□本報記者 傅嘉截至2014年1月6日,迷你倉兩市135家電子行業上市公司中已有69家公佈了2013年度業績預告。與電子板塊去年火爆的行情相比,這69家上市公司只有47家業績實現同比增長,其中17家公司淨利潤增幅超過100%,京東方以675%的淨利潤增幅排名第一,士蘭微、珈偉股份、蓉勝超微全年淨利潤樂觀估計同比增長也在200%以上。此外,還有部分前期的大牛股全年業績不盡如人意。在前三季度已顯示出全年業績出現反轉趨勢的部分公司,其二級市場走勢卻相當一般。業績牛股京東方A股價去年全年下跌5.28%,士蘭微、珈偉股份、蓉勝超微2013年全年股價漲幅僅在60%左右,與TMT行業去年的整體漲幅不相匹配。分析人士認為,TMT概念炒作動力已逐步走弱,業績成長有望得到市場的進一步重視。展望2014年,集成電路、智能家居成、安防、LED照明等多重熱點仍值得期待。市場炒作基於概念2013年全年,兩市共有17家電子行業上市公司股價漲幅翻倍,“中小盤+新技術”成為電子行業貫穿全年的炒作主線。這17家公司除德賽電池外,全部來自于中小板與創業板。億緯鋰能、北京君正和丹邦科技位列股價漲幅榜前三位,這三家公司對應的題材分別是電子香煙、可穿戴芯片、柔性電路板,均為炙手可熱的題材。不過,從業績方面看,北京君正和丹邦科技都不盡如人意。北京君正2012年淨利潤為4788萬元,而2013年前三季度僅實現利潤2042萬元,全年業績下滑趨勢基本確立。丹邦科技2012年全年實現淨利潤5563萬元,但去年前三季度實現淨利潤也只有3608萬元,公司預計全年淨利潤最多將下滑30%。電子行業去年第一大牛股億緯鋰能去年股價漲幅達225%,公司預計2013年淨利潤增幅最多僅在70%左右,在69家公佈年度業績預告的電子上市公司中排名第20位。“總體來看,之前市場炒作的情緒是基於概念而不是業績。”一位行業分析師對中國證券報記者表示,隨著年報臨近出爐,市場估值有望向業績型公司傾斜。成熟領域業績表現較突出對比18家業績增幅超過100%的電子上市公司不難發現,成熟的技術加上下游市場的配合仍是電子企業攫取利潤的雙保險。技術升級換代帶來下游市場需求爆發,使得上市公司的產品不愁銷路,在行業競爭加劇的背景下,一定程度上可以抵消毛利率殺跌的影響。在經過了多年業績不痛不癢之後,京東方2013年在盈利上打了個漂亮的翻身仗。公司2013年第一季度的利潤已與2012年全年利潤接近,二、三季度業績持續走高。公司預計去年全年盈利在18億至20億元,淨利潤同比增幅在597%至675%之間。雖然目前仍有不少電子上市公司沒有公佈全年業績預告,但從基本面觀察,京東方成為電子行業的“業績預增王”基本已無懸念。然而和業績走勢相悖,京東方去年全年股價卻下跌了5.28%。這主要是在去年7月份公司的460億元巨額增發引發了市場強烈擔憂。有趣的是,雖然在增發計劃宣佈後股價大幅殺跌,但機構對京東方的熱情卻沒有冷卻,下半年來機構調研的頻率仍然十分密集。一位長期跟蹤京東方的分析師就此事向中國證券報表示,市場表現差儲存倉代表後期沒有機會,公司的業績反轉趨勢明確。公司2013年業績強勢主要是依賴于前期北京8.5代線的投產。根據公司公告,近期公司在鄂爾多斯的5.5代AMOLED和合肥的8.5代線都已經初步投產。公司的產品上游技術已經十分成熟,下游的需求也顯而易見,目前面板的國產化正在漸入高潮,京東方的後期發展有望提速。除了京東方之外,士蘭微、東晶電子、珈偉股份等個股的業績均出現大幅增長,這幾類企業對應的產品分別在集成電路、LED、藍寶石材料等領域。從產品來看,這幾家的公司的產品並不算高精尖,但由於下游市場需求爆發,全年業績表現均可圈可點。今年仍有多重熱點電子行業是典型的技術驅動型行業,在技術更新換代時,押中技術趨勢的上市公司往往能取得業績和股價表現的名利雙收。2007年蘋果開�的一輪創新周期至2013年上半年接近尾聲,部分消費電子新方向目前仍有待明朗。但市場人士認為,技術更新放緩並不意外市場的熱度就此退潮,目前產業鏈上下游仍在穩步推進,業內對一些技術趨勢也達成了共識,這將成為部分公司2014年業績的助推器。平安證券研報認為,2014年至少有幾大趨勢已經明朗,科技行業將從硬件推動應用過渡到以應用將推動硬件創新;蘋果將依靠可穿戴設備再度崛起;集成電路產業在國家的支持下將快速發展;智能家居成熟的解決方案有望面世;安防行業將迎來大數據時代和LED照明時代。市場人士認為,在1月舉辦的CES2014將是業內對消費電子的一次初探,行業全年的發展趨勢基本能夠判明。“相比之下,安防行業技術已經成熟,各地政府對平安城市的推動不遺餘力,安防市場的投建高潮仍未終止,2014年全年的體量仍相當可觀。”上述市場人士認為,LED照明目前產業鏈已萬事俱備,技術和產能均準備就位,就在等待下游市場�動時點。LEDinside預估,2014年LED照明產品出貨數量將達13.2億只,同比增長68%,整個LED照明產值今年將達178億美元。公司簡稱 所屬行業 年度業績摘要京東方A 面板 預計淨利潤18億元-20億元,增長幅度為597%至675% 士蘭微 LED 預計淨利潤增長幅度為450%至550% 東晶電子 元器件 預計淨利潤3000萬元至3500萬元,增長幅度為262%至306% 珈偉股份 LED 預計淨利潤1950萬元至2122萬元,增長幅度為234%至264% 蓉勝超微 元器件 預計淨利潤650萬元至1000萬元,增長幅度為96.89%至202.91% 康強電子 半導體 預計淨利潤1685.46萬元至2106.83萬元,增長幅度為100%至150% 深天馬A 面板 預計淨利潤10400萬元至12500萬元,增長幅度為90%至130% 同方國芯 集成電路 預計淨利潤26000萬元至29000萬元,增長幅度為84%至105% 國星光電 LED 預計淨利潤6293.25萬元至7866.56萬元,增長幅度為60%至100% 歐菲光 觸摸屏 預計2淨利潤55000萬元至60000萬元,增長幅度為71%至87%新華社圖片部分電子公司業績預告情況數據來源:同花順迷你倉最平
- Jan 07 Tue 2014 09:09
牛股業績不盡如人意 電子行業今年仍有望熱點紛呈
- Jan 07 Tue 2014 09:03
“瘋搶”、“即刻售罄”這些詞匯頻繁出現在樂視、小米等專業電商平台上,self storage以網絡為銷售渠道的電商,相較實體店低成本的銷售模式無疑將更大利潤空間留給了消費者。近日,樂視將39英寸的智能電視S40降價到1499元,降幅高達500元。針對樂視的價格調整,聯想中國區智能電視事業部總經理任中偉認為,這是一種自殺行為,這種做法幾乎完全不考慮產品的硬件成本。任中偉認為,互聯網思維將成為所有公司生存的必備條件,而在5年內,所有公司都必須將用互聯網的方式做事,對於目前那些靠營銷驅動的互聯網公司,屆時必須彌補在品牌、產品、服務、供應鏈等多方面的短板才可以。與此同時,創維新聞發言人李從想在接受採訪時也認為,樂視作為互聯網起家的公司與創維等傳統電視製造商在商業模式上並不相同,因此其降價策略並不能大面積進行複制。樂視TV的硬件應該是處於盈虧平衡的狀態,硬件幾乎不賺錢,甚至是有賠錢的可能,樂視TV的主要盈利應該是來自于兩方面,一是向前端也就是消費者收取服務費;二是向後端即廣告商收取廣告費。“這種模式能否長時間支撐樂視TV還有待觀察,樂視的用戶數是其盈利模式的前提;對於硬件製造來說,物力成本是固定的,傳統電視製造商不可能完全犧牲硬件成本來換取市場,因此創維不太可能通過大幅度降價來擴大自己的銷售。”李從想表示。對於傳統廠商的“自殺說”,樂視TV高級副總裁彭鋼回應,傳統廠商的無知在於只看到超級電視硬件價格低,而枉顧創造用戶價值最大化的商業模式與高性價比產品。互聯網硬件成本化、快消化、服務化是大勢所趨。據悉迷利倉樂視自2013年5月7日正式推出超級電視以來,直接打出“兩倍性能,一半價格”的旗號,特別是2013年10月10日推出50英寸電視,直接打出2499元的價格,擊穿42英寸價格底線,遭到用戶瘋搶。以1499元的價格力推S40,除了價格直降500元,還贈送超級遙控器,強勢佔領家庭入口。對此,360董事長周鴻禕認為,未來的趨勢是“硬件免費”,這在美國這樣的互聯網發達國家,已經成為趨勢。雖然移動終端的利潤趨近于零,但通過內置的各種增值服務,同樣可以建立起互聯網化的商業模式。實際上,傳統電視廠商與互聯網公司做電視的廠商,一直都是不同的玩法,傳統電視廠商憑借多年的積累,有著完善的物流、渠道、客服、售後體系,當然也背負了很高的成本,這決定了其產品的高價格。而樂視、小米等互聯網公司做電視,則是走的直銷路線,砍掉了渠道成本並以互聯網的模式做營銷,所以能夠將價格不斷往下打壓。而隨著愛奇藝、阿里、優酷等更多的互聯網廠商殺入智能電視領域,預計互聯網勢力與傳統勢力在產品理念、盈利模式、營銷方式上的對決將更加慘烈。超低也暴露出很多問題,例如發生了嚴重超賣,部分用戶抱怨發貨慢等,還引來一些連鎖反應,此前以1999元購買S40的用戶,在樂視TV的樂迷論壇質疑樂視的降價,要求補差價,並且組織了維權聯盟。對此,彭鋼表示,不計成本的低價是為了讓更多用戶享受超級電視帶來的全新體驗,現在樂視採用“現貨+預售”的模式,已達到將產能與需求最好匹配的模式,摒棄“飢餓營銷”,並持續提升產能,盡最大可能滿足更多用戶的需求。迷你倉
- Jan 07 Tue 2014 08:57
Translational Regenerative Medicine: Market Prospects 2014-2024
NEW YORK, Jan.24小時迷你倉 6, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Reportlinker.com announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:Translational Regenerative Medicine: Market Prospects 2014-2024 .reportlinker.com/p0595030/Translational-Regenerative-Medicine-Market-Prospects-2014-2024.html#utm_source=prnewswire&utm_medium=pr&utm_campaign=Blood_Supply,_Tissue_Banking_and_TransplantationReport DetailsOur new study shows you the commercial potential of regenerative treatmentsWhat does the future hold for regenerative medicine? Visiongain's brand new report shows you potential revenues to 2024, assessing data, trends, opportunities and prospects there.Our study lets you assess regenerative medicine: cell-based therapies that aim to restore function and regenerate diseased tissues. It lets you assess projected sales at world market, market segment, product and regional level to 2024. You will see financial results, interviews, trends, opportunities, and revenue predictions.In our investigation you also see qualitative analyses, news R&D and business developments. Our 240 page report provides 122 tables, charts, and graphs. Read the full transcripts of three exclusive expert opinion interviews from leading industry specialists informing your understanding and allowing you to assess prospects for investments and sales:- Dr. Alan Trounson - President, California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM)- Professor Francois Berthiaume - Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Rutgers University, New Jersey- Dr. William Dolphin - CEO, Avita MedicalYou will find prospects for submarkets and productsIn addition to analyses of the overall world market, you will see revenue forecasting of three world-level submarkets to 2024:-- Stem cell therapy-- Tissue engineered products-- Gene therapyAlso, you will discover how leading products - including Apligraf, Dermagraft, ReCell, Osteocel Plus, Trinity Evolution and Neovasculgen - perform from 2014 to 2024. You will find business research and analysis with individual revenue forecasts and discussions.What are the prospects in leading regions and countries?There are many commercial opportunities in developed and developing countries. You discover individual revenue forecasts to 2024 for regions, with discussions of countries:-- US-- Europe-- Asia Pacific - including Japan, China, India, South Korea and Australia-- Rest of the world - including BrazilThis decade, revenues from the Asia-Pacific region will be the fastest-growing worldwide.Revenues in many countries will multiply many times from 2014 to 2024, our analyses show.Research and development - potential in this emerging industryWhat's happening in the R&D pipeline for translational regenerative medicine? Our study shows developmental trends:-- Diabetes treatments-- Cardiovascular and cardiology treatments-- Cancer therapy-- Ocular (ophthalmological) uses - treating eye diseases-- Wound care-- Treatments for neurological disordersDiscover how science and technology is changing translational regenerative medicine. Our investigation shows you trends and outlooks, exploring matters affecting the sector.What issues affect the regenerative treatments and industry market?Our study lets you assess industry trends and outlooks. You will find discussions, including qualitative analyses:-- Tissue engineering - including 3D bioprinting and organ transplants-- Autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI)-- Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation and other cellular treatments-- Orthobiologics, biomaterials, neuroprotection and nanotechnology-- Gene therapy, including delivery and viral vectors-- Bone marrow material and human embryonic stem cells-- Mesenchymal stem cell technologies-- Skin regeneration, wound repair, cosmetic uses and treating degenerative disorders-- Treatment of leg ulcers, cartilage, livers, hearts and eyesYou will see discussions of technological, commercial, and economic matters, with emphasis on organisations developing technologies.Leading companies and potential for market growthThis decade, this biotechnology sector will flourish - already there are products on sale and a myriad of clinical trials underway.The R&D pipeline is strong and promising. Visiongain expects high demand for treatments, with degenerative diseases, wound healing, and other applications stimulating progress.Our work shows you what products and organisations hold greatest potential. See profiles of 18 leading companies, including these:-- Advanced Cell Technology-- Anterogen-- Genzyme-- Mesoblast-- NuVasive-- Organogenesis-- Osiris Therapeutics-- Shire Regenerative Medicine-- TiGenix-- UniQure-- Alphatec Spine-- Avita MedicalIn general, a company profile gives you the following information-- Discussion of a company's activities and outlook-- Recent financial results-- Assessment of recent developments - mergers and acquisitions (M&A), new products, and collaborations.-- Analysis of current clinical trial activity-- Insight into pipeline products in developmentDiscover capabilities, progress, and commercial prospects, helping you stay ahead. What effects will improved regulatory processes have? Advances in stem cell science and an evolving patent landscape will change the industry.How the Translational Regenerative Medicine: Market Prospects 2014-2024 report helps youIn summary, our 240 page report gives you the following knowledge:-- Revenues forecasts to 2024 for the overall world regenerative medicine market and 3 submarkets - discover that industry's prospects, finding promising places for investments and revenues-- Potential revenues of leading regenerative medicine products and portfolios to 2024-- Assessment of 18 leading companies, and others, discovering activities and outlooks-- Market forecasting to 2024 for leading regions - US, Europe, and Asia-Pacific-- Review of the late-stage product pipeline by market segment and therapeutic area-- View opinions from our survey, seeing interviews with authorities-- Investigation of competition and opportunities influencing sales-- Discussion of what stimulates and restrains the industry and marketYou will find quantitative and qualitative analyses with independent predictions. You will receive information that only our report contains, staying informed with this invaluable business intelligence.Information found nowhere elseWith our survey you are less likely to fall behind in knowledge or miss opportunity. See there how you could benefit your research, analyses, and decisions. Also see how you can save time and get recognition for commercial insight.1. Executive Summary1.1 Overview of Findings1.2 Structure of the Report1.3 Research and Analysis Methods1.4 Glossary of Terms in this Report2. Introduction to Translational Regenerative Medicine2.1 What is Translational Regenerative Medicine?2.2 Translational Regenerative Medicine: Market Segmentation2.2.1 Stem Cell Therapy2.2.1.1 Classifying Stem Cells by Potency2.2.1.2 Categories of Stem Cells2.2.1.3 Autologous versus Allogeneic Stem Cells: Towards Universal Stem Cell Products? Stem Cell Therapeutic Applications2.2.2 Tissue Engineering2.2.3 Gene Therapy2.2.3.1 Harnessing Infectivity: Viral Vectors in Gene Therapy2.3 Other Areas of Regenerative Medicine2.3.1 Small Molecules and Proteins - Enhancing Regenerative Medicine2.3.2 Cosmetic Applications of Regenerative Medicine2.4 Regulation of Regenerative Medicine2.4.1 Regulation of Regenerative Medicine Products in Europe2.4.2 Regulation of Regenerative Medicine Products in the US2.5 Phases of Clinical Trials2.6 Scope of this Report2.6.1 Products Excluded from this Report3. Regenerative Medicine: World Market 2014-20243.1 The World Regenerative Medicine Market in 2012 and 20133.2 Leading Regenerative Medicine Products3.3 Leading Companies in the Regenerative Medicine Market3.4 World Regenerative Medicine Market: Sales Forecast 2014-20243.4.1 Regenerative Medicine Market Segments: Sales Forecasts 2014-20243.4.2 Regenerative Medicine: CAGRs by Segment 2014-20243.4.3 Changing Market Shares by Segment 2014-20243.5 Stem Cell Therapies Lead the Regenerative Medicine Market3.5.1 Stem Cells Therapy Market: Drivers and Restraints 2014-20243.6 Tissue Engineered Products Will Continue Strong Growth3.6.1 Tissue Engineered Products Market: Drivers and Restraints 2014-20243.7 Gene Therapies Show High Growth Potential3.7.1 Gene Therapy Market: Drivers and Restraints 2014-20244. Leading National Markets 2014-20244.1 Regional Breakdown of the World Regenerative Medicine Market4.2 World Regenerative Medicine Market: Regional Forecast 2014-20244.2.1 Regenerative Medicine: CAGRs by Regional Market 2014-20244.2.2 How Will Regional Market Shares Change to 2024?4.3 The US Regenerative Medicine Market 2014-20244.3.1 US Regenerative Medicine Market: Drivers and Restraints4.3.2 US Market Overview: The Leading Regenerative Medicine Market4.3.2.1 Regulation of Regenerative Medicine in the US4.3.2.2 Embryonic Stem Cell Research Remains Controversial4.3.2.3 An End to Patents on Human Genes?4.4 The European Regenerative Medicine Market 2014-20244.4.1 European Regenerative Medicine Market: Drivers and Restraints4.4.2 European Market Overview: A Strong Science Base4.4.2.1 On the Brink of a Unitary European Patent System4.4.2.2 Regulation of Regenerative Medicine in Europe4.4.2.3 European REMEDiE Project4.4.2.4 A UK Perspective on the Regenerative Medicine Market4.4.2.5 Developments in the Russian Regenerative Medicine Market4.5 The Asia-Pacific Regenerative Medicine Market 2014-20244.5.1 Asia-Pacific Regenerative Medicine Market: Drivers and Restraints4.5.2 Asia-Pacific Market Overview: Towards Rapid Commercialisation4.5.2.1 Japan: Transforming the Regulatory Landscape4.5.2.2 China: Encouraging Stem Cell R&D4.5.2.3 India: An Emerging RM Industry4.5.2.4 South Korea: First to Approve Stem Cell Treatments4.5.2.5 Australia: Encouraging Translational Regenerative Medicine4.6 The Regenerative Medicine Market in the Rest of the World 2014-20244.6.1 Brazil - An Emerging Market in South America5. Leading Companies in the Regenerative Medicine Market5.1 Aastrom Biosciences: Developing Cardiovascular Stem Cell Therapies5.1.1 Aastrom Biosciences: Clinical Trials5.1.2 Aastrom Biosciences: Products in Development5.1.2.1 Ixmyelocel-T: Autologous Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy5.2 Advanced Cell Technology: Stem Cells for Eye Diseases5.2.1 Advanced Cell Technology: Clinical Trials5.2.2 Advanced Cell Technology: Products in Development5.2.2.1 Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cell Therapy5.2.2.2 iPSC-derived Platelets5.2.2.3 Hemangioblast Program5.2.2.4 Mesenchymal Stem Cell Program5.2.2.5 Other Products5.3 Alphatec Spine: Bone Allgrafts5.3.1 Alphatec Spine: Clinical Trials5.3.2 Alphatec Spine: Products in Development5.4 Anterogen: South Korean Stem Cell Company5.4.1 Anterogen: Clinical Trials5.4.2 Anterogen: Products in Development5.5 Athersys: Developing Allogeneic Progenitor Cell Therapy5.5.1 Athersys: Clinical Trials5.5.2 Athersys: Products in Development5.5.2.1 MultiStem: Allogeneic Multipotent Adult Progenitor Cells5.5.2.2 Serotonin Receptor Agonists5.6 Avita Medical: Spray-On Skin Cell Therapy5.6.1 Avita Medical: Clinical Trials5.7 AxoGen: Nerve Regeneration Products5.7.1 AxoGen: Clinical Trials5.7.2 AxoGen: Products in Development5.8 Genzyme (acquired by Sanofi): A Leader in Regenerative Medicine5.8.1 Genzyme: Clinical Trials5.8.2 Genzyme: Products in Development5.9 Medipost: Cartilage Repair with Cartistem5.9.1 Medipost: Clinical Trials5.9.2 Medipost: Products in Development5.10 Mesoblast: An Australian RM Leader5.10.1 Mesoblast : Clinical Trials5.10.2 Mesoblast: Products in Development5.10.2.1 NeoFuse5.10.2.2 Prochymal5.10.2.3 Chondrogen5.10.2.4 Mesenchymal Precursor Cells in Congestive Heart Failure5.10.2.5 Other Pipeline Products5.11 NuVasive: Spinal Surgery Bone Allografts5.11.1 NuVasive: Clinical Trials5.11.2 NuVasive: Products in Development5.12 Organogenesis: a Tissue Engineering Pioneer5.12.1 Organogenesis: Clinical Trials5.12.2 Organogenesis: Products in Development5.13 Osiris Therapeutics: a Leading Stem Cell Company5.13.1 Osiris Therapeutics: Clinical Trials5.13.2 Osiris Therapeutics: Products in Development5.14 Pharmicell: South Korean Stem Cell Leader5.14.1 Pharmicell: Clinical Trials5.14.2 Pharmicell: Products in Development5.15 Regenerys: Manufacturing Skin Substitutes5.15.1 Regenerys: Clinical Trials5.15.2 Regenerys: Products in Development5.16 Shire Regenerative Medicine: Entering the RM Market5.16.1 Shire: Clinical Trials5.16.2 Shire: Products in Development5.16.2.1 Vascugel5.17 TiGenix: European Cell Therapy Leader5.17.1 TiGenix: Clinical Trials5.17.2 TiGenix: Products in Development5.18 UniQure: First Gene Therapy Approved in Europe5.18.1 UniQure: Clinical Trials5.18.2 UniQure: Products in Development6. Stem Cell Therapy: Leading Applications 2014-20246.1 Stem Cell Therapy: Currently Available Therapies6.1.1 Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT)6.1.2 Stem Cell Orthobiologics6.1.2.1 Osteocel Plus (NuVasive): Sales Forecast 2014-20246.1.2.2 Trinity ELITE and Trinity Evolution (Orthofix): Sales Forecast 2014-20246.1.2.3 LiquidGen (Skye Orthobiologics) AlloStem (AlloSource) PureGen (AlphaTec Spine)6.1.3 Other Approved Stem Cell Therapy Products6.1.3.1 Prochymal (remestemcel-L, Osiris Therapeutics/Mesoblast): Sales Forecast 2014-20246.1.3.2 Hearticellgram-AMI (Pharmicell) Cupistem (Anterogen) Cartistem (Medipost)6.2 Stem Cell Therapy Pipeline to 20246.2.1 Late-Stage Pipeline for Stem Cell Therapies6.2.1.1 StemEx (carlecortemcel-L, Gamida Cell) Mesenchymal Precursor Cell Therapies (Mesoblast) Adult Autologous CD34+ Cells (Baxter) MyoCell (Bioheart) Cx601 (TiGenix) Adipose-Derived Stem Cells (Cytori Therapeutics) Stempeucel (Stempeutics Research) C-Cure (Cardio3 BioSciences) Other Late-Stage Stem Cell Therapies6.2.2 Diabetes and Stem Cell Therapy6.2.2.1 Mesenchymal Precursor Cells (Mesoblast) VC-01 (ViaCyte)6.2.3 Cardiovascular Disease and Stem Cell Therapy6.2.3.1 Endometrial Regenerative Cells (Medistem) AMR-001 (NeoStem) CAP-1002 (Capricor)6.2.4 Stem Cell Therapy in Cancer6.2.4.1 CLT-008 (Cellerant Therapeutics) OncoCyte/BioTime - Targeting Cancer with Gene and Stem Cell Therapy6.2.5 Stem Cell Therapy for CNS Conditions6.2.5.1 NurOwn (BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics) NSI-566 (Neuralstem) MultiStem (Athersys) PDA-001 (cenplacel-L, Celgene) ALD-401 (Cytomedix) ReN001 (ReNeuron)6.2.6 Stem Cell Therapy for Eye Diseases6.2.6.1 MA09-hRPE (Advanced Cell Technology) HuCNS-SC (StemCells, Inc.) EC200 (EyeCyte) Pfizer's Collaboration with The London Project to Cure Blindness7. Tissue Engineering: Leading Applications 2014-20247.1 Tissue Engineering: Currently Available Therapies7.1.1 Tissue Engineering for Wound Repair7.1.1.1 Apligraf (Organogenesis): Sales Forecast 2014-20247.1.1.2 BioDfence and BioDfactor (BioD) CureXcell (MacroCure) Dermagraft (Shire): Sales Forecast 2014-20247.1.1.5 Epicel (Sanofi) Grafix (Osiris Therapeutics) MySkin and CyroSkin (Regenerys) ReCell (Avita Medical): Sales Forecast 2014-20247.1.2 Tissue Engineering for Cartilage Repair: Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation7.1.2.1 Carticel (Sanofi) ChondroCelect (TiGenix) DeNovo NT (Zimmer) MACI (Sanofi)7.1.3 Other Available Tissue Engineering Therapies7.1.3.1 Autologous Cultured Cell and Tissue Products (Japan Tissue Engineering Co.) Gintuit (Organogenesis) LAVIV (azficel-T, Fibrocell Science) Acellular Tissue Engineering Products7.2 Tissue Engineering Pipeline to 20247.2.1 Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation Pipeline7.2.2 Tissue Engineering for Skin7.2.3 Tissue Engineering for Liver Disease7.2.3.1 Extracorporeal Bio-Artificial Liver Therapy (Vital Therapies)7.2.4 Tissue Engineering for Cardiovascular Disease7.2.5 Tissue Engineering for Eye Diseases7.2.6 Prospects for Organ Transplantation8. Gene Therapy: Leading Applications 2014-20248.1 Gene Therapy: Currently Available Therapies8.1.1 Gendicine (Benda Pharmaceutical)8.1.2 Oncorine (Shanghai Sunway Biotech)8.1.3 Neovasculgen (Human Stem Cells Institute)8.1.4 Neovasculgen (HSCI): Sales Forecast 2014-20248.1.5 Glybera (UniQure)8.2 Withdrawn From Sale: Rexin-G (Epeius Biotechnologies)8.3 Gene Therapy Pipeline to 20248.3.1 Late-Stage Gene Therapy Pipeline8.3.1.1 Collategene (beperminogene perplasmid, AnGes MG/Vical) ProstAtak (AdV-tk, Advantagene) Trinam (taberminogene vadenovec, Ark Therapeutics) TVEC (talimogene laherparepvec, Amgen) AAV2-hRPE65v2 (Spark Therapeutics) CG0070 (Cold Genesys)8.3.2 Gene Therapy for Diabetes8.3.3 Gene Therapy for Cancer8.3.4 Gene Therapy for Neurological Diseases8.3.5 Gene Therapy for Haemophilia B9. Qualitative Analysis of the Regenerative Medicine Market 2014-20249.1 SWOT Analysis of the Regenerative Medicine Market9.2 Strengths9.2.1 Incremental Progress in Research9.2.2 Regulatory Frameworks Improving9.2.3 An Established Route to Market9.2.4 Strong Support from National Governments9.3 Weaknesses9.3.1 Lack of Venture Capital9.3.2 High Costs of RM Therapies9.3.3 Commercialisation Requires New Business Models9.3.4 Lack of Standardisation9.4 Opportunities9.4.1 Disruptive RM Therapies Can Create New Markets9.4.2 3D Bioprinting and Other Technologies May Enable Rapid Scale-Up9.4.3 Incre迷你倉旺角sing Burden of Chronic Disease9.4.4 Medical Tourism Can Drive the Market9.5 Threats9.5.1 Restraints on Reimbursement9.5.2 Difficulty Establishing an Evidence Base9.5.3 Ethical Concerns Limiting R&D9.5.4 Progress May be Slow9.6 Porter's Five Forces Analysis of the Regenerative Medicine Market9.6.1 Rivalry Among Competitors [Medium]9.6.2 Threat of New Entrants [Medium]9.6.3 Power of Suppliers [Low]9.6.4 Power of Buyers [Low]9.6.5 Threat of Substitutes [High]10. Research Interviews10.1 Interview with Dr Alan Trounson, President, California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM)10.1.1 Improved Funding in the Stem Cells Field10.1.2 MSCs: Major Potential or Merely a Placeholder?10.1.3 CIRM Investment Strategies10.1.4 The Changing Regulatory Environment Worldwide10.1.5 Key Trends for the Next Five to Ten Years10.2 Interview with Professor Francois Berthiaume, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Rutgers University, New Jersey10.2.1 On the Regenerative Medicine Market10.2.2 On the Future of Stem Cell Therapies10.2.3 Challenges in the Tissue Engineering Market10.2.4 Thoughts on Future Developments10.3 Interview with Dr William Dolphin, CEO, Avita Medical, UK10.3.1 Future Prospects for the Regenerative Medicine Market10.3.2 Is Regenerative Medicine Ready For Commercialisation?10.3.3 On Emerging Regenerative Medicine Markets10.3.4 Future Therapeutic Areas10.3.5 Barriers to Developing Regenerative Medicine?10.3.6 Thoughts on Future Developments11. Conclusions11.1 The World Regenerative Medicine Market in 2012 and 201311.1.1 Current Leading Regenerative Medicine Segments11.1.2 Leading Regenerative Medicine Products11.1.3 Leading Regenerative Medicine Companies11.1.4 Leading Regional Markets11.2 World Regenerative Medicine Market Forecast 2014-202411.3 Regenerative Medicine Late-Stage Pipeline11.4 The Future of the Regenerative Medicine Market?List of TablesTable 1.1 Currency Exchange Rates, 2012Table 2.1 European Union Definitions of Regenerative Medicine Products, 2013Table 2.2 Potency and Source of Stem Cells, 2013Table 2.3 Germ Layers and Their Associated Cells, Tissues and Organs, 2013Table 2.4 Stem Cell Categories, 2013Table 2.5 Stem Cell Donor Terminology, 2013Table 2.6 Clinical Trial PhasesTable 3.1 World Regenerative Medicine Market: Revenues ($m) and Market Shares (%) by Segment, 2012Table 3.2 Leading Regenerative Medicine Products: Revenues ($m), 2012Table 3.3 Leading Companies in the Regenerative Medicine Market: Leading Products and Net Revenues ($m), 2012Table 3.4 World Regenerative Medicine Market Forecast: Revenues ($m), AGR (%), CAGR (%), 2012-2024Table 3.5 World Regenerative Medicine Market Forecast: Revenues ($m), AGR (%), CAGR (%) by Segment, 2012-2018Table 3.6 World Regenerative Medicine Market Forecast: Revenues ($m), AGR (%), CAGR (%) by Segment, 2018-2024Table 3.7 World Regenerative Medicine Market: CAGR (%) by Segment, 2012-2018, 2018-2024 and 2012-2024Table 3.8 Market Shares (%) of the Regenerative Medicine Market by Segment, 2012, 2018 and 2024Table 3.9 Stem Cell Market: Revenues ($m) and Market Shares (%) by Subsegment, 2012Table 3.10 Stem Cell Therapy Market Forecast: Revenues ($m), AGR (%), CAGR (%), 2012-2024Table 3.11 Tissue Engineered Products Market Forecast: Revenues ($m), AGR (%), CAGR (%), 2012-2024Table 3.12 Gene Therapy Market: Commercial-Stage Products, 2013Table 3.13 Gene Therapy Market Forecast: Revenues ($m), AGR (%), CAGR (%), 2012-2024Table 3.14 Gene Therapy Market Forecast: Revenues ($m), AGR (%), CAGR (%) by Product, 2012-2024Table 4.1 World Regenerative Medicine Market: Revenues ($m) and Market Shares (%) by Region, 2012Table 4.2 World Regenerative Medicine Market Forecast: Revenues ($m), AGR (%), CAGR (%) by Region, 2012-2018Table 4.3 World Regenerative Medicine Market Forecast: Revenues ($m), AGR (%), CAGR (%) by Region, 2018-2024Table 4.4 World Regenerative Medicine Market: CAGR (%) by Region, 2012-2018, 2018-2024 and 2012-2024Table 4.5 Market Shares (%) of the Regenerative Medicine Market by Region in 2012, 2018 and 2024Table 4.6 US Regenerative Medicine Market Forecast: Revenues ($m), AGR (%), CAGR (%), 2012-2024Table 4.7 European Regenerative Medicine Market Forecast: Revenues ($m), AGR (%), CAGR (%), 2012-2024Table 4.8 Asia-Pacific Regenerative Medicine Market Forecast: Revenues ($m), AGR (%), CAGR (%), 2012-2024Table 4.9 Rest of the World Regenerative Medicine Market Forecast: Revenues ($m), AGR (%), CAGR (%), 2012-2024Table 5.1 Aastrom Biosciences: Regenerative Medicine Clinical Trials, 2013Table 5.2 Advanced Cell Technology: Regenerative Medicine Clinical Trials, 2013Table 5.3 AlphaTec Spine: Regenerative Medicine Clinical Trials, 2013Table 5.4 Anterogen: Regenerative Medicine Clinical Trials, 2013Table 5.5 Athersys: Regenerative Medicine Clinical Trials, 2013Table 5.6 Avita Medical: Regenerative Medicine Clinical Trials, 2013Table 5.7 AxoGen: Regenerative Medicine Clinical Trials, 2013Table 5.8 Genzyme: Products in the US Market, 2013Table 5.9 Genzyme: Regenerative Medicine Clinical Trials, 2013Table 5.10 Medipost: Regenerative Medicine Clinical Trials, 2013Table 5.11 Mesoblast: Regenerative Medicine Clinical Trials, 2013Table 5.12 NuVasive: Regenerative Medicine Clinical Trials, 2013Table 5.13 Organogenesis: Regenerative Medicine Clinical Trials, 2013Table 5.14 Osiris Therapeutics: Regenerative Medicine Clinical Trials, 2013Table 5.15 Pharmicell: Regenerative Medicine Clinical Trials, 2013Table 5.16 Regenerys: Regenerative Medicine Clinical Trials, 2013Table 5.17 Shire: Regenerative Medicine Clinical Trials, 2013Table 5.18 TiGenix: Regenerative Medicine Clinical Trials, 2013Table 5.19 UniQure: Regenerative Medicine Clinical Trials, 2013Table 6.1 Selected Currently Available Stem Cell Products, 2013Table 6.2 FDA-Approved Cord Blood-Derived Stem Cell Products for HSCT, 2013Table 6.3 Stages of Osteogenesis, 2013Table 6.4 NuVasive: Osteocel Plus Revenue Forecast ($m), AGR (%), CAGR(%), 2012-2024Table 6.5 Orthofix: Trinity ELITE Revenue Forecast ($m), AGR (%), CAGR(%), 2012-2024Table 6.6 Mesoblast: Prochymal Revenue Forecast ($m), AGR (%), CAGR(%), 2012-2024Table 6.7 Stem Cell Therapy Pipeline: Therapies in Late-Stage Clinical Trials, 2013Table 7.1 Selected Currently Available Tissue Engineering Products, 2013Table 7.2 Organogenesis: Apligraf Revenue Forecast ($m), AGR (%), CAGR(%), 2012-2024Table 7.3 Shire: Dermagraft Revenue Forecast ($m), AGR (%), CAGR(%), 2012-2024Table 7.4 Avita Medical: ReCell Revenue Forecast ($m), AGR (%), CAGR(%), 2012-2024Table 7.5 Vital Therapies: Extracorporeal Bio-Artificial Liver Therapy Clinical Trials, 2013Table 8.1 Currently Available Gene Therapies, 2013Table 8.2 Benda Pharmaceutical: Gendicine Clinical Trials, 2013Table 8.3 Human Stem Cells Institute: Neovasculgen Revenue Forecast ($m), AGR (%), CAGR(%), 2012-2024Table 8.4 UniQure: Glybera Revenue Forecast ($m), AGR (%), CAGR(%), 2012-2024Table 8.5 Gene Therapy Pipeline: Therapies in Late-Stage Clinical Trials, 2013Table 8.6 Advantagene: Gene Therapy Clinical Trials, 2013Table 8.7 Amgen: TVEC Clinical Trials, 2013Table 8.8 Spark Therapeutics: AAV2-hRPE65v2 Clinical Trials, 2013Table 9.1 SWOT Analysis of the Regenerative Medicine Market, 2014-2024Table 9.2 World 65+ Population Forecast: Size (m), AGR (%), CAGR (%), 2013-2024List of FiguresFigure 2.1 Brief History of Stem Cell Research, 1900-2000Figure 2.2 Brief History of Tissue Engineering, 1900-2013Figure 2.3 Examples of FDA-Approved Tissue Engineered ProductsFigure 2.4 Brief History of Gene Therapy, 1970-2013Figure 3.1 World Regenerative Medicine Market: Market Shares (%) by Segment, 2012Figure 3.2 Leading Regenerative Medicine Products: Market Shares (%), 2012Figure 3.3 World Regenerative Medicine Market Forecast: Revenues ($m), 2012-2024Figure 3.4 World Regenerative Medicine Market Forecast: Revenues ($m) by Segment, 2012-2024Figure 3.5 World Regenerative Medicine Market Forecast: CAGR (%) by Segment, 2012-2018Figure 3.6 World Regenerative Medicine Market Forecast: CAGR (%) by Segment, 2018-2024Figure 3.7 World Regenerative Medicine Market Forecast: CAGR (%) by Segment, 2012-2024Figure 3.8 World Regenerative Medicine Market: Market Shares (%) by Segment, 2018Figure 3.9 World Regenerative Medicine Market: Market Shares (%) by Segment, 2024Figure 3.10 Stem Cell Market: Market Shares (%) by Subsegment, 2012Figure 3.11 Stem Cell Therapy Market Forecast: Revenues ($m), 2012-2024Figure 3.12 Stem Cell Therapy Market: Drivers and Restraints, 2014-2024Figure 3.13 Tissue Engineered Products Market Forecast: Revenues ($m), 2012-2024Figure 3.14 Tissue Engineered Products Market: Drivers and Restraints, 2014-2024Figure 3.15 Gene Therapy Market Forecast: Revenues ($m), 2012-2024Figure 3.16 Gene Therapy Market: Market Shares (%) by Product, 2012Figure 3.17 Gene Therapy Market: Market Shares (%) by Product, 2018Figure 3.18 Gene Therapy Market: Market Shares (%) by Product, 2024Figure 3.19 Gene Therapy Market: Drivers and Restraints, 2014-2024Figure 4.1 World Regenerative Medicine Market: Revenues ($m) by Region, 2012Figure 4.2 World Regenerative Medicine Market: Market Shares (%) by Region, 2012Figure 4.3 World Regenerative Medicine Market Forecast: Revenues ($m) by Region, 2012-2024Figure 4.4 World Regenerative Medicine Market Forecast: CAGR (%) by Region, 2012-2018Figure 4.5 World Regenerative Medicine Market Forecast: CAGR (%) by Region, 2018-2024Figure 4.6 World Regenerative Medicine Market Forecast: CAGR (%) by Region, 2012-2024Figure 4.7 World Regenerative Medicine Market: Market Shares (%) by Region, 2018Figure 4.8 World Regenerative Medicine Market: Market Shares (%) by Region, 2024Figure 4.9 US Regenerative Medicine Market Forecast: Revenues ($m), 2012-2024Figure 4.10 US Regenerative Medicine Market: Drivers and Restraints, 2014-2024Figure 4.11 European Regenerative Medicine Market Forecast: Revenues ($m), 2012-2024Figure 4.12 European Regenerative Medicine Market: Drivers and Restraints, 2014-2024Figure 4.13 Asia-Pacific Regenerative Medicine Market Forecast: Revenues ($m), 2012-2024Figure 4.14 Asia-Pacific Regenerative Medicine Market: Drivers and Restraints, 2014-2024Figure 4.15 Rest of the World Regenerative Medicine Market Forecast: Revenues ($m), 2012-2024Figure 6.1 NuVasive: Osteocel Plus Revenue Forecast ($m), 2012-2024Figure 6.2 Orthofix: Trinity ELITE Revenue Forecast ($m), 2012-2024Figure 6.3 Mesoblast: Prochymal Revenue Forecast ($m), 2012-2024Figure 7.1 Organogenesis: Apligraf Revenue Forecast ($m), 2012-2024Figure 7.2 Shire: Dermagraft Revenue Forecast ($m), 2012-2024Figure 7.3 Avita Medical: ReCell Revenue Forecast ($m), 2012-2024Figure 8.1 Human Stem Cells Institute: Neovasculgen Revenue Forecast ($m), 2012-2024Figure 8.2 UniQure: Glybera Revenue Forecast ($m), 2012-2024Figure 9.1 World 65+ Population Forecast: Size (m), 2013-2024Figure 9.2 Porter's Five Forces Analysis of the Regenerative Medicine Market, 2014-2024Figure 11.1 World Regenerative Medicine Market: Revenues ($m) by Segment, 2012Figure 11.2 World Regenerative Medicine Market: Revenues ($m) by Region, 2012Figure 11.3 World Regenerative Medicine Market Forecast: Revenues ($m), 2012-2024Companies ListedAastrom BiosciencesAdiposet Ltd (merged into Regenerys)Advanced BioHealing (acquired by Shire)Advanced Cell Technology (ACT)Advanced Tissue Sciences (ATS)AdvantageneAllosourceAlphaTec SpineAltrika (acquired by Regenerys)AmedicaAmgenAmorcyte (acquired by NeoStem)Amorepacific CorporationAmsterdam Molecular Therapeutics (predecessor of UniQure)AnGes MGAngioblast Systems (acquired by Mesoblast)Anika TherapeuticsAnorMED (acquired by Genzyme)Anterogen (subsidiary of Bukwang Pharm Co Ltd)Arcarios B.V.Ark TherapeuticsArteriocyteAthersysAvita MedicalAxoGenAxoGen Corporation (merged into AxoGen)Baxter InternationalBeike BiotechnologyBenda PharmaceuticalBioDBioheartBioMed Realty Trust, Inc.BioSante PharmaceuticalsBioTimeBioTissueBioVex Group (acquired by Amgen)Blackstone Medical (acquired by Orthofix)Bluebird BioBrainStorm Cell Therapeutics Inc.Bukwang Pharm Co LtdCalifornia Stem CellCapricorCardio3 BioSciencesCDICelgeneCell TargetingCellCoTecCellerant TherapeuticsCellerix (merged into TiGenix)CephalonCeregeneCHA BiotechChiesi Farmaceutici SpACiplaClinical Cell Culture (C3) (merged into Avita Medical)Clinimmune Labsco.donCold GenesysCook Biotech IncorporatedCryoCenter Saint-PetersburgCytoMedixCytori TherapeuticsDaiichi SankyoDendreonDePuy Mitek (subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson)Epeius BiotechnologiesEyeCyteFibrocell ScienceGamida Cell LtdGemabankGenpharmGenzyme (subsidiary of Sanofi)GeronHistogenicsHumacyteHuman Stem Cells InstituteInsulete IncIntrogen TherapeuticsISTO TechnologiesJapan Tissue Engineering Co. (J-TEC)JCR Pharmaceuticals Co.Johnson & JohnsonKinetic Concepts Inc. (merging into KCI)LecTec Corporation (merged into AxoGen)LifeCell (merging into KCI)Lincoln Park CapitalLonzaMacroCureMedipostMedistem (formerly Medistem Laboratories)MedtronicMesoblastMitsubishi TanabeMusculoskeletal Transplant Foundation (MTF)Myriad GeneticsMytogenNational Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) (US)NeoStemNeuralstemNew York Blood CenterNippon Zoki PharmaceuticalNuVasiveOncoCyte (subsidiary of BioTime)OrganogenesisOrganovoOristemOrthofixOrthomimetics Ltd (acquired by TiGenix)Osiris TheraeuticsOxford BioMedicaParcell LaboratoriesPervasis Therapeutics (acquired by Shire)PfizerPharmacellsPharmicell (formerly FCB-Pharmicell)Progenitor Cell Therapy (part of NeoStem)Protek GroupRegenerysReliance Life SciencesReNeuronReprobankRoslin CellabRTI SurgicalRusnanoSangamoSanofiShanghai QishengShanghai Sunway BiotechShenzhen SiBiono GeneTechShireShire Regenerative Medicine (subsidiary of Shire)Skye OrthobiologicsSotex PharmFirm (subsidiary of Protek Group)Spark TherapeuticsStemCells, Inc.Stempeutics ResearchStratatech CorporationSystagenix (merging into KCI)TCA Cellular TherapyTengionTeva Pharmaceutical Industries (Teva)TiGenixUniQureUniversity of Colorado Cord Blood BankViaCyte (formerly NovoCell)VicalVindon ScientificVisiomed Group (merged into Avita Medical)Vital Therapies, Inc.WKD Holding OyXcellerexXenetic BiosciencesZentrales Knochenmarkspender-Register Deutschland (German National Registry of Blood Stem Cell Donors) (ZKRD)ZimmerOther Organisations Mentioned in This ReportArthritis Research UKAssociazione Infermieristica per lo Studio delle Lesioni Cutanee (Nursing Association for the Study of Cutaneous Wounds) (AISLeC) (Italy)Australian Regenerative Medicine InstituteAustralian Research CouncilBeijing Cancer HospitalBoston UniversityBritish Heart FoundationCalifornia Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CIRM)Cambridge Stem Cell Biology Institute.Care Quality Commission (CQC) (UK)Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced StudiesCha General Hospital (Seoul, South Korea)Children's Hospital of PhiladelphiaChina Food and Drug Administration (CFDA, formerly SFDA)Chinese Academy of SciencesDepartment of Biotechnology (India)Department of Health (UK)Duke University School of MedicineEuropean Medicines Agency (EMA)European Patent OfficeFinnish Red Cross Blood ServiceFood and Drug Administration of the PhilippinesHarvard Medical SchoolHaute Autorite de sante (HAS) (French National Authority for Health)Health CanadaHeriot-Watt UniversityHuman Fertilisation and Embryology Authorityy (HFEA) (UK)Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Wake Forest University Baptist Medical CenterInstitute of Biomedical Research and Innovation Hospital (Kobe, Japan)International Society for Stem Cell ResearchInternet ArchiveJapan Patent OfficeJapanese Society for Regenerative MedicineKarolinska InstituteKing Fahad Medical City (Saudi Arabia)LifeSouth Community Blood CentersLondon Project to Cure BlindnessMayo ClinicMedical Research Council (UK)Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) (UK)Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) (Japan)Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS, formerly KFDA) (South Korea)Ministry of Health (China)Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) (Japan)Ministry of Science and Technology (China)Monash UniversityMoorfields Eye HospitalNational Health and Medical Research Council (Australia)National Institutes of Health (US)National Tissue Engineering Center (NTEC) (China)Northeast ALS consortiumPharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) (Japan)Riken Center for Developmental BiologyRussian Ministry of Healthcare and Social DevelopmentRutgers UniversitySaudi Food and Drug AuthorityScottish Centre for Regenerative MedicineSingapore General HospitalSSM Cardinal Glennon Children's Medical CenterSt. Jude's Children Research HospitalStemGenSUNY Upstate Medical UniversityUCL Institute of OphthalmologyUnited Nations' Department of Economic and Social AffairsUnited States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)Universitat Autonoma de BarcelonaUniversity College LondonUniversity of Edinburgh MRC Centre for Regenerative MedicineUniversity of MichiganUniversity of Modena Centre for Regenerative MedicineUniversity of WisconsinUS Department of DefenseVA Northern California Health Care SystemWeizmann Institute of Science (Rehovot, Israel)Wellcome TrustWorld Health OrganizationTo order this report: Translational Regenerative Medicine: Market Prospects 2014-2024 .reportlinker.com/p0595030/Translational-Regenerative-Medicine-Market-Prospects-2014-2024.html#utm_source=prnewswire&utm_medium=pr&utm_campaign=Blood_Supply,_Tissue_Banking_and_TransplantationContact Clare: clare@reportlinker.comUS: (339)-368-6001Intl: +1 339-368-6001ReportlinkerWeb site: .reportlinker.com/mini storage
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- Jan 07 Tue 2014 08:40
- Jan 07 Tue 2014 08:35
菲律賓:景美也怕巷子深 那些被中國遊客忽視的美景:巧克力山、眼鏡猴,迷你倉還有巴拉望島“酒香也怕巷子深”,用這句話來形容菲律賓的旅遊現狀再貼切不過了。這裡有如麵粉一樣細膩的沙灘,有湛藍清透的海水,有五彩斑斕的珊瑚,還有中西混搭的菲律賓美食和熱情的菲律賓樂隊。但是,由於兩國政治關係走低,菲律賓負面新聞不斷,宣傳力度不夠等多方面原因,赴菲旅遊並不是中國人的首選,甚至很多人懼怕赴菲。本報記者近日採訪了菲律賓專做中國市場的最大旅行社——海峽旅行社的負責人莊稼,為您揭開一個真實而迷人的菲律賓,為您的春節旅行計劃提供一個不一樣的選項。國人對菲三大誤解菲律賓有多不受重視,通過幾組數據即可見一斑。2013年中國出境遊人數達到9730萬人次,其中71%的目的地在亞洲。在東南亞國家中,赴泰國旅遊人數超過300萬人次。而根據菲旅遊局的統計,截止到2013年10月,赴菲觀光的中國遊客數量只有區區36萬人次,只有赴泰人數的十分之一。另外,中國公民出境的前10個目的地分別為:泰國、韓國、柬埔寨、美國、日本、越南、馬來西亞、新加坡、澳大利亞、印尼,排名第10的印尼接待中國遊客也超過70萬人次,是赴菲遊客數量的一倍。造成這種現象的原因很多。莊稼告訴記者,他認為菲律賓負面新聞較多和對旅遊宣傳不夠是主要原因,“甚至有朋友問我,你們那裡都還在打仗,去玩安全嗎?”對此,記者收集了幾個國人對菲的常見誤解:誤解一:菲律賓排華現象嚴重。也許是國人對於1998年印尼排華事件印象太過深刻,也許很多人並沒分清楚印尼和菲律賓,所以當南海問題持續緊張,中菲關係低迷之時,很多人自然而然擔心當地民�會不會採取針對中國人的過激行為。其實,菲律賓的經濟主要由華人主導,而且民族或民粹主義在菲並無市場,自建國以來還未發生過排華事件,國內遊客對此可以完全放心。誤解二:菲律賓治安不好。2010年香港人質事件至今還歷歷在目,打、砸、搶的犯罪新聞也時常見諸報端。總體來說,菲律賓的治安確實存在很大問題,但是菲治安狀況和地區有很大關係,有些地方連警察也不願意去,但有些地方一個人半夜走在街頭也沒有問題。菲律賓的旅遊景點,例如長灘島、巴拉望島、薄荷島、宿務、達沃等地治安狀況良好,很少發生搶劫、強姦等惡性犯罪。誤解三:菲律賓有內戰,恐怖組織橫行。菲律賓因為民族、宗教問題,摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線和摩洛民族解放陣線兩大組織一直與政府打打停停,還有經常綁架外國遊客、記者的恐怖組織阿布扎耶夫,但是他們的活動只局限于菲南部的棉蘭老島地區,與熱門觀光景點相距很遠,而且國內旅行社沒有開通相關的旅遊線路,遊客無需擔心。當然更多人的誤解是——“菲律賓有什麼好玩的?”那你可就大錯特錯了。海島游越來越火熱菲律賓是一個千島之國,其各具特色的小島每年吸引約500萬遊客前來觀光度假。其中最熱門,也是中國遊客最熟悉的旅遊景點要數薄荷島和長灘島了,mini storage巴拉望島也正在被越來越多的高端遊客所推崇。長灘島可能是菲律賓知名度最高的旅遊景點,素有“全世界最浪漫的白沙灘”美名,島上的沙子如麵粉一般潔白細膩,夕陽西下時走在上面回看自己留下的一串腳印,童真而浪漫。能從長灘島帶走一小瓶白沙成為當地人的奢望,而能在這裡舉行婚禮更是明星名流的夢想,當年馬來西亞著名歌星梁靜茹就是在這裡舉行的婚禮。薄荷島的沙灘不如長灘島,但是它擁有世界上獨一無二的巧克力山和眼鏡猴。尤其眼鏡猴是女生的最愛,這種世界上最小的猴子不到巴掌大小,但有著一雙與身材比例不符的大眼睛,非常懵懂地看著身邊的一切,其實只不過是它困了而已,因為眼鏡猴是夜行動物。《星球大戰》中的尤達大師就是以眼鏡猴為原型的。最值得一提的是越來越火的巴拉望島,主要包括愛妮島和克隆島兩個旅遊區域。國際著名旅遊雜誌《悅旅》在2013年將巴拉望島評為世界第一海島,而為中國遊客熟知的巴厘島才位列第六。這裡人煙稀少,主打高端旅遊項目,滸瑪、雙季等超豪華度假村提供的服務超出想象。滸瑪酒店提供私人水上飛機接送客人;雙季酒店的海景SPA,所有亭子、家具全都是由菲律賓黑檀木打造。這些度假村一般都獨佔一座島或者偏居一隅,占著最美的景色,客人可以在私人沙灘上不受打擾地享受海景和陽光。春節是游菲最佳時機莊稼說,春節來菲旅遊是一個很好的選擇,這是菲律賓一年之中最好的時候,沒有颱風,沒有降雨,每天都是晴空萬里。菲律賓駐滬總領館的旅遊領事邦傑瑞告訴記者,越來越多的中國遊客開始考慮菲律賓,2013年中國遊客超過日本,以48.58%的強勁增長成為菲遊客第三大來源國。目前,中國已有8座城市相繼開通了直飛長灘島的航班,春節期間還有從南京、廣州直飛宿務的包機,為中國公民赴菲旅遊提供了新的選擇。本報駐馬尼拉首席記者 朱寧(本報馬尼拉1月6日專電)注意事項多準備易幹衣物:菲律賓旅遊大多為海邊及海上活動,衣物容易打濕,應多準備易幹衣物,出行短褲和涼鞋比較方便。出海海風較大,偶遇陣雨,可帶上一件衝鋒衣防雨、防風。防曬霜和腸胃藥是必須的:防水袋很有用,可以保護手機錢包等貴重物品。防曬霜是必備的,建議來菲後購買。很多人都是沖著海鮮來的,所以腸胃藥和過敏藥最好也帶上,容易暈船者建議帶上暈船藥物。請不要傷害珊瑚:菲律賓當地人環保意識很強,請注意保護環境,特別是不要傷害珊瑚,不要破壞幾百年才能形成的美景。貝殼珊瑚水果是不能出境的:入境時要求出示返程機票,務必將機票打印好並隨身攜帶。貝殼、珊瑚、水果都是不能出境的,出境時還要交550比索機場建設費,務必給自己留點錢。儘量住在馬卡蒂市:在島上旅遊,貴重物品儘量隨身攜帶,不要留在賓館內。在首都馬尼拉時,儘量住在馬卡蒂市,日落大道和黎剎公園治安不好,注意被偷被搶,在王城乘坐觀光馬車一定要事先談好服務細節及價格,防止被宰。菲律賓是個小費國家,不在乎多少但一定要給。(朱寧)self storage
- Jan 07 Tue 2014 08:25
Waves Audio Demonstrates Its New MaxxAudio(R
LAS VEGAS, Jan.自存倉 6, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- INTERNATIONAL CES -- Waves Audio, the world-leading developer of audio DSP technologies and recipient of a Technical GRAMMY((R)) award, continues to leverage its pro audio expertise to bring premium sound to consumer electronics via its Maxx brand. Working closely with OEM partners such as industry giants DELL, ASUS and many others who are implementing Maxx technologies across their product lines, as well as leading semiconductor partners, Waves is steadfastly pursuing its corporate mission to set new audio performance standards for consumer electronics. With the widest range of audio tools in the industry, the Waves Maxx line of processors for input, output and Automatic Speech Recognition performance enhancement is a true one-stop-shop for sound solutions.Waves offers three suites of professional sound processors, each of which consists of numerous individual technologies, and which will be demoed in LVH hospitality Suite 2610:MaxxAudio((R)) gives end users unparalleled sound, whether they're playing a game, watching a movie or listening to music. With clearer highs, enhanced bass and increased volume, MaxxAudio provides a better listening experience on any device. Now, MaxxAudio 6(th) generation includes environment-sensitive technologies as well as new features designed specifically for enhanced output performance for online streaming and VoIP applications, providing the most inclusive sound enhancement package available in the market today.MaxxVoice(TM) provides cutting-edge input processing for intelligible, noise-free conversation. Based on the same professional Waves processors used in audio forensics and post-production facilities, MaxxVoice 3(rd) generation includes innovative directional and adaptive background noise reduction, advanced echo cancellation, intelligent volume and dynamics controls. MaxxVoice 3 was designed to meet the latest industry trends and overcome new challenges in the consumer market so users can be heard and hear, loud and clear.MaxxSpeech(TM)'s new, innovative algorithms provide performance enhancement of Automatic Speech Recognition applications. Designed to enable a smooth 迷你倉出租nterface between user and device, MaxxSpeech provides a solution for real-life scenarios, so users can communicate freely with their devices and take their perceptual computing experience to the maximum."The latest trends and advancements in the PC and Mobile market set new challenges as well as a higher bar of standards for audio performances," said Tomer Elbaz, Executive Vice President of Waves Consumer Division. "MaxxAudio 6, MaxxVoice 3, and MaxxSpeech draw directly from the proprietary technologies we've developed for the professional and creative industries to overcome the sonic limitations of consumer-grade hardware and deliver exceptional sound performance on any device. We are happy to invite people to experience our unique technologies at CES 2014."For more information including detailed technical white papers please visit .maxx.com.About Waves Ltd.:Waves is the world's leading provider of audio DSP solutions for professional, broadcast, and consumer electronics audio markets, and recipient of a 2011 Technical GRAMMY((R)) award for its contributions to the recording industry. Waves has twenty years of expertise in the development of psychoacoustic signal processing algorithms that leverage knowledge on the human perception of hearing to radically improve perceived sound quality. Waves' award-winning processors are utilized to improve sound quality in the creation of the world's most popular music, movie soundtracks, and multimedia titles.Waves offers software and hardware solutions for the professional and broadcast markets. Additionally, Waves also offers semiconductor-with-embedded-software solutions under the Maxx brand for consumer electronics audio applications. Waves' Maxx technologies dramatically enhance audio performance and are used by industry leaders such as Dell, ASUS, JVC, NEC and more.All other product names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with Waves.Waves Audio is exhibiting at LVH Suite 2610 at 2014 International CES in Las Vegas, NV.Waves AudioCONTACT: Robert Clyne, Clyne Media, Inc., Robert@clynemedia.com, Tel:(615) 662-1616 x17Web site: .maxx.com/迷你倉
- Jan 07 Tue 2014 08:20
正待外界期待三星旗艦手機Galaxy S5何時面世、有甚麼新功能之際,自存倉三星設計總監張董勳卻說漏了口,暗示S5會在下月底西班牙舉行的全球流動通訊大會(MWC)亮相,並會使用新物料製造,不再是膠殼手機。張董勳接受南韓媒體inews24訪問,透露S5會以「Milky Way Galaxy S5」的代號在MWC發佈,並透露S5由不同物迷你倉出租製造。雖然他沒有透露是何種物料,但坊間已盛傳S5將是三星首部全金屬機殼手機,取代過往的膠殼,因此張董勳這番話更令人相信這是金屬殼手機,以便跟蘋果iPhone5S看齊。外界還盛傳S5配置有視像穩定裝置的1,600萬像素相機、虹膜掃描器。外界相信三星本月開始大量生產S5,一俟下月推介後,最快在3月或4月正式發售。ibtimes.com迷你倉
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 10:27
陳世旭: 文化為 旅遊發展助力
作為廣東省國際旅遊文化節重要的推廣活動,倉「品鑒嶺南———中國著名作家廣東行」舉辦至今,共有逾50位當今中國文壇上的知名作家到廣東採風。作為品鑒嶺南的發起者和見證者之一,江西省作協主席陳世旭表示,「品鑒嶺南」活動特別有意義。「能有這麼一個機會,從多個角度,讓全國各地有一定影響力的作家,對廣東建立一個清晰的認識。不僅如此,對作家本人進行創作也會有一個很大的幫助。因為每次來參加的都是內地的作家,內地的作家有些來過廣東,但是也有相當多的人對廣東沒有什麼了解,廣東作為一個改革開放先進的地區,領先的地區,作家們來直接地感受,對作家的寫作是有幫助的,幫助他們開拓視野。並希望這樣的活動可以持續性地舉辦。」香港商報記者朱求真 風光與文化皆優 陳世旭說到「廣東很大,4年來我們走到的地方,應該不到廣東的五分之一,還有相當多的地方沒去,這只是面上,還有一個深度的問題。改革開放的體現在廣東地區是全方面的,將來希望把廣東更多的特色展示在品鑒嶺南這個平台上,更重要的是,要將我們都還沒有接觸到的各種各樣的產業囊括其中,深度品鑒。」 陳世旭四下嶺南感歎,廣東地區先天風光與文化沉澱皆優。陳世旭用三句話精辟概括出發展旅遊業的必要因素:自然風光、企業投資和文化積澱。原生態的自然景觀是先決條件,這是為大多數作家所認同的。毫無疑問,廣東在這方面是「基因優質、品種純良」。陳世旭的孩子在廣州工作,每年他都有一半時間留廣東,南粵山水基本已走遍,他認為,廣東的自然景觀豐富,有漫長的黃金海岸線、豐富的森林資源,江河、瀑布、泉水、奇峰密布,動植物種類繁多。光是觀音山公園就有1000多種植物,至少有7種是國家保護的瀕危物種,各種動物300多種;廣東又是嶺南文化的發祥地,廣府文化、潮汕文化與客家文化三者交相輝映,地域文化顯著。 「活力商都」 定位準確 本次品鑒嶺南活動的主題是「活力商都」。對此24小時迷你倉世旭表示,商都文化是廣東文化中很重要的一個特質,廣東聚天下之財,歷史上的廣東就是商業文化的觀念對傳統農業的衝擊,在近現代史中,廣東的意義也正在於此。廣東是有充分的資源、充分的條件來推廣好商都文化這樣一個概念的。並強調,這個定位對於廣東來說也是非常準確的。 對於如何推廣商都文化,陳世旭認為多做幾個巽寮灣就是最好的推廣。同時強調要鼓勵各地商會的發展。陳世旭說,目前為止,並未看到特別集中的商會。「我指的不僅僅是國內各省的商會,還應該引進國際化的商業組織。現在我們對於商業推廣這一塊能看到的就是春交會和秋交會,這樣的活動,國際上的商家參加完了便離開了,怎麼樣吸引他們留下來。外國雖然沒有像國內這種商會的觀念,但是相對聚集一些國際上的商人,給他們營造適合的氛圍,便能吸引他們而來。我就有個想法,做幾個各國的風情小鎮,就像東部華僑城那樣的風情小鎮,當然那個是為了旅遊,但是做成商業小鎮,就是給商人沒提供服務也未嘗不可。」他說,廣東現在提倡商都文化,這個定位非常準確。這個意義特別,不僅僅是因為在近現代世界史上影響非常大,而且在未來的幾十年內,還會在國際上有這巨大的影響。 旅遊與文化密不可分 旅遊的發展與文化密不可分,相輔相成。透過旅遊展示文化、傳播文化,使嶺南文化發揚光大、增進人們對廣東社會經濟發展所取得的成就認知和認同。陳世旭強調,廣東要想實現旅遊更持久的發展,也必須整合進更多的文化因素。與文化界合作,共商旅遊大業,「品鑒嶺南」活動是一次全新的嘗試。他說到,「此次參加採風的作家都是當今中國文壇名家,在海內外有著廣泛的讀者群,一舉一動影響巨大,此次品鑒廣東之旅必將給廣東旅遊注入更多的文化內涵,為廣東旅遊文化發展助力。」 明年是「品鑒嶺南———中國著名作家廣東行」活動的第五年,陳世旭建議要多設計主題,盡可能採取多種方式擴大品鑒嶺南的影響,為繼續做好品鑒嶺南的工作打好基礎。迷你倉旺角
- Jan 06 Mon 2014 10:20
師琰領先的美國Cook醫療器械公司在利默里克國家科技園區的實驗室 ; 1959年愛爾蘭政府設立香農自由貿易區,自存倉占 地600英畝,香農自貿區位於愛爾蘭西部,距首都都柏林200多公里,香農自由貿易區是世界上第一個自貿區。 ; 站在西園俯瞰園區,香農河與香農老開發區就在前方遠處宛若璀璨玉帶的香農河仍如55年前一樣,在愛爾蘭中西部緩緩流淌,匯入大西洋,但是河畔那個曾帶領舉世聞名的香農自由貿易區走過風風雨雨、探索出大量商業創新之舉的香農開發公司卻在2014年到來之際被歸入故紙堆,成為一個歷史名詞。對香農當地人尼爾·馬隆尼(Niall Maloney)來說,這並不是一個悲傷的故事結尾,他的祖祖輩輩都生活在這裡,爺爺、父親、七大姑八大姨都曾為香農機場開發區工作,如今作為香農機場運營和服務總管,他對於香農的新未來充滿期待。在政府主導的重大重組之後,香農開發公司的大部分資產將被併入以香農機場管理局為主體新成立的香農集團,後者的使命是將該地區發展為國際航空服務中心,建立一個世界級的產業集群,幫助創造愛爾蘭所需增長和就業,帶動中西部地區發展。香農開發公司前CEO、香農商會會長湯普斯通(Kevin Thompstone)盡管為香農開發公司的消失而唏噓,但讓他感到振奮的是,現在香農的重點又回到了增長——就像故事在1960年開始時那樣。第一次再生今天的香農城和香農自由貿易區所在位置,當年只是個香農河口北岸的小小村莊。1930年的一天,一位美國飛行員的到來,徹底改變了這個偏僻小村的命運。據馬隆尼介紹,在噴氣式飛機問世前,較長航程如美歐之間班機都需要通過地面燃料補給才可續航,當時愛爾蘭政府邀請這位著名飛行員在愛爾蘭西部選擇一處建設機場,後者認定地處避風河口灣的香農是個修建機場的好地方,這裡又恰恰處在北美和歐洲大陸的中軸線上。1942年香農機場建成後,來往于北美和歐洲航線的飛機均可在此補充燃料,香農的航空服務業得到迅速發展,成為重要的航空中轉港和航空公司運營基地。1947年,香農機場又創舉性地在機場賣煙酒的小小櫃台實施免稅,這裡誕生了當年全球第一家機場免稅商店。但是好景不長,隨著飛機製造技術提高,續航能力大增,跨大西洋航線上的班機不再需要在香農機場停機加油,風光一度的香農機場成了明日黃花,依靠機場帶動的當地經濟發展也陷入困境。這個備受冷落的機場到底是該關閉、還是轉型?1959年,愛爾蘭政府決定成立香農開發公司,通過吸引外資,以開發挽救機場和周邊地區。1960年,香農開發公司在緊鄰香農機場的地方建立了世界上第一個以出口加工業為主的自由貿易區,以其免稅優惠和低成本優勢,吸引外國特別是美國企業的投資。時至今日,美國仍是愛爾蘭最大的外來投資者,美國企業僅去年在這個只有不到500萬人口歐洲島國的投資就相當于對整個亞洲發展中地區包括在中國的投資總和。拋開稅收優惠等招商政策的吸引力,在愛爾蘭投資發展署(IDA)公共傳播主任Emmet Oliver看來,愛爾蘭與美國之間的歷史淵源與血脈聯繫,才是最重要根源之一。這就不能不提到十九世紀中期在愛爾蘭發生的“土豆大饑荒”,當時有200萬愛爾蘭人流落他鄉,其中一半以上去了美國,剩下的則在歐洲、澳洲等地開枝散葉。如今,世界各地愛爾蘭裔人口有8000萬,其中美國就有4100萬,遠遠超過愛爾蘭本國人口。愛爾蘭與美國的天然聯繫以及作為歐元區國家背靠歐盟大市場的地位,使很多美國公司願意優先考慮來此投資。有統計數據顯示,香農自由貿易區的外國投資94%來自歐美,其中美國投資就占57%。作為世界上第一個免稅工業區,香農自貿區成功吸引了大批外資企業,將一個因技術發展失去了提供中轉加油服務業務的偏僻小機場成功轉型為繁榮的工業區。香農自由貿易開發區也成為各個國家競相效法的榜樣,如今全球有100多個國家在經營3000多個各類自貿區,其中絕大多數經營模式仍能看到香農的影子。習近平2013年初訪問愛爾蘭時,還專程到訪香農,他稱讚香農自貿區作為世界上最早、最成功的經濟開發區之一,不但為愛爾蘭經濟發展作出重要貢獻,也為世界上不少國家的開放型經濟發展提供了有益借鑒,中國建設深圳經濟特區、上海浦東新區、天津濱海新區等就借鑒了不少香農開發區的經驗。引資秘笈為吸引外來企業投資,香農自貿區推出的激勵制度包括:低企業稅率;允許來自非歐盟國家的商品延遲繳稅,直至離港前往另一個非歐盟國家;公司可免稅從非歐盟國家進口貨物加工並再出口到非歐盟國家;對進口歐盟國家的商品免稅;自貿區內增值稅為零;對有意在自貿區內成立實體的合格公司及已在自貿區內經營的公司給予資助、研發稅收抵免和出售股權資本利得迷你倉出租豁免等優惠。如果說,當年香農自貿區主要是靠著免稅、低稅政策吸引到大量外資,隨著愛爾蘭政府將公司稅率統一調整為12.5%,香農的稅收優勢早已不再,這些年卻仍能保持對外來投資的長期吸引力,究竟有何秘密?“高學歷、靈活的勞動力加上出色的親商環境,已經使香農成為一個持續有吸引力的投資地,現有產業基地的實力又不斷吸引新的公司來到該地區投資。”IDA中西部地區經理Conor Agnew說。值得一提的是,香農開發公司曾根據愛爾蘭政府不同時期的戰略規劃和時局變遷,成功地調整園區發展戰略,推動園區產業結構轉型,這一切讓香農開發區取得了持續的成就。上世紀七八十年代,該公司應政府要求重點推動科技型工業,隨著利默里克大學和利默里克工學院相繼成立,該區域逐步探索出科研與實業相結合的良好傳統,為開發區企業提供高素質的專業勞動力。1984年,香農開發公司在利默里克市成立香農國家科技園,促進當地工業從勞動密集型向技術密集型轉變。20世紀90年代以後,隨著高新技術產業的發展,香農開發公司在政府的引導下逐步轉向發展服務業和知識經濟型產業為主,並建立了凱里和提珀雷里兩個技術園以及恩尼斯信息時代園和博爾技術中心。但是,隨著外國公司將生產轉移到成本更低廉的東歐和亞洲國家,以及別國紛紛加大科技和創新投資力度、發展知識型經濟,香農開發區的前景也面臨巨大挑戰。在此背景下,愛爾蘭政府自2006年1月1日起將香農開發區的對外招商引資工作由愛爾蘭投資發展署(IDA)負責,本土企業的扶持工作由愛爾蘭企業局(Enterprise Ireland)負責,香農開發區本身的經營管理仍由香農開發公司具體負責實施。雖然英特爾、通用電氣、艾默生、EMC、強生等大牌國際企業仍在香農的新老商業園區深深紮根,但無法阻止香農自貿區的整體經濟規模因為新增投資乏力而下滑。目前,香農自貿區擁有百余家企業,僱傭超過7000名員工,年產值超過6億歐元,年銷售額30億歐元,其中90%出口。最近數年,香農開發公司的重要舉措是利用當地的文化遺產和自然風光優勢,大力發展旅遊產業,旗下香農遺產公司擁有本拉提城堡中世紀晚宴及民俗公園等深受歡迎的旅遊項目。這些旅遊產品盡管豐富了香農地區經濟多樣性,給當地帶來1500萬歐元的年度直接經濟回報,卻也凸顯了香農開發公司在促進投資方面難再有大作為的尷尬境地。香農“新生”2012年5月,政府決定重組香農開發區的國有運營機構,目標是打造一個世界級的航空業聚集區。當年12月,香農機場從都柏林機場管理局(DAA)分離出來,開始獨立運營;2013年上半年,對香農開發公司進行重組,保留主要的物業資產並改名為香農商業企業有限公司,合併入香農集團作為下屬企業,同時向地方當局機構剝離其它運營管理業務。香農機場期望重拾昔日輝煌,成為連接歐美之間的重要支線機場,盡管該機場2012年旅客吞吐量只有140萬人次,但預計在5年內有望提高到250萬人次。隨著愛爾蘭政府于2014年4月廢除車船稅,預計從英國前往美國的乘客將更多選擇通過香農機場前往。以一個四口之家為例,如果從英國直飛美國,將支付248英鎊的航空稅,但如果飛經香農前往,只需繳稅52英鎊。不過,要想成為一個有前途的世界級航空樞紐,香農集團也要投錢建設大型機場工程才行,保守估計這至少需要1億歐元投資。加入香農集團宏偉發展計劃的還有港口管理公司香農福因斯港口公司(SFPC),愛爾蘭政府期望借此集結香農當地航空業和海運業優勢,打造連接歐洲最西端和美國最東端的海空良港。SFPC的CEO Pat Keating對21世紀經濟報道記者說,該港口海域水深達30米,適合大型船隻停泊,歐洲能達到這個條件的港口寥寥可數,按照長遠規劃,他們希望將該港建為航運業區域分轉中心,吸引亞洲大型船隻到此停泊,再分流至歐洲其它小港;隨著北極航線開放,亞洲到歐洲的大型船隻也無需繞道地中海,可通過該港縮短船期。有關深水港項目剛剛通過初期可行性審批,預計需要4億歐元投建。 Pat Keating稱,非常歡迎中國投資者前往合作。作為整個國際航空服務中心計劃,香農集團還將重點在復合材料、組裝完工、航線網絡、貨物、租賃、飛行員和技術培訓等領域積極尋求新增業務。目前香農集團只待立法完成即正式�動。在Kevin Thompstone看來,香農仍有非常堅實的產業基礎,並且是在愛爾蘭除首都都柏林之外北美公司投資最密集的區域。“香農的未來取決于建立哪些新增的產業類型及商業活動水平,”他說,“香農會有一個偉大的故事,我們需要做的,就是不斷提醒國際投資界——香農是開放的並且準備就緒,能提供投資于不同行業的有形回報。”(編輯 李豔霞)迷你倉