mini storage

  《經濟通通訊社13日專訊》各機構對內地三季度及全年經濟增速預測表列如下:                          機構    三季度GDP   今年全年GDP         增幅%       增幅% -----------------------  美銀美林   7﹒6       7﹒6  國家信息中心 7﹒6  self storage    7﹒6  瑞銀集團   7﹒5       7﹒5  匯豐銀行   7﹒4       7﹒4   野村證券   7﹒4       7﹒5  中金公司   7﹒4       7﹒4  交通銀行   7﹒4       7﹒5 -----------------------  二季度GDP 7﹒5 去年GDP 7﹒8  (vl)迷你倉

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  環球基金昨追入指數權重的中資金融股,迷你倉價錢在內銀空倉滿布的情況下,相關舉動隨即引發威力宏大的挾淡倉效應。  內銀氣勢如虹,但市場信心仍有不足,有傳美國銀行持有市值117億元建行(00939)股份,在8月20日(下周二)左右禁售期屆滿,不排除美銀或趁反彈沽貨。禁售下周屆滿 美銀或沽建行  據建行首季業績披露,美國銀行截至3月底止仍持有20億股建行股份,相當於建行已發行股份0.8%。據美銀2012年度年報披露,有關持股的禁售期將於今年8月屆滿。截至去年底,該批股份以成本基礎價值為7.16億美元,帳面價值和公平值則為1迷你倉庫億美元。換言之,美銀持貨至今已獲利逾倍,即使建行股價今年累跌近6%,美銀獲利仍相當可觀。  美銀對上一次以配股形式減持建行為2011年11月。在2011年,美銀共減持建行236億股,除為美銀帶來65億美元獲利外,也令該行的一級普通股資本率有所提高。  外資對內銀升勢能否持續尚是半信半疑,年初至今,一直是內銀「擁躉」的高盛、The Capital Group相繼沽售內銀,套現金額以數十億元計。瑞信昨估計,短期內,內銀中期業績倘是相安無事,投資者憧憬經濟刺激及三中全會落實改革路�圖,可為內銀帶來刺激,但建議高位散貨。儲存

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鵬華農銀聯手交行�動“快溢通”本報訊(記者 許超聲)交通銀行近日�動“快溢通”項目,self storage持有交通銀行信用卡的客戶開通該項業務後,可實現自動申購鵬華、農銀匯理等6只貨幣基金進行餘額理財及自動還信用卡等功能。值得一提的是,此次鵬華、農銀匯理與交行推出的“快溢通”為大�提供,百姓可以選擇用信用卡消“銀行”的費,而自己的錢則可用來購買鵬華、農銀匯理等貨幣基金,實現超過活期存款數倍的收益。

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Sale-and-leaseback properties offer 6% guaranteed returns[SINGAPORE] As the Singapore real estate investment scene gets more challenging, potential investors here are eyeing offshore sale-and-leaseback properties in the hospitality sector.self storageIn recent months, many yield-hungry investors have been turning towards these investments, which typically guarantee returns of around 6 per cent per annum for up to a decade or so.According to Isabelle de Wavrechin, chief executive of French tourism management company Pierre & Vacances, the biggest benefit of investing in offshore sale-and-leaseback hospitality projects - mainly in Europe and Asia - is the comfort of hassle-free property management.These investments also offer numerous sweeteners to further entice retail investors.Buyers of Pierre & Vacances' latest project in the vicinity of Disneyland Paris - Villages Nature - receive a VAT refund of 19.6 per cent, which has been put in place by the French government to encourage investments in tourism residences.Still, the sale-and-leaseback of hospitality properties to retail buyers is not new, said Joe Kwan, director of Asia-Pacific real estate research & strategy at UBS Global Asset Management."The restrictive domestic residential market, coupled with the weight of capital currently operating in the market, means that demand for offshore real estate opportunities has been on the upswing. This includes deals that have a sale-and-leaseback component."In the past, these attracted a select group of retail investors who were typically seeking to diversify their portfolio and in some cases, to own a holiday home. But more recently, developers have been seeking to take advantage of an environment of high cash liquidity among retail investors, coupled with restrictions in the domestic property market, added Dr Kwan.The result has been numerous opportunities in the largely fragmented marketplace for various forms of hospitality properties in Europe and Asia.Singapore-listed Banyan Tree Group, for example, has retail projects in Lijiang, China; Lang Co, Vietnam; as well as Cabo Marques and Mayakoba in distant Mexico. Closer to home, there have also been opportunities in the sale-and-leaseback of hotel rooms in nearby tourism hotspots such as Malacca, Malaysia and Phuket, Thailand.The Business Times understands that a launch by The Chedi Andermatt - a sale-and-leaseback property in Switzerland - has attracted at least five on-site visits since its release in late-June.All these are emerging as popular a迷你倉ternatives to traditional buy-to-let retail investments in markets such as the United Kingdom, as investors do not need to worry about maintaining the property, yet receive a higher rental income each month.Banyan Tree Residences assistant vice-president for property sales Roy Lau said: "Developing residences that are part of a professionally managed resort meets the needs of property investors."But retail investors should consider the risks before hopping on to the hospitality sale-and-leaseback bandwagon, added Dr Kwan.For one thing, they should expect pricing to be on the higher side because the flight to income will probably come with a pricing premium. Pointing out that institutional investors of sale-and-leaseback properties typically pay a premium, he suggested that retail investors should first compare the initial pricing of these properties on the market to avoid overpaying.Moreover, complications could arise due to the longer sale-and-leaseback period in the hospitality segment, compared to residential or commercial underlying.Besides considering asset management issues beyond the lease term, retail buyers should also be mindful that they are effectively buying into the strength of the operator, with little room for legal recourse in the event that problems occur later.Likening the nature of some deals in the market to offshore investment funds that are focused on real estate development overseas, Rodyk & Davidson real estate practice partner Lee Liat Yeang told BT that he does not know of any laws in Singapore that protect local retail investors in such cases. "If there are disputes or if the developer gets into problems, the investor will have to take legal suits against the developer on foreign soils, and this can be costly and time consuming if it is even worth pursuing in the first place."Other than operator risks, Dr Kwan noted that offshore investments also typically carry market, liquidity and currency risks. It is thus a "big mistake" to directly compare the yield in overseas markets with domestic yields.He suggested that retail buyers should gain an understanding of the market that they are entering, and target a risk premium of 1-3 per cent for the additional risk of investing abroad.Nevertheless, retail investors who are prepared to hold out over a long-term lease can typically take on risks of greater volatility. Hence, they should fully understand their own risk profile before committing to what offshore sale-and- leaseback hospitality properties have to offer.文件倉

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By Xie Yu in Shanghai and Du Juan in Beijing ( China Daily) The mainland's stock market surged to its highest level since late June on Monday as investors interpreted positive July economic data as a sign that downside risks had receded.新蒲崗迷你倉The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index rose 2.39 percent to 2,102.35 points, with turnover swelling to 116.5 billion yuan ($19 billion) from 83 billion yuan on Friday.Leading the rally were coal miners, which represent the main source of energy, and non-ferrous metal companies. These sectors gained 7.86 percent and 4.34 percent, respectively.China Shenhua Energy Co, the nation's biggest coal producer, rallied 6.1 percent to 17.14 yuan a share.Jiangxi Copper Co, the largest copper producer, had its biggest gain in a month with a surge of almost 4.5 percent to 17.93 yuan.Analysts said the rebound in China's official Purchasing Managers' Index and trade data, and subdued inflation readings in July, show the economy has stabilized and is set to recover in the third quarter.That assessment has lifted commodities, commodity-related currencies and some stocks."Prices of commodities and related shares were weak in recent months because of concerns about a slowing economy in China."But prices of these assets have strengthened as investors took heart from the upbeat data in July. The latest figures show the economy is picking up, with exports and imports rebounding with a speed above expectations in July," said Zito Ji, an analyst with a mutual fund in Shanghai.An increase in economic activity in the coming months may boost demand for primary materials, he added.According to the National Bureau of Statistics, industrial production growth accelerated to 9.7 percent year-on-year in July from 8.9 percent in June. The figure last month was significantly above market expectations of 8.9 percent.Output growth of major products has quickened, especially steel products, nonferrous metals, powemini storage and cement.Consumer price inflation was 2.7 percent year-on-year in July, unchanged from June.What's more, the stock market is widely expected to benefit from the injection of capital into the banking sector this month, which is helping boost overall liquidity in the economy.In the past two weeks, the People's Bank of China has conducted several reverse repurchase operations to inject liquidity.The seven-day repo rate has declined to below 4 percent, which is read by analysts as a positive signal that the authorities intend to stabilize short-term liquidity and bring down the cost of capital."We do see some negative impact from the June inter-bank liquidity crunch on credit availability for the real economy, as evidenced by the sharp fall in corporate bond issuance and bills."However, we believe the impact is muted because Premier Li Keqiang's team has taken decisive measures to calm the inter-bank market and to support growth," Ting Lu, an economist with Merrill Lynch wrote in a note on Monday.Several economists said the bear market for Chinese equities is over and it's a good time to invest.Media reports said the number of individuals holding more than 100 million yuan worth of domestic shares had increased by 7.8 percent from June to 1,231 by the end of July.Despite the overall poor performance of equities this year, an index from data provider Wind Information Co Ltd shows culture and media companies rising 78 percent this year.Explaining the robust rise in coal shares, Dai Bing, director of the coal industry information department at JYD Online Corp, a Beijing-based bulk commodity consultancy, noted developments in Shanxi province.Shanxi, the nation's traditional coal producer, last week launched new policies to help miners increase production and revenue.Shanxi's moves will be followed by other coal-producing areas, Dai forecast.Contact the writers at and storage

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By Li Tao in Hong Kong ( China Daily) Tencent Holdings Ltd, China's biggest Internet company, is planning a spinoff of its popular messaging and social media app through a separate listing on the Singapore stock exchange.迷你倉出租Tencent has set up an office in Singapore to deal with WeChat's listing, a person close to the matter told China Daily.The source didn't disclose the name of the new entity.The popular app, known as Weixin, has more than 400 million users in its domestic market alone, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.WeChat has been an "overnight success" for Pony Ma, chairman and chief executive officer of the Internet conglomerate, who hadn't even "prepared any explicit timetable for the listing or come up with a solid money-making plan for the popular instant messaging tool", the source said.Tencent initially planned to list WeChat on the Hong Kong stock exchange, like the holding company that completed its initial public offering in June 2004.The shares of that company closed at HK$367.40 ($47.37) on Monday, making them the most expensive shares in Hong Kong. At the time of the IPO, the shares were priced at HK$3.70.Tencent abandoned the plan to list WeChat in Hong Kong as an "initial public offering of a spinoff on the same stock exchange with the holding company will raise more issues for Tencent", while a separate listing of WeChat in Singapore is "an apparently easier choice", said the source.Tencent's heavy investment and recognition in the overseas market, especially in Southeast Asia, will also support its fundraising activities in Singapore.Earlier this year, Louis Song, a Tencent regional manager for Malaysia and Singapore, said the company had been waging intensive campaigns to expand its presence in those markets.Tencent President Lau Chi-ping said in July that overseas registered WeChat users had exce儲存倉ded 70 million, up 75 percent from April.With such an enormous user base, the profit model of WeChat remains a "mystery", according to the source. WeChat is still a "strategic product" for Tencent, like Tencent Weibo, which means the company doesn't expect to turn a profit at present.But the earnings prospects are definitely rosy, said the source. Tencent released WeChat 5.0 earlier this month, which for the first time introduced games into the app.One game, called Tian Tian Ai Xiao Chu, which must be downloaded separately from WeChat 5.0, was downloaded nearly 80 million times on the day of its debut.Tencent's first-quarter profit rose 37.1 percent to 4.04 billion yuan ($660 million), fueled by robust growth in online gaming and advertising income, the company said in May."Say, if we only charge 1 yuan for downloading the game from WeChat in the future, it will bring us 80 million yuan from WeChat, in just one day," said the source.WeChat's future versions will gradually introduce "money-making tools" for Tencent, but the company will be very discreet about these decisions, the source added.Tencent will not hastily utilize WeChat to make money as it is not even an issue for such a cash-rich company, according to the source.Following a maiden US-dollar bond transaction in December 2011 with a $600 million issue, on Aug 30, 2012, Tencent issued $600 million in 5.5-year unsecured notes. The net proceeds of $594 million were to be used for "general corporate purposes"."Tencent's ultimate goal remains an initial public offering on NASDAQ and all these bond issue activities serve to test the reaction of global markets," said the source."But it appears the dual listing plan in the US has been put aside by Tencent at this moment, given the relatively stricter listing rules as well as concerns from regulators (there)," the source added.litao@chinadailyhk.com迷你倉沙田

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DUBLIN, August 12, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --Research and Markets ( .自存倉 has announced the addition of the "3D Mobile Market: Global Advancements, Business Models, Technology Roadmap, Forecasts & Analysis (2013 - 2018)" [ ] report to their offering.(Logo: )The past decade witnessed a giant leap in the entertainment industry, with 3Dl motion pictures trickling out of cinemas to 3D television screens. New generation 3D mobile phones are next to follow suit, without the need for 3D viewing glasses. With an increasing number of mobile applications and technologies being produced, 3D capture is likely to become as important as 3D viewing in TVs. Mobile phones with 3D cameras and HD video recording capabilities are set to become a rage in the near future.With investments towering up for 3D content development, market players such as Movidius, Myriad, NVIDIA, Qualcomm, Sharp Corporation and Texas Instruments already foresee a huge potential in this market. This improvised 3D experience on mobile phones is set to revolutionize the multimedia market by broadening the horizons of the entertainment industry.This report looks at the implementation of 3D in mobile PCs. It analyzes the challenges and opportunitie迷你倉新蒲崗 for 3D technology in mobile devices [ ] as well as its impact in the marketplace. The report also gives insights on global implementation trends, key market players, future scope, drivers and restraints in the market, along with growth potential across different geographical regions.Key Topics Covered:1 Introduction2 Executive Summary3 Market Overview4 Mobile 3D: Market Size & Forecast by 3D-Enabled Devices & Components5 Mobile 3D: Market Size & Forecast by Applications6 Mobile 3D: Market Size & Forecast by Regions7 Company ProfilesCompanies Mentioned- 3M - Amazon - Amobee - Apple - Cooliris - Eon Reality - Hitachi - HTC - Imagination Technologies - Inmobi - Intel - LG - Masterimage - Microoled - Microvision - Motorola - Movidius - Nokia - NTT Docomo - Nvidia - Qualcomm - Samsung - Sharp - Toshiba - YuvsoftFor more information visit and Markets Laura Wood, Senior Manager. U.S. Fax: +1-646-607-1907 Fax (outside U.S.): +353-1-481-1716 Sector: Computing and Technology [ ]Photo: and Markets迷你倉出租

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南都訊 記者肖陽 全國上下“打壓”房地產市場幾乎成為共識,新蒲崗迷你倉盡管降房價沒有實質效果,但對於銀行方面房產貸款放貸卻異常艱難,現各大銀行卻紛紛將橄欖枝伸向了旅遊產業。逼近下一個出游黃金節點,大銀行巨頭紛紛出現在旅行社舉辦的出境游熱賣會上,聯手旅行社上演搶客大戰。南都記者瞭解到,目前,工商銀行、建設銀行和農業銀行等金融巨頭推出了旅遊專屬信用卡,持卡遊客能享受到報團分期付款、出境消費免利息或手續費等金融服務,且大多無需擔保,只要提供在職證明等即可辦理,因此即使是剛就業的年輕人都能輕鬆歐洲游,通過分mini storage付款的方式就可以用“未來錢”支付保證金及出游費用。南湖國旅出境游中心負責人黃宇綱認為,傳統旅行社的出境游產品毛利較低,相應推出的促銷優惠政策無法完全滿足消費者需求,而銀行及其金融解決業務的加入能有效幫助旅行社提高優惠幅度,提升旅遊產品的性價比並進一步完善自身的旅遊服務。如工商銀行就攜手南湖國旅推出旅遊聯名卡,“工銀南湖國旅旅遊聯名卡”的持有人在南湖國旅各大名店報名指定旅遊線路及產品,不但可享受到5至7折的旅遊報名優惠,還可享受到生日旅遊優惠、會員日優惠、旅遊分期付款服務等多種實惠增值服務。self storage

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●7月工業增加值大幅反彈,mini storage同比實際增長9.7%,比6月加快0 .8個百分點。此值是今年3月以來的最高,也是今年以來的次高。另外,投資已開始出現逐漸加力的趨勢。7月固定資產投資(不含農 戶 ,下 同)環 比 增 長1 .58%,創出4月以來的最高,也是自2011年下半年以來的較高位。而且,從今年4月開始,投資環比增速呈現逐漸遞增的態勢。經濟分析人士據此認為,經濟運行底部特徵顯現,在已有穩增長政策措施下,不久有望觸底self storage彈。(財新網)●去年6月,央行允許金融機構將存款利率浮動上限調整為基準利率的10%,一場攬儲大戰正在各地打響。上海、北京等多家城市部分銀行先後上調存款利率,2年期、3年期、5年期的定期存 款 利 率 都 已 上 浮 接 近10%,主要涉及廣發、平安、光大等股份制銀行。不過,中國銀行、農業銀行、工商銀行、建設銀行與交通銀行這五大銀行則按兵不動。(中國之聲《新聞晚高峰》)整理:南都記者陳淑儀實習生黃妍統籌:南都記者 楊洋迷你倉

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【本報綜合訊】據《蘋果日報》報道,新蒲崗迷你倉2007年由黑石集團(Blackstone)以267億美元購並下市的連鎖酒店集團希爾頓(Hilton Worldwide),傳準備重回股市,已找上高盛等4家銀行協助處理,預計2014上半年IPO。據路透社引述消息人士指出,希爾頓已選定高盛、德意志銀行、美國銀行和摩根士丹利負責上市事宜,預計于2014上半年IPO。不過,包括希爾頓以及上述金融機構,皆謝絕評論。另據彭博社引述消息人士報導指出,在IPO準備階段,上述金融機構將為希爾頓再提供資金約130億美元。希爾頓2007年由私募基金黑石以267億美元購並下市,黑石集團創辦人兼執行官舒瓦mini storage曼在上季財報發佈時表示,希爾頓2013上半年的稅前息前折舊攤提前利益(EBITDA)達17%。另據黑石集團日前致股東信內容顯示,希爾頓2013年的EBITDA料將較2009年高出58%,顯示希爾頓的獲利能力不容小覷。Green Street Advisors酒店分析師哈特維奇指出,希爾頓重回股市對其來說是個好機會。哈特維奇說:“當前酒店客房需求強勁複蘇,加上新的供應鏈成長十分遲緩時,會讓酒店業前景一片看好。”黑石似乎有意出脫旗下酒店業務,上周還曾傳出黑石集團預備將旗下連鎖平價旅館LaQuintaInns&Suites出售或IPO,已聘僱摩根大通及摩根士丹利處理相關事宜。self storage

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