【廣編特輯】盛夏來臨,mini storage今年時尚大熱門當然就屬繽紛的亮彩色系囉! 遠傳電信與HTC宣布在台首賣新HTC One魅麗紅32G版本,即日起於全省遠傳電信、全虹門市及HTC經銷通路同步開賣,單機售價21,900元,搭配遠傳指定方案,月付1,373元,手機6,990元,遠傳白金會員續約月付1,773元,手機再折2,000元,還可擁有一系列購機優惠與驚喜好禮。 新HTC One搭載創新HTC Sense?使用者介面,獨家HTC BlinkFeed?首頁,可將多元化新聞內容、社群平台、日曆於主畫面呈現;HTC Zoe?實境相簿與HTC UltraPixel相機則可在昏暗環境下拍出優質照片,搭配4.7吋高畫質螢幕,和HTC BoomSound?音響與Beat Audio?音效,更能震撼視覺與聽覺;內建的Video Highlights可自製多種主題微電影,即刻導演出30秒動人片刻。除了冰川銀、絕地黑等萬年不敗色系外,新增的魅麗紅新色,將金屬機身搭配華麗質感紅,結合俐落簡約的對比黑線條,一機在手,絕self storage能成為眾人焦點目光。 遠傳電信營銷長鄭智衡表示:「新HTC One自推出以來,曾榮獲2013 MWC 最佳新手機、行動裝置或平板電腦獎,與台北國際電腦展創新設計獎最高殊榮金質獎…等殊榮,此次很高興能搶先全球首賣新HTC One魅麗紅新色,搭配遠傳高速行動網路服務,讓消費者盡情享受貼心便利的視聽娛樂體驗。」 而為了歡慶新HTC One 魅麗紅絢亮登場,遠傳電信即日起將舉辦一系列驚喜活動,凡於7/31前申辦遠傳上網輕量包搭配HTC手機,即可享網內免費講及上網1G免費送,超低月付299元起,加贈威秀影城電影票1張,週週再抽夏威夷雙人來回機票!名額共計4名,票期及航班資訊請參閱活動網頁 http://promotion.fetnet.net/Pmt/299/index.html 更多手機資訊請看 http://ads.fetnet.net/TrackingLog/svc_TMEdiaClick.aspx?ids=2488f9af-5c32-408d-b618-c7537b04b6a2迷你倉
- Jul 17 Wed 2013 11:24
遠傳電信迎盛夏 新HTC One魅麗紅全球首賣 購機送獨家驚喜好禮
- Jul 17 Wed 2013 11:24
鐘輝阿里金融的種種創舉一次又一次地推高了互聯網金融的邊際。作為攪局者,存倉互聯網已經讓傳統金融機構開始重構邏輯。作為僅次于支付寶的第二大在線支付平台,財付通的效應更為內斂,騰訊在互聯網金融上不如阿里般主動和進取。但是騰訊的互聯網優勢和馬化騰進軍金融領域的願望不容小覷。7月12日,財付通總經理賴智明在深圳騰訊大廈接受了本報記者的專訪。他說,將攜手銀行把握移動互聯網機會的創新。他強調騰訊與阿里在互聯網金融策略上的不同,源自各自用戶的特性,騰訊的戰略是:建立一個開放的金融平台,和金融機構共同創新設計產品。騰訊的這個互聯網金融平台,一部分將通過微信和財付通合作即將推出的微信支付來實現。目前微信支付僅在騰訊內部試用,而在即將推出的微信5.0版本中這一功能即將正式應用。而這一模式或許是比NFC手機支付更具顛覆性的變革。微信5.0將推微信支付《21世紀》:如何看待移動支付、互聯網金融市場的發展?賴智明:由於移動互聯網發展非常快,互聯網的發展趨勢是越來越明顯地從傳統的PC端向手機移動終端轉移。移動互聯網的發展會帶動移動支付地快速發展。第三方支付、銀聯、銀行,包括運營商都扮演了不同的角色。目前而言,銀聯NFC終端雖然已經鋪設,但手機終端支持NFC並不普及。微信5.0版本將推出與財付通合作的微信支付功能,財付通還會聯合QQ手機版一起來做移動支付,這兩大平台將是我們的重點,也會成為移動支付的發展趨勢。我們把基礎與快捷支付的支付體驗植入到微信和QQ手機版,到時候整體的體驗就類似蘋果的APP Store。背後再綁定一張銀行卡後,想象空間很大。手機作為連結線上和線下的媒介,逛超市、商場等線下購買都可以通過手機完成支付。《21世紀》:NFC是銀行自己主導的產品,微信支付是不是由第三方支付和微信平台主導,銀行給你們打工?賴智明:資金都在銀行賬號中,最終接口也還是通過銀行獲取,我們會支付相應銀行成本,而且用戶是銀行與第三方支付共同擁有。《21世紀》:微信的邊際越來越大了,你剛剛提到微信支付,它的基本模式是怎樣的?賴智明:微信支付實際上是一個基礎的功能,把大量用戶的銀行卡和微信賬號綁定之後,我們就可以做很多延伸的應用。個人可以做線上、線下結合的購買,微信公�賬號中,很多傳統的機構可以通過微信支付平台給用戶提供服務並完成收費,比如未來交通違章繳費、買機票、買保險。這個想象空間很大,它的推動力來自商戶,我們只提供平台服務,馬雲當初做淘寶也沒想到今天的地步。《21世紀》:線上支付最大隱憂就是安全性問題,微信支付怎麼解決安全性問題?賴智明:安全性是非常重要的,也是我們首要考慮的問題。一是賬號和資金的安全,二是防釣魚、防木馬。我們跟騰訊安全中心針自存倉新的支付終端需求,請了很多專家一起做整體的風控策略。比如,針對微信支付和快捷支付,我們為用戶的資金安全做了多項保障。以後還計劃跟一家保險公司合作,提供擔保。“銀行理財產品可以在這裡賣”《21世紀》:互聯網渠道的快速發展,會給傳統金融行業帶來哪些衝擊?賴智明:很多衝擊都是比較顛覆性的。比如“餘額寶”的推出,銀行有一定量級的存款被轉化走,以存貸款利差為業務基礎的銀行,半壁江山都會受到影響。《21世紀》:財付通跟傳統金融機構有哪些創新產品推出了嗎?賴智明:我們將結合騰訊在移動互聯端的優勢,提供更多增值服務,包括聯手基金公司和銀行推出類似“餘額寶”的產品。收益比活期存款高很多,而且具有靈活贖回的特點。我們談了好多家,有基金公司也有銀行。未來,銀行理財產品可以在這裡賣,初期主要以貨幣、債券等風險可控的固定收益類產品為主。《21世紀》:銀行理財產品一般都是固定期限的,沒有開放期。怎樣做到“靈活贖回”?賴智明:必須做一些產品創新,銀行會對產品做一些改造。貨幣基金本來也是“T+1”模式,銀行理財做一個類似的墊資行為就行了。微信支付是一個基礎平台,金融理財是我們主要的應用方向。剛剛開完的騰訊集團開放平台大會我們發佈的數據,騰訊開放平台上的第三方開發者現在分成達到30億元,活躍用戶2億戶,這種巨大的流量和商業價值讓我們看到了金融開放平台的價值。未來我們會跟銀行、基金公司、券商和保險公司產生更多的合作,來分享我們的用戶和這裡面帶來的商業價值。“我們的做法跟阿里可能不一樣”《21世紀》:阿里金融通過小貸、信用支付、餘額寶不斷在互聯網金融上做創新,你如何看待阿里金融的創新方式?賴智明:支付寶依托的是淘寶廣大商家、用戶,然後進一步推信用支付、小貸,財付通也有騰訊集團龐大的用戶基礎。所以我們的做法跟阿里可能不一樣,我們會以更開放的方式來跟銀行合作;資金從銀行出,我們就扮演渠道的角色。《21世紀》:也就是說,財付通是一個綜合服務平台,阿里金融是一個更具開拓性的機構?賴智明:也不能這麼說,我們也有自己的開拓功能,只是我們會有差異化的方式來發揮大家的所長。阿里集團它是電商很強的一個機構,這個是毋庸置疑的;騰訊是一個社交化網絡最強的平台。所以我們推出產品的時候,我們會充分考慮我們的強項和特色。比如微信、QQ、遊戲等。《21世紀》:騰訊在互聯網金融上的整體規劃是怎樣的,財付通在中間的角色是怎樣的?賴智明:目前階段,騰訊在互聯網金融方面更多地是建立一個開放的金融平台,和金融機構共同創新設計產品。未來的方向就不一定了,行業演化太快,現在有一些規劃,但還沒到那個階段。騰訊集團涉足互聯網金融,財付通就是一種橋樑的角色,財付通是騰訊金融的一個窗口。迷你倉新蒲崗
- Jul 17 Wed 2013 11:22
Caixa視東亞銀行(00023)為長線策略投資,無意減持 (09:41
《經濟通通訊社17日專訊》據本地報章報道,迷你倉沙田東亞銀行(00023)單一最大股東西班牙Caixa Bank,早前以直接出售及配售形式,減持墨西哥金融集團Grupo Financiero Inbursa一半股權,至持股量低於10%。市場關注Caixa Bank會否因《巴塞爾協定III》的資本要求而再減持包括東亞在內等持股量逾10%的其迷你倉價錢金融機構投資。 Caixa發言人透過電郵回覆該報章指,視東亞為長線策略投資的政策維持不變;而東亞發言人則稱,不可代Caixa作回應,惟重申Caixa將東亞視作長線策略投資。 據悉,Caixa投資東亞,對其於大中華市場能產生互補,Caixa亦希望拓展內地業務,加上東亞投資回報不俗,故Caixa一直無意減持東亞,希望長線持有。(la)迷你倉庫
- Jul 17 Wed 2013 11:19
智能手機的巨屏戰愈演愈烈,迷你倉庫不單解像度由HD進入Full HD,畫面尺吋亦突破6吋。雖然大畫面有利瀏覽網頁和娛樂,但闊長機身操控略為不便。LMT Launcher就用盡了屏幕邊沿,方便使用各種機能,毋須再依賴機身按鈕。INFO版本:1.99檔案大小:1.01MB支援機種:Android 4.0或以上價格:免費LMT Launcher/ 一觸即發 /LMT揉合扇狀選單(PIE)、手勢和ISAS(Invisible Swipe Area隱形邊沿手勢)於一身,能提供軟按鍵(Home、返回、選單)、各式無線開關、實體按鍵及Task Manager功能,更能直接啟動軟件和導航列,但大前提是要取得Root權限方可使用。/ 就手易用 /扇狀選單(PIE)是LMT主打功能,提供高達10個按鍵,如再加上長按,總儲存可達20個功能或快捷鍵。用家可把觸發區設定在屏幕左、右及下方的中央,區域長度和闊度均可自訂。用家可設定扇面、邊框和圖示的大小顏色,與及動畫速度。/ 隱形手勢 /Gesture手勢操作雖然方便,但部份Launcher、瀏覽器甚至遊戲都可能用到雙指手勢,必要時要把那些軟件加到黑名單才可避免衝突。ISAS隱形手勢雖能支援4條邊沿,但頂部容易與導航列衝突,其餘三邊的中央又要預留給PIE,所以可使用的空間實在不多。COMMENTS巨屏機恩物LMT能善用屏幕的邊沿,讓用家在機身中央持機時仍可快速啟動常用按鍵和軟件,能減少使用實體鍵之餘,亦可配合fullscreeentoggle等軟件隱藏畫面底部的軟體按鍵,擴大畫面的實用面積。Text: MacGyver / Art: C_hi / Editor: aLaNnG新蒲崗迷你倉
- Jul 17 Wed 2013 11:17
Pirates' All-Stars driven to succeed
Source: Pittsburgh Post-GazetteJuly 16--NEW YORK -- Due to the short notice of Mark Melancon's All-Star selection, he traveled to Citi Field via ground transportation.存倉And loved it."It was better than flying because I got to relax, I got to talk," Melancon said of the six-hour drive with his family. "It was actually a really neat experience."Melancon was the fifth and final Pirates player selected to participate in the All-Star festivities and the game tonight at Citi Field. National League manager Bruce Bochy selected setup man Melancon to replace Jeff Locke, who missed his start Sunday because of tightness in his lower back.Melancon deserved the invitation. He has walked four and allowed four earned runs in 44 1/3 innings this season in addition to striking out 46."It's a very big deal, and I'm so glad that Melancon, they got it right," said fellow All-Star Jason Grilli, the recipient of many save opportunities in games that Melancon has kept close.------Tonight--What:84th All-Star Game--When:8 p.m.--Where:Citi Field, New York.--TV:WPGH.------As excited as Grilli was to join Melancon, Locke, Andrew McCutchen and Pedro Alvarez as the Pirates' representation, he credited the rest of his bullpen with some of his success and spoke highly of the impact his season has had on his teammates."Some of the texts I've got from my teammates, even when I was here, I was in tears [Sunday] night," he said. "I think the biggest accolade beyond being named an All-Star is you get the respect and the admiration and the well-wishes from your teammates. You get the respect of your peers, you can take that to the bank."The Pirates faced familiar questions Monday, held in the open-air Jackie Robinson rotunda. MLB employees brought the players towels to help them combat the mid-90-degree heat.Grilli discussed his long journey to becoming a shutdown closer and first-time All-Star at 36; Alvarez, talked about his improvement since May and performing in the Home Run Derby in his hometown; Melancon, spoke about the Pirates' playoff chances."That's an expectation for sure," Melancon said."If we don't get there, that would be devastating. It's how far we're going to get in the playoffs is wha自存倉 we're talking about."Alvarez received a barrage of questions about the Derby, including his thoughts about the PNC Park crowd's hostility toward National League Derby captain David Wright during the weekend series against the New York Mets."The guy obviously doesn't deserve that," Alvarez said. "That's that."McCutchen, playing in his third All-Star Game, gave the others the finer points of the events -- where to be, what to wear, etc.Melancon had breakfast with his extended family, who flew in from out of town.Locke wanted to make sure he got to meet Los Angeles Dodgers pitching ace Clayton Kershaw, the one man Locke pegged as a must."I met him on a bus," Locke said. "I went to go introduce myself and he was like, 'Hey Jeff.' I was like, no way. That's the coolest thing in the world.On the stage for all to see, the Pirates' representatives said they weren't focused on what the exposure could do for themselves or for a team that, at 56-37, has surprised many fans and observers."I don't think we're trying to make a name for ourselves individually here," Melancon said."What I've gathered in the clubhouse and feel in the clubhouse is the Pirates are a team group all the way.""We focus on ourselves," Alvarez said."We know what we have in front of us. We're so invested in one another that we just worry about what we can do to win some ballgames."One of the biggest factors is not worrying about external distractions."Even on the high note of the good first-half record and the All-Star representation, McCutchen noted that the Pirates weren't done."I feel like we're only getting better, we're only going to get better going into the second half," he said."It's not, we've reached our plateau. We did good, now we go out there just to continue working and do even better as a team."The players invited to New York, Melancon said, represented that."It shows the talent we have on our team," he said. "The production that we're getting is not a fluke, it's for real."Bill Brink: bbrink@post-gazette.com and on Twitter @BrinkPG.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at www.post-gazette.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉新蒲崗
- Jul 17 Wed 2013 11:16
Court wants metadata ruling unsealed
- Jul 17 Wed 2013 11:12
一手掌握NTT DoCoMo SH-07E
現在的Smartphone真是無大不歡。大芒固然是好,自存倉但單手操作時就沒有那麼便利,因此仍有一些廠商會顧及此需要,推出較細屏幕兼窄身的Smartphone,而NTT DoCoMo SH-07E就是近期此類型機種的表表者。由Sharp製作的SH-07E,在一片大芒手機海中看來是反其道而行,但其實此手機的目標是,即使有大屏幕之餘,也可一手掌握作輕易操控,可見廠商們仍重視用戶需要單手流暢操作的訴求。因此SH-07E機身小巧,在新設計的機身框架與新屏幕玻璃技術下,令手機闊度與同廠的SH-01E一樣為59mm,卻可放進4.3吋屏幕(SH-01E屏幕大小為4.1吋),而激薄邊框的設計更令屏幕看起來十分之大,但機身卻可一手掌握。SH-07E屬2013夏季新機,硬件屬高階之列,內置Qualcomm Snapdragon 600的1.7GHz四核心處理器、2GB RAM及32GB ROM,以及採用背照式CMOS元件、f/1.9光圈的13MP AF相機等等。作為日系機,SH-07E也有IPX5/7防水防塵功能。SH-07E更備有白、寶藍及橙3種顏色,其中橙色極之Sharp醒,與夏天十分配襯。/ Screen /4.3" 1,280×720 IPS/ CPU /1.7GHz Quad Core/ Camera /13MP AFSPEC•Band:HSPA 14Mbps•CPU:Qualcomm APQ8064T 1.7GHz Quad Core•OS:Android 4.2•迷你倉新蒲崗isplay:4.3” 1,280×720 S-CG Silicon•Camera:13MP AF(後置)/ 1.2MP(前置)•Memory:2GB RAM / 32GB ROM•Storage:microSDHC•Other:BT4.0、NFC、802.11n、micro USB、IPX5/7•Size:126×59×10.7mm•Weight:131g4,580三禾電氣2374 0618相片配合4K電視SH-07E運行Android 4.2系統,因屬於NTT DoCoMo機款,所以用上DoCoMo Palette UI,亦內置了簡單易用的FeelUX UI可選。比較特別的是相機模式中可選擇拍攝「4K2K」相片,亦即是相片解像度為3,840×2,160,現在4K電視開始冒起,SH-07E可拍攝此規格的相片可謂追上潮流。屏幕質素高雖然SH-07E的4.3吋屏幕為720p解像度,但S-CG Silicon屏幕質素甚高,與機面玻璃十分之貼,顏色表現極佳,而且可視角度也不俗。試相區背照式CMOS拍出來的相片質素不錯,天空上的雲層次可忠實表現。S-CG Silicon屏幕質素甚高,顏色恰到好處。屏幕可視角度也不俗。CONCLUSION小巧之選現時Smartphone大大部,SH-07E機身細細卻有4.3吋720p屏幕,又可一手掌握使用,的確是手細用家的恩物。Text: 小桂子 / Photo: Kin / Art: edyue / Editor: aLaNnG迷你倉出租
- Jul 17 Wed 2013 11:08
昨日提過的《Driving Curve》駕駛技巧評分App,新蒲崗迷你倉只有iPhone版本,並沒有Android或其他平台的版本。事實上,很多出色的手機軟件,都是只有iPhone版本,因此作為用戶,用iPhone往往有最多的軟件選擇,這方面暫時仍是Android的一個弱項,未能追過iPhone。以《Driving Curve》為例,它應用到手機內藏的重力感應器,透過感應器的衝力數據,計算汽車的煞車力度和速度。由於不同手機內的重力感應器規格不盡相同,例如有些山寨手機,根本沒有重力感應器。而不同品牌的Android手機,內藏的重力感應器又因規格不同,所量度出來的數值也會出現差異。因此作為軟件公司,很難為眾多不同的Android手機逐一調校軟mini storage,令製作Android版本的駕車評分軟件有實際上的困難。相反,iPhone的硬件規格統一,軟件公司只需為幾款不同的iPhone進行測試和調校。調校後,軟件便可適用於全球所有iPhone,不會像Android般,因為不同品牌的手機而不能準確地測量力度感應。另一方面,大多數的iPhone用戶都擁有付費戶口,可以用手機直接購買軟件。相反,Android用戶多是免費用戶,傾向只下載免費軟件。於是軟件公司推出iPhone App,收入往往比其他平台更好賺。因此iPhone上較容易找到好軟件,軟件的數量也遠較其他平台為多。如果你對軟件質量的要求高,iPhone是較佳的選擇。電郵:ray@openrice.com鍾偉民(Ray)?飲食網站創辦人self storage
- Jul 17 Wed 2013 11:00
楚天都市報訊圖為:中招遠程錄取現場本報記者何君輝 通訊員鄒永寧 實習生王瑋琦昨日,self storage武漢市中招錄取正式開始,集中錄取階段將持續至25日結束,分5個批次進行;第二階段為全市集中補錄,將于本月29-31日進行。今年,武漢中招錄取首次實施遠程網上錄取。這與以往有哪些不同?“神秘”的中招現場又是怎樣的?昨日,武漢市教育局面向媒體開放中招錄取現場,記者得以進入實地探訪。變化首度網上遠程錄取今年中招最大的變化是首次實施遠程網上錄取,既以考生電子檔案為基礎,通過計算機遠程網絡實現錄取的各個環節,以進一步推進陽光招生。由於是首次實施,對技術要求很高,為了確保錄取工作萬無一失,按照遠程與現場“雙軌制”執行,即把各錄取學校也召集到了招錄現場,集中錄取與遠程錄取相結合。今年的中招現場給記者留下的印象就是“簡潔”,無紙化辦公加上全程網上錄取,讓武漢6萬多考生放心。現場,所有的錄取都是在電腦中進行,電腦程序按照分數、考生填報的志願以及學校的計劃數等各種條件搜尋和排列考生,最終得到每個學校錄取的人數、分數線等。據武漢市招考辦工作人員介紹,以前的手工排檔很麻煩,那時候整個錄取時間比現在要長很多。現場出入口均有武警把守昨日上午9時許,記者到達中招錄取現場——武漢第一商業學校。在該校5樓,出入口都拉起了警戒線,均設迷你倉武警守候,所有人員皆需掛牌辦公。在大樓進門處、招錄現場等5處地方,分別公佈了中招錄取工作時間表、流程圖、注意事項、工作機構及職責等信息,招錄時間表詳細到錄取的每個具體小時段。經武漢市教育局特批後,記者通過“關卡”進入招錄現場。長長的走廊兩側分佈著10余個房間,分為信息網絡組、錄取審核組、招生學校錄取機房、區招考辦錄取機房等,房間里工作人員各司其職,都在操作著電腦,現場顯得安靜而有序。據瞭解,中招錄取工作由武漢市招考辦組織各區招考辦集中辦公,錄取現場實行封閉管理,由該市紀檢、監察部門監督。安全招生組老師全封閉工作每年夏天中招一開始,招生組的老師們就全部都要進入封閉工作狀態,錄取和吃住都在同一個地方,錄取完才能全部統一撤出。為了確保公平、公正、公開的原則,錄取結果將及時上網。遠程網上錄取期間,考生電子檔案的運行狀態共有7種:自由可投、已投檔、學校再閱、預退檔、預錄取、待審、錄取。每批次錄取結束後,考生可通過武漢招考網查詢自己的最終錄取結果,但不提供電子檔案運行的其他狀態查詢。據武漢市招考辦負責人介紹,省級示範高中錄取已于昨日結束,最早今晚考生可上網查詢到提前批和第一批學校錄取信息。市級示範高中、省示範高中分校和大專院校附屬高中的錄取將陸續展開。據預計,第一次集中錄取將于本月25日結束。文件倉
- Jul 17 Wed 2013 10:54
Burlington council meets about bus system
Source: Times-News, Burlington, N.儲存C.July 16--Burlington city councilmen want to gather input from other municipalities that may wish to be involved from the get-go before moving forward on a bus system in the city.During a work session Monday night, Transportation Planning Manager Mike Nunn brought figures from the city's 2006 survey and 2010 census data, an example of an existing fixed-route system in a city comparable to Burlington, and funding options for city councilmen to review, as requested at April's work session.Based on the 2006 survey, which was sent in Burlington water bills to 20,000 customers, 71 percent of respondents were between 45 and 65 and older, and 25 percent of households with people older than age 16 don't have cars or driving licenses.According to 2010 census results, 55 percent of Burlington's population are in the education and health care, manufacturing and retail trade employment sectors, which creates a large portion of the system's expected ridership, Nunn said.He also reminded councilmen that the "Section 5307," federal grant provides 90 percent of all start-up costs for a public transit system, and a $5 Municipal Vehicle Registration fee could be used to help fund the city's transportation system. Currently, 40,987 vehicles are registered in Burlington, which would yield $204,935 if the city implemented the tax, Nunn said.The Concord/Kannapolis bus system, which Nunn helped begin, was used as a funding example, since Concord's tax rate and population are similar to Burlington's. Begun in fiscal year 2004-05, Concord spent $225,000 from its general fund, plus $175,000 from the $5 Municipal Vehicle Registration fee.Concord's general fund transfers for fiscal year 2013-14 were greatly increased to $576,042, with $310,000 from the Municipal Vehicle Registration fee -- but Nunn said those monetary increases were due to service expansions, including hybrid fleet replacements and weekend service additions, the city deemed important.Nunn said for Burlington, "Just like everything else, it'll be an annual decision," where and whether to expand services, and that every municipality has different needs.The concern about how citizens would react to seeing "empty buses" on the street was raised. According to the 2006 survey responses, 39 percent said they wouldn't use the bus each week, and 20 percent said they'd never use the bus.Councilman Celo Faucette said, "Those numbers are troubling to me." Nunn said, "That's pretty typical of transit operations," and that there will always be a populati新蒲崗迷你倉n within the city that won't opt to use the system."Quite honestly ... you would hope that there are that many that wouldn't need it" because there wouldn't be room on the 28-passenger buses, said Councilman Jim Butler.Wall said if Burlington went ahead with the system they'd have two things to "stomach": empty buses and the fact that the system would be a "loser," in that it won't be making the city any money."Parks and Rec could be a loser from that standpoint, but it's a winner for the city," said Butler. "There are recreation fields that are empty. There are police cars that are empty," he said, adding that it's the nature of the services.Nunn presented a five-route system as a possible template, but said the details -- like timing the routes, naming and assigning colors to them, and addressing complaints, comments and compliments -- would fall to a Transit Advisory Commisison, a public body consisting of elected officials and technical staff.Before forming that commission, Mayor Ronnie Wall said Burlington should send the 2006 survey out to members of other municipalities to see if there's interest in expanding the route to include Mebane, Elon, Graham and Gibsonville."We're kicking the can down the road in regards to more studies," Butler said."I'm trying to get my hand around what's productive," said Wall."We're not going to be helping any of our neighbors" if Burlington sets up the bus system just within city limits. "I still think we need to let other municipalities in on the ground floor," said Wall. Councilman Bob Ward said he, too, wanted input from other municipalities before planning the system.Mayor Pro Tem David Huffman said he agreed with Butler and said, "I think we need to be very careful as we expand into new areas," and that doing so would mean a whole new service area. Huffman said Burlington should structure the bus system to meet the needs of those who need it the most, mainly those below the poverty line and in the education, health care, manufacturing and retail employment areas.City Manager Harold Owen said he will begin contacting the other municipalities to see if they want in on the bus system. Faucette said the next time public transit comes up, he wants to see that all of the municipalities have given their input."I want to see something happen now," Faucette said. "Either we're going to do it, or we're not going to do it."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Times-News (Burlington, N.C.) Visit Times-News (Burlington, N.C.) at www.thetimesnews.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage