Restructuring Singapore's economy and raising productivity, so as to reduce the country's reliance on foreign labour and raise average wages, has been a big challenge.迷你倉旺角 In the run-up to Budget 2014, The Straits Times is running a series on how companies are taking steps to transform their businesses, with varying degrees of success. Today, Yasmine Yahya looks at how the manufacturing industry has fared and challenges that remain.CHANGE is the only constant for Singapore's manufacturing sector, which has evolved over the decades from a group of low-cost producers to the high-end, high-value players of today.And so it may come as no surprise that manufacturers have been among the quickest to raise their game amid the country's restructuring drive.But three years in and despite widespread adoption of productivity-raising measures across the sector, productivity numbers are still low.What is needed now, experts say, is for manufacturers to take a giant leap forward to become more innovative and perhaps even reinvent themselves in order to not just survive in the new economic landscape, but also thrive.Of course, this will not be easy, and the Government will have to help, they say. This could be done in a variety of ways, whether with funding support for research and development projects or by making it easier for small and medium-sized enterprises to win government contracts.Since 2010, as the Government tightened quotas and raised levies on foreign workers, many manufacturers have adjusted by investing in automation and streamlining their processes, noted OCBC economist Selena Ling.However, their productivity numbers have been patchy thus far because of global economic trends, she said.Labour productivity in the manufacturing sector grew a healthy 11.1 per cent in 2010, but decelerated sharply to a 1.3 per cent rise in 2011, and then shrunk 2.6 per cent in 2012."The last few years have been very challenging due to the global business environment being very tepid. Hence, it has been a continual struggle for manufacturers to upgrade, innovate and move up the value chain," Ms Ling said.CIMB economist Song Seng Wun agreed, adding that manufacturers tend not to retrench staff as quickly as service firms when facing an economic downturn."Labour is so tough to come by, so manufacturers tend to hold on to their staff while awaiting an upturn. And staff in the manufacturing sector now are more skilled and specialised, so businesses also want to retain them," he said.With the global economy recovering over the past year, productivity numbers in the manufacturing sector have improved, but are still not stellar, noted KPMG Singapore tax partner Chiu Wu Hong.Labour productivity in the sector was flat at 0.2 per cent in the second quarter of last year, before rising to 1.6 per cent in thmini storage third quarter.These statistics seem to indicate that Singapore still has some way to go to achieving its target of 2 per cent to 3 per cent annual productivity growth for the overall economy, Mr Chiu said.One reason for this hump is the fact that there are still some pockets of resistance to change."There are still sectors such as shipbuilding and precision engineering which have yet to embrace productivity as being a key driver for business," he noted.Also holding back productivity gains in the manufacturing sector are the perennial challenges of high business costs and a shortage of skilled talent, said Ernst & Young's government and public sector leader for Asean, Ms Mildred Tan."We can't run away from these issues. So far, embracing productivity has helped manufacturers, but it has not brought them to new heights," she noted."So, what they need to do to get themselves to the next level is to increase investments in R&D activities. In other words, they should not just invest in automated processes, but also reinvent themselves and their operations."The Government could help by providing more funding support for R&D, she said.It could also work together with bigger industry players to come up with productivity solutions that are suitable for mass adoption across the industry.Mr Thomas Chua, a member of the National Productivity and Continuing Education Council, who is also chairman and managing director of Teckwah Industrial as well as president of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said companies should also look at internationalising their businesses."In the manufacturing sector, you should look into leveraging on resources in the region, for example, setting up part of the business elsewhere instead of locating everything in Singapore, to address manpower issues and business costs," he said.PwC Singapore corporate tax partner Lennon Lee said government schemes should serve only to help businesses manage costs in the interim, as Singapore's economy restructures."At the end of the day, Singapore companies must innovate and seek out new markets and growth areas in order to thrive. Raising productivity so as to manage cost increases is only one aspect of the overall strategy," he said.M Metal chief executive John Kong noted, however, that for smaller companies like his to be able to invest more in productivity and expand abroad, they first need scale. And to scale up, they need more recognition from bigger players, including government agencies."Smaller players whose products have been tested and proven to meet international standards should be given a chance to bid for government projects," he said. "The construction industry which I supply, for example, is dominated by a few big players. SMEs like us want a level playing field."迷你倉
- Feb 05 Wed 2014 12:27
- Feb 05 Wed 2014 12:26
品嘗美食拋垃圾 保持清潔民有責 想踩單車苦等候 限時加租互遷就
- Feb 05 Wed 2014 12:24
Buddha becomes very big in China
Giant statues of sage spring up all over mainland as developers and officials bid to lure touristsLocal officials on the mainland are drawing inspiration from Buddha, but perhaps not in a way he might have intended.迷利倉Tourism bureaus and developers are racing to build ever-higher statues of Buddha, in an attempt to copy the success of the Lingshan Grand Buddha in Wuxi , Jiangsu province.The 88-metre-high attraction drew about 3.8 million visitors last year, generating more than 1.2 billion yuan (HK$1.5 billion). Not a bad return on 725 tonnes of bronze sheet.Hong Kong’s Tian Tan Buddha, at a modest 34 metres, would barely rise to the knees of the current behemoths such as the 208-metre-high Spring Temple Buddha in Lushan county in Henan province.At least five others taller than Tian Tan are spread across the mainland and the list is set to grow, including a planned 88-metre-high statue of the bodhisattva Guanyin in Suzhou , Jiangsu province, a 99-metre depiction of the bodhisattva Ksitigarbha in Anhui province, and a 48-metre statue of Amitabha Buddha at Lu Mountain in Jiangxi province.According to the New Weekly, the Aerosun Corporation, which built the Tian Tan Buddha on Lantau, is developing more than 10 such projects across the country this year.China has a long history of Buddhist art and sculpture, with the Sui dynasty (589-617) and Tang dynasty (618-907) considered peak eras. But many of the best examples were destroyed along with much of the nation’s other religious heritage in the years that followed the establishment of the People’s Republic. “There were more than 1,000 temples in Beijing before 1949,” Xue said. “But now only 20 to 30 remain.”In the迷你倉eyes of some tourists, Buddha-themed parks can become too grandiose. The Lingshan park charges 210 yuan (HK$267) per ticket and gets very crowded at holiday times.“The park is full of tourists with cameras and is definitely not a good place for religious practice,” said Kent Cai, a visitor from Ningbo in Jiangsu.“I felt dazed when I saw so many incense packages on sale – 50 yuan to pray for health, 128 yuan to pray for a child, 398 yuan to pray for vast happiness and 598 yuan for huge fortune.”Sometimes Buddha attraction developers must contend with monks and residents who differ over ownership of a site.In impoverished Lushan county, the developer spent 1.2 billion yuan on building the Spring Temple Buddha in 2008.Monks have tried to take charge of the attraction and admit people free of charge.In Leshan , Sichuan province, local residents have said a theme park with replicas of more than 3,000 Buddha statues, including world-famous ones in India, Thailand and Myanmar, badly damaged the 71-metre Giant Buddha, the world’s tallest stone Buddha statue, built 1,200 years ago.“As a Buddhist, I would like to see more Buddha statues. They help show the public the teachings and practice of becoming a Buddha,” said Huiyao, a nun at a temple in Yangzhou in Jiangsu. “But I don’t think they all need to be more dozens of metres high or break the world record.”Xue Yu, of the department of cultural and religious studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, said local governments would view giant Buddhas as an ambitious way to boost tourism.“The projects use the popularity of Buddhism and are a politically safe way to help build social harmony,” he said.Harry’s view A12自存倉
- Feb 05 Wed 2014 12:22
英國一名商人20 年前花10 萬鎊購入的名畫家夏加爾(Marc Chagall)一幅水彩畫,遭法國方面評定為�品,依法要在法官監證下燒掉。夏加爾是現代主義先鋒,1887 年生於現今的白俄羅斯,壯年定居法國,1985 年以98 歲高齡逝世。其作品動輒可賣數百萬鎊。英國地產商馬丁.朗(Martin Lang)於1992 年聽從一個俄羅斯藝術品商人建議,花10 萬鎊買入號稱夏加爾1909-10 年的真�《裸體》。去年,他發現英國廣播公司(BBC)self storage一個鑑識藝術品真偽的電視節目,於是主動聯絡製作單位評估其藏品。鑑定結果顯示,畫中採用的藍色、綠色「太現代」,是1930 年代才開發出來的,夏加爾的藝術專家朋友編撰的蘇聯藝術書籍也沒有提這個作品。由夏加爾兩個孫女主持的巴黎夏加爾委員會認為《裸體》為�品,主張按法國法例燒�。物主信屬真�盼歸還馬丁.朗仍相信它可能是真�,希望委員會歸還畫作及保證若將來發現它屬真品,可註銷�品之名。有評論員認為夏加爾委員會的決定「極端、不適當」。(觀察家報/BBC)迷利倉
- Feb 05 Wed 2014 12:21
中聯辦網站 新春換新裝
【本報訊】記者吳維思報道:新年新氣象,中聯辦網站最近翻新版面,除了設計安排上較過往更生動活潑,還大大加強資訊性內容,例如香港每日發生的重大新聞,中聯辦主任、副主任、秘書長等領導頁面,每人都有相片與基本資料介紹,給網民煥然一新的感覺。中聯辦網站的標誌亦充滿意義,以紅黃兩色飄帶與中聯辦大樓的造型形成一個「中」字,代表中聯辦;大樓的五條豎線代表中央賦予中聯辦的五項職能;兩色飄帶既代表祖國內地與香港實行「一國兩制」,又體現融合、交流等內涵,既有區別又密不可分;大樓底座的拱形橋迷你倉出租代表中聯辦所起的溝通橋樑作用。外部圓圈體現了莊嚴和團結。LOCPG為中聯辦英文名稱Liaison Office of the Central People's Government的縮寫。其他實用資訊方面,網站亦設有「服務指南」、「法律法規」、「圖片」、「視頻」和「網上展覽」等欄目,香港市民可了解中國國情和赴內地就學、工作和旅遊方面等實用信息。特區政府經常強調,政改要依法辦事,因此市民若不熟悉法律基礎,可上中聯辦的網站,親自了解《基本法》和全國人大常委會的有關決定和解釋。迷你倉
- Feb 05 Wed 2014 12:16
NB出貨量恐續滑 連接器廠仍不振
【李宜儒╱台北報導】受到智慧型手機及平板電腦等行動裝置盛行衝擊,包括桌上型電腦及NB筆電等一般傳統資訊產品出貨量也逐年下滑,加上輕薄化趨勢,使得個人電腦相關連接器的用量也愈來愈少,恐影響今年的連接器景氣恐將持續低迷。從2011年英特爾開始力推Ultrabook後,各家電腦品牌廠也競相推出相關產品,加上非常看好Ultrabook的滲透率可望明顯提升,讓連接器廠商也紛紛搶進市場。 行動裝置盛行衝擊 不過Ultrabook主打的是輕薄訴求,與原本的筆電連接器所需要的精密度層次更高,包括間距技術要求層次更高,讓廠商生產難度更高。另一個問題在微軟推出的Windows 8始終無法引發外界共鳴,也讓市場對於Windows 8態度相對觀望;在硬體轉型、軟體又不受歡迎的雙重問題打擊下,連接廠去年過的是相對不如意。法人指出,國內連接器廠最大的問題,在於筆電營收比重過高,除了鴻海(2317)跟正崴(2392)已大舉轉向行動裝置領域外,其他廠商包括宏致(3605迷利倉、凡甲(3526)等,目前筆電相關營收比重都還在50~70%不等,面對市場萎縮,衝擊也在所難免。工研院IEK也針對連接器產業提出預警,基於之前在線材組裝的品質已逐步站上一線競爭舞台,中國連接器廠也開始在研發上急起直追,且不排除將以中國3C終端品牌市場為出海口,逐步擴大對台灣廠商的具體威脅。 IEK:可投入汽車領域 工研院IEK建議,台廠除了要持續提升技術,包括USB(Universal Serial Bus,通用序列匯流排)、HDMI(High Definition Multimedia Interface,高解析度多媒體介面)、MHL(Mobile High-Definition Link,行動裝置高速傳輸規格)等下世代高頻規格,且可適時進行結盟及整合,透過擴大規模,以投入全球汽車與其他新興應用連接器市場,展開產業升級。據了解,宏致及凡甲都有計劃想要與其他同業進行策略合作,不過目前大多僅在初步接觸階段,何時會有結果,公司方面均低調不予回應。迷你倉
- Feb 05 Wed 2014 12:15
【本報綜合報道】新加坡一名就讀於私立媒體學校的廿三歲男生,早前製作了一段模擬當地濱海灣金沙酒店起火爆炸的短片,並放上網公開。事件驚動新加坡警方調查,指他可能觸犯傳遞錯誤訊息罪名,面臨入獄七年或罰款五萬新加坡元(約三十萬港元)。學生解釋短片只是其特別效果功課,並非恐怖威脅。片中顯示,火球突然從天而降,擊中濱海灣金沙酒店。(互聯網圖片)上傳fb 「我炸了金沙酒店」該男生羅薩里奧(Caleb Rozario),去年十二月初在自己的facebook頁面上傳了一段長廿三秒的影片,片中顯示新加坡地標之一濱海灣金沙酒店起火爆炸,還有流星隕石不斷墜落。羅薩里奧還在旁寫上「我炸了金沙酒店,哈哈」迷你倉旺角《海峽時報》報道,警方引用電訊法請羅薩里奧協助調查,指他可能觸犯傳遞錯誤訊息罪名。若罪成會被罰巨款或監禁最多七年。羅薩里奧對《海峽時報》說,警方詳細看過了他和哥哥的手機及電腦,留住他們幾個小時後放人,手機和電腦也獲准帶走。羅薩里奧解釋短片只是其特別效果功課,並非恐怖威脅。(互聯網圖片)羅薩里奧表示,該短片並非威脅或懷有惡意,而是他的特別效果功課,選擇濱海灣金沙酒店當主角,是因為這樣較有戲劇效果,更指荷里活電影中也常有知名地標遭攻擊的片段。羅薩里奧在新加坡服過兵役,是歐亞裔新加坡人。他之前因為在互聯網上說過新加坡人「被寵壞了」,遭星洲網友圍攻。有網友更批評他這段短片是恐怖分子的威脅。mini storage
- Feb 05 Wed 2014 12:12
【本報訊】二百五十名港人於新春期間參加「廣東旅遊」開辦的越南巴士團,因持有本港旅客出入境文件的越南接待社突然「失蹤」,一度令該批港人被迫滯留越南及廣西。其中五個巴士團約一百七十人昨日傍晚分別經深圳灣、福田或皇崗口岸返港。團費全數退還「廣東旅遊」總經理周永雄稱,最後兩個滯留越南的巴士團昨早抵達廣西,目前並無旅行團滯留在當地,現正聯絡涉事接待社,預料最後一批約八十名團友今日傍晚迷你倉旺角港。「廣東旅遊」昨再有一個越南巴士團出發,但因已更換另一間接待社,故團隊如常出發。香港旅遊業議會總幹事董耀中稱,已接獲「廣東旅遊」負責人提交報告,詳列涉事接待社名稱、巴士團進入越南及滯留當地的時間等,議會今日將向越南旅遊局作出投訴,要求當地部門加強監管,避免日後再有同類事件發生。他強調,旅行社已承諾退回全數團費,涉及金額超過四十萬元,議會亦無接獲團友投訴,相信今次純屬個別事件。mini storage
- Feb 05 Wed 2014 12:10
微軟向轉入新時代踏前一步,昨日宣布由雲端業務負責人納德拉(Satya Nadella)即時接任行政總裁,代替5 個月前宣布退休的鮑爾默(SteveBallmer)。創辦人蓋茨(BillGates)一如外界所料,將董事會主席一職交予負責今次總裁遴選的原獨立董事湯普森(John W.迷你倉Thompson), 自己則改任納德拉的科技顧問。印籍高層「擁核心工程技術」出任微軟新掌門的納德拉現年46歲,原籍印度海得拉巴(微軟最大海外研究中心所在地),任職微軟22 年,近年協助開發雲端技術,助微軟追上亞馬遜的領導地位。納德拉去年7 月才獲鮑爾默提拔出任雲端業務主管,一個月後鮑爾默宣布最遲在今年8 月退休,但物色接班人選不順利,直至數周前納氏突成self storage熱。蓋茨形容,在公司轉型的時刻,「沒有比納德拉更好的領導人選」,盛讚他是「擁有核心工程技術、商業眼界及團結人們的力量」。蓋茨轉任顧問蓋茨卸任公司主席後會留在董事會,兼任納德拉的科技顧問。微軟聲明指蓋茨未來會「在企業奉獻更多時間,支持納德拉塑造科技和產品方向」。蓋茨稱自己是應納德拉邀請,增加奉獻公司的時間,未來將會花自己三分之一的時間與產品部門見面和一同工作。納德拉自己說:「微軟是少數可以透過科技為世界帶來真正革命的公司,對自己獲選去領導它感到無比光榮。」至於行銷部門出身的鮑爾默,向來被詬病未能掌握科技趨勢,令微軟錯過近年的智能電子產品軟硬件的潮流,如今由科技部門出身的納德拉接手,令人憧憬可為微軟帶來重大變化。(紐約時報/彭博社)迷利倉
- Feb 05 Wed 2014 12:08
【本報訊】昨日為農曆甲午馬年大年初五,澳門離島工商業聯合會在�仔舊城區和路環城區舉行醒獅賀歲大巡遊,冀弘揚中國傳統節慶文化及宣傳離島旅遊。該會表示,隨�路�城發展和橫琴經濟開發區落實,為離島中小商戶帶來不少商機,呼籲中小商戶把握澳門的發展黃金時間,共同構建多元經濟基礎。活動開幕儀式昨早假�仔消防局前地舉行,由旅遊局局長文綺華、立法議員何潤生、澳門離島工商業聯合會名譽會長劉藝良及理事長阮若華等主持。阮若華致辭時表示,為積極營造離島新年熱鬧氣氛,改善地區營商環境,澳門離島工商業聯合會於大年初五假離島舉行「甲午年醒獅賀新歲大巡遊」,一方面弘揚中國傳統節慶文化,宣傳離島旅遊,展現離島社區祥和氛圍;另一方面冀加強與區內商戶朋友的溝通及聯繫,積極宣傳繽紛離島商圈形象。而醒獅巡遊舉行至第五屆,商會希望長期保存,成為離島特色傳統節慶活動,為新春增添熱鬧氣氛。籲中小商戶藉橫琴發展做大做強阮若華又說,近年澳門旅遊業發展迅速,離島亦隨�路�城系列項迷你倉旺角的建設發展,逐漸走進遊客的視野,促進�仔舊城區與路�一帶的人流往返,為舊城區發展注入活力。離島隨�大量人口遷入、橫琴經濟開發區落實,離島作為橫琴與澳門發展的中心點,為中小商戶帶來不少商機,他呼籲中小商戶把握澳門的發展黃金時間,乘�東風將企業做大做強,共同構建澳門多元經濟基礎。離島工商聯合會將積極配合路�城區變遷及離島區域旅遊發展,通過系列宣傳推廣活動,積極宣傳離島地區旅遊資訊,使之成為體現歷史、文化內涵,發揮旅遊、經濟價值的休閒文化區,從而帶動離島的發展,打造繽紛離島商圈品牌,實現共同發展目的。另外,昨日醒獅巡遊上,主辦單位安排3條金龍、5頭醒獅組成龍獅巡遊隊伍沿途向區內商戶及居民、遊客拜年。巡遊隊伍由�仔消防局前地出發,途經官也街、嘉模墟、告利雅施利華街、地堡街,圍繞舊城區巡遊一圈,然後前往路環市區賀歲巡遊,歷時共約3個小時。途經之處,亦有大會安排的財神向商戶和街坊拜年和派發新春利是,沿途吸引不少市民和旅客駐足圍觀,場面熱鬧。mini storage