憑藉著令人驚喜的i-Phone銷量,迷你倉沙田蘋果當地時間周二奉上的季度財報讓投資者釋懷。然而,蘋果股價的應聲上漲或許無法持久,因為華爾街投資者擔心利潤率下滑,而且蘋果第二大市場———中國的營收遽減,也讓人摸不著頭緒。 在沒有新產品發布的情況下,蘋果賣出3120萬台iPhone,這是會計年度第三季中最重要的產品,銷售量比分析師的預期高出大約20%。蘋果股價盤後攀升5%,部分得益於公司表示買回股票的速度將加快。 不過,蘋果大中華區所有產品的營收較前季大幅減少43%,較上年同期則下滑14%,對於一個智能手機持有率依然偏低的地區來說,這個現象令人憂慮。 推更廉價產品係理智選擇 從另一方面講,相比所產設備的數量而言,蘋果更看重的是其產品的品質。但蘋果智能手迷你倉價錢的市場份額增速已陷入停滯。對於一家看重品質的企業來說,這或許算不上什麼值得擔憂的事,但確實提出了一個可能讓人苦惱的問題:如果iPhone和iPad也走上了Mac的老路呢?有分析稱,蘋果應該改一改「重質不重量」的理念。 現在市面上有大量搭載微軟Windows作業系統的個人電腦機型,即使質量及不上蘋果的革命性產品Mac,但勝在價格便宜。而目前稱霸智能手機市場的是搭載谷歌Android操作平台的更廉價智能機型。 另一個值得擔憂的問題是,大量廉價競爭品將給蘋果的價格和利潤率帶來雙重壓力。此外,隨著時間的推移,軟件開發商們自然會把精力放在市場佔有率最高的產品身上。 推出更廉價產品對於蘋果公司而言是理智的。此舉應該能防止其市場份額出現像Mac那樣的急速下滑。迷你倉庫

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Source: The Lima News, OhioJuly 25--LIMA -- For the casual observer, convicting a man of murder when he wasn't even there and didn't order the killing seemed like a stretch.迷你倉出租But after the jury heard the evidence and a strong explanation of the law's complicity statute, jurors quickly convicted Charles McGuire on Wednesday in the death of a man he sent to rob a family.The jury of seven men and five women took two hours to return guilty verdicts on the charges of murder, aggravated robbery and aggravated burglary.Prosecutor Juergen Waldick said he would recommend the maximum sentence of 33 years to life in prison. Sentencing is set for Aug. 28."He's a three-time loser. He has three felony convictions in the past for some violent crimes," Waldick said.Before trial, prosecutors offered McGuire a plea deal that would guarantee he serves no more than 11 years in prison. McGuire told the judge he would take his chances with the jury.During closing arguments Wednesday, prosecutors spent a lot of time educating the jury on the definition of complicity under Ohio law."This is the important part," Assistant Allen County Prosecutor Jennifer King said.Complicity in a crime allows a person to be convicted even if he didn't carry out the act, as long as he worked with the other person to commit the crime, she said.In this case, McGuire sent James Gipson to a house on Catalpa Avenue to rob a family on Dec. 27. One of the family members owed a drug debt and McGuire wanted the debt paid plus an outrageous amount of interest.Gipson went to the home with a crowbar and struck two people across the face with it while inside the house. Family members defended themselves and a teenage son stabbed Gipson twice in the back during the struggle with a 6-inch survival knife he had just received for Christmas.Gipson ran out of the house and stumbled a short distance home where he collapsed in his front yard and died from his injuries.Pro儲存倉ecutors asked the jury to find McGuire guilty of the burglary and robbery charges because he sent Gipson to the home. They also said he was responsible for Gipson's death because he set in motion the chain of events that led to Gipson's death.King said it was foreseeable that people in the home would defend themselves against a man trying to rob them especially when he brought with him a crowbar."What happens when someone defends themselves? Someone gets hurt. In this case someone died," King said.McGuire's attorney, Joe Benavidez, told jurors during his closing argument the entire case boils down to the testimony of Gipson's girlfriend, Carrie Lamb. He said she lied and cannot be believed.Benavidez also said his client was a seasoned criminal who would not be so dumb as to set up a risky home invasion robbery."That's chasing bad money. It doesn't make sense," he said. "He's experienced, he's a seasoned criminal. It makes no sense for a seasoned criminal to go and do what happened that day, to set it up."Waldick called McGuire an "urban terrorist" saying he operated as a loan shark and drug dealer who would bully people into paying him extraordinary amounts of interest on debts through the threat of force.Waldick also played off Benavidez's "seasoned criminal" defense saying McGuire knew the system and tried to manipulate police and now the jury by telling lies that were somewhat close to the actual truth but never implicating himself in any of the crimes."That's the best kind of lie to tell when you mix in a little bit of the truth," Waldick said.Waldick also took the time to make sure the jury understood complicity but said it boils down to a simple understanding."When someone dies in the chain of events he set in motion, he is responsible," Waldick said.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Lima News (Lima, Ohio) Visit The Lima News (Lima, Ohio) at www.limaohio.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉沙田

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Source: Globes, Tel Aviv, IsraelJuly 24--Despite Operation Pillar of Cloud and missiles falling from Gaza in November, which hit tourism to Israel at the end of the year, income from foreign tourism reached a record $5.迷你倉價錢1 billion in 2012, according to the Ministry of Tourism. The figure rose from $5 billion in 2011, $4.8 billion in 2010 and $4 billion in 2009.The average amount spent by a tourist visiting Israel for less than 30 days in 2012 was $1,484 according to a sample survey of 25,000 families representing 41,000 individuals. The average tourist on an organized tour spent $1,549, on a package tour $1,500, and on an independent vacation $1,426.The average foreign tourist spends $153 per day, while those on land from a cruise spend $145.56 percent of tourists to Israel are Christians, half of them Catholics and迷你倉庫19 percent Protestants, while 24 percent of tourists to Israel are Jews.64 percent of tourists in 2012 said they came because of a recommendation by family or friends compared with 49 percent in 2011. 36 percent of tourists received information about Israel via the Internet compared with 27 percent in 2011.74 percent of visitors to Israel in 2012 stayed in hotels, 16 percent with family and friends, 4 percent in youth hostels, 3 percent in a rented apartment, 2 percent in a Christian hospice, and 2 percent elsewhere. These figures were similar in 2011. The average visit by a tourist in 2012 lasted 8.2 days similar to 2011.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Globes (Tel Aviv, Israel) Visit the Globes (Tel Aviv, Israel) at www.globes.co.il/serveen/globes/nodeview.asp?fid=942 Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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楚天都市報訊 圖為:23日晚,迷你倉價錢瑪雅海灘水公園附近聚集了很多黑車(記者李力力 實習生曹正)酷熱難耐,江城不少市民都選擇游泳、戲水消暑,上月底開設夜場的武漢瑪雅海灘水公園,平均每晚能吸引遊客5000人次。但近日有不少遊客反映,當他們嗨到臨近公園閉園時,卻發現附近歡樂大道華僑城公交場站的公交車早已收班,的士也幾乎絕跡,只能選擇黑車。夜晚戲水無奈打黑車回家7月22日晚10點半,記者在歡樂大道上見到了正在等車的一家三口。當天是家住漢口永清街的康康(化名)8歲生日。康康父親李先生說,當天一家人在雅海灘水公園一直玩到散場。晚上10點15分許,一家人走出公園卻發現,公交都已收班,“等了半天,一輛的士也沒來過,倒是馬路邊停著不少黑的在攬客。”最終,他們只能花了60元坐黑車回永清街,而他們來時打車只花了25元錢。23日晚9點45分,記者在瑪雅海灘水公園門前的歡樂大道探訪,看到從公園內出來的一撥撥的遊客,在歡樂大道上站了黑壓壓的一片。此時,歡樂大道上停滿了各種麵包車、小轎車,儼然成了一個停車場。多數車輛旁邊站著的司機向遊客吆喝:“要不要車?”記者在現場守候半個小時,發現沒有一輛公交車經過,偶有二三輛的士經過迷你倉庫散場前半小時公交已收班記者現場探訪留意到:經過公園大門外的公交車主要有566、810、108、534、545等5條線路。其中,566路收班最早,晚7點已是最後一班;108路最晚一班車則在晚9點收班,其他3條線路的公交車,晚9點30分收班。瑪雅海灘水公園工作人員介紹,該公園夏季夜場日均接待遊客5000人次,每晚活動持續至10點多,一般還有千余遊客。為方便遊客回家,該園已向公交部門多次申請公交車延遲收班,可未能獲得回應。該工作人員稱,每晚9點開始至10點多,遊客陸續開始離園,可9點30分以後就沒有了公交車,半小時的時間差,難壞了不少遊客,也引來了�多黑車。公交公司將考慮延時收班記者瞭解到,經過歡樂大道歡樂穀段的幾條公交線,分別隸屬於公交集團五公司、二公司、六公司和通�公司。通�公司相關負責人表示,810路公交車往常遇歡樂穀有夜場或重大活動時,會及時組織延長運營時間。公交五公司、二公司相關負責人表態,若客流確實有需求,他們將報請上級主管部門,看能否調整線路的營運時間。公交六公司表示,目前他們已經發現這個問題,545路公交在晚上9點半收班後,每天將分別于晚上10點和11點增開兩個固定班車方便出行。儲存

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http://cqcbepaper.cqnews.net/cqcb/html/2013-07/25/content_1660690.htm...金隅大成·時代都匯感恩回饋 重慶晨報訊 (記者 侯了)7月20日,迷你倉價錢金隅大成·時代都匯推出了以“感恩回饋新老業主,時代都匯助您清涼去避...

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  【本報訊】電腦學會相信本澳的SIM卡的安全度足夠。電腦學會副會長張志成稱,存倉日前被國際電信聯盟指出現漏洞有被入侵風險手提電話,主要是採用舊式加密技術的SIM卡,本澳大部分網絡營運商均使用數字加密法SIM卡,較難破解,他相信本澳的SIM卡的安全度足夠。  澳門電台分別向兩間網絡營運商查詢。澳門電訊稱,他們的SIM卡採用國際建議最新的技術,不會出現舊式加密技術的SIM卡的漏洞。澳門和記稱,他們採用三重數據加密(Triple D.E.S)制式的SIM卡,技術先進,可提供安全可靠的服務。

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○記者黃夢佳報道新報訊北京推行“定制公交”一周,自存倉調查平台訪問量過9萬。近日,上海一家民營網站也悄然�動了“定制公交”的報名預訂。“每人每月繳納299元的會費,然後每次上車再根據具體線路繳納車費。滿40人即開闢線路。”對此,市民褒貶不一,有的覺得價格太貴,擔心車輛安全;有的則覺得比出租車劃算,比擠地鐵舒服,值得推廣。市交通管理部門昨日表示,公交多站停線路開設一定要報運管處備案,“除非兩點一線運營,否則將被認定為‘黑車’。”“昆山至中山公園”最熱門本月,一家名為“直通吧班車”的網站開始推出一人一座、一站直達的個性化定制班車服務,目前正在接受預訂。記者昨日在這家網站上看到,首批推出的目的地有六個,分別是徐家匯、中山公園、靜安寺、陸家嘴、人民廣場、張江高科。想要定制班車的乘客,只需輸入自己所居住的區域和辦公地點,就可預訂。而記者昨天看到,網站上還有包括“萬里”“萬體館”等後期將開通的路線。不過,根據定制規則,對於未開通的線路,網站每月都會統計預訂的人數,如果線路預訂大於50人,且位於所有路線預訂數的前五名,便會通知預訂的用戶付款。截止到當月25日,若付款人數大於40人,則該線路下月將會開通。記者截稿前發現,預訂人數最多的“熱門線路”前五名分別是昆山至中山公園、九亭至迷你倉新蒲崗江高科、九亭至中山公園、九亭至陸家嘴、江川路至徐家匯這5條線路,其中預訂人數最多的“昆山至中山公園”線路已達15人。一路設站不報備屬“黑車”上海運管處相關負責人昨天表示,上述出行方式只能稱為定制班車,不能稱為 定制公交,它只是很多汽車租賃公司推出的企業包車業務,完全與公交不沾邊。“這種包車只能在甲乙兩點一線間,點對點運營,如果一路設站上客,那就屬於‘黑公交’,應該被取締的。這類‘黑公交’無運營資格、司機未經考核、偷稅漏稅……新辟一條公交線路,必須要做先期調研,之後進行招投標,不是像‘黑公交’那樣說開就開。”金山巴士相關負責人告訴記者,這種包車形式在上海郊區目前已有一定的市場。如果任其發展,將會衝擊正常的公交市場。而且目前大多數推出這種包車業務的公司,資質堪憂,一旦發生什麼意外事件,很難保證乘客的合法利益。除了公交公司擔憂外,出租車司機也對此持保守意見。“從市民的角度來說,定制公交肯定會對緩解交通擁堵和減少空氣汙染有利,但對出租行業來說,它無疑是我們新的競爭對手。”駕齡10多年的“的哥”劉師傅告訴記者,自己多年開出租,積累了一定的固定生意,其中也不乏早晚高峰的定制線路。但相對公交多人承擔費用,坐出租上下班當然要貴不少,劉師傅擔心這種公交定制出現,會和他“搶生意”。迷你倉出租

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Source: The Philadelphia InquirerJuly 23--This week, many people will be heading for the beach or the mountains, possibly to their time-shares, taking vacations in the heart of the summer.迷你倉沙田Not the 16 jurors who will spend the next several weeks holed up in a Camden courtroom, where testimony will center, ironically for them, on potential fraud in the vacation time-share business."This is a case about a group of people who lied to make money," Assistant U.S. Attorney Alyson Ward Oswald told the jury during opening arguments in U.S. District Judge Noel L. Hillman's courtroom Monday.On trial are Adam and Ashley Lacerda, 29 and 33, a husband and wife who own Vacation Ownership Group L.L.C., and three employees: Ian Resnick, 37, of Absecon, N.J.; Genevieve Manzoni, 47, of Florida; and Joseph Diventi, 32, of Somers Point, N.J.All are charged in an alleged scheme to trick time-share owners -- more than 225 of them, many of them elderly -- into believing that the Egg Harbor Township-based company, now known as VO Financial Corp., could help people get out of their time-share mortgages in 2009, 2010, and 2011.The victims lost $2.4 million, the federal government said, because they paid Vacation Ownership Group to get them out of their time-share payments, but the Lacerdas did not follow through and kept the money.Several defense lawyers told the jury that scams abound in the time-share business, but their clients were not part of the problem. They were trying to be part of the solution, the lawyers said.The company is has four offices, hundreds of employees, and "thousands of satisfied customers," said Charles Nugent of Marlton, who represents Ashley Lacerda.Troubled by high-pressure sales tactics the Lacerdas had seen as time-share salespeople for Wyndham Property Resorts in Atlantic City, Adam Lacerda decided to form a company to help time-share owners who wanted to get out of their contracts, said his lawyer, Mark Cedrone of Philadelphia. "He saw an opportunity to help," said Cedrone.The FBI began investigating Vacation Ownership Group in July 2009, an agent told the jury.What the jury did not hear Monday was the economic backdrop to the case.Until September 2008, time-share sales grew steadily. In 2009, as the recession deepened, time-share unit sales dropped by a third in one year, from more than $9 billion in 2008 to $6.3 billion in 2009, said Howard Nusbaum, president of the American Resort Development Association, a trade group with offices in Washington.Salesmen left the business in droves -- either quitting or being fired -- and some started their own companies, Nusbaum said.At the same time, owners who had bought their time-shares when they were in their 40s and 50s, Nusbaum said, were now in their 80s and 90s and not as eager to travel, particularly since their investments were taking a beating."As people age, their ability to discern a fraud" diminishes, N迷你倉價錢sbaum said. "People are preying on the elderly."That's what happened at Vacation Ownership Group, Oswald told the jury in court Monday in a trial that is expected to last weeks.Basically, she said, the sales people would tell time-share owners that if they made a partial payment -- maybe half the amount owed -- they could stop making the rest of the payments. Some people wrote checks for $40,000.Salespeople were given a script to read when they called time-share owners, Oswald said. They began by insisting that they called in response to an owner's complaint.If the owner said he had not complained, the salespeople were told to respond, "You may not remember," but "you definitely called in complaint about something, otherwise it would not be sitting in front of me," Oswald said, reading from the script.She said elderly people would be particularly vulnerable to the suggestion that they had perhaps forgotten something.Besides the paper evidence -- checks and contracts signed by the people contacted by Vacation Ownership Group -- the heart of the government's case will be testimony from some of the more than a dozen former employees who have pleaded guilty in the case.And that's also the heart of the defense case, which is seeking to paint the former employees as "rogue" independent contractors who cheated customers without the permission or approval of the Lacerdas or the other defendants. In court, the lawyers said, they'll be lying again to earn reduced sentences.Resnick, said his lawyer, Michael E. Reilly of Philadelphia, had been making $200,000 a year at Wyndham, but became disgusted with his own high-pressure tactics.He could have stayed at Wyndham, Resnick said, "selling time-shares like he used to do, ripping people off and lying to people like he used to do," he said. But one day, he no longer could "face his conscience or the consequences of his lies," so he quit.A lawyer representing Wyndham in related matters could not be reached for comment Monday afternoon.Resnick joined the Vacation Ownership Group "to set the record straight, to do something to fix things," Reilly said.That was also the motivation of former Wyndham saleswoman Manzoni, who joined Vacation Ownership Group as a saleswoman and quit when she didn't see customers getting results quickly enough, her lawyer, Ralph A. Jacobs of Philadelphia, told the jury.Diventi was simply an employee doing what he was told without any intent to defraud anyone, said his attorney, Brian O'Malley of Haddon Heights.Ashley Lacerda was a co-owner of the company but merely handled administrative matters, Nugent said.Contact Jane Von Bergen at jvonbergen@phillynews.com, @JaneVonBergen on Twitter, or at 215-854-2769. Read her workplace blog at www.philly.com/jobbingCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Philadelphia Inquirer Visit The Philadelphia Inquirer at www.philly.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉庫

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 【明報專訊】理工大學一項追蹤研究訪問逾3500 名初中學生,迷你倉價錢發現逾兩成人上網成癮,當中最多人表示上網時間比預期長,離線後仍想�上網內容,亦有人不上網便感不安、暴躁。有社工表示愈來愈多人流連論壇、社交網站,更有高中女生受會考挫折後,終日留在家中看網絡小說,沉迷長達1 年,社會應關注。四成成癮者上網「漫無目的」理工大學應用科學系自2009 年起展開有關研究,結果發現學生中一時上網成癮者佔26.2%,升讀中二時佔26.6%,至中三時則佔22.5%,下跌4.1 個百分點(見表)。該系負責研究的講座教授石丹理指出,學生長大後上網成癮比例跌,或因他們逐漸懂事,但亦有部分人過分沉迷上網,至中三後輟學而未有繼續參與研究。石丹理說,上網成癮的典型徵迷你倉庫主要是上網時間愈來愈長,停止上網便感不安。過往調查顯示,四成上網成癮者主要為打機,但亦有四成人漫無目的流連網頁及論壇,近年來facebook、Twitter 等興起,加上智能手機普及,令更多人難以抽離。社工:多與受挫折打擊有關香港基督教服務處網絡沉溺輔導中心主任李展熙說,年輕人沉迷上網大多是受到突如其來的打擊或挫折,如成績下滑或親人離世等,故在網上尋求慰藉,上網成癮者並非只會打機,該中心約一年前曾接收一名高中女生,她因會考不如意而躲在家中,終日沉迷網絡小說一年有多,接受輔導一年後才逐漸改善,現時間中做兼職重投社會。李稱,中心過去一年接收120 宗輔導個案,最小的讀小六,他呼籲有關家長切勿只顧責罵,應該了解子女是否曾遇挫折,從而解開心結。儲存

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Source: The Buffalo News, N.文件倉Y.July 24--NIAGARA FALLS -- While there appeared to be enough evidence to move forward with a sexual misconduct case involving three girls against 79th Street Elementary School Principal Patrick Kuciewski, there was not enough time."The charges had merit, but it couldn't be pursued because the statue of limitations had run out," said Police Superintendent E. Bryan DalPorto, about allegations against the principal."It's a disturbing situation, but what can we do?" said Capt. William Thomson, chief of detectives. "We've had contact with three victims, but they all fall under the statute of limitations."Thomson said the victims -- three females -- reported being in consenting relationships with him at least 15 years ago. Few details were available about the alleged incidents. It was not clear how old the victims were or whether they were students.Niagara Falls School Attorney Angelo Massaro told The Buffalo News in June that the alleged incidents did not involve the 79th Street School or school community, but "apparently happened years ago."According to his district's posted biography, Kuciewski, known to his students as "Mr. K," has been with the district for 31 years and previously had been an administrator of the VC House at Niagara Falls High School, assistant principal at Gaskill Middle and Harry F. Abate Elementary schools, and program coordinator for the 21st Century Community Learning Center at Niagara Falls High School.As a teacher, he was director of instrumental music at Niagara Middle School and LaSalle Senior High Sch存倉ol. He was recently the director of the Niagara University pep band and performs as a professional percussionist.Authorities said Tuesday that none of the reports of sexual misconduct against him involved force or compulsion, which means a five-year statute of limitations applied. The statute of limitations begins after a victim's 18th birthday. There is a two-year statute of limitations for misdemeanors.Allegations of sexual misconduct came to light against Kuciewski on June 10, and he was put on paid administrative leave while the school district reviewed the matter.Kuciewski remained on administrative leave Tuesday, and the school district is "nearing completion" of its own internal review, Massaro said.DalPorto said Tuesday that police consulted with the Niagara County District Attorney's Office and found they were unable to lay charges in the case. That forced them to close the case last week.DalPorto said they conducted a number of interviews regarding the case."We felt that if the statute of limitations had not run out, we would have been able to file for charges. Based on our investigation, we would have been able to substantiate charges," DalPorto said.He was unwilling to discuss any specifics of the case, but he said that if any other victims came forward police would revisit the entire case.News Staff Reporter Aaron Besecker contributed to this report. email: nfischer@buffnews.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Buffalo News (Buffalo, N.Y.) Visit The Buffalo News (Buffalo, N.Y.) at www.buffalonews.com Distributed by MCT Information Services自存倉

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