本報訊(記者 吳鑫礬 通訊員 袁鋼 來樹亮)曆年春運運送外來務工人員居全國首位的廣鐵集團,文件倉從1月4日起進入今年春運節前售票的高峰。截至昨日14時,廣鐵已經售出今年春運車票1522萬張。今年春運比2013年提前10天,學生客流與務工返鄉客流高度重疊,廣鐵預計,1月22日將迎來春運客流出行高峰,1月27日將達到客流最高峰,預計27日發送旅客將超過110萬人次。根據春運售票安排,5日在圖定列車和高鐵方面,通過互聯網和電話可以預訂1月24日的車票;而在春運臨客方面,通過互聯網和電話可以預訂1月29日的車票。也就是說,節前春運最高峰期的車票,都已經面向旅客進行提前預售。從目前的預售情況看,節前廣東往湖南、湖北、四川、重慶方向的車票需求量最大。廣鐵提醒,1月22日至29日的出行客流最為集中,旅客要儘量避開高峰期出行,儘量安排提前出行或高峰期之後幾天出行,儘量提前預訂車票。相關新聞12306網站針對搶票軟件進行技術調整網購車票換為新版靜態驗證碼 本報訊(記者 吳鑫礬)昨日,記者從廣鐵集團瞭解到,2014年鐵路春運售票工作開始後,個別互聯網公司以搶票瀏覽器、搶票插件等形式,對12306網站的驗證碼進行自動識別,進而達到插隊購票的目的。這種行為嚴存倉擾亂了互聯網購票秩序。為了維護公平的售票秩序和廣大旅客的切身利益,保證12306網站運行安全,12306網站採取了相應的技術措施,將靜態驗證碼更換為動態驗證碼,有效地遏制了對驗證碼的自動識別行為,但同時也增加了旅客識別驗證碼的難度。近日,根據部分網民和旅客的建議,12306網站對驗證碼方案進行了調整優化,將動態驗證碼更換為增加了底紋或干擾線的新版靜態驗證碼,既大大降低了旅客的識別難度,同時也保持了對自動識別軟件的有效防控。12306網站呼籲個別互聯網公司停止對驗證碼的自動識別行為,對繼續干擾正常購票秩序,影響12306網站安全的行為,12306網站將被迫採取進一步的技術措施。針對近日有媒體報道,部分黃牛用虛假身份證號直接購票囤票,找到買家後退票回購轉賣的現象,鐵路部門相關負責人指出,12306網站實行購票實名制,旅客購票應填寫有效的乘車人身份信息,如使用假身份證號購買車票,在車站窗口、鐵路客票代售點、自動售取票機等均不能辦理換票、退票手續。這位負責人提醒廣大旅客,今後10天左右的時間是春運售票的最高峰期,旅客購票應使用本人有效身份證件,通過正規渠道和到正規售票場所購票,特別注意不向他人泄露身份信息,不從票販手中購票,以免上當受騙。儲存

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迷你倉將軍澳 記者鄭瑋奇/專題報導台北市第二條東西向捷運信義線已於十一月二十四日通車,通車後除了改變以往民眾都在捷運台北車站、忠孝新生、忠孝復興轉乘新蘆線、文湖線、淡水線的習慣,成功將板南線擁擠人潮進行分流,也為信義線周邊景點帶入旅遊人潮及觀光商機。

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Source: The Star, Shelby, N.迷你倉C.Jan. 04--The temperature will be in the single digits early this week."By sunrise on Tuesday, the temperature will be 7 degrees," said meteorologist Scott Krentz with the National Weather Service in Greenville, S.C. "There is going to be a really strong Artic cold front on Monday, and it's going to usher in an Artic air mass beginning Monday night and Monday evening."Why is it so cold?Every four or five years, the Carolinas get these air masses. The last one was in 2009, Krentz said."It's a strong, winter time pattern," he said. "There is a Polar Vortex that sits over the Poles. The winds depend on where the Pole is pointing. Right now, they are aligned more with North America and Canada, bringing the cold front this way."Will it snow?Even though temperatures will be in the single digits Monday night and Tuesday morning, snow doesn't appear to be in Cleveland County's future, Krentz said."There won't be any wintery precipitation," Krentz said. "Sunday will have cold rain and there may be light snow mixing end right before the cold air catches up shortly after day break."How is the county preparing for cold weather?Cleveland County School officials are constantly monitoring the weather in case there is snow or ice, said Cleveland County Schools spokesman Greg Shull."Anytime it looks like there may be bad weather, we are on weather watch," Shull said. "Late in the work day we will make plans if it looks like something may happen and check on it around 3 a.m. in the morning."The schools have to make sure roads all over the county are safe to drive文件倉on."The weather we may find in Shelby may be different than Casar, Boiling Springs or Grover," Shull said. "We have children and staff all over the place."Shelby Police will check for cold weather hazards when the temperatures drop, such as ice on the road.They will also make sure officers are safe in the weather."Since our staff will be out in the weather answering calls, we will make sure they have everything to stay warm," said Shelby Police Chief Jeff Ledford. "If we have anything that would require the officers to be out in the elements for an extended period of time, we will rotate them out as often as possible."How should you prepare for the cold?Drivers should be aware of any wet spots on the roadways since the temperatures will be below freezing, Ledford said."Make sure you have enough gas to get where you are going. Breaking down in temperatures like these could be disastrous," Ledford said. "Keeping a blanket in cars would be a good idea."Keeping a hat, gloves and other warm items in your vehicle would be a good idea too, Krentz said.When will the cold weather end?The high on Tuesday will be 25 degrees but temperatures should up midweek, Krentz said."By Wednesday, the temperatures should warm up to about 40 degrees," Krentz said. "Throughout the rest of the week, it should slowly warm up and be in the mid-50s by the weekend."Reach Jessica Pickens at 704-669-3332 or jpickens@shelbystar.com. Follow on Twitter @StarJPickensCopyright: ___ (c)2014 The Star (Shelby, N.C.) Visit The Star (Shelby, N.C.) at .shelbystar.com Distributed by MCT Information Services存倉

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mini storage 結合珠寶與科技的手機品牌VERTU,推出最新智慧型手機Constellation紅梅色新色,採用紅梅色頂級小牛皮革與藍寶石水晶螢幕,於英國手工製作,售價19萬9千元起。 4.3吋螢幕外殼輕巧 VERTU表示,Constellation系列採用4.3吋高解析螢幕,以堅固輕巧的五級鈦金屬材質打造外殼,搭配四核心1.7GHz處理器、1300萬畫素相機與內建32GB記憶體。該手機並承襲傳統提供Concierge私人助理與策劃服務,提供量身打造資訊、文章和專屬服務內容。文╱蔡惠如圖╱業者提供self storage

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從上個月28日首趟動車D2286正式發車以來,mini storage廈深鐵路每天約有20趟列車從深圳北開出,沿線經過9個站,連接廈門北,最終抵達上海。廈深鐵路的開通,貫通了深圳、汕頭、廈門三大經濟特區,成為溝通珠三角和長三角最快速的陸上交通要道。受高鐵利好帶動,省內沿線樓市已經提前走旺。除了樓市,廈深鐵路也促進了沿線各站點的城市建設。據瞭解,在我省境內,廈深鐵路的建成通車,結束了饒平、汕尾、陸豐、惠東不通鐵路的歷史,加之與區域內的多條高速公路相對接,基本形成了立體式的交通網絡。與此同時,周邊公路、機場、通訊等公共設施的建設和園林綠化、供水供電、商業貿易等服務設施建設也都已納入規劃之中,粵東城市振興發展的步伐愈發迅速。大亞灣住宅成交量翻番“早喝深圳茶,午吃汕尾蝦”,廈深鐵路開通後,從深圳北前往惠州只需約半小時,到汕尾只需1小時15分鐘,便捷的“雙城”生活得以真正實現。而對於交通利好最敏感的,無疑是沿線城市的房地產商。深圳市區房價居高不下,許多購房者開始把目光投向其周邊的龍華,坪山等地。而憑借著山海景概念的助推,惠州與汕尾地區的樓盤在早些年也吸引了不少深圳購房者前往投資。但受制于交通問題,出現大量空置房產。“從短期來看,廈深鐵路正式開通後,附近樓盤升值不會很明顯。”美聯物業全國研究中心高級主任何倩茹告訴記者,由於高鐵規劃獲批時,相關利好已在房價上有一定體現,現在只是把當初的預期落實,不過長期來看交通便利肯定是利好。早在廈深高鐵規劃建設階段,沿線各站點樓盤便借勢宣傳,房價漲幅不斷。以深圳為例,龍華新區作為深圳高鐵樞紐而備受矚目。以深圳北站為中心畫圓,3公里半徑內超過20個樓盤扎堆,光是近3個月就有4個樓盤開售。據不完全統計,過去一年有幾十萬居民遷往龍華新區,高鐵樞紐成為極大的利好消息,龍華新區的小區房價平均上漲18%~20%以上。而在深圳東站附近的坪山,高鐵為當地樓市帶來的效應在兩年前就已經開始爆發。據統計,2013年坪山房價普遍上漲了20%以上。惠州作為廈深高鐵開出深圳後停靠的第一站,在惠陽區淡水街道,廈深高鐵建設初期就有多個樓盤動工,到如今建成開盤,其售價已高達每平方米七八千元,且日漸看漲。素有深圳後花園之稱的大亞灣,毗鄰深圳東,曾經因為樓市調控市場暗淡,一度被稱為“睡城”。據大亞灣房協發佈的1—11月市場數據披露:1—11月大亞灣共成交住宅33038套,而2012年同期僅16236套。不僅如此,今年11月大亞灣就成交住宅4257套,而6—11月的成交近乎于上半年2倍有餘。多數月份的成交超過3000套,遠遠超越惠州城區單月成交。而據大亞灣房協的分析,至少七成的增長比例歸功于廈深高鐵。2013年11月—12月,惠陽樓市也因為廈深高鐵的通車逆市上揚。中原地產統計數據顯示,廈深高鐵開通前一周,惠陽成交量上揚98%,大亞灣上儲存14%。中原地產惠陽大亞灣區域負責人徐智勇解讀該數據為:廈深高鐵通車讓更多人開始擔心高鐵周邊的樓盤漲價,故搶頭班車的購房思維明顯。“高鐵站點周邊樓盤在去年12月有明顯的價格提升。”而值得注意的是,根據大亞灣房協的數據,自2006年起大亞灣自住購房比例首次超過八成。業內人士稱,廈深高鐵通車讓深圳和大亞灣、惠陽進入半小時生活圈,此前受制于交通配套而空置的購房者會加快回歸的腳步,大亞灣也將逐漸擺脫“睡城”的尷尬稱號。助力城市副中心加速成型“對於區域樓市來講,高鐵的開通使區域樓市更加趨於同城化,也就是說區域房地產市場之間的差距會因為高鐵的開通逐漸縮小,甚至出現更多異地購房的現象。”上海同策房產咨詢公司研究中心總監張宏偉認為,高鐵的開通會帶動城市高鐵周邊區域房地產市場發展。而不少城市也利用高鐵建設交通樞紐,以此為基礎推動高鐵商務區的建設。在廈深高鐵普寧站,建築面積66萬平方米的中國·普寧國際商品城就是這樣一個城市綜合體。作為廣東省、揭陽市、普寧市重點建設項目,這個商品城是普寧市打造“商貿流通之都核心”的戰略性龍頭項目,不但毗鄰高鐵站,與城東汽車客運站也僅一步之遙。中國·普寧國際商品城策劃部經理張俊龍介紹,商品城分為東、西兩大區域,主要物業類型涵蓋住宅、公寓、酒店、商業步行街等。目前已建成運營的西區占地面積130多畝,包括做內衣服裝批發的專業市場,以及配套的倉儲物流中心及商超、電影院與商務公寓。張俊龍透露,在廈深鐵路開通後,來商品城採購和洽談的外地投資者多了不少。“有不少福建客人主要是來我們批發市場進貨,還有一些深圳、香港的投資商則是過來項目洽談合作。”事實上,早在2012年,廣東省就提出,按照珠三角區域一體化發展的要求,要採取TOD開發模式推進土地綜合開發,打造一批“城市綜合體”。所謂“TOD模式”,就是指“以公共交通為導向”的開發模式,把公共交通的一體化特別是城際軌道交通的一體化,跟城鄉規劃布局、土地利用結合起來,從而優化城鄉區域空間格局。以深圳為例,在廈深高鐵開通後,遠期將會有20條市內軌道交通線和5條城際軌道交通線。其中市內軌道交通線,龍坪線、坪山線都將穿越深圳北站,聯通深圳其他軌道線,通過另外的城際軌道交通線,從深圳可直達東莞、惠州、香港、珠海等地。在深圳龍華新區,深圳北站這個高鐵樞紐改變了當地的發展模式,低端加工被逐漸淘汰,高新技術產業漸次崛起。各類設計企業、服裝企業、高科技企業等圍繞深圳北站布局,對他們來說,當日往返的高鐵可能替代以往的飛行出差模式,成為最常用的出行工具。而在地處深圳、汕頭和廈門3個經濟特區交匯點的潮州,潮汕站作為廣東段最重要的站點和潮汕地區唯一地級市中心站,也正為當地規劃建設高鐵經濟區,打造城市的副中心區域創造了極佳的條件。●南方日報記者 牛思遠實習生 琚煉圖片說明:製圖:譚唯迷你倉

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Two men in a city of the southwestern Sichuan Province alleged to have paid for sex with a 13-year-old girl are to be tried for rape, Chengdu Business News reported.迷你倉This is the first case after the Supreme People's Court announced earlier that it backed a change in how child prostitutes are viewed in a move intended to provide better protection for minors.Previously, most suspects were charged with having sex with underage prostitutes and if convicted faced a jail term of between five and 15 years.Defendants found guilty of rape can face the death penalty.Prosecutors in Qionglai City said that the girl, identified as Xiao Lan, was duped into prostitution and had no chance of escaping her pimps as they kept her under strict supervision.The accused men, both in their 40s, had known her age, said prosecutors.Therefore, the men should be charged with rape, said prosecutors.Last month, the Supreme People's Court urged the abolition of an article in the Chinese Criminal Law relating to prostitutes under the age of 14.It is unfair to differentiate between young girls on the basis of whether or not they are prostitutes, said Li Hong文件倉 deputy dean of the Law School at Tsinghua University in Beijing.The local court in Qionglai, which received the prosecution on Thursday, did not set a trial date.Xiao Lan said a classmate, identified as Xiao Hui, told her that she had found a job and asked Xiao Lan to go with her on July 18 last year.She was introduced to an 18-year-old, surnamed Yang, who had contracted venereal disease while working as a call girl.Her boyfriend, surnamed Gong, is said to have recruited girls online to work as prostitutes to pay for treatment for Yang, the newspaper reportedXiao Lan said she had thought she just needed to accompany other people for drinks.But on July 19 and 22 she had sex with two men. They each paid Yang 800 yuan (US$132), the newspaper reported."Xiao Hui did it and I also did it," Xiao Lan said, "I did everything they told me to do."She said she told the men that she was only 13 years old.Xiao Lan said that one of the men bought new clothes for her.Her father, who is divorced from Xiao Lan's mother and raised his daughter alone, reported her missing to police.Last August, police detained Gong, Yang and two middle-aged men.存倉

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Source: Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, Calif.mini storageJan. 03--FONTANA -- A man identified as a transient faces charges of assault after he allegedly commanded his pit bull to attack a Fontana resident who was at a bus stop, police said Thursday.Eduardo Salazar, 42, approached a 26-year-old male Fontana resident at a bus stop on Foothill Boulevard east of Palmetto Avenue at about 9:40 p.m. Tuesday.Salazar got about 20 feet from the man and commanded his pit bull to attack the victim, police said. The victim tried to get away but the dog lunged at him repeatedly. As the dog was attacking the victim, the suspect also swung a plastic-covered chain at him, striking him in the arm and head, according to a Fontana Police Department news release.Salazar fled on foot with his dog.The victim sustained several bite marks on 儲存is leg and an abrasion on his head and arm from the chain and was taken to a hospital where he was treated and released, according to the news release.Fontana police found Salazar sleeping in a storage unit in the 8000 block of Palmetto Avenue at about 9:19 a.m. Wednesday.Salazar was arrested and booked into the Fontana Police Department Jail on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon.The suspect's mother agreed to pick up the dog in Los Angeles and turn it over to the Police Department, according to the news release.The dog will be quarantined for a minimum of 10 days, which is typical rabies procedure.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (Ontario, Calif.) Visit the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (Ontario, Calif.) at .dailybulletin.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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A self-dubbed introvert and social media recluse, US fashion designer Phillip Lim has nevertheless managed to build a mini fashion empire based on 'It' bags, quirky cool looks and decidedly Asian work ethics.存倉 By May YipIN a time when the grande marques of fashion like Chanel have Facebook accounts, 67-year-old British designer Paul Smith blogs, and Burberry - long lauded for its savvy approach to digital marketing - lost its CEO to Apple Inc, 40-year-old trend-maker Phillip Lim is an anomaly."A lot of people play the social media game," says the American-Chinese co-founder of his eponymous brand 3.1 Phillip Lim (the numbers stand for the age at which Lim and business partner Wen Zhou started the label). "But it's not about people liking and tagging you. You may have the most followers on social media but the smallest business. I don't Tweet, Instagram or have a Facebook account. I have nothing."This refusal to succumb to the digital age is perhaps in line with the designer's elusive, introverted nature. "When I signed up to be a designer, it was about making clothes backstage," admits the articulate, rather earnest Lim, who was in Singapore to speak alongside Ms Zhou, who is the chief executive officer of the company, at the International New York Times Luxury Conference."A designer, by nature, is more behind the scenes. Now you have a persona, a brand, and have to be in the spotlight. Taking a bow at the end of a show still equates to anxiety and butterflies in the stomach for me."Not that Lim has the option of staying in the shadows very often these days. The one-time business school major hosted a swank party in Beijing to fete his first boutique in China - a 27,000 sq ft flagship duplex, right after his trip here. Within the same week, he was in London to unveil a 3,200 sq ft store - with a second outlet set to open in the British capital next year."To come so far, being Chinese, is really a dream," said Lim during the conference to Suzy Menkes, fashion editor of the International New York Times, when asked how he felt about opening his first China store. "My parents are typical immigrants who did whatever it took to put food on the table. My mother was a seamstress, and the hum of a sewing machine is like a symphony to me because I would always want to be next to her, and she was always at the sewing machine."While his family immigrated to Orange County, California, when he was just a year old, Lim has often spoken about his Asian roots during interviews, even though his designs are aimed at the global citizen."I never think of designing for an Asian woman, but you can't help but have the traits that your parents ra儲存sed you with - there is an understanding of subtlety, irony and grace," says the youngest of six children.His best friend and business partner Ms Zhou was also an immigrant from Ningbo, China, and worked in a sweatshop with her mother and sister when she first arrived in New York to pay off the family's travel expenses.And when asked about his father's profession as a professional poker player, Lim answers: "You're never going to run away from who you are and where you come from. I'm a gambler in business and life, and no one can be in this business if you don't take risks, but they have to be solid, calculated risks."And he would know. In 2004, the duo started the company with US$750,000, raised by re-mortgaging Ms Zhou's home. Today, with a projected US$85 million in revenue this year for 3.1 Phillip Lim, according to Style.com, setting up shop was certainly a risk with rewards. Part of the business' success, apart from a focus on functional, beautiful clothing that is not solely priced within the reach of privileged society girls, is the coveted status of the brand's accessories. Lim was named Accessory Designer of the Year at the 2013 Council of Fashion Designers of America Fashion Awards, and it was an unsurprising nod to a designer who has conceived the uber-utilitarian Pashli and 31 Hour bags. The accessibly-priced day bags not only garnered a legion of celebrity followers, they also enjoyed enduring demand long past their 'It' status."I love accessories, I love bags, shoes and jewellery, but it's hard to make a bag or a shoe," says Lim. "Designing accessories is like sculpting: How to make something supple yet rigid, and inject it with desirability? I can't just think about how a bag looks, but if it's heavy or light. And I don't think of something as a hit but a bag for a specific purpose."It's this stoic pragmatism melded with the ability to create discreetly cool looks that has propelled the label to the mainstream. In September this year, the designer launched a collaboration with US chain retailer Target, which sold out on the day of its launch in most stores."I've been asked to do a line for six years but I didn't feel ready," says Mr Lim. "People know us as an approachable fashion brand but I had to make it even more commercial, and that's more challenging than making the most beautiful dress possible. I must consider how to dress a million people, and you just have to remove the ego and attack the project with purpose. It boils down to accountability and responsibility."When told that his comment came across as somewhat Asian-sounding ethos, the mild-mannered aesthete laughs and says: "See, you could tell."迷你倉

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日前,迷你倉中環解放軍軍營被數名揮舞港英殖民旗的年輕人衝擊,是政府意料之外?如果駐軍開槍了,又會怎樣?找不被港人尊重的老人大出來罵,讓他們跳跳忠字舞,更升級為港獨衝擊,是解決問題的方法嗎?本位主義,本來就有,上海人、北京人、香港人,都有本位主義,如何令城市的本位主義不要升級為族群對立,是管治者的責任。最重要的是,假如動武了,將激化為非理性的族群對立,任何理性的對話解決都將無濟於事。衝擊軍營的年輕人的口號是「反對興建中環軍用碼頭,要求解放軍撤出香港」。筆者先談第二句口號「解放軍撤出香港」。香港駐軍,是主權象徵,地方政府無從反對。而且駐軍軍紀嚴未曾出事,因此港人對駐軍 沒有普遍不滿,「撤軍」只是個別激進人士說說,在社會上沒有支持。反而,筆者一直根據城市規劃上的原因,認為由於香港市區土地嚴重不足,中環軍營和市區一些軍營,真的影響了城市的發展,而且一些軍營嚴重空置。以解放軍的現代化軍力調動,郊區軍營是完全可以一小時內到達全港各地,因此長遠而言,是可以搬遷到郊區的。雖然筆者相信這建議可以幫北京撫平民心,但亦理解這問題要高層決策,完全在梁振英政府能力以外。那梁政府能力之內,又是否已經盡力,或者有能力?這是第一句口號「反對興建中環軍用碼頭」反映出的問題。中環軍事碼頭原本的法定規劃用途是「休憩用地」(註1),如果維持這法定用途,解放軍除了軍事臨時佔用之外,是必須要將其開放供作市民享用的。但是,政府建議改劃為「其他用途(軍事用地)」,本來「經常許可」的休憩用途便未必能夠在此經常發生(註2)。反對者擔心,如果解放軍可以圍封土地,公眾便難以進入了。禁區內如果市民與解放軍有衝突,香港法律不適用,便無法保障市民。那麼,解放軍要圍封嗎?還是解放軍傾向於讓市民自由享用?根據發展局長在立法會的答問,駐軍承諾在軍用碼頭不作軍事用途時,將碼頭範圍開放作為海濱長廊的一部分供公眾享用(註3)。發展局長不是已經說了嗎?我看問題不在於發展局長有沒有說明,問題在於發展局長的發言不是法律的一部分,沒有法定效力;而且這位民意支持度最低的局長沒有取得市民的信任,是「民無信不立」。而局長在立法會作政策發言時, 亦沒有提依法保障港人權益,我覺得他可能是不懂,多於是早已放棄港人權利。根據《駐軍法》,軍事禁區由駐軍管理,香港沒有管轄權,這就是大多數反對軍事碼頭者反對核心問題之所在。但同時,《駐軍法》第12條當中規定,「…… 香港駐軍對軍事禁區內的自然資源、文物古�以及非軍事權益,應當依照香港特別行政區的迷你倉將軍澳律予以保護。」筆者要指出這「非軍事權益」就是出路之所在,「非軍事權益」應該包括市民可以享用海濱長廊的權益。既然《駐軍法》都已經說明駐軍「應當依照香港特別行政區的法律予以保護,換言之只要城規會在作為法律一部分的法定大綱圖內對「法定權益」明確界定,則駐軍基於《駐軍法》應該遵守,而香港人依法享用海濱長廊的「非軍事權益」便應該可以得到法定的保障。當然,這不影響,亦無法影響駐軍必要時的使用。根據筆者的了解,多數反對者並不反對駐軍需要時可以在中環上岸的,爭取的是市民可以享用海濱長廊的權益的保障。筆者曾出席城規會有關聆訊和多方了解,問題的專業技術爭議在於是否用法定圖則指定這「軍事用地加休憩用地」(即非軍用時作休憩用地用途) 的混合用途(CompositeUse),筆者聽過一個說法,是因為目前規劃署都不管日常操作管理,沒有這個功能,所以就不管了。但根據英國有關規劃法的案例指明,從一種用途改變到另一種用途,是實質的改變用途(Material Change of Use),土地利用上「軍事用地」和「休憩用地」是兩種截然不同的用途,參考了法庭案例,希望港府明白這在規劃法上是不能含糊其詞,無視法制,混亂下去的。核心的規劃問題在於政府是否同意劃定這種「軍事用地加休憩用地」的混合用途,令兩者都依城市規劃條例,合法並存,而且受到駐軍法的保障。 從反對者角度,回復休憩用途(Open Space),註明解放軍必要時使用權益, 是最好的方案。但如果維持軍事用途Other Use(Military),而在其中指明非軍用時市民的權益,亦是專業上可以接受的。更核心的問題是,一國兩制是開歷史先河的創新,將重視法治的資本主義的香港,和仍然是半人治的社會主義的中國結合起來。假如沒有一流的人才,沒有勇於創新的官員,一國兩制將難以成功。年輕人衝擊解放軍軍營,背後是本土主義的心態,這問題不隨這個案的可能解決而解。一國兩制還要一步一步,創新的走下去。註1:城規會是法定機構,政府影響其決策。根據《城市規劃條例》而劃定的法定圖則和文字《註釋》,根據以往案例和法例,亦是法律的一部分。 因此,既可以在圖則的圖紙上說明,亦可以在《註釋》上說明有關的許可用途,包括筆者倡議的混合用途。註2:根據中區(擴展部分)分局計劃大綱草圖編號S/H24/8,「休憩用地」本來為該圖則經常許可的用途,但受到圖則各相關部分的實施限制。註3:發展局長於2013年5月28日在立法會的發言。中國及香港規劃師/公共專業聯盟副主席 吳永輝

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