日本索尼(Sony)最新型號遊戲機PlayStation 4(PS4)本周五於北美率先發售,迷你倉售價399美元(約3,112港元),並稱已有100萬人預購,有信心年底前售出300萬部,不負市場預期。業內人士預料,PS4初期的銷情可望理想,惟聖誕過後,與微軟下周五推出的Xbox One之間競爭勢將加劇。業內人士料,索尼PS4初期的銷情可望理想。目標速售500萬部美國索尼電腦娛樂主席兼行政總裁Jack Tretton稱,PS4存貨充足,能應付明年三月底前售出500萬部的目標。分析認為,索尼較對手微軟早一周推出PS4,保持供貨穩定是確立優文件倉的關鍵;故Tretton顯然指,索尼將防止○六年推出PS3時,來貨規劃欠妥當,導致初期銷情不理想的問題重演。雖然智能手機、平板電腦和社交網絡遊戲,近年憑較低價錢和較多玩家,威脅傳統遊戲機市場,但業內人士對PS4和Xbox One發售初期的銷情感到樂觀,原因是索尼和微軟上次推出遊戲機已是至少七年前的事,比其產品周期還要長,來自一眾擁躉的需求勢抑壓已久,配合有趣遊戲和天價推銷,兩者不難掀起熱潮。不過,在聖誕假期過後,兩者之間的競爭就會轉趨激烈,原因是索尼和微軟屆時定會增加產品供應量,且精打細算的消費者亦會在比較兩者性能後,才作購買決定。存倉

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This is the season when autumn unfolds her brilliant reds, golds, oranges and purples under sapphire skies and a warm sun.存倉 The breeze is cool, the humidity low.To appreciate spectacular autumn scenery, travelers needn't go far from Shanghai.A 25-minute high-speed train takes visitors to areas around Suzhou in Jiangsu Province, where they can hike to their hearts' content and enjoy seasonal dishes such as freshwater fish and shrimp, and jujube congee. And the best part: It's not swamped with tourists.Tianping MountainSouthwest of Suzhou, Tianping Mountain is widely considered to be among the four best spots in China to see red maples, along with Xiangshan Mountain in Beijing, Qixia Mountain in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, and Yuelu Mountain in Changsha, Hunan Province.This "mountain" is only 201 meters above sea level, more like a big hill, but it is steep.The summit offers spectacular views of crimson, ochre, and magenta maples, unusual rock formations and pure streams and springs.Walking up a path fringed with trident maples, I encountered a huge, 400-year-old maple tree nearly 10 stories high. It would take three adults together to encircle it with their arms. At the foot of the mountain are 130 other trees also around 400 years old. These maples are known as the "five-color maples," referring to their autumnal color change from green to yellow, then orange, red and purple.Even in early November, some maple trees near the lake already were turning intense red. Color changes depend on the temperature variation between day and night and other conditions.An extreme temperature swing creates bright colors early in the season. Trees near the lake turn red before others because they absorb more dew and frost."The best period to enjoy the autumn colors is in the middle of November," said Xu Ping, an official of the Tianping Mountain Scenic Spot.On the zigzag bridge on Ten Sights Pond at the foot of the mountain, I could see foliage changing color from top to bottom, as well as dramatically shaped rocks and outcroppings. They resemble official tablets or steles pointing skyward. They were like reminders of feudal times, when Chinese officials held tablets when they were to meet the emperor.The calm and mirror-like lake reflects the vivid autumn colors — brilliant in the sunlight — on the mountain above. Colored leaves fallen into the lake flow with the current. Children play on stones on the shore.Everything is so harmonious that I feel as though I am in a watercolor painting.Tianping Mountain is steep and the paths are rocky; sometimes only one person can pass between two large, oddly shaped rocks. It helps to be in good physical shape to make the hike. Following the rushing sound of water, I found Baiyun Spring, named by poet Bai Juyi of the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907). The spring is famously clear and sweet and was called one of the most delightful springs in Suzhou by Lu Yu (AD 733-804), the "Sage of Tea," in his monumental book "The Classic of Tea."After climbing for 45 minutes, I was exhausted, but when I reached the summit and the observation tower, it was all worthwhile and my fatigue disappeared.From the tower, I saw the multicolored leaves like a colorful cloud drifting from the sky. I also had a panoramic view of the entire city of Suzhou, old and new.Going downhill to the bottom, a much easier 30-minute walk, I found many people watching an acrobatics show at Maple Square, celebrating the 20th Red Maple Festival of Tianping Mountain. It runs through December 9, featuring traditional performances, such as lion dances, live music, handicrafts, a photo exhibition and food stalls. Every year, thousands of photographers, painters and calligraphers gather to record the beauty of autumn in images and poetry.Watching the autumn colors at sunset, shifting in the breeze, is breathtaking.Shihu Lake and Shangfang MountainAn inner bay of much larger Taihu Lake, Shihu Lake is a scenic spot of peaceful farm life and relics of the Wu and Yue kingdoms of the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC). Temples, pagodas and tombs on Shangfang Mountain near the lake are worth visiting. Taihu Lake is China's third-largest freshwater lake, after Boyang Lake in Jiangxi Province and Dongting Lake in Hunan Province.Taking a boat ride in Shihu Lake in the early morning, I felt refreshed by the mist that burned off in the warm sunlight. I sipped a cup of Biluochun, a famous local green tea with a pleasant aroma, and ate delicious dim sum, such as plum cake, jujube congee and sweet lotus root.The boatman told me that Shihu Lake used to be a popular gathering spot in ancient times. Hundreds of people from nearby cities, including royalty, officials, and literati convened to compose poetry, paint, discuss art and literature and, of course, to drink baijiu (distilled white spirits).Moo儲存light gatherings were famous during traditional festivals, such as the Mid-Autumn Festival.After breakfast I strolled along a path fringed with sweet osmanthus and took in an exhibition of chrysanthemums of many colors, gold, orange, bronze, deep red. The scene is reminiscent of the garden of Fan Chengda, a retired official and poet of the Song Dynasty (960-1279) who retired to live near Shihu Lake. There he wrote 60 poems about peasant life over four seasons, saying he drew inspiration in his garden near the lake.The Shihu Lake Chrysanthemums Exhibition covers 2,000 square meters and runs through the end of November. It features Suzhou-style bonsai displays and a flower arrangement competition. Visitors watch folk music performances and demonstrations of painting and calligraphy in competitions.It's all so appealing that it's understandable the literati wanted to linger in autumn.Maple Bridge Scenic AreaThis scenic spot is closer to downtown Suzhou than Shihu Lake and Tianping Mountain.The Maple Bridge over the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal is more than a bridge. It's part of the Grand Canal of China, part of an ancient town, part of a temple, and a famous image in a poem.More than one thousand years ago, poet Zhang Ji of the Tang Dynasty rowed a boat under the Maple Bridge and listened to bells in nearby Hanshan Temple on an autumn evening. He moored the boat at the foot of the bridge, looked at the moon in the clear dark sky, and felt deeply homesick. He wrote "A Night Mooring near Maple Bridge." I stood at the place where he moored the boat, saw Maple Bridge and nearby Jiangcun Bridge and knew why he was inspired.Climbing to Tieling Pass, I reached the three-story gate used in battles against Japanese pirates during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). I looked out over two bridges (Maple Bridge and Jiancun), Hanshan Temple and a few boats on the canal.Tieling Pass connected to the Maple Bridge is 7 meters high, 15 meters wide and stretches more than 10 meters.Maple Bridge Town west of Suzhou was the most important water transport hub for grain, food and tribute since the Sui Dynasty (AD 581-618).There are many rice shops, traditional crafts shops, embroidery studios and also weaving and textile shops on the streets.How to get there:High-speed train from Shanghai Railway Station or Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station takes half an hour. One-way, second class costs 40 yuan (US$6.50).Nearby attractions:Mudu is a historic cultural town in Suzhou's rural western suburbs and it's connected by the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal with Taihu Lake. It contains more than 30 private gardens, both delicate and elaborate. Built during the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties, they include Yan's Garden, Bangyan Mansion and Hongyin Villa. Emperor Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty called Hongyin Villa his imperial palace during his regular tours of the region south of the Yangtze River. The aesthetics of the garden with its streams, ponds, paths, rockeries, pavilions and plantings drew him back again and again.There are many traditional restaurants along Qionglong Road. Aquatic plants and animals are recommended, including "Three Whites in Taihu Lake," meaning silver fish, white fish and white shrimp. Another dish combines lotus root, and seeds of gorgon euryale, a water plant.Nanhao StreetNear Chang Gate, Nanhao Street was a famous market and remains so today, crowded with stalls and vendors selling snacks and food. In the fall the typical snack is Chinese chestnuts fried with sweet osmanthus sugar and arrowhead root chips.Every April 14 on the lunar calendar, thousands of people gather at the Shenxian Temple or Fairy Temple to pray for good fortune and enjoy the temple fair. Activities include traditional paper cutting, making models with sugar and glass blowing (aided by craftsmen).Tianping MountainOpening hours: 7:30am-5pmAdmission: 30 yuanTel: 0512-6626-1382By Metro: Take Suzhou Metro Line 1 to Mudu Station and take tourist bus at Gate 5.By bus: Take Suzhou Nos. 4, 315, 662 bus and Tourist Line 4.By car: Suzhou Xihuan Elevated Rd — Laodong Rd Exit — Zhuyuan Rd — Lingtian RdIt has a parking lot for 700 cars.Shihu LakeOpening hours: 6am-4:30pmAdmission: 40 yuan for Shangfang Mountain.Shihu Lake area is free.Tel: 0512-6823-0300By bus: Take Suzhou Nos. 415, 602, 504, 505, 306, 512, 318 bus.By car: Suzhou Youxin Rd — Baodai Rd W. — Wuyue RdMaple BridgeOpening hours: 8am-5pmAdmission: 25 yuanTel: 0512-6557-5100By bus: Take Suzhou Nos. 45, 33, 415 bus and Tourist Line 3.By car: Suzhou Xihuan Elevated Rd — Jinmen Rd — Heshan RdMudu Ancient TownHours: 8am-4:30pmAdmission: 60 yuanBy bus: Take Suzhou Nos. 502, 38, 63 bus and Tourist Line 4.By car: Suzhou Xihuan Rd — Laodong Rd — Suoshan BridgeNanhao StreetHours: All dayAdmission: freeBy bus: Take Suzhou Nos. 31, 501, 311, 34, 415, 442 bus.迷你倉

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迷你倉 本周六,歌詩達郵輪品鑒會暨2014東莞康輝新春出境游旅遊熱賣會將在東莞新城國際酒店一樓大堂舉行,價值10萬等比例縮小維多利亞號船模將首次抵達東莞,市民朋友可以先一睹維多利亞號風範。據介紹,康輝斥巨資包船,避免了以往的郵輪度假之旅,動輒上萬的參團費。維多利亞號船票價格根據房型的規格低至2999元,艙房入住人數部分可入住三或四人,而康輝獨家推出結伴同行,第三、四位遊客若為13周歲以下孩童及55周歲以上長者則全免船費,相當於是花兩個人的價格,就能有四個人享受。mini storage

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【陳�蔚╱台北報導】遠雄集團旗下遠雄悅來飯店(2712)將於12月3日以每股25~30元掛牌,儲存昨舉行掛牌前法說會。董事長洪賢德表示,將啟動拓點計劃,除現有花蓮據點,目前已有另外4個據點正在籌備中,包括大巨蛋以及宜蘭礁溪據點,都可望於2016年完工。 待全數現有籌設據點陸續加入營運,洪賢德指出,品牌旗下管理的房間數將上看3000間,取得在台灣連鎖飯店一席之地。 礁溪點估2016年完工 根據規劃,台北大巨蛋據點主要與遠雄巨蛋合作,為品牌旗下第1個都會型5星級飯店,約有400個房間數,目前已經蓋到第7樓,在現有籌備據點中,可望最快加入營運,在2016年完工後,預估2017年就可正式對外營運。其他包括宜蘭礁溪、阿里山等據點,目前也都在積極籌備中,宜蘭礁溪據點預計最快明年就可動工,同樣也可望於2016年完工。若加上阿里山據點預定地,目前已在環境評估審查當中,另有高雄據點也已經與地主簽下意向書,未來據點擴充將推動營收規模快速成長。據了解,現有籌設當中的飯店,除了母公司遠雄集團之外,另有獨立業主,遠雄已積極評估將採取以品牌授權收取授權金,或是以委託管理方式收取管理費。遠雄悅來目前僅有花蓮據點,共有391間客房,主要收入來源以國內旅遊市場為主,迷你倉旅營收貢獻高達93%,陸客貢獻僅佔約5%,其中客房業務營收佔比達63%,餐飲業務僅約31%。遠雄悅來今年上半年營收2.08億元,較去年同期衰退4.6%,稅後純益僅283萬元,年減40.9%,每股純益0.03元。 與地方政府聯合促銷 遠雄悅來總經理王慶祺分析,上半年營收、獲利衰退主因是去年台灣東部地區大雨沖擊蘇花公路交通,導致今年年初蘇花公路部分路段採取交通管制,也降低遊客到東部旅遊的意願。王慶祺強調,雖然上半年營收獲利受到交通因素影響衰退,不過隨著下半年有暑假加持,加上蘇花公路恢復正常運輸,預期都將帶動營收獲利回到成長軌道。為了降低交通因素影響營運表現,王慶祺指出,目前飯店已經積極與地方政府及觀光業者舉行聯合促銷方案,另也希望透過加開火車或航班等方式,增加國內遊客到東部的便利性。此外,王慶祺分析,蘇花公路改善計劃也將於2016年部分通車,至2017年全線通車後,可望推升花蓮遠雄悅來飯店住房率成長。 【遠雄悅來飯店小檔案】 董事長:洪賢德總經理:王慶祺資本額:9.5億元近期業績概況:2013年上半年營收2.08億元,每股純益0.03元拓點計劃:除現有花蓮據點,台北巨蛋、宜蘭、阿里山及高雄據點已在積極籌備中資料來源:業者、記者整理儲存倉

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香港文匯報訊(記者 卓建安)星展銀行(香港)執行董事及高級經濟師梁兆基表示,self storage今年人民幣國際化進程出現區域性發展,而香港商界使用人民幣仍停滯不前,但隨�本港居民每日兌換2萬元人民幣上限的放寬或取消,明年香港人民幣業務的深度會加強,人民幣資金池會增加。財庫局局長陳家強昨日在公開場合表示,隨�新加坡及英國獲得人民幣合格境外機構投資者(RQFII)額度,加上台灣已可進行人民幣清算服務,相信本港已失壟斷地位。上海自貿區的成立,亦有分析指出上海自貿區將影響香港離岸人民幣中心的地位。不過,陳家強指出,香港不應擔心有關轉變,相信香港有能力適應多變的市場環境,香港要歡迎更多外來競爭以配合人民幣國際化。星展:人幣資金池將續增加梁兆基昨日出席記者會時表示,在去年第四季度至今年第三季度期間,人民幣國際化進程出現區域性發展,範圍涵蓋新加坡、台灣和倫敦。然而,香港缺乏政策的催化因素,尤其是在增加人民幣資金規模方面,商界使用人民幣仍停滯不前,而港元和美元仍是進行商業交易和貿易結算的主要貨幣迷你倉梁兆基亦指出,隨�人行放寬或取消本港居民每日兌換2萬元人民幣的上限,香港個人人民幣財富管理產品初期將蓬勃發展,當人民幣在香港的規模進一步擴大以及人民幣創新產品陸續推出市場,企業人民幣的使用量也將逐步增加,因此預計明年香港人民幣業務的深度會加強,人民幣資金池會增加。港企上季對人幣業務需求降星展銀行昨日公布的「星展人民幣動力指數」顯示,今年第三季度該指數從第二季度的55.2跌至54.3,這意味�第三季度本港企業表示對人民幣業務的需求減少。今年第一季度和去年第四季度,「星展人民幣動力指數」則分別為55.1和54.9。為「星展人民幣動力指數」所做的調查顯示,今年第三季度有24%的受訪企業表示在過去12個月有人民幣結算的客戶訂單或發票,而第二季度有關比例為42%;有35%的企業表示在未來12個月將會採用人民幣結算,而第二季度有關比例為49%。該調查還顯示,今年第三季度,在使用貿易服務(所有貨幣)的企業中,有9%在過去12個月使用人民幣貿易服務,而第二季度有關比例為12%。mini storage

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南方日報訊 (記者/鐘偉連 通訊員/鄧林� 楊燕馨)博羅縣紀檢監察部門將廉政監督關口前移,儲存通過成立專項督查工作組,對羅浮山創建國家5A級景區的各項改造和提升工程進行專項督查,營造“廉潔安全”的項目建設環境,全力為羅浮山創5A“保駕護航”,防止“項目上去了,幹部倒下來”的現象發生。自羅浮山�動創建國家5A級旅遊景區工作以來,該縣紀委監察部門根據創建工作涉及項目多、資金大的特點,充分發揮監察審計合一在項目建設監督管理中的優勢,成立督查工作組,將廉政監督關口前移,專項負責羅浮山創5A各項景點改造工程的管理和監督工作。該縣紀檢監察部門採取事前提醒、事中監督等方式,對重大項目加強檢查、指導和監督控制,增強相關管理人員遵紀守法的自覺性,從制度和機制上確保創5A重點項目建設的“健康廉潔”運行,有效防止“項目上去了,幹部倒下來”的現象發生。此外,加強效能監察,督促及時制定《博羅縣各職能部門參迷你倉羅浮山創建國家5A級旅遊景區重點項目責任安排表》,將羅浮山創建國家5A級景區的87項工作具體分配到70多個部門,並責任到人。同時,倒排時間表,明確完成時限,嚴格實行限時辦結制,對達到時間進度或遲遲不�動的,全縣通報批評或責任追究,嚴厲整治效能低以及不作為、慢作為等影響工程進度的行為。據統計,羅浮山創建國家5A級旅遊景區需要完成31項景點改造和提升。在該縣紀委監察和審計局的有效監督下,創5A的工作進展喜人,已經完成的有25項,剩下6項也已進入收尾階段,預計可如期完成。截至目前,督察組共開展專項督查16次,解決了創建工作中遇到的多項難題,創5A重點項目建設中未發現有違規違紀問題。目前,羅浮山遊客服務中心已建成投入使用,公共電話、無線上網以及線路下地等“智慧景區建設工程”已全部完工,WiFi信號實現了“全覆蓋”。同時,景區內的LED節能燈、節能顯示屏、高清視頻監控設備也已陸續投入使用。儲存倉

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南方日報訊 (記者/周人果)澳門金沙城中心假日酒店即日起至2014年2月28日,迷利倉為家庭旅客推出“體驗夢工場”住宿優惠套票,兩日一夜套票套票包括:雙人入住高級大床客房、雙人享用“體驗夢工場”動畫明星早餐——觀賞動畫人物表演及品嘗以夢工場為主題的自助美食。套票價格約1298元港幣起。另外,12歲或以下一同入住的賓客每晚需付港幣150迷你倉,費用包含免費早餐及「體驗夢工場」兒童禮品包一份;13歲或以上一同入住的賓客每晚需付港幣400元,費用包含免費早餐一份。小朋友們將與夢工場的超級巨星,如怪物史萊克等近距離互動,共進主題特色早餐併合影留念。據悉,澳門金沙城中心假日酒店是全球最大的假日酒店,設有1224間寬敞的客房和套房,並提供24小時房間服務及步行可達的多樣餐飲選擇。自存倉

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  中銀保誠指,儲存強積金(Mandatory Provident Fund,簡稱MPF)半自由行實施後公司雖鮮有減價,但客戶沒顯著流失,反映成員較重視基金的穩定回報。  中銀保誠信託行政總裁陳禹昌接受訪問時說,旗下兩個強積金計劃的收費屬偏低水平,即使去年11月市場開放競爭,但毋須因應壓力而大幅調低費用;反觀個別客戶,更把過往的公積金及自願供款合併在中銀保誠的強積金戶口,令其累計資產反增逾1,000萬元。成員重視穩定回報  積金局網站顯示,截至今年10月底,中銀保誠的平均開支比率介乎1.03%至1.58%,較市面553隻強積金的收費中位數1.72%為低。  中銀保誠縱沒跟風以劈價招徠,惟陳禹昌強調,旗下最多人揀的簡易計劃,會向個別大僱主及忠心客選擇性以基金單位作回贈,變相減價,最多或回贈0.6%。迷你倉 至於另一專攻被動式產品的計劃,則主力向供款資產逾25萬元者每年作回贈,上限是0.2%。  市佔率排第4的中銀保誠,將於下周三公布來年發展大計,陳禹昌透露,擬加強電子化功能,冀搶攻個人客戶市場,主要為提供手機及網上升級版服務,方便客戶換馬,以至重整投資組合等功能。另配合明年起監管機構強化電子化工序,如電子簽名等,公司力爭以一條龍辦妥客戶指令。  他續指,現時少於一成客戶頻頻轉換。但換馬族中,高達九成採網上進行,因不乏是屬於80、90後的網中人。而個別把強積金當股票炒賣,主要看準不涉首次認購費與贖回費等。  「有個別供款額逾100萬元的富戶,往往在網上即時落盤,隔天把強積金炒一轉,遇上市況大上落時,增加套利的機會。」陳氏拆解,強積金的轉換較零售基金更靈活。目前其客戶近70萬名,管理資產逾385億元。self storage

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(雙溪大年12日訊)公正黨峇甲亞蘭區州議員黃思敏說,self storage他希望州政府在即將於下周一(18日)召開的州議會,不要重施故伎,以種種理由拒絕答覆代議士提呈的問題。他表示,以8月的首次州議會為例,他所進呈的5道書面提問,州政府才回答了一道,而在其他的提問中,當局給予的回應是還未得到相關部門的答覆,而類似的藉口實在無法讓人接受,同時也否決了人民代議士的權利。黃思敏也是吉打公正黨青年團副團長。他是於日前處理該黨在雙溪大年農貿市集開設流動服務櫃檯後,向媒體這麼表示。他指出,該流動服務櫃檯不定期的在人潮聚集地舉辦,為選民提供咨詢服務,同時他們也向公眾分發峇甲亞蘭社區報,匯報各種時事課題及州議員的工作進展。此外,他也出示將於下周一開始的第2季州議會所提呈的5道口頭提問及5道書面提問,以便讓人民更加了解州議會及透明的問政文化。口頭提問:1)於2010年由前朝州政府推出的貧窮家庭成員去世的500令吉體恤金(Skim Kaf迷利倉lah)計劃是否有繼續執行?2)對於班茶食物中毒事件,州政府將採取什麼行動預防該類事件再度發生。3)州政府從2013年5月6日至10月31日在宣傳州務大臣及行政議員的大型廣告版、布條的開支。4)雙溪大年的路洞情況嚴重,並且超過一個月沒有修補。請解釋為何沒有立刻修補以及道路容易損壞是否與柏油的品質有關。5)州政府將如何發展州內的旅遊業,尤其是日萊峰;以及是否將修復由鉛區攀登上山的橋。書面提問:1)請列出政府在瓜拉姆達區所提供或即將興建的廉價屋。2)請列名“縣屬行動委員會”(Majlis Tindakan Daerah)的作用以及州議員是否受邀參與議會。3)請列出雙溪大年區經常面對水災的地區,以及州政府有什麼短期及長期的解決方案。4)請列出全吉打州(依據縣屬)非法路邊攤的總數,以及州政府的解決方案。5)因為讓路於新的雙溪大年市議會辦公樓而拆除的公共籃球場,州政府是否將在雙溪大年市區重建一個公共籃球場。;迷你倉

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【本報訊】在大賽車和美食節期間,迷你倉預計有較大量旅客訪澳和更多本地居民使用巴士服務,治安警昨早在新馬路及關閘廣場巴士站一帶進行防扒宣傳活動,向居民及遊客派發宣傳單張和講解防盜訊息。   昨日早上11時,治安警察局公共關係處警司黃超文、副警司黃志宏連同第一警務警司處人員一行9人,分別在新馬路永亨銀行和關閘廣場巴士站一帶進行防扒宣傳活動。期間向居民、旅客、候車人士及巴士乘客講解常見的扒竊手法和派發多款防罪小冊子,並即場對財物外露的人士作出溫馨提示。   黃志宏稱,分析近期巴士扒竊的特點self storage作案手法仍以兩至3人的團夥犯罪為主;並且衣�光鮮,以減低乘客防範心,選擇在人多擠迫和嘈雜環境時作案,並利用其身體或隨身物品如斜背袋或雜誌等作遮掩。團夥分工明確,一方負責遮掩視線,一方分散注意,另一方則伺機以徒手方式盜取事主財物,有時亦會利用改裝的長鉗子及刀片。   治安警呼籲居民及遊客在乘車或候車期間,特別在人多擠迫環境嘈雜時要提高警覺,注意保管自身財物安全;同時避免攜帶大量財物外出,以防引起賊人的覬覦,減低被盜風險;如發現可疑人士或目睹罪案發生,應發揮守望相助的精神,並即時報警處理。 迷利倉

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