【記者李嘉祥/台南報導】台灣高鐵與國際珍古德教育及保育協會合作舉辦「珍愛台灣寶貝」系列活動,迷你倉最平國際珍古德協會「根與芽小組」-台南市仁德區虎山國小學童昨天到台南高鐵站,以可愛青蛙裝扮發送「珍愛台灣寶貝」明信片,邀請旅客與台灣高鐵一起愛護土地、關懷自然,吸引眾多搭車旅客索取。 虎山國小根與芽小組學童裝扮成可愛模樣的青蛙穿梭在高鐵台南站大廳,分送「珍愛台灣寶貝」明信片給進出旅客。虎山國小校長林勇成,去年珍古德迷你倉士訪台時與虎山國小合作成立「根與芽學校」,共同關心環境、動物與社區,此次參與高鐵台南站活動,除讓學童認識高鐵站,也增加與旅客互動經驗。 高鐵台南站表示,「珍愛台灣寶貝」明信片有八款不同造型,以動物及自然為主題,全為宜蘭特殊教育學校身心障礙慢飛天使紀鷗集作品,透過真誠生動筆觸記錄對自然環境的關愛,即起至十一月十九日,在車站服務台資訊架也提供三千套明信片供旅客自由索取,期望喚起社會對台灣自然生態的關懷。 儲存

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  • Oct 27 Sun 2013 15:45
  • 臺灣

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量販秋季葡萄酒節登場,儲存看好民眾對佐餐酒的喜好,家樂福打出達人推薦酒單,大潤發邀請法國酒莊莊主親自站台介紹,愛買則祭出獨家酒款促銷價。量販業者觀察,烈酒市場逐年衰退,葡萄酒因為偶像劇加持、營造出優雅氛圍,開闢出新消費族群,買氣逆勢成長。家樂福葡萄酒特賣從10月25日開跑,全台分店推出加1元多1件、第2件5折,影星安潔莉娜裘莉與南法葡萄酒家族Perrin合作生產的粉紅酒,限量引進72瓶、特價1,040元;葡萄酒大賞之夜今日起在新店、天母、經國等店巡迴舉辦,現場布置成歐洲酒窖,提供免費美酒與小食,炒熱買氣。為此,家樂福早在6月便邀請在品酒界有相當知名度的張治(T大)、屈亨平、張愷芝3位達人,針對葡萄酒色澤、香氣、口感等評分,製作葡萄酒大賞DM迷你倉推出440款美酒,品項與數量比去年多1成其中有9支是法國波爾多產區競賽得獎名酒,2013年、2012年的冠軍酒分別是「2010波爾多上梅多克慕黑堡中級紅酒」、「波爾多梅多克潘多瓦堡中級紅酒」,一瓶都特價不到500元。大潤發10月28日起舉辦法國葡萄酒節,將有6位酒莊莊主巡迴全台22家分店,當面為民眾介紹自家酒款特色外,促銷品項中有7成是新品,會員購買葡萄酒滿千可抽來自法國波爾多八大名莊之一「歐頌莊園」、價格8萬元的1923年分聖愛美濃歐頌堡紅酒。愛買也表示,今年上半年的紅酒業績比去年同期成長1成,獨家進口紅酒約百支,風味柔順的法國波爾多AOC紅酒每個月賣出近萬支,10月29日前,750毫升1瓶會員價199元。聯合報提醒您 未成年請勿飲酒self storage

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ISTANBUL, October 24, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --HIGHLIGHTS OF THE THIRD QUARTER OF 2013- Turkcell Group delivered a solid third quarter performance.迷你倉 It registered revenue growth of 8% and EBITDA[1] growth of 11% year-on-year. - Group revenues and EBITDA reached their historically highest quarterly levels of TRY2,981 million (TRY2,753 million) and TRY1,016 million (TRY912 million), respectively, while the Group EBITDA margin improved to 34.1% (33.1%).- Turkcell's mobile business in Turkey posted revenue growth of 3% (7% excl. MTR cut impact) to TRY2,365 million (TRY2,300 million) and EBITDA growth of 4% to TRY817 million (TRY784 million), while the EBITDA margin improved to 34.5% (34.1%). - Mobile broadband revenues grew by 39% to TRY385 million (TRY276 million). - Voice revenues[2] declined by 3% to TRY1,664 million (TRY1,709 million), mainly due to the Mobile Termination Rate (MTR) cuts.- Subsidiaries grew their revenues[3] by 36% to TRY616 million (TRY453 million) and EBITDA[3] by 55% to TRY199 million (TRY128 million). - Turkcell Group net income rose by 22% to TRY699 million (TRY571 million).(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120614/537932-b )COMMENTS FROM CEO, SUREYYA CILIV"In the third quarter of the year Turkcell Group revenue rose by 8% to TRY3.0 billion year-on-year. Together with this, consolidated EBITDA grew 11% to TRY1.0 billion, EBIT rose 10% to TRY631 million, and net income climbed 22% to TRY699 million.The recent regulatory decisions effective as of July impacted our financial and operational performance. Yet, we have achieved strong results once again with our continued focus on innovation and operational excellence, investments in our infrastructure, and the increasing contribution of subsidiaries. While Turkcell Turkey revenue grew by 3% through 39% growth in mobile broadband, the revenues of our subsidiaries rose by 36%.In order to ensure the sustainability of strong growth, we continue to invest in our superior network with TRY1.0 billion investment in the first nine months and provide solutions that will put Turkcell ahead of the competition through technology and innovation. In this quarter, our "Technology at Work" offering, which provides new product suites, brought our corporate customers solutions to increase their competitiveness and efficiency. In addition, with our vision of widening access to mobile broadband, we have introduced Turkey's first domestically designed smart phone, the "T40", providing outstanding features at half the average market price of a smart phone.We take this opportunity to thank all of our customers, employees, business partners and shareholders who made our success possible."(1) EBITDA is a non-GAAP financial measure. See page 12 for the reconciliation of EBITDA to net cash from operating activities. (2) Voice revenues include outgoing, incoming, roaming and other (comprising almost 1% of Turkcell Turkey) revenues. (3) Including eliminations.OVERVIEW OF TURKCELL TURKEYThe Turkish mobile market remained highly competitive in the first nine months of the year. Following a particularly aggressive Q1, we observed some upward price adjustments in late Q2 and Q3, although no major improvement was seen year-on-year. There are still a number of aggressive offers in the market, indicating a fragile pricing environment.In this environment, Turkcell Turkey remained focused on service quality and providing the best customer experience through innovation. As a result of this, plus the seasonality effect, we increased our subscriber base by 322 thousand net additions during the quarter. Additionally, our blended ARPU rose by 3.2% to TRY22.7 with the 2.9pp increase in the share of postpaid in our subscriber mix, and a 39% rise in our mobile broadband revenues on a year-on-year basis.On the terminal front, the smartphone market continued its growth momentum and our wide product portfolio and diverse offers sustained our leadership. In accordance with our strategy, we recorded the historically highest quarterly smartphone net additions of 882 thousand, reaching 8.4 million on our network, and a penetration rate of 26%. We continued to introduce the mobile broadband experience to more of our subscribers by offering affordable smartphones and tablets. In this respect, we launched Turkey's first domestically designed smartphone, namely the T40 in late September. The T40 provides high-tech features at half the average smartphone retail price in the Turkish market. It offers HD quality sound, Near Field Communication (NFC), advanced camera features, a new generation dual-core processor and a 4-inch display. Moreover, the "Tablet Festival" launched in July aimed to increase the number of 3G enabled tablets on our network.On the regulatory front, the Information and Communication Technologies Authority (ICTA) decisions on minimum on-net voice and on-net SMS tariffs(*), together with the voice and SMS MTR cuts came into effect as of July 1st, 2013. For this quarter, due to MTR cuts Turkcell Turkey revenue growth was 3% which would have been 7% without the MTR cuts based on our estimate. Decreased MTR rates may trigger lower retail pricing in the market which in turn could potentially increase the negative impact on our growth going forward.For the full year, assuming that current market conditions continue, we maintain our Group guidance and believe that we could post results around the high end of our revenue and EBITDA target ranges (**). This is mainly due to our strong first half Group performance and the increased contribution of our subsidiaries.(*) Minimum onnet voice and SMS prices apply only for Turkcell.(**)Please note that this is a forward looking statement based on our current estimates and expectations. Actual results may differ. For a discussion of factors that may affect our results, see our Annual Report on Form 20-F for 2012 filed with U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and in particular the risk factor section therein.FINANCIAL AND OPERATIONAL REVIEW OF THE THIRD QUARTER 2013The following discussion focuses principally on the developments and trends in our business in the third quarter of 2013 in TRY terms. Selected financial information for the third quarter of 2012, and the second and third quarters of 2013, both in TRY and US$ prepared in accordance with IFRS and in TRY prepared in accordance with the Capital Markets Board of Turkey's standards, is also included at the end of this press release.Financial Review of Turkcell GroupProfit & Loss Statement (million TRY) Q312 Q213 Q313 y/y % q/q %Total Revenue 2,752.8 2,855.2 2,980.7 8.3% 4.4% Direct cost of revenues[1] (1,663.6) (1,771.3) (1,754.0) 5.4% (1.0%) Direct cost of revenues[1]/revenues (60.4%) (62.0%) (58.8%) 1.6pp 3.2pp Depreciation and amortization (340.0) (366.8) (385.6) 13.4% 5.1% Gross Margin 39.6% 38.0% 41.2% 1.6pp 3.2pp Administrative expenses (117.6) (129.0) (140.4) 19.4% 8.8% Administrative expenses/revenues (4.3%) (4.5%) (4.7%) (0.4pp) (0.2pp) Selling and marketing expenses (399.6) (452.5) (455.7) 14.0% 0.7% Selling and marketing expenses/revenues (14.5%) (15.8%) (15.3%) (0.8pp) 0.5pp EBITDA[2] 912.0 869.2 1,016.2 11.4% 16.9% EBITDA Margin 33.1% 30.4% 34.1% 1.0pp 3.7pp EBIT 572.0 502.4 630.6 10.2% 25.5% Net finance income / (expense) 121.3 138.8 137.5 13.4% (0.9%) Finance expense (41.9) (30.6) (46.9) 11.9% 53.3% Finance income 163.2 169.4 184.4 13.0% 8.9% Share of profit of associates 60.9 60.0 92.9 52.5% 54.8% Other income / (expense) (78.7) (20.8) (2.2) (97.2%) (89.4%) Monetary gains / (losses) 47.5 20.3 30.6 (35.6%) 50.7% Non-controlling interests 5.7 1.5 (1.4) (124.6%) (193.3%) Income tax expense (157.9) (145.9) (188.9) 19.6% 29.5% Net Income 570.8 556.3 699.1 22.5% 25.7%(1) Including depreciation and amortization expenses. (2) EBITDA is a non-GAAP financial measure. See page 12 for the reconciliation of EBITDA to net cash from operating activities. (*) Please note that selected financial information presented in this press release for the third quarter of 2012, and the second and third quarters of 2013, both in TRY and US$ is based on IFRS figures.Revenue grew by 8% (12% excl. MTR cut impact) to TRY2,980.7 million (TRY2,752.8 million) year-on-year driven by Turkcell Turkey and subsidiaries.- Turkcell Turkey grew by 3% (7% excl. MTR cut impact). - Voice revenues declined by 3% to TRY1,664 million (TRY1,709 million) due to the MTR cut impact - Mobile broadband and services revenues rose 19% to TRY701 million (TRY591 million), comprising 30% (26%) of Turkcell Turkey revenues - The revenues of subsidiaries rose by 36% reaching 21% (16%) of Group revenues. In particular, Turkcell Superonline revenues rose by 27% to TRY237 million (TRY187 million), while Astelit's revenues grew by 12% to US$124 million (US$111 million).On a quarter-on-quarter basis, Group revenues rose by 4%, driven similarly by increased revenues from group companies, as well as the higher mobile broadband and services revenues of Turkcell Turkey.Direct cost of revenues climbed 5.4% to TRY1,754.0 million (TRY1,663.6 million) year-on-year, while as a percentage of revenues declined to 58.8% (60.4%) on a consolidated basis. This was due to the lower voice and other revenues due to MTR cuts along with lower interconnect costs. Meanwhile there was an increase in depreciation and amortization expenses and other cost items as a percentage of revenues.Quarter-on-quarter, direct costs as a percentage of revenues declined 3.2pp, driven mainly by the decrease in interconnect costs and other cost items.The table below presents the interconnect revenues and costs of Turkcell Turkey:Million TRY 2012 Q312 Q213 Q313 y/y % q/q %Interconnect revenues 1,098.1 308.3 345.8 266.7 (13.5%) (22.9%) as a % of revenues 12.6% 13.4% 14.9% 11.3% (2.1pp) (3.6pp) Interconnect costs (1,125.5) (308.4) (330.9) (249.4) (19.1%) (24.6%) as a % of revenues (12.9%) (13.4%) (14.3%) (10.5%) 2.9pp 3.8ppAdministrative expenses as a percentage of revenues increased 0.4pp to 4.7% (4.3%) year-on year. This was due to the increase in bad debt expenses (0.3pp) and other cost items (0.1pp). On a quarter-on-quarter basis, administrative expenses as a percentage of revenues rose by 0.2pp driven by the increase in bad debt expenses (0.2pp).Selling and marketing expenses as a percentage of revenues grew by 0.8pp to 15.3% (14.5%) year-on-year due to the rise in selling expenses (0.9pp), and other cost items (0.3pp) as opposed to the decrease in marketing expenses (0.4pp). Compared to the previous quarter, selling and marketing expenses as a percentage of revenues fell by 0.5pp driven by the decrease in marketing expenses (0.3pp) and other cost items (0.2pp).EBITDA* rose by 11.4% to TRY1,016.2 million (TRY912.0 million) in Q313 due mainly to strong topline growth, while the EBITDA margin improved by 1.0pp to 34.1% (33.1%). This was due to the 2.2pp decrease in the direct cost of revenues (excl. depreciation and amortization) as a percentage of revenues, as opposed to the rise in selling and marketing expenses by 0.8pp and general administrative expenses by 0.4pp.The EBITDA margin increased 3.7pp quarter-on-quarter to 34.1%. This was mainly due to the 3.4pp decrease in direct cost of revenues (excl. depreciation and amortization), and the 0.5pp fall in selling and marketing expenses, in contrast to the 0.2pp rise in general administrative expenses.The EBITDA of subsidiaries improved by 55% to TRY199 million (TRY128 million), while their contribution to Group EBITDA increased to 20% (14%) driven mainly by the improved EBITDA of Turkcell Superonline and Astelit year-on-year. On a quarter-on-quarter basis, the EBITDA of subsidiaries rose by 17%.Net finance income increased to TRY137.5 million (TRY121.3 million) in Q313 driven mainly by the increased interest income earned on time deposits and contracted receivables.Compared to the previous quarter, net finance income stayed broadly flat. The increase in interest earned on bank deposits was offset by the translation loss of TRY28 million in Q313 as opposed to the translation gain of TRY12 million in Q213. The translation loss was mainly related to BeST which recorded a TRY40 million loss in Q313 stemming from a 3.3% devaluation of BYR against US$ during the quarter.(*) EBITDA is a non-GAAP financial measure. See page 12 for the reconciliation of EBITDA to net cash from operating activities.Share of profit of equity accounted investees comprising our share in the net income of unconsolidated investees Fintur and A-Tel, rose by 52.5% year-on-year to TRY92.9 million (TRY60.9 million) due mainly to the increase in net income of Fintur, as well as the lower negative contribution from A-Tel. Quarter-on-quarter, our share in the net income of unconsolidated investees grew by 54.8% to TRY92.9 million from TRY60.0 million in Q213 due to the increased net income of Fintur.Income tax expense rose by 19.6% to TRY188.9 million (TRY157.9 million) year-on-year. Of the total tax charge, TRY195.5 million was the current tax charges, while TRY6.6 million was the deferred tax income recorded.Million TRY Q312 Q213 Q313 y/y % q/q %Current Tax expense (134.8) (149.6) (195.5) 45.0% 30.7% Deferred Tax Income/expense (23.1) 3.7 6.6 (128.6%) 78.4% Income Tax expense (157.9) (145.9) (188.9) 19.6% 29.5%Net income grew by 22.5% to TRY699.1 million (TRY570.8 million) in Q313, driven mainly by higher EBITDA, increased net finance income, higher income from equity accounted investees, and improvement in the other expense item, the latter including a TRY72 million A-Tel impairment recognized in Q312.Net income rose by 25.7% quarter-on-quarter. This was driven by higher EBITDA, income from equity accounted investees, monetary gain and improvement in the other expense item, the latter including a TRY25.4 million impairment recognized on Aks TV and T-Medya in Q213.Total debt as of September 30, 2013 was TRY3,205 million (US$1,576 million) in consolidated terms. The debt balance of Ukraine was TRY1,327 million (US$652 million), Belarus was TRY1,112 million (US$547 million) and Turkcell Superonline was TRY639 million (US$314 million).TRY2,290 million (US$1,126 million) of our consolidated debt is at a floating rate, while TRY1,768 million (US$869 million) will mature within less than a year. As of September 30, 2013, our debt/annual EBITDA ratio in TRY terms was 91%. (Please note that the figures in parentheses refer to US$ equivalents).Cash flow analysis: Capital expenditures including non-operational items amounted to TRY449.0 million in Q313, of which TRY232.4 million was related to Turkcell Turkey, TRY56.6 million to Astelit, TRY94.7 million to Turkcell Superonline and TRY27.8 million to BeST. The other cash flow item mainly relates to a TRY80 million dividend received from Fintur, corporate tax paid, a change in working capital and, frequency usage fees.Consolidated Cash Flow (million TRY) Q312 Q213 Q313EBITDA[1] 912.0 869.2 1,016.2 LESS: Capex and License (445.6) (355.3) (449.0) Turkcell (221.0) (208.0) (232.4) Ukraine[2] (53.3) (20.6) (56.6) Investment & Marketable Securities (7.0) (8.1) (8.4) Net interest Income/ (expense) 139.0 127.0 165.3 Other (159.1) (157.4) 45.2 Net Change in Debt 30.2 (83.3) (69.0) Cash generated 469.5 392.1 700.3 Cash balance 6,510.8 7,003.0 7,703.3(1) EBITDA is a non-GAAP financial measurement. See page 12 for the reconciliation of EBITDA to net cash from operating activities. (2) The appreciation of reporting currency (TRY) against US$ is included in this line.Operational Review in TurkeySummary of Operational data Q312 Q213 Q313 y/y % q/q %Number of total subscribers (million) 35.2 34.7 35.0 (0.6%) 0.9% Postpaid 12.9 13.8 13.8 7.0% - Prepaid 22.3 20.9 21.2 (4.9%) 1.4% ARPU, blended (TRY) 22.0 22.3 22.7 3.2% 1.8% Postpaid 38.4 37.9 38.5 0.3% 1.6% Prepaid 12.6 12.2 12.3 (2.4%) 0.8% ARPU (Average Monthly Revenue per User), blended (US$) 12.2 12.1 11.5 (5.7%) (5.0%) Postpaid 21.3 20.6 19.5 (8.5%) (5.3%) Prepaid 7.0 6.6 6.2 (11.4%) (6.1%) Churn (%) 6.9% 8.6% 6.9% - (1.7pp) MOU (Average Monthly Minutes of usage per subscriber), blended 257.1 269.3 271.6 5.6% 0.9%Subscribers of Turkcell Turkey increased to 35.0 million with 322 thousand net additions during the quarter, mainly through sustained focus on providing superior customer service and innovative services. We expanded our prepaid subscriber base by 266 thousand, mainly with the seasonality effect, while increasing our postpaid subscriber base by 56 thousand. Accordingly, our postpaid subscriber base as a percentage of our total subscribers has further improved to 39.5% (36.6%).Churn Rate refers to voluntarily and involuntarily disconnected subscribers. According to the ICTA decision discussed in our Q113 and Q213 press releases, each mobile line registered has to be recorded as a churn and also as an acquisition in operators' records. This practice had an increasing impact on our actual churn rate, which stood at 6.9% (6.9%) year-on-year. Excluding the impact of this decision, our churn rate would have been 6.7%.MoU increased 5.6% to 271.6 minutes year-on-year driven by higher incentives and higher package utilization.ARPU (blended) rose 3.2% to TRY22.7 year-on-year driven by the rise in the share of postpaid subscribers along with higher mobile data usage while the MTR cuts did limit the growth. Postpaid ARPU increased to TRY38.5 (TRY38.4), and prepaid ARPU declined by 2.4% to 12.3 (TRY12.6) year-on-year.The quarter-on-quarter increase in ARPU of both segments was driven mainly by seasonality.OTHER DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONSAstelit maintained its strong financial and operational performance in Q313 posting double digit revenue and EBITDA growth. Revenues grew by 11.7% to US$124.0 million (US$111.0 million), mainly driven by subscriber growth along with increased usage of mobile data and other value-added services. EBITDA rose to US$38.2 million (US$31.7 million) by 20.5%, while the EBITDA margin rose by 2.2pp to 30.8% (28.6%) with the continuing focus on business efficiency and operational profitability. On a quarter-on-quarter basis, revenues increased by 10.2%, while EBITDA rose by 6.7%, due mainly to seasonality.Astelit's registered subscribers reached 12.2 million (10.7 million) through the targeted regional growth strategy, where its three month active subscribers were at 9.4 million (8.2 million).ARPU declined by 2.1% year-on-year, mainly due to new subscriber acquisitions with lower ARPU. On a quarter-on-quarter basis, ARPU climbed by 2.2% to US$4.6, mainly due to seasonality and higher usage of mobile data. Meanwhile, lower usage by new subscribers led to lower MoU of 174.0 minutes (184.4 minutes) in Q313.Astelit Q312 Q213 Q313 y/y % q/q %Number of subscribers (million)[1] 10.7 11.5 12.2 14.0% 6.1% Active (3 months)[2] 8.2 8.6 9.4 14.6% 9.3% MOU (minutes) 184.4 184.4 174.0 (5.6%) (5.6%) ARPU (Average Monthly Revenue per User), blended (US$) 3.5 3.3 3.5 - 6.1% Active (3 months) 4.7 4.5 4.6 (2.1%) 2.2% Revenue (million UAH) 887.0 898.9 991.0 11.7% 10.2% Revenue (million US$) 111.0 112.5 124.0 11.7% 10.2% EBITDA (million US$)[3] 31.7 35.8 38.2 20.5% 6.7% EBITDA margin 28.6% 31.8% 30.8% 2.2pp (1.0pp) Net loss (million US$) (11.3) (9.5) (6.0) (46.9%) (36.8%) Capex (million US$) 30.0 10.6 27.1 (9.7%) 155.7%(1) We may occasionally offer campaigns and tariff schemes that have an active subscriber life differing from the one that we normally use to deactivate subscribers and calculate churn. (2) Active subscribers are those who in the past three months made a transaction which brought revenue to the Company. (3) EBITDA is a non-GAAP financial measurement. See page 12 for the reconciliation of Euroasia's EBITDA to net cash from operating activities. Euroasia holds a 100% stake in Astelit. (*) Astelit, in which we hold a 55% stake through Euroasia, has operated in Ukraine since February 2005.Turkcell Superonline sustained its solid performance, posting revenue growth of 27.0% and an EBITDA rise of 44.5% year-on-year. EBITDA margin continued to improve with a 3.0pp year-on-year increase reaching 25.3%, mainly on the rising share of more profitable residential and corporate business segments. The share of residential and corporate segment revenues in total revenues increased to 63% (54%).Residential segment revenues rose by 56.5% with the increased FTTH subscriber base in Q313. Corporate segment revenues grew by 37.0% with the contribution of the increasing synergies achieved at the Group level and integrated solutions offered.In Q313, Turkcell Superonline grew its home passes to approximately 1.6 million with continued investment in the fiber network, while expanding its fiber subscriber base to around 521 thousand. Turkcell Superonline will maintain its focus on increasing in city coverage and take-up rate.The share of non-group revenues increased to 74% (71%) as Turkcell's share in Turkcell Superonline's business continued to decline.Turkcell Superonline (million TRY) Q312 Q213 Q313 y/y % q/q %Revenue 186.7 222.7 237.1 27.0% 6.5% Residential 54.2 78.3 84.8 56.5% 8.3% % of revenues 29.1% 35.2% 35.8% 6.7pp 0.6pp Corporate 47.3 60.2 64.8 37.0% 7.6% % of revenues 25.3% 27.0% 27.3% 2.0pp 0.3pp Wholesale 85.2 84.2 87.4 2.6% 3.8% % of revenues 45.6% 37.8% 36.9% (8.7pp) (0.9pp) EBITDA [1] 41.6 58.0 60.1 44.5% 3.6% EBITDA Margin 22.3% 26.1% 25.3% 3.0pp (0.8pp) Capex 119.4 73.1 94.7 (20.7%) 29.5% FTTH subscribers 373.6 498.8 520.6 39.3% 4.4%(1) EBITDA is a non-GAAP financial measure. See page 12 for the reconciliation of EBITDA to net cash from operating activities. (*) Turkcell Superonline is our wholly-owned subsidiary, providing fiber broadband.Fintur total subscriber base grew by approximately 1.1 million year-on-year, driven mainly by the 12.6% growth in Kazakhstan. Fintur's consolidated revenue increased to US$527 million (US$514 million) in Q313, while rising 3.7% quarter-on-quarter, mainly due to the seasonality effect.We account for our investment in Fintur using the equity method. Fintur's contribution to net income increased to US$48 million (US$42 million) in Q313.Fintur* Q312 Q213 Q313 y/y % q/q %Subscribers (million) 20.4 21.5 21.5 5.4% - Kazakhstan 12.7 14.1 14.3 12.6% 1.4% Azerbaijan 4.4 4.4 4.4 - - Moldova 1.2 1.2 1.0 (16.7%) (16.7%) Georgia 2.1 1.8 1.8 (14.3%) - Revenue (million US$) 514 508 527 2.5% 3.7% Kazakhstan 310 306 319 2.9% 4.2% Azerbaijan 141 149 149 5.7% - Moldova 21 20 21 - 5.0% Georgia 42 34 38 (9.5%) 11.8% Other[1] - (1) - - - Fintur's contribution to Group's net income (million US$) 42 33 48 14.3% 45.5%(1) Includes intersegment eliminations (*) We hold a 41.45% stake in Fintur which has interests in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Moldova, and Georgia.Turkcell Group Subscribers amounted to approximately 70.7 million as of September 30, 2013. This figure is calculated by taking the number of subscribers of Turkcell and each of our subsidiaries and unconsolidated investees. It includes the total number of mobile subscribers of Turkcell Turkey, Astelit and BeST, as well as of our operations in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus ("Northern Cyprus"), Fintur and Turkcell Europe. Turkcell Group subscribers rose by 2.6 million year-on-year, due to Astelit's increased subscriber base, and the contribution of Fintur and BeST.Turkcell Group Subscribers (million) Q312 Q213 Q313 y/y % q/q %Turkcell 35.2 34.7 35.0 (0.6%) 0.9% Ukraine 10.7 11.5 12.2 14.0% 6.1% Fintur 20.4 21.5 21.5 5.4% 0.0% Northern Cyprus 0.4 0.4 0.4 - - Belarus* 1.0 1.0 1.2 20.0% 20.0% Turkcell Europe 0.4 0.4 0.4 - - TURKCELL GROUP 68.1 69.5 70.7 3.8% 1.7%(*) BeST's churn policy was revised in Q313 as a management decision. With this change, the lifecycle methodology has become in line with the market practice of "180 days after any refill plus 90 days quarantine period", previously exercised as "180 days after any refill plus 15 days quarantine period". We estimate that BeST's total subscribers would have been approximately 85K less should the churn policy have remained unchanged.OVERVIEW OF THE MACROECONOMIC ENVIRONMENTThe foreign exchange rates used in our financial reporting, along with certain macroeconomic indicators, are set out below.Q312 Q213 Q313 y/y % q/q % TRY / US$ rate Closing Rate 1.7847 1.9248 2.0342 14.0% 5.7% Average Rate 1.8012 1.8427 1.9782 9.8% 7.4% Consumer Price Index (Turkey) 1.4% 1.3% 1.0% (0.4pp) (0.3pp) GDP Growth (Turkey) 1.5% 4.4% n.a - - UAH/ US$ rate Closing Rate 7.99 7.99 7.99 - - Average Rate 7.99 7.99 7.99 - - BYR/ US$ rate Closing Rate 8.500 8.790 9.080 6.8% 3.3% Average Rate 8.357 8.687 8.935 6.9% 2.9%RECONCILIATION OF NON-GAAP FINANCIAL MEASUREMENTS: We believmini storage that EBITDA is a measurement commonly used by companies, analysts and investors in the telecommunications industry that enhances the understanding of our cash generation ability and liquidity position, and assists in the evaluation of our capacity to meet our financial obligations. We also use EBITDA as an internal measurement tool, and accordingly, we believe that its presentation provides useful and relevant information to analysts and investors. Our EBITDA definition includes Revenue, Direct Cost of Revenue excluding depreciation and amortization, Selling and Marketing expenses and Administrative expenses, but excludes translation gain/(loss), finance income, share of profit of equity accounted investees, gain on sale of investments, income/(loss) from related parties, minority interest and other income/(expense). EBITDA is not a measure of financial performance under IFRS, and should not be construed as a substitute for net earnings (loss) as a measure of performance, or cash flow from operations as a measure of liquidity. The following table provides a reconciliation of EBITDA, which is a non-GAAP financial measurement, to net cash from operating activities, which we believe is the most directly comparable financial measurement calculated and presented in accordance with IFRS.Turkcell (million US$) Q312 Q213 Q313 y/y % q/q %EBITDA 506.2 471.5 514.0 1.5% 9.0% Income tax expense (87.7) (79.2) (95.4) 8.8% 20.5% Other operating income / (expense) (4.2) 0.4 (12.1) 188.1% (3125.0%) Financial income 3.4 2.1 271.7 7891.2% 12838.1% Financial expense (23.8) (15.0) (20.8) (12.6%) 38.7% Net increase / (decrease) in assets and liabilities 16.0 (82.9)(226.8) (1517.5%) 173.6% Net cash from operating activities 409.9 296.9 430.6 5.1% 45.0%Turkcell Superonline (million TRY) Q312 Q213 Q313 y/y % q/q %EBITDA 41.6 58.0 60.1 44.5% 3.6% Income tax expense - 2.6 0.9 - (65.4%) Other operating income / (expense) 1.2 0.3 (2.9) (341.7%) (1066.7%) Financial income 2.2 1.7 1.9 (13.6%) 11.8% Financial expense (15.8) (13.7) (20.8) 31.6% 51.8% Net increase / (decrease) in assets and liabilities 29.0 (54.3) 17.9 (38.3%) (133.0%) Net cash from operating activities 58.2 (5.4) 57.1 (1.9%) (1157.4%)Euroasia (million US$) Q312 Q213 Q313 y/y % q/q %EBITDA 31.7 35.8 38.2 20.5% 6.7% Other operating income / (expense) - 0.1 0.2 - 100.0% Financial income 0.8 0.7 0.3 (62.5%) (57.1%) Financial expense (14.7) (15.8) (12.9) (12.2%) (18.4%) Net increase / (decrease) in assets and liabilities 16.6 12.2 17.7 6.6% 45.1% Net cash from operating activities 34.4 33.0 43.5 26.5% 31.8%FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS: This release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Safe Harbor provisions of the US Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. This includes in particular our assessment of guidance, our targets for revenue, EBITDA and capex in 2013. More generally, all statements other than statements of historical facts included in this press release, including, without limitation, certain statements regarding our operations, financial position and business strategy may constitute forward-looking statements. In addition, forward-looking statements generally can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as, among others, "will," "expect," "intend," "estimate," "believe", "continue" and "guidance".Although Turkcell believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable at this time, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. All subsequent written and oral forward-looking statements attributable to us are expressly qualified in their entirety by reference to these cautionary statements. For a discussion of certain factors that may affect the outcome of such forward looking statements, see our Annual Report on Form 20-F for 2012 filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and in particular the risk factor section therein. We undertake no duty to update or revise any forward looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.ABOUT TURKCELL: Turkcell is the leading communications and technology company in Turkey, with 35.0 million subscribers as of September 30, 2013. Turkcell is a leading regional player, with market leadership in five of the nine countries in which it operates with its approximately 70.7 million subscribers as of September 30, 2013. It has become one of the first among the global operators to have implemented HSPA+. It has achieved up to 43.2 Mbps speed using Dual Carrier technology, and is continuously working to provide the latest technology to its customers. Turkcell Superonline, a wholly owned subsidiary of Turkcell, is the one and only telecom operator to offer households fiber broadband connection at speeds of up to 1,000 Mbps in Turkey. As of June 30, 2013, Turkcell's population coverage is at 99.35% in 2G and 85.43% in 3G. Turkcell reported TRY3.0 billion (US$1.5 billion) in revenues with total assets of TRY20.5 billion (US$10.1 billion) as of September 30, 2013. It has been listed on the NYSE and the ISE since July 2000, and is the only NYSE-listed company in Turkey. Read more at .turkcell.com.trTURKCELL ILETISIM HIZMETLERI A.S. CMB SELECTED FINANCIALS (TRY Million) Quarter Ended Quarter Ended Quarter Ended September 30, June 30, September 30, 2012 2013 2013 Consolidated Statement of Operations Data Revenues Communication fees 2,544.8 2,585.1 2,681.8 Commission fees on betting business 28.7 50.9 52.1 Monthly fixed fees 21.8 19.3 18.2 Simcard sales 11.3 7.3 8.9 Call center revenues and other revenues 146.2 192.6 219.7 Total revenues 2,752.8 2,855.2 2,980.7 Direct cost of revenues (1,662.5) (1,769.8) (1,754.5) Gross profit 1,090.3 1,085.4 1,226.2 Administrative expenses (117.6) (128.9) (140.4) Selling & marketing expenses (399.6) (452.5) (455.7) Other Operating Income / (Expense) 76.1 398.5 262.5 Operating profit before financing and investing costs 649.2 902.5 892.6 Income from investing activities 19.4 9.9 6.1 Expense from investing activities (18.8) (31.1) (10.2) Share of profit of equity accounted investees 60.9 60.0 92.9 Income before financing costs 710.7 941.3 981.4 Finance income (6.3) - - Finance expense (28.1) (258.9) (123.1) Monetary gain/(loss) 47.5 20.3 30.6 Income before tax and non-controlling interest 723.8 702.7 888.9 Income tax expense (158.0) (146.1) (188.9) Income before non-controlling interest 565.8 556.6 700.0 Non-controlling interest 5.7 1.5 (1.4) Net income 571.5 558.1 698.6 Net income per share 0.26 0.25 0.32 Other Financial Data Gross margin 39.6% 38.0% 41.1% EBITDA(*) 912.0 869.2 1,016.2 Capital expenditures 445.6 355.3 449.0 Consolidated Balance Sheet Data (at period end) Cash and cash equivalents 6,510.8 7,003.0 7,703.3 Total assets 17,996.1 19,522.9 20,433.4 Long term debt 1,109.6 1,500.9 1,437.5 Total debt 3,127.4 3,120.0 3,205.4 Total liabilities 5,657.8 5,771.3 6,028.5 Total shareholders' equity / Net Assets 12,338.3 13,751.6 14,404.9 (table continued) Nine Months Ended Nine Months Ended September 30, September 30, 2012 2013 Consolidated Statement of Operations Data Revenues Communication fees 7,092.2 7,697.5 Commission fees on betting business 96.1 157.3 Monthly fixed fees 69.0 57.7 Simcard sales 26.5 22.6 Call center revenues and other revenues 415.9 589.2 Total revenues 7,699.7 8,524.3 Direct cost of revenues (4,722.6) (5,210.0) Gross profit 2,977.1 3,314.3 Administrative expenses (358.3) (398.3) Selling & marketing expenses (1,236.7) (1,333.2) Other Operating Income / (Expense) 197.0 872.6 Operating profit before financing and investing costs 1,579.1 2,455.4 Income from investing activities 42.4 21.3 Expense from investing activities (32.8) (42.8) Share of profit of equity accounted investees 176.0 221.5 Income before financing costs 1,764.7 2,655.4 Finance income 197.8 - Finance expense (98.0) (468.3) Monetary gain/(loss) 127.3 104.4 Income before tax and non-controlling interest 1,991.8 2,291.5 Income tax expense (386.8) (472.4) Income before non-controlling interest 1,605.0 1,819.1 Non-controlling interest 17.8 4.5 Net income 1,622.8 1,823.6 Net income per share 0.74 0.83 Other Financial Data Gross margin 38.7% 38.9% EBITDA(*) 2,393.7 2,693.0 Capital expenditures 1,025.4 1,003.8 Consolidated Balance Sheet Data (at period end) Cash and cash equivalents 6,510.8 7,703.3 Total assets 17,996.1 20,433.4 Long term debt 1,109.6 1,437.5 Total debt 3,127.4 3,205.4 Total liabilities 5,657.8 6,028.5 Total shareholders' equity / Net Assets 12,338.3 14,404.9** For further details, please refer to our consolidated financial statements and notes as at 30 September 2013 on our web site. *** In accordance with the CMB announcement dated June 7, 2013 with respect to financial statements and note formats, there have been several changes in the presentation and classification of CMB financials. For comparison purposes, the financial statements of the previous period also have been classified in the same format. These classifications have no impact on the previous period equity or net profit. Please refer to CMB report note 25 for details of classifications on CMB financial statements.TURKCELL ILETISIM HIZMETLERI A.S. IFRS SELECTED FINANCIALS (TRY Million) Quarter Ended Quarter Ended Quarter Ended September 30, June 30, September 30, 2012 2013 2013 Consolidated Statement of Operations Data Revenues Communication fees 2,544.8 2,585.1 2,681.8 Commission fees on betting business 28.7 50.9 52.1 Monthly fixed fees 21.8 19.3 18.2 Simcard sales 11.3 7.3 8.9 Call center revenues and other revenues 146.2 192.6 219.7 Total revenues 2,752.8 2,855.2 2,980.7 Direct cost of revenues (1,663.6) (1,771.3) (1,754.0) Gross profit 1,089.2 1,083.9 1,226.7 Administrative expenses (117.6) (129.0) (140.4) Selling & marketing expenses (399.6) (452.5) (455.7) Other Operating Income / (Expense) (78.7) (20.8) (2.2) Operating profit before financing costs 493.3 481.6 628.4 Finance costs (41.9) (30.6) (46.9) Finance income 163.2 169.4 184.4 Monetary gain 47.5 20.3 30.6 Share of profit of equity accounted investees 60.9 60.0 92.9 Income before tax and non-controlling interest 723.0 700.7 889.4 Income tax expense (157.9) (145.9) (188.9) Income before non-controlling interest 565.1 554.8 700.5 Non-controlling interest 5.7 1.5 (1.4) Net income 570.8 556.3 699.1 Net income per share 0.26 0.25 0.32 Other Financial Data Gross margin 39.6% 38.0% 41.2% EBITDA(*) 912.0 869.2 1,016.2 Capital expenditures 445.6 355.3 449.0 Consolidated Balance Sheet Data (at period end) Cash and cash equivalents 6,510.8 7,003.0 7,703.3 Total assets 18,031.5 19,553.7 20,464.7 Long term debt 1,109.6 1,500.9 1,437.5 Total debt 3,127.4 3,120.0 3,205.4 Total liabilities 5,663.3 5,776.4 6,033.7 Total shareholders' equity / Net Assets 12,368.2 13,777.3 14,431.0 (table continued) Nine Months Ended Nine Months Ended September 30, September 30, 2012 2013 Consolidated Statement of Operations Data Revenues Communication fees 7,092.2 7,697.5 Commission fees on betting business 96.1 157.3 Monthly fixed fees 69.0 57.7 Simcard sales 26.5 22.6 Call center revenues and other revenues 415.9 589.2 Total revenues 7,699.7 8,524.3 Direct cost of revenues (4,727.2) (5,212.6) Gross profit 2,972.5 3,311.7 Administrative expenses (358.3) (398.3) Selling & marketing expenses (1,236.7) (1,333.2) Other Operating Income / (Expense) (81.3) (23.3) Operating profit before financing costs 1,296.2 1,556.9 Finance costs (144.7) (114.9) Finance income 532.8 520.5 Monetary gain 127.3 104.4 Share of profit of equity accounted investees 176.0 221.5 Income before tax and non-controlling interest 1,987.6 2,288.4 Income tax expense (385.6) (471.9) Income before non-controlling interest 1,602.0 1,816.5 Non-controlling interest 17.8 4.5 Net income 1,619.8 1,821.0 Net income per share 0.74 0.83 Other Financial Data Gross margin 38.6% 38.9% EBITDA(*) 2,393.7 2,693.0 Capital expenditures 1,025.4 1,003.8 Consolidated Balance Sheet Data (at period end) Cash and cash equivalents 6,510.8 7,703.3 Total assets 18,031.5 20,464.7 Long term debt 1,109.6 1,437.5 Total debt 3,127.4 3,205.4 Total liabilities 5,663.3 6,033.7 Total shareholders' equity / Net Assets 12,368.2 14,431.0 ** For further details, please refer to our consolidated financial statements and notes as at 30 September 2013 on our web site.TURKCELL ILETISIM HIZMETLERI A.S. IFRS SELECTED FINANCIALS (US$ MILLION) Quarter Ended Quarter Ended Quarter Ended September 30, June 30, September 30, 2012 2013 2013 Consolidated Statement of Operations Data Revenues Communication fees 1,413.1 1,401.5 1,355.2 Commission fees on betting business 16.0 27.8 26.2 Monthly fixed fees 12.1 10.5 9.2 Simcard sales 6.2 4.0 4.4 Call center revenues and other revenues 81.4 104.1 110.4 Total revenues 1,528.8 1,547.9 1,505.4 Direct cost of revenues (924.3) (959.3) (884.2) Gross profit 604.5 588.6 621.2 Administrative expenses (65.4) (69.8) (70.6) Selling & marketing expenses (221.9) (245.5) (230.2) Other Operating Income / (Expense) (43.8) (10.9) (1.2) Operating profit before financing costs 273.4 262.4 319.2 Finance costs (23.6) (15.4) (20.2) Finance income 90.6 92.6 92.2 Monetary gain 27.1 8.7 13.0 Share of profit of equity accounted investees 33.9 32.4 47.3 Income before tax and non-controlling interest 401.4 380.7 451.5 Income tax expense (87.7) (79.2) (95.4) Income before non-controlling interest 313.7 301.5 356.1 Non-controlling interest 3.2 0.8 (0.7) Net income 316.9 302.3 355.4 Net income per share 0.14 0.14 0.16 Other Financial Data Gross margin 39.5% 38.0% 41.3% EBITDA(*) 506.2 471.5 514.0 Capital expenditures 253.5 177.9 205.3 Consolidated Balance Sheet Data (at period end) Cash and cash equivalents 3,648.1 3,638.3 3,786.9 Total assets 10,103.4 10,158.8 10,060.3 Long term debt 621.8 779.8 706.7 Total debt 1,752.3 1,620.9 1,575.7 Total liabilities 3,173.3 3,001.1 2,966.1 Total shareholders' equity / Net Assets 6,930.1 7,157.8 7,094.2 (table continued) Nine Months Ended Nine Months Ended September 30, September 30, 2012 2013 Consolidated Statement of Operations Data Revenues Communication fees 3,954.4 4,117.0 Commission fees on betting business 53.7 84.4 Monthly fixed fees 38.5 31.0 Simcard sales 14.7 12.0 Call center revenues and other revenues 232.0 313.4 Total revenues 4,293.3 4,557.8 Direct cost of revenues (2,636.2) (2,787.7) Gross profit 1,657.1 1,770.1 Administrative expenses (200.0) (212.5) Selling & marketing expenses (690.4) (713.4) Other Operating Income / (Expense) (45.4) (12.3) Operating profit before financing costs 721.3 831.9 Finance costs (81.1) (56.4) Finance income 297.4 278.1 Monetary gain 71.3 51.3 Share of profit of equity accounted investees 98.0 118.0 Income before tax and non-controlling interest 1,106.9 1,222.9 Income tax expense (214.9) (251.3) Income before non-controlling interest 892.0 971.6 Non-controlling interest 9.9 2.6 Net income 901.9 974.2 Net income per share 0.41 0.44 Other Financial Data Gross margin 38.6% 38.8% EBITDA(*) 1,333.6 1,437.6 Capital expenditures 574.5 493.5 Consolidated Balance Sheet Data (at period end) Cash and cash equivalents 3,648.1 3,786.9 Total assets 10,103.4 10,060.3 Long term debt 621.8 706.7 Total debt 1,752.3 1,575.7 Total liabilities 3,173.3 2,966.1 Total shareholders' equity / Net Assets 6,930.1 7,094.2* Please refer to the notes on reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial measures on page 12 ** For further details, please refer to our consolidated financial statements and notes as at 30 September 2013 on our web site.- Please note that all financial data is consolidated and comprises that of Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S., (the "Company", or "Turkcell") and its subsidiaries and associates (together referred to as the "Group"). All non-financial data is unconsolidated and comprises Turkcell only figures. The terms "we", "us", and "our" in this press release refer only to the Company, except in discussions of financial data, where such terms refer to the Group, and where context otherwise requires. - In this press release, a year-on-year comparison of our key indicators is provided and figures in parentheses following the operational and financial results for September 30, 2013 refer to the same item as at September 30, 2012. For further details, please refer to our consolidated financial statements and notes as at and for September 30, 2013 which can be accessed via our web site in the investor relations section (.turkcell.com.tr). - Please note that selected financial information presented in this press release for the third quarter of 2012, and the second and third quarters of 2013, both in TRY and US$ is based on IFRS figures. - In the tables used in this press release totals may not foot due to rounding differences. Same applies for the calculations in the text.For further information please contact TurkcellInvestor Relations Tel: +90-212-313-1888 investor.relations@turkcell.com.trCorporate Communications: Tel: +90-212-313-2321 Turkcell-Kurumsal-Iletisim@turkcell.com.trPhoto: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120614/537932-bPhoto: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120614/537932-bTurkcell迷你倉

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【本報訊】全國人大常委會辦公廳信訪局副局長黃力群,mini storage疑因面對每日對各地訪民冤情,卻無力幫助解決,最近突然辭官轉行當律師,引發輿論關注。他否認「棄暗投明」,卻認為「訪民大多有理」,暗示信訪官員有心無力。網民認為,黃在信訪局了解太多冤情和社會黑暗,惟只能袖手旁觀,才棄官而去。評論指「棄暗投明」《新京報》報道,五十六歲的黃力群最近辭去信訪局副局長職務,提前退休,並於近日加入北京一律師事務所任實習律師,負責協助信訪案件。評論指黃此舉儲存「棄暗投明」;惟他前日受訪時表示,辭官想法已有三年,自己也非常珍視此前工作經歷。對於目前的信訪制度和狀況,黃表示,老百姓覺得冤屈,對政府、公檢法的工作有不滿而選擇信訪,是再正常不過的做法。他透露,全國人大常委會信訪局接觸的大多是涉法投訴案件,民眾多是對案件判決不滿而上訪,客觀來說,選擇上訪的民眾大多都是有道理。黃又暗批地方政府腐敗,指很多上訪案件,其實完全可以做到在當地解決。例如訪民冀中星在首都機場放爆炸品的悲劇,本也可避免。迷你倉

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市場盛傳越秀集團洽購創興銀行(1111)的交易快將揭盅,mini storage廖創興企業(194)及創興銀行昨天雙雙停牌。另有報道指出,新加坡華僑銀行亦考慮競購永亨銀行(302);受相關消息帶動,中小型銀行股價昨天飆升;其中大新銀行(2356)更大升10.25%,收報15.7元。廖企及創銀昨天發出停牌的聯合公布,表示以待根據收購及合併守則刊發公告。市場人士相信,這與越秀集團洽購創銀的交易有關,外電周三引述消息指出,交易即將達成協議,最快可於本周內公布。金英證券(香港)中國香港銀行研究副總監陳昔典指出,創銀的交易一旦落實,有關的收購將成為正被潛在買家洽購的永亨銀行作價指標。他估計,越秀收購創銀的市賬率約2.24倍,即每股作價38.35元。垂涎港財富管理業另外,彭博引述消息指出,東南亞第二大銀行華僑銀行,過去兩個多星期,一直就永亨銀行提出收購建議進行研究。華僑銀行發言人對報道未有置評。市場早前盛傳農行(1288)、大華銀行及澳新銀行均有意收購永亨,惟農行發言人表示,該行暫無海外收購儲存劃。花旗報告認為,華僑銀行洽購永亨,可能是認為離岸的內地相關業務增長及香港的財富管理業務吸引。大中華是華僑銀行亞洲區增長策略的聚焦市場,但該行過去的併購顯示,若以市賬率1.8 倍收購資產回報率僅1%,而股本回報率少於10%,以至每股盈利增長前景一般的銀行,華僑銀行或會認為太貴。若收購不利用新資金,對華僑銀行而言,有關收購金額或會過大。陳昔典估計,東盟地區業務仍為星資銀行重要業務,未來東盟地區與內地的跨境業務尤為重要,由於香港、上海及新加坡均為人民幣的清算中心,收購永亨有助該行拓展北亞地區業務,從而加強東盟與內地的跨境人民幣離岸業務。中小型銀行股價飆升華僑銀行於2009 年入股內地寧波銀行,翌年亦完成收購ING 的亞洲區私人銀行業務,後易名為新加坡銀行,涉及金額達14.5億美元。受到消息刺激,永亨股價昨天上升2.45%,收報117.1 元;大新銀行及大新金融(440)升幅更大,大新銀行飆升10.25%,收報15.7 元;大新金融則升5.51%,收報51.7元。迷你倉

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本報北京10月24日訊記者卓尚進報道國內首部深度剖析互聯網金融的著作《互聯網金融》今日在北京面世。《互聯網金融》是全面、系統剖析互聯網金融的書籍,迷你倉其內容涵蓋了互聯網金融六大模式的國內外發展現狀、運營模式、風險特徵、發展趨勢、監管方法以及行業發展政策建議等方面。該書由北京軟件和信息服務交易所副總裁、互聯網金融實驗室執行主任羅明雄,北京市海澱區金融辦主任唐穎,國培機構董事長劉勇聯手合著,中國財政儲存濟出版社出版。全國人大財經委副主任委員、中國人民銀行原副行長、清華大學五道口金融學院院長吳曉靈為該書作序。在題為“互聯網金融帶來金融產業發展新機遇”的序文中,吳曉靈說,《互聯網金融》一書描述了互聯網金融的六種模式,描繪了互聯網金融全貌,並就法律規制、風險防範、政策建議等進行了深入闡述,頗有參考價值與借鑒意義。該書的出版問世為人們揭開了互聯網金融的神秘面紗,將促使人們更加系統深入地研究互聯網金融。mini storage

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新開4條直飛航線成都—黔江往返直飛(四川航空)成都—泉州往返直飛(深圳航空)成都—喀什往返直飛(中國國航)成都—阿克蘇往返直飛(中國國航)新開1條經停航線成都—桂林—深圳往返(成都航空)2條航線新增航班成都—太原往返直飛(東方航空)成都—曼穀往返直飛(東方航空)4條航線恢複開行昆明—成都—西安往返(四川航空)成都—武漢—台州往返(成都航空)成都至海口往返(西藏航空)成都至三亞往返(西藏航空)特別提醒今日起國航成都飛上海的CA4501、CA4515兩個航班,迷你倉改為在上海虹橋機場降落今日起,國內各大航空公司正式執行新航季航班計劃。昨日,記者從雙流國際機場及各航空公司瞭解到,執行新航季後,將新開包括川航開通成都至重慶黔江、深航開通成都至福建泉州,以及國航西南分公司開通成都至新疆的喀什、阿克蘇等4條全新直飛航線和1條經停航線(成都—桂林—深圳),同時各航空公司還恢複開行4條成都航線,並針對季節性需求加密部分航班開行密度。每年10月的最後一個星期日開始,到次年3月的最後一個星期六執行冬春季航班計劃,今年冬春航班換季時間為本月27日至明年3月29日。執行新航季後,除了航線變化外,部分航班落點機場有變,有的機場辦理乘機手續截止時間也有變化。旅客務必注意這些變化,以免給自己的出行帶來麻煩。四川航空:開通成都首條直飛黔江航線在新航季里,四川航空除了在成都增加運力投放,還新開、加密涉及成都的多條航線。27日起,川航正式開通成都至黔江往返航線,每周兩班,每周三、日執飛。這是成都至黔江的首條直飛航線,該航線由A319、A320機型執飛,單程飛行時間為1個小時。去程,航班號3U8563,17︰45從雙流國際機場起飛,18︰45抵達重慶黔江舟白機場;返程,航班號為3U8564,19︰35從重慶黔江舟白機場起飛,20︰35抵達雙流國際機場。同時,川航在新航季里恢複開行昆明—成都—西安往返航線,每日一班。並且,根據新航季市場需求情況,川航加大在麗江、西雙版納、芒市、哈爾濱等冬季熱點旅遊城市的運力投放力量,加密成都至西雙版納、芒市、攀枝花以及成都—貴陽—晉江等航線,航班密度增加至每天一班。東方航空:新開成都直飛曼穀國際航班本月29日起,中國東方航空將開通成都直飛曼穀的定期航線,由空客A320飛機執飛,每天一班。而目前,成都至曼穀只有泰國航空開通了直飛航班,這意味著,29日起每天將有兩個航班往返于成都與曼穀間。據東航四川分公司相關負責人介紹,開通此條直飛國際航線,主要是進一步完善東航從成都始發的航線網絡。去程,航班號為MU5035,17︰05從成都起飛,當地時間19︰30抵達曼穀;返程,航班號為MU5036,當地時間20︰30從曼穀起飛,23︰55到達成都。南方航空:新開成都直飛太原往返航班今日起,中國南方航空開通成都至太原往返直飛航線,每日一班,採用空客321客機執飛。往返程航班號分別為CZ6436、CZ6435,其中,CZ6436從成都起飛時間為13︰10,15︰05到達太原;CZ6435從太原起飛時間為17︰儲存倉5,19︰10到達成都。加上此次南航開通的往返航班,成都至太原航線每天有4個航班往返。目前,已有川航、國航、東航開行成都至太原直飛航班。深圳航空:新開成都直飛泉州往返航線昨日,記者從雙流國際機場還瞭解到,今日起,深圳航空公司將從泉州晉江機場首開至成都直達航班,每天一班。這也是成都至泉州的首條直飛航線,此前成都飛泉州需貴陽或武漢中轉。其中,成都至泉州航班號為ZH9523,14︰50從雙流國際機場起飛,17︰40抵達泉州晉江機場,由空客A320機型執飛;泉州至成都航班號為ZH9524,19︰15從泉州晉江機場起飛,22︰15抵達雙流國際機場。直達航班的開通,將使泉州至成都的乘客由以往耗時4個多小時縮短至3個小時。成都航空:新開和複航各一條成都航線執行新航季的航班計劃後,今日起,成都航空新開成都—桂林—深圳往返航線,複航成都—武漢—台州往返航線,同時,成都航空還增加了成都—麗江、成都—三亞往返航班的密度,由原來的每日往返一班,調整為每日往返兩班。其中,新開行的成都—桂林—深圳航班,由空客A320機型執飛,每日往返各一班。該航線去程航班號為EU2201,16︰50從成都起飛,18︰25到達桂林,20︰35到達深圳;返程航班號EU2202,21︰40從深圳起飛,22︰55到達桂林,次日凌晨1︰25到達成都。恢複開行的往返航線為成都—武漢—台州,由空客A320機型執飛,每日一班。西藏航空:恢複飛行兩條成都始發航線今日起,西藏航空執行新的冬春航季航班計劃,恢複開行始發于成都的兩條往返航線,同時還將新開通拉薩至綿陽至天津、拉薩至宜賓至杭州兩條往返航線。複航的兩條始發于成都的往返航線,分別是成都至海口、成都至三亞。同時,西藏航空還特別提醒稱,執行新的航季後,拉薩貢嘎機場始發航班的截止辦理乘機手續時間,由航班起飛前30分鐘更改為40分鐘,提前了10分鐘,旅客務必注意這些變化,以免造成誤機。中國國航:新開成都直飛新疆兩條航線進入新航季,中國國際航空西南分公司除了增加成都市場寬體客機的投入,還將新開成都直飛新疆喀什、阿克蘇兩條航線,同時調整成都飛上海兩個航班的落點。國航西南分公司新開的成都兩條航線分別是:成都至喀什的CA4241/2和成都至阿克蘇的CA4243/4。加上現已有的成都直飛烏魯木齊和庫爾勒,國航西南分公司從成都飛往新疆的通航點增加到四個。同時,新航季中,國航將在成都—北京和成都—廣州航線上投入307座的A330-300寬體客機,進一步提升重點幹線的運送能力和服務水平。而針對臨近冬季的旅客需求變化,國航停飛了季節性較強的成都至日喀則航線和張家界航線,減少了成都至林芝、九寨等航線的班次。值得特別注意的是,從執行新航季開始,國航將成都至上海的CA4501/2和CA4515/6兩個航班,在上海的始發和降落機場,由上海浦東機場調整為上海虹橋機場,解決成都飛上海航班落點距離城區較遠的問題,並且這兩個往返航班使用寬體客機A330或A340執行。國航成都飛上海的其餘航班,落地機場仍為浦東機場。本報記者 楊富迷你倉最平

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秋天氣候由暖轉涼,自存倉蟹類開始儲存能量過冬,此時的蟹肉也最飽滿細膩,是品蟹的最佳時節。自即日起至11月30日止,高雄國賓川菜廳及粵菜廳各式香蟹盛宴橫行出場,新鮮食材加上別出心裁的烹飪創意,演繹各具特色的秋蟹料理,滿足味蕾盡享季節限定的鮮甜滋味。粵菜廳這次用到的螃蟹種類,以大閘蟹、紅蟳和青蟹為主,推出「蟹粉小籠湯包、紹酒上湯蟹膏、避風塘蟹粥、海龍上湯秋蟹鍋」等,食材豐富澎湃,上桌後由客人自行加料烹煮享用,來自海洋的無限活力令人難以忘懷的美妙滋味。菜色與價格(蟹粉小籠湯包95元(每日限量50個)、紹酒上湯蟹膏420元。避風塘蟹粥580迷你倉、金蒜銀絲蒸青蟹580元、海龍上湯秋蟹鍋680元、花雕芙蓉處女蟳880元)。訂位電話:(07)211-5201分機2485川菜廳推出的鮮活美味青蟹料理,以四川特有的辛香料幻化為一道道川式秋蟹美饌「私房水煮青蟹、青蟹粉絲煲、燈籠椒青蟹、泡椒青蟹火鍋」在主廚精心熬製的湯頭中加入新鮮蔬菜與菇類,配料豐富營養滿點,略帶辣味的海鮮湯順口又暖胃。菜色與價格(龍華珍肉羹120元/每盅、私房水煮青蟹580元、青蟹粉絲煲580元、燈籠椒青蟹680元、泡椒青蟹火鍋680元)。以上價格均需外加1成服務費。訂位電話:(07)211-5201分機2492。mini storage

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迷你倉 (中國 西安23日訊)新華社和央視報導,週三下午5時許,西安市火炬路碑林動漫產業園內一辦公樓發生爆炸,二層損毀嚴重,樓體有坍塌現象。消防員和120急救人員已趕赴事故現場,傷亡情況及事故原因不明。據現場目擊網民在微博描述稱,“還好命大。剛下樓,被衝擊波直接震趴下。”西安市消防支隊共出動三個中隊的12輛消防車趕到現場,據悉,爆炸造成這棟10層的建築部份坍塌,消防員正在發生爆炸的二層展開搜救。據瞭解,發生爆炸的可能是一家製藥企業。停在辦公樓附近的十多輛車也受波及損毀。;儲存

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