●李同周 四川經濟日報記者 李陽西充,迷你倉最平一座矗立在川東北的縣城,以其優美的生態環境、深厚的文化積澱,涵養其一方熱土,展現其特有的魅力。該縣縣委、縣政府緊緊圍繞美麗西充的建設目標,打響了建設生態西充的戰略。通過實施綠化工程,構建了城鄉生態景觀長廊、開展縣域河道治理、提升城鄉人居環境檔次、建設“城在山中生,水在城中流,林在城中長,園在城中建”的綠色生態體系。沿山潑綠·打造生態長廊近年來,西充縣按照生態立縣,環境優先的發展戰略,加大了對生態建設的投入,堅持道路林蔭化、農田林網化、庭院園林化、荒山全綠化的生態建設目標,在全縣範圍內大力實施退耕還林工程、環城防護林建設、沿山植樹造林、對森林景觀進行了林相改造。林相改造依托生態、人文和園林的三大特色,重點對化鳳山、鳳凰山以及九龍潭風景區山體進行了優化打造。如今,曲徑通幽、風景如畫的化鳳山、鳳凰山公園,其森林茂密、峰巒疊翠,亭台、樓閣掩映其間,景色迷人,形成了一道道生態“綠色長廊”,也成為人們避暑消夏、休閒遊覽的絕佳去處。與此同時,該縣還以經果林為輔,精心對縣城周邊山體進行了整體綠化:在鳳鳴鎮雙龍橋村栽植櫻花2萬株,將其打造為“櫻花之溝”;成功招引四川康馨玫瑰公司投資1.6億元,在張瀾故里打造“玫瑰花穀”;在蓮池、太平、永清等地實施森林撫育項目1萬畝;在蓮池、占山、多扶等鄉鎮荒山造林及公益人工植苗1.5萬畝;在晉城、常林、占山等鄉鎮栽種珍稀林木2萬畝;在扶君、東太、雙鳳等鄉鎮種植香椿1萬畝……目前,全縣綠化覆蓋率達到41.7%。一系列的造林植綠活動,還為西充奪得了“全國綠化示範縣”、“全國木材戰略儲備縣”的榮譽。聚水映綠·激活生態動脈“虹溪河、象溪河變得這麼清,不僅美化了城市景觀,也給沿河兩岸居民提供了一個休閒娛樂好去處。”面對清澈的河水及河道周邊的優美環境,沿河散步的市民發出了這樣的感慨。採訪中,記者發現,曾經渾濁的河流,正悄然發生著改變。水被稱為城市的綠色動脈,城因水而興,城有水則靈。針對西充無大江大河過境的現狀,西充人對穿城而過的虹溪河、象溪河進行了“三期”治理。在河道景觀提升上,堅持喬、灌、草搭配,花、藤、石交融,形、體、色映襯的綠化理念,精心打造出生態新城和宜居城市。如今,縣城的虹迷你倉河、象溪河水清魚游、岸綠景美,河的兩岸林成片、樹成行,林水相依……構成了一幅“一河清水、兩岸綠色、城景交融、人水和諧”的畫卷。同時,當年大手筆�動的蓮花湖如今已波光粼粼,岸邊花草吐露芬芳,柳樹與竹林隨風搖曳,休閒步道、沿湖幽徑、亭台樓閣、親水平台等配套設施一應俱全……使得蓮花湖成為了休閒的勝景。繼蓮花湖之後,九龍潭風景區又立項修建。治理“兩河”化濁為清,搭壩成湖“無中生有”,突出水的靈氣,彰顯綠的活力,豐富美的內涵。“山與水”是人類親近自然的主要媒介,飽嘗過“無水之苦”的西充人,正在圍繞著“水”大做文章,充分將生態山水、城市公園、人文景觀與河道綠化整治結合起來,打造有山為依、臨水而居的優美生態環境。城鄉植綠·美化生態環境“從安漢大道到譙周大道,一路綠色一路風景,高低灌木錯落搭配,四季花卉交替綻放,讓人賞心悅目。”縣城居民曹瑋對西充縣城的綠化如此描繪,“漫步于蓮花湖畔,呼吸著新鮮空氣,欣賞著優美風光,讓人享受到自然風光的舒適和愜意……”近年來,西充縣按照“人水相親、綠水繞城、依山就水”的生態理念,進行城區公園綠化、道路綠化、單位和居住小區綠化,新增了公共綠地上萬平方米。如此一來,城區綠地不但提升了城市品位,也提高了城區居民的幸福指數。“你看這綠樹鮮花多漂亮啊!路過這裡的人,感覺到如行畫中,心情自然舒暢。”在譙周大道,記者看到,路邊綻放的波斯菊吸引來三五成群的路人,他們一邊拍照,一邊說出了心中的感受。以綠為基,加大投入,讓鄉村也美起來。西充縣以改善城鄉人居環境,構建富裕、和諧、靚麗新村為目標,在村莊周圍及主幹道、河渠周邊栽花植樹,構建起“村在山水間,家在花園里”的生態美景,極大地改善了農村生態環境和人居環境,初步形成了林繞村、村環林的立體綠化景觀。同時,西充縣還將生態建設與小城鎮建設相結合,強力推進鳳鳴鎮雙龍橋村、義興鎮書房山村等新型農村綜合體的建設,並將其打造成具有休閒旅遊功能的最美鄉村。生態建設提升了現代農業、鄉村旅遊業、產業園區的品位和檔次,由此帶來的生態效應正在不斷被放大。如今的西充,無論你漫步在城區的公園綠地,還是嬉戲于鄉間的詩畫田園,隨處都可以看到綠樹婆娑、鮮花綻放、湖光瀲灩、山清水秀的美景,讓人心曠神怡、讓人流連忘返。mini storage
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- Dec 23 Mon 2013 12:40
生態西充 山清水秀滿眼綠
- Dec 22 Sun 2013 15:31
第五屆“服務農民服務基層”文化建設先進集體巡禮 蒲苑明珠映彩霞
epaper.gmw.cn/gmrb/images/2013-12/22/04/2013122204_pdf.pdf...——一個縣級小劇團的送戲下鄉路 韓業庭 邢兆遠 日前,山西省芮城縣青年蒲劇團被中共中央宣傳部、文化部、國家新聞出版廣電總局授予...迷你倉
- Dec 22 Sun 2013 15:23
- Dec 22 Sun 2013 15:16
Parties help challenged families share Christmas joy
Source: The Florida Times-Union, JacksonvilleDec.迷利倉 21--GREEN COVE SPRINGS -- Natasha Williams and the 10 kids she was managing showed up for the J.P. Hall Children's Charities Christmas Party at 6 p.m. Friday.Other people had been getting ready for Saturday's party a lot longer.It was the 32nd year the gathering was held for financially struggling families in Clay County, and the roughly 200 volunteers putting it together included people who had been with the event for decades.The party was part of a string of weekend get-togethers, either formal or impromptu, that helped people in a tropically warm Northeast Florida prepare for one of Christianity's most cherished days.Bruce Butler Jr. was part of a police explorer group, a Boy Scout-like unit, when he first donated some time at a Hall party in the 1990s. He has returned every year since then, except when he moved to Puerto Rico in 2007.Butler still lives in Puerto Rico, where he's a federal wildlife officer. But he comes back to Clay County each December to see family and help out at the charity that gave him scholarships through his first two years of college."Home is where the heart is," Butler said. "Green Cove Springs will always be my home."There are still people who need help there.Organizer Virginia Hall estimated more than 2,000 children and their families turned out for the party at the Clay County Fairgrounds, the first lining up by 10:30 a.m. Friday."I think we all depend on it," said Christy Carrasco, whose daughter and two sons left with items including clothing, books, games, a remote-control car and beauty supplies. Others left with bicycles.Brad Bogges had been coming to the party since his daughter, Mary Jane, needed heart surgery four years ago and he had struggled to meet the family's expens迷你倉s while raising his girl alone. A friend told him about the party, and Bogges said it had been a blessing to have Christmas presents for his daughter, now 11."I don't think we'd be able to do it without this," he said.Miles away, near the Duval-St. Johns County line, the approach of Christmas was marked by a line of families waiting for photos with Santa while neighbors visited with Jacksonville Beach police at a yearly party at Turner Ace Hardware on Marsh Landing Parkway.The gathering gives some continuity and helps signal the holiday season is here, said Ian Weldon, who has brought his wife and three kids, ages 2 to 6, for the past four years. Watching the kids get older in the photos, he said, he's glad to have the mementos of past years.While kids nearby got pointers on bike safety in the parking lot, Jacksonville Beach Detective Travis Brown and other members of the police SWAT team were explaining their gear -- an AR-15 rifle, a sniper rifle, a metal shield and door-ramming devices -- to clusters of youngsters who lined up to try on body armor laden with ammunition clips, tourniquets and gas masks."You've got enough ammo to take on a small country," Brown joked with youngsters taking turns wearing a vest weighing 40 to 50 pounds. He said later he hoped the event would make police seem more approachable.Inside the hardware store, the line for pictures with Santa and Mrs. Claus (Cpl. Michael Abate and Officer Deborah Coppola) crept along, as the First Coast got ready for Christmas.Times-Union photo editor Bob Mack contributed to this report.Steve Patterson,(904) 359-4263Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Florida Times-Union (Jacksonville, Fla.) Visit The Florida Times-Union (Jacksonville, Fla.) at .jacksonville.com Distributed by MCT Information Services自存倉
- Dec 22 Sun 2013 15:08
A $15 minimum wage: Fairness or a job killer
Source: St.文件倉 Louis Post-DispatchDec. 21--Monica Green could live on $15 an hour. She couldn't live on $7.35.When her $15-an-hour job disappeared, and she was reduced to fast-food and health aide work, she and five of her seven children landed in the Gateway 180 emergency homeless shelter, just north of downtown."It's a gym and a whole bunch of beds, and you're next to people you don't know," Green said. "My boy said, 'Who are these people, Mama?'"But it was warm, and the family was fed."It's not a horrible place, as people say. It's not comfortable. They try to help you out and give you resources," she said.Green's story may be relevant to the running debate over whether to raise the minimum wage.A noisy campaign is under way, led by labor activists, demanding that the minimum wage -- $7.25 nationally, $7.35 in Missouri -- be raised to $15 per hour. Fast-food workers, who often earn the minimum, have been marching around restaurants shouting, "St. Louis can't survive on $7.35."President Barack Obama this month called for a 39 percent hike to $10.10, citing a low minimum wage as a factor in rising income inequality in America. He talked about people "who work their tails off and are still living at or barely above poverty."Opponents warn that a much higher wage would lead to fewer jobs for low-skilled workers, and people such as Green might have no job at all.CONFLICTING STUDIESEconomists have been arguing about the minimum wage since the 1930s and they're still at it. The anti-wage-hike argument goes like this: Higher wages force employers to raise prices. Restaurants will sell fewer hamburgers, and will need fewer people to serve them. Pressed by higher costs, employers also turn to automation -- such as self-serve drink stands -- and the job count will fall farther.The chief proponent of that view is David Neumark of the University of California, Irvine. He finds that a 10 percent rise in the minimum wage may reduce employment by 1 to 3 percent for people on the bottom rung. This wipes out the social benefit of higher wages for the workers who remain.The higher wages-equals-fewer jobs view was dominant until the 1990s, when other studies appeared showing little or no effect on jobs when the minimum rises.Most studies have concentrated on teenagers and the restaurant business. All of the studies face the problem of separating the effect of a minimum wage hike from everything else happening in the economy.To get at that problem, economist Andrajit Dube and his colleagues at the University of California, Berkeley compared counties that share a border formed by a state line. Among them are the counties along the Mississippi River between Missouri and Illinois, including St. Louis. The researchers then looked at what happened at restaurants when one state raised the minimum and the other didn't.Their 2010 study found that restaurant pay in the wage-hike state went up, but employment stayed even with the neighboring counties where wages didn't rise."For cross-state contiguous counties, we find strong earnings effects and no employment effects of minimum wage increases," they concluded.The explanation from high-wage advocates goes like this: Tough competition prevents owners from raising prices by much, so they need the same number of people to serve nearly the same number of hamburgers. Instead, higher wages squeeze profits. They also cause "wage compression." Owners deny raises for managers to finance raises on the bottom rung. Meanwhile, higher wages mean that fewer employees quit, cutting hiring and training expenses.'STRONG FOR THE KIDS'This debate is not academic to Monica Green.Green, 33, dropped out of high school when she became pregnant at age 16. She thinks that's why she's been stuck working in restaurant kitchens. Better jobs demand a high school diploma.Things were fine when her husband was working, and when Green was earning $15 an hour as a cook at a restaurant in the University City Loop.They earned $40,000 in the good years. That made raising seven children possible, although not easy. "I was married. We made decent money. I didn't need the system," she said.Then things fell apart. The couple divorced. She took the kids and moved out. Green's employer cut her pay to $12, then cut her hours. "I was only getting 12 hours per week," she said.She left and took at job at a Popeyes restaurant in north St. Louis County. It offered more hours, but paid only the minimum wage. She found a second part-time job as a health aide, working the overnight shift for $9 an hour. She collects no child support."I couldn't pay the rent. I couldn't pay the heat," she said. "I tried to get to the end of the month, but it wasn't enough."She moved the family place to place, ended up in her cousin's house, and finally at the shelter in October of last year. She took five children with her, and left two with relatives."You try to be strong for the kids. At night you just try to wish you were in a better place," she said. "I was living in a shelter and working two jobs."About one in five women at the Gateway 180 shelter has a job, often at minimum wage. "The ones who are employed are generally working in food service. Obviously they're not making it. That's why they're here," said Kathleen Beach, interim director at the shelter, which serves women and children.WHO GETS MINIMUM WAGE?Except for the number of her children, Monica Green would be a fairly typical low-wage worker. For one, she's not a teenager.The liberal-leaning Economic Policy Institute looked at who would benefit if the minimum wage was raised to $10.10. It reported that 88 percent are at least 20 years old, and a third are at least 40 or older. A little more than half work full time, and about a quarter have children.Conservative groups see the numbers differently. The business-supported Employment Policies Institute notes that many low-wage workers aren't the sole breadwinner in their families.The group looked at who would benefit if the mini存倉um was raised to $9.80, a previous plan that Obama endorsed. The typical beneficiary had a family income of $50,662, the institute calculated.Indeed, Green's paycheck isn't her sole income. Uncle Sam helps, giving her $900 a month in food stamps. She is also eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit. That's a reverse income tax program that gives refund checks to working people too poor to owe any income taxes. It pays up to $6,000, depending on income and family size.Her children are on Medicaid, the government health coverage for the poor. She just signed up for subsidized health insurance for herself under Obamacare. It starts in January.She is not unusual. Researchers at Berkeley and the University of Illinois studied welfare payments among fast food workers, who average $8.69 per hour and 30 hours per week. They found that 52 percent receive public assistance. In Missouri, the bill runs to $147 million per year. Nationally, it's nearly $7 billion.This galls supporters of a higher minimum wage, who say taxpayers are picking up a tab that employers should pay.Raising the minimum would provide an economic boost to poor parts of town where low-wage workers spend their money, advocates say."These guys are not going to sock it away in their savings accounts," said Martin Rafanan, a Lutheran minister assigned by his bishop to help in the minimum wage campaign. "The low-wage, no-benefits approach just puts money in the pockets of rich people."But economists such as Neumark argue the opposite. If the idea is to help the poor, the tax credit works better than raising the minimum wage, he said. The credit goes only to the working poor, he notes, not to middle-class teens working for pocket money. And it doesn't reduce jobs.BUSINESS PERSPECTIVEFast-food entrepreneurs, meanwhile, are largely keeping quiet. The Post-Dispatch contacted franchisees who own McDonald's, Burger King, Taco Bell and Wendy's restaurants in St. Louis, as well as the St. Louis-based Panera chain. None were willing to discuss the minimum wage and its effect on their business.A McDonald's corporate spokeswoman, responding to a minimum-wage demonstration in St. Louis this month, emailed a statement: "McDonald's and our owner-operators are committed to providing our employees with opportunities to succeed. We offer employees advancement opportunities, competitive pay and benefits," it said.Forrest Miller said he pays more than the minimum at his family's Giuseppe's restaurant in St. Louis and Royale Orleans banquet hall in south St. Louis County. But he thinks raising the floor is a bad idea."When you hire entry-level people, it's a weed-out process. If they stay, they get advanced. Nobody in their right mind is going to let a good employee stay on the minimum wage. You'll lose them."The minimum has become a mishmash, changing state to state. While the national rate is set at $7.25, it's a dime an hour higher in Missouri because the wage is adjusted by law for inflation. It will rise to $7.50 next month.In Illinois, the minimum wage is $8.25 an hour, and Gov. Pat Quinn has called for an increase to $10 an hour. In San Francisco, the minimum wage is $10.74.The fast-food industry has survived hikes in the minimum wage, and the industry could withstand another "modest" one, said Jonathan Maze, editor of Restaurant Finance Monitor.How about a $15 minimum? "A restaurant that pays a $7.50 minimum would likely have to raise prices about 20 percent, which would increase the cost of a Big Mac by 80 cents, making it $4.79," he wrote in a recent analysis.That's near the breaking point for fast-food diners, he said. McDonald's cut the Angus Burger from its menu when it didn't sell for nearly $5, he notes.That worries restaurant owners. Wages make up about a third of their operating costs."Fast food exists mainly to sell cheap food," Maze said. "When they see a huge increase in a major line item, it hurts their ability to sell cheap food."Results vary by the brand and location, but the typical fast-food restaurant will bring in $1.2 million to $3.1 million a year in sales, Maze said. Operating profit margins run about 12 percent.Those margins used to be wider. The slow-growth economy has not been kind to fast-food chains, Maze said. Evidence of that is the persistence of the dollar menus, which defy inflation. "People have been born and are now graduating from college since the dollar menu has been out," he said.Shrinking margins have led to some consolidation. Owners of one and two restaurants are becoming less common than those owning dozens.A moderately higher minimum wage wouldn't cause many fast-food places to fold, Maze believes. Instead, it would squeeze profits and slow expansion. That would be a shame, he says, because restaurants have been one of the fastest-growing parts of the employment picture.Advocates for higher wages like to point to the fat profits of big fast-food chains, which both own and franchise their restaurants. McDonald's made a $5.5 billion profit last year.Monica Green, meanwhile, has finally escaped fast food. She's out of the shelter too, thanks to Gateway 180, the charity that runs it. The group has been paying Green's rent for an apartment in a run-down building, bordered by abandoned houses in north city's College Hill neighborhood.It's "transitional housing," a temporary program designed to give the family financial breathing room.To Green, things are looking up. Mother and kids, all seven of them, are together again. She found a $10 per hour, part-time job at a Brentwood restaurant. That, and her overnight health aide job, equals about 40 hours a week. With no rent to pay, she can put money into savings.She studies for her general equivalency diploma during the day. "I think life is going to be better," she said. "I got Jesus. He's going to see me through it."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the St. Louis Post-Dispatch Visit the St. Louis Post-Dispatch at .stltoday.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存
- Dec 22 Sun 2013 15:03
冰糖、砂糖、果糖、楓糖……各式各樣的加工糖,迷你倉尖沙咀來自不同的製程,口感和保留的養分也不同,到底吃什麼糖好?是很多消費者的疑問。冰糖最精緻 蔗糖含量99.9%蔗糖因加工精緻程度不同,有不同等級產品,如冰糖、白砂糖、黃砂糖(二砂)、黑糖等。振興醫院營養科組長黃幸妮表示,蔗糖含量最高的是冰糖,超過99.9%,白砂糖純度可達99.6%以上。黃砂糖因含有少量有機物及礦物質而有顏色;黑糖顏色很深,精緻度較低,蔗糖含量也較低,但保有較多的礦物質及有機物。黑糖甜度高 保有營養成分甜度方面,黃幸妮說,精緻度較低的黑糖及二砂的口感較甜;純度高的白糖及冰糖甜度稍低,適合於咖啡或茶中調味;黑糖具特殊風味,適合烹調甜點時使用;黃砂糖常用於一般烹煮的調味。在營養上,黃幸妮說,黑糖的鈣、鉀與鐵含量較高,也含有較高的維生素B群與C,營養價值比白糖及砂糖高一些。台安醫院營養師劉怡里說,蔗糖、果糖都是1克4大卡,熱量相同,過量都會造成肥胖;她提醒,即使天然的糖都不能吃太多,如同天然水果不能吃太多一樣,容易產生代謝症候群問題。天然糖類中 果糖甜度最高民眾最熟悉的果糖,存在水果與蜂蜜等食物中。黃幸妮說,果糖甜度是所有的天然糖中最高,如果把蔗糖的甜度定為100,果糖的甜度可達150到170。葡萄糖和果糖代謝方式不同,劉怡里說,葡萄糖會直接利用,果糖則容易囤積在腹部和肝臟,過量就會造成脂肪肝的問題,如民眾愛喝飲料,等於間接傷害肝臟。蜂蜜楓糖有營養 但含量不高有人認為黑糖或蜂蜜、楓糖比較健康,劉怡里說,這些其實都是精製糖,比較健康的部份是,當中有微量的維生素和礦物質。但不管什麼糖,從營養學角度來看,過量都不好。黃幸妮也說,黑糖含維生素和礦物質,也含熱量,不建議多吃,但可以替代其他精製糖類。不過,糖尿病、腎臟病及高血壓等慢性病患和正在減重的人,應少食用黑糖。蜂蜜主要成分也是糖分,除蔗糖外,另含麥芽倉、葡萄糖及果糖等。黃幸妮說,蜂蜜有維生素及礦物質,但含量不高,楓糖和黑糖也都是如此。高果糖糖漿 增慢性病風險所謂高果糖糖漿(玉米果糖)是以酸或酵素將玉米澱粉分解所製成,是混合了多醣、雙醣及多醣的液體,且按照分解的程度不同,甜度也不相同,多數用在飲料類的食品中。劉怡里說,高果糖糖漿55%是果糖,45%葡萄糖,汽水、蘇打飲料、果汁和運動飲料都有,會增加肥胖、心血管疾病和糖尿病的風險。▇ 糖的替代品用代糖減肥非根本之道代糖類即為糖的替代品,大致分為兩大類,營養性代糖與非營養性代糖。黃幸妮解釋,差別在營養性代糖會產生熱量,非營養性代糖不會產生熱量。營養性代糖中,例如存在於天然蔬菜中的木糖醇,甜度與糖類相當,所產生的熱量僅有一般糖類的一半,在口香糖、糖果等產品可見。常見的非營養性代糖為阿斯巴甜,甜度約為糖類的200倍,無糖汽水中最常使用。黃幸妮提醒,代糖使用初衷,是為滿足因健康問題而無法享用甜品患者的味覺,終究不是控制體重的根本之道。劉怡里也說,代糖顯示人類無法拒絕對糖的渴望,往往無糖就失去風味來源。如無糖優酪乳不甜,孩子不愛喝;咖啡不加糖不好喝,就以奶精調味;麵包無糖無油,吃起來比較乾。她強調,食品中使用代糖,只要符合規範都可以接受,但還是不要依賴代糖,無糖更好。▇ 常見糖類熱量比較種類(每100gm) 熱量(kcal)冰糖 387白砂糖 385黃砂糖 385黑糖 365麥芽糖 325蜂蜜 315果糖 297楓糖 258資料來源黃幸妮營養師 ▇ 聯合報mini storage
- Dec 22 Sun 2013 14:56
信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .存倉newssc.org/據新華社北京12月21日電 國家食品藥品監管總局網站21日消息,國務院食品安全委員會辦公室要求乳製品骨幹企業帶頭維護市場秩序,保障“兩節”市場乳製品質量安全。國務院食安辦要求,乳製品生產企業要切實履行質量安全首負責任,真正從源頭上保障乳製品質量儲存全。同時,各地食品安全辦要抓好五項工作:一是切實抓好奶源管理。二是加大對重點品種、重點企業和重點區域的檢查力度。三是加強乳製品生產企業分類管理。四是強化乳製品抽檢工作,及時公佈監督抽檢結果。五是嚴格排查生鮮乳收購、運輸和乳製品生產、銷售等各環節隱患,加強與公安部門協作配合,對“奶霸”擾亂奶源市場行為,堅決予以嚴厲打擊。迷你倉
- Dec 22 Sun 2013 14:50
賣窯烤披薩 汽修廠飄香
苗栗縣苑裡鎮經營汽車修理廠蘇國隆,迷你倉尖沙咀因喜歡美式食物,自創古早味烤窯,烤出紮實又Q彈窯烤披薩與麵包,在親友促擁下,親友就在修理廠一隅,與太太柯美麗賣起手工窯烤披薩和麵包。45歲的蘇國隆從事汽車修理業逾20年,平時吃多了機器做的麵包和披薩,五年前起,竟開始鑽研麵粉製作到配料,還自製小型烤窯,劈柴當炭火。蘇國隆的手作披薩,餅皮較一般披薩店的薄,吃起來紮實、有彈性,加上倉多實在,送入炭窯中烤後帶有炭香味;低溫發酵麵包,吃起來香Q,難怪一出爐就令人食指大動。汽車修理是我的「職業」,手工披薩、麵包是我的「興趣」,蘇國隆說,平時周二、三才有新鮮現做手工麵包,窯烤披薩則只有周六、日才買得到,由於生意超好,周末連母親、姐姐都上場,一家人忙得不亦樂乎。蘇國隆表示,一開始只是自己想吃,沒想到會有這種成果,看到回門的客人愈來愈多,「很有成就感」。mini storage
- Dec 22 Sun 2013 14:42
Layton couple fights back against online review penalty
Source: Standard-Examiner, Ogden, UtahDec.儲存倉 21--LAYTON -- John and Jennifer Palmer of Layton are humbled by the outpouring of support they have received from around the country since their plight hit national news."There's been a massive outcry from other consumers that a company could do this to one of their customers," John Palmer said.The Palmers have been featured in a few national stories about a $3,500 charge from an Internet company that billed them for a "disparaging review" Jennifer Palmer wrote in 2009 about the company's customer service.They refused to pay the $3,500 penalty KlearGear.com billed them in 2012 for violating its terms of service and now the case is headed to court.The Palmers filed a lawsuit this past week in federal court against KlearGear.com and Fidelity Information Corp. No court date has been set.Their attorney, Scott Michelman, said the case is a matter of protecting consumers' rights to free speech."This case is really important because businesses should not be able to silence their customers," said Michelman, who is with Public Citizen Litigation Group, a non-profit organization in Washington, D.C.The trouble began for the Palmers in 2008 when they lived in Bountiful. John Palmer ordered online a desk toy and key chain from KlearGear.com. The amount was less than $20 and the items were supposed to be Christmas presents for his wife.KlearGear never delivered the items. John Palmer called KlearGear's customer service number several times to find out where the order was but was "unable to reach anyone at KlearGear," according to court documents.Emails were exchanged and finally the order was canceled. Jennifer Palmer also attempted through email to reach someone from KlearGear.On Feb. 9, 2009, Jennifer Palmer posted a review of the company on RipoffReport.com, criticizing the "inaccessibility of KlearGear's customer service representatives by telephone and the handling of John's order," according to the court document.But it was three years later, on May 29, 2012, when John Palmer received an email 迷你倉最平rom KlearGear's legal department demanding he remove his wife's review of the company from the website within 72 hours or face a $3,500 fine.At first he didn't remember the company, so he asked his wife why would they owe anyone $3,500. She remembered KlearGear. She said she contacted RipoffReport.com about removing the review but was told once a reivew is posted, it's posted."They have this policy in place to protect consumers from bullies," Jennifer Palmer said.RipoffReport.com does offer an arbitration service.The Palmers contacted KlearGear through email and told them RipoffReport.com had an arbitrator who would decide if any of the negative post should be removed.KlearGear declined and then billed them for $3,500."I was flabbergasted that they would even try to do this," Jennifer Palmer said.The Palmers didn't pay the fine and John Palmer began watching his credit reports.Sure enough, KlearGear reported to all three credit bureaus he had not paid $3,500. The Palmers contacted the credit bureaus and the credit bureaus told them there was nothing the could do because KlearGear claimed it was "a real debt," Jennifer said.It hurt them financially. They had trouble getting a loan for a second car. They also ran into problems getting a credit card.Then temperatures dropped in October and their furnace broke. They couldn't even get a small loan to buy a new furnace to keep their house warm for their 3-year-old son.News stories about the Palmers went national and that's how Michelman learned of them. He contacted them and said he would like to represent them.The Palmers are hoping their case will help consumers."There is not enough protection out there for consumers," John Palmer said."We really just don't this to happen to anyone else," Jennifer Palmer said.Contact reporter Loretta Park at 801-625-4252 or lpark@standard.net. Follow her on Twitter at @LorettaParkSE.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah) Visit the Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah) at .standard.net Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Dec 22 Sun 2013 14:35
【記者何弘斌/高雄報導】為拓展大旗美地區旅遊資源,self storage並增進民眾與地方互動機會,高雄市政府觀光局特別結合大高雄觀光協會,推廣民眾騎單車慢活賞景活動,將旗山、美濃美景及美食大串聯。昨(廿一)日上午由大高雄觀光協會鍾新富理事長、觀光局孫春良科長、林富寶市議員約三百人,共同騎乘鐵馬自旗山糖廠出發,進行一趟兼具知性與感性的旅程。高雄市政府觀光局與大高雄觀光協會共同規劃鐵馬行程,結合人文、美景與美食的旗美特色,昨日上午旗美地區鄉親齊聚旗山糖廠,透過樂線合唱團歌舞吟唱歡頌方式給予活動祝福,展開觀光大旗美,環保自由行鐵馬遊程。大高雄觀光協會理事長鐘新富指出,非常感謝市府觀光局給予民間協會擔任主角,推動地方區域觀光的機會。旗山及美濃地區人文厚實、資源豐富,很適合規畫一至二天遊程。尤其美濃濃厚農村氣息,最適合來趟鄉土迷利倉化知性之旅,邀請大家來到客家庄,親身體驗農村DIY活動,感受客家味的美意濃情。也很歡迎大家騎乘活動後,再到一旁的花鄉渡假會館沐浴休息一下,下午再好好品嘗旗山老街的美食。市議員林富寶則以期待再期待,希望透過民間與政府力量結合,共創區域觀光資源更上層樓。觀光局科長孫春良也表示,觀光局非常鼓勵民間團體主動與市府合作推廣各式遊程,創造旅遊多樣化。該次單車騎乘路線,是以天、地、人為概念規劃,內容包含沿著美麗的福美路欣賞美濃山陵線之美,還可以看到客家人對大地母土崇拜的開基伯公壇,更有象徵硬頸精神的旗美義民廟,中間站還可以到美濃客家庄享受田園之樂,一百分鐘的遊程,非常適合親子或是情侶共遊,留下難忘回憶。此外,民眾亦可前往距離僅十分鐘車程的旗山車站、老街和位在鼓山公園內全東南亞最大孔廟,懷念曾經盛極一時的旗山風貌。迷你倉
- Dec 22 Sun 2013 14:28
編者按/自從2011年電商行業資本寒冬開始以來,迷你倉許多垂直電商在資本斷流、流量成本高漲、平台電商的強勢競爭下日子都不太好過。2013年,隨著移動互聯網大潮的興起,O2O模式大行其道,電商行業的環境也在發生著劇烈的變化。一些垂直電商或借力移動端,或落地開店,或者向上游深挖供應鏈潛力,開始出現整體複蘇的跡象。本報近期將推出垂直電商複蘇的系列報道。 移動互聯網時代,手機成為連接每個人的節點,PC時代的離線(off line)狀態成為歷史,每個人每時每刻都是在線(on line)狀態,這使得O2O的商業模式有了全新的定義和基礎,這也給了那些傳統電商企業新的啟發和思路。一些原先並不被看好的垂直電商借助O2O模式開始了自身的商業變革。齊家網就是其中之一。 日前,齊家網創始人鄧華金在接受《中國經營報》記者採訪時,反思了齊家走的一些彎路。對於當下的O2O浪潮,齊家網也有自己獨特的玩法。家居行業純線上玩不轉 對於用戶來說,家居裝修的購買需求是個重決策的過程,其決策場景在線上是無法完整滿足的。 鄧華金出身于傳統行業,2005年齊家網創業時是以團購起家,後發展為家居建材行業的在線交易平台,也曾是垂直電商領域最早賺錢的企業。 不過,在電商行業“大幹快上”的2010年,齊家網也走過一些彎路。那個時候,電商成為各路資本追捧的寵兒。所有的企業都在買流量、沖銷量,齊家網也不例外。鄧華金說,當年齊家花了一兩億元,去做營銷和推廣。訂單量雖然沖得很高,但問題也很大。 “我發現在線上的訂單,客單價明顯很低。同樣一個品牌,線下交易的客單價是線上交易的兩倍。”鄧華金指出,家居建材類產品、軟裝飾以及小件產品,在線購買比例比較大。但是,家具類需要體驗的大件產品在線直接交易的比例比較小。 齊家網是B2B2C的商業模式,其收益來源主要是企業交易傭金。花了大筆錢買流量,當然希望有較高且有效的轉化率。如果客單價偏低,即使有較高的轉化率,企業的收益依然有限。 對於供應商來說,無論是什麼樣的平台,其需求無非只有兩個,一是給其帶來銷量,二是使其品牌增值。鄧華金在與許多傳統企業交流時,發現一些較重的品類,在面對線上平台時,他們有自己的困擾。顧家工藝算得上中國沙發行業的老大,一年的交易額達80億元,其線下平均客單價大概8000元到1萬元之間,在線上客單價只有3000多元。這使得品牌商很尷尬,雖然像淘寶系這樣的平台其背後的用戶代表了消費的未來,但是品牌價值這類線上平台卻很難彰顯。 對於用戶來說,家居裝修的購買需求是個重決策的過程,其決策場景在線上是無法完整滿足的,比如觸摸、感知等體驗過程以及由體驗而感受到的品質感等。 淘寶系平台早已意識到了這個問題,2012年3月天貓就曾�動“愛蜂巢”線下體驗館項目,經過遷址、改造,愛蜂巢始終沒有重現開業時的風光。今年“雙11”期間,天貓推家具類O2O項目,本欲打通天貓平台上的家具類品牌線下體驗路徑,結果遭到紅星美凱龍的抵制。 在鄧華金看來,家居類目的產品必須走線下體驗路線,但並不是將線上流量引入線下,或者線下體驗,線上購買那麼簡單。首先要從用戶的決策場景去思考和構建O2O閉環,其次,要考慮供應商的利益所向。互聯網門店的高平效秘訣mini storage 除了理順線下店與線上網店的體系,倉儲配送體系、安裝體系、交易體系、資金流體系,這些都需要一步步地搭建形成標準模式。 隨著移動的興起,怎麼才是適應O2O潮流的互聯網門店?累積了多年線下開店的經驗,鄧華金的思路已經漸漸明朗,即線下店互聯網化,線上實體化。 在中國,由於整個家居建材行業非常分散,其話語權也很分散。在美國,整個行業的話語權掌握在渠道手里。但在中國,線下雖然有像紅星美凱龍、居然之家等線下品牌渠道,但是廠商的話語權仍然很大,用戶對於家具家裝的品牌有著很強的認知度。 在這種情況下,齊家網線上平台需要給品牌商更多的權限,讓品牌商有著更多的自主定價權,也學習如何進行線上SKU管理等。 同時在線下,齊家網將開更多的門店。在鄧華金的計劃中,全國要開100家互聯網門店。所謂互聯網門店,即門店要更加互聯網化。鄧華金說,齊家門店類似于蘇寧雲商的“雲店”,不僅僅是線上線下同價,更重要的是用戶走進去之後,線下店與線上可以打通,用戶可以在線下和線上類目列表中隨時切換。 具體的場景是,用戶在線瀏覽過某一類別的商品,可以直接下單,也可以來到門店看實體產品,體驗該品牌產品的樣品;同時可以用手機掃描現場店鋪的二維碼進行同款產品的在線比較,甚至是查看該產品的用戶評論。即使用戶是現場下單,該訂單也會實時同步到齊家網後台,可以在齊家網自己的訂單頁看到自己訂購的商品完成以及配送情況。 記者在齊家網上海門店看到,每家店鋪都貼著二維碼。用戶可以掃描二維碼看這家店鋪的整體評價,也可以看到某件產品的交易量,還可以查看其他用戶對該產品的評論。據其市場部總監沙海介紹,未來用戶到達齊家網門店,可以簽到,可以通過移動端將自己看到的產品的感受分享到線上,用戶在門店內看了什麼,買什麼的數據都可以累積下來。 齊家網的門店開得比較慢,首批計劃是一個城市只開一家門店。但要將供應商與門店以及齊家後台系統打通,並且流程標準化並非易事。記者注意到,其門店與傳統的紅星美凱龍、居然之家等家居建材城的格局完全不同,直觀感受是有點擁擠,單位面積承載的商戶多于傳統門店。 互聯網門店的外延在線上,作用是幫助商戶成交。“齊家的互聯網門店單位平效是紅星美凱龍的10倍。”鄧華金表示,高單位平效意味著供應商更賺錢,這使得供應商願意與齊家達成戰略合作關係。與供應商緊密合作意味著可以將供應商線上線下體系理順了,並形成標準化模式,之後才能加快開店的步伐。 除了理順線下店與線上網店的體系,還有倉儲配送體系、安裝體系、交易體系、資金流體系,這些都需要一步步地搭建形成標準模式。 “垂直電商最有潛力做出獨特的競爭力。”鄧華金說,只有垂直電商才能深入某個行業,將行業整個供應鏈吃透並做出標準化體系。以配送體系為例,齊家不自己做配送,而是做標準,幫助供應商搭建自己的物流配送及安裝體系,並將數據植入齊家網的數據體系,實現每一步都可控。 “先要把門店體系搭出來,把用戶的決策場景和環境先做好。裝修家居這個產業跟別的產業不一樣,別的產業可能短時間內可以做出規模,但家居裝修行業電子商務形成一定規模及比較成熟的模型,大概需要五到十年。”鄧華金表示,齊家網不著急,但首先要做好基礎。鄧華金1.jpeg鄧華金2.jpegself storage
- Dec 22 Sun 2013 14:22
遊台不果拒出境4000團費索「十倍奉還」 內地百團友 鼓譟落馬洲
香港文匯報訊(記者 郭兆東)本港發生罕有的內地團因赴台灣簽證問題與旅行社糾紛,儲存逾百名旅客通宵滯留落馬洲並拒絕離港,矢言要旅社「十倍奉還」團費,更包圍旅社人員抗議,其間有人報稱不適要送院治理。香港旅遊業議會介入事件後,安排組團公司聯同旅行社與團友代表會面,初步向每名受影響團員賠償5,000元人民幣及往返機票;雖然有部分團員接受賠償離港,但仍有41人堅持「假一賠十」,揚言絕食及堅持到底。旅議會就事件表示,香港旅行社只負責接待工作,料問題出於簽證上,已提交資料予內地旅遊局查明事件,相信內地當局會向組團旅行社追討責任。 內地實施《旅遊法》打擊定點購物團以來,發生首宗內地團因簽證問題與組團公司及旅行社糾紛,被滯留在港。據悉,有關的東北團有部分旅客來自吉林,聲稱早前購買了李錦記旗下公司「無限極」的保健產品後,每人額外加付3,500元至4,100元人民幣,以廉價團費參加旅行團到廣州參觀保健產品公司,再南下香港消費後再轉赴台灣。 稱部分人列黑名單 全團不獲台簽證 旅行團原定於周五晚啟程往台灣,但約百多名團員在當晚被通知因辦不到簽證不能前往,並送到落馬洲準備返回深圳。有團員不滿旅行社安排,拒絕返回內地,前晚更通宵逗留在落馬洲過境巴士站,部分人在旅巴上睡覺,另有部分在港府安排下到九龍城政府合署休息,而旅行社人員亦徹夜在場向警員提供資料。 有自稱旅行社台灣代表的員工表示,辦不到簽證是台灣移民署的問題。她又指,客人的資料填得「亂七八糟」,估計現時部分團友已被台灣移民署列入黑名單內,所以拒絕簽證,從而影響到整個團隊的行程。 昨晨天亮以後,仍有逾百名團員拒絕離開,國家旅遊局亦有派代表到場了解。代表指,事件目前與國家旅遊局沒關係,初步相信深圳接待社沒有違規。而另有一名被團員指是領隊的男子,一直在過境巴士站了解滯留團員情況,但他拒絕透露身份,亦不願意透露代表甚麼公司。 為表達不滿,多名團員包圍旅行社人員理論及用紙皮自製橫額抗議,聲言受騙。有團員索價每人賠償至少要5萬元,更矢言「不賠償不走,死在這兒都不走」,另有人倒在地上報稱不適要送院治理。團員代表焦先生表示,旅行社不但沒有承認錯誤,更將責任推諉至台灣一方,雖然旅行社提出向團員賠償每人5,000元及往返機票,但團員要求「假一賠十」。他稱,由於每名團友旅費迷你倉一,由2,000元至4,000元不等,故實際金額未有估算。 旅議會介入調停 仍有41團員滯港 其後經旅遊業議會在下午介入,推銷公司「無限極」隨即派出多名代表,聯同內地旅行社及香港接待團人員,與4名團員代表會面,商討解決方案。不過,據悉團員態度強硬,拒絕組團社建議到餐廳用膳,寧願留守巴士站食飯盒,令旅議會介入調停失敗。焦先生於會面後指出,旅議會態度良好,但談判時推銷公司沒有顯示誠意,因此未能達成協議,要求推銷公司主管當面解釋事件,否則會留在旅遊巴上及絕食,直言會堅持到底。安排旅程的內地「無限極」公司負責人表示,不清楚賠償細節,並稱已安排職員到場調停。 旅議會表示,涉事旅行團共有480人,當中有170人的台灣簽證未能及時批出,故滯留香港,已有逾百人接受賠償返回內地。總幹事董耀中表示,至昨晚尚有41名團員在香港,議會正與內地代表協商中,而據涉事旅巴司機反映,是旅客不讓他駕車離開。對於滯留旅行團是否以「蝕本價」來港,他不知內地價格如何,故無法評論團費是否過低,但相信內地旅遊局會查明。至於滯留旅客要求5萬元賠償是否屬「旅霸行為」,他認為團員要求多少也可,但應有合理解決方案。 至於有團友未獲台灣簽證,卻貿然成團起行,引起外界對旅行團出發前是否需全部人都獲得簽證的關注。香港註冊導遊協會主席王維永向本報透露,內地旅行社出團前,會要求團友自行辦理簽證,或是由組團旅行社包辦簽證,否則未辦證的團友不能隨團出發。他又指,即使是在轉往外地期間發現簽證有問題,亦不會影響整個旅行團的行程,「有問題的人就留下,其餘團員可繼續」。 四大疑問及各方回應 一、沒簽證卻能成團 ■旅行社台灣代表:是台灣移民當局問題,部分人被列入黑名單 ■團員:周五晚被通知不能赴台 二、只有170人辦不到台灣簽證,卻整團人滯留落馬洲 ■旅行社台灣代表:部分人被列入黑名單,影響全團行程 ■香港註冊導遊協會:按過往做法,有問題的人須留下,其餘團員可繼續行程 三、團費過低 ■4,000元人民幣遊廣州、香港及台灣 ■香港內地入境團導遊總工會:合理團費至少逾萬元 四、在港被強迫購物 ■團員:導遊恐嚇團友不購物不能前往台灣 ■香港接待團:實屬虛構,團員來港首天已離團活動 ■製表:香港文匯報記者 郭兆東 儲存倉
- Dec 21 Sat 2013 14:23
Shared goal of electing Mike Michaud helps Maine state workers union mend 7-year rift with AFL-CIO
Source: Bangor Daily News, MaineDec.文件倉 20--AUGUSTA, Maine -- Local 1989 of the Maine State Employees Association, the labor union that represents the majority of state employees, announced Friday that it has renewed a partnership with the Maine AFL-CIO with the goals, among other things, of expanding Medicaid in Maine and helping Democratic U.S. Rep. Mike Michaud win the 2014 gubernatorial election.The Maine Republican Party and Gov. Paul LePage's chief political strategist said the groups wield power and influence that is vastly out of scale with their actual representation among the labor force in Maine, but that they expect the merger to have little effect on the governor's race.According to a statement from the MSEA, which previously had approximately 12,000 members, the two groups now represent more than 42,000 state workers, counting more than 150 local unions represented by the Maine AFL-CIO.The two state-level groups split in 2006, about 16 months after Local 1989's parent organization, along with the Teamsters, split with the national AFL-CIO amid a push by the MSEA to increase membership and a dispute about how membership dues and affiliation fees were being spent.MSEA President Ginette Rivard said in a written statement Friday that the partnership formalizes an already robust working relationship."We have worked closely together to defend the right of Maine workers to have a voice in their wages, benefits and working conditions," said Rivard. "Together, we will move forward to address common legislative issues such as the urgent need to accept federal funds to expand health-care coverage and to elect a governor who represents Maine workers. We are united in supporting Congressman Mike Michaud as Maine's next governor."AFL-CI存倉 President Don Berry said the partnership would give the unions a stronger voice on issues that they have in common, namely workers' rights."A stronger, more unified grassroots movement of working men and women is exactly what's needed to raise wages and rebuild economic security for Maine families," said Berry in a written statement. "Together we are stronger; it's as simple as that. Together, working people have a stronger voice to challenge inequality and defend their rights on the job."Brent Littlefield, LePage's senior political adviser, said Friday that simple math shows that the two unions represent a fraction of Maine workers and families."Their combined memberships make up less than 7 percent of currently employed Maine people and less than 4 percent of Maine citizens, yet they are trying to control all of state government to raise taxes and harm small businesses," said Littlefield. "It's critical that Maine people know that these groups try to control the entire state."Maine GOP Executive Director Jason Savage echoed Littlefield."This really proves that the unions have lost their moorings as to what their purpose is," said Savage. "Their first order of business is electing Mike Michaud, who will raise taxes and hurt small businesses. It's pretty clear that this is nothing more than a new political action committee funded by forcing Maine people to pay out of their paychecks. Instead of going out and always doing the work that represents the people on the front lines actually doing the work, they play politics and take money out of their paychecks."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Bangor Daily News (Bangor, Maine) Visit the Bangor Daily News (Bangor, Maine) at .bangordailynews.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存
- Dec 21 Sat 2013 14:17
穆迪憂債重 降評級展望
香港文匯報訊 香港電訊(6823)昨計劃舉債194.5億元全購CSL(收購價188.66億元),迷你倉樂器股價大升12.463%。評級機構穆迪昨維持香港電訊營運實體HKT的Baa2發行人評級,以及PCCW-HKT Capital No. 3-No. 5 Limited發行的票據的Baa2高級無抵押債務評級,但評級展望從穩定修訂為負面,以反映了收購完成後香港電訊的槓桿比率會大幅上升。調整後債務增至4.5倍穆迪指出,香港電訊的調整後債務/EBITDA比率,將從截至2013年6月止12個月的3.4倍升至2014年的大約4.5倍,原因是債務增加,涉及整合成本,以及2014年4月開始來自CSLNW的部分盈利貢獻。這次交易的收購價為24.25 億美元(約188.66億港元),初期將全數透過25億美元(194.5億港元)過渡信貸來支付交易,貸款期18個月。香港電訊計劃最早在2014年第一季度以更長期債務融資和股權融資來償還上述信貸,但股權融資的時間和規模仍不確定。穆迪認為,除非香港電訊在未來6-12個月降低負債,同時透過成本協同效應提高盈利,並改善其迷你倉西貢桿比率,否則HKT的評級展望很難恢復穩定。穆迪助理副總裁/分析師高橋良夫表示,若不進行股權融資,預計槓桿比率會因為預計中的成本協同效應和 CSLNW的全年盈利貢獻而在2015年降至大約4.0倍。但是,相對於其評級而言,這樣的槓桿比率屬較弱,若財務指標進一步下降,其緩衝空間會非常有限。HKT是主要的固網和寬頻營運商之一,以用戶計算的市場佔有率超過50%。HKT亦透過其母公司電訊盈科(0008)在香港提供最受歡迎的網絡電視(IPTV)服務。電訊整合暫緩激烈競爭高橋良夫補充指,收購CSLNW後,香港電訊將成為香港最大的流動電訊營運商,以用戶計算的市場佔有率超過30%。香港電訊的用戶將從截至2013年6月底的170萬增至大約450萬。由此產生的整合應有助於減少非理性的減價促銷,進而緩和激烈的競爭。此外,交易完成後香港電訊在香港所有流動電訊營運商中將獲得最大的頻譜分配,尤其是4G服務(即LTE)。這將有助該公司透過提升網絡質素和覆蓋面來加強其在LTE服務的市場地位。此外這亦將節省該公司為維持網絡質素而租賃基站的成本及建設基站的資本支出 。迷你倉將軍澳
- Dec 21 Sat 2013 14:09
城巴629S線屬晨早特別班次,迷你倉每日早上特定時間開出三班來往金鐘至海洋公園,乘客以海洋公園職工為主。不過,長期乘搭該線的張先生(化名)卻指近日脫班問題嚴重,「我等八點十分開�班車,點知等到八點半先�,足足遲�廿分鐘!其實一日先得三班車,點解咁都可以遲?」城巴發言人表示,根據事發當日紀錄,由於香港仔隧道交通擠塞,以self storage班次未能及時駛返總站,需調節班次,原定早上八時十分的班次延遲至八時三十分開出;而原定早上八時三十分的班次則提前於八時廿七分開出,以避免對乘客造成不便。發言人就事件向乘客致歉,並承諾會密切留意有關路線運作。不過,張先生指629S線脫班情況已非首次發生,為不少海洋公園職工帶來困擾,希望城巴正視問題,確保班次準時開出。迷利倉
- Dec 21 Sat 2013 14:02
建信基金 “改革+轉型”投資主線不變
經濟增長低位穩定,迷你倉利率水平高位穩定,改革逐項落實提升風險偏好。一方面,明年經濟工作,最核心的是要堅持穩中求進、改革創新,因此,新型消費、新型服務和新型投資領域是未來中長期的發展方向,“改革+轉型”的投資主線不會變,應該在醫療、保險、旅遊、消費電子、文教娛樂、通信、環保、信息服務、家電、汽車等消費服務型行mini storage挖掘個股,但是也要警惕IPO 重�、新三板擴容以及年報業績證偽期來臨,大多數沒有業績支撐的“偽成長”股的下跌風險。另一方面,要緊緊圍繞國企改革,以及關注鋼鐵、煤炭、水泥、有色金屬、工程機械、造船、重卡等傳統產業會在改革倒逼下,通過自身的產品升級、效率提升、重組整合使得業績增速出現改善,從而帶來的投資機會。self storage
- Dec 21 Sat 2013 13:56
【本報訊】乳臭未乾小男童持「老爺手機」偷影裙底春被捕。一名初中男生,mini storage疑因色心起及一時「貪玩」,昨午在灣仔港鐵站乘扶手電梯時,取出「老爺手機」偷拍前方少女裙底,被途人發現當場捉個正�,由接報到場的警員拘捕。昨午一時許,一名身穿便服的十三歲男童,趁�學校聖誕假期外出,期間在灣仔港鐵站乘搭扶手電梯時,取出裝有攝影鏡頭的非智能手機,偷self storage前方一名穿�短裙的少女裙底。被偷拍少女懵然不知,惟站在男童後方的一名四十二歲女途人全程直擊,當場逮住涉案男童,及通知港鐵職員報案,受害少女因趕時間先行離開。警員接報到場調查,在該男童手機內發現該批「裙底春照」,遂以涉嫌在公眾地方行為不檢將男童拘捕。由於手機內僅有一名受害人的裙底春照,警方不排除男童疑一時「貪玩」及色心起首次犯案。迷你倉
- Dec 21 Sat 2013 13:49
香港文匯報訊(記者 張文鈴)對於香港電訊計劃以逾188.6億港元收購CSL,self storage電訊管理局表示,已經收到香港電訊信託(6823)收購CSL全部股份的正式申請,根據《電訊條例》第7P條,局方會按法定要求及相關指引,考慮有關申請。先諮詢 料3個月內審批就市場關注的香港電訊在本港流動電訊市場的市佔率增至三成以上,再加上李氏家族的和記電訊在內,市佔率超過一半有否潛在壟斷問題,電訊局回應指,會盡快展開諮詢,邀請各傳送者牌照持有人迷你倉有興趣人士作出申述,當局會考慮有關申述先再作決定,一般目標在3個月內完成審批,主要考慮是收購會否大幅減少電訊市場競爭的效果,令公眾利益受損。不競投3G頻譜料可加分商務及經濟發展局局長蘇錦樑則表示,電訊局會考慮是否大幅削弱競爭及對香港帶來的利益,會根據法例處理。另外,蘇錦樑又表示,有留意到香港電訊作出了一些承諾,如他們不會去競投將來的3G頻譜,以及一部分頻譜到期時亦不再申請續期, 他相信電訊局在處理時會考慮所有有關因素。迷你倉樂器
- Dec 21 Sat 2013 13:42
編者按 不可否認,迷你倉移動互聯網浪潮正在憑借改變與顛覆的力量席卷著當下的經濟與生活。從智能手機的普及到社交網絡的蓬勃,從大數據概念的興起到O2O模式的流行,幾乎每一場信息領域的變革都無法離開移動互聯的智能化影響,而那些曾享受壟斷優勢的傳統行業也不得不面臨來自移動互聯的強大衝擊。無論是電信、金融、傳媒、房產、醫療等傳統高壁壘行業,還是旅遊、租車、餐飲、零售等典型消費經濟,細數近年來被移動互聯網滲透的諸多領域,無不關乎產業價值鏈條的重構與行業間的信息跨界融合。在移動互聯的趨勢下,各行各業都在試圖重新理解數字經濟的轉型,平台戰略與分享型經濟的新商業思維貫穿其中,為下一個藍海市場的爆發尋找機遇。□本報記者 張莉改變或者淘汰,成為當下傳統行業需要共同面臨的生存命題。回顧往昔,也許我們仍無法真正瞭解移動互聯技術所引致的廣泛變革,但卻能對信息經濟社會格局轉換的面貌窺其一二。以信息消費為核心的心理需求正在發生變遷,不對稱的信息鴻溝需要被填補,移動互聯對傳統行業的改變也將愈加迅速與深化。電信業:破解管道化危機的轉型對於傳統的電信巨頭而言,曾經依賴數據流量而三分天下的市場格局逐步被移動互聯瓦解,包括微博、微信等智能應用及相關增值業務拓展了公�信息交流渠道,曾經火極一時的短信、飛信、語音等傳統信息業務也被邊緣化。而4G商用時代的降臨,更是助推了移動互聯加速發展,大通信業市場未來還將容納除運營商之外的新興互聯網運營商、IT設備商等競爭者。據艾瑞咨詢的報告顯示,2013年三季度,中國移動互聯網市場規模達到278.7億元,同比增長66.7%,該市場繼續向商業化的道路穩步邁進。市場研究機構IDC發佈的數據顯示,到2020年中國近100%的互聯網用戶都是移動互聯網用戶,總數達到8.4億,普及率超過60%。實際上,移動互聯網飛速膨脹的市場規模正在不斷蠶食傳統電信行業的數據業務,OTT應用的繁榮使傳統電信運營商不得不面臨日益“管道化”的難題。運營商向移動互聯網轉型的問題迫在眉睫,打破固有的“壟斷思維”,共同打造分享型的經濟模式,成為運營商改造自身的共識。2013年8月8日,廣東聯通聯合微信沃卡,允許使用更多微信特權、獲贈流量等服務。2013年8月19日,中國電信聯手網易發佈移動即時通訊“易信”,並公佈自11月起實施三網流量免費計劃。而中國移動更是在較早之前推出“智能管道、開放平台、特色業務、友好界面”十六字移動互聯發展策略,多元化創新位置、支付等功能性業務。不過,如何調整原本的流量經營模式,通過“去電信化”的思維改造傳統產業價值鏈條,構造符合移動互聯網趨勢的開放平台,對於運營商而言並非易事。業內人士表示,在雲計算、物聯網等新型業務方面,運營商尚未具備核心競爭力,而入口終端的搶奪也早已淪為互聯網巨頭的戰場,應用開發的創新能力更難及草根創業企業,加上傳統企業體制與執行能力的僵化,這場轉型戰對於傳統電信而言並不輕鬆。金融業:資本市場出現“攪局者”傳統金融與移動互聯網之間的碰撞,無疑成為今年跨界融合最吸引眼球的熱點話題,從支付寶、手機銀行在消費金融領域的滲透,到餘額寶、微信銀行等金融創新產品的火熱,移動互聯技術不斷改變用戶實現金融服務的接入方式。與此同時,以百度、阿里巴巴、騰訊為核心的BAT陣營在金融領域的並購加劇,也迅速攪動行業掀起對“互聯網金融”概念的瘋狂追捧,新一批創業先鋒陸續進入創新金融領域,傳統金融存款、貸款、理財等業務遭受到前所未有的衝擊。可以說,2013儲存倉是互聯網金融發展元年,基於移動互聯滲透的金融業新業態的成長已經超出市場預期。6月13日,阿里巴巴推出“餘額寶”服務,截至12月,餘額寶總資金量突破1300億元,開戶用戶超過1600萬,成為草根互聯網理財產品的奇跡。8月,微信5.0正式推出“微支付”功能,多家基金公司跟進推出微信理財服務,傳統支付結算方式開始轉向移動互聯領域。與此同時,以阿里小貸、P2P網貸模式為主的互聯網金融產品開始搶灘金融業傳統信貸、融資等業務,一大批P2P網貸平台先後上線,成為當下互聯網時代金融格局形成的新型參與者。除此之外,移動終端設備的普及也在逐步改造傳統券商、保險、基金等金融機構的業務發展模式。據瞭解,各類傳統金融機構都開始傾向在移動終端進行廣告投放,以互聯網思維為核心的服務解決方案成為傳統部門轉型的關鍵詞。比如銀行部門開始積極推廣手機銀行等新業務,並參照IT企業一站式服務模式重新調整業務流程;證券業利用移動終端開展戶外營銷,通過滿足用戶體驗來進行市場拓展;保險業也開始嘗試通過終端系統與第三方支付平台對接,實現在線投保等功能拓展。在金融從業者的眼中,社會化信用系統的逐步建立為互聯網改造金融業提供一個契機,一旦互聯網解決了社會化信用系統構建的問題,就會對金融行業產生巨大的變革和衝擊,未來金融業必將是基於大數據下精准營銷的發展,金融業需要擁抱互聯網,而並不是將其作為對立面。值得注意的是,盡管互聯網金融領域的產品創新層出不窮,但包括P2P、�籌、小貸等業務形態,大部分仍處於政策真空地帶,監管不透明、標準未統一、信用系統尚未建立等諸多問題仍待解決。零售業:O2O時代的彎道超車互聯網時代的崛起以及移動支付方式的革新,早在很久之前就已經在更改消費者的購物習慣,網絡購物的異軍突起以及各類電商平台的瘋狂生長,也無時無刻威脅著實體零售商的生存環境。而在移動互聯技術的滲透下,傳統零售業紛紛選擇“觸網”經營,以微信支付為特點的移動購物市場開始形成,並為零售業帶來O2O的轉型機遇。線上和線下的融合正在成為零售業發展的新趨勢,借助O2O概念,不少實體零售企業開始打破傳統空間限制,將虛擬陳列的技術運用至後台,將實體店包裝成與消費者互動的場所。比如天虹商場聯手騰訊微生活開通平台購物應用;海寧皮城的一站式電商平台正式上線;友誼股份旗下多個百貨商場也開始推出微信平台。據業內分析,目前傳統零售企業借助O2O模式實現轉型的方式主要有兩種,一方面是自主開發建設,另一方面則是引入外部OTT提供商,其中微信越來越成為傳統零售企業串聯線上流量和線下客戶的重要平台。另一方面,近年在並購市場上,零售業向移動互聯技術靠攏的事件也越演越烈,不少零售商試圖通過依托渠道、搶佔入口的方式來爭取移動互聯網領域的新市場。2012年6月,蘇寧旗下一家獨立第三方支付公司易付寶成立,截至目前快捷支付合作銀行增至70家。2013年10月,蘇寧出資不超過2.5億美元,持有PPTV44%股權,成為其第一大股東,以搶佔互聯網多屏入口。2013年6月,天音控股增持對歐朋瀏覽器開發公司北界創想股份比例至70.91%。有券商研究報告指出,線上線下的融合將是發展的大趨勢,傳統實體零售商運用新的信息技術手段推動轉型、抑或是線上純電商更加注重線下營銷推廣、客戶服務,或者是拓展線下實體店,都可能是未來零售業發展的方向。在未來以消費者個性化、特色化的需求為出發點,以更有效率的方式嫁接供應商與消費者之間的零售商將成為零售業的主導者。CFP圖片迷你倉最平
- Dec 21 Sat 2013 13:35
【本報記者徐炳文高雄報導】102學年度全國高級中等學校商業類科學生技藝競賽,儲存日前在中山工舉辦,全國共計200百所高中職校927位選手參與盛會,角逐11大項職種名次,以爭取升學技優保送加分機會。其中,樹德家商八位同學表現優異入圍得獎,並榮獲二面金手獎獎項,表現特優。 獲獎同學分別是中餐烹飪組王亭堉第3名、職場英文組韓箏第10名、文書處理組伍品蓉第14名、會計資訊組洪良珵第15名、餐飲服務組陳亭毓第18名、電腦繪圖組吳沛柔第19名、商業廣告組許雅婷第32名、黃湘鈴第46名。 校長陳茂霖表示,該校平日迷你倉學紮實、嚴謹、認真,培育出學生具有優異的好技藝。為了準備比賽,學生與指導老師經常利用課餘時間、假日及寒暑假集訓,在訓練過程中選手的技能加倍成長,雖然犧牲休閒假日時間,每個選手在訓練過程中不僅學術科能力提升,師生的感情更增進、升溫。 樹德家商以務實精進,創新卓越精神不斷的成長、進步,對於各項競賽訂有獎勵辦法,並且鼓勵師生積極參賽,以締造學生優異學習成果;建設學生奮發向上的自信心,以塑造校園蓬勃活力的優質環境。 樹德家商八位同學參加全國科學生技藝競賽,表現優異入圍得獎並榮獲二面金手獎。(記者徐炳文高雄攝)儲存倉