• Oct 27 Sun 2013 14:25
  • 臺灣


台灣麥當勞為慶祝在台30周年,全台第一家麥當勞-民生餐廳,將於本周三(30日)起變身為「30周年旗艦餐廳」,員工換上30年前麥當勞制服、店內播放30年前台灣經典歌曲、並展出麥當勞歷史、照片,重現1984年代麥當勞創立場景,活動持續到明年1月。 民生餐廳為麥當勞1984年進入台灣時,成立的第一家餐廳,麥當勞表示,30日起,將在民生餐廳搭起4米高巨型麥當勞叔叔迎賓,重現當年開幕場景。 迷你倉

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  羊城晚報訊 記者戴曼曼報道:10月25日起,儲存倉貸款基礎利率(LoanPrimeRate,簡稱LPR)集中報價和發佈機制正式運行。央行不再指導貸款基礎利率,新的基礎利率就在商業銀行聯合報價的基礎上,通過一定的公式計算形成。全國銀行間同業拆借中心將于工作日每天11:30公佈貸款基礎利率的報價。  首批參與報價行共9家,分別為工商銀行、農業銀行、中國銀行、建設銀行、交通銀行、中信銀行、浦發銀行、興業銀行和招商銀行。全國銀行間同業拆借中心為貸款基礎利率的指定發佈人。每個工作日在各報價行報出本行貸款基礎利率的基礎上,剔除最高、最低各1家報價後,將剩餘報價作為有效報價,以各有效報價行上季度末人民幣各項貸款餘額占所有有效報價行上季度末人民幣各項貸款總餘額的比重為權重,進行加權平均計算,得出貸款基礎利率報價平均利率,于每個工作日迷你倉最平過上海銀行間同業拆放利率網對外公佈。市場利率定價自律機制將按年對報價行的報價質量進行監督評估,促進提升貸款基礎利率的基準性和公信力。  新浪財經專欄作家向小田撰文為貸款基礎利率報價和發佈機制叫好,認為貸款基礎利率市場自由定價,意味著貸款利率市場化改革徹底到位。但大銀行報價影響權重較大。而一些業內人士也擔憂,在金融機構逐利的過程中,可能出現定價的非理性化。如果沒有建立一個透明化的市場,很容易存在價格同盟的狀況,金融機構可能會抱團使利率最大化,這明顯不利於利率市場化的推進。銀行間還需要完善自律機制,降低因盲目定價而產生的風險。  交通銀行首席經濟學家連平也認為,迄今貸款利率市場化改革尚未徹底完成。首先未來個人按揭貸款下限的逐步放開將會配合房地產市場調控穩妥推進,而央行公佈的貸款基準利率將會視LPR的運行情況逐步退出。戴曼曼迷你倉

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  • Oct 27 Sun 2013 14:13
  • 臺灣

走過一甲子的味全公司,儲存從生產乳製品、調味料和罐頭的公司,蛻變為橫跨食品、通路、物流等領域,成為年營業額超過280億的跨國企業,以食品見證台灣的歷史,伴隨台灣的經濟發展,在60週年慶特地邀請音樂界的資深製作人李壽全,創作「味全一甲子紀念歌」,激勵味全的員工為將來的成就繼續努力。董事長魏應充表示,味全見證了台灣一步一腳印的成長軌跡,每個不同年齡mini storage消費者,都有自我熟悉的味全產品。味全對於維護食品安全,守候對消費者的責任也始終如一。今年味全在上半年度繳出一張亮麗的成績單,在營收、獲利及股價表現上都紛紛創下近年新高。展望未來,味全將繼續努力,深耕台灣、發展大陸、放眼國際,尤其今年成立香港辦公室,積極朝向中國大陸發展,並評估東協市場的發展可能,以成為食品界的標竿企業為目標,持續邁進。(張瑞文)self storage

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  全國人大信訪局副局長黃力群證實辭官,轉任北京鋒銳律師事務所見習律師。一名中央機構的副聽級官員辭職下海立即引起網民關注。黃力群接受北京《新京報》記者訪問時表示,他今年已五十六歲,三年前已有提前退休當律師的想法,但提出辭職後一直沒有獲批,現在終於可以實現自己夢想。對於有評論指他是因信訪工作壓力大而「棄暗投明」,黃力群稱他一直喜歡信訪工作,現在當律師也做涉及信訪的案子。  黃力群,上海人,是北京大學法學碩士,曾在北京市第二中級人民法院任職,後調任至全國人大內務司法委員會,並在西藏掛職西藏人大法工委主任三年,後調任全國人大信訪局副局長。mini storage

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PORTLAND, Ore.迷你倉, Oct. 10, 2013 /PRNewswire-iReach/ -- PORTLAND, OR. (October 10, 2013) - BookBaby, the largest eBook distributor for independent authors, along with NaNoWriMo.org, announces the release of its latest social media promotion guide entitled Twitter for Authors in Ten Minutes a Day. Participants in the upcoming National Novel Writing Month project will be offered this exclusive guide outlining strategies for authors to effectively promote books on Twitter, the popular social media network.(Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131010/MN94289)The latest in a collection of must-have guides for prospective authors, Twitter for Authors in Ten Minutes a Day covers such topics as:-- Why Twitter is better than Facebook -- How to gain followers on Twitter -- How to compose the most effective tweets -- How to schedule tweets and when to tweet -- Auto tweet etiquette -- And much more.NaNoWrMo participants can download the free guide at .bookbaby.com/nanowrimo."We believe that everyone has a story to tell, and you learn how to write a novel by sitting down and writing it," said Executive NaNoWriMo Director Grant Faulkner. "The same do-it-yourself attitude is at the heart of indie book publishing, which is why we're happy that BookBaby is providing resources for NaNo authors to take that next big step: publishing and finding an audience of readers."文件倉ccording to Faulkner, NaNoWriMo is for anyone who has ever thought fleetingly about writing a novel. NaNoWriMo challenges participants to write 50,000 words of a new novel between November 1 and 30, and over 340,000 writers took up the challenge in 2012.Distributing eBooks in over 185 countries through 12 online retail stores, including Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble and more, BookBaby offers a full array of services including eBook formatting, cover design, and distribution, as well as short run book printing. BookBaby is the sister company of online music powerhouse CD Baby. Headquartered in Portland, Oregon, CD Baby is the world's largest online distributor of independent music. Since 1999 the company has helped almost a million indie musicians sell their music, paying over $290 million back to artists in the process. In launching BookBaby in early 2011, the company is taking those same services and powerful resources to the digital publishing world to help independent authors and publishers accomplish their goals.For more information please contact:Steven SpatzCMO, BookBabysspatz@avldigital.com215-519-4570Media Contact: Steven Spatz, BookBaby, 215-519-4570, sspatz@avldigital.comNews distributed by PR Newswire iReach: https://ireach.prnewswire.comPhoto: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131010/MN94289PRN Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.comBookBabyWeb site: .bookbaby.com/存倉

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WEST CHESTER, Pa.文件倉, Oct. 10, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Liberty Interactive Corporation ("Liberty") announced today that it plans to create a QVC Group tracking stock as part of a recapitalization of the Liberty Interactive Group tracking stock.The QVC Group class of common stock will track the value of QVC, Inc. and Liberty's approximate 38% interest in HSN, Inc., along with cash and certain liabilities. The QVC Group tracking stock is intended to provide greater clarity regarding QVC's strong operating metrics, such as its leadership in mobile commerce and pioneering efforts in establishing social shopping platforms for its customers. The other assets and liabilities that currently comprise the Liberty Interactive tracking stock, including Liberty's e-commerce companies (such as Provide Commerce, Backcountry.com and Bodybuilding.com), will be attributed to a new Liberty Digital Commerce tracking stock. In the recapitalization, holders of Liberty Interactive Group tracking stock will receive a distribution of the new Liberty Digital Commerce tracking stock, and the name of the Liberty Interactive Group tracking stock will be changed to the QVC Group tracking stock. The recapitalization is subject to customary closing conditions, including the receipt of the requisite stockholder approvals and certain tax opinions."As the global leader in video and e-commerce retail, QVC is defining the future of retail at a time of significant industry change," said Mike George, President & CEO of QVC, Inc. "Our leading e-commerce and mobile platforms enable us to deepen relationships with our customers, who are among the most loyal in retail, while engaging new customers as well. Our ability to connect with customers across multiple platforms and around the world enables us to deliver positive and consistent financial results."According to the just-released 2014 "Internet Retailer Mobile 500," QVC is the third largest mobile commerce player (up from number five on the 2013 list) and is number two among all multi-category retailers, behind only Amazon.com."QVC maintains industry-leading margins and executes disciplined capital spending to help further drive bottom-line growth," said George. "As we continue to execute on our growth initiatives, this new tracking stock will offer investors increased visibility into QVC's performance, and allow QVC to more directly create value for our shareholders."Mike George will present at Liberty's Annual Investor Conference today, and will provide an update on the company's recent business activity, operational highlights and financial performance. A live audio cast of the presentation will be available to the public on the Liberty Interactive Corporation IR site: ir.libertyinteractive.com/events.cfm.ABOUT QVCQVC, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Liberty Interactive Corporation , is the world's leading video and ecommerce retailer. QVC is committed to providing its customers with thousands of the most innovative and contemporary beauty, fashion, jewelry and home products. Its programming is distributed to approximately 290 million homes worldwide through operations in the U.S., Japan, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy and a joint venture in China. West Chester, Pa.-based QVC has shipped more than a billion packages in its 26-year history and the company's website, QVC.com, is ranked among the top general merchant Internet sites. QVC, Q, and the Q Ribbon Logo are registered service marks of ER Marks, Inc.ABOUT LIBERTY INTERACTIVE CORPORATIONLiberty Interactive Corporation operates and owns interests in a broad range of digital c存倉mmerce businesses. Those interests are currently attributed to two tracking stock groups: Liberty Interactive Group and Liberty Ventures Group. The Liberty Interactive Group is primarily focused on digital commerce and consists of Liberty Interactive Corporation's subsidiaries QVC, Provide Commerce, Backcountry.com, Bodybuilding.com, Celebrate Interactive, CommerceHub and its interest in HSN. The businesses and assets attributed to the Liberty Ventures Group consists of all of Liberty Interactive Corporation's businesses and assets other than those attributed to the Liberty Interactive Group and include its subsidiary TripAdvisor, its interest in Expedia, and minority interests in Time Warner and Time Warner Cable.FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTSThis press release includes certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including statements about the proposed recapitalization of the Liberty Interactive Group tracking stock and other matters that are not historical facts. These forward-looking statements involve many risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements, including, without limitation, the satisfaction of conditions to the proposed new tracking stock. These forward looking statements speak only as of the date of this press release, and Liberty expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to disseminate any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statement contained herein to reflect any change in Liberty's expectations with regard thereto or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based. Please refer to the publicly filed documents of Liberty, including the most recent Form 10-K and Forms 10-Q, for additional information about Liberty and about the risks and uncertainties related to Liberty's business which may affect the statements made in this press release.Additional InformationNothing in this press release shall constitute a solicitation to buy or an offer to sell shares of Liberty's common stock in the recapitalization or otherwise. The offer and sale of shares of the proposed tracking stock will only be made pursuant to an effective registration statement. Liberty stockholders and other investors are urged to read the registration statement to be filed with the SEC, including the proxy statement/prospectus to be contained therein, because they will contain important information about the issuance of shares of the proposed tracking stock in the recapitalization. Copies of Liberty's SEC filings are available free of charge at the SEC's website (.sec.gov). Copies of the filings together with the materials incorporated by reference therein will also be available, without charge, by directing a request to Liberty Interactive Corporation, 12300 Liberty Boulevard, Englewood, Colorado 80112, Attention: Investor Relations, Telephone: (720) 875-5408.Participants in a SolicitationThe directors and executive officers of Liberty and other persons may be deemed to be participants in the solicitation of proxies in respect of proposals relating to the approval of the recapitalization. Information regarding the directors and executive officers of Liberty and other participants in the proxy solicitation and a description of their respective direct and indirect interests, by security holdings or otherwise, will be available in the proxy materials to be filed with the SEC.QVC, Inc.CONTACT: Paul Capelli, QVC, Inc., paul.capelli@qvc.com, 484-701-8836Web site: .qvc.com/儲存

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  • Oct 26 Sat 2013 14:45
  • 上海

迪士尼旗艦店將落戶陸家嘴本報訊 (記者唐瑋婕)華特迪士尼公司昨天宣佈,mini storage計劃在上海陸家嘴金融商業區打造全球最大的迪士尼旗艦店,占地5000平方米,由零售區域和迪士尼主題的戶外廣場組成,2015年初開放。屆時,迪士尼粉絲們不僅可以在其中買到琳琅滿目的迪士尼商品,還能瞭解到上海迪士尼樂園的建設進展。進駐陸家嘴的迪士尼旗艦店內部設計將沿迷你倉迪士尼經典的店面方案,通過前沿科技的運用,來此購物的父母和孩子們將有機會和他們喜愛的經典故事角色互動。而戶外“迪士尼廣場區”的設計也頗具匠心,涵蓋大面積的迪士尼主題景觀,這在全球迪士尼商店中尚屬首創。廣場區還將成為迪士尼粉絲們近距離瞭解計劃于2015年底開幕的上海迪士尼度假區進度的重要渠道。將進駐陸家嘴地區的迪士尼旗艦店鳥瞰效果圖。文件倉

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早報記者臧鳴昨天,迷你倉華特迪士尼公司(中國)宣佈,計劃在上海陸家嘴金融商業區打造公司第一個、世界最大的迪士尼旗艦店。華特迪士尼公司執行副總裁兼大中華區行政總裁張志忠和上海陸家嘴金融貿易區開發股份有限公司總經理李晉昭在浦東政府辦公中心舉行了官方簽約儀式,浦東新區區長姜樑和副區長劉正義見證了簽約儀式,標誌著該項目�動。華特迪士尼公司執行副總裁兼大中華區行政總裁張志忠表示,“迪士尼將零售理念與迪士尼品牌特有的講故事方法相融合,憑借迪士尼廣受喜愛的故事和角色形象,為千家萬戶打造了一個獨一無二的、沉浸式的家庭休閒娛樂勝地。”上海陸家嘴(集團)有限公司總經理楊小明表示,“商店的入駐、富有創意的設計和產品,以及所提供的娛樂活動都將為陸家嘴地區增添一個有著友好家庭氛圍的好去處。同時也將有助于提升上海作為一個家庭、商業、文化、娛樂和旅遊目的地的形象和聲譽。”這座迪士尼商店占地約5000平方米,坐落于陸家嘴金融區,計劃2015年年初mini storage外開放,由零售區域和迪士尼主題戶外廣場組成。“迪士尼旗艦店將被打造成由中外設計師設計的,集各種迪士尼品牌商品、娛樂活動于一體的充滿樂趣的綜合性品牌店。”張志忠補充道。“迪士尼廣場區”設計頗具匠心,涵蓋大面積的迪士尼主題景觀,在全球迪士尼商店尚屬首創。�多品牌活動可在此空間中展示。同時,“迪士尼廣場區”是家庭娛樂的理想場所,隨處可體驗高品質的家庭娛樂內容和迪士尼特有的歡樂體驗。1987年,第一家迪士尼連鎖商店開張,其後,由迪士尼所有和經營的迪士尼商店進入北美、歐洲和日本。迪士尼商店是迪士尼消費品部的一個分支,這一業務讓迪士尼品牌延伸至零售業。迪士尼商店出售高質量產品,獨有的產品線幫助迪士尼宣傳其重要娛樂項目和角色。第一家迪士尼商店坐落于加利福尼亞格蘭岱爾市,開主題零售模式先河。目前,北美地區共有200多家迪士尼商店;日本地區40余家;100多家迪士尼商店遍佈英國、法國、西班牙、意大利和葡萄牙。此外,還包括在線商店。迷你倉

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  素被業界認為資本高手的陳天橋,迷你倉每一次出手都會引起一陣蝴蝶效應。  日前新世界(600628.SH)發佈2013年三季度報顯示,“上海盛大新創投資管理有限公司(以下簡稱“盛大投資”)成為第二大股東,所持股份占公司總股本的4.1%”,逼近5%的舉牌紅線。盛大投資突然浮出水面的此番舉動,引發外界無數猜想。關於此舉,盛大方面確認僅僅是“一個投資行為”,但是另一種聲音猜測,不排除盛大網絡借殼上市、重回A股的可能性。但是接近盛大網絡的人士表示,私有化之後的盛大正在向互聯網控股型集團轉變,這種轉型也是陳天橋從“網絡迪斯尼”到盛大私有化之後投資邏輯的改變。  據不完全統計,從2002年開始,遊戲起家的盛大已經開始通過頻繁投資,走上快速擴張的道路。過去的十年間,盛大投資了140多個項目。伴隨資本不斷伸向上游鏈條,在陳天橋的棋局中,盛大逐漸涉足文學、電影、音樂、視頻、遊戲五大領域。但是快速的擴張,在娛樂帝國的雛形搭建好之後,開始暴露諸多問題。如何將攬入旗下的資源進行有效整合,一度是陳天橋最苦惱的問題。盛大內部也多次強調協同作戰的重要性,提倡在資源的有效整合下達到協同效應。  值得注意的是,2010年開始,盛大加大了對移動互聯網領域的投資,投資清單也頗為壯觀,投資對象包括多家在垂直領域靠前的移動互聯網公司。其中包括威峰網、安智網、N多網等分發渠道,以及天氣軟件墨跡天氣、GPS手機地圖軟件老虎地圖、連接手機和電腦的助手軟件魔樂等移動互聯網的應用,同時還布局盛付通作為支付通道。  2012年盛大私有化落幕之後,盛大進入瘦身期,陳天橋亦開始重新梳理集團架構,盤點手中資產。陳天橋即提出了三橫三縱的架構,重新聚焦遊戲、文學、視頻三大內容mini storage業,並確立了支付、雲計算、廣告系統三條技術支撐主線。彼時,盛大集團高級副總裁、新聞發言人張瑾接受《中國經營報》記者採訪,針對盛大私有化之後的戰略部署表示,私有化前後,盛大對自己的定位並未改變,將繼續貫徹互動媒體戰略的推進,在全媒體產業鏈上繼續發力。2012年4月,盛大將杭州邊鋒和上海浩方出售給浙報傳媒(600633.SH),被認為是私有化之後典型的瘦身行動。在分析人士看來,陳天橋的投資策略也在發生改變,“將會偏向穩健,戰略與實際收益並重”。  而同年入職盛大網絡集團擔任總裁的邱文友,更加證實了盛大的轉型:私有化之後的盛大更接近投資控股者的角色。據盛大網絡公開資料顯示,邱文友曾擔任美銀美林董事總經理以及亞太區科技、媒體和電信投資銀行部主管,並曾任美林國際(台灣)董事長,及美林亞太區直接投資部董事總經理等職務。在中國TMT行業耕耘多年,曾參與亞信、新浪、巨人網絡、盛大互動娛樂、盛大遊戲等首次公開招股,以及盛大互動娛樂私有化,聯想收購IBM個人電腦業務。在接受外界採訪時,邱曾明確表示,“盛大在外人眼中的確像PE;集團將會向‘投資者+守護者’的角色演化。”  邱文友的出現實際非常符合陳天橋在盛大轉型過程中投資觀念的變化。在接近盛大的人士看來,從迪斯尼戰略落幕之後,陳天橋積極帶領盛大完成了私有化。盛大的投資概念將圍繞瘦身後的新架構,另外一面更注重實際收益。 陳天橋的戰略收購者角色也在逐漸褪去更多的夢想色彩,變得務實。毫無疑問,陳天橋的資本操作仍將左右盛大未來的發展。一方面可能圍繞現有的三項核心業務,遊戲、文學與視頻;另外一方面,移動互聯網以及邱文友熟悉的TMT行業仍會被重點關注。而此番入股新世界,則更傾向投資屬性的一面。迷你倉

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Source: The Buffalo News, N.self storageY.Oct. 25--A longtime marketing veteran from economic development, real estate and business circles has joined the Buffalo Niagara Partnership as a senior executive.The Partnership has named Therese J. Hickok as its new vice president of marketing and engagement, luring her away from her role as senior marketing manager for Uniland Development Co. She will work with new president and CEO Dottie Gallagher-Cohen to achieve the organization's mission.Gallagher-Cohen said Hickok will work to communicate the extent of the Partnership's work, which the CEO acknowledged is not well-understood by most people."It's about helping me bridge the gap in the community between what the Partnership's brand is and the work we actually do," Gallagher-Cohen said. "The product is better than the brand here. The work that we do is just better than what people know."As a result, despite its achievements, the group has suffered some image problems, with some questioning what it really does."The Partnership has a very strong reputation and we certainly enjoy a lot of support from our members. But I think there are very few people that understand the depth of all that we are involved in," she said. "And we have not done a very good job of communicating that."Hickok's new job is a return of sorts to one of the first stops in her career. Prior to Uniland, she served as director of communications at Buffalo-based health insurer HealthNow New York, but previously she was director of marketing and communications at the Buffalo Niagara Enterprise -- the private-sector-funded economic development organization that shares space and staff with the Partnership. She has also worked at E-3 Communications and for the City of Buffalo."I have had Therese on my radar screen for over a decade," Gallagher-Cohen said. "Therese is the kind of person that just gets it. She understands marketing and comm迷利倉nications and has a very good network. Because of her background, she understands economic development at a level that not many people do."The hiring also comes at a critical time for business groups like the Partnership and the area's chambers of commerce, which are trying to find new ways to work together, while justifying their continued existence. The Partnership, as a regional group, has more heft to advocate for its members at the state and local level, and to assist members with business development or training. But changes in the regional economy, business community and demographics have made membership in local groups less relevant for many businesses.Smaller chambers, in particular, are re-evaluating their missions and functions, now that healthcare reform laws are taking away a key part of their business: selling group health insurance to sole-proprietors and small businesses that can't get it or afford it on their own. In the past, they joined chambers so they could purchase coverage through the group.But with the advent of the state's health insurance exchange, that revenue source -- as much as half the budget for some organizations -- is going away."We are all undergoing changes in our business model, because of healthcare reform," Gallagher-Cohen said. "So for many of us, we're sort of figuring out how we do business in the new economy."That could include more collaborations, and possibly eventually mergers, though Gallagher-Cohen said nothing like that is being discussed right now. "One of the things we are talking about internally here is how can we support these chambers," Gallagher-Cohen said. "They provide a vital role in the community and we don't want to see them disappear."email: jepstein@buffnews.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Buffalo News (Buffalo, N.Y.) Visit The Buffalo News (Buffalo, N.Y.) at .buffalonews.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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