- Sep 08 Sun 2013 13:15
專業藥師正在檢測枸杞品質。本報訊(記者 鄧丹丹) 近日,新蒲崗迷你倉央視曝光了市場上部分枸杞產品存在染色、硫磺熏蒸等不良現象,引起不少汕頭市民的關注與擔憂。記者近日走訪市場發現,枸杞價格參差不齊差距大,而不少市民則表示不懂如何判斷是否物有所值。此外,記者隨機調查時未發現染色枸杞。走訪——銷量增兩成價格不一記者走訪市場瞭解到,隨著天氣轉涼,各類滋補保健品逐漸迎來銷售旺季,其中,由於枸杞具有補肝腎、益精血、明目等功效而備受市民青睞,銷量逐漸增加。一家藥店工作人員表示,近段時間枸杞銷量增加2成左右。記者隨機在藥店、大型超市、街邊小店等場所選購了不同包裝、不同生產廠家、不同價位的枸杞,發現其價格差別巨大。其中,一款包裝顯示產地為寧夏的120克甲級枸杞,售價為9.9元,而另一款同樣原料來自寧夏的包裝精美的“特級”枸杞,重量為130克,售價為21.5元。此外,記者還選購一袋由某藥店自行裝袋的散裝枸杞,250克的枸杞售價為18.5元,而另一家超市銷售的散裝枸杞150克左右售價約13元。醫生——枸杞分等級個頭大越貴這些價格參差不齊的枸杞究竟品質如何呢?記者隨後請專業藥師現場進行辨識。市中醫醫院的郝藥師告訴記者,通常枸杞分為特級、一級、二級、三級等多個級別,級別不同產品價格也不同。不過,由於缺乏硬性的評級標準,廠家可能出現自行標注等級的現象。一般而言mini storage個頭越大的枸杞價格越高,顏色暗紅且無爛點的枸杞較好。隨後,郝藥師還仔細查看了記者選購的枸杞樣品。他告訴記者,給枸杞染色也需要一定的工序和成本,市面上中低價位的枸杞被染色可能性不大,而且染色枸杞遇水後會很快脫色,而記者提供的樣品並沒有異常脫色現象,因此確定這些枸杞均未經過染色處理。不過,因為極少量的硫磺殘留不容易被聞出,尚無法百分之百確定這些枸杞樣品是否經過硫磺熏蒸。如果硫磺含量在國家規定範圍內也並不影響食用安全。他建議市民最好購買正規廠家出品的枸杞,食用枸杞前最好用清水沖洗一下。◎ 教你一招一聞二看三泡識別“毒枸杞”到底該如何辨別枸杞是否經過硫磺熏蒸或染色呢?專家支招:“一聞、二看、三泡”法就能快速揪出“有毒”枸杞,而有刺鼻味道、顏色鮮紅、光澤度過高的枸杞最好別買。市中醫醫院藥劑科的楊鮀光主任介紹說,在購買枸杞時可以先聞一聞氣味,如果有著刺鼻氣味,這種枸杞則可能存在硫磺含量超標的情況;另外,市民可通過觀看色澤判斷枸杞好壞,通常正常曬幹的枸杞呈暗紅色,如果枸杞顏色過於鮮紅,或者表皮過於光亮,最好別買。如果懷疑枸杞經過染色處理,還可以通過浸泡的方式加以識別。因為通常染色過的枸杞經水浸泡後很快脫色,水的顏色會紅中帶紫,而沒有染色的枸杞浸泡後通常顏色慢慢自然滲出,其色紅偏淺褐色,類似于茶水的顏色,而且水質清亮透徹。本報記者 鄧丹丹self storage
- Sep 08 Sun 2013 13:01
Kuwait Times, Muna Al-Fuzai column
Source: Kuwait TimesSept.新蒲崗迷你倉 07--How powerful is media in our life today? Is media responsible for all wars and conflicts or do we owe the media for the way we think and act today? Why is media more powerful than leaders today? The Middle East is an easy target for conflicts. We are a moving time-bomb filled with contradictions between the richest and the poorest. There are those who start their day with caviar on the table and those who can't afford a piece of bread.There are those who spend millions on their birthday parties and weddings and millions of young men who can't even afford the idea because they can barely afford their daily meal. There are some who think life is heaven on earth and only meant to indulge their own lusts and there are others who kill innocent people thinking that they will go to heaven because of their acts. The Middle East is just a name and not middle or moderate. It is a land of ups and downs and filled with extremists. Is media solely responsible for the collapse and rise and fall of the Middle East? Media and education have spoiled the lives of many youth through misunderstanding and misusing their stance. Media shapes and reshapes our ideas and life's decisions. I know that some would say that politicians and the world is responsible for what happens in our life and media is just a tool because it is people who take decisions which could make our life better or worse. But who controls media? It's obviously us and not aliens from outer space! For instance, it was the media which fueled the idea of Arab Spring and made people rebel against the leaders. It was the media that made people stanmini storage up for millions of hungry people and unemployed youth. It triggered hatred for the leaders and paved the way for them to either end up in jail or die.Think of Libya. Think of Egypt falling into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood. Think of Iraq and Syria and the endless list. I think for many years, we have missed the basic point that we need to blame education in the Arab world for failing us in building a new generation by promoting technology and science. We need scientists and not murderers. Education in the Middle East has no future plans for the youth and no vision to perceive the future. It 's lef t at the mercy of conservatives, governments, and religious people who take the decisions.During Saddam Hussein's rule, education didn't mention a single negative word against him or his ruling and judgments. This is why many intellectuals and scientists left Iraq and moved to the West, seeking peace of mind and a better life. The West benefited from them, but did we? We tend to blame the satellite TV channels but not the school book in the hands of the youth. No one calls for a rebel in the education system. Why not? It is a stronger tool than the media to filter the news we hear and see, which might be fake or photo-shopped. We need to rethink our ideas and the only way ahead is through a better education that matches our needs better. The would save the Middle East from more conflicts and maybe help us realize that not every news story is a call for war.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Kuwait Times (Safat, Kuwait) Visit the Kuwait Times (Safat, Kuwait) at .kuwaittimes.net/ Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage
- Sep 08 Sun 2013 12:49
St. Paul cop's crash shows risks inherent in rush to respond
Source: Pioneer Press, St.迷你倉 Paul, Minn.Sept. 07--A St. Paul police officer was driving up to 70 mph on Grand Avenue, heading to assist fellow officers, when she collided with another car last year.The driver in the other car, which had pulled in front of the squad car, was knocked unconscious and critically injured in the crash. After an internal affairs investigation, St. Paul's police chief issued a 15-day suspension to the officer and ordered her to go through "retraining in police driving protocols," according to her discipline letter.In St. Paul, the police department's Accident Review Board deemed 48 squad car accidents last year "preventable" out of a total of 84. That was the highest number of accidents since at least 2008. On average, there were 36 preventable accidents each year between 2008 and 2011, a Pioneer Press analysis found.Each day, police officers make decisions that balance the need to respond quickly to emergencies with the risks to others on the roads. St. Paul police spokesman Sgt. Paul Paulos said officers usually do so without incident -- "99.9 percent of the time, we get from point A to point B safely," he said.That was not the case in Minneapolis in May, when an officer was heading to a deadly shooting with his squad car's lights and siren on. He went through a red light at 16 to 17 mph, and a motorcyclist, Ivan Romero Olivares, struck the rear of the squad car, according to Minneapolis police. Olivares, 24, was killed.On Aug. 21, a 101-year-old pedestrian died after being injured when a St. Paul police squad car backed into her. The officer had responded to a complaint about a juvenile and was slowly backing up when her Ford Explorer SUV hit Roza Sakhina on Aug. 16, police have said. Both that case and the Minneapolis one remain under investigation.In the St. Paul police statistics about squad car accidents, not all crashes resulted in injuries, and some accidents were minor, such as a squad car scraping a fire hydrant or garbage can, Paulos said."Any timeyou see somewhat of an increase (in the number of accidents), it raises a question, but at the same time, our chief is very proactive in looking at how to solve issues, get the officers the best training out there and make everyone as safe as possible," Paulos said.'UNSAFE AND DANGEROUS'In the squad car accident that ended in serious injury on Grand Avenue last year, officer Jennifer Mink told the police department she was trying to provide backup to officers who were stopping a vehicle wanted in a gun-pointing incident, though no police radio transmissions indicated the officers needed help, according to the internal affairs review, which was among public information released by police at the Pioneer Press' request. The department also released video from Mink's squad car that shows the officer's driving behavior before the crash and the accident.During the internal affairs investigation, a sergeant questioned Mink about the speed she was traveling and why she wasn't aware that other officers were providing backup.The sergeant wrote in an internal affairs report: "I asked Officer Mink why she was not able to hear squads responding on the (police) radio as she responded. ... Officer Mink did not have an answer. I asked if maybe the reason she could not hear the (police) radio was because her stereo was on. Officer Mink said no and that it was because she was focused on driving."Mink drove up to 87 mph while responding to the call, the police investigation found. The speed limit at the accident site on Grand Avenue near the Ayd Mill Road exit ramp was 30 mph, though police responding to emergencies are not bound to the posted speed limit.State law says officers have "the duty to drive with due regard for the safety of persons using the street." Prosecutors reviewed the accident involving Mink and found no basis to file criminal charges against her.But Police Chief Thomas Smith suspended Mink for violating department policy, including driving vehicles with "reasonable care."He wrote in Mink's discipline letter: "As a police officer you have a responsibility for the public's safety. This includes making sound decisions and operating an emergency vehicle in accordance with department regulations and training with due regard for the safety of other persons and vehicles operating on the same streets. Your actions in this instance were unsafe and dangerous to others and yourself."CAR PULLS INTO LANEPolice reports and a report about the internal affairs investigation give the following account of what happened in last year's squad car crash:It was Jan. 30, 2012, when Mink was on patrol in a marked cruiser and heading to a call. She was driving south on Snelling Avenue, in the area of Highland Parkway, when she heard over the police radio an officer requesting assistance on another call -- stopping a vehicle involved in an earlier gun-pointing incident.Mink told the police department she recalled reading an alert, which said that "if that car was located to use caution because there could be guns in the car," a police report said.Though Mink said she knew she wasn't near the suspect car (she was 2.4 miles away when the car was stopped near Lexington Parkway and Concordia Avenue), she noted that the call came during a shift change and said "she believed there was an inadequate number of squads responding, because of the nature of the call," according to the report in the internal affairs investigation.Mink turned on her emergency lights and siren and made a U-turn to head north on Snelling Avenue. Mink was alternating different siren sounds along with the squad's air horn, reports said.She went east on Grand Avenue and, near Kowalski's Market, the officer said, she saw a silver car on Ayd Mill Road halt at the stop sign and then slowly pull onto Grand Ave儲存倉ue. The Toyota Camry stopped in the middle of Grand Avenue. Mink said she made eye contact with the driver.Mink said she applied her brakes mildly to moderately because she thought the car was going to continue crossing her lane and turn left onto Grand Avenue, but the car didn't move."Officer Mink also indicated seeing a vehicle to her left and wasn't sure if the silver car would have been able to turn onto W/B Grand because of the vehicle that had pulled over," a police report said. "She (Mink) then said she tried to turn her steering wheel to the right to try to go around the car to the right but when the car stopped she crashed." The accident happened about 4:40 p.m.Lidia Pavitova, then 28 and a River Falls, Wis., resident, was knocked unconscious from the impact; St. Paul firefighters had to extricate her from the car.A letter dated April 2012 said that as far as the Ramsey County attorney's office knew at the time, Pavitova was still in Regions Hospital's intensive-care unit. At that point, she'd been put into "a medically-induced coma while doctors waited for swelling to go down to do further assessment and treatment," the letter said.More recently, Pavitova's sister said in a message that her sister is doing well and improving every day, but otherwise didn't respond to Pioneer Press requests for comment.Neither Mink nor the St. Paul police union's president responded to requests seeking comment.NO 'RECKLESS DISREGARD FOR ... SAFETY'Mink told the department that she hadn't looked at her speed while driving because "her attention was focused on the road," a police report said. Mink had reduced her speed as she approached intersections and sped up in between, "reaching speeds of 60, 65, 70, 75, with the top speed of 87 mph," the internal affairs summary said.An internal affairs sergeant questioned Mink about whether "87 mph was a reasonable speed to respond to the traffic stop that possibly had weapons in the vehicle," the internal affairs report said. "Officer Mink said yes." She added that "she needed to get there as quick as she could in case something 'really really bad happened.' "Before the accident, when Mink began braking, she was traveling between 64 and 70 mph, according to the collision analysis and reconstruction report. The maximum speed the squad car "could have been traveling and had sufficient time to perceive, respond, and brake to stop" within the approximately 178 feet between it and the Camry was 44 mph, the investigation said.The Ramsey County attorney's office and Minneapolis city attorney's office, which reviewed the case to avoid a potential conflict of interest for their St. Paul counterparts, declined to file charges.The county attorney's office memo declining charges said "65-70 miles per hour in a 30 mph zone is very fast; however, one cannot ignore the fact that this officer was responding to a serious call using appropriate lights and emergency sounds. Her driving as a whole looked appropriate under the circumstances."The city attorney's memo said Mink's decision to exceed the speed limit "falls within the statutory exception for the use of an emergency vehicle and is not inherently criminal in nature solely because of the tragic consequences of this case. Rather, the proper standard for review is whether Officer Mink exhibited a reckless disregard for the safety of others." The letter concluded, "the evidence does not suggest a reckless disregard for the safety of others by Officer Mink."MORE TRAINING ORDEREDMink, who joined the St. Paul Police Department academy as a police trainee in October 2009 and became an officer in January 2010, had not been disciplined before this case. Her personnel file noted nine thank-you notes for her work.Five days of Mink's 15-day suspension are to be held in abeyance for one year, and the discipline is to be reduced on paper to a 10-day suspension after one year if "there are no same or similar actions," Chief Smith's December letter said.Smith wrote in the letter that Mink had to go through "retraining in police driving protocols."All peace officers in Minnesota are required to complete an eight-hour course in emergency-vehicle operations and police pursuits every five years.The St. Paul Police Department puts its officers through the training every three years, Paulos said. In addition to driving on a closed course, St. Paul added an online component to training this year for all officers. The mandatory computerized training showed officers various driving scenarios that they had to respond to, and they had to pass a written test after each unit of the training, Paulos said.The department added this additional training because, Paulos said, "We're always seeking new ways to train and how to operate our squad cars during emergency situations."Last year, during an arbitration hearing for another officer disciplined for a squad car crash, the union representing St. Paul police officers "submitted evidence purportedly showing that Chief Smith had become concerned with the number of recent costly accidents and had instructed the ARB (Accident Review Board) chair and senior command staff to come up with ideas to reduce the number of accidents and injuries," according to an arbitrator's ruling on the union grievance over the officer's discipline.But Smith testified during the arbitration hearing "that he did not direct the ARB chair to make an example of" the officer in that case "in order to further this objective," the ruling said.MaryJo Webster contributed to this report.Mara H. Gottfried can be reached at 651-228-5262. Follow her at twitter.com/MaraGottfried or twitter.com/ppUsualSuspects.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Pioneer Press (St. Paul, Minn.) Visit the Pioneer Press (St. Paul, Minn.) at .twincities.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉價錢
- Sep 08 Sun 2013 12:45
自建網站冒充記者敲詐勒索,mini storage4犯罪團伙在7省27市縣作案120余起 “今日焦點網”等11個網站被查處據新華社北京9月7日電 (記者鄒偉 史競男)公安部7日通報,在公安部統一部署下,江蘇警方近日在徐州成功偵破一起自建網站冒充記者敲詐勒索系列案件,打掉以仲偉、樊宇肖、鞠俊等人為首的4個犯罪團伙,抓獲犯罪嫌疑人16名,查破涉及7個省27個市縣的網絡敲詐勒索案件120余起,涉案金額300余萬元。個別不法分子私自建立、用來實施敲詐勒索的“今日焦點網”等11個網站被依法查處。據介紹,2011年5月以來,江蘇省徐州市經濟開發區多家單位接到“今日焦點網”“社會焦點網”等網站發來的傳真信件或自稱網站記者編輯打來的電話,稱採寫了該單位存在違法違規行為的負面新聞,要求出錢擺平。一些被敲詐單位多以花錢消災的方式解決事情。掌握相關案件線索後,江蘇省公安廳部署徐州市公安機關成立專案組開展工作。經縝密偵查,一個以仲偉、竇玉剛為首的自建網站假冒記者、瘋狂實施敲詐勒索活動的犯罪團伙浮出水面。警方查明,犯罪嫌疑人仲偉,男,45歲,江蘇金湖人,中專文化。2010年以來,仲偉相繼註冊“今日焦點網”“社會焦點網”“社會網”“時代焦點網”“今日視點網”“現代焦點網”6家網站,自任網站負責人。此後,仲偉伙同他人,通過這些所謂新聞維權網站,假冒記者身份,對政府、企業和個人實施敲詐勒索,在江蘇、安徽、山東、河北、貴州、山西等地作案60余起,涉案金額200余萬元。犯罪嫌疑人竇玉剛,男,48歲,江蘇徐州市人。在仲偉團伙中,竇玉剛承擔了主要爆料人的角色。2011年以來,竇利用在政府宣傳部門工作的職務self storage便,多次向仲偉爆料供其實施敲詐勒索,並以中間協調人的身份出面“擺平”,瓜分敲詐勒索所得。偵辦仲偉團伙案件時,徐州警方順藤摸瓜,又分別破獲以樊宇肖(女,43歲,江蘇南京人,自稱中國地方新聞網江蘇頻道負責人)、鞠俊(男,32歲,江蘇南京人,自稱某電視台外派江蘇攝製組負責人)等人為首的3個利用網絡敲詐勒索犯罪團伙。經初步審查,這4個團伙有時單獨作案,有時交叉結伙,相互提供線索實施敲詐勒索,分別形成了爆料人爆料或網上搜尋負面新聞、槍手加工材料、網絡推手炒作、網站管理者發帖刪帖、幕後策劃者實施敲詐勒索的犯罪鏈條。4個團伙均是利用自建或租用的網站,假冒記者身份,先在網站發帖或將擬發的帖文傳真給被敲詐對象,以要求核稿為名施加壓力,實施敲詐勒索犯罪。得手後,再進行刪帖或承諾不予“報道”,有的還會在其網站進行所謂正面宣傳。為掩人耳目,有的犯罪嫌疑人在勒索錢財時還以所謂“贊助費”“廣告費”等形式給受害方開具票據。辦案民警介紹,這些犯罪團伙為了更有效地向被敲詐對象施壓,刻意虛構“顯赫身份”,顯示自己“來頭不小、能量很大”,把自建網站冠以“中國”“社會”和“焦點”“熱點”等名稱,吹噓“中國最富價值、最具影響力的互聯網平台”,並且還是“黨政部門決策參考及瞭解社情民意的重要途徑和渠道”。此外,他們還偽造大量“新聞工作證”,並在名片和核稿函印上網站由全國人大、中紀委等中央部門主辦的字樣,嚇唬被敲詐對象要將情況報送中央有關部門、抄送中央新聞單位。被敲詐對象不明所以,往往懷著花錢消災的心理讓其屢屢得逞。公安部有關負責人表示,針對此類網絡敲詐勒索行為,公安機關將依法嚴厲打擊,決不手軟。迷你倉
- Sep 08 Sun 2013 12:45
Buying Here: Highland Park
Source: Pittsburgh Post-GazetteSept.迷你倉新蒲崗 07--It is easy to see why people in the neighborhood call it "The Castle." The large stone three-story, Spanish Mission-style house appears to be holding court as it sits upon a well-landscaped corner lot in Highland Park.The house at 5421 Baywood St. (MLS No. 965132) is a beautiful example of the housing stock in the city's East End. On the market for $374,900, this four-bedroom property is listed with Ryan Edmondson of Coldwell Banker Real Estate Services (412-521-2222 or .pittsburghmoves.com). An open house is scheduled today from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.The roof parapet sets the Mission tone for the exterior of the house while Craftsman-style details carry through the interior. Working in partnership with East Liberty Development Inc., owner Gary D'Orso has taken care to preserve the best of the house while updating with top finishes and products. The house, which once contained six apartments, has a brand-new asphalt shingle roof."A number of developers have been renovating on this street, [bringing it] back to what it once was a few decades ago," Mr. Edmondson said.Many older homes in the area are being converted back from multi-units to single-family homes, bringing new life into the area. Turning back time, Mr. D'Orso took big steps in changing the layout of the house from the first floor to the attic."This was once a bathroom," he said, standing in the open first-floor living space between the living and kitchen areas. It's hard to imagine that now.The rooms are all very spacious. The living room measures 25 by 13 feet, the kitchen 12 by 11 feet and the dining room 20 by 15 feet. Rich oak flooring has erased where walls used to be.One of two decorative fireplaces in the house is the focal point of the living room. The floor-to-ceiling stone fireplace and chimney reaches up to dark beams stretching across the ceiling. Rich wood paneling frames a trio of tall windows in both the living and the dining areas."All the windows in the house are new Pella windows, double paned," Mr. D'Orso said.During the renovation, the walls were fully insulated; something the original builders would never had envisioned in 1906.The second fireplace is a complete contrast to the first. Located in the 12- by 5-foot entry hall, the original tile fireplace is almost genteel in comparison.The house has been completely rewired and has new electrical panels. Mr. D'Orso installed Craftsman-style lighting throughout, holding true to the spirit of the home's style.French doors between the living room and the kitchen lead to the fenced-in backyard and the detached garage with room for two compact cars.The kitchen is where modern convenience meets traditional style. There are white Kraftmaid cabinets and new Bosch appliances including stove, microwave, refrigerator and dishwasher and quartz countertops."I have never gotten more 'wows' than I have taking people through this house," Mr. Edmondson said. "People always gasp when they walk in."The 15- by 14-foot master bathroom is one room that always gets more than a few gasps. One of three full bathrooms in the house, it is meant to be an experience. The glass-enclosed shower, double-sink vanity with quartz countertop and separate water closet for the toilet are just icing on the cake compared with the bath迷你倉出租ub. Not an ordinary tub, this large slipper tub comes with temperature control, built-in music systems and is surrounded by windows on one side. It almost seems a shame to put up curtains.The other two full bathrooms feature shower tub combinations with tile surrounds, single vanities with quartz tops and ceramic tile floors. The first-floor powder room is completely paneled in dark wood with a quartz-topped vanity.There are three bedrooms on the second floor, measuring 15 by 12 feet, 12 by 12 feet and 12 by 8 feet."A really cool feature is that there is a separate side entrance that goes all the way to the third floor," explained Mr. Edmondson. "There's a door on the first floor that you could lock to make it a separate unit."Like many older homes in the area, there are stairs, once used by servants, leading to the third floor that are independent from the stairs leading to the second floor.Taking both the attic area and the third floor living area, Mr. D'Orso has transformed the area into its own apartment giving the new owner plenty of options from an in-law suite, an entertainment area or a rental property. With a space plumbed for a kitchen area and separate bedroom and bath, Mr. Edmondson figures the third floor could rent for $1,000 per month. The property is zoned for multi-family occupancy.Mr. D'Orso installed a two-zoned system that includes two brand-new gas furnaces and two electric air conditioning units. The first floor and part of the second floor are handled by one unit while the remaining part of the second floor and third floor are handled by another.Shopping is close-at-hand with the expansion of the Penn Circle retail area, the Target store along with new hotels, restaurants and retail outlets opening along Penn and Highland.The property has a 2013 county assessed value of $32,700 (2.county.allegheny.pa.us/RealEstate/Default.aspx). Over the past three years, eight properties have sold on Baywood Street for prices ranging from $20,000 in March 2013 to $316,000 in April 2012 (.realstats.net).SALES SNAPSHOT1ST WARD/DOWNTOWN-BLUFF20122013SALES1827MEDIAN PRICE$250,000$306,000HIGHEST PRICE$480,000$660,0002ND WARD/DOWNTOWN-STRIP20122013SALES4776MEDIAN PRICE$235,000$290,000HIGHEST PRICE$2,070,000$2,700,0003RD WARD/HILL DISTRICT20122013SALES2139MEDIAN PRICE$66,500$80,300HIGHEST PRICE$268,000$239,0004TH WARD/OAKLAND20122013SALES143157MEDIAN PRICE$97,000$105,000HIGHEST PRICE$740,000$825,0005TH WARD/HILL-SCHENLEY HEIGHTS20122013SALES3866MEDIAN PRICE$51,200$24,000HIGHEST PRICE$277,000$375,0006TH WARD/STRIP-POLISH HILL20122013SALES7397MEDIAN PRICE$72,000$82,900HIGHEST PRICE$400,000$425,0007TH WARD/SHADYSIDE20122013SALES162231MEDIAN PRICE$250,000$248,000HIGHEST PRICE$2,056,000$1,700,0008TH WARD/BLOOMFIELD20122013SALES86113MEDIAN PRICE$108,000$124,900HIGHEST PRICE$395,000$415,0009TH WARD/LAWRENCEVILLE20122013SALES114175MEDIAN PRICE$93,000$100,000HIGHEST PRICE$306,419$370,13010TH WARD/MORNINGSIDE20122013SALES212248MEDIAN PRICE$60,000$61,299HIGHEST PRICE$330,000$950,00011TH WARD/HIGHLAND PARK20122013SALES130193MEDIAN PRICE$139,000$123,500HIGHEST PRICE$784,500$620,000Lizabeth Gray: lgray@post-gazette.com.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at .post-gazette.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Sep 08 Sun 2013 12:31
Red Carpet Star Studded Celebrity Gala in Partnership with Susan G. Komen for the Cure Los Angeles County Affiliate
- Charity Celebrity Gala September 19, 2013.迷你倉 Celebrating the legendary Platinum recording artist Freda Payne's Birthday, Awards Dinner and Fashion Show.- Hosted by Vivica A. Fox and honoring Actor Charlie Sheen, Workout Guru Richard Simmons, Grammy nominated musician Howard McCrary and Performances by A-List Musicians.HOLLYWOOD, Calif., Sept. 8, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Experience the First Annual "Legends Beyond" Music & Moguls Gala taking place in the heart of Tinseltown on Thursday, September 19, 2013 at a spectacular private estate located in the lavish hills, high above Sunset Strip. "Legends Beyond" First Annual Gala will donate fifty percent of the proceeds to benefit the Susan G. Komen for the Cure? Los Angeles County Affiliate. This prestigious event hosted by Vivica A. Fox will honor platinum recording artist and international Jazz vocalist Freda Payne, multi-talented Charlie Sheen, workout guru Richard Simmons and the Grammy nominated Howard McCrary have joined the fight against this disease. The First Annual "Legends Beyond" also celebrates the birthday of legendary Jazz vocalist Freda Payne as well as the anticipated release of her newest jazz album from Mack Avenue Record label.The circa 1920s vintage glamour theme evening includes a Star Studded Red Carpet, premium cocktail hour, silent auction, live musical performances from the past and present. Howard McCrary and Freda Payne will receive a Lifetime Achievement Award and Charlie Sheen will receive a philanthropic Humanitarian Award.Executive Chef Charles Eugene of Spicy Charlie's located in Studio City, California will provide exquisite cuisine for the evening; a Celebrity Fashion Show presented by Designers to the stars "M" for Mthemovement, Jonathan A. Logan and newbie Bentlee Wear.INVITED CELEBRITY GUESTS: David Foster, Nicole Kidman, Slash, Carmen Electra, Brian McKnight, Sisqo, Won G, Ross Bagley, Antwon Tanner, Shaka Smith, Talon Reid, Sophia Strauss, Victoria Strauss, Caitlin O'Connor, Katrina Parker, Jane Seymour, Cheryl Burke, Johnny Wright, Jamie Foxx, Wayne Brady, Toni Braxton, The Whispers, Kevin Hart, Kathy Hilton, Paris Hilton, Priscilla Presley, Rodney Peete, Holly Robinson Peete, Levar Burton, Smokey Robinson, Natalie Cole, Lionel Richie, Quinc儲存 Jones, Berry Gordy Jr....and many more.About Susan G. Komen? Nancy G. Brinker promised her dying sister, Suzy, she would do everything in her power to end breast cancer. Today, Susan G. Komen? works to end breast cancer in the U.S. and throughout the world by investing more than $750 million in breast cancer research and $1.5 billion in community outreach programs over the past 30 years; providing funding to help low-income and uninsured women get screened and get treatment; advocating for cancer research and outreach programs; and working globally in more than 30 countries. Komen Los Angeles County is working to better the lives of those facing breast cancer in the local community. Through events like the Komen LA County Race for the Cure?, the Los Angeles County Affiliate has invested more than $10 million in community breast health programs. Up to 75 percent of net proceeds generated by the Affiliate stays in Los Angeles County. The remaining funds are invested in breast cancer research, as part of the national Susan G. Komen Grants Program. For more information, call 310-575-3011 or visit .komenLAcounty.org [.komenlacounty.org/].About Legends Beyond: Legends Beyond, LLC is a full-service entertainment marketing agency and will conceptualize, coordinate, and implement all production elements. We will utilize our extensive expertise in event production, while leveraging industry and vendor relationships to ensure a seamless, turn-key event. We also specialize in branding, public relations, and non-traditional communications -- fusing brands together to produce exciting and measurable results, helping clients introduce new products to tastemakers and influencers.For more information and sponsorship: Brandon Pope - 404-437-4134, Courtney Manlove - 406-207-1911, Kimberly L. Ogletree - 213-761-5266 or corporate@legendsbeyond.com [mailto:corporate@legendsbeyond.com] 855-643-7484.For Tickets: .legendsbeyond.com [.legendsbeyond.com/] or 855-643-7464For press/media and talent credentials: Lawrence Phillips - 310-619-8048, Dianna Liner - 832-458-4259 or corporate@legendsbeyond.com [mailto:corporate@legendsbeyond.com]RELATED LINKS .legendsbeyond.com [.legendsbeyond.com/]Lawrence Phillips Legends BeyondWeb site: .legendsbeyond.com/新蒲崗迷你倉
- Sep 08 Sun 2013 12:10
Wildcats excel all-around against Eagles
Source: Greeley Tribune, Colo.文件倉Sept. 07--Greeley Central's football team had an all-around great Friday night at District 6 Stadium.The Wildcats got their first win of the season, won their home opener and won their Homecoming game with a big 62-0 nonconference win against Adams City.It's an early Homecoming, coach Mike Heatherly said, but it was the best timing for Central's schedule since the Wildcats have only four home games this season."Anytime you can win in front of the home crowd and put some points up like we did and play defense like we did, that's exciting -- exciting for our kids and our program," Heatherly said. "So (it's a) step in the right direction, a lot of work to be done but we're happy where we're at right now tonight."We're gonna go to work (today) ... but it was a great victory for our crowd and our school. We've taken a few lumps the past couple years so it was good to play well in front of the home crowd, that was nice."Greeley Central (1-1) scored just six points against Green Mountain last week, but the Wildcats ran up the score, literally, on Friday, scoring eight of its nine touchdowns on rushing plays.Senior running back Travis Lechman led the way with 103 yards on 11 carries for two touchdowns in the first quarter. Senior back Brandon Gallegos followed closely with 100 rushing yards on 10 carries and also scored two TDs."I was just happy the team was doing really well and we all executed," Lechman said. "I'm just really happy everyone was doing good, (did) their job and did great. ... Everyone was ready to come in for this game and everyone was all excited."Junior quarterback Zach Koch looked ready, finishing 3 of 3 with 53 yards and ran in two touchdowns himself, each from the 1-yard line. He shared time with senior quarterback, Brady Guyette, who was 2 of 4 with 32 yards.Koch said it felt great to get a big win and just give Central's running backs the ball as much as he could."We have a lot of running backs and we try to get our playmakers the ball as best we can," he said, "and that was our running backs tonight. We felt like we could exploit their defense, running up the middle and pounding it down on third (down)."The Wildcats had six third- or fourth-down conversions against Adams City and rushed at least 10 times in each of the first three quarters."We thought we could run the ball, we knew that coming in," Heatherly said. "We just thought we would find out; we had a couple ideas, couple schemes in mind that we thought might work well and they did."We were able to run the ball inside and force them to pack it inside a little bit and then had some timely passes and sweep plays where we could get to the perimeter," he added. "Things just worked out well, just kinda what we thought."Senior wide receiver James Desmond contributed with a three-yard TD run in the second quarter and sophomore back Kody Drake sco存倉ed a two-yarder in the fourth. On defense, sophomore defensive back Riley Ortegon returned a 24-yard interception for a touchdown with about four minutes left in the game.Adams City couldn't get anything to go its way, finishing 4 of 12 with 13 passing yards and had 19 carries for just 27 yards. The Eagles' two quarterbacks combined for three interceptions and the offense lost two fumbles."Our goal was to stop their running back, that kid was pretty good," Heatherly said. "We thought we did a pretty good job on him and forced them to throw the ball and we didn't feel like they could beat us throwing."The Wildcats weren't perfect, though; they had five penalties costing them 50 yards. But other than that, Heatherly said Central kept its mistakes to a minimum."We're big about focusing and finishing," he said. "We had a few penalties that we weren't happy about and just some lackadaisical things. That's just always something; you always coach for the next game. You might get away with something tonight that will just kill ya the next week, so you're always looking for those things. But we kept our mistakes to a minimum."Heatherly said the players and coaches will be able to enjoy the win, but not for too long."As coaches, you very rarely get to do that," he said. "It's Homecoming; we'll look at film in the morning and that'll be part of what we do, but they'll (the players) have their Homecoming dance (today) and enjoy that and then Monday, back to work."ACHS 0 0 0 0 -- 0GCHS 21 21 6 14 -- 62First quarterGCHS -- Brandon Gallegos 6 run (Juan Delacruz kick), 9:05. Drive: 4 plays, 21 yards, 1:56.GCHS -- Travis Lechman 7 run (Delacruz kick), 5:02. Drive: 5 plays, 48 yards, 1:48.GCHS -- Lechman 2 run (Delacruz kick), :44. Drive: 8 plays, 49 yards, 2:22.Second quarterGCHS --Zach Koch 1 run (Delacruz kick), 8:12. Drive: 6 plays, 52 yards, 1:59.GCHS -- Koch 1 run (Delacruz kick), 3:43. Drive: 8 plays, 64 yards, 2:03.GCHS -- James Desmond 3 run (Delacruz kick), :05. Drive: 5 plays, 40 yards, 1:57.Third quarterGCHS -- Gallegos 23 run (run failed), 7:55. Drive: 6 plays, 60 yards, 3:54.Fourth quarterGCHS --Kody Drake 2 run (Delacruz kick), 8:25. Drive: 4 plays, 14 yards, 2:25.GCHS --Riley Ortegon 24 INT (Delacruz kick), 4:30. Drive: 1 play, 24 yards, :05.Team statisticsACHS GCHSFirst downs 2 18Rushes-yards 19-27 39-270Passing 13 85Comp-Att-Int 4-12-3 5-7-0Sacked-yards lost 3-16 0-0Punts-Avg. 4-37.25 0-0Fumbles-lost 2-2 2-1Penalties-yards 5-63 5-50Individual leadersRushing -- ACHS, Noor Shongolo 10-37. GCHS, Travis Lechman 11-103 (2 TD), Brandon Gallegos 10-100 (2 TD).Passing -- ACHS, Matt Jacobs 3-7-2-11. GCHS, Zach Koch 3-3-0-53.Receiving -- GCHS, James Desmond 2-42, Shaun Boyle 2-16.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Greeley Tribune (Greeley, Colo.) Visit the Greeley Tribune (Greeley, Colo.) at .greeleytribune.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Sep 08 Sun 2013 12:00
Towson alum pedaling to get a women's version of the Tour de France
Source: The Baltimore SunSept.迷你倉價錢 07--Melissa Otterbein has never thought of herself as a world-class athlete, just someone who was persistent and worked hard in attaining her goals.At Towson University, where she was a member of the swimming team, Otterbein made the Colonial Athletic Association championships twice in her four years.Otterbein, who grew up outside Philadelphia and has remained in Baltimore after graduating four years ago, has another goal that appears a little more challenging. She is trying to get the Tour de France to hold a race for women.When Otterbein, 26, competes Sunday in the 70.3 Triathlon World Championships in Las Vegas -- an event consisting of a 1.2-mile swim, a 56-mile bike ride and a 13.1-mile run -- she will inscribe her singlet with the same words she did when she qualified for the event this summer in Boulder, Colo."Until We All Can Race" it will read.Otterbein's biceps will marked with the letters "TDF."The inspiration first came when Otterbein read an article on ESPN.com in which Tour de France director Christian Prudhomme casually dismissed a proposal made public by British Labor Party deputy secretary Harriet Harman to have the iconic bicycle race include a separate event for women.That led to a petition signed by more than 70,000 supporting Harmon's proposal.Prudhomme was described as rejecting the proposal "with a wave of the hand."Otterbein was incensed."When I read that, I thought, 'How can a man with the wave of his hand prevent women from competing internationally?" Otterbein said recently. "I was very encouraged to see that I wasn't the only woman to feel that way. I was excited to see their activism. That's when it hit me that I could dedicate the race that I'm training for to women participating in the Tour de France."In addition to the petition they helped write, former Ironman world champion Chrissie Wellington of Great Britian and Kathryn Bertine, a former professional ice skater turned triathlete, have put together a documentary, "Half The Road," depicting the inequality between the sexes in the world of professional cycling."One of the things they shared in the trailer [was that] professional male cyclists have a mandated minium salary of $29,000. Women have no mandanted pay and often earn less than $11,000, which is below the poverty line," Otterbein said.Otterbein is trying to get the word out locally about the Change.org petition through her affiliation with the Baltimore Area Triathlon Club, which she joined in February 2012. She posted a link to the petition and the documentary on Facebook.Otterbein said a number of spectators and competitors at the 70.3-mile triathlon in Boulder asked her, "What race are you talking about?" when they saw what was written on her singlet. Others, mostly women, said, "I like your shirt." Otterbein used their interest to motivate her."It was encouraging to hear that while I was biking all those miles," she recalled.It resulted in Otterbein finishing 12th in her age group (25-29) in her first attempt at an Ironman triathlon. While only the top three finishers are guaranteed spots in the 70.3 Ironman World Championships, a volunteer at the Boulder event told her she should hang around the awards ceremony in case some who qualified didn't show up to claim their spots in Las Vegas.Only one claimed a spot, giving Otterbein a place in Sunday's event in Nevada."I kind of look back and think that opportunties don't always come for the most blessed but for those who are ready and looking -- certainly looking," she said.Otterbein, who competed in her first迷你倉sprint triathlon (typically a half-mile swim, 16-mile bike ride and 5-kilometer run) before starting at Towson, credits two members of the local triathlon club, Linda Anders and Sheryl Savage, for guiding her through the grueling training sessions required to run and swim and bike the longer distances."Having that companionship has been very inspiring," Otterbein said.Despite a 20-year gap in their ages, Otterbein's cause has had the same effect on Anders. The mother of two young girls, ages 9 and 6, Anders said she was watching this year's Tour de France when one of her daughters asked if Anders ever considered competing herself.When Anders explained that the event was only open to men, they were dumbfounded."They were shocked that women weren't invited to it, they were like, 'Whaaaat?'" Anders said Friday.When Anders later saw Otterbein's Facebook post about the Tour de France flap, she pointed out to her children that "this is a very good friend of mine and she's protesting the very thing that we were speaking about. It just really hit home."Otterbein said the idea of competing in a 70.3 Ironman has been "an ongoing journey ... something kept tugging at my heart."Savage, the president of the Baltimore Area Triathlon Club, said Otterbein has gone from being a complete novice to a fairly high competitive level in a short time."We would go for 40-, 50-, 60-mile rides and Melissa would show up with a smile, one bottle of water and no nutrition," Savage recalled Friday. "We would get two or 2 ½ hours into a ride and we'll turn around and say 'Where's Melissa?' She bonked six miles back because she just didn't have the education and training."Savage, who played softball at Bucknell and who earlier this year competed in a 140.6-mile Ironman event in Idaho, said she and others in the club spent time educating Otterbein about what she needed to do regarding her training and nutrition."It's amazing to see how far she's come in the last six to eight months," Savage said. "She comes prepared, she knows her bicycle mechanics and now she's riding with our fast pack of riders."Another inspiration for Otterbein is a little more personal. Her older sister Lauren has Down Syndrome and has been competing in Special Olympics events for the past 15 years. After returning from Las Vegas, Otterbein plans to cheer on her sister at a soccer tournament in Harrisburg, Pa., later in the month."She's been a very strong inspiration. She is just so enthusiastic about cheering you on," Otterbein said. "She will call me up sometimes and just say, 'I'm excited to watch you race.'"Currently working as an assistant at a Baltimore AIDS and HIV clinic, Otterbein said she has taken a couple graduate school classes in public health, with a particular interest in "utilizing sport for development, learning about organizations that use sport to promote social justice, peace advocacy in international communities, including refugee camps."In one class, she wrote a paper on how volunteers at the camps will "use sport to promote health education, for refugee students to stay in school, simulations of peace-building."Regardless of what she does in Las Vegas, Otterbein believes that she is moving forward -- both personally and for female triathletes in general."It's a sport where woman feel there's momentum now that there can be some real changes," she said. "I do feel like we're just beginning to hit the surface."don.markus@baltsun.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Baltimore Sun Visit The Baltimore Sun at .baltimoresun.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存
- Sep 08 Sun 2013 11:53
Financial globalization needed, investors say
During the country's ongoing flagship trade and investment fair, investors from China and abroad are urging the nation to speed up financial globalization.迷你倉價錢"The US dollar will continue to disappear in the world," said international investment guru Jim Rogers, chairman of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests Inc, at the 11th Capital Forum, titled "Financial Globalization in China and the Overview of Global Investment: A Dialogue with Jim Rogers"."The only currency I can see that is on the rise and can replace the US dollar some day is the renminbi." The Saturday forum is a prelude to the 17th China International Fair for Investment and Trade, which is held in Xiamen, Fujian province, from Sept 8 to 11. The annual fair, also called CIFIT, is considered to be China's largest and best event for investment promotion."China has a large trade surplus and a very large population," Rogers said."The US dollar is a troubled currency. I buy more renminbi when I can because I am very optimistic about the future of your currency." He added that China should "globalize the renminbi in the next 20 minutes rather than the next 20 years" and make the currency convertible to pave the way for financial globalization.Chen Jinghe, chairman of Zijin Mining Group Co Ltd and also vice-chairman of the China Gold Association, said: "In the past decades, we exported our manufactured products all over the world. And now, we eagerly anticipate financial globalization in China, or to put it simply, renminbi globalization."This will advance the opening of China's capital market, which is a deeper level of opening-up." Though the process of renminbi globalization is accompanied by risks, China has the capability to carry out renminbi globalization in light of the country's huge foreign exchange reserves and abundant private capital, Chen said."Renminbi globalization will have a very profound influence on Chi迷你倉ese enterprises, which are revving up to go abroad," Chen said."China will face severe problems in terms of economic growth if the country is unable to build up a group of highly internationalized enterprises in the next decade." China's economic growth slowed to its lowest rate in 13 years in 2012, when GDP growth dropped to 7.8 percent. Growth dipped to 7.7 percent in the January-March period and slowed further to 7.5 percent in the second quarter. Recent economic data suggested that the growth is bottoming out in the world's second-largest economy.The State Council, or the cabinet, headed by Premier Li Keqiang, approved the Shanghai free trade zone in late August, including an offshore renminbi center, which will help the city experiment with full convertibility of renminbi and morph it into a global financial hub.Rogers added that China will have problems along the way, but that is just a correction in the long term, and investors should get more involved in China."The center of the world is moving from the United States to Asia. While the US is now the largest debt state in the world, the largest creditors are in Asia, including the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The countries in the West are going deeper and deeper into debt," Rogers said."I expect the renminbi will go much higher in the next 10 years," Rogers added.Daniel Healy, chief executive officer of Civitas Capital Group, a US company specializing in investment emigration and wealth management, said that the Chinese market for investment emigration in the US is "rising dramatically and China's financial globalization will ease some restrictions, making business easier".Tina Hou, managing director of Civitas, added that "China's financial market is maturing and as the Chinese market opens up, we will gain more through bring more outstanding financial products into Chinese market".lijiabao@chinadaily.com.cn儲存
- Sep 07 Sat 2013 14:18
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