信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from內江市市中區城區。城南新區??曲水街。內江市市中區的工業。 內江市市中區城鄉共進實現全域發展,mini storageGDP 五年翻番 從去年10月,市中區確定自主開發建設城南新區,到如今高規格的初步規劃出爐,城南新區早已成為內江舊城區大街小巷熱議的話題??2022年,市中區將破題新型城鎮化,在內江老城區再造一個城市新區。 事實上,市中區的逐夢腳步早已邁出:去年以來,舊城改造率先�動,老城區實現舊貌換新顏;白馬新城破土動工,園區、物流、電力多管齊下,小鎮即將蛻變成現代新城;金科地產強勢入駐,不言造城卻已然為內江人帶來高品質住宅小區,城南新區指日可待。2012年,市中區全年實現地區生產總值180億元,同比增長13.5%。 市中區想要用行動告訴世人:老城區一樣可以舊貌換新顏,拓展城市新空間,並且後勁十足。 如今,“中區夢”日益清晰:科學發展、工貿雙強、城鄉共進,在2012年的基礎上,確保2013年全區地區生產總值達到203億元,同比增速13%;到2017年達到360億元,實現在2012年的基礎上總量翻一番的目標,夯實底部基礎,實現全域發展,區縣振興。舊城改造篇 舊城換新顏 內江人回家不識路 王尹是內江市市中區史家鎮的人,常年在外打工的他有兩年沒回家了,今年端午節前回了一趟老家,汽車一到內江高速路客運站,他就迫不及待地在高客站對面坐上內江到史家鎮的班車。 車子發動了,在雙向8車道上行駛,兩旁綠樹成蔭,路燈相映成趣。王尹越發覺得不對勁,“啊……怎麼客運站到南美路這截路變這麼漂亮了。” 隨著車子拐進南美路朝史家方向開去,更讓他沒有想到的是,眼前的瀝青混凝土路一路平坦,“以前的爛路怎麼也沒有了?到老家也一路通途了。” 不到半個小時,王尹就順利地到了家,妻子告訴他,“去年底,南美路就竣工了,路好了,上內江城區只要半個小時。” 6月10日這天,王尹又帶著妻子、兒子進城,一家人準備去看龍舟賽,享受一下一家團聚的美好時光。同樣是來到高客站,趕車進城,王尹幾乎有些認不出路來,“這是以前的老入城線嗎?怎麼現在和以前完全不一樣了?晏家灣也變了?西林大橋頭的轉盤也不在了?” 一路上,王尹都在問妻子問題,對於他的驚訝,妻子笑著說,“你啊,兩年沒回家了,內江的變化大著呢!而且內江在建新城,市中區也在建新區,再等幾年,你恐怕連家門都找不到了。” 作為一個中區人,王尹所感受到的這些變化,都是市中區這兩年的蛻變,通過舊城改造,古老的舊城區正在逐漸換新顏,“半年有改觀,一年大變樣,三年脫胎換骨”的目標正在一步步實現。 同時,伴隨著舊城區改造的進程,一條條大道將逐漸延續到城南新區,連接新老城區的經脈一旦打通,商氣、財氣、人氣南湧,新區建設便可順勢而動。新區打造篇 拓城市空間 十年造城南新區 市中區的樂賢鎮,因沱江環繞,形成一個半島,又叫“樂賢半島”。離主城區2公里,地形地貌獨特,適宜各種旅遊項目的開發。 不過,盡管坐擁得天獨厚的優勢,多年來,落後的交通卻扼住了樂賢半島的發展咽喉。 林林夫妻倆在樂賢半島的大自然景區公園里經營著一家農家樂,2年下來,生意不好不壞,稍顯慘淡。今年上半年,他們思考著打算把店子轉讓出去,誰知聽人說市中區要建城南新區,樂賢鎮要建黃荊壩大橋,他們一下就改變主意了,“生意繼續做起走,不久就會大變樣好起來的。” 原來,去年10月,內江市委領導到市中區調研後,正式確定市中區可以獨立開發建設城南新區。目前,高規格的初步方案已經出self storage,中區人拓展空間,建設新區的夢想即將實現。 今年,城南新區即將要�動的一個大項目就是建黃荊壩大橋。正如林林夫妻想到的那樣,隨著樂賢鎮與東興區的 木新城連接後,源源不斷的是大量的人流、物流。 “這座橋,讓當地的老百姓盼了幾十年了,早就該修了,現在也點燃了我們的希望。”林林說,“ 木正在建新城,樂賢也要作為城南新區的部分來開發建設,以後我家的店子就是絕佳寶地啊。” 市中區上下期待已久的城南新區總面積17.3平方公里,包括交通鄉的新光、永興、臨江、三元等4個村和樂賢鎮全域,其中城南組團6.8平方公里、樂賢組團10.5平方公里。 “我們計劃用10年左右的時間,將城南新區打造為集行政辦公、現代服務業、中高檔居住為一體,產業特業突出、基礎設施完善、公共服務設施配套、人文生態美好、管理高效有序,宜居、宜游、宜業的現代生態園林新區,市民居家、休閒、養生的後花園。”內江市中區區委常委、常務副區長張紅衛前不久通報了城南新區情況,寥寥數語勾畫出城南新區的發展藍圖。新村建設篇村里建新村農民家門口找大錢 “中長期以來,市中區發展縣域經濟,實現區縣振興,將主要做三件事:一個是舊城改造,一個是城南新區開發建設,還有一個就是新村建設。”市中區區委書記官健日前在接受華西城市讀本專訪時說。 今年7月7日,市中區首個新農村綜合體永安鎮的“尚騰新村”成功開村,當天,拌著葡萄採摘大會一起,新村吸引了近2萬人來參觀遊覽,當天賣出葡萄2萬多斤。 這段日子以來,可忙壞了李剛一家人,“遊客自己來採摘葡萄的人太多了,每天光是包裝葡萄都要專門找兩個工人,不然根本忙不贏。” 李剛是永安鎮農業園區的一個葡萄園主,今年他承包的200畝葡萄園迎來了大豐收,產值超過百萬元,去年開始開辦的農家樂生意也日漸火爆。 “新村開村,大家可以來看荷花、摘葡萄、釣龍蝦、逛新村、賞書畫,遊客自然絡繹不絕,我們的生意比去年不止好了一倍,周末硬是十多個人都搞不贏。”約摸一算,李剛說,今年葡萄園產值肯定超過了幾百萬元。“新村建設增添了他對葡萄園今後發展的信心,明年還要革新技術,擴大種植面積。” 永安鎮黨委書記羅振震很高興,他說不僅是李剛,隨著“尚騰新村”的開村,村里的村民們都忙起來了,一個精品旅遊村寨正在逐步形成,依托永安的現代農業園區,新村正在進一步實現產村相融。 王大姐是“尚騰新村”里的村民,眼看著遊客越來越多,她就把自家的院落和底樓收拾出來,開了一個“王二姐農家樂”。 “每個周末都有兩三桌客人,一個月下來,可以找個三四千元。”而這在以前,王大姐是無論如何都想不到的,“在家還可以帶娃娃,不用出遠門打工,就能掙大錢。” 據瞭解,市中區在朝陽、凌家、永安12平方公里的區域,一共規劃了5個新農村綜合體,將按照產村相融發展要求,讓老百姓既住好房子、有過好日子。 “當前,市中區的五新建設都有起色和成效了,我們夯實底部基礎,加快發展振興的目標就實現了,GDP翻番的目標也就實現了。”官健說,在2012年的基礎上,確保2013年全區地區生產總值達到203億元,同比增速13%;到2017年達到360億元,實現在2012年的基礎上總量翻一番的目標。 王� 華西城市讀本記者 鄧丹(圖由市中區區委宣傳部提供)內江市市中區 內江市市中區幅員面積387.5平方公里,人口53萬,是內江市政治、經濟、文化中心和全省5個“星火西進工程”示範縣之一。 市中區地處沱江中游,區位優勢得天獨厚,水陸交通十分便利。成渝、內宜高速公路和成渝、內昆鐵路在此交匯,國道、省道、縣道公路穿境而過。迷你倉
- Jul 26 Fri 2013 12:09
舊城大變樣 打工仔回家險迷路
- Jul 26 Fri 2013 12:06
Climate change may dent tourism
Source: Albuquerque Journal, N.新蒲崗迷你倉M.July 25--Climate change got personal for some Santa Feans on Wednesday morning when the "I Will Act on Climate" bus rolled into town.Santa Fe Mayor David Coss told a small crowd in front of City Hall that the issue can't be ignored any longer."We have a moral obligation to the future to leave them a healthier planet, just like our parents and grandparents handed us a better planet. We need to be responsible stewards for where we live," Coss said.He and other speakers contended climate change and related natural disasters could have a devastating impact on Santa Fe's largely tourismbased economy.Mary Wolf, owner of Collected Works Bookstore, said some visitors who usually return to Santa Fe year after year have stopped coming.Wolf said her store's summer business dropped 13 percent after the Cerro Grande fire in 2000. Delayed openings at Ski Santa Fe because of lack of snow have the same deleterious effect during the holiday seasons.Even bad weather and natural disasters in other parts of the country impact Santa Fe by delaying deliveries, she said."Persistent drought and record temperatures are a bigger threat now to my business than or e-readers," Wolf said.Dan McCarthy, owner of Santa Fe Mountain Sports, said when he was a child in the 1970s Ski Santa Fe opened regularly on Thanksgiving with a plethora of natural snow. Now, McCarthy said, the ski area usually opens three or four weeks later "with a thin strip of man-made snow on one run which we jokingly refer to as the white ribbon of death.""The negative economic impacts on Santa Fe and the state of New Mexico are huge. Even if your thermostats aren't directly related to tourism, the health of our economy is and that hurts everyone," McCarthy said.This season's fires haven't come near city limits, but Coss said the Santa Fe Convention and Visitors Bureau and local hotel industry are getting calls from people wondering if it's safe to visit.Coss also noted that when the nearby Santa Fe National Forest and other wilderness areas close because of fire and droughtmini storageit hurts hiking, biking and recreational tourism opportunities. "Those are things we know didn't used to happen in our community," Coss said.The "I Will Act on Climate" bus stopped in Santa Fe and Albuquerque on Wednesday as part of a 27-state tour that will wind up in Washington, D.C., in August.It's a collaborative effort of groups including environmental and public health organizations, according to organizers. The goal is to raise awareness about climate change and talk to people about what they can do about it. Organizers are especially trying to rally support for a plan introduced by President Barack Obama that includes placing limits on carbon pollution from power plants.Those who gathered at Santa Fe City Hall said they hope the effort will help educate people."We need to get the message across that climate change is real and you can do something about it," McCarthy said."The repercussions of our inaction will cost us more in the long run and the legacy we leave our children will be irreversible. We must act now."Ron Curry, the federal Environmental Protection Agency's Region 6 administrator and past head of New Mexico's Environment Department, said the agency believes the way forward in strengthening environmental protections is for the federal government to work with local governments, non-profits and private entities."The EPA is here to collaborate but you folks are the ones that are really going to change things when you act on (the) climate," he told the crowd.Coss said Santa Fe has made progress in using cleaner and renewable energies, pointing to the fact that 20 percent of municipal government'spower supply now comes from solar energy."But we can move faster and we need to move faster and whatever regulatory or other types of obstacles are in our way, we need to get them out of our way and we need to move faster, for the sake of our grandchildren," he said.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) Visit the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) at Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage
- Jul 25 Thu 2013 20:01
噴火機打印 不一樣木刻
- Jul 25 Thu 2013 20:00
二季度以來,mini storage移動互聯網一直是市場經久不衰的主題熱點;目前移動互聯熱正逐步蔓延至軟件類個股。東華軟件就是一大代表,最近該股連漲5日,股價創出28個月以來的新高。昨日東華軟件開盤後一分鐘就封住漲停板,雖然其後漲停板一度打開,但早晨10點多又再度牢牢封死漲停板,最終報收26.31元,創出2011年3月22日以來的股價新高。分析人士表示,近來政策對信息產業的支持顯著提速,再加上市場對移動互聯各個領域的超高熱情,因而軟件類個股也普遍出現了集中的self storage漲。業內人士預計,到2015年我國雲計算產業鏈規模將達到7500億元-1萬億元,本土企業將具備極大的發展機會。事實上,盤後公佈的公開交易信息也顯示出資金近來對軟件股的鐘情。昨日東華軟件買入前五的席位中,有兩家均為機構專用席位,且買入額分別高達2419萬元及1516萬元;而在賣出前五的交易席位中,僅有一家為機構席位,且賣出額僅為1039萬元。分析人士表示,東華軟件的持續飆漲基本確立了短期強勢的主基調,投資者可暫時保留融資買入倉位。(魏靜)迷你倉
- Jul 25 Thu 2013 19:56
被爆當小三 消防正妹告邱毅不起訴
曾被稱為「消防正妹」的童姓女子,新蒲崗迷你倉不滿遭前立委邱毅在電視節目中出示電子郵件和私密照片,爆料她妨害家庭,因此控告邱毅、節目主持人顧明儀妨害名譽罪,提供郵件和照片的張姓人妻也被控妨害電腦使用罪,但三人均獲不起訴。童女二○一一年六月到南投縣竹山消訓練中心支援擔任區隊長,結識王姓學員,並成為王的小三,但她和王妻張女是警察大學同學,還擔任張女結婚伴娘,「伴娘變小三」變成話題。邱毅去年底在TVBS「2100周末開講」節目中,公開童女私密照片、童女和王往來的電子郵件,以及童女和張的通話錄音;邱毅還指摘「與童女有不正當關係的不只一人」。童女因此控告張女入侵電子信箱竊取郵件,下載她和王在旅館的親密合照,涉嫌妨害電腦使用罪mini storage另告邱毅和節目主持人顧名儀妨害名譽等罪。張女是彰化縣消防局科員,出庭時說,郵件都經丈夫同意,從丈夫的電子信箱取得,沒入侵童女的信箱。王也證實這項說法。張女說,童女當時擔任台中市豐原消防分隊長,但台中市消防局對下屬涉嫌妨害家庭一直沒有明確處分,她提供資料給邱毅,是希望台中市消防局快點處理,拿到電視台播放並不是她本意。檢方指出,童女只提供節目側錄畫面,無從證明張女入侵電子信箱,因此不起訴。邱毅辯稱,他在節目中散播的照片和文字,都是先前新聞媒體已刊登的內容,童女其他的案件也被刊登過。檢方認為他和顧名儀在節目中討論的內容,都是已存在的事實,節目等於只是重述報導,因此不起訴。另邱毅也控告童女誣告罪,檢方也不起訴。self storage
- Jul 25 Thu 2013 19:52
‘Now is time to invest in mobile games’
By SHI JING in storagecom.cnThe mobile games industry is undergoing massive expansion in China but investors have yet to recognize the huge potential for profits and its need for investment, said analysts.“It seems we have waited long enough and reached the moment when the sago cycas tree blossoms,” said Huang Shengli, managing director of China Renaissance Securities (HK) Ltd, using a Chinese idiom for a sudden and dramatic change. He was speaking at the investment and financing forum of the China Game Business Conference in Shanghai on Wednesday.By the end of June this year, the number of mobile game users reached 171 million, up 119.3 percent year-on-year, according to the China Gaming Industry Report released at the conference. The actual sales revenue of mobile games amounted to as much as 2.53 billion yuan ($412 million) in the first half of this year, up 100.8 percent year-on-year.The usage rate of mobile Internet games rose 34.8 percent in the first six months of the year. The growth of games-on-the-go was the fastest in the computer gaming industry thanks to the prevalence of smartphones and the fragmentation of users’ time, the report said.The market share of mobile games rose for a fifth consecutive year from 5.1 percent in 2012 to the current 7.5 percent. The growth rate of the mobile games market is overtaking all the other markets, the report said.Wang Feng, chairman and chief executive officer of the Beijing-based LineKong Entertainment Technology Co Ltd, said about two-thirds of his company’s sales revenue now comes from mobile games. Six research and development teams were transferred to mobile games at the end of last year, with just one team remaining in R&D for personal computer games.“Undoubtedly competition among mobile games companies will be more intense than that among personal computer games companies. It is imself storageossible for mobile games companies to make a success of a mobile game as well as profits within three months,” he said.Questioned whether the mobile games industry is reaching a bottleneck in terms of distribution and the large number of copycat content, Wang predicted that a large number of small and medium-sized companies will not survive the year.Mobile games are in dire need of financing because many investors have yet to notice the great opportunities in them, according to Tim Merel, founder and managing director of the investment company Digi-Capital, adding that now is the time to invest in mobile games, otherwise the boat will be missed.The global sales revenue of mobile and online games reached $31 billion last year, making up 50 percent of the total sales revenue of all computer games. With the wider industry deeply disrupted by the advance in mobile Internet technology, Merel expects the number will reach $48 billion in three years, accounting for two-thirds of the market volume.He also predicted China will take the lead in terms of the development of mobile and online games given the strengths Chinese companies have.Wen Tianli, managing director and head of equity research at China Renaissance, said Chinese companies are mostly undervalued in the market despite the fact “the growth of the games industry is rapid, erupting and requires a large amount of cash”. Chinese companies usually have a shorter life cycle and a more intense need for income.“Apart from personal computer games, other games in the market are experiencing little growth. These companies have attached more importance to distribution channels and less to research and development,” said Wen.Undoubtedly competition among mobile games companies will be more intense than that among personal computer games companies.”Wang Feng, chairman and CEO, LineKong Entertainment Technology Co Ltd迷你倉
- Jul 25 Thu 2013 19:47
Man in custody following chase in Millcreek
Source: Erie Times-News, Pa.迷你倉庫July 24--Millcreek Township police took a Los Angeles man into custody after a high-speed chase that started when officers went to investigate a report of someone urinating on bushes near a Peninsula Drive restaurant Tuesday afternoon.Police arrested David K. Sadler, 59. He was arraigned before Harborcreek Township District Judge Mark Krahe on charges of felony receiving stolen property, felony fleeing and attempting to elude police, drunken driving, recklessly endangering another person, reckless driving and several other trafic violations.Sadler was placed in Erie County Prison on $25,000 bond.Police said Sadler was confronted by officers after township police were called to Peninsula Drive shortly before 12:30 p.m. Tuesday to investigate a report of a man who got out of a car and urinated in the parking lot of Sara's, 25 Peninsula Drive. Sadler went to his car to get identification for the officers, but he inste儲存d reached in and started the car, then jumped in and took off, Millcreek Police Chief Tom Carlotti said.Officers chased the car and learned that the license plate on it was reported stolen out of Florida.The chase hit speeds of 80 miles per hour before township police backed off and lost sight of the car near the Erie International Airport, Carlotti said. Police spotted the car again off West Lake Road and Sadler sped off again, he said.Pennsylvania State Police joined the chase and put down spike strips, which Sadler ran over. His car came to rest on West Lake Road at Pasadena Drive, Carlotti said.Police determined that the Chrysler that Sadler was driving had been stolen out of Los Angeles.TIM HAHN can be reached at 870-1731 or by e-mail. Follow him on Twitter at ___ (c)2013 the Erie Times-News (Erie, Pa.) Visit the Erie Times-News (Erie, Pa.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services新蒲崗迷你倉
- Jul 25 Thu 2013 19:43
ChinaJoy今開展 12遊戲廠登陸 歐買尬樂陞董座出馬 尋求海外授權機會
亞洲最大 【王郁倫、蕭文康╱台北報導】中國遊戲展2013 ChinaJoy今開展,新蒲崗迷你倉台灣遊戲廠包括樂陞(3662)、歐買尬(3687)、傳奇(4994)、昱泉(6169)等12家參展,電競周邊品牌曜越(3540)更首度參展,積極在號稱亞洲最大的遊戲展中拓展商機,而歐買尬董事長林一泓、樂陞董事長許金龍也將親自出席參與盛會。 中國國際數碼互動娛樂展覽會(ChinaJoy)今年進入第11屆,不僅是中國最大遊戲展,也是亞洲最大、世界前3大遊戲展,去年在企業對企業的綜合商業展區就有253家企業參展,達成合作500項,現場簽約逾60件,交易金額逾2億美元(59.9億元台幣)。 曜越首度參與展出 樂陞旗下磁力線上取得歐買尬最新作品《神器傳說Online》台灣營運權,也在這次展覽中首次亮相,林一泓及許金龍將親自站台,並進一步尋求海外授權機會。看好ChinaJoy是玩家關注焦點,華碩(2357)、技嘉(2376)、微星(2377)都積極參與,電競周邊品牌曜越更首度承租攤位參展,會中並將與中國DK戰隊簽約,DK將代言中國區產品行銷,曜越也將贊助DK賽事硬體設備,現場也將發表與BMW DesignworksUSA共同開發的Level 10 M 電競耳機。 華碩技嘉微星搶進 華碩ROG玩家共和國系列也與金士頓、搜狐、網易、世紀天成合作展出mini storage品,展期將宣布與網易《英雄三國》合作,推出訂製主機板,微星則與迅雷網路遊戲加速器合作,也將跟騰訊遊戲及麒麟遊戲合作,推出符合遊戲需求主機板及繪圖卡,技嘉則贊助數百台電腦品牌主機板,提供現場大型賽事設備。另外,樂陞昨指出,自行開發的PS3遊戲《Do Not Fall》昨在亞洲、北美及歐洲上市,大型電玩版預計周四日本上市,法人預期將大幅挹注樂陞下半年業績。歐買尬昨則受惠政府有意進一步鬆綁第三方支付中有關小額儲值的限制,加上旗下重量級遊戲《TERA》免費版上市,帶動昨股價直攻漲停。 歐買尬與一銀合作 此外,看好中國網友購買台灣商品龐大商機,歐買尬旗下歐付寶昨宣布將與一銀合推境外支付業務「跨境第e支付」,未來不僅提供銀行更便利的跨境支付服務,銀行本身客戶,可跨海搶食中國電子商務市場大餅。目前歐付寶「跨境支付銀行清算系統」已提供給一銀「跨境第e支付」使用,其他包括土銀、合庫、華南銀、北富銀、國泰世華銀、台新銀、萬泰銀也陸續洽談中。 【2013 ChinaJoy中國上海電玩展重點】 名稱:第11屆中國國際數碼互動娛樂展覽會地點╱展出時間:上海╱7/25~28展出遊戲廠商:歐買尬、樂陞、昱泉、傳奇、松崗科技、弘煜、雷爵網路、玩酷科技、極致行動、思維工坊、數位原力、磁力線上等台灣贊助廠商:華碩、微星、技嘉地位:亞洲最大、世界前3大遊戲展self storage
- Jul 25 Thu 2013 19:19
'Ballroom': graceful, beautiful, fun ... but a bit too much
Source: Cape Cod Times, Hyannis, Mass.self storageJuly 24--DENNIS -- In the past few years, America has gone footloose for nationally televised dancing shows.And with enough Vaseline smiles and sequins to put any Miss America pageant to shame, Cape Playhouse's "Ballroom With a Twist" is a fun evening.But at times, it's nearly impossible to ignore its similarities with the kind of entertainment one might find on a cruise ship, and it falters in its over-enthusiasm.Technically, the dancers -- including members and alumni of the shows "Dancing With the Stars" and "So You Think You Can Dance" -- are fantastic, with spot-on footwork and lithe bodies that challenge your idea of just how far one can push the skeletal system.And their adagio work is something to behold -- graceful but just a tad dangerous-looking, with those swooping drops that make your heart do the same.Especially powerful, performing a nontraditional but gorgeous combination of break dancing, ballet and who-knows-what, are "So You Think You Can Dance" alums Randi Lynn Strong, Jonathan Platero and Legacy (yes, that's how he's billed).But missing between many couples is chemistry, a thing deeply ingrained in professional ballroom dancing but which has, with the partner-switching of today's reality dancing TV shows, been replaced with showmanship.For Tristan MacManus of "Dancing With the Stars," that's a successful transition -- he's witty and charming during his "Donny and Marie"-style segments with fellow DWTS professional Anna Trebunskaya. "American Idol" alums Gina Glocksen and Von Smith also do a good job with their between-dance performances, giving a bit of flow to the show.Though she's clearly the belle of the迷你倉ball(room), Trebunskaya struggles with her host duties, appearing a bit wooden.Furthering the cruise ship feel are a question-and-answer segment about "DWTS" and a moment when the two headliners lead the rest of the audience in a few steps, complete with dragging two hapless people onstage.The twist in "Ballroom With a Twist" comes in the mishmash of dancing styles and musical genres that performers dance to.A bolero-turned-rhumba (the show is very Latin-heavy) is beautifully done by a single pair of dancers, and a pop-music-driven group performance transcends genre.But at other times -- such as a Bollywood-inspired ensemble piece -- the stage is too crowded to really appreciate the dancers'movements.It's a theme throughout the show, unfortunately -- where one couple would be able to beautifully showcase a particular style of dance, more than one just clutters things up.It's like trying to appreciate one painting while taking in an entire museum hall -- just too much.For hardcore fans of "Dancing With the Stars" -- or perhaps of "American Idol" or "So You Think You Can Dance" -- the show will likely be a treat. And, frankly, you don't need to know the difference between dances to appreciate how lovely they look when done by accomplished professionals.For those with a bit of basic ballroom knowledge in their repertoire, or Playhouse regulars used to things such as plot or characters, though, it'll probably be like a cruise ship without those fluorescent umbrella drinks to smooth the rough seas.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Cape Cod Times (Hyannis, Mass.) Visit the Cape Cod Times (Hyannis, Mass.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services文件倉
- Jul 25 Thu 2013 19:11
Nokia Lumia 925 重金屬 Windows Phone
自從Nokia於2011年宣布把Windows Phone作為未來智能手機產業的合作夥伴後,文件倉廠方從未停止出機步伐。繼Nokia Lumia 920後,Nokia再度推出旗艦手機Lumia 925,這部新作是第一款採用金屬機身的Windows Phone,�面還預載了全新Windows Phone 8 Lumia Amber系統,操作簡單方便,使用上更具效率。 WP8小升級 Lumia 925最大特色是內建Windows Phone 8 Lumia Amber系統,這個全新系統與其他Windows Phone一樣流暢,同時加入了很多實用功能,除了可自行調整首頁Live Tile的大小外,這些Live Tile更具有即時更新功能,使用上就跟Widget差不多;系統還加入掃視畫面(glance)功能,讓你隨時設定鎖機時所顯示的資訊。此外,Data Sense功能亦有更新,現在查看手機數據使用量可以一目了然,唔怕收到震撼帳單。雖說是小更新,但卻相當實用。 售價:$4,898 查詢:2316 6638 先試後買Apps 作為一個出色的智能手機系統, Apps數量多少是最重要的一環。目前,Windows Phone Marketplace應用程式數量超過13萬款,雖然在數量上無法與Android Apps相提並存倉,但Apps的數量已比以前有很大的改善,更有不少港人必備Apps如myTV.Whatsapp等,另外,TVB Finance及TVB新聞亦將會相繼推出,對有意加入Windows Phone大家庭的用家,無疑是項好消息。 HERE MAP��外外提起地圖功能,唔少人都覺得,除Google Maps外,其他地圖都是信不過的,像蘋果推出的自家地圖,用家都覺得中伏,那麼由Nokia開發的的HERE MAP又信唔信得過呢?HERE MAP地圖功能多多,�星顯示、路面交通、離線使用、甚至導航(HERE導航+)都可以,就連日漸普及的室內地圖都一樣兼備。目前香港暫時有多達18個商場支援此功能,包括朗豪坊、新世紀廣場、又一城、太古城、時代廣場等,雖然並不是所有地區都有可用的室內地圖資料,但依然相當實用。 日夜拍攝效果測試 Lumia Amber另一個重點更新來自Nokia Smart Camera,用家透過連拍功能,可衍生出各種後期製作,包括Best Shot、Action Shot及Change Faces等新玩法。例如在拍攝途中突然多了些路人甲,用家即可以啟用Lumia 925的「移除移動物件」功能,將路人甲從畫面中剔除。此外,Lumia 925還具有「變更臉孔」功能,用家在拍攝時,可選擇最佳的面部表情,留下與親友的珍貴時刻。 自存倉