Hong Kong’s family-owned banks are being rapidly gobbled up by a juggernaut of mainland banks, busily gearing up for growing market competition.文件倉 As Oswald Chan reports, the banking consolidation process heralds a new era in the Hong Kong banking industry. YueXiu, the trading arm of Guangzhou’s municipal government, announced in late October it had bought a 75 percent stake in Hong Kong’s Chong Hing Bank for HK$11.64 billion ($1.5 billion). The purchase price of the majority stake in Chong Hing Bank was 2.08 times book value and lay in the lower tier of market estimates. YueXiu, which has interests in real estate, securities and toll road operations, cited several reasons for its acquisition. One reason was the progressive internationalization of the yuan, coupled with Hong Kong’s growing importance as an offshore yuan center. Chong Hing Bank operates 53 branches in Hong Kong. YueXiu’s acquisition presents the conglomerate additional cross-border financing options for its business operations. The YueXiu buyout represents the first acquisition of a Hong Kong lender since 2008. The deal also marks the first time a Hong Kong bank has been acquired by an entity outside the financial industry in 27 years, when the China Merchants Group conglomerate bought the Union Bank of Hong Kong, in 1986. Hong Kong’s three remaining family-run banks are also expected to be swept up by mainland corporations. Reuters reported that the country’s fourth-largest bank, Agricultural Bank of China (ABC), is considering a bid for Wing Hang Bank, one of the three remaining family-run banks in Hong Kong, along with Dah Sing Banking Group and Bank of East Asia. If ABC does acquire Wing Hang Bank, the mainland lender would acquire much-needed international exposure giving it an advantage over its chief rivals, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), China Construction Bank (CCB) and Bank of China (BOC). Other potential bidders for Wing Hang Bank include Singapore’s third-largest lender, Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation and Australia and New Zealand Banking Corporation. Wing Hang Bank’s controlling shareholders said in September that they had received preliminary offers from undisclosed third parties. Amid the increasingly volatile financial landscape, escalating operations costs, increasing use of Internet technology, growing regulatory requirements and the difficulty of finding family heirs to take up the business, local family-run banks are finding it increasingly difficult to compete, leaving them easy targets for acquisition. The number of local small and mid-sized banks in Hong Kong has dropped sharply over the last decades due to a spate of acquisitions. “Things are not all rosy for Hong Kong banks,” says KPMG Head of Banking Paul McSheaffrey in a KPMG Hong Kong Banking Survey 2013. He continues, “New regulations, many of which are globally driven, are a key issue for many banks, and go beyond the challenge of implementation. In many cases banks are questioning whether they should remain in certain business lines or markets.” According to the KPMG survey, Hong Kong-based lenders are confronting increasingly difficult market hurdles, such as the low net interest margins, high cost-to-income ratio and a highly competitive funding environment. Basel III rules The new Basel III rules regulating bank finances could impose additional challenges on local family-run banks. Principal shareholders would be required to maintain core capital ratios, to maintain their stakes while fundraising is in progress. The growing scrutiny over sales of wealth management products adds even greater burdens of regulatory compliance burdens to local small-sized lenders. Bank of America Merrill Lynch estimates that the return-on-equity of small family-run banks in the city has slumped to 9 percent, from about 20 percent in 2001. “We believe this merger and acquisition (M&A) theme will continue to develop for remaining players like Wing Hang Bank and Dah Sing Banking Group since it is not in their interests to compete in an increasingly condensed and hyper-competitive market dominated by global players,” says Adam Chan, a banking sector analyst at CCB International Securities. “This may be the last and most lucrative opportunity for the family-owned banks to sell at a significant premium,” Chan adds. On the other hand, mainland banks find it attractive to acquire local counterparts. Hong Kong has always been a major funding conduit for mainland corporations owing to the city’s strong deposit liquidity inflow and a healthy funding base of US dollars. Hong Kong’s loan market is Asia’s sixth-largest, with a market size of $786 billion, Deutsche Bank says. The mainland’s economic clout and the growth of the offshore yuan fixed-income market in Hong Kong also made the city’s mid-sized banks increasingly attractive to mainlan存倉 lenders to pursue overseas expansion. Growing market competition in the country’s banking sector also makes it a matter of compelling interest for mainland lenders to pursue overseas expansion. According to China CITIC Bank International’s October economic report, the interest rate liberalization on the mainland will unleash fierce market competition, propelling large, mainland commercial banks to acquire small and medium-sized banks for further expansion. The expansions will become necessary to reinforce their leading market positions over short and medium terms. Finally, mainland banks are looking at Hong Kong’s mature banking operations which offer the mainland bankers a less risky venture market. Mainland bankers readily may utilize the established brands, customers and networks of the banks they are purchasing, making them stepping stones to internationalization. Safe acquisitions are essential building blocks for mainland enterprises intent on moving up the value chain to become global enterprises. A Deloitte report says the acquisition of technological best practices, growth potential in overseas markets and securing resource assets are the three major rationales for mainland enterprises to pursue outbound merger and acquisition investments in the coming year. Banking competition Indeed, the business operations of mainland banks in Hong Kong have expanded in terms of asset growth in recent years. This stems from the growing appetite among banks to lend through trade finance and corporate lending. These lenders also improved their net interest margins and cost-to-income ratios, the KPMG report says. Amid the increasing trend of bank consolidation, the Hong Kong banking sector will become more dominated by two different types of players in the future. “Hong Kong’s banking market will be more dominated either by international players such as HSBC Holdings and Standard Chartered Plc, and the other spectrum will be dominated by other mainland lenders. It seems that these small and mid-sized local family-based lenders are stuck in-between, making it challenging for those banks to compete effectively against more established rivals,” says Simon Lee, a senior lecturer at the Chinese University of Hong Kong’s Faculty of Business Administration. “Mainland banks expand their businesses in step with the growth of the mainland economy. As mainland lenders expand into overseas markets, the Hong Kong market will be their choice,” Lee says. International and mainland lenders will compete fiercely to capture more market share in the city’s banking market in the future. “It is because international banks and their mainland counterparts have to elicit more business from the same customer pool,” Kingston Securities Director Dickie Wong predicts. “In order to compete, mainland players have to leverage their mainland business connections to create unique business value that can help to withstand competition from international banks,” Wong says. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), the country’s largest bank, started the buying spree to acquire Hong Kong lenders. ICBC paid HK$1.8 billion for control of Union Bank of Hong Kong and renamed it ICBC (Asia) in 2000. Four years later, the mainland lender completed the purchase of Fortis Bank’s unit in Hong Kong for HK$2.16 billion and injected the newly-acquired business into ICBC (Asia). In 2010, ICBC spent HK$10.8 billion to take ICBC (Asia) private in 2010, in a bid to expand operations in Hong Kong. In 2002, the CITIC KaWah Bank acquired the Chinese Bank for HK$4.2 billion. The CITIC Group, the parent company of CITIC KaWah Bank, renamed the combined operation as China CITIC Bank International in 2010. China Construction Bank (CCB) in 2006 also brought Bank of America’s Hong Kong and Macao operations for HK$9.7 billion and renamed it CCB (Asia). The country’s mid-sized commercial bank China Merchants Bank (CMB), paid HK$36.33 billion to acquire Wing Lung Bank in a deal completed in 2009, that valued the acquired lender at 3.1 times price-to-book (P/B) ratio. It was the second highest price ever paid to purchase a local banking business operation. A higher P/B ratio means the buyer is paying too much for the bank. A lower P/B decreases the price correspondingly. Contact the writer at oswald@chinadailyhk.com New regulations, many of which are globally driven, are a key issue for many banks, and go beyond the challenge of implementation. In many cases banks are questioning whether they should remain in certain business lines or markets.” Paul McSheaffrey KPMG Head of Banking Hong Kong’s banking market will be more dominated either by international players such as HSBC Holdings and Standard Chartered Plc, and the other spectrum will be dominated by other mainland lenders.” simon Lee Cuhk Faculty of Business Administration senior lecturer儲存
- Nov 15 Fri 2013 10:20
Banking on Hong Kong’s future
- Nov 15 Fri 2013 09:32
- Nov 15 Fri 2013 09:24
從規模上來說,儲存張燦群所操盤的順德科技創新中心(以下簡稱科創中心)規模不算大,但如果將其放在“在經濟總量上8年再造一個新容桂”這個大背景下,這個占地10萬平方米的綜合體項目則被賦予了帶動“新容桂”建設的重要使命,作為容桂科技新城首個動工項目,在快速開發模式下,有望催生對良桂區域中小型企業的虹吸效益,飲得高端服務業聚集區的“頭啖湯”。�動快速開發模式民企高駿飲得科技新城“頭啖湯”從容桂鎮中心往東,沿著眉焦路駛去,遠遠地就能看到還披著建築“綠衣”的科創中心,在方圓幾十平方公里幾乎全未開發低矮廠房的背景下,科創中心有幾分鶴立雞群的味道。去年的國慶節前,這裡還是一片荒地。節後的10月9日,順德容桂街道在高新區舉行“順德國家高新技術產業開發區·科技創新中心”與“南方智穀·順德產業創新中心”奠基儀式,標誌著容桂科技新城建設全面�動,此時距離容桂科技新城規劃經容桂黨政聯席會議最終確定,僅過去十幾天。那個國慶節,張燦群幾乎沒有休假,作為科創中心的操盤人,項目要舉行奠基儀式,有大把的工作必須在那之前完成。在奠基儀式前的9月底,張燦群所在的廣東高駿實業投資集團有限公司,以樓面價每平方米約1000元的價格拍下了容桂科技新城的一10萬平方米的地塊,相關部門要求國慶後就要進行奠基,時間緊迫,通過對容桂科技新城功能區劃分的研究,位於三大創新核心區中的廊上創新中心,與南方智穀·順德產業創新中心為鄰的地產項目,最終命名為順德科技創新中心。從拿地到奠基,高駿公司只花了不到半個月的時間,隨後一直保持這個速度:去年11月中,科創中心正式動工建設,一年之後,科創中心已從規劃圖變成了實體建築,按照計劃,下個月工程封頂後,該項目將正式開售,最先投入使用的寫字樓產品預計明年年中可投入使用,同時投用的還有商業配套。不到兩年的時間開發一個數十萬平方米體量的城市綜合體,對於大型房地產開發商而言都不是難事,但對於民營房地產開發商,卻不是件容易的事。“主要原因還是政府給的支持力度夠大,公司的資金也能夠及時到位。”張燦群說,雖然今年上半年由於雨水過多導致施工周期延長,開發成本增加,但是這都在項目的風險評估里,“在可承受範圍之內”。在與相關部門簽訂的合同中,明確規定科創中心建成後,容桂街道將在創新中心回購一棟大樓,設立一個綜合行政服務中心,對外提供經濟和科技、國土城建、人力和社會資源保障等部分行政服務職能,在科創中心的招商手冊上,也提到“進駐科技創新中心的企業,在辦理(更改)工商註冊手續和項目報批時,可由科技創新中心招商服務中心代辦,按程序報批。”輾轉北京上海“取經”建成順德首家創意產業園“科創中心可以說是順德創意產業園的升級版。”張燦群如是說,他認為,以概念做園區的時代已經過去,適應城市發展和企業轉型升級,打造高端商務聚集區,要以配套和服務為首要打造標準。2007年接下打造順德創意產業園的工作後,張燦群帶著一肚子的疑慮走遍了北京、上海、江浙一帶的大大小小創意產業園,希望能帶回創意產業載體建設和管理的經驗。當時的佛山,創意產業園還是新鮮事物,禪城的“奇正”創意產業園(後改名佛山創意產業園)也只是剛起步,“本地缺乏可參照的樣本,政府對於創意產業也還停留在概念階段,有實際意義的扶持政策不多。”張燦群說,高駿公司也是首次涉足產業園區的建設,因而在規劃初期就立下了“統一規劃、分期建設”的開發原則,這讓操盤手張燦群可以“邊做邊學”。公司跟政府都沒有給張燦群施加壓力,但是企業對產業園區的認知缺失和市場的接受程度讓張燦群犯了難。彼時的順德早已走在了全國乃至世界工業製造的前沿,第二產業的迅猛發展帶來的土地資源、人力資源嚴重透支問題日益突出,但是更讓企業頭疼的是順德缺乏製造業創意設計,這成為制約順德工業發展的短板。高駿公司敏銳地察覺創意產業時代的到來,在政府的指導和扶持下,一個“以創意設計為核心、文化創意產業及軟件信息業為特色、都市經濟為形態,集綠色高附加值產業、商務辦公、服務配套、優美人居為一體”的創新型產業園區投入使用。項目前期的推廣工作並不順利,但隨著扶持政策落地,慢慢地創意產業在順德的發展走上了軌道。目前,入駐企業已達150多家,涉及工業設計、軟件信息、動漫、創意設計、知識產權、影視、科研機構、行業協會組織等行業,順德創意產業園成為當地創意產業聚集地。據瞭解,凡是符合政府產業政策扶持的企業,進駐園區後不但可以獲得政府扶持補貼,還可享受市場開拓、知識產權保護、產權交易、融資擔保、創業投資等方面的支持與服務,而這顯然成為創業者進駐產業園的推動力。■聚焦如何從“包租公”到“賣房佬”創意產業園項目是高駿公司和張燦群涉足經營管理都市新型產業載體的一次練兵,雖然該項目的開發進度目前已經停滯,已經投入使用的寫字樓的經營狀況,也不太紅火,但是高駿公司也算得上是創意產業載體項目“第一個吃螃蟹的人”,2009年,由萬和、華潤、德美等9間工業企業合股投資的德勝創意產業園在容桂�動,多多少少也在順德創意產業園取了點經。說到從做創意產業園跟做科創中心的最大區別和感受,張燦群總結兩點,一是平台越大,要面對和要解決的問題越多,壓力會更大;二是消費者、中小企業的個性化需求不斷膨脹,對載體的要求越來越高。直白點說,創意產業園時代,是高駿公司作為開發商建好了寫字樓,有針對性地出租給某些創意企業迷你倉所有的物業管理和配套服務均由開發商承擔,進入科技創新中心時代,高駿公司搖身一變,從單一的“包租公”的角色到增加了“賣房佬”的角色。容桂政府在容桂東部劃了一塊超30平方公里的地建科技新城,並對外公佈要通過新城引導作用,計劃在經濟總量上8年內再造一個新容桂。如今,容桂科技新城首部作品即將面世,外界對其寄予了撬動整個科技新城建設的厚望。據瞭解,建成後的順德科技創新中心將建設集高端金融中介服務、產業創新、科技研發、人才培育、創新孵化的城市綜合體,總建築面積高達40萬平方米,除去2萬平方米綠化面積、自主經營的4萬平方米商業配套、6萬平方米停車場面積和容桂政府回購的大樓外,其餘的寫字樓、公寓產品均將進行出售,折合總出售面積占項目總面積過半。如何吸引企業進駐,特別是一定規模的企業進駐,真正推動“科技創新”是目前張燦群思考的問題,而市場將目光聚焦在了高駿公司對產品的定價上。去年9月份高駿拿地的時候,樓面價格約為每平方米1000元,但目前容桂科技新城的樓面地價已經上到了五六千,水漲船高,高駿公司會不會坐地起價?對此,張燦群回應,作為政府扶持項目,定價會充分考慮各方面因素,預計寫字樓產品定價為5000元—6000元/平方米,而帶裝修的公寓產品定價則為7000-8000元/平方米。■關注企業對科創中心持觀望態度“電商企業總部基地的概念我們在項目規劃初期就提出來了。”張燦群指著招商資料向記者介紹。今年6月份,順德明確將容桂規劃為小家電電商集聚區,科創中心也已被指定為“容桂小家電電子商務中心”,為本土小家電企業提供電子商務服務。但記者採訪發現,許多順德本地的家電企業,對於科創中心,大都處於觀望的態度。科創中心??做強自身謀發展眉蕉河流域的兩岸縱深區域已是容桂經濟增長的主導力量,尤其是發展多年的順德高新技術產業開發區早已集中了�多世界500強企業和國內知名品牌企業,成為珠三角高新技術產業最為密集的區域之一。今年5月,順德高新技術產業開發區成功升級,開始實施現行省級高新技術產業開發區政策。高新技術企業雲集,但滯後生產性服務業的配套,是順德高新技術產業開發區一直想要補上的短板。“高新技術園區已沒有土地和資源來擴建廠房,裡面企業怎樣轉型升級?我們可以提供設計創新、軟件信息等配套服務,就近服務他們,促進企業的轉型升級步伐。”張燦群介紹說。近年來,容桂的電子商務走在順德全區前面,崛起的百余家電子商務公司,其中不乏SKG、小冰火人等年銷售額過億元的小巨人。創新中心就專門設立了電商總部大樓,可為入住電商企業提供物流、設計、交易的一站式服務。張燦群還打算今後在大樓內定期舉辦電子商務國際高峰論壇、“精英沙龍”等活動,與世界各界精英、專家共商電子商務發展大計,讓順德本土的電子商務走向全中國、走向全世界。順企??配套落後難助企業發展“順德電子商務的發展趨勢是相當樂觀的,以電商為主導的產業載體的出現也是順應這種潮流,但是對於電商企業會不會選擇順德科技創新中心,我保留意見。”佛山市飛魚電子商務有限公司相關負責人表示。據瞭解,該公司已明確表示會將總部搬至順德北滘的怡和中心,而其看中的是北滘新城高端寫字樓的辦公環境,成熟的配套和未來產業升級的前景。今年2月份,上市公司慧聰網的控股公司廣東慧聰家電城投資有限公司以3.34億元摘得位於北滘一宗商服用地,用于建設“順德慧聰中國家電電子商務產業園”,北滘電商總部基地發展更加底氣十足。相比配套已趨於成熟的北滘新城,容桂新城顯然起步慢了,且開發進度也慢,去年媒體報道容桂東年底將建大型商貿文化城市綜合體,2016年全部完工,可一年過去,該項目沒實質性的進展,記者接觸到的多個順德家電企業都表示,暫時不會考慮入駐。飛魚公司的總部落地動作是順德上規模電商企業抱團挺進電子商務產業載體,共同打造電商總部基地的一個縮影。中小型企業也在走電商的路子,佛山順德區蘇格倫電器有限公司負責人何福強表示,曾接觸到科創中心推售人員,對科創中心有所瞭解,“但是太遠了,配套也不足,勒流目前還處於自給自足的經營模式,我們的工廠都在這邊,把電商基地搬到容桂新城,會加大運營的成本。”留本地客造世界城■觀察眼利潤與風險同在,在配套先行的時代,搶先進駐規劃新區所承擔的風險相對是比較高的,少則5年,多則10年,等到新城規模化了,價值才能得到最大的體現。但十年的時間,科技已經走遠了,天貓的雙11銷售額都不知道翻了多少番,誰也耗不起這個時間。筆者以為,高駿已在容桂科技新城里成功造了一座“小城”,規劃有商場、酒店、寫字樓和公寓,能夠滿足進駐者的工作和生活需求。但這座城還不足以抗衡與其有著同樣功能,且更加成熟的競爭者,如北滘新城的美的大廈、怡和大廈。所以要有的放矢,側重于留住容桂本地的中小企業,把撒網找大企業進駐的成本轉變成為服務本地企業的資本,它們或許現在名不見經傳,但誰能預料到若干年以後,不會有另一個SKG,另一個小冰火人出現呢?科技創新無國界,寫字樓里全球通,與本地中小企業同走電商路,也能借助互聯網通向世界。本版撰文/攝影:南方日報記者 陳文娜圖片說明:順德科技創新中心主體建築已基本完成建設工作,預計下月封頂。; ■人物名片 張燦群,廣東高駿實業投資集團有限公司總經理,2007年曾操盤順德首個創意產業園項目,目前其負責的順德科技創新中心也在緊鑼密鼓建設中。儲存倉
- Nov 15 Fri 2013 08:41
《蘋果日報》讀者享好康 首刷先送500元 出國刷團費 北海道2萬元有找,東京自由行破盤9,999元起
【廣編特輯】 面對即將結束的2013年,迷你倉是不是想來一場國外旅行,慰勞一下自己這辛苦工作的一年呢?又或是想去百貨公司血拼一下,還是開車或是坐著高鐵在台灣到處趴趴走,倒也十分寫意,但是不知道有沒有什麼樣的優惠,是可以在這不景氣的時間點,給予我們這些消費者們,一絲絲的小安慰呢?所以看到這篇文章的蘋果日報讀者有福了!萬泰銀行的馬卡龍城市悠遊卡,就能滿足你的這點需求,只要在即日起至102年11月15日,活動期間來電萬泰銀行客服中心(02)8023-9088,只要留下通關密語「我是蘋果日報讀者,索取專用申請書(131007)」,核卡成功後,於102年12月31日前不限通路任刷一筆,即可獲得首刷禮500元刷卡金回饋,本活動限新申辦卡友,也就是未持有萬泰銀行任一信用卡,或曾經持有但已申請停用(剪卡)達六個月以上者,卡友還享有旅行、高鐵票的優惠唷! 萬泰銀行馬卡龍城市悠遊卡 讓你悠遊在不同的城市之中 聽完上述解說,讀者們是不是想知道更多萬泰銀行馬卡龍城市悠遊卡的優惠資訊呢?別急!別急!就讓我們來一一介紹吧!首先萬泰銀行馬卡龍城市悠遊卡,有最實質的無上限刷卡金回饋,加油消費不限金額1%刷卡金回饋,指定百貨、海外消費最高1%刷卡金回饋,其它(含悠遊自動加值金)消費一律0.3%刷卡金回饋;還有開車族最愛停車優惠,每月新增消費金額達8,000元以上,每卡每天還可停嘟嘟房2小時,達5,000元則每卡可停1小時喔!這樣的現金回饋,等於變相的節省下您的荷包唷! 然後天氣漸漸轉涼,現在到北海道泡湯旅程正夯,即日起至102年11月30日止,在訂購期間刷萬泰銀行馬卡龍城市self storage遊卡,購買ezfly「北海道團體5日(限平日出發)」指定行程,每人只要19,999元起(含稅),甚至再享行程3%折扣,1%現金回饋,限正卡持卡人享優惠價,每週38名,共限量152名,每週一早上九點開始進行搶購,數量有限,售完為止。不過好戲還在後頭,12月還會推出更殺的ezfly「東京5日自由行」指定行程,每人只要9,999元起(含稅),所以還在等什麼,快去申辦萬泰銀行的馬卡龍城市悠遊卡吧! 當然不只國外旅遊有好康,國內旅遊也享精采優惠!想到南部曬太陽,搭高鐵是最方便又省時的交通工具,使用X卡連結萬泰馬卡龍城市悠遊卡扣款訂購高鐵票,將於優惠活動結束後,直接回饋7%刷卡金至信用卡帳戶,以高鐵北高來回為例,就可以省下228元(早鳥票、老人票皆適用)!就不用擔心頻頻漲價的高鐵票囉!想知道更多萬泰銀行馬卡龍城市悠遊卡的訊息,請洽官方網站唷! 謹慎理財 信用至上 信用卡循環信用年利率6.25%-19.89%(依本行客戶信用評分系統評等而定,定期調整)預借現金手續費:每筆預借金額x3.5%+100元,其他相關費用請參閱本行網站公告,循環利率基準日:101年2月1日活動網頁連結:https://.cosmosbank.com.tw/T04/T0402/T0402_0396.html專用申請書連結:.cosmosbank.com.tw/T04/comarketing/macarcity_apple_131007.pdf萬泰馬卡龍城市悠遊卡專案(北海道) :ea.ezfly.com/ProdWGRP/ProdMain.aspx?p=WGRP000003104迷利倉
- Nov 14 Thu 2013 10:09
Bad loans grow as asset quality worsens
Bad loans in China continued to rise during the third quarter as asset quality deteriorated amid an economic slowdown and a thinner loan profit margin forced lenders to expose a greater portion of their balance sheets to risky small firms.mini storageThe outstanding non-performing loans at lenders on China's mainland rose 24 billion yuan (US$3.9 billion) from the end of June to 563.6 billion yuan at the end of September.Meanwhile, the bad loan ratio edged up from 0.96 percent to 0.97 percent during the same period, the China Banking Regulatory Commission said yesterday.Rural commercial lenders had the worst asset quality among the banks, with an average NPL ratio of 1.62 perce儲存t. The ratio at foreign banks improved 3 basis points to 0.57 percent to rank top among all mainland lenders again."The bad loan ratio climbed during the third quarter despite small and medium banks making more write-offs," Beijing Gao Hua Securities Co said in a latest report.Other analysts warned that bad loans will rise further as banks stop giving refinance or payment extension to industries with excessive capacity. Meanwhile, the growth of credit to small and micro enterprises for higher profit margins will also result in higher credit risk for the lenders.Net interest margin improved at the top-four lenders while narrowing at most smaller banks, Gao Hua said.迷你倉
- Nov 14 Thu 2013 10:00
高峰來了 部分快遞網點“爆倉”
信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/ “比前兩天多了兩三倍的量。”昨日,儲存華西都市報記者走訪多家快遞網點瞭解到,大批從沿海“前來”的包裹已經抵達成都,給各家快遞帶來壓力,倉儲空間較小的網點已然“爆倉”。不過,大部分網點負責人都表示,由於前期儲備人手充足,加班加點也要把當日的量消化完,“後面幾天包裹還在源源不斷地過來,造成連續的壓力。” 昨日,記者採訪圓通、匯通等多家快遞公司四川地區負責人瞭解到,13日開始,抵達成都的包裹量激增,並且還將進一步增加。大批包裹到了快遞業務量激增兩倍 記者從圓通、匯通、中通等多家快遞公司瞭解到,昨日起,大批來自沿海一帶的包裹已經抵達成都。每家快遞公司處理的包裹量明顯增加,有的甚至達到了前日的3倍。 “13日圓通成都分撥中心處理了75萬個包裹。”圓通速遞西南地區負責人何曙光告訴記者,11月12日進出港加起來45萬,13日激增了30萬,“主要是進港的增加,估計未來幾天都將維持在這一水平。”據何曙光介紹,圓通成都的分撥中心,每日最大的處理量達到100萬單,所以目前還沒有爆倉危險。 “13日的包裹量比12日翻了一番。”百世匯通四川分公司總經理趙欣表示,現在分撥中心都是24小時三班倒在處理包裹,每天凌晨是最忙的時候,“總之是動用一切資源,保證當天的量當天消化mini storage為第二天凌晨的活騰出空間。”部分網點“爆倉”快遞員十余小時連軸轉 昨日,記者走訪了多家快遞網點,發現倉儲量較小的網點已然“爆倉”,貨物只能暫時堆在街邊。 “早上6點貨物就送到了營業部,然後就開始了分揀,接著就馬上開始送。”快遞員小姜一邊揀貨一邊說,自己一個上午已經送了100單,晚上要加班到幾點還不知道。 “今天派送了2000個包裹,昨天是600個左右。”中通速遞錦江分部工作人員告訴記者,真正的高峰才剛剛來到,預計14日會更多。“我們分部儲備了20多位快遞員,今天已全部上崗。” 但大部分的網點負責人都表示,由於前期儲備人手充足,加班加點也要把當日的量消化完,“後面幾天包裹還在源源不斷地過來,造成連續的壓力。”目前,各家公司位於雙流的分撥中心正24小時不停歇地處理源源不斷的包裹。自提點每天處理2萬個包裹 昨天,成都市民王小姐收到了速遞易通知其去自提點取快遞包裹的短信。今年“雙11”,很多成都市民的包裹,都是從速遞易自提點取到的。 “‘雙11’高峰期,成都主城區的自提點每天處理的包裹達到2萬個。”成都我來啦公司市場部經理覃明剛告訴記者,從去年11月底開始,速遞易業務在成都的小區、高校布有近500個自提點,大的點能容納200個包裹,“雙11”每個箱子平均都能流轉1.8個包裹,“未來還會考慮在地鐵設點。” 華西都市報記者肖self storage
- Nov 14 Thu 2013 09:53
Link happy to host mainland shoppers
The Link Real Estate Investment Trust yesterday said it would “adjust” to the surge of mainland day trippers to its shopping centres.自存倉Property analysts predict this will reward shareholders while angering local residents concerned about rising prices.“We are fortunate that the market is coming to us” now that it was “fashionable” to shop on the city’s outskirts, said Nicholas Sallnow-Smith, the chairman of the company.Link Reit owns more than 180 retail and car park properties, with most of them located near public housing estates in the New Territories.Announcing its interim results, the company attributed its 11.6 per cent jump in net property income to HK$3.49 billion partly to the changing habits of middle-class mainland tourists.But Sallnow-Smith said that whil迷你倉 the company would look into adjusting its retail options, this “absolutely does not mean” shifting towards the high-end luxury market.Jeff Yau Cheuk-man, an analyst at DBS, said the Link was ideally positioned to benefit from changing patterns in tourism. “More and more day-trippers from Guangdong are coming to Hong Kong. Many are shopping for daily necessities such as milk powder and diapers at the suburban malls,” he said.As retailers scramble for new opportunities near the border, rents are likely to rise faster, according to a September report by Savills World Research.A survey this year by the Labour Party found that Tin Shui Wai – a poor area with most of its grocery stores located in six markets managed by the Link – had the highest food prices in Hong Kong.mini storage
- Nov 14 Thu 2013 09:44
11月10日,台山碧桂園學校建設�動儀式在碧桂園鳳凰酒店隆重舉行,台山市領導、數10家江門主流媒體、碧桂園業主共同見證這一盛典。�動儀式邀請了五邑及鶴山碧桂園學校師生代表到場表演及展示了台山碧桂園兒童定制成長計劃成果。據瞭解,台山碧桂園學校規劃的主體建築包括教學樓、綜合樓、學生宿舍、教工宿舍,並配有運動場等,占地面積約118畝,計劃設置幼兒園至初中,將打造成一所設施齊全、環境優美的台山市首個超省一級標準的雙語學校。另外,台山碧桂園當天更是同步發售10套特價美墅回饋購房者,成交即獲名校學位及3萬元教育基金大禮包。全澤超mini storage
- Nov 14 Thu 2013 09:37
最新的3D列印技術能「列印」出金屬手槍,迷你倉並在美國成功試射,這意味著未來只要家裡有一台3D列印機,就能製造出具有殺傷力的武器──科技日新月異,技術發展不斷超越感官經驗,今天的異想天開,可能是明天的信手拈來,科技帶來便利與聲光效果,也可能帶領我們進入難以想像的世界。現在這個世界,想必是13年前科技泡沫時難以想像的世界:當時手機都是按鍵式、黑白介面,上網靠撥接,沒人使用Facebook、Line跟Whatsapp,更別提3D列印跟4G;但科技泡沫13年後,軟、硬體一一發展到位──智慧手機與平板普及,低頭族隨處可見,網路頻寬與無線傳輸技術成熟,當年科技泡沫因技術不到位而無法運作的商業模式,近幾年捲土重來,就是靠軟、硬體發展純熟,水到渠成,讓科技產業跨出13年前的泡沫陰霾,重新復興。科技產業今年來熱鬧非凡,包括新可攜式裝置宣布,加上市場上傳出零星購併案,還有蘋果新手機iPhone5S與5C雙機推出後銷售狀況良好,帶動科技股2013年強勢表態,除了受惠於美股強勢外,科技與生技等成長力道較強的產業持續受資金青睞,看中的是科技未來成長潛self storage高,後續仍有表現空間。根據德盛安聯台灣投資決策委員會(Taiwan Investment Committee,TIC)決議,科技產業具發展空間、資金持續擁抱,目前建議為「買進」評等。不過此時想把科技納入投資組合,應採取「軟硬通吃」的策略,早期只有硬體能創造財富、網路會泡沫,如今軟體、硬體各擁一片天,社群平台服務、提供團購等折價服務的社群網站,都是投資可著墨的方向,也能為爭取資本利得找到更多機會。軟體崛起,硬體在「科技復興」時代也有新發展。隨著終端使用者頻繁使用智慧手機、平板電腦,伺服器端需要更快更大的雲端運算需求,也讓原本提供硬體的筆電代工大廠,積極發展雲端技術與資料庫,硬體廠商隨著科技演進尋求轉型,技術發展讓科技凌駕景氣循環:不管在什麼時代,科技產業永遠都能找到值得投資的機會。總體而言,科技產業位於向上趨勢,想要爭取資本利得,科技是追求收益成長的雙收組合裡的成長機會之一,應適度納入投資組合,但目前建議採取「軟硬通吃」的投資策略,透過科技業的成長趨勢創造資本利得,帶動收益再成長。(作者為德盛安聯四季雙收入息組合基金經理人)迷利倉
- Nov 14 Thu 2013 09:30
Global Biobank (Biospecimen/Biorepository/Biopreservation
DUBLIN, Ireland, November 13, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --Research and Markets ( .儲存researchandmarkets.com/research/gdzsbp/global_biobank) has announced the addition of the "Global Biobank (Biospecimen/Biorepository/Biopreservation) Market For Equipment & Media - Trends & Forecast to 2017" [.researchandmarkets.com/research/gdzsbp/global_biobank ] report to their offering. <start_newscom>(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130307/600769 )Biopreservation is a technique used for the storage of cells and tissues in a hypothermic or chemical environment to preserve biological samples with sustained integrity. Cryopreservation, vitrification and hypothermic storage are the common biopreservation procedures used widely in laboratory and clinical settings. The increase in cell-banking systems like adult stem cell banking, tissue banking, and umbilical cord blood banking has led to an increase in demand for the concept of biopreservation. Antibodies and proteins obtained from high-yielding cell-lines are required by biotech and pharmaceutical companies for research, diagnostic or clinical purposes. These high-yielding cell lines need to be preserved to give optimum yield, viability and productivity.The global biobank (biospecimen/ biorepository/biopreservation) market for equipment and media is broadly categorized into two segments, namely, biopreservation media market, and biopreservation equipment market. These markets are dominated by the U.S. in 2012, followed by Europe, Asia, and Rest of the World (RoW), due to government investments and tremendous research activities in this geographical region.The global biobank [.researchandmarkets.com/research/gdzsbp/global_biobank ] (biospecimen/ biorepository/biopreservation) market for equipment and media witnesses high competitive intensity. Segment rivalry is high, as there are a few big firms and many small firms with similar product offerings. The firms operating in the market fight to garner market share, leading to frequent price wars, advertising batmini storageles, incessant launch of new products, and increased customer services & warranties.The global biopreservation media market is dominated by home-brew media solutions, which account for nearly 71% of the market. Apart from home-brew media solutions, the major players operating in the biopreservation media market include Organ Recovery Systems, Teva Pharmaceuticals, and Genzyme. The global biopreservation equipment market has many well-established as well as local players dominating the industry market. Some of the major players are Thermofisher Scientific, Taylor-Wharton, and VWR International.Key Topics Covered:1 Introduction2 Executive Summary3 Market Overview4 Global Biopreservation Media Market, By Types5 Global Biopreservation Equipment Market, By Products6 Global Biopreservation Media &Equipment Market, By Application7 Geographic Analysis8 Competitive Landscape9 Company ProfilesCompanies Mentioned- Biopreservation Media Manufacturers - Atlanta Biologicals, Inc. - Biolife Solutions, Inc. - Bioniche Pharma Usa Llc - Cell & Tissue Systems, Inc. - Essential Pharmaceuticals, Llc - Genzyme Corporation - Lifeline Scientific, Inc. (Organ Recovery Systems) - Preservation Solution, Inc. - Sigma-Aldrich Corporation - Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Limited - Wak-Chemie Medical Gmbh - Biopreservation Equipment Manufacturers - Biocision, Llc - Biogenics - Core Dynamics, Ltd. - Custom Biogenic Systems, Inc. - Panasonic Biomedical Sales Europe B.V. - Princeton Cryotech, Inc. - So-Low Environmental Equipment Co., Inc. - Taylor-Wharton Cryogenics - Thermogenesis Corporation - Biopreservation Media And Equipment Manufacturers - Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. - Vwr International, LlcFor more information visit .researchandmarkets.com/research/gdzsbp/global_biobankResearch and Markets Laura Wood, Senior Manager. press@researchandmarkets.com U.S. Fax: 646-607-1907 Fax (outside U.S.): +353-1-481-1716 Sector: Biotechnology [.researchandmarkets.com/categories.asp?cat_id=1&campaign_id=gdzsbp ]Research and Marketsself storage