- Jan 01 Wed 2014 17:23
- Jan 01 Wed 2014 17:13
Government shutdown will delay tax filing until Jan. 31
Source: Winston-Salem Journal, N.迷你倉C.Dec. 31--Early bird tax filers can grouse at Congress again for having to wait until the end of January for the IRS to begin processing their 2013 returns.Another ripple effect from the 16-day federal government shutdown in October is the Internal Revenue Service's decision to move the first filing day from Jan. 21 to Jan. 31. The IRS expects to process more than 150 million returns in the 2013 tax season.The agency furloughed more than 90 percent of its workers and closed most of its operations during the shutdown. IRS systems, applications and databases are updated annually -- starting in October -- to reflect tax law, programming and business process changes.Late changes to federal tax laws led to the start of the 2012 filing season being delayed until Jan. 30.Danny Werfel, acting IRS commissioner, said the additional 10 days will give the agency "adequate time to program and test its tax processing systems. It's a complex process, and our bottom-line goal is to provide a smooth filing and refund process for the nation's taxpayers."The IRS delay does not affect when companies are required to send out W-2 and other income tax forms, which is by Jan. 31. Taxpayers still are required to file their returns by April 15.Some companies that offer in-person or online tax preparation services can begin accepting returns as soon as Thursday. However, they cannot submit the returns until the IR儲存倉 processing systems are operational.The IRS said there is no advantage to filing a paper return before Jan. 31.The N.C. Revenue Department said taxpayers who file their state returns electronically will not receive an acknowledgment that the return has been accepted until the IRS begins processing their federal returns.Mark Steber, chief tax officer for Jackson Hewitt Tax Service Inc., said the filing delay will be "less impactful" than that of 2012."There are no changes to tax code and collateral systems this year," Steber said. "The current year delay is more about IRS system delivery stability and reliability."Consequently, there will be less confusion, greater tax system reliability and stability, and taxpayers will be inconvenienced much less."Olga Oganesov, tax manager for Bernard Robinson & Co. LLP of Greensboro, expects most taxpayers will notice no change to the federal filing process. One change: same-sex couples are eligible to file their federal tax returns as married."The actual processing times of the returns by the IRS would not be affected," Oganesov said. "So if you normally receive your refund in two to three weeks after you file, you should still receive it within the same timeframe."rcraver@wsjournal.com(336) 727-7376Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Winston-Salem Journal (Winston Salem, N.C.) Visit Winston-Salem Journal (Winston Salem, N.C.) at 2.journalnow.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉最平
- Jan 01 Wed 2014 17:01
Safe at home: Parrish brings 'passion for people' to Habitat leadership post
Source: Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier, IowaDec.24小時迷你倉 31--WATERLOO -- Ali Parrish considers herself a "people person."She spent more than six years promoting empowerment, charity and teamwork as communications director of the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa.Now, as the new executive director of Iowa Heartland Habitat for Humanity, Parrish's focus is on sheltering them.Parrish took over the leadership position at the Waterloo-based Habitat chapter Dec. 5, as longtime director Linda Morgan prepared for a Dec. 20 retirement date.Parrish described the opportunity as a natural next step in her career."I have a deep passion for people, in particular, the idea that someone's home is a place to get their start," said Parrish, who grew up in Waterloo and earned a public relations degree at the University of Northern Iowa in 2000. "You feel safe, protected and loved and supported. I've had some experiences where I've been in some people's homes where that's not the background people have, so it's just one of those things that's personal to me."Parrish, who handled a variety of duties both officially and unofficially at the Community Foundation, said her experience there provided some necessary insights into what her current position would require."I feel my experiences at the Community Foundation were important, seeing it from a donor's perspective, the community's perspective, because I felt like not only do I have a passion for homes and families and for making the community the best place it could be, I also felt I had the background where I could be some use here and bring experiences that would be valuable."The Community Foundation's goal was to contribute grants to projects and organizations that are designed to build a better Cedar Valley, Parris said.She cited the Foundation's Women in Philanthropy group, which helps to provide funding for women's and girls' programs, as particularly satisfying -- and not unrelated to what she does now."Before I left, we were just completing our second round of a competitive grant cycle for the women's fund, where we were able to give away $10,000," she said, citing a renovation at House of Hope as a beneficiary."Our $10,000 helped leverage the funding and did that in collaboration with Iowa State students in the landscaping architecture and interior design departments," Parrish said. "Women feel it's safe place to come. They fe迷你倉旺角l more respected and valued. They have a donation room and can shop for items they need for their families. The kitchen was renovated with an extra sink and stove, so more people could be in there and have a supportive and nice place to live."Habitat is going about the same type of work, she said. Would-be homeowners put in sweat equity on other projects before they start on their own home. They work side-by-side with volunteers -- many of them regulars -- as someone's new home takes shape."The volunteers are incredible," said Parrish, who also is learning about the building projects first-hand on sites. "We have a group of what we call the regulars that come on Mondays and Thursdays, and I believe a lot of them are retired gentlemen, for the most part. Some are from John Deere. One is from Viking Pump. They come every Monday and Thursday and work on homes. We also have a Nazareth Lutheran crew that comes on Tuesdays. We also partner with AmeriCorps and have a crew that comes on Wednesdays."Deere also sends current employees out regularly each year to do "full builds," Parrish said."There are different people each time, but there are always a couple from John Deere. We have various businesses and churches that will provide volunteer crews."Students from UNI, Wartburg College and institutions from outside the area also show up for help out each year, generally during spring breaks, Parrish said.Habitat has built 119 homes in three area counties -- primarily Black Hawk -- since 1991. In 2013, 12 homes were completed in Waterloo, Cedar Falls and Waverly, plus a home-repair project in Hudson, Parrish said.Twelve more projects already are lined up for 2014: 10 in Waterloo and two in Cedar Falls, she said.Morgan, who retired officially Dec. 20 after more than 20 years with the organization, said Habitat is in good hands."She has great knowledge of the community and its needs because she's a lifelong Waterloo resident, and as an Iowa resident, she's very familiar with the state and its citizens," Morgan said. "I think she'll move the homebuilding program forward and stay focused on the mission on building homes with families and community volunteers. I see only good things ahead."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier (Waterloo, Iowa) Visit Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier (Waterloo, Iowa) at .wcfcourier.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage
- Jan 01 Wed 2014 16:50
BRIEF: Erie health officials don't expect big changes with health coverage
Source: Erie Times-News, Pa.迷你倉旺角Dec. 31--The Affordable Care Act was designed to eliminate the need for places like the St. Paul's Neighborhood Free Clinic.The Erie clinic, 1608 Walnut St., sees medical and dental patients who have no health insurance, the same people who are eligible to get coverage through the act's Health Insurance Exchange. If you have insurance, you can't get treated at the clinic.But the Erie clinic expects to see a full schedule of patients on Thursday, the day after insurance coverage starts."We see 10 tomini storage15 people a day between the medical and dental clinics, and our schedule for later this week and early next week is pretty typical," said Lisa Kelleher, the clinic's director.Local clinics, physician offices and hospitals said they expect little, if any, change Wednesday when millions of uninsured Americans have access to health insurance through the Affordable Care Act.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Erie Times-News (Erie, Pa.) Visit the Erie Times-News (Erie, Pa.) at .GoErie.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Jan 01 Wed 2014 16:40
讓改革之風勁吹 —部分企業家寄語二○一四年中國經濟
編者按:政府管的歸政府,迷你倉市場管的歸市場。這句話對於走過2013年的企業家們來說,記憶尤其深刻。在這一年,船舶、鋼鐵等傳統行業雖稍有複蘇,但頹勢未改,因產能過剩及經濟結構調整,企業紛紛轉型跨界,尋找新的盈利點;這一年,互聯網企業繼續擎起發展的大旗,他們倡導的互聯網思維早已完成跨越,成為傳統企業也不斷玩味和實踐的新詞匯;這一年,“新三板”全國擴容、公司法修改、新一輪國企改革開�,改革的新方向越來越清晰。複蘇未盡,調整待續。讓我們傾聽,對於2014年的中國經濟,企業家們還有什麼期待——中國船舶工業集團公司董事長胡問鳴:爭做自主創新“火車頭”盡管2013年我們感受到了市場複蘇帶來的一絲暖意,但對於整個船舶產業來說,這種複蘇的動力不足,前路依然艱難。2014年,仍將是深度調整之年。從全球經濟形勢看,發達經濟體剛剛出現好轉跡象,新興經濟體又面臨著較大的下行壓力,影響中國經濟發展的外部環境仍存在諸多不確定性因素。從國內經濟看,2014年多數製造業仍面臨產能過剩、價格疲軟、成本上升、資金趨緊、盈利下降等問題,面臨結構大調整、產業大洗牌、企業大重組等嚴峻考驗。從行業發展看,航運與造船“雙過剩”局面仍將延續,2014年運力過剩壓力難以緩解;新船價格雖然開始回升,但上漲動力有限。以上種種,都意味著2014年中船集團6大產業板塊面臨的需求環境和競爭形勢不容樂觀。2014年,是中船集團深入推進轉型的關鍵之年,也是實現“十二五”目標的攻堅之年。我們將從造船走向海洋,以海洋裝備為立足點,全面發展海洋安全裝備、海洋科考裝備、海洋運輸裝備、海洋開發裝備,引領中國海洋裝備產業發展,力求成為中國海洋裝備研發、設計、建造的“領頭羊”,中國船舶工業自主創新的“火車頭”,國有企業深化改革主導發展的“中流砥柱”。我們還明確了加快全面轉型的發展思路,深化管控模式改革,加快轉變發展方式,深化業務結構調整,從根本上提升自主研發能力和軟實力。中興通訊股份有限公司董事長侯為貴:信息消費促發內生動力在拉動經濟增長的“三駕馬車”中,國家亟須新型的消費形態助力消費結構調整和經濟轉型升級。作為一種特殊的消費形態,信息消費無疑將在2014年為市場帶來新活力。從當前情況來看,傳統的通信行業呈現出以下特點:電信市場逐漸飽和,未來增長空間有限,語音及短信收入走向負增長,但數據、視頻流量將成為通信行業的主要增長點。而更為值得關注的是,隨著無線寬帶、智能終端和雲計算的發展,移動互聯網時代正加速到來。移動互聯網將重構傳統的通信業和互聯網業,成為信息消費的主流方向,各類信息應用將蓬勃發展。其中,基礎網絡建設既是綠色產業投資,也是信息消費的關鍵助推力,可直接和間接地拉動經濟增長,創造就業崗位。2013年12月4日,工信部向3大運營商發放4G牌照,中國電信市場駛入了4G快車道。2014年,4G網絡建設將顯著刺激信息消費的需求。4G網絡建設的鋪開,將對設備製造、終端、芯片、運營服務等整個產業鏈帶來新增長點,僅4G網絡前期建設拉動投資規模就在5000億元左右。中興通訊作為全球主流的設備供應商,已經在海外多個國家部署了4G網絡,也是全球最早部署融合4G網絡的設備提供商,並已在海外銷售了數十款4G終端。4G時代,我們有信心繼續保持我們3G時代在技術、服務等領域的優勢,為中國消費者提供更優質的網絡、更好的用戶體驗終端。新興際華集團董事長劉明忠:推動傳統產業轉型升級新興際華集團作為國有大型央企,其業務領域在冶金製造、輕工紡織、重工機械、商貿物流等完全競爭領域的傳統產業。展望2014年,我們所處的產業領域還將面臨激烈的市場競爭,僅靠規模不足以帶領這些傳統產業走向未來。過去幾年,我們一直牢牢把握住創新這個戰略基本點,佔領技術制高點、市場制高點、行業制高點。未來,製造業是基礎,服務業是平台,以服務業支撐製造業,以製造業倒逼服務業,將製造業與服務業特別是信息業深度融合,由製造業向製造服務業延伸和轉型,是以強企夢助推實現中國夢、實現兩個百年目標的關鍵。我們將以提質量增效益為著眼點,全面調結構、促轉型,實施產品、產業、產權結構等3大調整,以及科技、管理、品牌、模式、組織、市場創新等6大轉型。我們還將以建設規範董事會制度為核心,完善現代國有企業制度,進一步提升決策科學化和治理現代化mini storage平;同時,以全球化協同化為著力點,進一步抓住大數據和互聯網經濟新機遇,推動工信融合、產融結合,為產業做強提供支撐;立足多元產業優勢,發揮龍頭企業帶動和戰略聯盟整合作用,提升產業集中度、行業控制力;深度參與自貿區經濟和全球化競爭,提升“走出去”展開國際運營和競爭的能力,打造“新興”和“際華”兩個國際主品牌,衝刺世界品牌500強。中國建材集團董事長宋志平:混合所有制經濟引領進步對建材行業而言,2014年總體形勢將好于2013年。中央經濟工作會議和全國城鎮化工作會議,把新型城鎮化建設提高到新的高度,提出發展“若干城市群”,這將為建材行業提供持續的剛性需求。中西部鐵路公路建設、城市棚戶區改造、保障房建設等,也都將拉動建材產品需求。同時,中央加大化解產能過剩力度,繼發佈41號文件之後,中央經濟工作會議明確提出“堅定不移化解產能過剩”,預計新增產能將得到一定控制。國家不斷加強節能環保約束,淘汰落後產能速度將進一步加快;各地大力治理霧霾等空氣汙染問題,局部地區可能出現限產措施,這都將在一定程度上緩解大宗建材產品的供需矛盾。對於中國建材集團而言,集團多年來堅持“央企市營”的市場化改革,就是通過發展混合所有制模式,實現了持續健康快速發展。目前,中國建材集團淨資產650億元,其中440億元是社會資本,210億元是國有資本,國有資本只占三分之一,以650億元的淨資產控制一個3000多億元總資產的企業,國有資本的撬動力更大,保值增值能力也更高。2014年,中國建材將繼續推進改革創新,大力發展混合所有制經濟,努力建設又強又優、具有國際競爭力的世界一流建材產業集團。江蘇沙鋼集團董事局主席沈文榮:創新思維應對“微利時代”沙鋼集團建廠38年來,堅定不移實施“打造精品基地,建設綠色鋼城”發展戰略,堅持科技領航,開展自主創新,加速結構優化,推進聯合重組,加快轉型升級,實現高效穩健發展,現已成為全國最大的民營鋼鐵企業、國家創新型企業,連續5年進入世界500強,並躋身于全球最具競爭力10大鋼鐵企業行列。2013年,面對全行業進入“微利時代”的嚴峻挑戰,沙鋼緊緊圍繞提高“效率效益”這個中心,創新發展思路,加強科學管理,提升指標水平,促進生產經營穩健運行。2014年是中國全面深化改革與促進經濟轉型的重要一年,新的改革路徑為民營企業發展帶來了利好。但是,從國際市場來看,國際經濟複蘇的動力來源依然模糊;從國內市場來看,國內靠投資持續拉動經濟高速增長已經成為過往,鋼鐵行業高產能、高成本、低需求、低利潤的嚴峻形勢將持續存在。因此,2014年,機遇與挑戰仍將並存。新的一年裡,沙鋼將以“做精做強鋼鐵主業、做大做優現代物流、做好做實非鋼產業”為戰略導向,堅持突出質量、效益和效率“三大重點”,切實抓好系統降本、結構調整、新品開發、質量提升、節能減排、物流建設、非鋼發展、文化建設等“八大工作”,推進企業實現品牌形象更優、創新發展更活、轉型升級更快“三大目標”,全面提高企業經濟的運行質量,進一步提升企業核心競爭力。UC優視董事長兼首席執行官俞永福:互聯網企業要“走出去”過去一年,中國互聯網依然保持著高速的成長。與以往不同的是,中國企業正借助移動互聯網掀起一波“下南洋”的產業浪潮。在東南亞市場,UC瀏覽器、微信這些中國公司的產品已成為當地人的手機必備。過去,中國全球影響力的體現是“中國製造”,這裡面有很多浙江民營企業的貢獻。其中很多人並沒有多好的英語水平,但他們還是把生意做到了全世界。所以我認為,中國的互聯網企業沒有理由不往全球化這個方向努力,而當下正是有史以來中國互聯網企業“出海”最好的窗口期。UC很早就開始了自己的國際化探索,今天,UC的產品已經覆蓋150個國家和地區,並在10個以上國家市場份額超過10%,UC瀏覽器的海外用戶2012年底就已經過億,2013年又在印度拿下了市場第一。我們同時看到,微信在東南亞也取得了非常可觀的用戶量,Go桌面則在美國市場證明瞭自己的商業價值,中國互聯網企業完全有能力在全球市場上擁有立足之地。未來,UC會通過自己的平台戰略,幫助國內的創業者們一起走出去,移動遊戲和娛樂服務等同樣可以在海外尤其是亞洲市場順利落地。我相信,只要中國互聯網企業能夠掌握各地市場規律,腳踏實地做好產品和運營,“走出去”就一定能實現。儲存
- Dec 31 Tue 2013 14:40
根據財政部公布,儲存11 月份全國共銷售彩票274.16 億元人民幣,同比增長15.6%;累計今年首11 個月全國共銷售2790.52 億元人民幣,同比增長18.9%,可見內地彩票行業跟澳門賭業不遑多讓,同樣處於高增長期。彩票股御泰中彩(555)近期股價呈現強勢;加上明年有巴西世界盃因素,升勢有餘未盡,上周五曾創出1.1 元新高,昨天收報1.03元,跌0.02 元或1.9%。若以8 月低位0.45 元計,股價至今累升逾倍。整固後上望1.2元御泰中彩於2007 年進軍彩票業務,股價最高1.62 元,現價仍低4 成。雖然在不足3 個月內升逾60%,對比同業華彩(1371)轉主板後已升逾3 倍;加上「500 彩票網」以高估值到美國上市,御泰中彩有機會二度發力。估計在高位整固後有力再上,下一站目標價1.2元。御泰中彩的彩票業務,大致分為系統及遊戲開發業務和配送,以及市場業務兩部分。在系統及遊戲開發業務方面,集團的非全資附屬公司深圳市思樂數據技術在中國17 個彩票省份提供專業服務。另外,又透過北京戈德利邦科技參與福彩即開票的認證業務。在配送及市場業務方面,集團已建立了全面的配送平台,並透過合作模式,與渠道夥伴(主要為連鎖便利店、超級市場、雜貨店、藥房、加油站及郵局等)設立實體彩票配送網絡。集團還推出了手機彩票平台,提供以短訊形式購買彩票。未來將利用手機平台的不同功能, 例如二維碼(QR code)和訊息欄(message banner),吸引更多玩家以推動銷售。今年上半年集團營業額同比增加16%,至11.5 億元;股東應佔溢利為4.9 億元,增長12.1%。全年盈利估計可達9.6 億元,增長17%;市盈率約10倍。內地財政部公布,11 月份全國彩票銷售總額274 億元(人民幣.下同),按年增長15.6%。其中,福迷你倉彩票銷售153 億元,按年增19.2%;體育彩票銷售121億元,按年增11.4%。今年首11 個月,累積彩票銷售2791 億元,按年升18.9%;福利彩票及體育彩票銷售額分別為1589 億及1202 億元,按年升16.9%及21.7%。隨�今年財政部印發《彩票發行銷售管理辦法》列明互聯網銷售為合法手段後,互聯網彩票的增長動力進一步加大,金額從2008 年的20 億元,增至2012 年的230 億元,佔全年彩票銷售比例從1.8%上升至8.9%。在智能手機普及推動下,預期互聯網佔整體彩票銷售比例超過30%。網上彩票潛力無限互聯網渠道潛力無限,網上彩票銷售商「500 彩票網」赴紐約證券交易所集資1.5 億美元擴大業務,首日股價表現大升54%,反映網上銷售彩票在法律監管、盈利模式及發展前景等方面,首次得到資本市場的高度認可,同業御泰中彩將同樣受惠。隨�手機彩票及電子彩票配合發展,御泰中彩亦有競彩業務的增長潛力,配合目前龐大的實體及電子彩票配送網絡,其他如高頻遊戲及電子即開票亦有不俗發展潛力。公司在行業的彩票系統與遊戲開發處於龍頭地位,並具備把相關經驗拓展至其他具潛質的周邊業務,達到多元化的可能性。無疑其2016年的6%可換股債券兌換股價為0.61 元,將對後市構成壓力,而業務亦與相關地方彩票企業的合約風險掛�。彭博綜合預測2013 年盈利9.56 億元(港元.下同)。御泰市值87.2 億元, 是業內龍頭;2007 年轉型至今,盈利狂翻86 倍,目前估值仍低,預期市賬率較過去5年平均1.75倍仍有折讓。集團擁有淨現金2.12 億元,財政狀況良好。據資料顯示,Mutual FundElite 於11 月25 日,在市場減持3800 萬股御泰中彩,令持股數目減至5.6 億股,持股量由7.11%減至6.67%。高志行self storage
- Dec 31 Tue 2013 14:34
More gloom in store for HK port
More gloom for HK port as mainland threat grows City loses No3 spot to Shenzhen after container throughput drops for two consecutive years After ceding its status as the world’s third-busiest container port to Shenzhen and falling to fourth place this year, Hong Kong is likely to see its business volume drop further next year.mini storage Hong Kong has suffered two consecutive years of decline in container throughput, said Sunny Ho Lap-kee, executive director of the Hong Kong Shippers’ Council. “[Next year] may see still more negative growth,” Ho added. In the first 11 months of this year, throughput at the city fell 4.2 per cent to 20.36 million 20-foot equivalent units (teu) after dropping 5.2 per cent last year, the Hong Kong Port Development Council said. In contrast, Shenzhen’s throughput rose 1.2 per cent to 21.3 million teu in the first 11 months, while that of Shanghai, the world’s busiest port, grew 4 per cent to 30.95 million teu, official data showed. Hong Kong’s port throughput was feeling the aftershocks of the strike at the Kwai Tsing container terminals from March 28 to May 9, said Ho. “We have difficulties handling more transshipment, which is a constraint to further growth,” he said, pointing out the shortage of land and labour in the city. Next year, Hong Kong’s decline as a port would be exacerbated as more factories left the Pearl River Delta to low-cost countries like Vietnam, Ho said. Exports from factories in the delta account for a large share of the city’s container trade. In contrast, US investment bank Jefferies expected the mainland’s throughput growth to accelerate to 7.6 per cent next year from 6.7 per cent this year as the economic environment continued to improve there. European inventory was at its lowest level since the global financial crisis in 2008, which should boost Chinese exports next year, said a Jefferies report. Ho predicted a moderate recovery in container shipping in the Greater China region next year. Transpacific trade would improve because the US economy appeared to be picking up, he said. But he added the shift of manuself storageacturing from the Pearl delta to Southeast Asia would boost shipping between the mainland, Hong Kong and the rest of Asia. Geoffrey Cheng, an analyst at Bocom International, said: “Next year, the market should be slightly better. Demand is recovering. But we’re not talking about double-digit growth. It’ll probably be high single digits.” Jefferies remains cautious on container shipping because the sector may struggle to stay profitable next year as surplus capacity will depress freight rates. Globally, capacity growth would increase to 7 per cent next year from 6 per cent this year as container shipping lines had pushed to next year some of the new capacity originally scheduled for delivery this year, Jefferies said in a separate report. Tapering of the bond-buying programme in the United States could depress currencies in emerging markets, which might slow those markets’ purchasing power of Chinese exports, Jefferies warned. “There may be a lot of volatility in freight rates as the container liners may show pockets of collective strength, but generally, surplus capacity will dictate the direction of freight rates. We could continue to see both lower freight rates and lower unit costs among container liners,” it said. On a bright note, the mainland’s policies such as free-trade zones and subsidies for companies scrapping old vessels would benefit both its shipping and shipbuilding sectors, said a report by Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. The market expected the subsidy to benefit Hong Kong-listed shipping firms like China Cosco and China Shipping Development, said ICBC. Mainland shipyards would also gain from new vessel orders as a result of the subsidy, it added. More free-trade zones besides Shanghai were expected to emerge in the mainland after the reforms initiated at the third plenum in November, ICBC said. It said cities that would possibly have such zones included Guangzhou, Tianjin and Xiamen, which are also home to several shipyards. “The land value of shipyard properties is expected to surge if more free-trade zones are allowed,” it added. 迷你倉
- Dec 31 Tue 2013 14:25
四川經濟日報自貢訊(彭敏 記者 陳家明)近年來,mini storage自貢市沿灘區興隆鎮遵循因地制宜,產城一體化發展,充分利用國家以工代賑工程、退耕還林後續產業項目和金土地工程優惠政策,發揮城郊獨特區位優勢,科學編制 “一走廊、兩小區、三基地”發展規劃,傾力打造宜居宜業城市近郊特色鄉鎮。據興隆鎮黨委書記陳利介紹說,興隆鎮緊緊抓住臥龍湖尾端穿過興隆鎮先鋒村,山清水秀、風景秀麗的有利契機,按照產業要素的適宜性,依托該市臥龍湖旅遊開發項目的輻射作用,將S305至臥龍湖尾端約2公里依山傍水的沙田村、先鋒村地域進行包裝,深入挖掘本土文化,特別是在民間廣泛流傳的“陳友諒墓”、“一碗水”、“油壺石”等傳說,培育“車燈民俗文化”,以深厚文化積澱吸引遊客,引進社會資本,吸引業主入駐,形成集休閒、垂釣、娛樂、餐飲、農業觀光旅遊為主的城市近郊休閒旅遊景區走廊。近年來,興隆鎮黨委政府堅持以“工業強鎮、農業穩鎮、旅遊活鎮、城建興鎮”為發展基調,堅持“兩化”互動,推進“工業小區、農民迷你倉中區、田園風光休閒旅遊區”建設,率先在全市進行農村“宅院歸併”試點,在衛星村6組建設全市第一個農村“宅院歸併”農民集中居住小區。該小區規劃占地300多畝,建築面積8—10平方米,不但能容納500多戶2000多農民集中居住,還形成兩條農民街,商業門面達100多個,將極大地促進第三產業的發展,並實現在“村中城”就業200多人。同時,按照“特色建園、效益建園、生態建園、和諧建園”的理念,高起點對工業小區進行了規劃,並以建成面積達300畝的10億工業小區為奮鬥目標,逐步開創新型工業化新局面。目前已形成礦山機械、管件生產、建工建材等特色工業區,已引進入駐企業8戶,其中規模企業5戶。據瞭解,興隆鎮將�動留永、衛星兩村300畝標準化水產養殖基地建設。同時,將大力發展蔬菜種植業,進一步壯大先鋒、舒灘、衛星、留永等4個村的蔬菜種植規模。並積極推進仔豬繁育基地建設,鞏固肉牛基地,發展肉兔、肉鵝、蛋雞養殖業,達到年出欄生豬1萬頭、肉牛300頭、肉兔10萬只。文件倉
- Dec 31 Tue 2013 14:20
人保財險技術、服務雙升級 車險電銷開拓新渠道
- Dec 31 Tue 2013 14:10
索尼諾基亞鹹魚翻生 把握機會轉型 今年股價倍升
【本報綜合報道】不少環球知名企業曾風光一時,迷你倉但受業務轉變及潮流退卻影響,包括諾基亞、索尼(Sony)、Crocs、宏�(Acer)等,近年股價一蹶不振,成為發霉股,但有部份企業把握機會扭轉頹勢,如諾基亞及索尼,今年股價已升近倍,實行鹹魚翻生;Crocs、宏�亦引入私募基金及換高層,謀求一線生機。諾基亞、索尼、Crocs及宏�股價分別從高位回落85%至98%,該等企業近年紛紛採取轉型、重整架構等策略。索尼新機撼低iPhone5s例如,索尼及諾基亞面對蘋果及三星電子長期雄霸電子產品市場,近年股價表現慘淡,但兩企今年股價分別升99.6%及90.6%,有翻身之勢。其中索尼手機及遊戲機銷情理想,Xperia Z1f在日本開售後打低iPhone5s進佔銷售榜首位,PS4在北美市場開售首天銷量突破100萬部;此外日圓貶值令出口翻生,而市場憧憬公司分拆娛樂業務,亦是帶動該股股價上揚的因素。諾基亞9月獲微軟斥資72億美元收購手機業務,轉移專注發展網路設備部門及專利,雖然外界認為是手機業界的神話終結,但該公司股價自9月反彈96%。在上述發霉股當中,鞋商Croc文件倉亦有望否極泰來,事關集團昨宣佈,黑石集團將以優先股投資形式,向該公司注資2億美元。交易完成後黑石將持有Crocs13%股權,並在董事局佔兩席。該批資金將用於明年首季的3.5億美元股份回購計劃,消息刺激其股價昨日曾漲約10%,反映市場投信心一票。Crocs引入黑石博翻身Crocs以運動休閒涼鞋打響名堂,但近年熱潮冷卻,公司業務陷困境。分析指,Crocs現引入黑石,有望谷底翻身。消息指,黑石計劃Crocs將關閉部份美國分店,積極拓展亞洲市場,及推出新產品。台灣的宏�則受個人電腦行業萎縮拖累,第三季淨虧損131.2億新台幣。分析指該公司遲遲未能在平板電腦及智能手機市場爭佔一席位,是導致近年股價低殘的原因,但近月該公司開始發展雲端服務,另推出低成本智能手機,確立轉型方向;而且該公司又宣佈重整架構,裁員7%,期望明年可節省1億美元。此外,宏�日前宣佈,委任台積電前高層陳俊聖接任行政總裁一職,令宏�股價單日升6.18%;陳俊聖上任不足一周,昨又有3名高層離任。分析指,陳俊聖能補足宏�欠缺的創新及應對業界轉型的反應速度,因此投資者看好公司前景,帶動股價上揚。存倉