日前,儲存央行發佈的金融統計數據報告顯示,今年10月,我國住戶存款減少8967億元。住戶存款在一個月之內“失血”近九千億元,再度引發“存款搬家”的熱議。對於年底存款任務向來就重的銀行來說壓力更大。●南方日報記者 黃倩蔚10月存款流失近9000億央行近日發佈的《2013年10月金融統計數據報告》中顯示,今年10月,財政性存款增加6284億元,但人民幣存款整體仍然減少了4027億元,相對應存款減少8967億元,非金融企業存款減少2068億元。對於存款流失的原因,有專家指出主要是季節性因素,9月存款沖高回落使得銀行十月存款波動劇烈。央行數據顯示,在2012年,3月份、6月份和9月份等三個季末月份,新增存款分別達到3.0萬億元、2.9萬億元和1.7萬億元。而1月份、4月份和7月份三個季初月份,則分別減少8000億元、4656億元和5006億元。存款搬家似乎並不是現在才出現的現象。每到季初,住戶存款都會出現一定“流失”。中信證券首席經濟學家褚建芳認為,銀行存款季末大幅沖高、季初大幅回落的現象已存在多年,盡管今年10月銀行住戶存款的減少額相對略高,但並未超出正常水平。然而,不可否認的是隨著利率市場化的深入,存款對高收益理財的增值訴求有增無減,單純放在銀行定期或活期存款賬戶上已經滿足不了不少企業和家庭理財的需要。近期,互聯網金融也愈發蓬勃,與貨幣基金聯手近5%的收益率和高流動性讓不少閑錢紛紛加入。面對這些多元化短期高收益理財渠道的分流,銀行留住存款顯得愈發困難。專家指出,隨著理財渠道的多元化,“存款搬家”將成為常態。上市銀行三季度末的存款數據顯示,招商、中信和民生三家銀行存款環比增速分別只有0.25%、0.71%和0.26%。加上今年央行信貸額度控制較嚴,貸款派生存款相對應減少,銀行年末存款大戰不容樂觀。外資行上調存款利率去年,央行將存款利率上浮幅度擴大至基準利率的1.1倍,此後先是各大城商行紛紛將各期限的存款利率一浮到頂,隨後股份制銀行也加入隊列,不少銀行已經先後將中短期和長期存款利率提高到基準上浮10%的水平。議價能力相對較強的國有銀行在一段時間曾保持步伐統一,實行“中端上浮、兩端基準”,即活期、通知存款及兩年以上的中長期存款基準利率維持基準,三個月、半年、一年定期存款利率上浮8%到9.6%。然而,面對日益緊張的存款,五大國有行固定利率統一的陣營開始出現破裂,交行和部分地區的工行、中行都紛紛將2年和3年利率上調。年底,一直“靜坐觀火”的外資行也加入到存款利率上浮隊列中。日前,南洋商業銀行已將人民幣大額定期存款利率進行上浮,其中2年期和3年期定期存款利率分別最高調整為4.125%和4.675%。而記者也看到匯豐銀行主頁打出了2年定存4.125%的廣告,上浮幅度均達到了10%。事實上,記者看到此前不少外資銀行3個月至1年的利率實行上浮不超10%的政策,如匯豐、渣打銀行,其1年期的定存利率為3.3%。但長期利率則比央行定的基準利率要低。從多家外資銀行官方公佈的數據來看,3年期定存利率幾乎都不超過4.25%,有的外資行甚至低至1.6%。年末外資行也開始將2年長期存款資金上調,不難窺見利率市場化的壓力。雖然南洋商業銀行的上浮只針對單筆存款數額不小于20萬元人民幣的客戶,並表示調整並非出于資金面的考慮,也並非長期調整,只是在12月31日之前推出的優惠活動,但毫無疑問提價的迷你倉因之一是沖著存款去的。互聯網理財吸金隨著互聯網金融創新產品不斷推出,利率市場化和金融脫媒正以前所未有的態勢迅速推進。貨幣基金的收益超出活期存款十幾倍,在實現T+0後更是擁有與活期存款無異的流動性,無疑也衝擊著銀行幾十萬億元的活期存款業務。天弘基金管理有限公司官方微博11月14日發佈博文稱,截至2013年11月14日15點,天弘增利寶貨幣基金(餘額寶)的規模突破1000億元,用戶數近3000萬戶。天弘增利寶成為國內基金史上首只規模突破千億關口的基金,在全球貨幣基金中排名51位。年化收益類4.8%—5%左右,流動性為T+0的餘額寶在短短半年時間內的吸金能力讓整個傳統基金銀行業目瞪口呆。銀行人士對媒體表示,目前電商與基金推出的此類產品體量還不大,但其對銀行活期存款的衝擊以及對銀行盈利模式的顛覆已初露端倪,銀行必須快速作出反應,借助銀行的公信力及專業性鞏固與客戶之間的聯繫。面對這些衝擊,事實上銀行似乎也在為了留住客戶而開始對存款進行“革命”。近日民生銀行攜手民生加銀、匯添富兩家基金公司,將依托民生銀行平台推出一款新型電子銀行卡,屆時可將活期儲蓄與貨幣收益掛�,預計年化收益在5%左右。有媒體引述來自民生銀行內部人士的消息稱,該卡為非實體儲蓄卡,用戶在該卡中的存款可享受超過5%的貨幣基金年化收益率,同時,該卡跨行轉入和轉出沒有任何費用,亦支持隨時取現。此舉被市場不少人士分析為銀行打響反擊互聯網金融的“第一槍”。商業銀行對存款的爭奪素來十分激烈,此舉或會引發業內紛紛效仿。“可以肯定是,民生銀行此舉必將對整個銀行圈產生巨大的衝擊波。”一位銀行人士對媒體表示。事實上,以“餘額寶”為代表的互聯網金融對銀行活期存款衝擊不小。商業銀行間爭取存款的壓力與日俱增。國泰君安研究人士指出,互聯網金融在傳統金融發展過程中狹處逢生,與傳統銀行在資產端錯位競爭、負債端少量分流、通道端分庭抗禮。東方證券銀行分析師金麟認為,民生此舉是銀行因應利率市場化和脫媒壓力的重大舉措,印證了前期關於“類餘額寶產品將推動形成存款利率市場化倒逼機制”的判斷,但時點大大早于預期。貨基瞄準工資截流存款除了互聯網的衝擊,餘額寶給予貨幣基金的�示,使得有基金公司開始繞開銀行通道,自己對接投資者。有消息稱,國投瑞銀基金已在公司內部試行以貨幣基金份額的形式發放員工部分工資。“在員工自願的基礎上,約定每月工資的一筆數額直接以貨幣基金份額發放。”國投瑞銀人士介紹稱。據介紹,在國投瑞銀,有八成員工選擇了以貨幣基金份額發放工資。此外,據報道,從11月1日開始,長城基金也和其控股股東華能集團合作推出“工資寶”,集團員工可以選擇以貨幣基金份額代替現金髮放。一位基金公司電商人士表示,採取貨幣基金份額發工資,基金公司可繞過銀行,直接從企業終端搬走銀行活期存款。10月份社融的回落顯示了監管層、包括銀行自身對資產負債表過度擴張的控制。從宏觀數據來看,4季度經濟仍然平穩。貨幣政策方面預計10月份的基調會延續。“我們預計後兩月信貸投放可能不會超過月均6000億元。”安信證券分析認為。毫無疑問,到年底,信貸政策會保持緊平衡,加上年底企業現金需求較大,存款緊張也會加劇。銀行存款利率市場化壓力顯著增大,存款成本向貨幣市場利率靠攏勢不可擋。中國當前的存款成本明顯低於貨幣基金的收益率,特別是活期存款將是利率市場化最重要的衝擊對象。圖片說明:繪圖:彭靂儲存倉

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大陸中低價智慧型手機需求強勁,迷你倉隨著搭載的手機晶片進入四核心時代,新款手機硬體出現升級潮,重力感測器(G-SENSOR)因已成為標準配備,國內唯一卡位G-SENSOR市場成功的IC設計廠矽創(8016)等於搶得頭香,明年出貨至少較今年成長5倍以上。G-SENSOR就是一般所說的線性加速度計(ACCELEROMETER),過去2年當中,G-SENSOR或加速度計的價格高,只有高階智慧型手機會採用,中低價智慧型手機基於成本考量,並沒有納入零組件清單中。不過,今年下半年中低價智慧型手機硬體進入新一波升級浪潮,隨著手機晶片進入四核心時代,G-SENSOR已被納入標準配備,市場需求隨之大爆發。近年來台積電及聯電陸續建立MEMS晶圓代工生產線後,G-SENSOR或加速度計開始導入標準半導體微機電(CMOS MEMS)製程投片,生產成本大幅降低,價格也快速走跌。對於意法半導體或博世等IDM大廠來說,並無意降價爭取低價訂單,中低價G-SENSOR市場意外成為國內IC設計廠卡位行動裝置關鍵元件的重大契儲存。事實上,國內IC設計業者近幾年來均投入不少資金,研發G-SENSOR或加速度計等MEMS元件,希望擺脫PC市場低迷不振的衝擊,也順勢打進行動裝置生產鏈中。包括原相(3227)、立錡(6286)、矽創等業者,去年開始成立研發團隊投入G-SENSOR開發,但矽創率先搶得頭香,下半年順利量產出貨給大陸一線品牌手機廠,出貨量也突破百萬顆。事實上,矽創近幾年來在小尺寸LCD驅動IC的表現不算突出,但第3季因受惠於G-SENSOR及光感測IC開始放量出貨,季度營收季增19.8%達17.03億元,單季稅後淨利1.17億元,每股淨利0.99元,創3年多來新高,而且矽創公告10月營收6.11億元創下歷史新高,營業上已擺脫LCD驅動IC景氣低迷束縛,找到明年營收及獲利強勁成長的新動力。法人表示,中低價智慧型手機對G-SENSOR或光感測IC需求強勁,矽創因產品線轉型成功且抓住市場主流趨勢,第4季營收可望挑戰與第3季持平,明年G-SENSOR出貨量將逐季跳躍成長,預估明年全年出貨量至少較今年成長5倍以上。mini storage

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本報駐香港特約記者 葉 藍 內地放寬生育政策,self storage容許父或母是獨生子女的“單獨家庭”生兩胎,鄰近香港的廣東目前一年有超過100萬嬰兒出生,部分香港輿論因此擔憂供應緊張的奶粉會再添壓力。香港《明報》17日報道稱,落實“單獨二胎”政策後,對香港影響較大的地區是廣東和深圳。2012年廣東省的出生人數為122.37萬,而處於20至29歲生育旺盛期的婦女,在2011年已經有776萬人。香港大學教授葉兆輝稱,目前難以推斷新政策會增加多少內地嬰兒,因為有些“單獨夫婦”連一胎都不生,也不知他們的婚姻數字,但估計香港奶粉市場長遠會受到壓力。港九藥房總商會理事長劉愛國稱,懷孕需要時間,相信“單獨二胎”對本港奶粉需求的增長不會在短期內出現。港九藥房總商會副理事長林偉文稱,暫時很難估計放寬生育政策對本港奶粉供應影響,相信未必所有“單獨家庭”都會生兩個孩子。本身是兒科醫生的醫學會會長謝鴻興則認為,內地應想辦法解決進口奶粉價格迷你倉高,同時也要解決食品安全問題。他相信“單獨二胎”不會掀起內地產婦沖關來港產子,因為內地產婦主要是逃避在內地生二胎要罰錢才來港。不過香港近日再現搶購奶粉潮,食物及衛生局局長高永文表示會密切留意內地任何會影響本地奶粉供應的因素。他稱,在十一黃金周奶粉壓力測試前後發生的種種現象也會納入考慮,要確保本地奶粉供應充足,才決定是否撤銷限奶令。據悉,內地政策出台後,奶粉股備受投資者追捧。在美國上市的美贊臣,上周五股票升幅一度超過6%。但也有專家認為,放寬生育政策仍有不少細節未公佈,因此這類嬰兒概念股很有可能只是短期炒作。有分析認為,香港對於內地搶購奶粉的再度擔憂在一定程度上反映出焦慮感。據《明報》報道,人口政策督導委員會16日舉行首場公�咨詢會,會上有香港市民要求特區政府收回單程證審批權,聲稱不要“新香港人”。政務司長林鄭月娥坦言,對這些想法感到可悲,認為市民不應該排斥新來港人士,他們可有效補足香港勞動人口。▲mini storage

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在國內家用、商用、工業用等全方位飲水設備高達80%以上市占率的台灣愛惠浦公司,儲存配合「2013年台灣國際飯店暨餐飲設備用品展」,發表咖啡連鎖、餐飲連鎖專用MR-350、MR-600飲水設備等多款新品,並提供中央生飲系統整店規畫。台灣愛惠浦除為國人解決所有日常生活的飲用水問題外,未來更要建立專業、優質的生飲設備及全方位的營運策略,為明(2014)年邁入30周年,帶動改變的力量。台灣愛惠浦經理紀光龍表示,30年前,國內飲水設備需求尚未開啟,對國人而言,過濾設備是項奢侈品。該公司於民國74年即引進美國第一大品牌EVERPURE淨水設備,在國際知名品牌的加持下,採用近200位的業務人員、直接在市場上教育消費者;以及在北、迷你倉、南設立分公司,24小時提供不收費的售後服務。這是台灣愛惠浦在國內首創,也是唯一設立分公司服務全國客戶群,國內業者大都委外服務。EVERPURE係美國第一大品牌,行銷世界數十國家。全球麥當勞餐飲體系成立率先啟用EVERPURE品牌之後,帶動全球餐飲連鎖店指定採用,在「品牌指標效應」下,台灣愛惠浦歷經10餘年投入市場開發,提升商品與水質需求,訴求終於奏效,贏得國內消費者的信賴及安心使用,目前國內商用市場高居80、90%;而家用市場每年正以15%的成長率躥升。隨著台商連鎖餐飲觸角延伸大陸、東南亞國家,鄭輝耀期許,未來能夠開發愛惠浦創新商品、全方位服務,發揮整合行銷一條鞭的服務,為下一個30年開創新契機,締造驚人效益。self storage

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digitalpaper.stdaily.com/http_.kjrb.com/kjrb/html/2013-11/18/content_233957.htm?div=-1...科技日報深圳11月17日電 (記者劉傳書)正在舉行的第十五屆高交會上,人們對一種從飼料麩皮分離出的糊粉層親睞有加。科學家表示,原...迷你倉

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BeijingWoman sues hospitalA 31-year-old woman was in Changping District People’s Court on Friday over a lawsuit she filed against a mental health hospital in Beijing which allegedly kept her in custody and treated her against her will in June, The Beijing News reports.儲存 The hospital is also suing the woman, saying that she damaged its image by spreading false accusations online. The woman was said to have been forcibly sent to the hospital by her parents on June 5.Elderly expo winds downThe three-day Beijing International Ageing Industry Expo will wrap up today, China.com.cn reports. Over 200 businesses have displayed products and services aimed at elderly people during the course of the event. Official statistics show there are more than 200 million people aged 60 or above on the mainland.GuangdongTaoism institute on cardsProvincial authorities have approved the construction of an institute for Taoist studies at Mount Luofu in Huizhou , Oeeee.com reports. Luofu is said to be a sacred mountain in Taoist beliefs. The website’s report did not mention when the institute would begin operations but said a first batch of 30 students would be enrolled for a three-year college diploma.Film festival set for actionThe 2013 Guangzhou International Documentary Film Festival will take place next month at Guangzhou Library, the Yangcheng Evening News reports. A total of 2,071 documentaries from 72 countries and regions will be shown at the event, between December 8 and 12.HebeiQuarry workers trappedFive people remained trapped yesterday after part of a quarry collapsed in Dafangezhuang village in Changli county on Saturday night, Xinhua reports. The accident occurred around 5.10pm when 20,000 cubic metres of stone collapsed and trapped five workers. One person was rescued and authorities continue to search for the other workers.Cash for graduatesThe provincial government will set aside 30 million yuan (HK$37.92 million) each year to help university graduates find a job, Hebnews.cn reports. It will also offer interest-free loans of up to 200,000 yuan for graduates who want to set up their own businesses in the first two years after they leave university. Private companies that take on jobless graduates will be given 1,000 yuan for each hire.LiaoningDeaths in minibus crashSeven people were killed and eight injured in a collision between a lorry and a minibus on Friday in Dalian , the Liaoshen Evening News reports. The crash happened at 4.30am and left skid marks across 30 metres of road, rescuers said. The 15 victims were travelling in the minibus, which was supposed to seat a maximum of 11 people. The cause of the crash is being investigated.More trees to be plantedShenyang authorities plan to plant trees covering more than 26,666 hectares next year, with an aim of increasing forest coverage in the area by 1.8 per cent, the Liaoning Daily reports. Seven forest parks will be under construction in the city next year.ShaanxiMarrow donor rejectedA man in Xian has had his offer to donate bone marrow rejected by a donation centre despite him meeting all the health requirements, after the centre said it had met its quota for donations this year, the Huangshang Daily reports. The centre said it saw no need for additional donations, and told the man to wait until next year.More graduates, less workMore than 310,000 university students acmini storageoss the province will graduate next year and enter the job market, 10 per cent more than this year, Cnwest.com reports. It comes as 20 of the province’s major corporations and state-owned enterprises plan to cut recruitment.ShandongFake rabies vaccines soldPublic security authorities have announced that about 10,000 counterfeit rabies vaccines had been brought into the province, the Qilu Evening News reports. However, authorities had yet to locate all the fake vaccines and said they could be being sold across the province. The counterfeit injections are made from distilled water and vitamin K1 and are useless against the deadly disease. The vaccines are said to have been produced by a criminal gang, which started operating in 2009.PLA buildings scrappedAuthorities responsible for the Jinan Military Region said construction of 13 new government office buildings would be halted, the Dazhong Daily reports. It follows a freeze on new government buildings announced by the central government in July as part of President Xi Jinping’s efforts to stamp out waste and corruption.ShanghaiNumber plate prices fallThe average price of car number plates in the city fell to 75,717 yuan at an auction on Saturday, down 6,583 yuan, or 9.5 per cent, from October, Eastday.com reports. The figure previously dropped from a record high of more than 90,000 yuan in March to 73,492 yuan in September. It rebounded to 83,723 yuan last month.Subway line set to openA new 58-kilometre subway line, Line 16, will start operating in the city next month, linking downtown areas with Lingang New City, the Xinmin Evening News reports. Property prices in Lingang New City, which is close to Shanghai’s recently opened free-trade zone, have increased 20 per cent, and reports have said prices would keep rising in light of the new subway line. The city’s subway system currently has a total of 12 lines and 303 stations.XinjiangRailway to open next yearThe 710-kilometre Lanxin Railway, the first high-speed rail line in Xinjiang, is scheduled to open late next year, the Xinjiang Daily reports. The line links Lanzhou , in Gansu province, with Urumqi, and will cut journey time between the two pages from the current 20 hours to about eight. The railway line follows the route of the ancient Silk Road.Fees waived at tourist siteForeign tourists will be able to visit the Kanasi scenic area free of charge from Saturday until March 31, Ts.cn reports. The change is part of efforts to promote the area ahead of the 8th Xinjiang Winter Tourism Industry Expo, which will run from November 29 to December 1. It is also aimed at attracting more tourists to the autonomous region in the off season.ZhejiangBank official hits doctorAn official with the Hangzhou branch of the People’s Bank of China has been suspended from work after attacking a doctor at a local hospital about a week ago, the Modern Gold Express reports. The official quarrelled with the hospital staff after thinking the doctor was too young to accurately diagnose her. She hit the doctor, injuring his ear.Two die at building siteTwo people died and eight were injured on Friday night at a construction site in Ningbo , the Zhejiang Daily reports. The accident is said to have happened at 10.25pm when 10 workers were on duty at the site. Two people were initially reported missing but were eventually found dead on Saturday.self storage

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With 14 international airports, the largest commercial harbor in the Mediterranean (Tangier Med), and an extensive motorway and logistics network, Morocco has big plans for the future.儲存The kingdom’s sound macroeconomic framework, strong financial sector and progressive liberalization policies continue to attract capital investment.With Morocco’s economic performance showing signs of resilience, it is also strengthening its banking sector and reinforcing its role as the financial gateway to the African continent. Casablanca Finance City was launched in 2010. It aims to position Casablanca as a regional financial and business hub.CFC will strengthen Casablanca’s standing as a financial center and create a business cluster founded on specialized infrastructure and a single regulatory system. It also aims to increase employment through the establishment of a qualified talent pool w迷你倉thin a dynamic banking, insurance and financial services ecosystem.Said Ibrahimi, CEO of CFC, believes it will establish Casablanca’s position and credibility as a leading international business hub.“Our aim is to position Morocco at the center of Africa in terms of financial convergence, and to provide multinational companies with a comprehensive framework in which they will find a coherent starting point for their regional expansion,” he says.“This is already the case with 30 companies which have applied and achieved CFC Status in the last two years.”“These include a number of asset management firms, and major players such as the international bank BNP Paribas and the global law firm Baker & McKenzie.”.casablancafinancecity.comWorld Eye Reports provided the storyOur aim is to position Morocco at the center of Africa in terms of financial convergence.”Said Ibrahimi, CEO of CFC儲存倉

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(沙巴 亞庇16日訊)仙本那旅遊業者今日呼吁當地旅遊業者,迷你倉尤其是仙本那岸外的大型度假村與保安單位及軍警合作,攜手確保仙本那的安全,避免仙本那旅遊業再受打擊。在仙本那經營Uncle Chang's Sipadan Mabul Dive Lodge的馮健軍(55歲)今日接受本報電訪時表示,事實上,保安部隊與軍警已在仙本那一帶加緊保安,當地的安全並沒有問題,但一些度假村尤其是大型的度假村,包括發生台灣遊客被擄殺的邦邦島度假村並不允許身穿制服的軍警人員駐守。怕嚇到遊客不允駐守“很多度假村從以前到現在都如此,不讓軍警人員駐守在度假村,理由是怕嚇到遊客,所以一旦有不幸事件發生,是否能完全怪罪保安單位和警方?”因此,他認為,仙本那當地旅遊業者必須與保安單位合作與配合,否則類似台灣遊客遭擄殺事件的發生,將深深打擊仙本儲存的旅遊業。“度假村不與保安單位合作,台灣遊客遭擄殺事件發生後,消息發佈到全世界,深受打擊是我國與仙本那的形象與旅遊業。”他也指出,自昨天凌晨發生台灣遊客在邦邦島遭擄殺事件及消息傳開後,已對當地旅遊業造成一定影響,例如其經營的潛水中心與住宿的10%遊客取消行程。擔心嚇走中國遊客他尤其擔心台灣遊客遭擄殺事件將影響中國遊客到沙巴來的人數,因中國遊客目前佔了來沙遊客的50%。投入仙本那旅遊業14年,並稱是當地旅遊業先驅的他表示,若在4年前,到訪沙巴的中國遊客10人當中可能只有1人,但自3年前開始,中國訪遊客持續增加,到如今每10名遊客當中有5人是中國遊客。因此,他希望仙本那旅遊業者與保安單位及軍警合作,確保擄殺遊客事件不再重演。【相關新聞請點大事件:仙本那遊客遭殺擄】【本篇內容已在2013-11-17更新。】;mini storage

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Source: Odessa American, TexasNov.self storage 17--REXtac President Nick Fowler's plans for a more than $680 million expansion to his south Odessa petrochemical plant represent more than just an upgrade. He plans to move into a different business, eliminating the middle-man between him and the Permian Basin.The plant -- part of a complex that once included Flint Hills Resources -- makes amorphous polypropylene, a sticky polymer used to make adhesives. The primary ingredient is an odorless gas called propylene.And this is what Fowler intends to make now. It is an effort to combat expensive propylene prices and to take advantage of the growing supply of the natural gas liquids produced by oil wells in the Permian Basin.One analyst compared Fowler's plan to a hot dog maker facing higher bread prices. In this analogy, the hot dog maker not only enters the bread baking business -- he buys a windmill and enters the flour manufacturing business. Does his plan make sense?To understand why it does indeed make sense requires an understanding of what Fowler calls the "global tectonic shift" in American energy production. So often out here, new drilling efficiencies dominate that conversation: how the combined techniques of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling unlocked tremendous amounts of oil in shale rock long-thought inaccessible.Fowler's REXtac illustrates the impact of the energy boom downstream, on the petrochemical industry.Fowler plans to produce 300 kilotons of propylene a year in order to produce another 270 kilotons of polypropylene when the new operations come online in mid-2016. To do this, he plans to build a device called a fractionator that will allow him to extract propane from the natural gas liquids pumped out of the Permian Basin. From this, he plans to implement a high-temperature propane dehydrogenation technology that uses a catalyst to turn that propane into propylene. And from there: his polypropylene.There are only five propane dehydrogenation plants in the country working or announced, according to Maria Mejia, a natural gas liquids analyst with the Denver-based firm Bentek Energy. All of those plants are bigger than Fowler's -- with names behind them like Dow Chemical -- but they are driven by the same forces as his.In 2009, natural gas prices were rising and showed no signs of stopping. Flint Hills Resources closed the Odessa petrochemical complex as its natural gas feedstocks became less and less profitable.In fact, industry experts widely projected that major petrochemical companies would never build another petrochemical plant in America again.Fowler at the time ran Orion Pacific, which contracted with Flint Hills Resources and the Huntsman Corporation to process the amorphous polypropylene the plant made. Instead of closing, Fowler incorporated REXtac and bought the plant. The Flint Hills complex had been supplying the propylene feedstock, so Fowler spent some $15 million on conversions to the plant to allow it to accept feedstock by rail.Propylene prices were volatile, but another market reality supported the move. The amorphous polypropylene REXtac makes comes in units sometimes referred to colloquially as the "potatoes" they resemble. It's easily malleable, used to make diapers or automotive linings and feminine hygiene products, among other everyday items. The companies that bought the polypropylene to make them still needed it."That's such a huge division for them, they aren't going to stop just because glue got expensive," said Kirk Edwards, the president of Las Colinas Energy Partners in Odessa and a trained petrochemical engineer. Plus, the effect of propylene prices was industry-wide.Propylene is made primarily in two ways, and neither one is on purpose: It is a byproduct of gasoline refineries and a byproduct of using machines called "crackers" to process the heavy natural gas known as naptha in other petrochemical plants.Both operations are happening less, causing the price of propylene to go up and creating a challenge for REXtac.The reason is twofold. First, Americans use less gasoline than they did 10 years ago. And second, an oil renaissance is underway across the country.Even though oil and gas producers in the Barnett Shale of north Texas were experimenting with hydraulic fracturing -- pumping millions of gallons of chemically-treated water into rock and seeing great returns of natural gas -- this was doing little to change the big picture for the broader迷利倉petrochemical industry in 2009, because prices remained high.But when the techniques began to take hold in other areas such as the Marcellus Shale underneath Pennsylvania, natural gas prices plummeted, including ethane. That would have meant tremendous profit the former Flint Hills Resources plant, had it remained open, because ethane was its feedstock, several experts have said.It also meant that the petrochemical plants that were cracking naptha had a cheaper alternative in cracking ethane. That process makes almost no propylene."So, by God," Fowler said announcing his product this month. "I'm just gonna make it myself."The Permian Basin is rich in supply of natural gas liquids but oil and gas producers have struggled with poor takeaway capacity to bring it to market. Sometimes, they have been forced to burn it away in flares at a financial loss."Those molecules are here in the Permian but we have to ship them all the way to Houston to get the fractionated, or broken apart, and then they ship them back to us," Edward said, referring to REXtac by rail.At the same time, the production of natural gas liquids (NGLs) is growing. In 2008, the average NGL production was 338,000 barrels per day, according to Bentek. This year, the daily average was 362,000 barrels. And by 2018, the firm projects NGL production will grow by 13 percent to an average 420,000 barrels per day.Fowler's plans will provide a local outlet for 42,000 barrels per day of those natural gas liquids.The new variety of crystalline polypropylene Fowler plans to make comes in smaller, denser pellets. It is used to make harder plastics, such as bottle caps.REXtac has about 40 people who work the existing plant right now. They sit in a control room of old flashing dials, sensors and paper-and-needle readings. It evokes a NASA control room in the Apollo years. But it's all computer controlled now, and a few employees at a time sit at a terminal in the center of this room.The company's "Line 3" is a towering tangle of pipes that will be upgraded and brought online. That plant's control room sits empty but cleaned.A laydown field east of Line 3 will become the home of the PDH plant. The Houston-based energy investment bank Tudor, Pickering, Holt and Company is arranging the investment in the new plant.Every four hours nonstop, Fowler said, these new operations will fill one rail car with the polypropylene material. That works out to about 600 million pounds of polypropylene per year.He intends to hire 155 employees, working along the on-site operation of 40 people at the current plant.A curve-ball is the fractionator.The Gulf petrochemical plants don't have to build them, because there are so many in the Mount Belvue area near Houston, said Chuck Carr, a global director in petrochemicals with the research firm IHS in Houston. Some businesses, in fact, operate with the sole focus of running a fractionator and selling the various gas feedstocks they make to petrochemical plants.Mejia and others have questioned why Fowler would build one. There are two fractionators in Gaines County, and Fowler could build a pipeline to one of them and get the propane he needs. (He said that could be a possible route but isn't the current plan).Only about 28 percent of the return on the NGLs a fractionator produces is propane. That leaves 72 percent of ethane, butanes and heavier gases that Fowler doesn't need.But there is a solution, he said: REXtac will sell them."It's not common, but we have a market for them," Fowler said, declining to elaborate.Fowler expects the economics of this move to remain, driven by the supply of natural gas liquids in turn driven by the techniques behind the oil boom."When shifts are that huge, you have to ask yourself: 'Did this happen because the government did something? Or did this shift occur because someone raised the price of crude artificially? Or did this change because somebody invented something and you are not putting it back in the box?" Fowler said. "What happened to crude oil and natural gas liquids -- it's like the computer business. You're not going to make them expensive again. Once they accessed that source rock, you are not putting that back in the bottle."Contact Corey Paul on Twitter @OAcrime on Facebook at OA Corey Paul or call 432-333-7768.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Odessa American (Odessa, Texas) Visit the Odessa American (Odessa, Texas) at .oaoa.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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事事早知 心中有數時間:11月20日至12月1日事件:由國家文化部、廣東省人民政府主辦,珠海市人民政府、廣東長隆集團有限公司承辦的第一屆中國國際馬戲節將于11月20日至12月1日在橫琴新區長隆國際海洋度假區舉行,參賽者包括17個國家的30支馬戲雜技表演團隊。Tips:目前,志願者服務、賽事交通等各項配套工作已全部就位,屆時前往橫琴觀戲的市民需注意交通出行指引,此外,在專業比賽結束後,優秀節目還將開進社區進行公益演出,市民可在家門口欣賞高水準馬戲節目表演。儲存

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