【本報訊】「網絡儲存區」(Cyberlocker)近年在網上湧現,迷你倉讓用戶上載檔案供他人下載,不少平台為賺廣告費等收入,以檔案「每一千次下載可獲七十美元」作招徠,令一批不法用戶上載侵權歌曲及電影吸引網友點擊賺錢。海關今年偵破兩宗港人相關侵權個案,海關正研發自動追蹤此類侵權模式的系統,並將開發成功,推出指日可待。網絡儲存平台讓用家上載電子檔案,當檔案達一定數量的下載次數後,便可獲回贈金錢,有用家為賺錢將侵權電影、音樂、色情物品上載,平台本身借不同人點擊網站及成為付費會員,賺取天文數字收入,外國有此等平台每日淨賺廣告費達八千至一萬港mini storage。海關今年偵破兩宗港人發放有關侵權物品個案,但海關版權及商標調查(行動)課監督關煜群指,本地討論區每日的貼文數以十萬計,人手難逐一監察,待有關的追蹤系統推出後料有助執法。關煜群指執法機關面對網上罪行各項挑戰,即使罪犯僅一人,亦可在一、兩日內完成,當中涉及廣泛跨境性的罪行,犯案地點、伺服器、電郵帳戶及網站登記亦可涉及不同的司法管轄區,一些本意良好的手機Apps亦可被罪犯利用上下載侵權物品及減低犯罪成本,海關會密切留意並尋找對策打擊,部門正與大學商討,研發新一代硬件儲存裝置取證方法。○九年至今海關共取締一百廿九個侵權或冒牌貨相關網站。儲存

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Source: The Blade, Toledo, OhioDec.迷你倉 29--Last in a seriesLinda Wininger began volunteering for Hospice of Northwest Ohio more than 20 years ago after others told her about the strong support the agency offers to patients and families.Her involvement with hospice has ranged from visiting homes to giving respite for caregivers and companionship for patients who are dying to singing in a bedside choir at hospice facilities."It has been a true privilege to have done this for 20 years, and that is helping people during the most personal time in their lives," said Mrs. Wininger of Millbury, Ohio, in Wood County.Hospice of Northwest Ohio is among the many area organizations that offer opportunities for people who want to volunteer their time, skills, and talents throughout the year, giving support and care to others in the community.Gina Kasch, director of volunteer services for hospice, said volunteers such as Mrs. Wininger are the heart and backbone of hospice."She is very versatile and really takes the mission of the agency to heart," she said.Last year, nearly 300 volunteers donated an estimated 22,000 hours in personal time for hospice-related services. The organization offers opportunities for people to work directly with patients at its facilities in Perrysburg Township and South Toledo or go into nursing homes or residences of patients.Currently, Mrs. Wininger and her husband, Rob Wininger, provide companionship to hospice patients in an Oregon nursing home."My advice to people who want to volunteer is to try new things, and if you don't like it then try something else," Mrs. Wininger said. "I would have not continued to be a volunteer if it had not been a good experience for me."There are different varieties of volunteer opportunities. There is something for everybody."Mr. Wininger said he began volunteering with hospice about seven years ago after seeing the satisfaction it was providing to his wife. "She inspired me," he said. "I could see how much she enjoyed it."Another agency, Read for Literacy, relies on 1,600 volunteers who have donated their time to become trained to tutor people struggling with poor reading skills. The nonprofit group, which operates out of the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library, has helped more than 5,000 adults to increase their literacy levels through one-on-one and small-group tutoring. With partner agencies, Read for Literacy also pairs volunteers with children in schools, Head Start sites, and elementary schools.Chrisann Sferra, who is a former community college professor, has been involved in community volunteerism for years and joined the Read for Literacy program to help adults read.On afternoons two days each week, Mrs. Sferra meets with Tanya Lucas in a conference room in the downtown library.Ms. Lucas was reading at a midfirst-grade level when she was paired with Mrs. Sferra 10 months ago, but she is now reading and comprehending at the sixth-grade ranking.Mrs. Sferra said watching Ms. Lucas improve over the months has been satisfying."When I come here I feel like I am seeing an old friend," she said. "It makes me feel that I know my time is well spent and that I can bring something to the table."The United Way of Greater Toledo helps people who want to volunteer their time and skills to nonprofit organizations.Emily Avery, director of community engagement, said United Way, which serves Lucas, Ottawa, and Wood counties, matches prospective volunteers to more than 250 nonprofit groups and faith-based programs through a survey of their interests, likes, the distance they are willing to travel, and time they would like to offer."We wo迷你倉西貢k with them to make sure we can make an appropriate match," Ms. Avery said.Last year, United Way helped more than 10,000 individuals who donated their time and skills in various capacities, which ranged from one-day participation or year-long service.Information on volunteering can be obtained through 2-1-1, the United Way's 24-hour, seven-day-a-week information referral service, or unitedwaytoledo.org, where a volunteer section allows one to search for opportunities in a particular geographic area or by interests.The Area Office on Aging of Northwest Ohio Inc. matches the passions and interests of volunteers ages 55 and older with places and agencies they can serve. The agency's Retired and Senior Volunteer Program looks at the experience and skills of volunteers to connect them with nonprofit organizations, schools, and agencies."There are lots of different kinds of opportunities," said Sally Davies, RSVP director. "They can get involved in education in literacy areas. We have volunteers serving in thrift stores and volunteering their services in home delivery of meals to seniors."The agency recruits volunteers for the Toledo Police Department's Retired Senior Volunteer Patrol program, which does home visits to seniors who are trying to live independently. Volunteers can also donate their time for a couple hours by going into the homes to give caregivers of spouses and parents a break so they can get out of the residence.Volunteers are the first point of contact patients have when they walk into the Veterans Administration outpatient clinic at 1200 S. Detroit Ave., said Vi Grzyowski, who is in charge of the voluntary service center at the clinic.She said volunteers use golf carts to transport veterans from their vehicles in the parking lot to the reception area, and they also have fresh coffee and other refreshments available."They really are the backbone of what we do here," Mrs. Grzyowski said.The clinic, which opened in July, 2012, has about 110 volunteers.The Metroparks of Toledo has many year-round opportunities, including serving as patrols on trails in the Metropark system, serving refreshments at teas in the Manor House in Wildwood Preserve, monitoring wildlife, and teaching park visitors about nature. Some training is required for the volunteer work.Trish Hausknecht, volunteer program manager for the Metroparks, said more than 3,000 volunteers donated about 46,000 hours of time in 2012."Whether someone would like to work outdoors or indoors, in education or restoration, we have opportunities available depending on the season," she said.The Metroparks will begin a new round of recruitment in January for the park system's Volunteer Roving Interpreter program as well as its Volunteer Trail Patrol, which requires people to devote at least 50 hours a year to assisting park visitors while walking the trails.An informational meeting about the volunteer trail program is scheduled for 3 p.m. Jan. 5 in the Wildwood Ward Pavilion at Wildwood Preserve. Trail volunteers act as communications links for park users, promote safe use of the trail system, and provide information and assistance.An orientation session for the Volunteer Roving Interpreter program, which asks people to give 25 hours per year and attend required training, will be held at 9 a.m. on Jan. 11 in the boardroom at Wildwood Preserve. Those volunteers work in a variety of settings and provide information about the parks.Contact Mark Reiter at: or 419-724-6199.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Blade (Toledo, Ohio) Visit The Blade (Toledo, Ohio) at .toledoblade.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉將軍澳

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12月26日消息,迷你倉據悉,今天工信部宣佈迪信通等十幾家企業獲得移動轉售虛擬運營牌照。經過一年半的努力,民間資本進入電信領域終於結出了果實。據瞭解,為申請移動轉售牌照,迪信通較早成立了專門小組,同步開展移動通信轉售業務國外經驗的研究,國內市場調研、產品定位、計費、營賬、客服、信息安全系統的開發,經過多輪交流、資料申報、評審,最終與幾大運營商達成合作。此前,迪信通分別與中國電信、中國聯通就移動通信轉售業務,最終簽署合作協議,與中國移動也達成了合作意向。但是虛擬運營的真正考驗是如何設計出與基礎運營商差異化的產品,以優質的服務來贏得消費者的認同,樹立品牌形象,在激烈競爭的市場佔有一席之地。目前,迪信通正在實施CCCT戰略轉型,包括:雲服務、內容服務、渠道多樣化、終端建設,獲得牌照後,業mini storage經營將更為多元,新戰略也將進入深化階段。迪信通高級副總裁黃建輝表示:“牌照獲得後我們將加速前期的準備工作,盡早為用戶提供通信服務。迪信通的轉售業務目標市場定位重點為手機重度使用者與小微企業市場客戶。因為終端是迪信通與用戶接觸的第一界面,所以主要的市場營銷元素將圍繞終端展開。業務模式由零售業務向移動互聯網服務提供商轉型升級。以智慧生活的理念向用戶提供方便實用的移動通信增值服務。我們將為客戶打造國內移動轉售業務的首選品牌。”據瞭解,迪信通擁有全國廣泛的網店覆蓋、龐大的會員網絡、同異業聯盟合作、自有移動互聯產品、強大的網上銷售能力、線上線下的結合等。並且與運營商合作已久,早已從單純的產品銷售合作向互聯網時代多渠道、多業務合作轉變,強化渠道、運營商在通信產業生態圈中的分工協作。(維嘉)self storage

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Getting close to the people President Xi Jinping surprised many by visiting a local Beijing eatery Saturday noon, where he lined up and paid for his own meal of pork buns, fried liver and vegetables.存倉 Photos and videos of his visit soon caused a stir on the Internet, with many micro blog users expressing their surprise and approval of Xi’s pragmatic style of staying in touch with people. Xi’s impromptu visit, which was not reported in advance by mainstream media, stuck a chord with the general public, and other leaders should also show they have the common touch, says an opinion article in Beijing Times. It is very unusual for senior Chinese officials to have such close interaction with ordinary people. But Xi’s visit shows leaders should seek an opportunity to mix with people and experience their lives. This could help change the traditional image of senior leaders being shrouded in mystery and show their determination to cut down on waste and extravagance, often associated with official banquets, which Xi has continually promoted since he took office. Man儲存 officials, once promoted to higher posts, give up their ordinary way of living for a more comfortable or even luxurious life, and to the public eye it seems many cannot live without fine cuisine, brand-name clothes, limousines and big houses. They grow detached from ordinary people, and gradually start to forget what an ordinary life is like, and give little or no thought to people’s everyday worries and difficulties. Xi’s visit to the restaurant sets an example for leaders at all levels. It reminds them a leader is an ordinary person no matter how high his official position is. Officials should stop being arrogant and remove the invisible wall between them and the people. To change their work style, they need to remind themselves that they come from the people, and they should work for the people. They should find the time to meet the people to find out how much pork buns cost and what people have to say about food safety. Of course, when an official bears in mind people’s concerns and needs, he doesn’t have to eat at such restaurants each and every day. 迷你倉

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(吉隆坡27日訊)泰國局勢持續不明朗化,儲存外交部鋻於國人安全,至今仍舊保留對泰南三地發出的旅遊警告,勸告國人暫時不要前往發生爆炸案的泰南三地,包括巴東勿剎,丹諾和昔羅,直到旅遊警告解除。另外,由於在曼谷發生的警民衝突,及示威者集會的地點,並不屬於遊客區,而且也沒有發生攻擊遊客等不愉快事件,因此外交部目前無意對曼谷發佈旅遊警告,國人依舊可以按照原定計劃到曼谷旅行。不過,泰國旅遊局則勸告遊客避免到示威集會地點,並鼓勵遊客儘量使用BTS捷運或MRT地鐵,同時也應提早到機場辦理登機手續,以免因為示威人潮造成交通嚴重阻塞,而擱誤了行程。密切監督泰南局勢外交部泰國事務處發言人指出,該部正密切監督泰南的局勢進展,並與大馬駐宋卡領事館保持聯繫,以掌握泰南的最新發展局勢,因此在情況未明朗化前,該部都將維持對泰南三地發出的旅遊警告,泰南部份地區在22日發生至少4起連環炸彈攻擊案,造成多人傷亡;普吉島在翌日也發現一輛未引爆的汽車炸彈,外交部隨後對泰南三地,即巴東勿剎,丹諾和昔羅發出旅遊警告,勸告國人暫緩或取消前往發生爆炸案的泰南三地,直到旅遊警告解除。“若沒有重要行程或事務,大馬人應暫緩到泰南行程;至於身在泰南地區的大馬遊客,須遠離發生爆炸案地點,密切關注局勢進展,遵從泰國政府發出的最新指示行事。”身在泰南的大馬遊客迷你倉可聯絡宋卡府的大馬領事館。地址:4, Sukhum Road, Muang District, Songkhla Province 90000 Thailand。電話:+6674311062/+6674311062,傳真:+6674324004。泰旅遊局提醒遊客遠離示威地點搭捷運泰國旅遊局在其官方網站表示,曼谷反政府示威者大多集中在政府部門辦事處,及泰國看守政府首相英叻位於Ekamai的住處,這些地方都不在旅遊區內,至今也沒有發生示威者攻擊遊客或佔領旅遊景點事故。因此,泰國旅遊局促遊客遠離示威地點,並使用捷運,以免陷入車龍中;至於日前在泰日體育場發生的警民衝突,也不在曼谷市中心。目前,示威者大多在民主紀念碑舉行集會,同時也兵分多路,到英叻住家、位於拉差帕頌路,在Siam Paragon對面的警察總部、Siam區甚至唐人街一帶集會,情況受到控制。“必須強調的是,示威者並沒有針對遊客,所有景點都照常開放,往返曼谷的國內與國際航班也照常進行,遊客受促遠離示威地點即可。”在曼谷的大馬遊客,若有任何疑問,可撥打以下電話查詢:泰國旅遊局熱線中心——1672旅遊警察熱線中心——1155曼谷旅遊局熱線中心——+66(0)2225 7612-4泰國機場熱線中心——1722【本篇內容已在2013-12-28更新。】;儲存倉

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適當“不作為”◆黃偉明城市的發展讓越來越多的鋼筋水泥出盡了風頭,儲存嶄新的建築林立街頭,那些舊的、“丑”的越來越少,殊不知在大刀闊斧地“除舊”背後,透露出的是城市文化的消失和城市個性的磨滅!面對城市“疤痕”怎麼留這個日益嚴峻的問題,本刊也曾抓住熱點進行了深入探究。老城區、舊建築固然不是樣樣都需要被保留,但環顧整個上海不難發現,城市應該有的“疤”也隨著老舊建築的拆除而消失。那些有幸被保留下來的也大多經歷了一番“修舊如舊”,多少有些畫蛇添足的感覺。無論如何按照建築“原來”的樣子去修,那都已經不再是“原來”的樣子了,不是嗎?“如舊”畢竟不等於真正的“舊”,只要用了新材料去修正,那就是新的了,這一類的翻新終究會讓這些保護建築失去韻味、失去最應該被保留的——精神文明。當然,這並不是在一味否定“修舊”,歷史的發展、建築的維護是需要不間斷地鞏固更新的,但將修護方式簡單化並不可取。比如一些老街古鎮上,原本古樸的木結構老宅應有的瓦片頂、粉刷牆、銅鎖,這些最值得品味的細節都被迷你倉代化的裝修取代,讓人很難找到古宅的原汁原味,這樣的“保護”就未免做過頭了。說到底,很多保護單位會這樣做很大程度上是為了讓這些文化遺產成為旅遊景點,進行這樣的修復能讓古建築更適合被參觀,但卻讓文物保護變得本末倒置。想要為城市文化留下點什麼,我倒覺得適當的“不作為”可能才是真正的保護。比如石庫門,經過幾十年的居住該怎麼樣就怎麼樣,除了適當的日常維護,就這樣保持著“人氣”才是上海的弄堂風貌,與其單一地保留下石庫門建築特色,不如就讓它自然而然。歐洲小鎮之所以很多能至今吸引世界遊客前去旅遊,正是當地人民長久以來自發自主地對房屋進行粉刷和維護,即便沒有政府出資,他們也已經將保護意識變成了生活習慣,這才讓歐洲至今還能保持著獨特的魅力。如果我們的政府對於古建築保護也能做到監督大於整治,老百姓也養成自覺保護的好習慣,那麼我們的城市“傷疤”遲早也會成為最美的風景。(本文話題鏈接B2版“年終專稿”回顧焦點)為室內空間也留個疤,藝術家的靈感,營造了不一樣室內環境 姜錫祥 攝self storage

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隨�一列搭載1100多名旅客的「和諧號」D2333次動車,迷你倉28日9時從廈門北站駛往深圳,被譽為中國黃金海岸線上黃金通道的「特區新幹線」———廈深鐵路,歷經6年建設,終於正式開通運營。廈深鐵路正式開通運營,標誌�東至杭州、南到深圳的中國東南沿海鐵路「大動脈」全線貫通。有觀察人士認為,交通基礎設施的完善,將極大程度優化相鄰經濟板塊的資源配置、產業互動與經濟融合。隨�東南沿海快速鐵路網的成型,一個由長三角、珠三角和台灣海峽經濟圈組成的「新三角」經濟區域呼之欲出。 28日9時,廈深鐵路首趟動車D2333次緩緩駛出廈門北站,以近200公里的時速,穿越閩南的青山綠水,向南粵大地飛馳而去。短短3個小時40分鐘就抵達深圳北站,乘坐首趟動車的廣東客商陳文海直呼過癮:「從過去的8個小時汽車車程,到現在閩粵千里半日往返,廈深動車早就讓我們望穿秋水。」 閩粵沿線8 縣市終通鐵路 廈深鐵路全長502.4公里;全線設置18個站點,閩粵沿線的8個縣市由此結束「手無寸鐵」的歷史。據南昌鐵路局黨委副書記萬軍介紹,廈深鐵路不僅連接廈門、汕頭、深圳三大特區,還與已建成的福廈、溫福、甬台溫、杭甬等鐵路相連,正式貫通中國「四縱四橫」快速鐵路網的重要「一縱」———東南沿海鐵路。 「這條鐵路『大動脈自存倉打通後,深圳至廈門最快為3小時34分,深圳至上海將由18小時縮短至11小時51分。」廣鐵集團副總工程師、客運處長黃欣表示,中國東南沿海地區的鐵路「黃金走廊」由此成形。 廈門大學公共事務學院副教授林衍超指出,東南沿海鐵路串聯的上海、蘇州、杭州、廈門、東莞、深圳等城市,既是中國對外開放最活躍的地帶,也是對台交流合作最為深入的地區。廈門市台商協會會長陳信仲說,廈門的區位優勢、政策優勢將會吸引更多廣東台商來閩投資。 「可以預見,『海峽西岸+台灣』組成的『海峽經濟圈』,將成為一個與長三角、珠三角體量相當的大型經濟區,並與長三角、珠三角共同構築中國經濟版圖的『新三角』。」林衍超說。 閩把握旅遊業良機 廈深鐵路的開通也為福建旅遊業帶來商機。28日,一場以展現閩台特色地域文化為主的「閩台兩岸高鐵文化匯」被搬上廈深鐵路D2286次列車從深圳出發經廈門開往上海。金門觀光局副局長張瑞心在動車上向乘客推介了「戰地風情」這一金門主打的旅遊產品,並將金門高粱帶上動車,邀請乘客感受金門高粱入喉的醇香刺激。 張瑞心表示,以往金門的遊客多以福建居民為主,然而向莆鐵路開通後,來自大陸內陸的遊客明顯增加。因此,對於廈深鐵路帶動廣東、香港、澳門三地遊客經福建赴台旅遊的前景,他頗為看好。鍾俠迷你倉

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