近兩、三年來,迷你倉最平韓國SAMSUNG DISPLAY的AMOLED技術不斷提升,拉開與後進者距離,台灣業者在AMOLED面板領域明顯落後,AMOLED的應用趨勢,尤其在背光方面,儼然成為LED產業一大隱憂,LED產業不僅得面臨中國大陸廠商的殺價競爭,更要擔心AMOLED未來技術發展。三星所推出搭配AMOLED顯示的智慧手機總是熱銷千萬支,其銷售佳績不僅源自三星品牌知名度的影響,也與AMOLED面板對比度高、反應速度快、廣視角等優點有著極大關係,這也吸引許多手機廠商相繼投入採用AMOLED面板,希望藉由AMOLED面板的優勢來提升產品競爭力。隨著2014到2015年全球AMOLED的產能開出,不僅台灣的面板廠必須嚴陣以待,受AMOLED在手機背光應用滲透率的提昇,台灣LED廠商也需積極朝非背光應用發展,才能降低AMOLED所帶來的衝擊。而隨著三星在AMOLED繳出亮眼成績單,許多廠商積極投入AMOLED產能規劃,但達到量產需耗時半年安裝、半年試機,之後才開始投量,其中前後加總往往需一年到一年半的準備時間,而且還不包含AMOLED的技術是否可以如期克服相關問題的等時程考量。拓墣預計2014年底將陸續開出AMOLED的新產能業者,包含JDI、LG、三星、京東方、維信諾顯示技術等。其中主要基板尺寸以5代線為主,由於AMOLED後端的鍍膜製程無法直接放入8代線的尺寸,需經過切割工續,因此直接生產可適用後端鍍膜製程的尺寸最為直接,未來產能規劃普遍以5∼6代線為主。而目前大尺寸AMOLED廠,只有LG DISPLAY規劃產線設在韓國坡州,採用IGZO TFT技術,有別於三星的LTPS TFT技術。若從量產能力來看,現今仍只有SAMSUNG DISPLAY、LG DISPLAY兩家業者。至於台灣,仍持續投入AMOLED面板技術研發的廠商只有友達和群創,但許久已未見群創在AMOLED技術的更新發表,投入資源恐減少許多。另外,友達在AMOLED的投入是台灣業界最早的,也是全球數一數二的早期投入者,但期間曾中止持續研發,使友達在AMOLED的發展上大幅落後SAMSUNG DISPLAY。台灣在AMOLED的發展落後於日、韓,且在2015年之前未見新產能規劃,主要原因還是與台灣面板廠長年虧損有關。台灣面板廠每年平均需繳交利息高迷你倉百億元新台幣,難有多餘資金投入研發,致使新技術難以順利發展。AMOLED可應用的地方非常廣泛,在面板的應用可區分為大尺寸和中小尺寸兩大類,目前大尺寸應用以三星和LG所推出的電視為首,但售價上看1萬美元(約30萬元新台幣),這樣的價格嚇跑不少消費者,也使市場難以推廣。反觀中小尺寸,AMOLED面板應用於手機的滲透率逐年提升,使用在高階手機600美元以上機種,普遍受消費者接受。目前三星所有高階手機都採用AMOLED面板,也大幅提升了AMOLED的滲透率。2013年三星GALAXY S、NOTE系列、LG FLEX、諾基亞LUMIA系列、摩托羅拉、藍莓機等大廠相繼發布採用AMOLED面板的高階手機,也成為產品的差異化重點之一。拓墣預測,2013年AMOLED智慧手機成長幅度高達86.57%,約3.3億片;2014年因基期高,成長率趨緩,但仍有32%的成長率。2014年主要成長力道來自智慧手機需求量不斷提升外,大尺寸的高階手機受高消費族群喜愛,再加上部分中高階手機開始導入AMOLED面板,如三星GALAXY MINI就採用AMOLED面板,預計中、高階手機在三星的率先採用下,將引領其他品牌跟進。2013年智慧手機應用中,AMOLED滲透率達13.44%,預計2014年為16.75%,約3.3億片需求量。AMOLED向上朝大尺寸發展,向下則是市占率的提升,拓墣也持續看好2014年AMOLED於智慧手機的應用。不過,由於AMOLED面板成本高於TFT-LCD面板,雖有許多優點,但在成本考量下,只會應用在中高階手機,預計到2015年和2016年滲透率皆保持穩定小幅成長。AMOLED的最大優勢就是可撓式面板,這也是各家廠商看準未來可應用於曲面設計的特點之一。綜觀2013年採用AMOLED面板的手機種類,已大幅增加,不再只是三星的天下,其中還包含了諾基亞、康佳、摩托羅拉、LG和黑莓機等手機品牌,預計這波趨勢將持續至2014年。而2014年除了三星的GALAXY ROUND和LG推出的G FLEX曲面手機外,預料不會有太多變化,真正的變化還得等到2015年,才可能有更大突破,例如可彎折式AMOLED面板。而2015年中國大陸預計陸續開出AMOLED新產能,日本也有新產能規劃,這些新產能將有機會趕上下一波手機硬體的大變化。mini storage

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Source: Kuwait TimesDec.儲存 14--It is becoming very common to hear or read about shootings in Kuwait. I know some may think we should not be surprised over such news because the whole world is in a mess and people are being killed every day by gunfire. But we are not in a war zone or area of conflicts, so we naturally consider the news of people being killed by guns as a serious matter.More people are firing guns, especially during wedding celebrations, as a gesture to express their joy, but they are not considering the fact that someone can get hurt and injured! Recently, a young Kuwaiti was killed in Wafra by a gunshot during a fight with his friends. I agree, crimes can occur by various weapons and means. But the fact that anyone can buy a gun will make it easy to use it against others.There is no way but to have a campaign to collect weapons from civilians. I know that there have been some calls to do so that never succeeded. I think such campaigns will do well if we are serious about it. It is becoming well known to the public how much are guns worth. This should be an indicator that there is a black market for guns for people to buy, and here is the question -- why would anybody want to buy a gun and for what reason? I can't think of anybody who seeks to buy a gun which could cost him big amount of money just for pleasure. I think with my simple mind that he may plan to use it at a later time.What other reason would lead him to buy a gun? Such 迷你倉eople must be arrested and questioned and this should include all, even the ones who fire guns at weddings as a gesture to express their happiness. Somebody could get shot and possibly get killed, so I don't see any fun in such kind of celebrations! This is an old Arab habit when people were living in a desert. Right now, no one lives in a desert and they live in crowded areas full of people and pedestrians.This is why I believe it is a must for the ministry of interior to be serious about seizing guns from the public and track the sources who make it easy for people to buy them. I also think the media should be involved by taking a bigger role in awareness campaigns in cooperation with MoI by enforcing laws against all users of guns. A news item appeared recently about a young Kuwaiti who was shot dead in Um Safak and his charred body was found in the desert. The news was all over the social media and raised many questions about how many weapons are available with no one to stop or enforce laws against those who get to buy weapons and use it against others without supervision.In every country, there are restrictions and regulations on purchase of guns. Those who break these laws get tracked and punished for carrying illegal weapons without a license. This is what we should do as well.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Kuwait Times (Safat, Kuwait) Visit the Kuwait Times (Safat, Kuwait) at .kuwaittimes.net/ Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

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Source: Tulsa World, Okla.文件倉Dec. 13--Dear Action Line: We are getting phone calls from people with foreign accents claiming to represent the IRS and saying we owe back taxes. We don't, but the callers say they will notify the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and the Tulsa police if we don't pay $2,000 using a prepaid debit card or wire transfer. What's up with this? -- S.H., TulsaThe IRS is warning the public about a phone scam targeting people across the nation, including recent immigrants. Callers claiming to be with the IRS tell intended victims they owe taxes and must pay them using prepaid debit cards or wire transfers. The scammers threaten those who refuse to pay with arrest, deportation or loss of a business or driver's license.Callers commiting this fraud often use common names and fake IRS badge numbers, know the last four digits of the victim's Social Security number, make caller ID information appear as if the IRS is calling, send bogus IRS emails to support this scam and call a second time claiming to be the police or DMV -- caller ID again supporting their claims.Truth: The IRS usually contacts people by mail first -- not by phone -- about unpaid taxes. The IRS never asks for payment using prepaid debit cards or wire transfers. The agency also won't ask存倉for a credit card number over the phone.If you get a call from someone claiming to be with the IRS asking for a payment, hang up. If you do owe federal taxes, or think you might owe taxes, call the IRS at 800-829-1040. IRS workers can help you with payment questions.If you don't owe taxes, call and report the incident to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration at 800-366-4484.You can also file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission at bit.ly/ftcirscallscam and add "IRS telephone scam" to the comments in your complaint.Be alert for phone and email scams that use the IRS name. The IRS will never request personal or financial information by email, texting or any social media. Forward scam emails to phishing@irs.gov. Don't open attachments or click on any links in those emails.Read more about tax scams on the IRS website at bit.ly/irsirsscamcalls Also see the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services warning "Common scams" at bit.ly/uscisscamsSubmit Action Line questions by calling 918-699-8888, emailing phil.mulkins@tulsaworld.com or by mailing them to Tulsa World Action Line, PO Box 1770, Tulsa OK 74102-1770.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) Visit Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) at .tulsaworld.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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Q1 Judy 問 Oppo BDP-103D 區碼解禁/我購買了 Oppo BDP-103D 後,迷你倉發現不能播放外國買回來的藍光影碟?請問有何解決方法呢? A1 從外國購買的藍光影碟(下稱 BD)不能在 Oppo BDP-103D 中播放,原因是因為「區碼」不同。香港版本的藍光影碟播放器,只支援 A 區及全區碼 BD。若閣下從外國購入的 BD 碟屬於 B 區或 C 區(例如︰法版或德版 BD 便屬於 B 區),便無法於 Oppo BDP-103D 中播放。 不過,位於旺角西洋菜街百寶利商業中心 14 樓的聲耀全音,則提供改裝服務,令 Oppo 所有系列的藍光影碟播放機,皆可支援所有區碼的 BD 影碟。閣下可親身帶同播放機到該店,為播放機加裝晶片,需時約三個工作天,改裝費用約 $1,500。 要改裝到支援所有區碼的影碟,需要打開機箱並安裝專用硬件,並非靠更新韌體便能夠做到。 BO Acoustic 3188 1720 Q2 Leo 問 了解 DSD 音樂格式/我剛買了 AK100 MK II 音樂播放器,並到日本網站購買了 DSD 格式的音樂檔,最後發現迷你倉樂器能播放。請問是韌體問題還是檔案的問題呢? A2 新版本的 Astell & Kern AK100 MK II 基本功能跟 AK100 相同,而在上月發布的最新韌體 V2.30,已加推支援 DSD 音樂格式檔案,包括:DSD64(1bit 2.8MHz)、DSDIFF(.dff)及 DSF(.dsf)檔案。若閣下所購買的 AK100 MK II 的韌體已是 V2.30 版本,則毋須再更新。 若更新韌體後仍無法播放檔案,可能是由於 DSD 格式有分 2.8MHz 及 5.6MHz 兩種,而 AK100 MK II 目前只支援播放 2.8MHz 格式檔案,暫不支援 5.6MHz 檔案。所以樂迷付費下載音樂前,請先留意 DSD 格式檔案的詳細規格。 .e-onkyo.com 網站所購買的音樂檔案,有部分專輯可揀選檔案格式。 提問渠道 hdzone@hket.com forum.e-zone.com.hk KanHeung 影音無分高低手,只要揀對自己口味的器材,調校得宜也一樣能夠玩得出色、玩得過癮! TEXT&PHOTO KanHeung∣EDIT 萊爾∣ART ysk 迷你倉西貢

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  • Dec 14 Sat 2013 14:05
  • 臺灣

經濟日報創立「全民財經檢定」目的在於增進民眾對於財經知識與時事的理解,mini storage進而活用新聞訊息,提升個人就業力及企業競爭力。本單元特別以新聞實例切入,藉由導讀、重要名詞解釋及檢定例題的練習,協助考生學習及強化財經應用能力。【新聞導讀】電子商務興起,阿里巴巴集團從第三方支付轉而投資布局金融業,從基金到保險也都已經有涉及,現在更進一步想直接跨足證券業與銀行業,阿里巴巴的網路力量引起金融界的注意。阿里巴巴集團主要提供電子商務在線交易平台,集團的營運範圍,涵蓋了B2B貿易、網路零售、購物搜索引擎、第三方支付,以及雲端計算服務等,旗下的淘寶網與天貓,去年營收甚至超越美國的亞馬遜與eBay的總合,穩居電子商務全球領導地位。早在2012年,阿里巴巴創辦人馬雲就提出「平台、金融、數據」的三大戰略,阿里巴巴集團領先同業提出關於網路金融領域的清晰戰略,而阿里巴巴基於自身的電子商務核心能力,可以發揮的金融產品也就更多元,除了基金、保險以外,網路交易所衍生的信用貸款、第三方支付等也涵蓋其中。中國大陸的證券市場是電子交易的天下,網路下單普及,許多券商認為隨著證券交易市場擴增,網路將是未來的發展關鍵,所以紛紛追求於打造優質的下單平台,如今掌握網路關鍵力量的阿里巴巴有意跨足證券self storage業,意味著證券公司只和同業競爭的時代已經過去,面對未來龐大的電子商務體系加入市場,既有券商如何與阿里巴巴競爭與合作,自然也是日後業界關心的焦點。【名詞解釋】合資全牌照:是指中國大陸開放台資券商經營的一種模式,其中「合資」是指必須與當地企業合資經營,「全照」則是指可以經營證券業所有業務。在WTO架構下,台資公司赴陸設合資證券公司,台資持股比限制為49%,而且也只能做證券承銷和保薦等投資銀行業務,但根據服貿協議,開放台資券商在特定區域內可以經營全牌照業務,部分地區的持股比限制更放寬到51%。例題:大陸電子商務龍頭阿里巴巴集團跨足金融領域,與開發金旗下凱基證券接洽設立「合資全照」券商。請問阿里巴巴與凱基合資設立券商,最可能是看中經營下列哪項業務市場?(A) 期貨自營(B) 期貨經理(C) 證券承銷(D) 證券網路下單答:D全民財經檢定注意事項作業項目作業日期費用公告檢定結果2013/12/10~2014/1/10毋須付費複查檢定結果2013/12/10~2013/12/20150元補發檢定結果通知書(若逾一週仍未收到2013/12/17~2014/1/10毋須付費申請檢定合格證書2013/12/23~2014/12/10一般件:200元急件:350元迷你倉

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提升旅遊魅力 融入區域合作官方資料顯示,自存倉十月份受國家《旅遊法》實施影響,內地團客應聲跌百分之十點六,但跌幅較旅遊業界當初預期的少。 新法實施兩個月來,市場由最初的摸索期,因擔心觸碰“地雷”而自動削減“購物”行程,連專門做團客生意的購物場亦有結業或轉型的準備,到後來熟悉新法要求及禁止事項而自行鬆綁,如近月來已復見部分專門接待旅客的購物場人頭湧湧,反映出新法實施的過渡期已基本完成。 旅遊業者指現時團量已恢復到新法實施前的七、八成,期間的旅遊糾紛卻大幅減少至僅得一宗。反映嚴法之下,零負團費等違規情況有所收歛。 規範旅遊市場的政策無疑可重塑澳門的旅遊城市形象。完善內部旅遊軟硬件,打通對外交通網絡,更是如何進一步推動旅遊業發展的關鍵。尤其鄰近地區均透過開賭振興旅遊業以刺激經濟發展,澳門博彩業一哥縱有先發優勢,也難免會在其他地區多元旅遊元素包裝下,被挖走部分旅客尤其家庭客源。 澳門土地資源緊絀,要發展主題樂園式的娛樂元素存在一定困難,加上鄰近地區如香港已有兩個主題公園,澳門要以主題公園引客,稍有差迷你倉,東施效顰,吃力不討好。 藉著區域經濟融合的契機,澳門旅遊元素單一的問題,有望借助粵港澳三地各自發揮的旅遊優勢得到補充。如日前舉行的粵港澳區域旅遊合作願景綱要專家評審會上,就提到要挖掘互補需求,實現互利互惠。國家旅遊局副局長王志發更希望合作各方不斷推動區域旅遊合作發展,為打造中國旅遊“升級版”發揮示範引領作用。 可以想像,今後三地在全方位的旅遊合作下,不僅資源及市場等方面起到互補作用,甚至要為旅客的自由流動創造條件,才能令粵港澳成為高度協作的旅遊區。在此,實現廿四小時通關,便成為三地加強合作的產物,而且在推動粵港澳旅遊區當中,扮演著關鍵角色。 有研究指出,作為與國際旅遊市場接軌的粵港澳旅遊區,若可全天候接待國際旅客,尤其是利用港澳管道讓各地旅客及商人自由進出中國大陸這龐大市場,不僅可強化港澳的國際城市形象,更有利粵港澳的旅遊業發展。 三地旅遊合作大潮無懸念,但在吸引旅客“一程多站”下,澳門在區域旅遊區中倘要扮演第一站及中心角色,從而延長旅客留澳時間,提升旅遊魅力,還需加把勁。 春 耕 mini storage

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Source: American News, Aberdeen, S.迷你倉D.Dec. 12--With winter here, many folks find themselves grinding through coughs and colds.Two specialists say it's a common cold that's going around, and will take tried-and-true remedies.Some of the contributing factors to winter colds and coughs are spending more time indoors and in close quarters with people, said Amy Dwight, a nurse and clinical supervisor of the family medicine department at Sanford Aberdeen Medical Center. Long work weeks, stress and not getting enough sleep also play a part, she said."Right now, this time of the year with more people being inside and being around more people, it become easier for colds to spread," said Kayla Daniels, physician assistant at Avera St. Luke's FastCare at Kessler's. "For example colds can spread from respiratory droplets from coughing or sneezing, and it can be easier to pick that up being in close vicinities with other people."Staying indoors and being in close contact with each other can make people more susceptible to coming in contact with viruses, especially with children."With the temps below zero, kids aren't going out for recess which means spending more time indoors doing hands on activities and passing things back and forth, that can be a common way that colds spread," Dwight said.Both specialists emphasized the importance of good hand hygiene."The most basic, first-hand line of defense is washing your hands," Dwight said. "If you're somewhere where it's hard to wash your hands, the hand sanitizers work really well. They're easy to throw in your purse or diaper bag," she said, noting that hand sanitizers are available in stores and offices, and sanitizer wipes are offered to wipe down shopping carts."Even just pushing a shopping cart, you could pick up a cold that way as well," Dmini storageniels said. "Good hand hygiene, that's the No. 1 thing. Washing hands with soap and warm water or getting a good hand sanitizer can help especially after you cough or sneeze into your hands." Daniels also said to cough or sneeze into your elbow instead of your hands, which is especially important for children.As for advice for people battling winter colds Dwight said drinking plenty of fluids and getting plenty of rest is important, as well as humidifiers and warm compresses, hot showers or baths, or even just a warm wash cloth over the bridge of the nose of forehead to relieve some tension and loosen things up. Gargling salt water or saline rinses for a home remedy can also be helpful for sinuses and soar throats, she said.Both specialists said if a cold continues to worsen and a fever comes with a temp in the range of 100 degrees or over to see your primary doctor.Over-the-counter medicine can help too, Dwight said. But it is important to make sure if you are taking any prescribed medicines to check with your doctor first, she said. Also, it can be helpful to talk to the pharmacist and tell them your symptoms and ask what recommendation of cold medicine they may be able to help with."I can't stress enough that most colds are viruses and antibiotics aren't needed, it just takes good old-fashioned time," Daniels said. "During a common cold its just important to get plenty of rest and stay hydrated." She also encouraged getting the flu shot this season to help combat illness.Both specialists said they always are willing to answer questions over the phone for those who are concerned.Follow @AnnieKing_AAN on Twitter.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 American News (Aberdeen, S.D.) Visit the American News (Aberdeen, S.D.) at .aberdeennews.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

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Source: Reading Eagle, Pa.mini storageDec. 13--Wading once more into the muddy waters of the city's 600-page Administrative Code, Charter Review Commission members on Wednesday battled over whether it gives City Council too much control over the minute details of administrative offices.Mayor Vaughn D. Spencer insists it does. He noted Section 601 of the code -- adopted by council -- allows council to determine "the internal procedures for the operation of the departments, offices and agencies," and "any other rules, regulations and procedures reasonably appropriate for efficient administration."That encroaches upon the mayor's authority, said Spencer, who wants to transform the council-approved code into a mayor-approved administrative manual that he can change as needs arise.Arguing the other side, Councilwoman Marcia Goodman-Hinnershitz said all home-rule charters require administrative codes, which pick up where the charter leaves off."It's clear that the Transition Committee wanted to provide the mayor with less flexibilityself storageand provide more control points for council," she said of the 1996 panel that wrote the city code.Spencer claimed the real problem is that neither the charter nor the code clearly spells out the separation of powers between the mayor and council."Council can come in and change anything the administration or the mayor does," said Eron Lloyd, Spencer's special assistant.The commission's mandate is to recommend changes to the charter, not city ordinances such as the code.However, since the charter requires the code, some members believe they should change the charter to split up the legislative and administrative duties in the code."I cannot imagine how this would ever be presented to the public," said member Thomas Anewalt. "It's too complicated; it's asking an awful lot of the average informed voter."Contact Don Spatz: 610-371-5027 or dspatz@readingeagle.com.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Reading Eagle (Reading, Pa.) Visit the Reading Eagle (Reading, Pa.) at readingeagle.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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  • Dec 14 Sat 2013 13:39
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阿里巴巴董事局主席馬雲日前與三星手機業務主管進行兩小時密會,儲存商討有關商業合作計畫;據稱,阿里巴巴已開始秘密研發智慧眼鏡,計畫在中長期將產品實現商用,但需要多家科技公司的支持,包括三星。阿里巴巴向香港東方早報證實,馬雲本周的確在韓國,但對其他消息不予置評。韓國時報報導,馬雲11日在首爾與三星手機業務主管申宗均進行兩小時的會晤,商討有關商業合迷你倉計畫,希望獲得來自三星的幫助。報導稱,馬雲的韓國之行是為尋找戰略投資者,除拜訪三星電子外,還與韓國電信公司和網際網路企業Naver高層會面,後者開發的聊天程式Line在大陸頗受歡迎。三星高層表示,申宗均要求馬雲透過阿里巴巴網路來提高三星產品銷售量。值得注意的是,此前曾有報導稱,三星電子提交給韓國政府的專利文件顯示,該公司也準備推出電子眼鏡。self storage

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Source: The Salina Journal, Kan.迷你倉Dec. 13--Carson Mansfield isn't the only longtime supervisor retiring today from Salina's criminal justice system.Lt. Scott Siemsen, Criminal Investigation Bureau commander for the Salina Police Department, and Jane Eilers, court supervisor for Salina Municipal Court, also are packing up their offices.Siemsen, who has worked for the police department for more than 31 years, plans to spend his post-law enforcement years in Tennessee with his wife, Brenda, who retired this year as Saline County treasurer.Eilers supervised municipal court for more than 17 years and worked as office manager of the Saline County Attorney's office for the six years prior.She will relocate to Florida.Both said that while they look forward to the changes ahead, they found their careers challenging and rewarding.Brad Nelson, Salina's new police chief, will decide who will replace Siemsen as investigations commander.Always an answerSiemsen said he was drawn to law enforcement for the same reasons he liked math as a student -- there was always a correct answer."Two plus two to me was always four," he said. "For me, as a stupid kid, I thought, 'Well, I should be a cop because it's either against the law or it's not.' "However, Siemsen said his years of driving a black-and-white taught him "how much gray area there is.""There are a lot of factors behind criminal acts, and you have to be able to prove things," he said. "We can have our hunch, but we have to have probable cause to make an arrest and proof beyond a reasonable doubt to convict."At the end of his law enforcement career, Siemsen was supervising the efforts of seven investigators and a crime analyst, as well as functioning as the department's public information officer. Before that, he'd been a patrol officer, dispatcher, investigator and watch commander.He was promoted to lieutenant in 2004. In 1995, he went to polygraph school and helped administer pre-employment screenings for the department, as well as give polygraphs to criminal suspects."It's been a good career," he said. "My shock factor is probably a zero -- there's not much I haven't heard or seen."Technology changesTechnology has been ever-changing. When he first started, he said, the cars were equipped with radar guns to catch speeders. A few years later, in-car cameras were installed. More recently, mobile data computer screens became standard equipment in patrol cars, and recently the department started using personal video recorders."There are certain benefits to having cameras," he said. "One is complaints. It used to come down to the officer's word versus the complainant's word. Now we can watch the video."Use of force optionsThe firepower also has improved. Siemsen said that when he first started, he carried a Smith & Wesson Model 15 revolver with six rounds in the gun and two additional ammunition pouches. He said today's officers ar文件倉 armed with semi-automatic .40-caliber guns with one magazine loaded and two more waiting."When I started, we had our firearm and our hands," he said.Now officers have a tactical baton, pepper spray and a Taser, so they have more choices for use of force to control a situation, he said.Siemsen said Salina has had years in which there have been four or five murders and years in which there haven't been any. He said he doesn't think there's a clear trend toward more violence in the city. But, he said, there is clearly an increasing use of illegal drugs, including methamphetamine, crack cocaine and herbal potpourri. He said many other types of crimes are drug-related, including at least two recent murders.Siemsen said he won't mind leaving the responsibility and stress behind."Everybody else's problems become our problems, and we have to solve them sometimes without their help or desire to help," he said.What will stick with him are the good memories of the people he worked with and the people he helped."You feel like you're accomplishing something because you're trying to make the community a better place to live and a safer place," he said. "You feel a sense of pride that you're helping do that."In good handsEilers said she feels better about leaving her job now that she knows she's leaving it in capable hands. Lieu Ann Elsey, who has been working as Salina city clerk, will assume the position.Eilers supervised the six employees in the clerk's office, the probation officer and the court officer. She made sure the court met all requirements of state law and got documents submitted accurately and on time.She said there was always a lot to do. Between July 1, 2012, and June 30, 13,682 cases were filed in municipal court, including DUIs, traffic infractions and criminal misdemeanors.She said the office has begun a transition to paperless operation and employees are figuring out a system that works for the prosecutor, judge and court officer and for getting the information to the state."It's an exciting time for the court," she said. "There might be a couple of other courts that have done that in Kansas, but we're on the cutting edge of that."Eilers said there are many aspects of her job she enjoyed. She also liked being involved with the Kansas Association for Court Management."The criminal justice system is so interesting, and it's ever-changing," she said. "There are always new laws."She said she enjoyed the people she worked with and the variety."You never knew what would happen when you came to work," she said. "It's been a great ride for me. I've loved it. It's made me feel involved in the community by doing this."-- Reporter Erin Mathews can be reached at 822-1415 or by email at emathews@salina.com.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Salina Journal (Salina, Kan.) Visit The Salina Journal (Salina, Kan.) at .saljournal.com Distributed by MCT Information Services存倉

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