,自己也多次參與其中,樂趣無窮。其實,現在的人選擇租車出行主要是考慮經濟實用,像日均150元左右的價格比較多人能夠負擔得起,這能讓更多的無車一族也享受到駕駛樂趣。 (本報實習記者董謙君整理)港人嚴先生剛畢業在內地上班的港人買車非常困難。在如今幾乎每人都有駕照的條件下,租車出行既方便又實惠,且租車公司車型又多,不管上班還是出遊都能滿足代步需求。但目前租車行業較混亂,只要有駕照、身份證和一張信用卡就能上路,把車租給駕齡不高的「馬路殺手」容易出事故。(本報實習記者官文清整理) 文件倉
- Oct 13 Sun 2013 13:28
黃金周價格翻番依舊一車難求 內地租車市場井噴
- Oct 13 Sun 2013 13:21
網絡承壓 維護搶修要升級
澳門近年發生多宗大型流動電訊網絡故障,迷利倉部分事故起因涉及人為疏忽、或系統供應商的軟件設備出錯,導致居民承受“無網之災”,影響話音通訊或數據服務的使用,多少降低本地用戶對3G服務的信任。 上周本澳出現今年以來首次的流動網絡事故。問題發生於午夜非繁忙時段,營運商進行非核心系統維護檢測工作時,過程中發現需要更新網絡維護系統的模塊,經風險評估後決定更新系統。但期間偵測到3G網絡話音服務不穩,隨即緊急搶修,清晨之前已全面恢復系統運作,廣泛受影響程度較低。 事件亦反映3G網絡發生故障時,2G根本未能發揮後備系統的作用。首先,2G網絡傳輸流動數據的速度較慢,無法充當3G的替補,遑論考慮透過2G網絡於手機上瀏覽社交網站或使用即時通訊軟件。假以時日,2G必然被社會淘汰。 其次,目前3G網絡仍存在不少訊號“盲點”,當無法接收到3G話音服務時,網絡將自動轉移至2G網絡來提供話音服務,至少可讓居民與外界保持聯繫。但今次事件發生期間,流動電話用戶需要重新手動選擇2G網絡,才能向外撥出電話致電親友,難免令人質疑2G話音服務的自動替補功能,亦反映出系統運作存在較自存倉改善空間。 反而,坊間曾向監管當局建議,要求營運商全面重新檢視各流動電訊網絡的運作,以及研究設立網絡互補機制,當任何一家營運商網絡出現問題,可在短時間內透過其他營運商作為後備替補,減少事故發生時所造成的影響。但相關做法是否可行,有待政府與業界探討。 隨著澳門經濟急速發展,本地各個電訊網絡所承受的壓力與日俱增。加上現時3G網絡已沿用多年,系統的硬件難免出現老化、軟件版本及兼容性需要更新,系統的承載能力有必要跟隨澳門人口及經濟發展升級。 值得一提的是,營運商對流動電訊網絡系統的更新及維護,主要安排在午夜,居民普遍就寢,非於商業活動的時段進行。無非是避免系統處理大量數據,軟件更新時產生風險,把可能受影響的居民數目減至最低,並以防一旦出現異常情況,可在繁忙時段前搶修完成。 從科學角度而言,任何系統網絡均有可能存在漏洞,根本無法“百分百”完全避免,問題在於發生故障時,營運商如何於最短時間恢復,把受影響時間縮至最短。搶修過程中,最重要是取決於網絡系統工程師的個人經驗、反應及判斷能力,面對問題臨危不亂。營運商對人才的專業培訓,必不可少。 春 耕 迷你倉
- Oct 13 Sun 2013 13:13
Fox-led Comets erupt in first triumph
Source: Mail Tribune, Medford, Ore.迷你倉Oct. 12--That affable, self-effacing and unassuming Ty Fox?The one who graciously posed with friends and fans for photographs on Friday night at Dutch Meyer Field?He's an absolute terror on the gridiron.Just ask Thurston, which was haunted by the Crater senior quarterback and his crew all night long.Fox passed for a career-high seven touchdowns as the Comets destroyed the clumsy Colts, 63-34, in Southwest Conference action.The win was Crater's first of the year, and the Comets earned it their way, conjuring more firepower than a Michael Bay film.Crater's star signal caller finished 26 of 45 for 392 yards and one interception (a pick-six). His touchdown throws were for 26, 13, 19, 15, 35, 45 and 28 yards.Senior receiver Kory Bennett was marvelous with 10 catches for 159 yards and three touchdowns, and junior Dylan Morgan made eight receptions for 133 and two TD grabs."We've got the best community around and we kinda felt like we've let them down so far this season," Crater head coach John Beck said. "But it's not where you start, it's where you finish that counts."When the smoke cleared, Fox -- who led the state in passing entering Friday's contest -- was pleasantly surprised by his exploits."Really? I didn't even know I threw seven," he said when told the news. "I was just out there having fun with the boys. That is awesome."Oh, and Ty, did you know you completed 19 of your 30 passes for 265 yards and five touchdown passes in the first half? And that you had four TD strikes after the first quarter?"Oh wow," he said. "Really? That is awesome!"The scariest part? Fox could have had more. Three deftly placed throws were dropped in the end zone, and a TD pass was called back because of a penalty."That would have been nice to get those," Fox said. "Hey, but things happen. It's all good."Things certainly worked out better for Crater, despite its own troubles. The Comets (1-6, 1-4 SWC) allowed 541 yards (including 249 rushing), but the Colts (1-6, 1-4 SWC) gave up 527 (including 421 passing) and made seven turnovers (including 儲存倉our interceptions for quarterback Brendin Quinn).The Comets owned a 28-7 advantage after the first quarter, but exited intermission in a tight one, leading 35-28.The intrigue didn't last long.Bennett hauled in a 45-yard TD strike from Fox in stride with 9:30 to go in the third quarter."It is nice to have the top quarterback and you're a receiver," Bennett said. "It makes stuff easy."A few drives later, Crater linebacker Carlos Higuera came up big with two sacks and then an interception. On the Comets' ensuing drive, Davey McCollum erupted for a 33-yard scoring sprint.Just like that, Crater led 49-28 with a minute remaining in the third.Crater added to the Colts' misery seconds later: defensive back Austin Richmond picked off Quinn on the very first play of the following drive and ran it back 30 yards for a score.Fox tossed his seventh bomb of the night when he found Morgan for a 28-yard TD reception with 8:18 to go in the fourth, providing the Comets a 63-28 edge.McCollum earlier had an interception for Crater, which helped set up Fox's 15-yard TD pass to Bennett to end the first quarter.Richmond's first interception came on Thurston's opening play of the second quarter, but Fox failed to capitalize after throwing a pick of his own. Kurtis Stewart snagged it and raced 12 yards to the end zone with 11:42 left in the second.Suffice it to say, that unlucky moment for the Comets was long forgotten by game's end."Everybody just clicked like we should have been earlier in the season," Fox said. "And the O-line was magnificent. They gave me a lot of time to make my plays and go through my reads and get it done. Hats off to them. They have been busting their butts all year."Quinn finished 28 of 45 for 286 yards with two TD passes. He carried the ball 20 times for 81 yards and a score.Reach reporter Dan Jones at 541-776-4499, or email djones@mailtribune.com. Follow him online at facebook.com/danjonesmtCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Mail Tribune (Medford, Ore.) Visit the Mail Tribune (Medford, Ore.) at .mailtribune.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉最平
- Oct 13 Sun 2013 13:06
Stargazing, water polo, graffiti and drums all in a week of autumn activities (with photos
Stargazing, water polo, graffiti and drums all in a week of autumn activities (with photos)************************************************************A colourful tented village will spring up on the grass outside the Chong Hing Water Sports Centre in Sai Kung this week when more than 2,000 people gather for the Stargaze Camp for All and the Blind 2013.儲存倉Organised by the Social Welfare Department and supported by more than 50 business organisations, non-profit organisations, schools and government departments, the Stargaze Camp will be held on October 19 and 20 with the aim of fostering social inclusion and building a more harmonious Hong Kong.Everyone is invited to take part but special emphasis is placed on the disadvantaged, such as those with visual, hearing, intellectual and physical impairments, ethnic minorities and new arrivals, with a view to getting everyone together.During the stargazing sessions, astronomical phenomena will be explained to participants in Chinese, English, and sign language. Braille star maps will be distributed to visually impaired participants to help them feel, sense and enjoy the wonders of the universe.Popular lyrist Mr Heung Suet-wai has specially written a theme song for the event titled "Starlight", and the song will also be performed in sign language.This is a signature event under the Caring Hong Kong theme of the "Hong Kong: Our Home" Campaign. For event details, please visit stargazeforall.hk. *******Exciting outdoor activities will also take place at Repulse Bay Beach, which will be turned into an arena for the "1st Hong Kong Southern District Beach Games and International Beach Water Polo Tournament @ Repulse Bay Beach" on October 19 and 20.Hosted by the Southern District Tourism and Culture Festival 2013, this is the first international water polo tournament to be held at a beach in Hong Kong.International teams coming to Hong Kong for the water polo tournament include those from Beijing, Shanghai, Japan and Guam.The tournament will adopt a four-on-four format and the games will be played within a floating court next to the beach. As well as facing the challenge of the opposing team, athletes may also have to deal with choppy water, making the action even more exciting!Repulse Bay Beach will also witness the closing stages of swimming race "The Five" on October 20. The contestants start at Blake Pier in Stanley then swim through 5 kilometres of open water to the finishing line at Repulse Bay.Spectators can also enjoy watching the shark-themed Sand Sculpture Competition and other on-site excitement includes canoe polo, beach handball, beach dodgeball and Muay Thai boxing.The event takes place from 9am to 6pm on both days. For enquiries, please call 2389 9926.*******The Sha Tin District Youth Programme Committee is now calling for submissions for the Sha Tin District Graffiti Competition. This is a great opportunity for young people to unleash their creativity through the medium of graffiti art.The theme is "Safeguard Sincerity, Corruption-free Hong Kong, Youth Power" and the competition is open to people between the ages of 10 to 26 who live, study or work in Sha Tin. Contestants can compete as individuals, in groups or through their schools.Entries should either be presented on 425mm x 275mm paper, or saved in digital files of 1MB to 2MB size. The submission deadline is November 22.A briefing session on the competition will be held on the evening of October 18 at the Jockey Club Shatin Integrated Service Centre for Children and Youth, Hong Kong PHAB Association, G/F, Block 34, 2 Hang Sing Street, City One, Sha Tin.The artworks of the top 10 winners will be reproduced on the walls of public areas in Sha Tin.For enquiries, please call 2637 2266, or email to graffitihkphab@gmail.com. *******A sea of drums will fill the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Piazza on October 19 and 20 when 62 teams of drummers from the Mainland, Malaysia, Taiwan and Hong Kong will perform in the 11th Hong Kong Synergy 24 Drum Com迷你倉最平etition. The public can enjoy the free performances from 10.30am onwards.Organised by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, the competition is divided into eight sections. Aside from the Designated Repertoire Section, the drummers are free to choreograph their drumming routines with music of their own choice.In the Designated Repertoire Section teams must perform one of three prescribed theme tunes - "Rolling Walnuts", "The Ox Fighting the Tiger" or "Flying Dragons and Jumping Tigers".The competition is open to people of all ages ranging from kindergarten children to university students and students with special needs to senior citizens.The finalists will battle against each other again on November 9 at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall. Admission tickets for the final competition are available at URBTIX.For more information, please visit the webpage: .hkco.org/ActivityDetail.aspx?ractivity=0&ainfo=390&lang=E. *******The Agency for Volunteer Service has announced that online voting is now open for the "Shining Volunteer Story Award" and "Most Touching Volunteer Photo Award", both of which are included in the HSBC Share-to-Care Volunteer Campaign. Voting closes on October 20.The campaign aims to promote the spirit of volunteerism through sharing.For the "Shining Volunteer Story Award", 16 touching stories (in Chinese) about individuals' personal experiences in carrying out volunteer work can be read and voted for on the website: .avsstc.org.hk/story/vote.php. A judging panel will assess the effectiveness of each volunteer's service as described in the write-up and how inspiring it is for others. Online voting results will account for 10 per cent of the total score.For the "Most Touching Volunteer Photo Award", 40 photos featuring the work of volunteers and volunteer groups have been uploaded for voting on this website: .avsstc.org.hk/photo/vote.php. The judging criteria include the creativity and aesthetics of each photo. Online voting will account for 25 per cent of the total score.Everyone is invited to cast their votes, and all voters will have the chance to win a lucky draw prize. For enquiries, please call 2546 0694.*******The Social Welfare Department will present 19 awards at the 2012-13 Award Presentation Ceremony of the Opportunities for the Elderly Project (OEP) at Kowloonbay International Trade and Exhibition Centre on October 19.The OEP aims to boost opportunities for elderly people by subsidising organisations to launch programmes that enable them to pursue lifelong learning, make good use of their expertise or allow them to use their life experiences for society's benefit.The award recipients will be commended for their effort and dedication in carrying out meaningful programmes. Seven organisations will receive OEP Special Awards, 11 for the District Best OEP Awards, and one for the Hong Kong Best OEP Award - the highest honour of all. The winning criteria include creativity, sustainability, partnership and economic effectiveness.The ceremony will open with a harmonica performance by an elderly group who will also sing the "Hong Kong: Our Home" Campaign theme song "Sail On".There will also be a singing performance by artiste Nancy Sit, a violin recital and a dance performance in "Gangnam style".For more information, please visit: .swd.gov.hk/en/index/site_pubsvc/page_elderly/sub_csselderly/id_opportunit/. *******All these events support the "Hong Kong: Our Home" public participation campaign, which aims to inject positive energy into society, foster social cohesion and promote care, mutual help and solidarity in the community.More than 230 Partner Organisations have so far pledged support for the Campaign.Altogether, the Government and Partner Organisations are organising more than 1,000 events/activities under the four themes of the Campaign from the end of April to the end of December this year.Full details of the Campaign can be found on the website .hkourhome.gov.hk.Ends/Sunday, October 13, 2013Issued at HKT 11:00NNNN迷你倉
- Oct 13 Sun 2013 12:57
小米盒子被訴盜播侵權 優酷土豆索賠510萬元
URL:.chinanews.com.cn/fz/2013/10-12/5369656.shtml 昨日,存倉優酷土豆集團相關人士表示,北京小米科技旗下小米盒子涉嫌對其簽約的多部電視劇進行侵權點播,優酷土豆要求小米科技立即停止侵權行為、公開道歉,並賠償510萬元人民幣,已向北京海澱區法院提起訴訟並獲得受理。 此前,因為版權麻煩纏身,小米盒子已遭遇了多家公司的侵權起訴。 小米稱內容來自合作方 作為時下最發燒的“配件”,小米盒子一下子把互聯網電視盒這種比較特殊的東西推到了風口浪尖,改變了用戶們對傳統電視的看法:加上這個盒子,普通電視就會升級成為網絡電視,可以隨意觀看網絡高清電影、電視劇集了,但也帶來內容版權上的各種爭議。 對於侵權指責,小米公司則表示,這些內容都是由中國網絡電視台(CNTV)提供,小米對於內容是否侵權的事宜並不知情。該公司昨日下午發佈聲明稱,小米盒子接入iCNTV未來電視運營的中國互聯網電視集成播控平台,包括節目採集與播控系統等全部由iCNTV未來電視進行管理。 根據廣電總局181號文件的要求,機頂盒“不能將公共互聯網上的內容直接提供給用戶”,所以小米盒子必須要與具有牌照的互聯網電視播控平台進行合作,並只能通過播控平台接入視頻內容,保障合法合規。 儲存者瞭解到,小米的片源來自未來電視有限公司(iCNTV),其是中國網絡電視台(CNTV)旗下的子公司,獲得國家廣電總局批准,進行互聯網電視業務運營。小米昨日稱,iCNTV未來電視是國內最主流的互聯網電視播控平台,為小米、樂視、華為等主流互聯網電視服務商提供授權支持和服務。 “盒子”成本僅幾十塊錢 對此,記者也採訪了優酷公司,該公司人士稱:小米的聲明是個說辭,現在北京海澱法院已經受理了此案。從法律角度看,他們確實作為設備終端構成對優酷的內容侵權,所以訴訟主體還是小米。至於小米和CNTV的關係,那是他們雙方的事情。 為了搶佔電視端的龐大市場,市面上一夜之間冒出了多種“盒子”,但這些電視機頂盒大多面臨內容侵權風險。此前小米盒子剛推向市場不久,就發生推遲上市風波,原因也在於未獲得相關牌照。有行內人士說,樂視盒子還有一些自己的視頻內容,而小米盒子沒有自主內容,所以小米盒子屢次陷入內容侵權的官司。而且,一個盒子的成本就幾十塊錢,沒有任何技術含量。 “起訴小米的優酷不是第一家,其盒子的版權遲早要出問題。”有行內人士說。以盜播為由,今年8月,迅雷將小米科技公司告上法院,要求其賠償經濟損失10萬元。9月,湖南快樂陽光互動娛樂傳媒有限公司向海澱法院起訴小米科技,要求賠償經濟損失10萬元。迷你倉
- Oct 13 Sun 2013 12:52
URL:.chinanews.com.cn/df/2013/10-12/5372715.shtml 中新網廈門10月12日電 (記者 楊伏山)廈門市旅遊管理部門12日為評選出的地陪、全陪、領隊等服務明星授牌,迷你倉希望通過優秀導遊的示範作用,為廈門這座內地著名港口風景旅遊城市傳遞導遊正能量。 由廈門市旅遊局主辦、廈門旅遊培訓中心、廈門市導遊協會承辦2013年廈門導遊服務品牌建設展示暨導遊嘉年華活動當天在廈舉辦。 此次活動上,展示了73位入圍評選之列的優秀導遊員用心服務、文明旅遊的感人事跡,其中有的從事出境領隊工作十多年,多次憑文件倉經驗與機智維護了中國榮譽;有的不怕艱難困苦,四次援藏,榮獲“全國援藏導遊員先進個人”;有的在帶團過程中,遇到突發事件,臨危不亂,挽救了遊客生命。 73位導遊員中,評選出了10位“地陪服務明星”、4位“全陪服務明星”、3位“領隊服務明星”、3位“外語服務明星”、9位“年度新人獎”、1位“特殊貢獻獎”以及5個“導遊服務品牌建設優秀團隊”。 主辦方稱,此次舉辦導遊服務品牌展示活動,希望讓公�深入地瞭解廈門導遊的品質與品牌,更理解和認同導遊工作;通過優秀導遊的示範作用,傳遞導遊正能量,引導該市導遊員更好地服務遊客,宣傳美麗廈門。(完)存倉
- Oct 12 Sat 2013 17:10
宋村鄉宋村村的村郵站,self storage坐落在原宋村中心小學的舊校舍,走進村郵站的大門,白牆上“浙江村郵”四個字在郵政圖標下,顯得格外奪目。整齊並排的桌子上放著一台電腦,一個打印機,一部刷卡電話機,村郵員宋世立說:“這就是村郵站全部的家當,也是平時為村民服務必不可少的工具。” 筆者瞭解到,全縣425家村郵站,一般都設在各村村委會所在地,地方不大,靠近村戶,便民功能也相當齊全。村郵員基本都由本村會計兼任。“本地人擔任村郵員,與村民走得更近。”淳安郵政普遍服務運行管理項目辦公室主任汪文祥介紹說,“宋村村郵站是全省示範點,很多村的村郵員都來跟宋世力討教服務業務辦理方法,可以說是村郵員的小榜樣。” “一般網點只能充一種話費,村郵站移動、電信、聯通都能充值。”說起村郵站的業務優勢,宋世立如數家珍。“村民每月過來繳納電費不方便,我就想出了預繳的法子,讓村民提前把錢交給我,我每月幫他們交,收多少錢,用了多少電,填好收據蓋好章再一一送過去,這樣大家就沒什麼好不放心了。”家門口取款成為現實 “根鳳,家里要換煤氣,我過來取點錢。”在距離縣城幾十公里的潭頭村,村民徐師傅正在村郵站刷卡取現金,不到兩分鐘,村郵員就將300塊錢交給了他。 文昌鎮潭頭村,現有農村戶口1248人,常駐人口將近1600人。 44歲的李根鳳就是這個村的村會計兼村郵站村郵員。雖然是本地人,但李根鳳早年一直在外地打工從事財務工作,2011年村郵站建成後才被選為村會計,兼任村郵員。 “剛開始工作的時候,村里一半的人都不認識我,工作開展很困難;現在,95%以上的村民都熟悉了。時不時有村民到村郵站找我聊天,詢問事情。”李根鳳的微笑里透著一股自豪。 背上郵包,騎上腳踏車,挨家挨戶送報刊、信件、包裹,是李根鳳每天工作的一部分。“根鳳,你來啦!喝點水再走吧。”“不了,還有沒送完呢!”村民的熱情讓李根鳳對村郵工作充滿信心和激情。 “我女兒在外地打工,經常在網上給我和老頭子買些東西寄來,都是根鳳幫我拿的,我倆不識字,有時候還讓她幫忙看說明書,教我們怎麼用。她人很好的。”村民吳阿姨對李根鳳的熱心幫助,讚不絕口。 在宋村村,曾有人算過這樣一筆賬:如果按每月取一次錢要花費8元的車費算,一年就要花費96元,而村郵站建成後,村民們可以在家門口取款,再也不用多花這96元。 村民宋大爺告訴筆者:“我今年68歲了,以前每個月的生活補貼費,我都要坐車去鎮上取。黨的政策好啊,現在有了‘村郵站’,省了路費和力氣,身體不好的時候,他(村郵員)還會給我送到家里來。” “我們的‘移民費’,現在都不用去城里取了,直接打到市民卡,再到村郵站直接刷卡拿現金。”移民宋先生說,“村里建了村郵站,的確省了很多事。” 這樣具體而到位的落實,怎迷利倉不讓村民拍手叫好?村郵站的小額取款服務,可以說實實在在為老百姓辦了一件大好事。村郵站還是快遞接收點 文昌鎮村郵站運行管理負責人甘清濤說:“文昌鎮目前有16個行政村設有村郵站,但各個村郵站運行工作、業務辦理筆數及收入金額不平衡。村郵員大多數由各村會計兼任,普遍年紀偏大,對電腦信息技術掌握困難,操作起來不順手;農村市民卡的利用率較低,大部分只用來看病刷醫保;各村的業務周轉金不夠。這些都是不平衡的主要原因。” 村郵站自建立以來才兩年時間,出現問題在所難免。汪文祥認為,實踐中摸索,變被動為主動,這才是村郵站的生存之本。 郵政局每年定期對400多位村郵員進行電腦技術、業務辦理的培訓,積極開展各村村郵員之間的交流與學習。“村郵員教村郵員,這樣的效果比專業人教,來得更好更快!”汪文祥這樣說。 怎麼解決周轉金?宋世立有高招。“以前實在沒辦法的時候,我就自己拿出一萬元作為周轉金。後來我想到了電費預繳辦法,實行後既方便了村民,也有了一部分周轉金,解決村民小部分的取款是沒問題的。” 宋世立還告訴筆者:“去年,我一家一戶上門,說服建新房的村民繳納建房險,買一份放心。今年,建房的人一戶戶主動找上門要求繳納保險,以防發生建房意外。” “村里很多人喜歡網購,但是不會操作,經常讓我幫忙買。兩年時間,我已經幫大家購物付款好幾萬了。我們這邊接收快遞不方便,我強烈要求‘村郵站’開設一個快遞接收點,我自願給村民接收快遞。”熱誠的李根鳳結合村里實際,積極主動向領導提建議。 “以村郵員一個人的主動帶動全村人的主動,村郵站的工作就好做了。”汪文祥對村郵站的未來工作寄予厚望。 延伸閱讀 作為深受老百姓歡迎的政府民心工程,村郵站建設是一項系統工程,建好僅僅是開端,管好、用好才是關鍵。 淳安郵政將加強村郵站信息管理工作,加強與政府的溝通,依托政府設立專職的村郵站管理人員,對村郵站的便民服務進行目標管理,做好全縣425個村郵站運行管理與提升,確保實現村郵站正常運行率達到兩個100%,確保交易量30筆以上的村郵站數占比100%,確保4季度村郵站實現平均交易額11000元。 完善便民服務平台運營體系,加快形成平台規模效應。要通過信息化疊加拓展更多的服務,尤其是民生服務和金融服務;完善助農取款建設提供金融服務支撐;嘗試在村郵站便民服務平台上疊加助農小額意外保險等新業務功能。推進“精品村郵站”建設。積極打造“精品村郵站”,依靠“骨幹村郵站”,帶動“一般村郵站”,切切實實按階段完成村郵便民服務目標。推進“村郵網購”。積極搭建“城里產品進村,村里土特產進城”平台,推進“村郵網購”活動的開展,讓老百姓也能享受到互聯網和電子商務帶來的方便和快捷,真正體現村郵站便民、利民、惠民的服務功能。自存倉
- Oct 12 Sat 2013 16:46
【本報訊】展覽面積逾五千平方米、展位逾三百個的澳門國際旅遊博覽會,迷你倉昨日於威尼斯人揭幕,並一連三日對外免費開放。博覽會開幕式獲全國政協副主席何厚鏵、中聯辦副主任仇鴻、旅遊局局長文綺華等主禮。博覽會組委會執行主任劉雅煌致辭說,活動是為配「十二五」規劃綱要和澳門政府施政方針,推動世界旅遊休閑中心的建設,促進經濟適度多元化的發展,並且填補澳門旅遊專業展覽的空白。今屆展會以「精彩世界,匯聚澳門」為主題,有法、mini storage、日等十二個國家和地區、內地十二個省市自治區旅遊局,以及兩岸四地的著名景點、知名旅行社、賓館酒店、度假村、旅遊相關產品及電子商務公司等兩岸四地超過百家企業設展位。今明兩日場內將舉行「QQ旅遊──做你的度假小秘書」、「法國葡萄酒之旅漫談」、「法國葡萄酒之旅漫談」、「澳門十年印記」和「旅遊法講解」等多場論壇,供與會者參與交流。主辦博覽會的包括澳門旅行社協會、澳門旅遊商會、澳門旅遊業議會及澳門世界遺產促進會。儲存
- Oct 12 Sat 2013 16:29
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- Oct 12 Sat 2013 16:09
李克強:中泰商互免簽證 今後五年進口百萬噸泰米 中企將參與泰國高鐵建設
香港文匯報訊 綜合消息:中泰合作再上新台階。正在泰國進行訪問的國務院總理李克強昨日表示,self storage中方願與泰方商談互免兩國持普通護照人員簽證。此外,在農業方面,中國將在今後五年內,進口100萬噸泰國大米;在基礎設施建設領域,中國企業將參與泰國的高鐵建設。 應泰國總理英拉邀請,李克強於當地時間11日下午抵達曼谷,開始對泰國進行正式訪問。此訪也是李克強就任國務院總理後首次訪問泰國。而李克強抵泰後的第一場正式活動,就是在泰國國會發表演講。這也是近些年來,泰國首次邀請中國領導人在國會進行演講。2015年雙邊貿易達千億美元 在題為《讓中泰友好之花結出新碩果》的演講中,李克強表示,當前,中泰雙方應該繼續做真誠相待的好朋友,密切合作的好夥伴,頻繁往來的好親戚,推動兩國全面戰略合作夥伴關係邁上新台階。為此,他提出四點建議。 第一,共謀未來發展。中方歡迎泰國領導人多到中國訪問,中國也將安排高級別的代表團經常訪泰。李克強說,中泰將共同發表關於中泰關係發展遠景規劃的聯合新聞公報,為未來合作進一步指明方向。中方願結合泰國家發展戰略,與泰方一起推動交通、水利、能源、教育等各領域合作。 第二,深化務實合作。到2015年實現雙邊貿易額1,000億美元的目標。泰國盛產大米等農產品,中方充分考慮這一情況,願支持本國企業,在今後五年內,進口100萬噸泰國大米,並將根據實際需要來持續擴大規模。橡膠是中泰貿迷利倉的重要商品,中方願積極考慮從泰國增加進口橡膠,並將建立專門的機制來探討其他農產品的貿易合作。中方願積極考慮在泰設立人民幣清算銀行,鼓勵兩國企業,更多的使用本幣進行雙邊貿易結算。今年訪泰人數將近500萬 第三,加快互聯互通。中國已經擁有先進的高鐵建設能力和豐富管理經驗。泰國推進鐵路建設,有利於物流暢通,經濟繁榮。兩國加強鐵路等基礎設施建設的合作潛力巨大,中方對此持積極態度。李克強說,我此行將和英拉總理共同出席中國高鐵展,希望雙方早日啟動實質性合作。 第四,密切人文交流。中方願與泰方商談互免兩國持普通護照人員簽證。李克強說,中國有句老話,親戚越走越親。雙方商談互免兩國持普通護照人員簽證將為兩國人民往來提供便利,密切中泰人文交流,造福兩國人民。他並預期,今年中國到泰國旅遊人數會超過或接近500萬人。《泰囧》為中泰友誼做廣告 據悉,泰國是第一個與中國商談此類互免簽證的東盟國家。在演講中,李克強還提到,中國藝術家拍攝一部電影《泰囧》,創造了中國國產片最高票房紀錄。李克強說,不是為這部片子做廣告,而是為中泰友誼做廣告。此外,資料顯示,2012年中國進口泰國大米17.54萬噸。而歐盟在2012年進口泰米僅29萬餘噸,與2011年的48萬餘噸相比,下滑了40%。中泰簽6項備忘錄 結束國會演講後,李克強與英拉會見,並見證中泰簽署6項合作備忘錄,包括高鐵投資部分成本以泰國農產品支付。自存倉