
  雅思(IELTS)寫作(Writing)試卷中,mini storage無論是Task 1或Task 2,都會評核考生的用字和行文流暢度水平;四項評分標準其中兩項為:詞彙資源(lexical response)及語法結構的範圍和準確性(grammatical range and accuracy),故選字須精煉扼要,避免冗長(wordiness);文章更簡潔有力(succinct),評卷者閱讀更順暢。單字代冗詞  行文應盡量簡潔,避免累贅,譬如不寫"due to the fact that",改用"because";不寫"on a frequent basis",改用"frequently"。例如︰"The city has not got enough basic infrastructure."意思是某城市欠缺基礎設施,便應該用"lack"一詞,全句改寫為︰"The city lacks basic infrastructure."  再看一例︰"Nobody was able to conduct an analysis of the blood sample in the office because the office did not have enough equipment."句中的"was able to"可用"could"取代;"conduct an analysis of"意即進行分析,改用"analysis"的動詞形式"analyse"便可;同理,"did not have enough"改用"lack"一詞更佳,此句可改寫為︰"Nobody could analyse the blood sample in the office because the office lacked equipment."句式宜精簡  寫作試卷其中一項評分標準為語法結構的範圍和準確性,無疑,寫作時用上更複雜句式,可顯示個人能力,但於非必要時強行套用複雜句式,只會適得其反。試看︰"Those high school students who cannot organise their time efficiently will face big trouble at college."這句中的"who"子句並無必要,可改寫為︰"High school students unable to organise their time efficiently will face big trouble at college."  又例如︰"Some public facilities, which are rarely used, should no longer be funded."句子中的"which are rarely used"是說明這些公共設施很少人使用,迷你倉點字(keyword) "rarely used"可直接放在"public facilities"之前,更易閱讀,全句可改寫為︰"Some rarely used public facilities should no longer be funded."多餘同義詞  部分詞彙的意義相同,或本來就有另一詞的含義,這時,便毋須兩者並用,只須選一,例如"assembled together"只用"assembled"即可;又或"cooperate together","cooperate"已有一起合作的意思,根本沒必要再加上"together"。  又例如︰"It is illogical to learn a language just solely from a book."其中"just"和"solely"二選一便可。少用否定句  多運用肯定句式(positive construction),有助讀者理解文章;相反,否定句式(negative construction)使用過多,讀者便要多花時間分析句子。 舉例說︰"It is not uncommon for Harvard graduates not to have trouble finding a job."是說哈佛大學的畢業生找工作完全無難度,若這樣寫,讀者要花更多時間理解和分析句子;若改用肯定句式︰"Many Harvard graduates find employment easily." 便言簡意賅得多。主語盡早出  寫作時,應盡早把主語(subject)寫出,避免令讀者感到疑惑,搞不清句子的主角是誰。例如︰"A collection of communications projects from the college program as well as from professional work, the e-Port is a good tool for helping the students display their skills."主語"e-Port"應於句首寫出,全句可改寫為︰"The e-Port helps the students display their skills by showing a collection of communications projects from the college program and professional work."這樣,讀者便可立即了解句子的主角是e-Port,全句重點是說明e-Port的用處,及它如何能幫助學生。現代教育英文名師。香港中文大學畢業,曾赴英國留學,在港擁有多年英語教學經驗,現任現代教育國際項目及海外先修課程雅思導師,善於掌握華人學生特點循序漸進提高英語水準。文︰Edward Chan文件倉

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