Source: Tampa Tribune, Fla.存倉Oct. 20--TAMPA -- Vishnu Seepersad has eyes in the back of his head.At least that's what he tells the youngsters who ride his school bus every morning and afternoon."They don't know I can see them in the mirror," quips Seepersad, 55, who goes by "Joey."At 6:30 a.m. Wednesday, Seepersad greets 45 groggy students by name as they climb onto his bus. The middle-schoolers take their assigned seats in the back and the elementary kids sit in front.The driver steers bus No. 2862 out of the parking lot, focusing on the road, with his eyes darting up to that mirror periodically to check on the students -- one of the routines all new drivers are taught to adopt.Seepersad, hired in the spring, is one of 997 Hillsborough bus operators who drive 90,000 students to and from school every day.The school district is looking for more like him -- 200 more to be exact.One in five operator positions are vacant today, meaning some drivers take on extra routes and some buses are arriving late to school.In recent years, Hillsborough has operated about 140 to 150 drivers short. But at latest count, the number has grown to 200 openings.Transportation general manager John Franklin said his department is working hard to recruit and retain bus drivers.A work schedule that runs only 10 months instead of 12, with early morning starts and split shifts, isn't for everyone, he said."The public expects the most responsible bus operators on the road," he said. "We seek responsible adults that want to drive a bus. Our recruitment challenges are the uniqueness of the job."Franklin hopes a pay boost for bus drivers finalized earlier this month will draw more applicants.First-year drivers in Hillsborough earn $10.56 per hour. With the increase, it's $11.08 per hour. Veteran drivers make as much as $17 or $18 per hour.As another incentive, a driver who recruits someone to join the team can earn bonuses of $100 for every year the recruit stays in the job. And once drivers are hired, the district reimburses them for the cost of earning a commercial driver's license.To be considered for the job, applicants must have least a 10th grade education, a commercial driver's license and five years of driving experience, among other requirements.School bus drivers typically work seven hours per day, but they have the opportunity to work more by signing up for midday runs to bring students on field trips, sports events or tutoring sessions."If you like the job and qualify, we're happy to have anybody," Franklin said.Seepersad wakes up at 4 a.m. each day for his first run. He picks up students at bus stops and bring them to a district transfer hub on 40th Avenue near 21st Street, just north of Interstate 4. Here, he picks up a new set of students and drives them north to Williams Middle Magnet and Cahoon Elementary Magnet schools.Originally from the Caribbean islands, Seepersad applied to be a school bus driver last spring because he loves kids and needed a job. A handyman, he had held various jobs over the years, including air-conditioning repair man and home nurse for elderly patients.Two months into the school year, he and the students who ride his bus are comfortable with each other and he is enjoying his job."It's always something different," he said.Driving a school bus comes with challenging responsibilities, including maneuvering a vehicle that's the length of three cars while at the same time keeping a close eye on as many as 45 children often prone to mischief.And for an idea of what can go wrong, look at ne儲存s headlines across Tampa Bay: Three teens beat a fellow student on a Pinellas County school bus in July and the video went viral, a Hillsborough second-grader died a day after suffering a medical emergency while riding the bus home, and a Pasco student fatally shot himself after he was bullied on a bus.In Hillsborough, if an emergency arises, a driver radios district dispatch, which is tied closely to the Tampa Police Department, Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office, emergency medical services and the school district's security department."It's a trying job, but it's rewarding," Seepersad said. "Once the kids get to know you, they'll behave."School bus drivers are trained on how to handle and report bullying they witness on the job, Franklin said. They work to establish seating charts and build rapport with the students so it is understood that they are the adult supervisors."Part of good student management is identifying what's going on on your bus," Franklin said. "Some students may be picked on. You identify aggressive students that need to have an assigned seat. We've done comprehensive training on recognizing behaviors, writing referrals, maybe separating the aggressive student from the victim, maybe having an administrator come over when they get off the bus."Seepersad gives students a verbal warning before he writes them up.In the last two weeks, he caught a group of about a dozen students throwing balls of paper out of the window at a motorcyclist. He was up until 11 p.m. that day writing referrals for all of them.After the 10-minute trip to Williams Middle, the students hop off the bus and Seepersad continues on to the elementary school. The younger kids wiggle in their seats and the noise level increases. Three boys trade Pokemon cards in the front seat. A pair of siblings argue a few rows back."Hello! Excuse me! Classroom voices, please," Seepersad calls from the front of the bus, and the students turn the volume down a notch.When the bus rolls up to Cahoon, it's not quite yet 7:30 a.m., which is when the students get off the bus to head to class. While they are waiting, Seepersad makes sure everyone is there, pulls out a first-aid kit to get a Band-Aid for a boy with a scraped knee and chats with a few students."Take your hat off!" a student calls out.To humor them, Seepersad removes his black baseball cap, revealing his mostly bald head, which elicits a round of giggles from the students."They get a good laugh when I take my hat off," he said. "In my younger days, I had a full head of hair."Franklin said moments like these are why Seepersad is so good at his job."He just has an inviting, warm personality," Franklin said. "You've really got to be patient, understanding, assertive, firm to be able to work with the students."While it's a high-turnover job, some Hillsborough drivers have been at it for decades.Another bus driver, Evelyn Sims, has been driving a Hillsborough school bus since 1987. Today, she drives the children of some of her former students."When I got in, I didn't think I was going to stay," she said. "But I have really grown to love the kids. It's embedded in me."Sims describes herself as an "old-school" bus driver."I tell them we're family on this bus," she said. "I tell them I am the bus mama. We are going to be nice to one another. No profanity." @ErinKTBOCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Tampa Tribune (Tampa, Fla.) Visit the Tampa Tribune (Tampa, Fla.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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self storage鄭各莊設立老年慈善專項基金 本報訊(通訊員 張思遠 楊微)昌平區北七家鎮鄭各莊村日前設立老年慈善專項基金,首批募集社會各界贊助資 storage

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□ 本報駐莫斯科記者 廖偉徑 在當前總體經濟環境欠佳的形勢下,迷你倉個人信貸的快速增長在為改善經濟增速作貢獻的同時,也為俄羅斯銀行自身發展帶來隱憂。由於銀行不良貸款占比過高,加上居民存款流失、債務負擔加重等原因,預計2014年俄羅斯銀行業可能面臨嚴峻考驗今年以來,為了促進經濟增長,俄羅斯銀行開始加大向市場“輸血”力度,貸款數量特別是個人貸款增長明顯。統計數據顯示,今年1月至7月份,俄羅斯銀行向個人共發放貸款9.2萬億盧布(約合2875億美元),同比增長16.8%。今年7月,俄羅斯儲蓄銀行發放了7000億盧布個人消費抵押貸款,刷新了該行月發行個人貸款紀錄。信貸市場的轉暖一定程度上改善了銀行經營業績,俄羅斯儲蓄銀行近日公佈的財報顯示,今年前9個月該行實現淨利潤2862億盧布(約合89.4億美元),同比增長6.3%,其中利息淨收入同比增長15.2%。為了擴大國內市場需求以拉抬經濟,俄羅斯政府一直希望銀行繼續創造有利條件提升個人消費熱情。8月6日,俄羅斯總統普京約見儲蓄銀行行長格列夫時,對個人消費貸款12%的利率表示不滿,要求該行進一步降低個人消費貸款利率,對一個孩子家庭抵押貸款利率降至10.5%,多子女家庭利率降至10%。不過,在當前總體經濟環境欠佳的形勢下,個人信貸的快速增長在為改善經濟增速作貢獻的同時,也為銀行自身發展帶來隱憂,其中之一就是不良貸款同步累積。俄羅斯宏觀分析和短期預測中心分析認為,由於銀行不良貸款占比過高,加上居民存款流失、債務負擔加重等原因,預計2014年俄羅斯銀行業可能面臨嚴峻考驗。阿爾法銀行分析報告指出,目前,俄羅斯22個主要地區中的新西伯利亞、沃羅涅日、薩馬拉、伊爾庫斯克、哈巴羅夫斯克等10個地區,無論個人消費信貸規模還是增長速度都已經超過警戒線。該行專家警告,按目前的經濟發展形勢,俄羅斯居民個人收入難以大幅提文件倉,失業率上升壓力加大,個人消費信貸已經處於危險邊緣。俄羅斯央行數據顯示,今年前7個月俄羅斯個人逾期貸款增長25.8%。截至8月1日,個人逾期貸款總額達3932億盧布(約合123億美元)。業內人士認為,逾期貸款快速增長的主因在於:一方面舊的逾期貸款沒有得到清償,而是由銀行實施債務重組;另一方面新的逾期貸款增加,不少商業銀行通過開展在線信貸業務等方式吸攬客戶,使得高風險客戶數量快速增長。同時,部分金融機構降低放貸門檻,也助推了個人信貸的上升趨勢,如部分地區的退休基金管理公司開始利用個人退休金賬戶做抵押,對個人發放低息貸款。此外,俄羅斯各大銀行經營狀況也難言全面好轉。據報道,俄羅斯外經銀行因存在較高的放貸風險,急需在2014年至2016年增資4000億盧布。國際評級機構穆迪近日公佈的最新報告依然維持對俄銀行業的負面展望。穆迪的分析師認為,未來12至18個月內,俄羅斯銀行經營狀況並不樂觀,銀行不良貸款比例將由2012年底的8%提升至10%,建築業、工業等關鍵經濟部門增長乏力,一些銀行的資產質量面臨風險。對此,另一家國際評級機構標準普爾也表示認同,指出銀行資產質量惡化是影響俄羅斯銀行發展的主要負面因素。此前,標準普爾的分析報告指出,不良貸款所占比重上升,加上居民存款增速放緩,使得俄羅斯銀行的盈利能力將從2012年的16.5%下降到16%,銀行業風險可能會持續上升。為了保持銀行業的穩定發展,管控潛在金融風險,俄羅斯央行副行長蘇霍夫對外表示,未來對銀行業的監管將更加嚴格,已經通知各家銀行,如發現銀行每季度可疑交易金額超過50億盧布或營業額的5%,該銀行業務就有可能受到限制。同時,俄羅斯央行再次提高對從事零售信貸銀行的要求,目前無擔保貸款增速已從40%降至39%,但仍不符合居民收入水平。俄羅斯央行認為,合理的增長速度應控制在10%至15%以內。存倉

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南都訊 記者邢曉雯 實習生趙靜雯 日前,廣州市福利協會和“頤福居·尊長園”做了“我的幸福晚年我做主———長者期望的退休生活”調查,瞭解到老人在養老問題上有各種訴求:最影響健康的是“空巢”導致溝通缺乏和情感孤寂;最渴望的文化娛樂活動排行榜先後順序是琴棋書畫、旅遊、種花、上網、交友聯誼會;最理想的老年養老居住環境是環境優美能為老年人提供專業服務的養老社區。mini storage

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美國債務上限可稍延三個多月,儲存民主共和兩黨政治角力未減,故紐約股市再反覆走俏或屬一現之曇花,而港股10月18日收盤23,340.1,升245.22點。�生指數陰陽燭日線圖以陽燭上升,各技術解讀:短期技術指標反覆,中期仍有不穩傾向,整固形態未變。但利好因素亦漸抬頭:中國的國內生產總值GDP於2013年三季度同比增長7.8%,表現較預期理想。相信中國仍會繼續透過強化人民幣貸款和擴大社會融資規模等貨幣政策措施,支持實體經濟,不僅使GDP可以納入中等快速的成長軌道,更可以加大轉型升級和更積極推行開放改革政策的力度。凡此,均對香港金融經濟有利好影響。正因中國經濟表現再呈加大向俏的力度,使港股應聲走高,短線或攻23,424至23,554,亦即挑戰�生指數日線圖三頂背馳23,944、23,512、23,554密集阻力區;但美國政治角力之爭會接#而來,港股得守23,084支持位,否得反覆下試22,957-22,743等重要支持。3G用戶大增 補貼額迷你倉幅放緩股份推介:中國聯通(0762)股東應佔溢利於2013年上半年達53.17億元(人民幣,下同),同比增加55%,較去年同期的31.1%漲幅多增23.9個百分點,績佳乃因集中力量發展移動業務中不斷冒起的3G,力爭用戶總數逾1億戶,較去年同期的5,753萬戶增加73.9%,即使每戶每月消費ARPU由91.8元大幅調低14.2元或15.4%至僅為77.6元;營業收入409.1億元和同比大增52.1%,並於移動業務所佔比重由44.5%提升11.7個百分點至56.2%,難得者為3G補貼42.2億元的升幅回落至20.1%,使於此一板塊收入的佔比由上年的13.1%降低至10.3%;銷售費用203.9億元則增24.5%。中國聯通股價於10月18日收盤12.68元和跌0.06元,日線圖呈陰燭,RSI頂背馳轉弱,STC收集信號稍減,如守12.38元可考慮收集,破密集頂部13.32元,有望見14-14.5元。(筆者為證監會持牌人)資深財經評論員 黎偉成儲存倉

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Source: The Philadelphia InquirerOct.迷你倉最平 20--Steve McQueen, the London- born artist and filmmaker, has lived in Amsterdam since the mid-1990s. One of the Dutch capital's top tourist attractions is the house where Anne Frank lived during World War II until her hiding place was revealed and she was sent to a concentration camp. Her diary, published posthumously and adapted to stage and screen, is required reading in schools around the world.McQueen wants the book that served as the basis of his powerful new film, 12 Years a Slave, to similarly be read by millions. Written by Solomon Northup, a free African American, a musician living with his wife in Saratoga Springs, N.Y., the memoir was first published in 1853. It describes its author's nightmare odyssey: abducted, sold into slavery, a dozen years of abuse and bondage at the hands of plantation owners in Louisiana.When McQueen, 44, set out to make a film about blacks in America in bondage, bought and sold like commodities, he hadn't heard of Northup's book, nor of Northup's story."I just wanted to make a film about slavery . . . to illuminate it, to take it out of the pages of dusty history books and project it onscreen, to make the past present . . . ."And I had this idea of a free man who is kidnapped and put into slavery -- we follow him through his journey," says the director, a descendant of Grenadian blacks."I liked the idea, because the audience, everyone, becomes that person who has been kidnapped."So McQueen went to work with screenwriter John Ridley on their historical fiction. Then McQueen's wife, the cultural critic Bianca Stigter, discovered Northup's book. Historical fact."As soon as I had it in my hands, I never let it go," said McQueen, in Toronto last month for the movie's debut at the Toronto International Film Festival. "Every page read like a script, the language, its vividness, everything."And I thought to myself, well, how come I had never heard of this book before? This is crazy. . . . It became my passion to make this book. . . . It should be required reading."And McQueen's movie -- with Chiwetel Ejiofor as Northup -- should be required viewing. A harrowing tale, realized with the precision and passion that marked McQueen's Hunger (about IRA prisoner Bobby S迷你倉nds) and Shame (about a New York sex addict), 12 Years a Slave takes an unblinking look at one man's terrible story -- and by turn, a long and terrible chapter in U.S. history."My sufferings," Northup later wrote, "I can compare to nothing else than the burning agonies of hell!"McQueen, Ejiofor, and Michael Fassbender, playing a tyrannical plantation owner -- and all the rest of this impressive cast -- make those sufferings palpable. 12 Years a Slave, which was to be screened Saturday night at the Philadelphia Film Festival, opens Friday in select area theaters. It is sure to figure prominently in the coming awards season.And, like Lee Daniels' The Butler, it is a film that addresses the legacy of slavery from the perspective of those most deeply affected by it -- blacks.By last month, McQueen had yet to see The Butler, the story of an African American who served under eight presidents in the White House, a witness to sweeping changes in the civil rights movement from a unique vantage -- inside 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.But McQueen cites a "perfect storm" of events, and chronology, by way of explaining the current keen interest in these kinds of stories."The unfortunate death of Trayvon Martin, and the 150th anniversary of the abolition of slavery, the 50th anniversary of the march on Washington -- and no small fact that there's a black president," he theorizes."If you don't know your past, you'll never know your future."As steeped in history as 12 Years a Slave is -- and the period details are meticulous -- there's another aspect of the story that fascinated McQueen."I always thought this film was like a fairy tale," he explains, likening Northup's seduction, and abduction, by a pair of trickster slave traders, to what happens to Pinocchio when he encounters the conniving con men in Walt Disney's classic cartoon."I always looked at it as something akin to that, where the two guys come and seduce Pinocchio and lure him into the circus. I always thought of the Brothers Grimm and children's stories, very dark."Very dark, ___ (c)2013 The Philadelphia Inquirer Visit The Philadelphia Inquirer at Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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(雪蘭莪 八打靈再也20日訊)馬來西亞雜貨商聯合會會長連興泉今日吁請財政部,存倉勿在明年度財政預算案中調高啤酒稅。他向星洲日報指出,政府一旦向啤酒稅“開刀”,短期看似能提高稅收並增加政府的收入,但長遠來看,外國遊客可能會改變主意,轉到啤酒價格較低廉的泰國觀光旅遊。“眾所周知,政府已把2014年定為旅遊大馬年,為了大馬旅遊業的前景與潛能,政府應慎重考慮勿調升啤酒稅。”“此外,酒商或雜貨商的生意,也會因酒稅的調升而深受打擊,因為消費人將轉喝漏稅酒,進而衝擊名牌酒類的售量。”消費群或跨境泰國暢飲“大馬雜貨商聯合會希望財政部能體恤商家做生意的壓力,勿調高啤酒稅。”他說,目前大馬是繼挪威後全世界徵收酒精稅第二高的國家,若政府今年決定調儲存酒稅,酒類商家的生意量肯定受到衝擊。他舉例說,大馬一瓶大瓶啤酒售價12令吉,同樣容量的酒精飲品在泰國只售約4令吉多,若10月25日公佈的預算案調高啤酒稅,那麼酒精飲料消費群或遊客,將不敢大量消費啤酒,或者跨境到泰國暢飲。“由於市面出現越來越多廉價外國啤酒,估計政府可能損失2億5千萬令吉稅收,若今年啤酒稅調高,或使到來自鄰國的漏稅酒走私活動更加猖獗。煙價調漲銷量下滑5%連興泉透露,隨著9月杪每包20支裝香煙的售價,從10令吉50仙調漲至12令吉後,香煙的銷量過去兩週已下滑5%。“許多人已改抽便宜煙或走私煙,而香煙銷量的跌幅在鄉區的雜貨店尤為顯著。若調升啤酒稅,國內的啤酒銷量將面對相同的壓力。”【大事件:2014財政預算案】;迷你倉

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英國《衛報》上周六(19日)因報道前中情局僱員斯諾登揭露美國政府監控項目,迷你倉而獲得「美國網絡新聞協會」的兩項大獎,理由是他們首先報道了美國情報機構的監控項目。另據外媒周日報道,美國國家安全局沒有及時在夏威夷中心安置最新版本的防洩漏保安軟件,這才讓「稜鏡」項目揭密者斯諾登有機可乘,下載數以萬計的高度機密文件。 本報國際組報道「美國網絡新聞協會」當天將「年度原創調查性新聞報道獎」和「看門狗新聞報道獎」頒給《衛報》。美國《紐約時報》網站還獲得網站全優表現獎,《波士頓環球報》網站及其姊妹網站《波士頓新聞》由於共同報道了波士頓馬拉松爆炸案,獲得突發新聞獎。《波士頓環球報》還獲得了公眾服務獎。2010年起政府裝保安軟件另外,美國國家安全局未及時安裝防洩密軟件,才讓斯諾登有機可乘,下載數以萬計的高度機密文件。報道引述美國官員的話說,在斯諾登在夏威夷工作之前,其他的政府設施已裝置了能發現違法下載活動的軟件。這個稱為「局內人威脅(insiderthreats)」的軟件self storage美國總統奧巴馬在2010年,國防部與國務院發生機密洩漏事件後下令裝置的,目的是為了防止機密外洩。白宮在2010年12月設立一支行動小組,由前資深情報人員領導,專門擬定計劃和設立系統以加強對接觸機密資料的監督。帶寬不足延遲安裝現漏洞一名美國官員說,夏威夷中心之所以延遲安裝防洩密軟件,是因為網絡帶寬不足,也無法確保它能有效運作。基於這個因素,情報機構的防洩密軟件安裝的工作,比其他政府機構如國防部延遲進行。美國國安局發言人拒絕對有關報道置評,只表示在發生斯諾登事件後,當局已經加快速度加強網絡保安。國安局在夏威夷中心的設施是在2012年1月啟動運作,該設施專門負責攔截來自亞洲的通訊。《華盛頓郵報》曾報道說,這個中心也在網絡進行監控活動,包括繪製對手的網絡系統和植入電子信標。斯諾登是在今年3月底或4月初被派到夏威夷中心工作,他只在那�呆了幾星期。他過後秘密下載機密資料,接�便銷聲匿�。斯諾登後來在香港露面並接受訪問,揭發美國網絡監控計劃的詳情。他目前人在俄羅斯。迷利倉

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