Source: American News, Aberdeen, S.迷你倉D.Nov. 15--The legal system is full of confusing terminology that many folks who have never been to law school don't understand.Sometimes, that wording makes its way into magistrate court listings or stories published in the newspaper. The following list contains explanations of some legal charges and court terms. Local attorneys and judges, judicial system workers, state law and resources provided by the Associated Press and the legal community, including a court coverage handbook, were used to help translate some of the jargon into everyday language for people who aren't proficient in legalese.Legal termsArraignment: A court hearing during which the charges are read against a defendant and he or she is asked to enter pleas.Bail: The release of an arrested person when security (cash or property) is given or pledged to ensure his or her appearance in court.Beyond a reasonable doubt, guilt: Full satisfaction or certainty required to convict a person on trial of a crime. Satisfaction beyond the type of doubt that would cause a reasonable person to hesitate.Bond: An obligation signed by the accused or a surety to ensure his or her appearance at trial. Bond is subject to forfeiture if the accused does not appear.Burglary: Entering or remaining in a building, structure or home with the intent to commit a crime. Not necessarily theft.Concurrent sentences: Jail or prison terms that are served simultaneously rather than one after the other.Consecutive sentences: Jail or prison terms that are served one after the other, not simultaneously.Controlled substances: Drugs, including prescription medications, that are dangerous or addictive.Court, the: "The court" is commonly used during legal proceedings to refer to a judge.Cross examination: The questioning of a witness during a trial by the attorney opposing the one who called the witness.Deposition: The recorded testimony of a person taken under oath before trial to discover facts and information to be used at trial to refute the testimony of another witness. It also can be used in absence of a witness' testimony if that person is absent for an acceptable reason.Discovery: Pretrial examination of a person, item or evidence on behalf of an opposing party to obtain information relevant to the case.Eminent domain: The power of a government body to take private property for public use in return for fair compensation.Extradition: The surrender by one state to another of a person accused or convicted of an offense.Felony: A serious crime, more serious than a misdemeanor and punishable by a sentence to prison.Grand jury: A panel of six to 10 members who, upon seeing and hearing evidence from only prosecuting attorneys, decide whether there is probable cause to try an accused person for a serious crime. At least six grand jurors must agree that there is probable cause for an indictment.Guilty but mentally ill: A plea under which a defendant admits to a crime, but seeks special treatment because of a claim that he or she was mentally ill at the time the crime was committed.Habeas corpus: An order to bring a person before a judge. Most commonly, an order to a warden or jailer to bring an inmate before a judge to determine whether he or she is being lawfully confined.Homicide: A legal term for killing or slaying. Not a criminal charge.Indictment: A written accusation from a grand jury that charges a person with a crime.Information: Similar to an indictment, but authored by a state's attorney and not presented to a grand jury.Jail: A county or municipal facility in which people convicted of less-serious crimes can be sentenced. Can also be used to house people charged with felonies who are awaiting court hearings. Not the same as state or federal prison.Manslaughter: The unlawful killing of another without malice.Misdemeanor: A less serious crime punishable by a maximum of a year in county jail.Mistrial: An erroneous or invalid trial so declared by a judge when the trial cannot stand due to an incurable error or omission of some fundamental aspect of due process.Nolo contendre: Commonly called a no contest plea. Literally translated from Latin as "I will not contest." A person who enters a no contest plea does not admit guilt, but is sentenced as if he or she is guilty. Plea cannot be used without permission of a judge.Parole: The conditional early release from prison before the expiration of a sentence. A parolee is undmini storager the supervision of a state parole officer during the period of parole.Preliminary hearing: A court hearing available to a person charged with a crime to determine whether there is enough evidence to hold him or her for trial.Probable cause: The existence of sufficiently strong evidence to excite a reasonable belief that a person charged with a crime is guilty. Not proof of guilt beyond reasonable doubt as is required at trial, rather only that sufficient grounds exist for a person to stand trial.Probation: A method of suspending a jail or prison term in return for a person convicted of a crime meeting certain conditions. Can be supervised or unsupervised, depending on the seriousness of the crime.Prison: A federal or state facility to which people convicted of more serious crimes can be sentenced. Not the same as a county jail.Recognizance: The practice of enabling an accused person awaiting trial to be released without any security other than his or her promise to appear in court.Robbery: Taking another's property from his or her person or immediate presence by means of force or fear.Search warrant: A written order issued by a judicial official authorizing the search of a specific building, premises, vehicle or person for specified evidence, items used during an alleged crime or contraband.Subpoena: An order to a witness to appear and testify in court.Summary judgment: A final decision by a judge prior to trial in a civil case when the judge determines the prevailing party is entitled to judgement as a matter of law. Only proper if a judge determines there is no dispute to material facts in the case.Summons: An order signed by the clerk of court informing a defendant in a civil case that an action has been started and giving him or her 30 days to respond.True bill: An endorsement from a grand jury on an indictment when it finds sufficient evidence for trial on a charge alleged.Warrant (of arrest): An order issued by a judicial official requiring a law enforcement officer to arrest a person named in a warrant and to bring the charged to court to answer a specific charge.ChargesAlteration or forging of a registration card: Changing information on a vehicle registration card or other temporary registration card or copy.Befouling or disturbing property: To make dirty, soil or contaminate property. Often, this charge involves public urination.Contributing to the abuse or neglect of a child: Endangering a child or while committing a crime or encouraging a juvenile to commit a crime. For example, having a child in a vehicle while driving drunk is an example of contributing to the negligence of a child. A parent leaving a child at home and unattended or in the custody of somebody not capable of providing proper care is also an example of contributing to negligence.Enter or surreptitiously remain in building: Trespassing by entering or remaining in a building without authorization.Failure to maintain financial responsibility: Generally speaking, not having an up-to-date vehicle insurance policy as is required of motorists.Failure to renew registration during assigned month: A motorist not renewing his or her vehicle registration (getting new stickers for license plates) during the proper month.Intentional damage of property: Generally speaking, vandalism.Log book violation: A trucking violation having to do with a driver not properly tracking miles traveled, hours on the road or items being shipped.No South Dakota registration in possession of a South Dakota carrier: A commercially licensed vehicle that is not properly registered in this state.Traffic in/substitute plates: Having another's/stolen/improper license plates on a vehicle.Unauthorized use of vehicle by a restricted licensee: A driver with a restricted license using a vehicle after allowed hours. While there are exceptions, motorists with restricted licenses cannot drive between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. Restricted licenses are for drivers from 14 to 18 years old.Uttering simulated process: Printing or circulating a document or notice that simulates any court or legal process for the purposes of inappropriately obtaining items of value.Violations of safety requirements: A trucking violation that has to do with not properly keeping log books.Follow @ScottReports on Twitter.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 American News (Aberdeen, S.D.) Visit the American News (Aberdeen, S.D.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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Design firms are working with management to re-interpret the office so that it is an empowering place where staff feel right at home and spend more time storage By Tay Suan ChiangWorking on a holiday moodTripAdvisorYOU know the high that you get when you go on a holiday? The staff at TripAdvisor are on that constant high, thanks to the design of their office at Cross Street."People really enjoy working here, it is like being on a vacation while working," says Lewis Ng, TripAdvisor's commercial director for business listings.Designed by Kyoob-id, the office has plenty of travel elements in it. "The world is one big playground. We want to emulate a fun environment akin to a travel experience," says Maggie Yeo, Kyoob-id's associate director.The fun starts when you step into the office. Strips of light-oak timber stretch across the reception ceiling to create a larger-than-life bird cage. A large pair of eyes stares back at you, but that is just Ollie the owl, TripAdvisor's brand mascot, welcoming you into the office. "The owl icon is not only a feature wall for the reception area, but also separates the reception and the meeting rooms behind it," says Tiwe Tan, Kyoob-id's senior designer. The office gets views of Raffles Place, Clarke Quay and the Marina Bay area, so most of the workstations are placed along the circumference to let staff enjoy these views. Meetings and managers' rooms are in the central core.Just so that no one forgets this is the office of the world's largest travel site, there are always reminders. Instead of plain glass walls, the managers' rooms have frosted decals of well-known travel icons, such as the Statue of Liberty and the Leaning Tower of Pisa on them. Glass儲存partitions that separate the different departments have stickers that resemble passport stamps. Some meeting rooms are named after renowned island destinations such as Bora Bora and Santorini, which are also winners in TripAdvisor's 2013 Travellers' Choice Islands awards.Even the carpet is not spared, with directional and speed-limit icons worked into the design. And, of course, it would make sense for the office to have a map of the world. This is at the pantry, where a world map collage reminiscent of a travel scrapbook is emblazoned on the wall. Another wall has been set aside for staff to put up their framed travel pictures. The office may have been designed by Kyoob-id, but the 90-strong staff from TripAdvisor played a role too. The company held a photo competition, and two of the best photos of Singapore's skyline have been printed on the walls.The directional signs come with quirky names such as Smart Connections and A Click Away From Happiness that were thought up by the staff. The names point to the Mobile Partnerships and Cost Per Click teams respectively.Before they moved into this office two months ago, staff were asked for their feedback on what they wanted in their new office. Among the wants were height-adjustable tables, a better stocked pantry, a recreation room and shower area which are now all in place. Mr Ng notes that his colleagues are now spending more time in the office. For example, there are many food joints around the office, but most are choosing to do takeaway meals so they can lunch in the recreation room. "I see more people staying back in the office to do non-work stuff, which is good, since we encourage bonding among staff," he迷你倉

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智能手機幾乎已是現代人的必需品,自存倉但日本卻陸續有會社向社員提供獎勵金,鼓勵他們放棄使用智能手機。上述計劃稱為「脫智能手機」,針對「智能手機中毒」問題。在智能手機還未誕生,傳統手機仍是主流的時代,日本也出現過「手機中毒」問題,但大多數發生於機不離手,由早到晚打電話及發短訊的中學生身上。其中一家推出獎金計劃的是位於岐阜縣,專門生產產業用機械的岩田製作所,這公司向願意棄用智能手機,改用傳統手機的社員提供每月5,000日圓(約港幣400元)的「無數碼獎金」。原因是自從智能手機普及,依賴LINE等手機迷你倉式聯絡,同事之間直接對話的機會減少,變相影響溝通。推出獎金計劃的會社雖不會強制社員跟隨,可是勸喻在午飯時間自我約制使用智能手機,這一點有干預他人自由之嫌。我覺得日本人使用智能手機未至於嚴重到需要借助獎金去鼓勵停用的地步,走路時雙眼只看手機畫面,完全不看路的日本「低頭族」遠比香港少。在香港,繁忙時間擠上港鐵車廂仍堅持玩手機,在擠迫到連扶手也摸不到的車廂中仍死命要玩《Candy Crush》的人還是舉目可見。比起香港,日本「智能手機中毒」的問題根本輕微到不足道,甚麼脫離智能手機獎金實在太多餘了。mini storage

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迷你倉最平 昨日,成都最高氣溫19℃,伴著冬日的暖陽,本周末預計依舊是天氣晴好的節奏。今日,小伙伴們不妨收拾收拾心情,來一場說走就走的近郊遊。為了讓周末交通不“打擠”,本報聯合市交警三分局,為小伙伴們提供近郊遊白鷺灣濕地公園、三聖花鄉避堵指南,民警建議,市民可繞開三條常規性線路走繞城高速通往景區。推薦線路:因上述三條線路較為擁堵,建議市民儘量選擇由繞城高速在成自瀘繞城出口下,或者由繞城高速在成龍大道出口下,進入白鷺灣濕地公園或三聖花鄉,避免擁堵路段。成都晚報記者 林姝霏 實習生 王博迷你倉

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Tired of tapas bars and hipster brunch spots? Debbie Yong looks at a journalists' bar, a cat cafe and two eateries specialising in ribs and wings that are offering fresh dining experiences with their esoteric conceptsScoop19 Ann Siang HillTel 6536 2308Hours: 5pm to midnight (Mon-Sat).儲存 Nov 20THE notion of journalists as beery misfits who lurk in questionable drinking establishments while awaiting their next juicy scoop is rather the stuff of Hollywood imaginings and Hunter S Thompson novels than reality in Singapore; but that isn't stopping F&B entrepreneurs Patrick Fok and Kevin Cheng from starting up a journalists' bar here.Scoop, which opens on Wednesday, takes over the Ann Siang Hill shophouse formerly occupied by apparel store Fred Perry and takes a leaf from the "flacks and hacks" bars - slang for public relations people and news scribes respectively - common in Europe and the United States."PR people are always looking to meet journalists, and journalists are always looking for the inside stories to things, and everyone can swap updates on the latest job vacancies in the industry," says Mr Fok, 33. But contrary to its main theme, the bar won't be exclusive to media folk. "You go to any Foreign Correspondents Club in most cities and it's packed with all sorts. Everyone likes to meet with journalists," he laughs.Mr Fok himself holds a day-job as a television news presenter. He and Mr Cheng, 32, also own a cluster of F&B outlets such as Bartini, 1980s-themed eatery The Retrospective, and month-old Mexican bar Hombre Cantina in Boat Quay.While the concept of a journalists' bar isn't entirely new to Singapore - an older generation of newshounds may recall the now-defunct Front Page, Next Page and Newsroom pubs in Mohamed Sultan Road started by BT journalist-turned- nightlife tycoon Peter Wong in the 1990s - both Mr Fok and Mr Cheng are recent Hong Kong transplants who say they are starting on a clean slate.So expect, perhaps, a more sanitised, circa 2013 iteration at Scoop. The 1,600 square foot bar will screen news and sports programmes from its two televisions all day and serve up comfort food and popular dishes from its other outlets such as burgers, pizza and a mac-and-cheese dish flavoured with truffle paste. All food items will cost under $20 and beers will start from $10, and media professionals will get one-for-one deals on Wednesdays.In keeping with the theme, the two men - both printmaking enthusiasts - plan to plug in screen-printing classes when the bar is closed in the afternoons. Attendees can later display and sell their works at Scoop, which will feature distressed concrete interiors accented with newspaper reliefs. A 10m bar counter will span the length of the space.A small lounge area by the bar's entrance can double as a quiet spot for broadcast journalists to conduct video interviews - something Mr Fok himself has found lacking in his own job."Sometimes, we'll have interviewees from abroad or who have unpresentable offices and don't want to be filmed in them," he observes. He has often ended up using other bars and his own establishments as a venue for his interviews. The bar's lamps can double as studio lights, he says.Fancy yourself a bit of a whistleblower? You now know where to hang out and whisper a little too loudly. "It would be nice to get a scandal out of Scoop," quips Mr Fok.Neko no Niwa54A Boat end NovTHE cat cafe phenomenon that originated in Taiwan and sparked a craze in Japan and the rest of the world will soon be upon our shores for the first time.When it opens on the second floor of a Boat Quay shophouse at the end of this month, Neko no Niwa - which means "cat garden" in Japanese - will be home to 10 cats, which cafe patrons can play with as they sip their java and take in views of the Singapore River.Cafe owner Tan Sue Lynn, 36, is a cat lover who has visited cat cafes in Tokyo, Osaka, Naoshima and Sapporo in Japan. Says the former marketing executive of an asset management company: "It has always puzzled me why there isn't a cat cafe in Singapore even though they have been getting a lot of hype recently."Previously a North Asian preoccupation, cat cafes have sprouted to instant popularity in European cities such as Vienna, Budapest, Madrid, Berlin and London over the last year. Le Cafe des Chats in Paris, for instance, is an entirely crowd-funded project and was fully booked for two months when it first opened in September."Cat cafes are great for people who enjoy interacting with cats and would like to have one at home but can't for whatever reason, whether it's because someone in the family is allergic to cats, or because their parents feel they are too young to be a responsible pet owner," says Ms Tan.But unlike some cat cafes overseas, Neko no Niwa won't be about showcasing rare cat pedigrees. Ms Tan is working with local animal welfare organisations and independent cat fosterers to adopt the 10 abandoned or stray felines that will permanently reside in the cafe."Part of our social message is to discourage unethical breeding, and show that even cats that are not pedigrees can make just as lovely companions," she says. The cats will most likely range from one to four years in age, but will be chosen for their ability to interact with humans and other cats rather than for their age.The cafe will seat about 20 to 25 people in a homely space fitted out with sofas, dining tables and scratching poles for the cats. The cats will be free to roam in the 500 sq ft space and will reside there overnight, while the rest of the cafe's pantry and toilet premises will be cordoned off from the animals.Access to the cafe will be charged at $12 per person per hour - following the business model of overseas cat cafes, says Ms Tan - and patrons will have to remove their footwear and wash their hands before entering. Food orders are optional and no cooking will be done on-site: only coffee, canned drinks and covered desserts sourced from independent local pastry shops will be served, with prices kept under $5.There will also be a small retail corner selling cat accessories, and Ms Tan is working with local designers to introduce cat toy crochet classes in the future."The concept is so new here that there are already some misconceptions about what a cat cafe is about," observes Ms Tan. Unlike existing pet cafes in Singapore, where humans can bring in their pets to dine next to them, you won't be able to bring your own cats to Neko no Niwa, nor will the cafe's迷你倉cats be up for sale or for adoption.Alluding to the cafe as an educational platform, she elaborates: "If you are not sure about cat ownership, you can spend more time at the cafe before deciding to take the plunge into cat ownership. And when you do, we can link you up with organisations such as the Cat Welfare Society for guidance on taking care of your cat."Ribbery and Wine Co#01-04, Sixth Avenue Centre,805 Bukit Timah RoadTel 6463 2830SO what if the nose-to-tail dining concept is winning over adventurous eaters and environmentalists worldwide? There are some among us who already know which part of an animal we love best, and don't want to spend five minutes winnowing through a menu to get to it.Enter the Ribbery and Wine Co, a ribs specialist opened by a ribs lover for ribs lovers. Affectionately referred to as RAWC, the two-storey 80-seater eatery in Bukit Timah offers beef, lamb and pork ribs in 12 exciting variants, from lamb ribs braised in Italian Marsala wine, to beef ribs barbecued with Texan barbecue sauce and pork ribs glazed in Marmite.Uninspired name aside - the restaurant has no links to Bayern Munich midfielder Franck Ribery either - the ribs here are actually very good. The five-spiced lamb ribs ($30) are first rubbed with a house blend of five spices before being roasted, resulting in fall-off-the-bone tender meat with a heady, herbal aroma that renders the accompanying dish of mint sauce quite unnecessary. If you don't want to dirty your fingers, order the beef short ribs braised in Shiraz ($32); the slightest prod of a fork is all it needs to separate the meat.Not one to discriminate against non-ribs lovers who get towed in reluctantly by rib-obsessed friends and family, there's also a small selection of ribs-free mains such as baked chicken or barramundi and sirloin steaks, along with a fairly large section of starters such as calamari, chicken nuggets and cheese and sausage platters.Food aside, the eatery also doubles as a bottle shop for the neighbourhood's residents, as Malaysian founder, Wong Yin How, also runs the Vintry group of wine shops in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, as well as eight-year-old rib joint, Ribs, also in the latter city. Prices for the mix of Old and New World wines start at an affordable $28 per bottle and go up to $3,000 for the higher-end labels that can be transferred over on request from the Vintry outlet in Clarke Quay.Like a truly competitive Singaporean, the group's local executive chef Wayne Chan adds that the aim of his game is to have the largest selection of ribs in Singapore."Tony Roma's has about eight or nine types of ribs, and we have 12, so we have a buffer. If they come up with more, at least, we will still be ahead," he jokes.Still, he acknowledges that it will be hard to carve a niche for themselves with such a specialised concept. "Tony Roma's is already a household name that everyone knows but we have to slowly build a name for ourselves.""It can go both ways, if you go too niche then nobody wants to come, but if you offer something too generic that can be found everywhere, then no one will bother either," says Mr Chan. Though no further Singapore expansion is in the works, the group is planning a new concept in Malaysia next year.Wings World214 East Coast Road Tel 6247 7477Hours: 11am-11pm dailyYOU know the old wisdom when it comes to picking hawker stalls? The one that says the stall that specialises in Hokkien mee will serve a far better version than the one that sells Hokkien mee, carrot cake and char kway teow all at once?The same reasoning lies behind the founding of Wings World, a casual eatery along restaurant-mobbed East Coast Road that serves only, well, wings.Inspired by the ferocious hunger for chicken wings in the United States - more than 1.23 billion chicken wings are consumed in the US during Super Bowl weekend alone - the casual 40-seater is Taiwan-born, US-raised Jimmy Hsiao's homage to them in Singapore.Citing the popularity of other chicken-centric American fast-food chains such as 4Fingers and Kentucky Fried Chicken here, he adds: "Once considered just a snack, chicken wings are gradually being treated as a meal. You're starting to see wings everywhere in Singapore, even in places that they aren't traditionally in, like Japanese restaurants and even Ikea."Priced somewhere between a fast food joint and a proper restaurant, Wings World serves up wings that can be customised according to your preference. You order them in servings of six ($5.75) or 10 ($8.95) - or in party platters of 50 and 100 - and you can opt for either just winglets, drumlets, or a mix of both. Top them off with your choice from over 13 different dry seasonings and sauces, including barbecue sauces spiced with imported American chillies such as chipotle and jalapeno.Their signature buffalo sauce comes with four levels of heat, while the mango habanero is a familiar tangy, tropical flavour with just the right amount of chilli kick. Not a fan of smothering your wings in sauce? The citrus pepper and Italian herb dry-rubs keep things fragrant and super-crispy. The wings are cooked by the double-fry method, that is, they are first fried at low temperature and again at a high temperature to cause a "blistering effect" that creates shatteringly crisp chicken skin, Mr Hsiao explains. Sides such as vegetable sticks with blue cheese dip and fries, coleslaw and potato salad provide a carbohydrate boost, and should you tire of wings, there's also a range of wraps made with chicken breast meat tinged with the same array of sauces.Wings World - named after Mr Hsiao's favourite American comedy, Wayne's World - is also the the F&B veteran's return to the restaurant industry in Singapore. The 46-year-old previously ran a trio of eateries under the California brand and Bobby Rubino's restaurant at Chijmes, which he sold when he left for the US in 2006. He returned to Singapore four years later as an F&B consultant and was drawn back into the front end of things again this year. He hopes to open a second outlet by the middle of next year, and sees regional expansion on the cards."Too many restaurants are being bogged down by high rent and labour costs, and also high food costs from trying to offer too much variety," says Mr Hsiao. "It's all about streamlining to keep your service and operations consistent. We're not a chef-centric restaurant and we'll only expand our food menu if it doesn't take away from our main product, so all these savings can be eventually passed on to the consumer." storage

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各大新盤陸續入伙,迷你倉市場旋即湧現大批租盤,入伙新樓放盤叫租持續下跌。將軍澳峻瀅尚未入伙,租盤已增至200間,3房租金低至1.2萬入場,土瓜灣港圖灣海景戶減租逾半成,各大新盤接連入伙,新樓群起爭搶客源,連錄低價租賃成交!筲箕灣譽都「蟹貨」蝕讓百多萬離場筲箕灣單幢盤譽都主攻1房,上月底剛收匙,即成港島東上班一族搶手貨,至今累錄12宗租賃成交,起租價低至1.4萬;另市場首錄2房蝕讓158萬沽貨,不少「蟹貨」更明賺暗蝕降價放盤。位於筲箕灣道的譽都,與近日推出的房協新盤樂融軒位於同一街道,譽都間隔由1至2房,實用面積介乎297至467方呎,賣點步行數分鐘直達港鐵站,部分高層2房,向東遠眺山景。中原地產分行首席分區營業經理黎百祥指出,「有本地投資客持有一個譽都低層E室,2房面積467方呎,望毗鄰樓景,本年6月以約750萬放售,8月份降價至720萬元,9月中,再減價至680萬,市場消息指出,近日以約636萬成交,呎價13,619元。原業主2011年5月以794萬一手購入,帳面勁蝕158萬,並須蝕厘印近30萬。」1房樓景戶叫租1.4萬黎氏提到,譽都一手貨已沽清,現有約45個二手賣盤,叫價較購入價高出半成至1成半,不少明賺暗蝕,低層E室,叫價800萬,較購入價僅高10萬,料蝕厘印20萬。現時最平為低層D室,1房套房向西望樓景,面積297方呎,叫價550萬。美聯物業分行營業經理周永業提到,「近日外區租客獲業主減租500元,以1.35萬承租中層C室,1房套房,面積298方呎,由於屬20樓以上,可享西南部分山景。由10月底收樓至今,該廈已錄10餘宗租賃成交,成交呎租由最初37元,微升至現時40至45元。」周氏又指出,該廈的B至D室採1房間隔,B室低層東南望樂融軒,叫租由1.4萬起,僅E室及21樓以上的A室屬2房,當中E室擁兩邊窗,20樓以上享開揚愛蝶灣景,叫租2萬以上,另極高層的A室,面積446方呎,遠眺愛蝶灣及鯉魚門度假村一帶開揚景觀,由2萬起。灣仔尚匯 煙花海景減五千獲承租以全數單位對正灣仔煙花海景為賣點的灣仔尚匯,11月至今,暫錄14宗租務成交,有1房業主為盡快租出,近期減價5,000元,即獲承租,租金回報率僅2.5厘。尚匯毗鄰港鐵銅鑼灣站,177個單位,早前�基方面透露,該廈尚餘約8個一手單位,並以特色單位為主。利嘉閣地產分行經理黃勇表示,「快到年尾,不少業主放租近半年,想盡快租出單位。早2個月,更錄得一個開放式單位,以月租1.8萬租出,呎租低見53元,創屋苑新低。現時,放租盤約40個,1房戶入場費由10月2.5萬元,下調至2萬元至2.1萬元,下調近1成,實用呎租約59元。而2房戶最平月租約3.9萬元,中層望海景,實用689方呎,較一般入場費平4,000元。」黃勇又補充,「業主減價,成交加快,10月份錄得約16宗租務成交。本月,尚匯1個中層E室,實用面積339方呎,業主月租開價2.5萬元,但放租近4個月,見有實在租客,故減價以2萬元租出,實用呎租約59元。據了解,業主在2011年4月以943萬元買入,租金回報率約2.5厘。」據了解,尚匯由5月入伙至今,約有10間買賣,10月份約有2宗,涉及高層A室,實用面積689方呎,成交價2,360萬元,業主買入價為2,050萬元,帳面獲利約310萬元。而現市場約50個買賣放盤中,以1房比例較多,1房叫價約1,050萬元起。另外,毗鄰單幢新樓的壹環,位於灣仔道,景觀未及尚匯,但呎價相宜,搶去不少租客。現時,壹環的2房單位,實用457方呎,實用呎租50元起;而858方呎的3房戶,呎租約51元,租盤約10個。將軍澳峻瀅 激增200盤 2房月租跌穿1萬部分單位享山景的將軍澳峻瀅,預計最快可於下月尾收樓,租盤急增至約200個,2房月租跌穿1萬,3房叫租更降至1.2萬,較同區日出康城租金低1至2成。由長實及捷和聯手發展的峻瀅,由6座組成,早於2012年中開售,現已售出1,777個單位,主攻2至3房,實用面積由497方呎至761方呎,該盤住客由康城港鐵站經行人天橋,再沿行人隧道往返屋苑,步程約15分鐘。中原地產分行經理柯勇指出,「峻瀅上月2房跌至9,700元低價租出,近日5座中層F室,向南望內園及廠景,面積502方呎,獲區內客以1萬租出,較同區日出康城1期首都2房租金1.25萬為低,平近1至2成。同區位於寶琳站的新都城2期,面積363方呎的2房,叫租亦要1.25萬。」現時首都約近700方呎的3房,租金由1.5萬起,反而峻瀅低層3房戶月租1.2萬入場,該盤上月已錄8宗預租,11月至今更錄4宗,平均呎租約19元。7座東南3房山景王香港置業營業經理劉柏兒提到,「租客想選優質景,可考慮7座東南3房山景樓王,叫租由1.7萬起。買賣方面,現時,放盤一般叫價幅度較購入價高出約17%至20%,當中最貴為5座極高層戶,3房1套房,面積761方呎,屬連平台特色戶,叫價850萬,較購入價高出126萬,料向北望山景。」目前,2房向北山景戶,面積501方呎,可低至430萬入場,市場暫未錄買賣,平均每方呎叫價8,500至逾1.1萬元。元朗尚悅 明年初收匙 2房8,500元起元朗大型屋苑尚悅,距離入伙尚有2個餘月,但放租盤已有近150個,2房入場費8,500元,呎租與同區新樓齡樓相約,最近,市場多了年輕租客問租價,不過,暫未有預租個案。尚悅位於元朗十八鄉路,鄰輕鐵大棠站及西鐵元朗站,整個項目由12座物業組成,共2,580個單位,備有大型會所。該盤去年開售至今,已累售近2,000伙。近期有部分業主陸續收信,預計於下年1月入伙,但目前放租盤已增至約150個,均是2房單位,3房戶少於10伙,暫未有成交。不過,近期已吸引不少外區年輕租客問價,待正式收樓時才簽租約。利嘉閣地產分區市務經理虞立燊表示,「以目前尚悅的放租來說,2房單位最平叫租約8,500元,實用358方呎,呎租約24至25元。而2房優質戶,望東南山景,實用面積440方呎,自存倉租約1.2萬元。相比於同區較新屋苑,有2010年入伙的翹翠峰,2房呎租約25元,而鄰近約4年樓齡的原築,2房呎租22元起,呎租相約。」買賣放盤少於10伙另外,尚悅3房戶實用659方呎,入場租金2萬元,呎租約30元。3房高層樓王,叫租達2.3萬元,屬實用743方呎,暫時是全屋苑最貴。買賣方面,放賣盤約8個,以2房為主,礙於SSD等稅項,其中近7成屬「賣公司」形式放盤,亦未有成交。屯門瓏門1期 1房缺貨 2房「抵」租屯門瓏門1期剛於8月入伙,呎租雖較同區貴,但已累積租出約170間租盤,大幅跑贏同區屋苑。現時2房租金回穩,以1.2萬元起租,本月暫有35宗租務交投。瓏門分2期發展,坐落屯門站及大型商場V City上蓋,交通購物方便。其中1期單位已收樓,10月份錄得約70宗租賃成交。踏入11月至今,瓏門暫有35宗成交,實用呎租約24元。累錄約170宗租瓏門現有約150個放租盤,經過多月消化,2房單位價錢回穩,佔租盤約7成。中原地產分行經理李婉群表示,「1房戶只有約5間放盤,價格較為硬淨,月租由10,500至11,800元不等,呎租約28元,較2房貴。而2房戶就最抵租,因放盤比例多,比1房多付數百元,就可租到2房。」2房戶1.2萬較抵租祥益地產分行經理袁思賢表示,「由於放盤量多,早前不少業主等得耐,為盡快租出,願意減價,10月份2房戶最平約1.1萬元,呎租約23元。但隨�盤源消化,2房租金回穩,入場費1.2萬元,呎租約25至28元不等。近日,瓏門1座高層F室,2房望內園景租出,實用面積484方呎,月租11,800元。業主於12年10月以475萬元買入,回報率約3厘。」李婉群提及,屋苑2房望山景或高層望海景,較為優質,租金叫價由1.4萬元至1.5萬元,呎租約29至31元不等。而市中心的屋苑,租務較慢,11月市中心區暫有16宗交投,呎租約16至23元左右。買賣方面,由於瓏門2期有望開售,市場錄零星成交。袁思賢稱,「瓏門10月錄得1宗成交,涉及1座中層H室,單邊望公園景,實用面積722方呎,成交價920萬元,原業主於12年9月以723萬元買入,帳面賺197萬元。買家為內地客,需要付百多萬元稅項。現時放盤量約20間,業主提供5%議幅。」深水�喜雅 用家主導2房1.6萬由房協發展的深水�住宅項目喜雅,距離交樓尚有約一兩個月,加上該盤以用家主導,目前已於市場預租單位少於10個,2房單位叫租約1.6萬元起。深水�喜雅預計1月收樓,現時約有6間租盤,實用呎租由35至40元不等,料可補充區內較新樓宇租盤缺乏的情況。喜雅位於保安道18號,距離約5分鐘可到長沙灣港鐵站,2座物業共327個單位,發展商02年開售時,標榜以首個以「港人港樓」形式推售。景怡�累錄80宗中原地產分行經理趙文揚表示,「喜雅現時有約6個放租盤,2房為主,2房實用面積457及510方呎,叫租由1.6萬元起,實用呎租約40元。3房戶實用面積622方呎,叫租2.3萬元,實用呎租約35元。但由於未有樓看,故未有預租個案。」另外,區內有數個樓齡在6年以下的單幢樓,如One New York、御匯等,當中以位於西洋菜北街的景怡�租務最為活躍。趙氏提及,「景怡�今年2月入伙,至今累積約80多宗租務成交,可見租客對區內租盤有一定的需求。盤源被消化,現僅有2個租盤,實用呎租約42至43元。」長沙灣 一號.西九龍 3房叫租貴同區1成長沙灣「四小龍」屋苑位置優勢,並設有完善的住客會所設施,故向來不愁租客。由2幢物業組成的一號.西九龍,估計最快於明年1月收樓,現階段只有約5個放租盤,3房單位叫租約2.5萬起。現已拆棚的一號.西九龍,旁為泓景臺,距離港鐵荔枝角站出入口,只需約3分鐘步程。整個物業共提供284個單位,有近約87%是3及4房大單位。未錄預租目前約有5間租盤,均是3房戶,2房未有放盤。美聯物業分行經理張靖表示,「一號.西九龍距離收樓仍有一段時間,初步租盤叫價,普偏較同區四小龍屋苑貴1成。並以樓景單位為主,如1座高層A室,實用面積877方呎,3房叫租3.1萬元,呎租約35元,業主以1,230萬元買入,預期回報約3厘。另外一個3房單位,實用面積616方呎,叫租2.5萬元,呎租約41元,為2座中層C室,業主以780萬元買入,預期回報率約3.8厘。」「四小龍」屋苑包括宇晴軒、碧海藍天、泓景臺及昇悅居,主打2房戶。張靖續稱,「屋苑近期租務淡靜,11月暫時有13宗租務成交,其中泓景臺5座中層F室,實用658方呎,月租2.2萬元。整個「四小龍」屋苑3房放租盤約20個左右,租金約2.2萬元至2.4萬元不等,而4房租盤,主要集中在宇晴軒,租盤約4個,入場費3萬元,實用面積呎租約33元。」馬頭角 港圖灣 海景戶減逾半成吸客前臨土瓜灣海心公園的港圖灣,主攻2至3房,發展商6月底開售至今,已悉數售出175伙。由於臨近年底,心急3房海景戶業主減租逾半成仍未有問津,市場僅暫錄2間單位獲外區客承租。中原地產分行經理葉文浩指出,「港圖灣10月初收樓至今,暫錄2宗租賃,平均呎租34.4元。其中低層D室,2房樓景戶,面積508方呎,放租3周後減租500元,獲外區客以1.55萬承租,呎租30.5元。」美聯物業高級區域經理林智明表示,「現有10餘間放租盤當中,最平為低層D室,2房樓景戶,起租價1.8萬,16樓以上才享開揚土瓜灣市景。」林氏提到,較大的3房1套海景戶減幅最大,極高層C室,面積890方呎,由收樓時叫租4.5萬減至現時4.2萬,減幅近7%,但仍未租出。」暫錄2宗租另外,利嘉閣地產分行經理盧偉森提到,「港圖灣A至C室低層戶,望海心公園樹景及海景,高層戶享郵輪碼頭外,部分遠眺至鯉魚門。屋苑以用家主導未有賣盤,同區翔龍灣2房面積384方呎單位,入場租金約1.4萬。」坐落於旭日街9號的港圖灣,間隔由2房至4房1套房,面積由487至1,340方呎,並設少量連平台及頂層連天台單位。撰文:李學謙 攝影:陳善南、陳堯華、何君健迷你倉

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內地官方媒體昨晚發布備受關注的中共十八屆三中全會通過的《中共中央關於全面深化改革若干重大問題的決定》(簡稱:《決定》),存倉正式宣布廢除長期備受詬病的勞動教養制度。該份被稱為綱領性文件的《決定》,在十六個領域,提出六十項具體任務,經濟體制改革成為改革重點之一,包括國企改革,擴大與香港合作,農民土地使用權自由轉讓等,同時宣布開放單獨子女生二胎,將各地法院檢察院收歸中央管理,以及解放軍成立聯合作戰指揮機構等多項改革內容。農民土地使用權可轉讓《決定》全文約二萬字,涵蓋了經濟、政治、文化、社會、生態文明以及國防和軍隊改革等六大方面。其中經濟改革佔一半以上,包括將對國企壟斷行業,實行以政企分開、政資分開、特許經營、政府監管為主要改革內容。提出健全城鄉發展一體化體制機制,賦予農民可對承包土地及集體財產經營權轉讓和抵押。《決定》強調加強產權保護制度,首次提非公有制經濟財產權同樣不可侵犯,同時要求減少干預市場,加快轉變政府職能;並提出深化財稅體制改革,進一步理順中央和地方收入劃分,完善人民幣匯率市場化形成機制。擴大對港澳台開放合作對外開放方面,《決定》指要擴大對港、澳、台地區開放合作,包括加快沿邊開放步伐,允許沿邊重點口岸、邊境城市、經濟合作區在人員往來、加儲存物流、旅遊等方面實行特殊方式和政策。同時加快建設發展自由貿易園(港)區。雖然《決定》在政改方面甚少�墨,但就宣布正式廢止勞動教養制度。地方司法權將收歸中央《決定》同時提出推動省以下地方法院、檢察院人、財物統一管理,意味法院、檢察院未來將收歸中央,而上級紀委對下級紀委將實施雙重領導,以加強反腐監督。在社會管理方面,《決定》宣布啟動實施一方是獨生子女的夫婦可生育兩個孩子的政策,並將實行網上受理信訪制度。《決定》還強調要健全公共安全體系,包括完善統一權威的食品藥品安全監管機構。《決定》除提出設立國家安全委員會外,還對國防和軍隊建設提出改革意見,包括深化軍隊體制編制調整改革,健全軍委聯合作戰指揮機構和戰區聯合作戰指揮體制等。十八屆三中全會改革重點?正式廢止勞動教養制度?啟動實施單獨生二胎政策?擴大對港澳台開放合作?農民可對承包土地轉讓及抵押?地方法院、檢察院由中央統一管理?實行網上受理信訪制度?健全軍委聯合作戰和戰區聯合作戰指揮體制?非公有制經濟財產權同樣不可侵犯?鼓勵非公有制企業參與國有企業改革?健全城鄉發展一體化體制機制?完善稅制 理順中央地方收入劃分?減少干預市場 加快轉變政府職能?完善人民幣匯率市場化機制?發展自由貿易園(港)區本報綜合報道迷你倉

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Source: Milwaukee Journal SentinelNov.迷你倉 14--This is what a hardware store looks like when it dies.First a banner goes up: "Going out of business." Smaller signs say everything in the store is 20% off. That was around Labor Day. Later, it bumped up to 30%, then 40, then 50 and this week 60%.The shelves and display racks at Robertson Ace Hardware in the heart of Wauwatosa's village are picked over now. The end is imminent, like a person in his final days who has stopped eating.Owner Jeff Rauh said he has noticed that when you drop something, the sound echoes off the emptiness like it never did before. Customers have been scooping up not only his remaining inventory, but the racks that held it.Everything must go, and it must go by Saturday, when the doors are locked and the space ceases to be a hardware store for the first time in 116 years.That's how long the limestone and Cream City brick building has stood at 1417 Underwood Ave. The triangular structure, known as the Dittmar building, fits neatly in a block of the same shape. With its old-world design and three-story octagonal tower, it's really been more of a hardware castle.Another retail store is soon to open here, said Rauh, who will continue to own the building. Until the deal is firm, he didn't want to say what they'll sell, but for those of us who live in the neighborhood it will seem strange that it won't be nuts, bolts, tools, plumbing parts, paint and the million other things you get at a hardware store.Though I have shopped here, I'm as guilty as anyone for the store's demise. Rauh said people are busier now and less inclined to tackle do-it-yourself projects. We buy our light bulbs, motor oil, duct tape and other common items at the grocery store, or we hit the bigplaces like Menards and Home Depot. The long recession didn't help, either."It came down to the slowing of sales," Rauh said, and that includes the commercial customers that have gone under or moved farther out in the suburbs. Rauh ran the store with his seven part-time employees."We have pretty much come to accept it as the changing times. Saturday will be difficult. Sunday, I might be relieved," said Rauh, 49.He has worked at the store for 19 years and bought it in 1999 from his father-in-law, Jim Howard, who owned it since 1962 and retained the well-established name of the Robertson family who took it over in 1921. That's 92 years it's been Robertson Hardware, with the Ace affiliation coming in the 1970s.I'll remember a couple things about the store. You could enter through a back door that took you through a work room before youreached the actual store. And there were always a lot of red Radio Flyer wagons, tricycles, bikes and scooters in the big pict儲存倉re windows, giving the place a retro feel.Rauh took me on a tour of the store this week. Wetalked about the 14-foot ceilings, the ancient hand-operated freight elevator, and light fixtures so old that they used to operate on gas. He pointed out the original maple floor."It still squeaks so I know where everybody is in the store," he said.We talked about how the building had avoided fires and floods all these years, though a woman did accidentally drive her car through the wall a year ago.We walked through the basement, where stock was stored. The shelves are mostly empty now, though I spotted a pail of black chunks and a pink sign saying, "Yes, we have real coal lumps, 50 cents each." The store would put it near the register at Christmastime in case anyone needed to get the attention of a naughty child.This is a store that honors its past. Gold Hammer Awards for 50 years of service hang on the wall to honor Mr. Howard and Ted Christensen, who worked there until he was 80. Rauh has saved the two dinosaur cash registers that eventually were replaced by computers.On display are the old penny gumball dispenser and an antique washing machine you had to rock by hand to agitate the clothes. Government proclamations touting the store's 90th birthday are displayed, and a historical plaque was affixed to the building in 1977.Customer Chris Leffler from the neighborhood told me he has shopped at the store a couple times a week. "I don't know what I'm going to do without this place," he said.And I noticed Mike Eve walking up and down the aisles. This was the Brookfield man's first time at Robertson. He wasn't shopping. He said he just wanted to see the store before it went away.Even when the new retailer opens, Rauh said the store's beautiful ladder wall will stay as a reminder of what came before. It's a long floor-to-ceiling mix of shelves, peg boards, oak cabinets and pigeonholes with one of those sliding ladders to reach everything overhead.Rauh said he might go to 70% off on Saturday, when the store is open from 8 to 5. Leftovers will be donated to Habitat for Humanity. Rauh thinks it will take him all winter to clear the basement of 116 years of hardware store clutter.He said he will miss his customers most of all. He knew many by name and watched their kids grow up."Next Tuesday, I'll have a light bulb go out, and I'll have to go to a hardware store to get one. Then it will hit me for sure."Call Jim Stingl at (414) 224-2017 or email at jstingl@jrn.comMore Stingl onlineGo to to see Jim Stingl's video columns.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Visit the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉最平

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  3G頻譜終有定案,迷你倉最平通訊事務管理局決定引入競爭,收回目前4大電訊商三分之一的3G頻譜重新拍賣,電訊商欲重奪頻譜,拍賣成本至少需4.7億元。  通訊局又與「4大」唱反調,指電訊商有效將部分3G用戶分流到4G,相信網絡質素不會明顯下降、且加價壓力不大。有經濟學者認為拍賣勢令電訊市場出現「洗牌效應」,若有新競爭者加入,電訊商便不敢輕言加價。明冬重拍 底價每兆赫4800萬  商務及經濟發展局昨日拍板,CSL、香港電訊(HKT-PCCW)、和記香港(00215)及數碼通(00315)均獲優先權擁現有3G頻譜的三分二,即19.8兆赫,其餘三分一頻譜、即9.8兆赫將於明年第4季重新拍賣。  重新拍賣頻譜底價定於每兆赫4,800萬元,若電訊商要重奪三分一頻譜,需支付至少4.7億元,加上「優先權」下獲得的三分二頻譜至少19.5億元,各電訊商總成本約24.2億元,與早前4大電訊商顧迷你倉報告估算155億元相距甚遠,通訊局指出,報告計算錯誤,不應把4G手機成本一併計算。  政府報告曾表示,重拍頻譜或造成網速減慢9%,通訊事務電訊副總監劉光祥昨表示,數據保守估計,料隨用戶轉用4G手機、以及電訊商善用4G頻譜,將不影響服務質素。業界或興訟 通訊局積極處理  對於有電訊商表示可能提司法覆核,通訊局主席何沛謙指出,政策清楚寫明頻譜使用者在使用期到期後,不應有合理期望會優先編配頻譜,政府會積極處理訴訟。引入競爭 未必引發加價  商務及經濟發展局通訊及科技常任秘書長何淑兒指,頻譜使用費只佔流動電訊商每年總營運成本約3%,加上過往8次拍賣頻譜經驗,認為不會導致電訊商加價。CSL對決定感憂慮,指會降低服務質素及增營運成本,令消費者利益受損,和記電訊、數碼通及香港電訊均表示感失望,香港電訊表示會詳細研究決定,再決定下一步行動;現時沒有任何3G頻譜的中移動香港則表示歡迎。儲存

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新京報訊 (記者李捷)11月10日,self storage�大集團宣佈推出一款高端礦泉水產品——“�大冰泉”長白山天然礦泉水。當日,吉林省領導、�大集團領導及�大礦泉水集團領導出席發佈會,共同為�大冰泉揭開了神秘面紗。現場,主辦方還舉行了“�大冰泉”全球推廣大使受聘儀式。廣州�大足球隊主教練兼�大足球學校校長里皮、中國女排主教練兼廣東�大排球俱樂部主教練郎平、前世界足球先生菲戈、前西班牙兼皇馬雙料隊長耶羅,出任�大冰泉全球推廣大使。�大冰泉定位高端,水源取自優質長白山。根據企業發展戰略規劃,未來規劃為中國最大的千萬噸級礦泉水項目,全力打造中國規模最大、效益最好的礦泉水企業,創中國飲用水第一品牌。據介紹,�大冰泉採用國際先進生產技術設備供應商——德國克朗斯,選用優質天然礦泉水水源,產品結構分為中端、高端兩種,產品結構與市場需求相吻合。產品市場空間廣闊,產業發展前景良好,具有很大的發展空間及顯著的經濟效益。此外,�大冰泉還將借助�大地產特色產業平台,打造多元化的立體營銷渠迷你倉服務平台,全方位滿足消費者的需求,並設立全國客服熱線、定期客戶滿意度反饋機制等提升產品美譽度。�大冰泉在全國超過130個城市、逾200個項目、各地區�大酒店、�大影城、健康養生會所等設置產品展示零售店,並將開通“�大礦泉水”網上商城。該舉措不僅令�大冰泉的銷售渠道更加立體,也將為消費者提供全方位的後期客戶跟蹤服務。同時,�大集團正考慮建立一套獨立的飲用水系統,將天然礦泉水納入樓盤的社區系統裡面,這將會大大提高�大物業的附加值與吸引力。�大方面人士表示,打造綠色住宅、發展健康產業,是�大集團的未來戰略方向之一。�大冰泉的上市,從打造千萬噸級礦泉水帝國出發,標誌著�大集團在關注民生健康工程、肩負社會責任的方向上又進了一步。據悉,�大集團是在香港上市,以民生住宅產業為主,集商業、酒店、體育及文化產業為一體的特大型企業集團。�大總資產近3000億元,在全國140多個主要城市擁有大型項目260多個。�大集團宣佈推出“�大冰泉”長白山天然礦泉水活動現場。資料圖片mini storage

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