證券時報記者唐曜華繼支付寶推出餘額寶後,mini storage百度聯手華夏基金推“百發”殺入理財市場,雖然宣傳預期收益率的做法日前已被指違規,但互聯網巨頭迫不及待進軍金融領域的野心已彰顯無遺。盡管互聯網企業進軍金融業勢頭洶湧,某基金公司副總經理向證券時報記者表示,“互聯網企業搭建的新興渠道對銀行傳統渠道會造成一定衝擊,但短期內衝擊有限。互聯網企業的客戶群體之所以成為這個企業的客戶最初並不是出于投資理財目的,這些客戶能否順利轉化為金融產品的投資客戶存在不確定性,而互聯網客戶群體年輕化的特點也與銀行銷售渠道的主要客戶群體存在差異。”百度噱頭營銷百發理財10月22日百度推預期收益率高達8%的百發理財計劃的消息鋪天蓋地,這種宣傳方式無疑取得了宣傳效果,同時也引起了監管部門的關注。23日證監會官方微博稱,上述宣傳方式不符合相關法律法規的要求。按照《基金法》規定,公開披露基金信息不得有預測投資業績、違規承諾收益或承擔損失等行為。“百發”高達8%的預期收益率也大大超出普通貨幣基金4%左右的收益率。雖然百度未公佈理財計劃的詳情,網上流傳的版本是百度拿出跟投資者同等金額的資金購買理財計劃,並且將收益讓渡給投資者,使“百發”可以達到普通貨幣基金收益率的兩倍。上述做法是否合規同樣存在爭議。證監會微博稱,按照《證券投資基金銷售管理辦法》,基金銷售機構不得採取抽獎、回扣或者送實物、保險、基金份額等方式銷售基金。互聯網基金銷售業務自然也應遵守相關規定。“百度這麼做也是為了後發制人,餘額寶的名氣已經很大,只有通過這種噱頭方迷你倉才能達到宣傳效果。”上述基金公司副總經理稱,而互聯網金融作為新興事物受監管部門關注也並不稀奇,此前餘額寶推出後也引起了監管部門的關注。“雖然名字不一樣,但‘百發’跟餘額寶還是挺類似的,兩者同樣基於互聯網的銷售渠道。”南方某基金公司市場拓展部人士稱。互聯網客戶轉化效果決定渠道價值事實上,自從支付寶推出餘額寶後,各種類似產品層出不窮,包括東方財富網推出的活期寶以及騰訊聯手華夏基金推出的活期通;知名門戶網站新浪繼推出微銀行服務後,目前也在緊鑼密鼓籌備代銷金融產品甚至研發創新金融產品。不僅如此,大量其他網站平台也開始提供以基金為主的金融產品代銷渠道,只是這些網站的用戶基礎遠不及支付寶、百度等強大,並不為金融機構所重視以及外界關注。而除了與基金公司合作推理財產品的模式外,還有部分網站給基金公司提供簡單的銷售渠道,在基金銷售的頁面提供鏈接跳轉基金直銷網站。“餘額寶是以10倍于活期存款的收益率吸引支付寶賬戶購物之餘的閑置資金,其他互聯網企業需要思考如何推動客戶轉化為投資理財客戶,比如搭建具備更多金融功能的平台,吸引客戶轉入資金進行投資理財。”上述基金公司副總經理稱。目前各大互聯網企業推出的金融產品主要是風險較低的貨幣基金,而將更多金融產品尤其是高風險產品通過互聯網渠道銷售還需要破解網絡銷售存在的技術難題 。包括股票基金、銀行理財產品等銷售不可繞開的環節是投資者風險評估。此外,網絡銷售能否將相應風險程度的產品銷售給相應風險承受能力的投資者,達到將合適的產品銷售給適合的投資者的要求也存在風險。文件倉

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文件倉 cqcbepaper.cqnews.net/cqcb/html/2013-10/25/content_1687164.htm...到法院打官司程序怎麼走?聽說法院開通網上預立案,具體又該咋操作?他們都不是很清楚。 昨天,重慶第五中級人民法院“公�開放日...存倉

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【香港商報訊】記者黃雪峰、劉勇飛報道:政府昨午公布人口政策諮詢文件指,迷你倉到2041年,本港每三人中就有一人是65歲以上長者;自2018年起,退休人數會較新增勞動人口多,政府建議鼓勵家庭主婦投入勞動市場,在不損害本地工人權益下輸入外勞,並探討延長退休年齡及發展長者銀髮市場。文件引述最新人口資料顯示,本港人口近年正極速老化——65歲以上人口將從去年的98萬,激增至2031年的216萬,升幅逾兩倍,佔總人口數目三分之一;而本港總和生育率卻顯著下降,從1981年每名女性生產1.9個嬰兒,下降至2012年的1.3個。隨�勞動人口減少,總撫養比率亦急速惡化,從2012年每1000名適齡工作人士支持355名受供養人士,增至2041年每1000人供養712人。鼓勵家庭主婦投入職場人力問題涉及「量」與「質」兩大範疇。在釋放本地勞動人口方面,諮詢文件指,本港2012年的勞動人口比率為58.8%,15至64歲非從事經濟活動的人口高達160萬,當中以家庭主婦及提早退休人士為主,建議鼓勵他們投入職場,例如提供託兒服務、鼓勵商界推出家庭友善僱傭安排、延長工作年期等。為提升人力質素及解決技術錯配等問題,文件建議當局促進經濟基礎多元化,以增加工作種類,及以更詳細的人力資源推算系統,評估未來人力需求。文件又建議提升教育及培訓質素,以確保青年人擁有未來經濟發展所需的技能,以及重新確立職業教育的價值,使之成為傳統學術課程以外的選擇。針對重點產業招攬海外人才在吸納人才來港工作方面,文件指,現時有逾8萬名內地以及海外人才來港工作,非本地畢業生完成學位後可留港求職一年,政府去年共接獲6800宗申請。文件認為,政府有必要探討是否應更積極地針對本地重點產業招攬海外人才,配合宏觀經濟發展,以及鼓勵港人回流發展。香港青年追求更高的學歷、更優質的就業機會和更佳的工作環境,建造業、零售及飲self storage業、護理服務業等技術行業,均面臨勞工短缺的問題,諮詢文件建議採取更積極的輸入人才策略,並在不損害本地工人權益下輸入外勞。延長退休年齡發展銀髮市場香港婚姻率下降及遲婚現象普遍,導致生育率偏低,文件建議政府營造有利環境,協助市民成家立室及生兒育女,可行建議包括提供補助或津貼、有薪親職假期、資助託兒及課餘託管服務、鼓勵商界推行彈性上班時間等。文件指,隨�長者的學歷、經濟、體能等狀況較過往高,預料會為金融服務(健康或醫療保險)、旅遊、護理服務、健康食品等行業帶來商機,建議政府促進銀髮市場的發展。文件建議政府建設友待長者的環境,讓長者可以繼續貢獻社會,並制訂合適的支援政策,方便長者回內地養老。香港人口急速老化到了2041年,本港差不多三人便有一人年屆65歲或以上。 1981 2012 2041生育率持續下降每名婦女的活產嬰兒數目 1.9 1.3 1.2預期壽命較長 72.3 80.7 84.4出生時預期壽命(男性/女性) 78.5 86.4 90.8人口急速老化長者人口比率 7% 14% 32%撫養比率持續增加每100名適齡工作人土須撫養的兒童和長者人口 45.8 35.5 71.2工作人口減少工作或待業人口佔15歲或以上人口的比例 66.7% 58.8% 49.5%5大應對之策政策方針 建議1、增加勞動人口數量 鼓勵家庭主婦、提早退休人士就業2、提升勞動人口質素 改善教育及培訓重新確立職業教育的價值,減少技術錯配3、制訂更積極進取輸入人才政策 向外宣傳香港可為外地人才提供發展機會鼓勵在外國或內地生活或升學的香港人才回流在不損害本地工人權益下,考慮更有效的輸入外勞機制4、鼓勵生育 營造有利環境,協助市民成家立室及生兒育女,例如資助幼兒服務、提供有薪親職假、鼓勵友善僱傭安排等5、協助長者在社區內保持活躍 創設友待長者的環境推廣積極樂頤年發展銀髮市場迷利倉

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Source: Clovis News Journal, N.迷你倉M.Oct. 24--During an hour-long meeting Wednesday morning, members of the Eastern New Mexico Water Utility Authority looked at the next step for the pipeline project, while briefly bemoaning some of the delays in current steps.The authority agreed to a few contractual matters on the construction of the intake structure, or pumping station, that will be located at the Ute Reservoir in Quay County. The structure will be the main mechanism that will pump water from the reservoir to authority members in Curry and Roosevelt counties.The biggest expense came from contract increases of about $496,000, mostly resulting from delays forced by injunctions filed against the project by the Village of Logan and a group of entities called the Tucumcari/Quay County Regional Water Authority.Eastern New Mexico Water Authority chair Gayla Brumfield credited consultants working with the authority for the work, and noted that the amount was negotiated down from nearly $700,000."It's easy when you have this big of a project," Brumfield said of the costs. "You've got penalties (in contracts). All of the equipment was out there. They had to move it off site, then had to bring it back."In other business at the meeting:-- The authority agreed to use capital outlay money, and some of its own, in agreements with ASI Dam and Water Contractors and Farmers Electric Cooperative Inc. for the intake structure.A pair of deals, totaling $101,116, will set up electricity for the structure. The authority will use $100,000 in capital outlay from 2011 marked specifically for that purpose.-- State consultant Joe Thompson said he was looking for a portion of phase of the $500 million project that could attract capital outlay from the state legislators. He and Project Manager Paul van Gulick said they would bring back more information during the November meeting, and Tho自存倉pson said it was positive that legislators see the project as an ongoing commitment and not a one- or two-year matter.Brumfield said she felt the best direction to go would be in design for the interim pipeline, which would deliver water purchased from area farmers.Thompson said he was also making efforts to receive consideration from the office of Gov. Martinez. Each session, Thompson explained, capital outlay money is divided evenly between the House of Representatives, the Senate and the governor's office.-- Federal consultant John Ryan said he has had positive meetings with the Bureau of Reclamation about the project, but it's tough to get a clear picture on future funding because of the recent government shutdown and a continuing resolution that runs through January."Without knowing what's going to happen," Ryan said, "and nobody knows what's going to happen, we're at the behest of whatever agreement they come up with."He does believe federal funding of the project is on an upward slope, and the project is moving up the priority list as other rural water projects are either completed or abandoned.Authority member Caleb Chandler said there is also a possibility of money for the pipeline project as a military construction project with Cannon Air Force Base."They understand the mission depends on water supply, We have a very good mission here."Brumfield noted that officials from Cannon were scheduled to take a bus tour of the intake structure on Friday.-- The next meeting is scheduled for 10 a.m. Nov. 20 in Portales. The meeting was moved from the tentative date of Nov. 21 because of a conflict with the New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute conference scheduled in Albuquerque.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Clovis News Journal (Clovis, N.M.) Visit the Clovis News Journal (Clovis, N.M.) at .cnjonline.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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儲存 日前,諾基亞發佈了6款新品,其中包括兩款6英寸大屏WP8手機Lumia 1520和Lumia 1320,三款定位新興市場的Asha 500/502/503,以及諾基亞首款Windows平板電腦Lumia 2520。這一系列的發表證實了諾基亞要進軍大屏市場。3C觀點:諾基亞給人們留下了深刻的記憶,但也終因不能創新而被市場拋棄,被微軟收購後的諾基亞接連推出6款產品,不敢說它能再一次站起來,但仍願意給它一個嘗試的機會。迷你倉

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Source: Tulsa World, Okla.儲存倉Oct. 24--City councilors on Thursday will discuss a proposal to limit Tulsans to two garage sales a year at the same residential property.The proposed ordinance amendment also would prohibit an individual from having a garage sale for more than three consecutive days at the same property and from selling at a garage sale items purchased solely for resale.The proposal would not apply to sales at parking lots or other property that is not zoned residential."I had been getting complaints from citi zens about neighbors having continuous garage sales," said Councilor Karen Gilbert, the amendment's sponsor. "So they were just concerned about homeowners setting up retail in the neighborhood."Gilbert said frequent garage sales can become a public safety issue, with cars parked on the street and people coming into and out of the neighborhood.Dwain Midget, director of community and economic development, said Gilbert's proposal is not new and that each time it comes up, the stumbling block is enforcement."Given the resources we have available, enforcing that would create additional manpower problems for us," Midget said. "We are not sure how we would police it."I guess if the council passed it, we would have to figure something out, but right now it is kind of hard to say."Midget said the city's Working in Neighborhoods Department has 18 code inspectors handling nuisance abatement and z迷你倉最平ning complaints. That can include everything from checking on tall grass and abandoned property to determining whether a business is being operated out of a home.Gilbert said she understands Midget's concerns because code inspectors helped put together the proposed code amendment."There is always that staffing issue," Gilbert said. "We're just getting the word out and defining the ordinance better."Oklahoma City requires a permit for a garage sale and limits them to two a year per household, according to that city's website.Permits there are good for three consecutive days. The maximum fine for conducting a sale without a license is $200 plus costs, according to the website.Currently, city of Tulsa ordinances do not define a garage sale. The proposed amendment would add a definition.The proposed ordinance amendment would change the city's zoning code as it pertains to residential property, meaning it must first go before the Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission for consideration.The Planning Commission is a recommending body. Councilors could approve the ordinance amendment even without a recommendation to do so by the Planning Commission.Councilors are scheduled to discuss the proposal at their Public Works Committee meeting at 1 p.m. Thursday.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) Visit Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) at .tulsaworld.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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☉記者 田立民 ○編輯 阮奇自從10月15日推出完整的家庭互聯網產品後,迷你倉四川長虹邁開了“智能化、網絡化、協同化”的轉型戰略步伐。四川長虹多媒體產業集團總經理葉洪林向上證報記者表示,從明年開始,公司將停止所有非智能電視產品的國內生產和銷售,將全面轉向智能電視。這與今年公司智能電視在彩電產品中占比約50%相比,將是一個重大突破。葉洪林表示,在智能電視的消費升級帶動下,國內電視市場將迎來擴張機遇,特別是隨著互聯網發展以及近兩年的市場培育,明年智能電視的市場占比將達到80%甚至更高。近兩年來,在智能電視終端上,長虹已陸續推出從3D到HD,直至最新的曲面電視;芯片從2核到4核再到6核,不斷實現更高運行效率產品的技術突破;全球首創超級語音瀏覽器、國內首款復合型智能語音芯片等應用,使得人機交互越來越智能。這些都展現了長虹強大的 “智能基因”及終端製造能力,這也是促使長虹做出將停產非智能電視決定的底氣。在海外市場,以日本為首的家電企業的衰退,以及沿海一帶低端OEM廠家的衰退,給中國彩電企業全球化帶來了“絕佳機會”。四川長虹在智能電視的技術、軟件、芯片、硬件等方面早已充分佈局,這為其電視產品全面轉型智能化提供了難得的勝機。今年國內彩電出口總量下滑接儲存倉30%,長虹海外銷售卻逆勢實現50%以上的增長。長虹的終端智能化,並非只局限于電視一個領域。在智能白電產品方面,長虹也首次推出能打造健康空氣和人機語音交互的智能空調,同時還推出可以進行食品管理的智能冰箱。公司副總經理、長虹家用電器產業集團董事長李進告訴記者,長虹旗下美菱電器此前已經發佈智能冰箱第二代產品並已經上市,長虹第一代智能空調也已上市,近期銷售情況“超出預期”。另外,長虹小家電智能櫥櫃產品也已上市。明年一季度和二季度,長虹還會有更多的智能家電產品批量上市,包括智能第三代冰箱和智能第二代空調。行業分析人士認為,互聯網的衝擊對傳統家電產品的規劃、思維、營銷模式、甚至商業模式帶來了全面顛覆,但另一方面,技術驅動將代替原來市場營銷驅動,成為企業發展的首要動力,這對長虹這樣的傳統家電企業來說是打破原有格局的一個好機會。事實上,今年以來四川長虹黑電、白電產品的智能化市場推進,已經帶來了其銷售規模和利潤的提升,公司今年1-9月份實現營業收入420.5億元,歸屬於上市公司股東淨利潤3.1億元,分別比上年同期增長了14.24%和55.06%。公司控股的美菱電器和華意壓縮今年前三季實現歸屬於上市公司股東淨利潤分別同比增長35.8%和71.27%。迷你倉最平

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WASHINGTON, Oct.mini storage 24, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Cogent Communications Group, Inc. , one of the largest Internet service providers in the world, today announced that Dave Schaeffer, Cogent's chief executive officer, will present at the Pacific Crest Internet Innovations Technology Forum at 1:30 p.m. EST, November 5th. The conference is being held at The Benjamin Hotel in New York, NY.(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20020204/DCM032LOGO )Investors and other interested parties may access a live audio webcast of the conference presentation by going to the "Events" section of Cogent's website at .cogentco.com/events. A replay of the webcast will be available on Cogent's website for 90 days following the presentation.About Cogent CommunicationsCogent Communications is a multinational, Tier 1 facilities-based ISP, consistently ranked as one of the top five Internet backbone networks in the world. Cogent specializes in providing businesses with high speed Internet access, Ethernet transport and colocation services. Cogent's facilities-based, all-optical IP network provides services in over 180 markets globally.Since its inception, Cogent has unleashed the benefits of IP technology, building one of the largest and highest capacity IP networks in the world. This network enables Cogent to offer large bandwidth connections at highly competitive prices. Cogent also offers superior customer support by virtue of its end儲存to-end control of service delivery and network monitoring.Cogent Communications is headquartered at 1015 31st Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20007. For more information, visit .cogentco.com. Cogent Communications can be reached in the United States at (202) 295-4200 or via email at info@cogentco.com.Information in this release may involve expectations, beliefs, plans, intentions or strategies regarding the future. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties. All forward-looking statements included in this release are based upon information available to Cogent Communications Group, Inc. as of the date of the release, and we assume no obligation to update any such forward-looking statement. The statements in this release are not guarantees of future performance and actual results could differ materially from our current expectations. Numerous factors could cause or contribute to such differences. Some of the factors and risks associated with our business are discussed in Cogent's registration statements filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and in its other reports filed from time to time with the SEC.Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20020204/DCM032LOGOCogent Communications Group, Inc.CONTACT: For Public Relations: Travis Wachter, + 1 (202) 295-4217,twachter@cogentco.com; For Investor Relations: + 1 (202) 295-4212,investor.relations@cogentco.comWeb site: .cogentco.com/迷你倉

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  • Oct 25 Fri 2013 09:30
  • 臺灣

拓墣產業研究所所長楊勝帆表示,儲存明年全球智慧手機、平板電腦市場年增率至少二成,加上大尺寸電視用量擴大,將帶動高密度連接(HDI)、軟板、載板的商機。法人認為,華通(2313)、燿華,景碩、嘉聯益等受益大。第14屆台灣電路板產業國際展覽會(TPCA Show 2013)昨(24)日舉行「前瞻2014亞洲電子產業論壇」,邀請楊勝帆主講「2014年全球ICT產業發展趨勢大預測」。他認為,明年全球智慧手機市場規模將由今年的9.9億支,增加至12.8億支,年成長29%;平板電腦亦由今mini storage的1.72億支,增加至2.06億支,年成長20%。在這些行動裝置產品朝向輕薄化、更省電的趨勢下,需要PCB產業來配合,十分看好台灣擁有全球第一大PCB產值的優勢,HDI、軟板、載板、多層板等,均是成長的契機。他表示,此外,智慧表、雲端興起需要更多的伺服器,均是助益PCB產業成長的動能。加上液晶電視的尺寸,明年平均將突破40吋,比今年的36吋擴增,大尺寸亦有助益PCB電視板的需求用量擴大。華通、燿華是高密度連接板大廠,受惠平板電腦與智慧型手機拉貨潮啟動,挹注第3、4季業績可期。self storage

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投資金額逾新臺幣22億元 可增加近1,000個就業機會【記者謝淑芬╱報導】經濟部加工出口區管理處於今年10月24日召開入區投資審查會,自存倉核准通過4件投資案,其中1家進駐臨廣園區,1家進駐臺中軟體園區,2家進駐高雄軟體園區,投資金額共計新臺幣22億1,300萬元,約可增加近千個就業機會。投資情形摘要如下:一、鼎新電腦股份有限公司進駐臺中軟體園區,從事提供客戶ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning企業資源規劃管理系統)產品銷售、研發及服務。二、新加坡安華科技股份有限公司進駐臨廣園區,從事植球模具(EZReball)、切割模具,測試模具製造業務。三、納維再生科技股份有限公司進駐高雄軟體園區,主要從事免疫細胞療法技術研發,包含免疫細胞培養、免疫細胞功能分析、專利授權。四、京鋐科技有限公司進駐高雄迷你倉體園區,主要提供客戶ERP管理系統研究開發以及提供客製化解決方案服務。加工處表示,高雄及臺中地區在過去多以「製造密集型」為主的產業型態,這幾年因應潮流趨勢與產業轉型,逐漸朝向「知識密集型」產業發展。為了能落實「知識密集型」產業的概念,該處結合中央、地方與各大學院校資源,以高雄及臺中軟體園區為核心,發揮產官學研整體綜效,促使產業創新升級,進而促進投資、推動建設,提升中南部地區經濟動能,使高雄及臺中軟體園區成為一個全面性、多元化、優質性之區域創新領導園區。加工處另表示,102年1~9月區內廠商出口總額達美金94.44億元,較101年同期增加了3.64%,且目前全區就業員工人數共74,619人,亦較101年同期增加了1,735人,顯示經濟景氣依舊穩定地成長,該處協助產業升級,促使區內廠商投資生產高值化產品已現具體成效。mini storage

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