- Sep 09 Mon 2013 13:46
- Sep 09 Mon 2013 11:56
曾經依靠一款凱美瑞打破中高級車競爭格局的廣汽豐田,迷你倉價錢即將在另一個領域發起一場變革,這就是小型車。8月24日,廣汽豐田全新領導團隊首次亮相。廣汽豐田總經理小林一弘與執行副總經理李暉達成共識,小型車戰略將成為他們開�變革的開端。李暉坦言,過去廣豐在小型車領域錯過了一些機會,現在則要通過發力小型車彌補過去的短板。小車戰略是廣汽豐田當前最為重要的任務。從致炫開始,廣豐進入產品密集佈防期提起小型車,廣汽豐田並不陌生。5年前廣豐引入號稱豐田全球三大戰略車型之一的雅力士,同樣寄予厚望。不過,雅力士的表現顯然不及預期。廣汽豐田執行副總經理李暉透露,雅力士在廣豐銷量中占比不到5%。過去廣豐的小型車銷量一般,而且向來在汽車業內生產大排量汽車利潤更高;廣豐通過生產凱美瑞和漢蘭達,一直是日系車企中表現最為穩健的。今年上半年,廣豐累計銷量接近14萬輛,完成了全年計劃的50 .6%。盡管如此,廣汽豐田仍為作為雅力士換代產品的致炫,投入很大精力。致炫是豐田第一次深入研究中國消費者需求之後推出的新車。8月23日,致炫發佈,相比雅力士更時尚,且加大尺寸,6.98萬元的起售價更貼近市場。廣 汽 豐田 所 謂的小型車,包括A級車、A 0級迷你倉。隨著致炫的推出,廣汽豐田把小型車戰略擺在了非常突出的地位,可以說是在“小車中醞釀著大戰略”。按計劃,從致炫開始,廣汽豐田進入產品的密集佈防期,從今年起每年將導入1∼2款新車,並通過重點生產符合中國消費者需求的中小型車產品,實現產品重心的戰略性轉移,明年將導入一款A級車。到2015年,廣汽豐田計劃產銷量提高至50萬輛,實現中小型車40%以上占比。中小型車肩負“培養粉絲”重任數據顯示,國內小型車市場容量高達300萬∼330萬輛,增速僅次于SU V市場,達到兩位數以上,市場增長潛力很大。這意味著未來廣豐要實現規模上的提升,必須進軍小型車領域。另外,我國正推行嚴格的汽車企業油耗限值法規,這也要求車企不僅生產大型車,也要生產小型車和新能源車。同時,中小型車肩負著為廣豐“培養粉絲”的重任。中小型車用戶在幾年後都有置換需求,廣豐希望通過佔領中小型車,為用戶未來選擇中高級車打下基礎。為了適應企業向小型車的轉型,廣豐正努力展現其年輕化的品牌形象。值得一提的是,致炫發佈會是廣汽豐田完成領導層更替後,小林一弘與李暉的搭檔首次面對媒體。李暉表示,致炫的發佈展現出廣豐很多新的東西,而這只是一個開始。 採寫:南都記者 黃習偉儲存
- Sep 09 Mon 2013 11:52
燃煤是北京大氣汙染的第二大汙染源;基本完成全市規模以上工業企業鍋爐“煤改氣”9月2日,迷你倉長城潤滑油分公司,天然氣鍋爐已投入使用。2012年,該公司完成了鍋爐“煤改氣”。新京報記者 王叔坤 攝 《北京市2013-2017年清潔空氣行動計劃重點任務分解》近日發佈,提出到2017年,全市空氣中的細顆粒物(PM2.5)年均濃度比2012年下降25%以上,控制在60微克/立方米左右,並在燃煤、機動車、工業、揚塵防治等方面提出多項措施。《新京報》從今日起推出系列報道,關注北京大氣治理。新京報訊 燃煤是北京大氣汙染的第二大汙染源,對大氣汙染貢獻占16.7%。根據《北京市2013-2017年清潔空氣行動計劃重點任務分解》方案,北京將在多個方面壓減燃煤,其中,到2017年,工業累計壓減燃煤200萬噸。“重點任務分解”方案提出,今年要制定重點行業工業企業燃煤壓減方案,對市級以上工業開發區以外的水泥、石化、釀酒、機械製造等重點行業實施燃煤壓減。到2015年,完成六環路內規模以上工業企業燃煤設施清潔能源改造等任務。到2016年,基本完成全市規模以上工業企業燃煤設施清潔能源改造。到2017年,累計削減燃煤200萬噸。據環保局2012年數據,全市現有用煤企業約280家,除東城西城外,其餘14個區縣均有分佈。工業壓減燃煤是全市壓減燃煤總體工作中的一部分。據初步統計,2012年全市工業用煤約430萬噸。根據《北京市2013-2017年加快壓減燃煤和清潔能源建設工作方案》,2014年底前全面完成19個市級及以上工業園區約2100蒸噸鍋爐“煤改氣”工作;用四年左右時間,基本完成全市規模以上工業企業鍋爐“煤改氣”。重點整治村鎮產業聚集區。對水泥、石化、建材等高耗能產業實施淘汰退出和總量控制,到2017年本市水泥產能降至400萬噸,煉油規模控制在1000萬噸。1、全面完成19個市級以上工業園區約2100蒸噸鍋爐“煤改氣”,削減燃煤50萬噸。2013年,改造約500蒸噸。2014年,改造約1600蒸噸。2、基本完成全市規模以上工業企業鍋爐“煤改氣”;加快推進市級(不含市級)以下工業開發區、工業園區和產業基地的燃煤設施清潔能源改造。削減燃煤55萬噸。2014-2016年,每年改造約800蒸噸。2016年,基本完成全市規模以上工業企業鍋爐“煤改氣”;完成燕山石化水煤漿鍋爐清潔能源改造。3、對水泥、石化等高耗能、高排放行業實施產能總量控制,鼓勵通過兼並重組壓縮產能,全市水泥產能削減至400萬噸、煉油規模控制在1000萬噸;整治鎮村產業聚集區,淘汰退出1200家布局散、裝備低、環保差的建材、化工、鑄造、家具製造等企業。削減燃煤95萬噸。2015年,水泥產能減至600萬噸,完成800家高汙染企業淘汰退出。2017年,水泥產能減至400萬噸,全市煉油規模控制在1000萬噸,完成400家高汙染企業淘自存倉退出。■ 對話六環內工業企業優先減煤新京報:燃煤鍋爐給空氣會帶來哪些不好的影響?北京市經信委:由於煤炭中含有硫,因此煤炭燃燒是二氧化硫排放的主要來源之一。而天然氣中幾乎不含硫,因此改用天然氣後,將顯著減少工業二氧化硫排放。新京報:工業壓減燃煤的目標如何確定?在選擇壓減對象方面,是否有優先級?北京市經信委:工業壓減燃煤是全市壓減燃煤總體工作中的一部分。目前根據初步統計數據,2012年全市工業用煤約430萬噸,壓減200萬噸燃煤,即削減大約一半工業用煤。在選擇壓減對象方面,優先考慮六環以內規模以上工業企業,保留用煤的企業主要集中在民生類企業(如啤酒生產、生豬屠宰等行業)和一些改用天然氣有困難的企業(如有些位於山區的企業難以接通氣源)。到2015年,完成六環路內規模以上工業企業燃煤設施清潔能源改造。到2016年,除保留用煤的企業外,基本完成全市規模以上工業企業燃煤設施清潔能源改造。市級及以上工業開發區燃煤鍋爐改造計劃原定于2015年完成,按照市政府要求,提前至2014年完成,因此將原計劃定于2015年完成的任務都放到了2014年。新京報:工業壓減燃煤在實施過程中存在什麼困難?北京市經信委:主要困難一是有些企業沒有氣源,部分可以協調市燃氣集團解決,還有一部分由於位於山區等原因難以接通氣源;二是企業需要投入大量資金改造鍋爐,資金限制可能影響企業改造進度;三是改用天然氣後增加了企業的生產成本,且氣源需要有保障。■ 探訪鍋爐煤改氣 不再當“泥猴”自從燃煤鍋爐換成了天然氣鍋爐,中國石油化工股份有限公司長城潤滑油分公司鍋爐控制室的周師傅感受最大的是辦公環境的徹底改變,他不再天天身上是泥,而是坐在乾淨涼爽的辦公室通過電腦操控鍋爐。“煤改氣後,我感受最大的變化是環保局不會再來檢查粉塵和二氧化硫的排放了。”公司安全生產部能源主管胡建男說。該公司坐落于海澱區安寧莊西路6號,緊鄰13號線上地站。現在工廠的周邊已經被小區包圍,西面是頤美家園、當代城市小區,北側是上林溪小區。據胡建男介紹,2012年,公司完成“煤改氣”,由2台20噸燃煤鍋爐更換成2台10噸和1台4噸的天然氣鍋爐。這樣每年可消除3.5噸二氧化硫排放,減少煙塵排放4.5噸,減少二氧化碳排放3600噸。改造前,公司2台20噸燃煤鍋爐常年不停,用于生產和冬季採暖,2012年燃煤5700噸。現在,這兩台鍋爐還在,周邊的牆壁落滿灰塵,但已經被貼上“閑置”的標簽,就在旁邊,建起了3台天然氣鍋爐,室內清潔,牆壁白色,工人無需在鍋爐旁操作,而是在另一間屋通過電腦操控鍋爐的進氣量等指標。鍋爐控制室的周師傅說,使用燃煤鍋爐時,室內全是粉塵,加上溫度高,渾身濕透,而且全是泥。給煙塵脫硫時,需要人工加入氧化鎂,也比較髒,“一天下來,身上跟猴兒似的。”而現在,他在電腦旁就可以操控,每個小時進鍋爐房巡檢一次就行。本版採寫/新京報記者 劉春瑞迷你倉新蒲崗
- Sep 09 Mon 2013 11:46
引領汽車革命寶馬i8 10大特性
寶馬i3已經上市,文件倉i8的參數已經公佈,寶馬瞬間將公眾拉入了電動車時代,作為世界上為數不多的油電混合跑車,i8具有很多鮮為人知的特點,而且從這些特點來看,i8不止僅僅是油電混合這麼簡單,它完全是一台革命性的超級跑車。撰文:MAY一、小心臟大動力:儘管i8的發動機只有三個缸,而且排量只有1.5L,但它卻能輸出228匹馬力,燃油消耗和動力輸出的效率來看,它比寶馬任何一台車型都要好,其中包括M系車型。這多虧了車上搭載的,25 psi的渦輪增壓器。二、也有變速器:所有的電動車都取消了變速器,但是i8仍然保留了一台兩速的變速器,低檔位時,傳動比為11比1,高檔位時,傳動比為6比1,保證了大扭矩的輸出,純電力驅動下最高時速可達75英里每小時,運動模式下最高時速為155英里每小時。三、座艙與行李廂空間狹小:從體積上來看,i8像是一台拉長了的4系,但實際上,�面的空間跟保時捷911差不多。前排空間還算可以,但後排相當狹小,而且後備箱只有0.14立方米的容積,畢竟它是一臺跑車。3種驅動方式四、碳纖維成型技術:i8採用大量碳素纖維材料來保證較大的強度與較輕的車重,但與一般我們看到的傳統編織方式加上透明塗層呈現出來的車身材料不同,寶馬採用了新的方法來對碳素纖維進行加工成型,比傳統的熱成型技術更快,成本更低。五、FWD,RWD還有AWD:i8的驅動方式共有3種,無論是前驅、後驅還是全輪驅動都可以做到。當採用純電力驅動時,主要為前輪驅動,當採用汽油動力時,車輛變為後輪驅動,全力加速時,兩套動力系統同時工作,這時車輛便為存倉輪驅動。六、輪胎與別不同:儘管i8定位為跑車,但高效率才是它的終極目標。所以i8並沒有像一般跑車那樣採用寬大的輪胎,它採用了直徑20英寸的輪轂,前輪輪轂寬7英寸,胎寬195毫米,胎厚97.5毫米,後輪輪轂寬7.5英寸,胎寬215毫米,胎厚96.75毫米。較窄的輪胎使車輛犧牲了一部分牽引力來獲取更低的阻力。出M版本無難度七、兩個電動機:實際上,i8具有兩個電動機,其中一個負責驅動前輪,另外一個偶爾提供動力。i8具有一個280伏的電動機通過皮帶與引擎連接,可以輸出20匹馬力和74磅英尺的扭矩。它用來啟動引擎和車內主要的電子設備。八、採用Gorilla Glass:現在智能手機面板上採用的材料被稱為Gorilla Glass(硬化玻璃),非常薄而且強度高。它被放置在駕駛室與引擎中間,隔離噪音。同時,車窗玻璃採用了「三文治」結構(兩層Gorilla Glass中間夾了一片0.7毫米厚透明降噪塑膠),使風擋和車窗比一般汽車玻璃強度更高。九、第一台橫置引擎:在i8上,寶馬採用了自己第一台橫置引擎,主要是考慮到兩組動力系統都在底盤上,但又盡量不能影響駕乘空間。十、潛在可能:按照寶馬的習慣,i8不知道會不會推出一台M版本,況且這對於寶馬來說並不困難。即使是混合動力也可以出高性能版本,i3上面搭載的是一款168匹馬力的電動機,比i8採用的電動機輸出功率要大,空間上來說,搭載一台4缸的渦輪增加發動機也並不困難,按比例計算,發動機的馬力可以提升至304匹,這樣算來「Mi8」可以輸出472匹馬力和500磅英尺的扭矩。迷你倉
- Sep 09 Mon 2013 11:07
Comets streak past Blue Jays
Source: The Tribune-Democrat, Johnstown, Pa.迷你倉Sept. 08--Penns Manor played within the lines on Saturday afternoon against host Conemaugh Valley.The Comets, who scored on all seven possessions they had, controlled the line of scrimmage on both the offense and the defense, and rolled to a 48-6 victory over the youthful Blue Jays, improving to 2-0."We knew going in that our line was going to be our strong point this year," Penns Manor coach Bill Packer said. "We felt pretty good about being able to move the ball coming into the game. We had some nice holes for these backs and the backs ran hard. Conemaugh Valley came out and played a hard football game and you have to give them a lot of credit. For as young as they are, I thought they did a nice job. I thought they moved the ball on us."The Comets spread the ball around with 13 different players having an opportunity to carry the ball. Senior quarterback Lucas Kowalski led the way with seven carries for 76 yards. Kowalski rushed for two touchdowns and threw to Gavin Grimaldi for another score. Louis Tate added eight carries for 63 yards and also had two rushing touchdowns. Kowalski was 8 of 12 passing for 74 yards with seven different receivers catching passes."We have a nice balance of guys who can rush the ball," Packer said. "We tried to get everyone going today and also got our passing game going a little bit. We do have some things to clean up before next week.""We knew from watching them play Northern Cambria that they were going to be able to run the ball," Conemaugh Valley coach Tom Marshall said. "They were just bigger and stronger than us. They wouldn't have had to throw the ball at all. We just didn't have the physical presence to stop them on the ground."The workhorses for Conemaugh Valley were sophomore Brandon Galasso, who carried the ball 19 times for 79 yards, with junior Anthony Hutzell rushing for 55 yards on 12 carries and scoring the Blue Jays touchdown."We were a little physically overmatched," Blue Jays coach Tom Marshall said. "We are smal文件倉 and we were playing a lot of underclassmen there. We just told them to do the best they could every play and whatever happens, happens. No reason to hang your head when the team is obviously superior to us and they proved it today."The Comets set the tone from the outset, holding the Jays to a three-and-out. The ensuing punt set up Penns Manor at the 44.Seven straight runs by Tate, Ethan Marshall and Bailey Mumau moved the Comets 56 yards with Tate capping the drive on a 4-yard run. James Conway kicked the first of six extra points to give the Indiana County squad a 7-0 lead.Another three-and-out by the Blue Jays led to another Comets touchdown, this one by Kowalski. The drive was nine plays and covered 41 yards for a 13-0 Penns Manor lead.The visitors also scored on their next possession, marching 43 yards in four plays, ending with a 20-yard Kowalski draw for a 20-0 advantage.Conemaugh Valley responded with an 11-play drive which covered 68 yards ending with the 4-yard Hutzell touchdown. The kick was blocked to pull the Blue Jays to 20-6.Kowalski's touchdown to Grimaldi set the halftime score at 27-6.In the third quarter, Mumau scored on a 23-yard run. Tate added his second score, a 10-yard run, in the fourth, setting the running clock in motion.Penns Manor's final touchdown came on a 22-yard pass from Clayton Stupic pass to Tyler Somogyi late in the game.Despite the setback which dropped the Blue Jays to 1-1, Marshall saw some encouraging signs from his young team."The positive things are, when you are out there against an opponent that's obviously superior to you and are much bigger than you, these young guys played right to the end of the game," Marshall said. "I know it sounds like a cliche, but they played hard and nobody backed down."The Comets play Saltsburg on Friday while Conemaugh Valley hosts North Star next Saturday.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Tribune-Democrat (Johnstown, Pa.) Visit The Tribune-Democrat (Johnstown, Pa.) at .tribune-democrat.com Distributed by MCT Information Services存倉
- Sep 09 Mon 2013 10:53
Bank profits: Is the balloon losing air
Profits at China’s biggest five banks rose 13 percent in the first half, and analysts are predicting growth may slow to single digits as the nation’s economic slowdown produces an increase in bad loans and bites into margins.self storageAdding to banking woes, national financial reforms are expected to ratchet up competition in the sector.Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China (AgBank), Bank of China and the Bank of Communications reported a combined net profit of 466 billion yuan (US$75.7 billion) in the first six months of 2013.That 13 percent increase was the weakest growth in four years, following gains of 15 percent in 2012, 33 percent in 2011 and 30 percent in 2010.China International Capital Corp, one of the nation’s biggest investment banks, predicted net profits of the Big Five will rise 11 percent this year to 862 billion yuan, with growth slowing to 10 percent in 2014 and 8 percent in 2015.Indeed, there is growing evidence that the heyday of Chinese bank earnings is on the wane.“Rising credit costs, compressing interest margins and growing pressure on non-interest income will constitute a triple-whammy hit on earnings,” Standard and Poor’s said in its latest credit outlook on China’s banking industry.All the Big Five, except Bank of China, posted slower growth in the first six months. Net profit at Bank of China rose 12.9 percent, compared with 7.5 percent growth in the same period last year.ICBC, the nation’s biggest lender, reported the smallest drop of the five, at 0.16 percentage point.“We will look at the interest rate liberalization rationally and determine the right price level to maintain appropriate market share and interest spreads,” Yi Huiman, president of ICBC, told a news conference last month.“Although the lending rate floor has been removed, we remain prudent on pricing loans,” he added. “We have a unified pricing model to keep our loan proceeds in a high level among peers.”AgBank posted the biggest percentage earnings drop of the five, at 6 percentage points. However, its first-half growth of 14.7 percent topped the group. The bank is forecast to be the only one of the quintet likely to keep double-digit yearly growth in the next two years, according to investment bank International Capital’s latest report.Large Chinese banks r迷你倉ly heavily on lending to big state-owned companies to drive growth. Interest income comprises the lion’s share of their earnings, accounting for 74 percent of operating income at the Big Five in the first six months. That was down from 77 percent a year earlier. Bank of China has the most balanced income structure among the Big Five. Its net interest income accounted for 67 percent of total income.Quality growthMoreover, the stronger growth momentum of fee income may also suggest that the Big Five are on track to achieve more quality growth. Net fee income in aggregate expanded 24 percent in the first half — nearly three times the growth rate of net interest income.Despite improving income structures, the massive interest earnings of the banking giants have come at a cost. Latent credit risks have been mounting.Although the bad loan ratio of the Big Five stayed largely flat at 1 percent at the end of June, there are signs that asset quality is eroding.Bad loans of the Big Five in the latest six months increased by 22.4 billion yuan to 350 billion yuan. Agbank had both the largest amount of bad loans and the highest non-performing loan ratio among the group.Bad loan write-offs by the five amounted to 22 billion yuan in the first half, representing 90 percent of total write-offs for the whole of 2012.Higher credit losses in coming years is likely, despite the low ratio of non-performing loans and the generally good track record in maintaining low credit losses in the past five years, said S&P in its outlook report.However, the Big Five are less exposed to credit loss shock than smaller banks, given their relatively diversified credit portfolios, stronger fee income and cheaper funding costs due to their economies of scale.Banks operating in export-heavy coastal regions could face higher credit losses than banks elsewhere in China in the next 12 to 18 months due to their exposure to companies stung by sluggish overseas demand.S&P attributed China’s relevantly flat bad loan ratio to the booming “shadow banking” sector that has helped to contain credit losses in the past few years.However, the non-performing loan ratio of the Chinese banking industry is expected to jump to 3 percent by the end of this year, rising from an average 0.96 percent for the whole sector in the first half and from 1.6 percent at the end of last year, the rating agency predicted. 文件倉
- Sep 09 Mon 2013 10:46
Why the Internet is perfect for price discrimination
Price discrimination is one of those concepts that only an economist could love.迷你倉新蒲崗 But the theory is clear: the more that a vendor can discriminate according to willingness to pay, the more value that vendor can add.Nowadays, online, the amount of information that companies have about their customers has never been higher. And the obvious way to monetize that information is through price discrimination: charge the people with high willingness to pay more money than those who will only buy if the price is low.The obvious place for this kind of price discrimination is newspaper paywalls. The Financial Times already does it: there’s no real list price for an FT subscription, and the paper basically just charges whatever it thinks it can get away with, given what it knows about you.For newspapers with more price-sensitive readers, smart price discrimination is even more important. Ideally, you’d charge every reader just a little bit less than they were willing to pay — and you’d give your content away to the people who were willing to pay nothing. And here’s the thing: newspapers know a lot about their readers — and especially the regular readers who come back often enough to hit paywalls. To take a example, they know if those readers are looking at local sports reports, or whether they’re looking at general entertainment news. The former group will be much more willing to pay than the latter.The New York Times will shortly roll out a new, lower-priced product, giving some subset of its news to people who don’t want to pay for the whole thing. But that’s just going further in the wrong direction. Already the pricing is sending all manner of bad messages: access to nytimes.com plus a phone app is US$15 every four weeks, access to the website plus the tablet app is US$20, and access to the website plus both phone and tablet apps is US$35. It logically means that access to the website itself is worthless.Th迷你倉出租 NYT is in the process of building new products, for which it can then charge varying amounts of money. This is a lot of work, and has reportedly created tensions between the CEO and the editor when some of the new products report up to the former rather than the latter, even when they’re being built by journalists. Instead of thinking in terms of creating a wide range of different products, then, maybe the NYT should just try to do the best journalism it can, and then sell that journalism at a wide range of different prices.That would be a very tough decision to make: consumers, as a rule, viscerally dislike price discrimination. If you know that your friends and neighbors are getting exactly the same product that you are, but are paying a different price for it, then someone is going to feel ripped off. Still, at the margin, the NYT can start to implement something like this without having to charge different prices. For instance, it can hold off on the paywall for certain readers — the ones with the lowest willingness to pay — while putting it up quite aggressively for others, such as perhaps the ones who spend a lot of time on the business pages. And if you price discrimination by giving away discount codes, few people object at all.For companies which aren’t as high-profile as the NYT, price discrimination is a no-brainer. Amazon was doing it as long ago as 2000, and Uber does it every day, by charging extremely high headline fees, and then giving away various discount coupons like confetti, to carefully-targeted audiences.The Internet is a zone where companies sell products with zero marginal cost, and with a lot of information about exactly who their audiences are. In that world, it would be weird if they didn’t try to charge different prices to different customers. We’re used to the freemium model, which is very basic price discrimination. In future, expect that model to become a lot more sophisticated. 迷你倉
- Sep 09 Mon 2013 10:46
Iron silk road delivers trade edge
Companies in central China are benefiting from a quicker freight service to Europe, bolstering Zhengzhou’s bid to become a logistics hubOn a sultry summer morning at the rail container terminal in Zhengzhou, the capital city of Henan province, an engine driver in a blue uniform climbs agilely up the locomotive of a freight train, wiping dust from its windshield with a cloth before the train sets off.儲存The train, loaded with more than 40 containers, then heads northwest along the first rail line linking the central province with one of Europe’s largest traffic hubs – Hamburg in Germany.Hailed as a “new silk road” by the provincial government, the cross-border rail route has provided a short cut for transporting made-in-China products to Europe since the service was launched on July 18.It is part of a growing trend, with an increasing number of manufacturers in Germany and other European countries also considering turning from time-consuming sea freight to rail freight as they tap the Chinese market.The largest city along the Yellow River, Zhengzhou is not only hoping to boost local trade with the new rail line, but also has a bigger dream of becoming a global logistics hub.“Zhengzhou is neither a coastal city nor a place along the border,” said Jing Jianxun, a deputy general manager of Zhengzhou International Land Port Development and Construction. “A railway extending into the heart of Europe will add a leg for us to go into the global logistics market.”The company is the domestic operator of the Zhengzhou- Europe freight line with partner DB Schenker, the operator for the European part of the route.After leaving Zhengzhou, their home base, the trains cross the border at Alataw Pass in Xinjiang and pass through Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus and Poland on their way to Hamburg.The whole journey takes 15 to 18 days and covers 10,214 kilometres.The latest train to Hamburg left Zhengzhou on August 28, carrying 516 tonnes of items such as apparel, shoes, car parts, electrical products and leather goods produced in the provinces of Henan, Shandong, Fujian, Zhejiang and Guangdong.Before the freight train began running, manufacturers and logistics companies had to transport their goods by road to port cities such as Tianjin, Qingdao and Shanghai and then ship them to Europe. The whole process often took as long as 40 to 60 days.Song Liyong, a manager at Zhengzhou International Land Port Development, said it cost about US$5,000 to ship one container of goods from Zhengzhou to Hamburg by road and sea.The rail line charged US$7,000 for a container but could save clients about 25 days. Air freight took only four to five days, but the price was about five times that of rail, Song said.“Rail transport is especially suitable for goods with relatively high added value or which need to be delivered within a short period of time,” he said.Twelve more trains will leave Zhengzhou for Germ新蒲崗迷你倉ny this year. The company then plans to increase the frequency, with a weekly service running by the end of next year. It will also launch three spur lines, to Almaty in Kazakhstan, Moscow in Russia and Klaipeda in Lithuania.Harry Yue Chaojie, a sales manager of Qingdao-based logistics agent OEC Group, is a potential customer for the new rail line. His company provides delivery services for a number of car parts makers in Zhengzhou.“It’s much faster and not expensive at all,” Yue said. “We really want to try. Our only concern is whether it can operate in a stable and smooth way.”In addition to Zhengzhou, four other cities – Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan and Shenyang – have launched freight lines to Europe in the past couple of years. But not all of them have worked well.The rail line between Wuhan and Pardubice in the Czech Republic has been suspended since the first train set off in October last year. Complicated clearance procedures and relatively high costs are the two major obstacles for operators hoping to fill their containers. Another line, from Chengdu to Duisburg in Germany, is facing similar problems.“We believe we can do better,” Jing said.He said Zhengzhou enjoyed a geographic edge because it was right at the crossroads of the country’s major railways and highways and also had one of the largest airports on the mainland.Several major rail lines go through the city, with high-speed trains creating a “three-hour economic circle” covering Beijing, Shanghai and key economic zones in the Yangtze River and Pearl River deltas and Sichuan.“So far, the other cities are heavily reliant on one or two big electrical products to support their freight lines,” Jing said. “But we are targeting a wider range of customers.”The company said the city government had provided subsidies for the rail line’s operation, which would help it maintain a competitive pricing level.“Although the rail line cannot make a profit for the moment, it may bring more business opportunities for Zhengzhou,” Jing said. “It’s hard to measure the benefit it can bring.”The company had been in talks with German carmakers Audi, BMW and Mercedes-Benz about importing high-end vehicles through the Zhengzhou-Hamburg line and a proposal to establish the country’s second land port for imported vehicles in Zhengzhou had been submitted to the State Council, he said.More mainland cities are now applying to open cross-border freight lines.Dong Wanxu, the chief executive of Trans Eurasia Logistics Asia, said Yingkou, in Liaoning province, might be the next city to run cross-border rail freight to Russia.“In China, most coastal cities have been developing fast and better than inland cities,” Dong said. “One important reason is because coastal cities can transport local goods easily to overseas markets. Now many inland cities are building cross-border rail lines, which could be a big opportunity for them to catch up.”mini storage
- Sep 09 Mon 2013 10:45
Wharton, Yahoo team up on native advertising
Native ad spending hit US$1.自存倉6b in 2012 and is seen rising to US$2.8b by 2014SOON, effective advertising will start to be opted in - that's right, consumers will ask to be advertised to, say academics at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.Catharine Findiesen Hays, executive director of the Wharton future of advertising programme at the school, told BizIT the world of advertising is splitting into traditional content marketing and what is known as "native advertising".Content marketing typically involves sponsored content such as articles, white papers and instructional videos, paid for by advertisers in order to reach out to audiences.According to Ms Hays, this form of advertising, including traditional TV and poster ads, will make way for native advertising, which aims to sit more comfortably within the online medium and will persuade readers to actively absorb its content.The potential for native advertising remains to be seen, although industry watchers are optimistic about its growth in the near term. eMarketer estimates that native ad spending in 2012 hit US$1.63 billion and will increase to US$2.85 billion by 2014.One flagbearer for native advertising is BuzzFeed.com. The site is populated by articles written by staff, but it also has some written by brands in the typical BuzzFeed style."You know it's sponsored, but you aren't turned off. You still willingly click on it, and we think this is going to be very powerful," said Ms Hays.This positive association between content and a brand marks a complete reversal in audience attitudes towards being sold a product, she added. "Because you know it's from a brand, we define native advertising as a format where it must be absolutely clear that it's sponsored, as well."But native ads can go wrong too.David Bell, professor of marketing at the Wharton School, pointed to the failed Scientology ad that ran on The Atlantic at the start of this year. The ad drew widespread flak from readers, and the publication's president had to apologise, acknowledging that the article was jarring against The Atlantic's identity.Mr Bell said that the labelling for the article wasn't clear enough, violating one of native advertising's core tenets. And because it didn't feel like one of The Atlantic's typical stories, it wasn't natural on that platform, he said."Native advertising is about getting the right person the right content at the right time," he said.Ms Hays said: "Let's say you trust Nikon. If they co迷你倉新蒲崗e up with an article that fits you, and fits the way you feel about the brand, you aren't jarred. And over time, you'll welcome articles from the brand."She said brands have to consider their ads more holistically, and include the right channels, how users are consuming those ads, and continually refine what's working. "People come to an advertising agency and say, I want a viral ad, but they don't consider whether that sort of ad fits the brand in the first place."The Wharton School has announced that it is collaborating with Yahoo Asia-Pacific to develop an industry framework for native advertising. Their collaboration will include tapping ad executives and social scientists for ideas, through online and roundtable discussions.Yahoo's push to exploring new ad media comes at a time when new CEO Marissa Mayer is watching over slowing revenues from its core business of digital display ads. Ms Mayer has, over the past year, moved to revitalise some of Yahoo's other content products such as the photo-sharing site Flickr, and recently acquired microblogging site Tumblr for US$1.1 billion.Yvonne Chang, managing director for India and South-east Asia at Yahoo, said advertisers in the region are fast warming to the newer forms of content-based marketing.Where traditional advertising formats confined advertisers to a 15 or 30-second TV commercial, the broader canvas of the Internet allows publishers to put a little more thought into generating a quality five-minute programme that could serve as a commercial too, she noted. In India, for example, where online penetration is just 10 per cent, big brands are still reaching mass audiences via TV, she said.But those which want to target the growing online audience are putting serious dollars into mobile and online ads.Over in Singapore, however, businesses don't seem to be using digital advertising to its full potential, she said."Singapore is a mature market, with 60 per cent online penetration, and where 80 per cent of people access the Internet every single day. And yet digital advertising is just 10 per cent of ad buying dollars - that's an emerging-market number," she noted.The typical worldwide average proportion is twice that, at about 20 per cent. Hong Kong advertisers spend three times on Yahoo ads than counterparts in Singapore, she added.In its latest quarter, Procter & Gamble revealed that it spends a considerably massive 35 per cent of its US$2.9 billion marketing budget for the US on digital media.迷你倉出租
- Sep 08 Sun 2013 13:27
“你們是不是來調研的,拆不拆? ”
□彭一新村,迷你倉據居民介紹,這裡是兵營改的房子,一層24戶。本版圖片/晨報記者 吳磊□老街坊們遇到,就站在小區道路上閑聊一會兒。□彭浦新村隨處可見這種叫人視覺雜亂的舊房子□夜市小吃一條街的聞喜路,傍晚就有零零星星的攤位擺出來。□新村里一樓的居民在自家門口用泡沫箱子種了一片蔬菜□小孩在小區的一堆沙堆上玩耍,在彭浦新村,白天是老人和小孩的世界。星期日周刊記者 戴震東這片最老的彭浦新村,還依舊是煤衛合用的格局,這些人家當年搬進來什麼樣,今天還是什麼樣。彭浦小傳星期日周刊記者 戴震東彭浦因水得名,“浦”即是水邊或河流入海口的地方。彭越浦河南起蘇州河、北至走馬塘,全長7.4公里,是彭浦當地的主幹河。相傳宋元間吳淞江(蘇州河)江潮洶湧,謂之曰“霸王潮”,為鎮江潮,當地百姓立漢代功臣彭越為神,建彭王廟,廟建成後,不斷有往來的客商前來做生意,人氣日漸積累,終於形成一個小鎮,名為“彭浦鎮”。建國前,彭浦地區仍是鄉野農田,直到“一二八”淞滬抗戰。當時的十九路軍要從南翔、大場方向進入閘北主陣地,為了打通上海北部的運輸通道,當時在彭浦地區修築了多條戰時通道,就是今天的場中路、一二八紀念路等等。解放後,上海市政府在彭浦鎮東北建立“彭浦工業區”。當年陸陸續續建起了上海乳品五廠、長征聯營制藥廠、上海飛機製造廠、彭浦機器廠等國營大中型企業。工業區內工廠林立,為了建設配套設施,又于1950年代興建彭浦新村。不拆不要拍,有啥好拍的對於上海人來說,彭浦新村是一個聽起來就感覺很大,人口很密集的地名,它也是為數不多被軌道交通站點用來命名的新村之一。事實上,真正行政區劃上的彭浦新村範圍倒並不是很大,橫豎都只是跨了三條馬路,人們之所以對彭浦有“大”而“多”的印象,是因為彭浦及其北面的共康等地區都被人叫慣了“彭浦”。彭浦新村以北,現在是寶山區最繁華的地段之一,沿著地鐵1號線的延伸段,樓盤的價格也節節攀高。而臨汾路以南的老彭浦,則又是另一幅面貌了。尤其是聞喜路南邊的彭浦第一里委,還有聞喜路北面的彭浦第三里委,那裡,甚至還原封不動地保留著50年前的新村樣貌。只是也許還要比50年前更雜亂、更髒一些。據居民介紹,一、三兩個里委的房子,最早是1958年建起來的4層樓工房,其中還有兩棟長條形的工房,據說是兵營改建的,兩梯二十四戶,這在我們以往走訪的新村里從未見到過。彭浦新村後來逐年也有擴建,基本到1980年代全部定型,此後便沒有大的改觀。此地的居民也很會過日子,我們看到,一些房子的過道陽台上種滿了各種廚房佐料,辣椒、大蒜,更有甚者還種了滿滿一排的生菜。一和三兩個里委里,工房的外牆都是沒有塗料粉刷的,原始的棕灰色水泥牆面。因為不曾有外牆的翻新,這些工房的外觀結構,無玻璃的縷空透氣窗戶都是老樣子。倒是外牆上當年粉刷標語口號的塗料日久斑駁了,里層的紅色“拼命幹”字樣的標語又顯現出來。看起來倒真的有時空穿梭的感覺。“噶老的房子上海應該沒有了。”看到我們在拍攝照片和視頻,好奇的街坊們就圍上來看,“你們是不是來調研的,拆不拆?”一個穿著睡裙,燙著酒紅色頭髮的老阿姨從人群里走近我們,打量幾下說,“不拆不要拍!有啥好拍的?”人群背後的水杉樹下還有幾個納涼的老人,坐在躺椅上,看見抬著三腳架的人,她們也格外起勁。一個年紀稍長的阿婆從凳子上站起來說,“拍吧,拍吧,往北走,那裡還有最破的……”這片最老的彭浦新村,還依舊是煤衛合用的格局,這些人家當年搬進來什麼樣,今天還是什麼樣。座位上的幾個街坊開始聊起拆遷的話題,因為據說這裡要修新的地鐵線。這時候又有一位阿姨過來,對著紅頭髮的阿姨說,“人家就是拍點留個紀念,因為老房子比較少了。”然後轉頭跟我們講,“其實阿拉新村里廂的綠化不要太好,你看你拍的照片,肯定都是一片綠。”弄清楚我們的來意後,街坊們又紛紛坐回自己的位置上去,繼續剛才的閑聊。話題仍然繞不開關於新的地鐵線,有人說的有鼻子有眼,連要開挖哪幾條路都知道,也有人潑冷水,說這只不過是傳聞。水杉林里聊閑話快要4點半了,一些街坊們起身離開,要回去忙燒飯了,大概到最後還剩下4個老太太,她們也不聊天,一會兒看看東,一會兒看看西。這片將近有五十年樹齡的水杉樹林有著茂密的樹冠,樹下的陰影很密實,老人們說,盛夏的時候這裡就像被一塊油布遮住,很是陰涼。一會兒,一個滿頭銀發的老太太提著塑料袋買菜回來,專門繞到這些街坊面前停了一停。老人們看見她來了,便問:“買了點啥?”老太太動作很慢,她還專門提起塑料袋,指了指說,“落蘇,16塊要。回去,燒油悶落蘇。”銀發的老太太一口寶山本地的方言,她原本是張廟人,後來到彭浦附近的國營大廠工作,1958年,彭浦新村建成,她是第一批居民。老太太牙齒不多,說話很慢,不太容易聽清。想問她原來是什麼單位?她看了看天,然後雙手一攤——“沒了”。銀發的老太太和我們閑聊了幾句,然後慢慢挪著步子回家了。這時候一輛自行車過來了,是一輛永久牌28寸的自行車。車上一個中年男,上身是灰色的短袖襯衫、下身是一條西短,腰間一條皮帶,腳上一雙皮涼鞋。他的襯衫和西短看起來像是找裁縫做的,面料是重磅真絲,風一吹,有一種晃晃悠悠的光澤。自行車從我們面前駛過,看到他背後的褲兜里插著一把折扇。因為這把折扇很特別,這才讓我們想起來,剛才在聞喜路平順路的路口,我們見過這個中年男人。聞喜路平順路的路口花壇邊,總是有一群男人們圍著聊天,少的四五十歲,老的七八十歲,有坐著的,有站著的,聊的話題都是家國大事,或者歷史演義里的橋段。這種人群在上海其實也很多見的,基本上各個公園里都會有。採訪這天,老人們聊得特別起勁,因為最近熱點新聞頻頻,且都是讓他們感興趣的話題。新村里見到的這個“折扇重磅真絲”,剛才也在那個花壇邊高談闊論來著。現在看樣子那裡也散場了,要回去做晚飯了。水杉樹下的四個老人還在那裡。基本上路過一個臉熟的鄰居,她們都要打一聲招呼。遇到帶著孩子散步,或者遛狗的,她們也要點評或者關照幾句。“幾歲啦?”“奶粉還吃嗎?”“小狗狗乖來……”街坊們在對話逗趣,水杉樹林里也傳來一陣陣的雀鳴聲,此起彼伏。聽聲音也像是有人家養的八哥,叫聲清脆嘹亮。這時候四個老太里有一個站起來了,她整理了一下衣服,對另外幾個說,“好了,回去了,買兩只淡饅頭,番茄蛋湯,晚飯簡單一點。”這時候5點剛過,新村的小徑上回家的人越來越多了。遛狗的就有不少,有趣的是,這片老彭浦里養的狗幾乎都是超重的,一隻薩摩耶竟然重得腿都邁不動步子,走起路來像臘腸狗一樣了。不少也是麻將散場的,迎面就走來一個胖阿姨,穿了一雙半高跟的白涼鞋,披著一件針織披肩,眼皮因為額頭上的肉墜下來,看起來像剛睡醒的樣子。她手里什麼都沒有,除了挎包就是胳膊下面夾的一壺茶水。這個時間點,聞喜路上小吃攤位也快要擺了出來了。它們的大本營就在新村里,所以你能看到,新村里一輛輛的推車開始出動了。一些空曠的地方,年輕的小工正在地上用小鑿子一隻只地敲打著今天晚上待用的生蠔、扇貝。這座看起來衰弱不堪的城堡,將會在晚上煥發出完全不同的活力來。鬧猛夜市背後的難題星期日周刊記者 戴震東彭浦的白天和夜晚,簡直就是雙面人。白天是廉頗老矣,夜裡卻又濃妝淡抹返老還童,褪去老頭衫,換上熱褲登場。晚上十點過後的彭浦新村,釋放著一種獨特的、油煙味的夜市荷爾蒙。牛仔褲最低可以賣到30元晚上9點半,從南北高架一路自南向北,到了臨汾路出口前,看到出儲存了“黃色”擁擠的提示。從高架上俯瞰下去,正好是整個彭浦新村,此時的新村好像露出了倦意,大片的居民樓只有星星點點的燈光,已經有點夜深了的感覺,小馬路上一輛汽車駛過,遠遠看去,白色的射燈線條都顯得十分醒目。這個時間到彭浦來,就是為了採訪臨汾路夜市,難道今天夜市不開嗎?到了下匝道時,記者才全然沒了顧慮,此地原來是別有洞天,臨汾路共和新路的路口已經鬧猛得像一鍋爆米花,紅色剎車燈亮起的小轎車東斜西歪地鋪滿了整個路口,直接影響到了下匝道的車輛。之前我們的採訪對象就介紹說,如果要寫彭浦,一定要在晚上10點之後來看一看,那裡也許會是上海晚10點最擁擠、最鬧忙的地方。下了匝道之後,我們在這段不足3公里的臨汾路上堵了足足30分鐘,這已經應驗了那句話。夜市有一個多方協調下公佈出來的統一“開業”時間,即晚10點。然而差不多晚飯過後,臨汾路上就會零星地擺出一些小攤來。這一天我們看到,到9點半左右,夜市已經初具規模。攤位按約定大部分都鋪展在道路的北側,但也活生生占據了一條非機動車道,加以密集的人流,其實10點之後這條路的交通是幾近癱瘓的。夜市的中心是臨汾路和平順路交叉的十字路口,密度也以此向東西兩邊由密轉疏,所以在十點之前,臨汾路共和新路路口這一側的上街沿邊還是有一些空位沒有被占。不過陸陸續續的生意人們也到了,眼前就有一輛外地牌照的三廂轎車往上街沿邊一靠,下車的是大塊頭,看起來像是逛夜市的樣子,不曾想他把後備廂打開,裡頭是整整一車的牛仔褲。很快,後備廂上像水簾洞似的掛滿了褲子,車頂上也被擺上幾只醒目的公仔,以招攬生意用。就緊靠著汽車,一對年輕的外地小夫妻騎著兩輛電動車停了下來,車上綑著大包小包的東西,兩個人見正好有一處圍欄邊沒有人,便用兩部車圍出一塊空地,然後男的從車上拿出支桿、支架、無紡布……不一會兒,一個像模像樣的手機貼膜攤位就搭出來了,不知怎麼還弄了一組彩燈,看起來花紅柳綠,倒也一點不比邊上的自備車寒酸。大概等了3、4組紅燈,車子終於又往前挪了一小段,越靠近平順路,攤位也就越密集,人氣也越旺一些。彭浦夜市的攤販然和我們曾經寫過的昌里路夜市有所不同。舉一個例子,昌里路夜市是有賣小五金的,但彭浦夜市就沒有。它的產品類別其實很簡單——“年輕、時髦”,僅此而已。攤販手里的牛仔褲絕對都是低腰緊身小褲腳管的,女孩的裙裝要不就是超短,要不就是米袋裙。吸引人的關鍵還是價格,因為省去了攤位費,這裡的一條牛仔褲最低可以賣到30元,款式沒問題,不挑剔做工的話可選擇的餘地是很大的。除了衣服、配飾,彭浦夜市的手機貼膜也是主打產品,貼膜的攤位幾乎是五步一崗。“全水鑽全貼滿只要60塊”,小販跟往來駐足的顧客兜售。一位顧客跟我們說,這個價碼比外面至少便宜一半,“基本上地鐵門口的行情都在100塊朝上了”。快到平順路口了,有一對女孩兒擺的地攤很搶眼,倒不是她們賣的小飾品搶眼,而是兩個人都是一身短打,露出四條大白腿,兩個人都是黃色波浪發,濃妝。這個攤位光顧的人不多,沖她們拍照的倒不少。這兩個姑娘的打扮倒是彭浦夜市里最常見的裝束,此地的顧客大多是年輕的男女,衣著光鮮,一路上盡是緊身熱褲和包臀裙,女孩兒們鮮有素顏的,多多少少都帶一點妝,看起來都是夜裡出來約會的。男孩們也都穿得入時,髮型也酷,最多的是那種鬢角以上剔平,頭頂留發的造型。一路上聽到這些男生女生們聊天,不少說的都是上海話。家住共康路的小顧是這條彭浦夜市的常客,因為每天下班都要到彭浦新村地鐵站換乘公交車,有時候下班晚了,她就會到這裡來走一圈:“在我的印象里,上海現在應該沒有像彭浦夜市這麼鬧忙的攤頭市場了,每次到這裡逛,我感覺就像回到小時候。我小時候是住在太平橋,就是今天的新天地,那時候是自忠路一條街,跟這裡很像,穿的、吃的都有,夜市開到很晚。後來就是襄陽路,再然後就是七浦路,但現在也都拆的拆,改的改了。”油煙味夾雜著榴蓮味到了十字路口,因為路面稍微開闊些,這裡也雲集了最多的餐飲攤販,炒麵、炒冰、炸雞、炸肉的,但凡稍微仔細的商家,會在自己的燒烤攤邊上支一台大功率的電扇,把電扇背對著烤爐向空曠處排煙,連續幾家挨在一起,排出的藍色炊煙便形成一股煙團,集聚在十字路的上方,一陣風吹散了,馬上又有新煙霧的補充進來。現場還有鮮榨的果汁攤,最讓人意外的還有榴蓮攤位,老闆拉著一車鮮榴蓮,剖開後一囊一囊地賣,遠近都是一股油煙味夾雜著榴蓮味,但這個就是夜市的氣氛,絲毫沒有人會在意這些。談到吃,這可是彭浦夜市繞不開的話題,剛剛寫著這些只是點綴,彭浦夜市的小吃一條街不在臨汾路,而在其南面的橫馬路聞喜路上,大名鼎鼎的“彭浦第一炸”就在這裡。“聽講夜裡還有人開跑車來吃炸雞排,真有噶好吃啊?”前些天採訪中,我們的受訪者陳立軍(化名)這樣問。實際上,許多久住彭浦的老人未必吃過“第一炸”,它和臨汾路的攤販一樣,都是年輕人的市面。熟悉我們報紙的讀者肯定記得,我們去年曾經寫過一期《夜訪第一炸》,講的就是巧玲炸雞店的故事。這天夜裡在“第一炸”又見到了巧玲阿姨,因為生意格外好,裡外三層都排著人,等號據說都要1個鐘頭了。只見巧玲還是老樣子,一會兒坐鎮點單,一會兒去工廠間運貨,一會兒又拿起笤帚打掃垃圾,難得有閑的時候點一根煙。巧玲今年51歲,濃眉大眼,待人溫和。她賣過海鮮,開過小店,20年多前剛好是美式炸雞進上海的時候,當時彭浦沒有,巧玲還會專門坐公交去四川北路吃炸雞。後來乾脆就弄了一輛手推車,在聞喜路路口擺了一個炸雞攤位,一擺20年。如今巧玲和女兒一起經營著鋪面,一年365天,全年無休。這兩年生意越發好了,原本都是她一個人從下午2點坐到凌晨2點,去年她又僱了個人幫忙,兩個人換換班。巧玲還在附近的小區租了一個一室戶的房子做工廠間,僱了人在裡面專門醃制、串肉。巧玲說,她這個人是操勞慣了,從沒出去旅遊過,放心不下這間炸雞店。大概到了晚上11點,炸雞店前的人群絲毫沒有散去的意思,不少客人在這裡拿了號,也不幹站著,就到馬路對面別的小店先吃起來,等過一會兒再來看看排到了沒有。“一塊炸雞排加一塊雞大腿15塊,你換上海其它地方試試,一塊雞腿就要你15塊了。味道麼都是一樣的。”小顧向我們指點了一下目前聞喜路夜市的一些熱門鋪子,除了老店“彭浦第一炸”和“胖子飛餅”,此外,原本華東師範大學後面的棗陽路一條街因為被治理,不少攤販今年夏天搬到了聞喜路,華師大後街的“海鮮燒烤”也充實了夜宵隊伍,形成了“百花齊放”的格局。但這個“百花齊放”對此地的居民來說,又是另一番滋味了,“誰會願意自己家門前每天夜裡都弄成那樣?”陳立軍說。我們在採訪中與夜市旁的彭浦第一和第三居委聯繫,都被對方拒絕了,拒絕的理由都是一致的:“關於夜市這個話題,居民們和夜市的矛盾很突出,我們不方便發表什麼看法的。”彭浦夜市因為緊挨著居民區,油煙、氣味、噪音、垃圾還有交通擁堵,都是最實際的問題。退休後一直做居委工作的陳立軍說,“夜市有十幾年了,原來規模很小的。彭浦新村和其他新村不一樣,這裡本來就聚集著許多工廠,是工人的居住聚集地,這個夜市差不多就是下崗那一撥的時候開始的,我們這個地方吃低保的也不少,這裡面有種種原因,也不僅僅是下崗的問題,但這的確是彭浦夜市能開出來的原因之一。當時很多人才30、40歲,一下子沒工作了也沒辦法呀,他也要生活的呀。那個時候馬路上做生意也沒什麼人管。你不管我不管,開的人越來越多,現在管起來就難了。”新蒲崗迷你倉