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對剛中六畢業,self storage但未能升讀本港大學的同學,到海外升學可能是其中一個理想的升學選擇。對因事未能趕及9及10月開課的同學,則可報讀明年1月入學的課程。AAC升學顧問市場及招生經理鄧偉�(Joshua)指,隨著英鎊匯價回落,加上英國的學術氣氛濃厚,故較受家長垂青。他指出除了有意於1月入學者需要盡快申請外,計劃報考英國著名大學,於2014年畢業的DSE考生,亦需要於現階段開始報名。如同學的DSE及IELTS成績不足以入讀大一,則需報讀同樣於1月開學的大學基礎課程或文憑課程,完成課程及校內成績達標的同學,便可分別保證入讀大學的第一或第二年級。一般英國的大學,以會計、金融、商科、法律及工程等科目會較受香港學生歡迎。至於有意報讀健康學科的同學,則會選擇到澳洲升學。澳洲與英國的大學都大多數是3年制課程,而較受歡迎的學科包括牙醫、藥劑學、醫護、獸醫等科,會陸續於2及3月入學。由於澳洲歡迎外地學生前往修讀醫科等專科,且更提供於當地實習的機會,故吸引不少同學迷你倉讀。此外,因當地的旅遊業發達,酒店管理及旅遊相關的學科亦是同學其中一個熱門選擇。至於有意到美國升學的同學,以往一般會採取到社區學院修讀兩年,再考取大學學位的方法。但近年有部份大學亦提供大學基礎班或文憑班供海外的同學報讀,讓同學有更多選擇。而美國及加拿大的院校,亦多以傳理、經濟及商科課程會較受本港的同學歡迎。另外,他特別提醒有意到加拿大升學者,因申請學生簽證需時至少約七至八個星期,故需要盡快報名以趕及開學時間。他建議同學於選擇學校和科目前,除了考慮經濟負擔能力外,亦要考慮以下因素:•同學的個人學習興趣•是否有親友可協助照顧同學的生活•實習考牌及獲取專業資格的機會•本身成績是否合乎學科的入學要求•是否能適應不同國家的氣候、文化、環境為讓同學及家長可安心到海外升學,AAC除了提供一站式免費升學輔導服務外,更十分著重跟進同學於外地的生活情況,AAC會與同學及家長保持緊密聯繫,確保隨時可提供適當的協助。查詢:2777 8771網址:.aac.hkmini storage

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鋼結構及預製件供應商中國賽特(153)今日開始招股,迷你倉公司主席蔣建強預計,今年鋼結構產能將增逾13萬噸,預製構件產能將增逾45萬平方米。賽特計畫將鋼結構業務延伸至長江三角洲以外的地區的二三�城市。賽特招股價介乎1.03元至1.25元,每手2000股,入場費2525.2元,預計集資5億元。  賽特2011年負債比率高達96.8%,去年還清銀行貸款後,負債比率一直維持在2.7%至2.8%。首席財務官王國權指出,以目前營運情況,尚無融資必要,日後亦會將負債比率控制在40%以下。賽特預測,今年年底公司盈利將達到2.66億元人民幣,上升約30%,增幅放緩,但王國權強調,盈利數字僅是保守估計,該公司盈利仍將穩定增長。  另外,昨日截止招股的中國匯融(1290),市傳公開發售部分獲243倍超購,國際配售部分獲逾15倍超購。市場消息指出,同日結束招股的內地男裝服卡賓(2030)公開招股錄得11倍,超購凍結資金約self storage.9億元;卡賓招股價介乎2.25元至2.8元,本周五定價,下周一掛牌,保薦人為美林遠東及建銀國際。毅德景瑞反應淡  從事商貿物流中心的毅德控股(1396)踏入招股第二日,共獲6800萬元孖展,僅為集資額1.88億元的36%。首日招股的內地房企景瑞控股(1862),孖展認購亦較為平淡,僅獲證券行借出790萬元,遠遠未足其1.72億元的集資額,惟另有消息稱其國際配售部分獲機構投資者踴躍入飛。徽商銀行集資116億  徽商銀行與博雅互動昨日進行預路演,外電報道指,根據銷售文件,徽商銀行集資額最高或達15億美元(約116億港元),提升核心資本比率。徽商銀行發行25億股,佔經擴大股本的23%。中國社保基金將出售持有的徽商股份,套現至少10億美元(約77.5億港元)。  內地網遊公司博雅互動,市傳估值約為27.7億元至38.8億元人民幣,預測2014年市盈率約為10至14倍,與早前上市的雲遊控股(484)相若。迷利倉

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Source: Montgomery Advertiser, Ala.迷你倉Oct. 20--At least three people in Elmore and Montgomery counties have been prosecuted in the past five years for taking between $20,000 and $116,000 from nursing home residents' financial accounts, part of some 1,500 cases nationwide.A USA Today investigation found that since 2010, thousands of nursing homes nationwide had been cited for mishandling residents' funds. The facilities manage the funds for residents who request the service; the funds operate something like a bank account.Dr. William Geary, the director of the Bureau of Health Provider Standards for the Alabama Department of Public Health, said last week investigations are usually handled by the Alabama Attorney General Office's Medicaid Fraud Unit. Nursing homes, he said, have a powerful inventive to ensure that funds are managed properly.Finding evidence of criminal activity could mean a home being "excluded from Medicare, which is death to a facility," Geary said. "You can't function as a facility in America today if you are excluded from the Medicare program."The overall extent of the issue is unknown, but Geary said nursing homes must do cost reports every year, and are subject to random audits from Medicaid."They're accustomed to Medicaid people coming in and doing a week-long audit of their books," he said. "It's hard for them to hide gross thefts of their residents' money."The three cases prosecuted by Alabama Attorney General's office since 2007 include:?? Joseph Feagin Jr., 35, who was accused of misappropriating $115,734.61 from trust funds at Wetumpka Health and Rehabilitation Center. According to the Attorney General's office, Feagin routed money from accounts with credit balances to himself, his boyfriend and 31 acquaintances. Feagin pleaded guilty in 2010 to theft of property and was sentenced to three years in prison and ordered to repay the funds he stole.?? Anne Marie Jones, 41, who was accused in 2007 of drawing checks from a trust fund in South Haven Heath and Rehabilitation in Montgomery. The Attorney General's office says Jones, an accounts-payable clerk, wrote 314 checks totaling nearly $91,000 that she either cashed or deposited into her account. Jones later pleaded guilty to a charge of theft of property in 2008 and was sentenced to three years in prison and five years probation. According to court records, Jones was placed on supervised probation release in 2010.?? Marsha Kim Knighten, 42, who worked as a business office manager at South Haven. Knighten was accused of f文件倉rging the signature of another employee on checks drawn from the trust fund, and then depositing the checks into her personal account. Knighten was accused of taking $20,174.56. She pleaded guilty to theft of property and forgery charges in 2010; she was sentenced to three years in prison.The Legislature last spring passed a law sponsored by Sen. Cam Ward, R-Alabaster, that makes it a crime punishable by up to 20 years in prison to take more than $2,500 from an elderly person. Stealing between $500 and $2,500 could lead to a sentence of up to 10 years in prison, while stealing less than $500 could lead to a year in jail.Annalise Impink, a spokeswoman for Atlanta-based Sava Senior Care, which runs South Haven Health and Rehabilitation, said last week she was unable to immediately comment on Jones' case, saying the records there had been moved offsite. On the Knighten case, Impink said the company learned of the situation after a "family concern regarding a refund after a resident's death." The company said it notified the Attorney General's office immediately and cooperated with it throughout the investigation.The Knighten case impacted 20 residents, Impink said, but South Haven reimbursed any losses they sustained."We took a number of steps to assure that the theft did not recur, including centralizing management of resident trust fund reconciliations, centralizing the issuance of resident trust fund bank statements to assure that they are accurate, auditing the trust funds on a routine basis, requiring approval for all checks written over $500, and requiring monthly training for all employees regarding management of the resident trust funds," Impink said in an email.The company did not pay any fines related to Knighten's case, Impink said.The Wetumpka Health and Rehabilitation Center referred questions to its parent company, NHS Management, located in Birmingham. Brandon Farmer, a spokesman for NHS Management, said Feagin's case was uncovered by internal audits; NHS restored money lost to residents."We found our internal mechanisms and corporate controls were effective in this matter," he said.The Attorney General's office said in a statement it averages between two and four complaints each year, with referrals coming from the Alabama Department of Public Health's licensure and certification division.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Montgomery Advertiser (Montgomery, Ala.) Visit the Montgomery Advertiser (Montgomery, Ala.) at .montgomeryadvertiser.com Distributed by MCT Information Services存倉

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萬家貨幣基金經理 唐俊傑一般常理認為,自存倉國慶長假過後,季末時點效應結束,貨幣基金、短期理財基金這類現金管理產品的收益率往往會下滑。但最近兩周貨幣基金收益普遍高企,少數品種7日年化收益率甚至達到過6%-7%,我們認為10月全月都是投資貨幣基金和短期理財基金的好時點,主要是因為當前貨幣市場整體價格依然維持在高位,可獲得的shibor利率水平較高。Shibor利率指上海銀行間同業拆放利率,是銀行間的批發價格利率,一般投資者無法獲得。從6個月shibor對存款利率的比較看,2010年的3季度開始至今,6個月shibor的平均價格就遠遠超過一年定存利率。從專業角度篩選貨幣基金,即可看其對6個月shibor迷你倉率的跟隨程度。萬家貨幣基金的歷史收益率表現就緊密追逐6個月shibor,即使是在市場收益率較低的2009年和2010年,萬家貨幣也獲取了比市場利率更高的收益率。 2011年之後,多數貨幣基金未能追上6個月shibor的絕對價值,但萬家貨幣仍能獲得與6月shibor相近的收益率。觀察當前的時點,半年期AA+的中期票據(兼具流動性和收益性的品種)收益率大約位於5.3%附近,這幾乎是歷史次高的水平附近。貨幣基金在10月剩餘時間維持較高收益率水平的概率較大,非常適合投資者進行閑置資金理財,而如果資金面的緊平衡延續至11月以後,則貨幣基金這種趨勢可能維持得更長久。(下期標題:《控制倉位抓主線布局明年股市》)mini storage

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友達董事長李焜耀、新纖董事長吳東昇等企業界連2天批評央行匯率政策太保守,迷你倉對此,央行官員指出,根據國際清算銀行(BIS)最新統計,9月新台幣實質有效匯率指數 (REER)為103.27,比8月的101.38高,但韓元更高,達105.92,代表台灣的出口價格競爭力仍高於韓國,並且已連續 3個月優於韓國。央行官員表示,新台幣維持動態穩定,近年新台幣實質有效匯率多維持36個月移動平均數上下5%的範圍。央行官員說,出口競爭力宜由提高生產力著手,單靠匯率無法持久,況且匯率貶值效果會被物價上漲抵儲存,長期而言非但不能提升出口競爭力,社會大眾反會承受高物價的痛苦。央行官員舉例,新台幣匯率如對美元貶值1%,出口業者所得美元換算新台幣收益雖增加1%,但中油購油和1500萬機車族每次加油就得增加1%油錢。匯率是雙面刃,貶值有利於出口商,不利進口商;升值有利於進口商,不利出口商。央行官員表示,央行一向關注業界經營狀況,每季都會派員訪談企業,實地了解企業經營和未來展望,但匯率是一個價格,央行匯率政策是以總體經濟為考量,不可能同時升值又貶值,希望各界也能了解央行政策的侷限性,無法迎合所有需求。mini storage

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讓「天燈之城」與「忍者的故鄉」 藉由交流合作鼓勵兩地民眾互訪 創造旅遊商機【記者林富貴╱新北市報導】新北市觀光旅遊局繼今年4月份透過台鐵與日本江之島電鐵的合作宣佈推廣平溪鐵道旅遊及5月份與日本岐阜市簽署推廣觀光合作宣言後,迷利倉昨日再與日本三重縣簽署「觀光交流合作協定書」,讓「天燈之城」與「忍者的故鄉」藉由交流合作,鼓勵兩地民眾互訪,創造旅遊商機。觀光旅遊局表示,近年來,積極爭取僅次於大陸的第二大客源市場—日本旅客造訪,以具體行動推廣觀光行銷,今年繼5月份,藉由台鐵與日本江之島電鐵合作,推廣平溪線鐵道迷你倉日本江之島電鐵一日券互換聯合行銷後,再與日本岐阜市簽署推廣觀光合作宣言,昨日則進一步與日本三重縣簽訂「觀光交流合作協定書」,雙方除了在觀光旅遊網站建立資訊情報共享機制、鼓勵民間交流互訪外,也將彼此列為重要的旅遊客源地和推廣的旅遊目的地,未來將積極推動更多遊客赴對方城市及周邊地方觀光旅遊,希望透過這樣的合作模式,保障雙方民眾互訪的旅遊服務品質,增加兩地旅遊人次,共同推展旅遊產業商機。圖說:日本三重縣觀光國際局長加藤敦央(左)與新北市觀光旅遊局長陳國君(右) 簽署「觀光交流合作協定書」。(記者林富貴攝)自存倉

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Source: Tulsa World, Okla.迷你倉最平Oct. 21--The lone defense in CitiMortgage v. Arehart was a handwritten note on lined yellow legal paper:"We don't want to lose our home and we would like the mortgage company to work with us on a plan."The Areharts' letter dated Nov. 3, 2010, asked for a copy of the contract and questioned where some of their payments to CitiMortgage had gone. They told the Tulsa County District Court judge of financial hardships that had caused them to come up short.But CitiMortgage wouldn't take their calls and the Areharts never received a response from the company, its attorneys or the Tulsa County District Court judge overseeing the civil suit, David and Margie Arehart said.The following February, nearly the same day the judge ruled in favor of foreclosure, the Areharts got another letter from CitiMortgage:"You may be eligible for the Home Affordable Modification program ... We will work with you in an effort to make your mortgage affordable," the letter states.It mentions options such as a modification, reducing the 8 percent interest rate on their loan or extending its terms. It was all too little, too late.Fighting foreclosure without an attorney puts homeowners at a disadvantage against lenders, who typically have attorneys representing them in court.In the vast majority of cases, homeowners fighting foreclosure do not have legal counsel and the cases are decided without any examination of evidence in open court, consumer advocates say.Resolution Oklahoma, the attorney general's mortgage settlement program, aims to change that through two options for struggling homeowners.Oklahomans who find themselves in a similar situation to the Areharts can now apply for vouchers to hire a private attorney or free foreclosure defense assistance through Legal Aid, depending on their income.The money to hire the attorneys comes from an $18.7 million fund from the nation's five largest mortgage servicers that state Attorney General Scott Pruitt used to design his own program after he decided to opt Oklahoma out of the National Mortgage Settlement.Oklahoma was the lone state to opt out of that $25 billion settlement, with Pruitt declaring that it veered too far into housing policy and deviated from the focus of helping defrauded homeowners. His decision left an additional $10.1 million on the table that could have gone to help an estimated 6,800 borrowers who lost homes.Though some states spent their settlement money on other needs, many states who participated devoted those funds to helping homeowners who were underwater, struggling to make house payments and falling behind.Pruitt opted to launch his own program that would offer legal assistance and direct payments to homeowners who could prove harm.So far, 326 cases have been approved for vouchers to hire foreclosure defense attorneys, with $1.6 million from Resolution Oklahoma committed to their cases.Legal Aid also received a separate $1.285 million grant from Resolution Oklahoma to assist homeowners with mortgage modifications, refinancing, short sales, housing counseling and foreclosure defense.Opt-out reasoningA memo emailed from Pruitt's staff to the Tulsa World elaborates on some of his reasons for opting out: "You need to be clear that there were two groups of people. There were people who lost their homes or were on the verge of losing their homes because of something the banks did. These were the people who were harmed. Then, there were people who were just in a bad financial situation and experienced foreclosure at no fault of the banks. Oklahoma's settlement helped the people who had something happen to them because of the banks. The servicers helped the rest of the people who were just in a bad financial situation with modifications and write-downs. These are NOT the same groups of people."Margie and David Arehart want to know which group of people they fall into and exactly how much harm they must prove to get help from Pruitt's program.The legal assistance won't help now, but the direct payments to defrauded homeowners -- between $5,000 and $20,000 for documented cases -- could help them shake some debt. They wish they'd heard of the program sooner, but they plan to apply for the second phase.The Areharts said they learned about the attorney general's settlement program when they overheard someone talking about it "in line at the Walmart one day."It was after the fall 2012 deadline to apply. They called the Attorney General's Office to find out more and no one returned their calls, they said.Diane Clay, a spokeswoman for Pruitt, said neither the mortgage settlement claims nor consumer complaints divisions of the Attorney General's Office has records regarding the Areharts.Now in a crowded apartment bordered by a block of crime-riddled public housing in Tulsa, the Areharts live off Social Security disability income and are struggling to make ends meet. They still can't figure out where things went wrong with the home they lost in Turley.It was the first home they'd bought, for $70,000. They were able to put about $15,000 down from a settlement David had received. They financed the remaining $55,000 through a loan from a local bank, which quickly sold the servicing of the Areharts' loan to CitiMortgage.For three years, the Areharts made their payment of about $600 on time each month to CitiMortgage through automatic drafts from their bank account. They showed the Tulsa World records documenting three years of on-time, automatic payments.In June迷你倉2010, they began to have trouble with someone skimming money out of their checking account. The Areharts didn't realize the automatic payments for June and July 2010 weren't received by CitiMortgage until letters arrived telling them they were in default and needed to pay more than $1,200 in back payments and fees to get caught up.David Arehart also had mounting medical bills from various health issues. He needed time and a little leniency to get caught up, so he asked his servicer to work out a hardship plan."I didn't know what to do," he said. "No one at CitiMortgage would talk to me."Getting anyone on the phone was next to impossible, he said. No one would help him.And the Areharts didn't have the money to hire an attorney to fight back.Public Affairs Director Mark Rodgers said Citi's biggest priority is to help borrowers avoid potential foreclosure and remain in their homes."Under our standard practice, we attempt to reach distressed borrowers, often multiple times, to try to help identify a solution for their situation," he said. "Unfortunately, if we cannot establish contact, we are unable to provide assistance."Day in courtAmong homeowners in foreclosure surveyed by the World, court records show defendants did not have legal representation in 83 percent of the cases. The World reviewed nearly 370 foreclosure cases in 12 Oklahoma counties.Diane Thompson of the National Consumer Law Center estimated that in 90 percent of foreclosures, there's not even a handwritten note like the Areharts' offered for the defense."It's very difficult for the homeowner to prove what they've experienced," she said.Without an attorney, Thompson said, homeowners are lucky if they can make it past a motion for summary judgment, a common step by firms representing mortgage servicers to expedite the foreclosure process. In most cases, there is no trial or contesting of the facts in open court.In foreclosure, the deck is stacked against homeowners and is heavily in favor of the mortgage servicers, she said.Pruitt said in most cases his office reviewed, "the homeowners were simply trying to get right" with their mortgage servicer and up-to-date on payments.In the end, most homeowners find it's their word against the servicers.Through their grant from Resolution Oklahoma, Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma opened 389 foreclosure prevention and defense cases from December 2012 to June 2013, and nearly half are resolved, data show.Michael Figgins, executive director of Legal Aid Services, said many of the calls the agency received reflected homeowners in "dire circumstances," and the Oklahoma City and Tulsa areas were "especially needy.""The thought of just one Oklahoma family losing their home just because they did not have legal help is very troubling," Figgins said.Oklahoma City attorney Scott Harris has the largest caseload of attorneys participating in the voucher program, 54 cases so far. He said the funds make a difference for troubled homeowners."I think it's a great program," Harris said. "It keeps our clients from having to decide whether to hire an attorney or put money aside to save their home."Servicer indifferenceCitiMortgage won, the Areharts lost. They had to move out by April 2011, before the sheriff auctioned off their home."I loved that house," Margie Arehart said.Hard times and a bug infestation at their apartment mean the family's living room furniture has been replaced with fold-up camping chairs.Because their monthly mortgage payment was only $650, it appears as though it wouldn't have cost CitiMortgage a huge amount of money to help get the Areharts caught up. But servicers such as CitiMortgage typically don't hold the actual mortgage note and don't make much profit on timely monthly payments.Thompson said that before a federal incentives program known as HAMP -- the Home Affordable Modification Program -- the servicers had virtually no experience modifying loans. Modifications require staffing and training expenses.Foreclosure, however, is a standard procedure where most of the costs are outsourced. Servicers such as CitiMortgage get reimbursed for the expense, Thompson said."They get paid fees off the deal," she said. "It's a real moneymaker for them to go through foreclosure like this."On paper, it would appear CitiMortgage lost money when it came time to sell the Areharts' home. It appraised for $65,000 but sold at auction for about $43,000 to CitiMortgage, which bid on behalf of the underwriter, Fannie Mae. County property records suggest it was sold a year later for as low as $22,000.Servicers, unlike homeowners or investors, generally do not lose money on foreclosures. The lender/underwriter or investment pool behind the mortgage takes the biggest loss (next to the homeowner).In general, the way companies earn money servicing home loans gives them little incentive to offer sustainable loan modifications and some incentive to push loans into foreclosure, Thompson said.Though HAMP and the National Mortgage Settlement may have improved the odds for homeowners fighting foreclosure, they're not enough, Thompson said.And they're both set to expire in the next few years."There are a lot of reasons to expect things will get worse when those expire," Thompson said.Cary Aspinwall 918-581-8477cary.aspinwall@tulsaworld.comCasey Smith 918-732-8106casey.smith@tulsaworld.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) 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