TSX/NYSE/PSE: MFC SEHK:945C$ unless otherwise statedTORONTO, Dec.self storage 17, 2013 /CNW/ - Manulife Investments has announced quarterly distributions for the Copernican World Financial Infrastructure Trust and Oil Sands Sector Fund.Oil Sands Sector Fund A quarterly cash distribution in the amount of $0.125 per unit of the Fund will be paid on January 15, 2014 to unitholders of record as of December 31, 2013. A unitholder who has continually held units since inception will have received a total of $3.875 per unit as of the payment date.Copernican World Financial Infrastructure Trust A quarterly cash distribution in the amount of $0.05 per unit of the Fund will be paid on January 15, 2014 to unitholders of record as of December 31, 2013. A unitholder who has continually held units since inception will have received a total of $1.81 per unit as of the payment date.For more information, visit .manulife.ca/investments.About Manulife Investments Manulife Investments is the brand name describing certain Canadian subsidiaries and operating divisions of Manulife Financial Corporation that offer personal wealth management products and services in Canada. As one of Canada's leading integrated financial services providers, Manulife Investments offers a variety of products and 迷你倉ervices including segregated fund contracts, mutual funds, annuities, guaranteed interest contracts and structured products. Manulife Structured Products are managed by Manulife Asset Management Limited.About Manulife Financial Manulife Financial is a leading Canada-based financial services group with principal operations in Asia, Canada and the United States. Clients look to Manulife for strong, reliable, trustworthy and forward-thinking solutions for their most significant financial decisions. Our international network of employees, agents and distribution partners offers financial protection and wealth management products and services to millions of clients. We also provide asset management services to institutional customers. Funds under management by Manulife Financial and its subsidiaries were C$575 billion (US$559 billion) as at September 30, 2013. The Company operates as Manulife Financial in Canada and Asia and primarily as John Hancock in the United States.Manulife Financial Corporation trades as 'MFC' on the TSX, NYSE and PSE, and under '945' on the SEHK. Manulife Financial can be found on the Internet at manulife.com.Manulife Financial CorporationCONTACT: Media contact: Brooke Tucker-ReidManulife Financial416-434-0635Brooke_Tucker-Reid@manulife.com迷你倉樂器

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很早就聽說阿拉伯人很會做生意,mini storage這次到迪拜親身經歷,才�正體會到阿拉伯人長袖善舞,領先商場的風姿。有人說阿拉伯商人“在不同文明之間搭起了文化交流的橋樑” ,對世界文化發展做出了重大的貢獻,這可是一點都不誇張。我們耳熟能詳的“絲綢之路”,不論是陸地的或是海上的,最先都是和阿拉伯人來往,然後才發展、延伸到歐、美等地。正是由於地理上的優勢,阿拉伯人的足跡遍佈亞、歐、非三大洲。他們善於吸收其他地方的文化,而且還在鑽研的基礎上加以發展。就拿阿拉伯數字來說,阿拉伯人在印度人創造的從0到9十個數字的計數法的基礎上加以改造,形成了“阿拉伯數字”,極大地方便了做生意記數。迪拜博物館陳列室�,有實際尺寸一樣的古市集、如活人般的鐵匠、珠�商和裁縫師,把阿拉伯人的商業社會完整、生動地再現在遊客面前。迪拜位於出入波斯灣霍爾木茲海峽內灣的咽喉地帶,歷史上就是海灣地區的經貿中心,如今大力發展旅遊業,這裡阿拉伯商人的迷你倉格特點體現得最為突出。我們在繁華的商業區購物時,總會見到滿臉堆笑、彬彬有禮的阿拉伯商人。他們談生意很有耐心,會同你慢慢磨,找出一大堆理由,讓你相信他們的東西價廉物美,買了又買。他們善於叫價,有時候你買了一大堆貨物,你認為很劃算,可回來細細一算,還是沒有便宜多少。不過,他們那種親切熱情的樣子,讓你回味起來還是十分受用。迪拜商場裡東西方的貨物都有,有高檔昂貴的,也有便宜實用的,琳琅滿目。其中有不少中國商品,包括家電、服裝、玩具、裝飾品、小禮物、醫療器械、土特產等。中國的產品品質保證、價格優惠,佔據很大的優勢。迪拜的管理者鼓勵商業貿易,讓當地人利用石油帶來的原始資本迅速轉型,更多地從旅遊、經貿增加收入。而迪拜寬鬆的自由貿易價格和合理的稅制,也吸引著來自各地的商人。不久前國際展覽局代表大會在巴黎舉行,投票產生二○二○年註冊類世界博覽會主辦城市,迪拜成為最後的贏家。成功的管理和運作讓迪拜贏得敬重。文件倉

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大陸智慧型手機品牌小米手機持續掀起低價風暴,mini storage昨天中午大陸官網再度開賣,15萬支小米3手機在7分鐘內售罄,隨著出貨放量訊息確定,加上接單廠商傳出小米機明年將「高度成長」,台灣相關硬體供應鏈可望受惠。小米機昨天啟動新一輪官網購機活動,15萬支小米3手機,在6分58秒內賣光;5萬支紅米手機、2分30秒銷售一空;3000台47吋的小米電視也在1分48秒內完銷。小米機高規格、低價策略奏效,紅米機登台後一台要價不到台幣4千,最新的小米3要價也約一萬元上下,配合網路「限量」行銷,在一波波低價搶購熱潮堆砌下,品牌能見度與出貨量迅速崛起。市場預估小米機今年出貨約1900萬支,但明年可望翻倍,估迷你倉上看4,000萬支。接單業者英業達甚至表示,小米機明年可望「高度成長」,隨著出貨漸漸達到經濟規模,小米供應鏈業績也同步看漲。例如小米機組裝代工由富智康、英業達負責;聯發科提供中低階產品晶片,友達提供螢幕、勝華則分食觸控模組訂單、光寶供應相機模組等,軟板供應鏈則由F-臻鼎、嘉聯益、毅嘉拿下,小米科技也曾透露未來新機種仍將與台廠供應鏈「強強合作」,相關供應鏈可望水漲船高。MA資產總經理陳冠融說,今年科技股表現「悶」,主因宏達電市佔率下滑,且非蘋果推出新機時程比預期慢,但中國大陸新掘起小米機成功「低價取量」,明年將成為相關供應鏈的新機會,包括下游組裝、晶片組IC代工、封測等也可留意。文件倉

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mini storage 英國倫敦警察局舊址大蘇格蘭場即將成為五星級酒店,酒店計劃于2016年正式營業,這個經常在福爾摩斯的故事和狄更斯的小說里出現的場所,經改造後建成的豪華酒店里,最貴的房間一晚標價將為1萬英鎊(約99000元人民幣)。self storage

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成立於1923年的迪士尼,self storage合指一算,到今年已是90周年了,為表慶祝,迪士尼於全球舉行了多個紀念活動。香港是迪士尼樂園落戶之地,有喜慶事當然會預我們一份,雖然暫未公布有何大型慶祝活動,但日前迪士尼舉行了一個神秘展覽會,向傳媒及60位特選粉絲展出十多件彌足珍貴的收藏品,包括極具歷史價值的周邊產品、漫畫書及電影道具等。筆者深明沒被選中的粉絲當然也希望一睹這些珍藏,現在就向在大家絕密公開!text•Fiona photo•Pang art•fung1934米奇老鼠鬧鐘Ingersoll製作的米奇老鼠鬧鐘,經過年月的侵蝕,鬧鐘的外殼都充滿了歲月痕�,但仍保留住可愛的設計特色,其時針、分針是以米奇雙手代替運行,令人過目不忘,很想要吧?1993《怪誕城之夜》南瓜這是電影中的真實道具,由海綿和軟膠製成,也是迪士尼檔案專員Justin在十多件展品中最喜歡的一件。1938《雪姑七友》場刊眾展品之中,歷史最悠久就是這一本場刊,已經有「75歲」了,但仍然保持�良好狀態,令人特別珍而重之。1963《101班點狗》漫畫這是迪士尼第一本在香港出版的漫畫,而且創辦人華特迪士尼更特別撰文恭賀它發行。當年香港的總發行商更是《星島日報》,可以話與我們甚有淵源。1955《小姐與流氓》故事書這迷你倉本故事書的珍貴之處,在於內頁有華特迪士尼的親筆簽名,就連Justin也很想擁有。2013《魔境仙�》金幣有睇過這套電影的朋友都知,翡翠城一幕的場景布滿金幣,而這6塊金幣就是其中之一,上面有細緻的人像印刻,造工相當講究!2010《愛麗斯夢遊仙境》帽子這是Justin特別向《東TOUCH》讀者推薦的一件珍藏,因為其造型十分之detail,而且大家都十分enjoy這一套電影。1938《雪姑七友》布偶模板當年在中國製造和銷售,沿�虛線將模板剪出來,塞綿花在中間,並將前後模板縫合,便能成為一個cushion了。湯漢斯扮迪士尼迪士尼90周年的紀念節目,還包括找來湯漢斯扮演創辦人華特迪士尼,將其生平的一部分拍成真人真事電影《大夢想家(Saving Mr. Banks)》。此片剛獲美國電影學會(AFI)選為2013年十大電影之一,很有機會角逐明年的奧斯卡獎項。(香港上映日期:2014年1月30日)專員親運珍藏今次秘密展覽的珍藏品,是由美國加州迪士尼檔案總部專員Justin Arthur親自帶來,就連他都必須戴上手套才能接觸展品,以免弄污。而他手上的,正是美國迪士尼樂園第一張「001」入場券的複製本(1955年),他說真本入場券是由華特迪士尼的兄長購下,以表示對弟弟的支持。迷你倉樂器

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南方日報訊 (記者/黃萬全)前日,迷你倉為期4天的中國(東莞)國際沉香文化藝術博覽會暨寮步第四屆香市旅遊文化節閉幕。本屆香博會共設展位400個,吸引了海內外300多家參展商前來參展,其中海外參展商23家。香博會四天共攬客超30萬人次,成交額達3.6億元,莞香文化產業發展穩步向前。省、市領導、非遺專家鼓勵寮步做大香市文化品牌。本屆香博會期間,重點展出沉香製品和工藝品、品香制香工具、香的衍生品等,同時舉辦了“全國特色文化產業示範鎮”、“廣東省莞香文化之鄉”的授牌儀式,並為廣東省沉香協會進行了揭牌。還舉辦了沉香健康養生與投資收藏高峰論壇、全國首個香藝師評選大賽、世界首創精品沉香拍賣會、香產業合作項目簽約儀式等活動。經過四年發展,“寮步香市”城市品牌再上新台階。香博會期間,從香薰、香油、香枕、香雕等與香有關的產品,到香道演示、沉香品鑒等香文化深度體驗活動,展出內容多元豐富,囊括莞香產自存倉鏈上下游,遊客可親身體驗莞香文化的魅力。省、市有關領導、非遺專家對本屆香博會給予了充分肯定。國家非物質文化遺產保護工作專家委員會副主任委員劉魁立表示:“寮步香市本身有悠久的歷史,而且不論它的內容,還是它在人民群�中的地位都是值得稱讚,這樣一個項目如果能把它保護好,傳承好,這樣才能不會被歷史所淘汰。”市委常委、宣傳部部長潘新潮表示,寮步打造莞香文化的思路清晰、明確,希望以文化加旅遊的方式堅持下去,將具有本土特色的莞香文化發揚光大。寮步鎮委書記何紹田表示,按照“文化+旅遊+產業”發展思路,以香博會為產業平台,以此帶動產業轉型升級,加快打造文化創意經濟,才能產生巨大的經濟社會效益,實現多贏。本屆香博會除了現場展出各大沉香協會、企業的珍藏品外,首次設置精品沉香展示館,集中展示20多件極具研究和收藏價值的“沉香王”,其中部分展品進行了拍賣,沉香收藏家及愛好者有幸目睹國內外頂級奇楠香。迷你倉

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儲存 每年年尾,不同機構均作年終「檢討」,Google香港公布2013年香港熱門關鍵字多個排行榜,其中在「十大迅速爆紅關鍵字」榜上,人氣日本手機遊戲《Puzzle & Dragons》(PAD),擊敗蘋果智能手機iPhone 5s登上榜首。Google香港表示,結合角色扮演及寶石消除元素進行激鬥的《Puzzle &Dragons》推出後,在香港掀起追捧熱潮,網上更陸陸續續有不同的相關論壇甚至寶物交易網站誕生,令此關鍵字榮登十大迅速爆紅關鍵字搜尋排行榜首位。至於十大迅速熱爆社會話題排行榜,則以颱風天兔襲港排榜首,其後依次是香港電視發牌事件、H7N9禽流 感,黃鴨(圖)亦居第四位。迷你倉

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Not many people know about Jiangmen in Guangdong Province, a historic city in the Pearl River Delta from which 200 years ago many Chinese emigrated to the West to make their fortunes.存倉 They sent back money. Some made fortunes and returned to build spectacular towering fortress-residences, known as diaolou, that merged Eastern and Western architectural styles, many of them fantastic and castle-like.Jiangmen is a showcase of the history of early overseas Chinese.The city of 4.5 million people is only around an hour's drive from Guangzhou and equidistant from neighboring cities of Zhuhai and Zhongshang. It's on the lower reaches of the Xijiang or West River.Compared with densely populated and hectic Guangzhou, Jiangmen is surrounded by lush and relatively tranquil countryside, a place of respite. It's known locally as Wuyi, meaning land of five counties. Many people still ride bicycles, local cuisine has not been eclipsed by fast food.When Westerners meet a Chinese person in the US, Canada or the UK, many people think their Eastern roots are in Hong Kong because many overseas Chinese immigrants speak Cantonese. In fact, many of these people come from the Jiangmen region.The people of Jiangmen are proud to tell you that they were among the very first Chinese migrants who ventured to Western countries, many working as laborers under cruel conditions on railroads and in mines. They also created local Chinatowns that became famous. What's most impressive about these migrants is the hard-earned money they sent back to Jiangmen, not only for their families, but also for the communities and the infrastructure of the region.The Jiangmen Wuyi Overseas Chinese Museum displays fascinating artifacts such as bank transfers used to send money home and well-preserved letters written to their families.While many Chinese stayed on in their adopted Western homelands, some returned, notably to Kaiping, a city within Jiangmen. Proud, patriotic and wealthy, the returnees built architecturally stunning diaolou, which were fortified, multi-story residences and watchtowers to protect from raids by bandits.Many stand tall in lush green rice fields and look like castles combining a range of styles such as Romanesque, Islamic, Baroque and Rococo, with traditional Chinese elements. The first towers were built in the early Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), reaching a peak in the 1920s and 1930s, when more than 3,000 diaolou were standing. Today there are around 1,800 in Kaiping.In 2007, diaolou were recognized as UNESCO World Heritage sites.Quite a few are open to visitors.Zili VillageOne of the most photographed villages in Kaiping, Zili contains 82 striking diaolou, many worth visiting. One of the most notable is Mingshi Lou built by Fang Runwen on his return from Chicago in 1925.Walking toward the towering structures, visitors can imagine the glamorous lifestyle of rich returned Chinese of the day. They had luxuries such as kerosene lamps (there was no electricity), Western-style t儲存ilets and bathrooms, and vast amounts of creature comforts, which people today would envy. Every floor has its own kitchen, bathroom and toilet. There's an antique German clock, a whisky case, a Western styled bed with a comfortable mattress, and sewing machine.Every diaolou has a spacious roof veranda providing splendid views of the scenic countryside. Life was comfortable and trouble-free, especially after bandits were banished.Li GardenThe Li Garden is one of the largest and most spectacular. It was completed by returned overseas Chinese Xie Weili in 1936, after 10 years of construction.Covering 19,425 square meters, more than four acres, the garden is fusion of traditional Chinese and Western architecture. The estate contains six spectacular mansions and two diaolou. Most buildings are open to the public and are decorated with antique Western and Chinese red wood furniture.A private canal was built next to Li Garden, connecting to waterways leading to Hong Kong, around 133 kilometers from Kaiping. Foreign construction material was brought in via the canal.Chikan market townThe tiny, sleepy market town on the Tanjiang River is a quaint and unspoiled destination, 25 kilometers from downtown Kaiping. Walking along the narrow lanes, visitors see life pretty much as it was 350 years ago when the town was founded as a fish market. The area is hugely popular with filmmakers who shot much of "Drunken Master II" and Wong Kar-wai's recent martial arts epic "The Grandmaster" on location in Chikan.Visitors themselves are curiosities. Many locals are pensioners whiling away the time, drying fresh fish and vegetables. Cats sun themselves and dogs wander about.Abundant hot springsOne of the pleasures of living in China is that in the winter, you can venture south on a short flight and enjoy warm sunshine, beautiful scenery and hot springs.Just an hour's drive from Jiangmen, Guifeng Mountain and the surrounding area offer myriad hot springs, a much-needed getaway from stressful city life. Jiangmen has a lot to offer, and it all depends on how much time you have. Whether it's hiking and absorbing the stunning views from Guifeng Mountain, enjoying hot springs, touring diaolou in Kaiping, the region offers plenty of history, charm and surprises.Where to stay:Gudou Hot Springs Resort has three luxury hotels with more than 700 rooms and suites. The grounds contain a lake and manmade beach. The resort is dotted with hot springs, popular after-work destinations for locals. The variety of food is seemingly endless.How to get thereFly to Guangzhou Airport, take a regular fast train from Guangzhou South Station to Jiangmen Station. Regular express coach service is available from Shenzhen and other cities in Guangdong Province. The trip from Guangzhou takes around an hour.Getting around:Taxis in Jiangmen are plentiful. A more interesting way to explore the area is to hire a bike in Jiangmen, or take your own bike — most buses and trains allow them, but ask in advance.迷你倉

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