卡馬爾格 ( Camargue ) 是法國南部普羅旺斯省內的一個地區,文件倉若由巴黎市乘搭TGV高速火車前往普羅旺斯阿維農舊城區,大約四小時到達。再從阿維農乘汽車到卡馬爾格,大約需要一小時的車程。法國南部的普羅旺斯擁有天然氣候,位於卡馬爾格的紅色鹽湖(The Aigues - Mortes Salt Marshes),是法國最大、最美的天然鹽湖。紅色鹽湖現時還未被人所熟悉,遊客不多,入場費只收8.5歐羅,遊畢全程約一小時。遊客須乘坐專用小卡車進入鹽湖,若拍照的話,最好選擇坐靠窗邊的位置,拍起照來才能得心應手。在途中,遊客不許隨意下車,車子只會在適當的時間和位置停存倉來,讓遊客在車上慢慢觀賞。當小卡車到達小型博物館時才停下來,讓遊客進內參觀。卡馬爾格陽光明媚,藍色的天空,紅色的鹽湖,還有湖邊白色的鹽粒,交織出一幅多彩絢爛的畫面。紅色鹽湖是一個天然湖泊,那是因為湖裡含有高濃度的鹽份,折射光線令湖水變成紅色。瞧著這片“紅海”,遊客嘩然四起,令人讚嘆不已,置身於這片迷人的“紅海”中,怎不教人陶醉!鹽湖除了有湖泊之外,還有一個很大的鹽場,皚皚如白雪的鹽沙,到處可見,堆積如山,彷彿走進雪地裡。無論是植物或是岩礁也被鹽晶體包裹著,宛如冬天的雪花攀附其中。鹽湖確實為那裡的植物和動物,提供了一個�貴的濕地生態自然環境。文╱圖 陳樂斯迷你倉

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Huang Mengfu, vice-chairman of the 11th CPPCC National Committee and chairman of China Foundation for Human Rights DevelopmentThe Sixth Beijing Forum on Human Rights has opened today, which is co-sponsored by the China Society for Human Rights Studies and the China Foundation for Human Rights Development.迷你倉最平First, on behalf of the China Foundation for Human Rights Development, I would like to express warm congratulations to the opening of the Forum, and heartfelt thanks to friends who have always cared for and supported the development and progress of human rights cause of China.Since the first session of the Forum in 2008, human rights experts, scholars, renowned personages and government officials from countries across the world have gathered in Beijing once a year, discussing the development of world human rights theories and practice, and offering advices for the promotion of world human rights cause. The Beijing Forum on Human Rights has become an important platform for exploring the models of human rights development, exchanging the experience of human rights protection and envisioning ideal human rights prospects. The Forum is an important platform for cooperation and exchanges in the field of human rights between China and other countries, and a significant window on the development and progress of human rights cause in China.This session of the Forum is themed “Constructing of Environment for Sustainable Human Rights Development”, which conforms to the contemporary progressive trend and requirement of human rights development, and will certainly provide theoretical reference and idealistic inspiration for the new development of world human rights cause.Ladies, gentlemen and friends,Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, especially in the recent 30-plus years since the reform and opening-up, the human rights cause of China has made enormously striking achievements, and this is an incontrovertible fact. The status of human rights in China has been greatly improved just because the Chinese government started with the particular situation and reality of China, creatively combining the universality of human rights with the particular situation of China, fusing the advanced human rights concept of mankind with the idealistic quintessence of “orientation on people” in traditional Chinese culture, and accordingly choosing a path of human rights development suitable to the economic basis and humanistic environment of China. This is mainly manifested in the following three aspects:• Accepting the concept of orientation toward the people, and building the economy to guarantee human rights. Orientation toward the people is an important concept in traditional Chinese culture, the thought that “the people are the very foundation of the country” used to be the basic political concept of outstanding statesmen in ancient China. The Chinese government has acquired the thought of orientation toward the people from the traditional culture, bringing forward the view of scientific development featuring orientation toward the people, and defining its primary development goal as to constantly meet the increasing material and cultural demands of the people.In order to reach this goal, the Chinese government has given priority to the development of the economy, with all its efforts being subjected to and serving the good cause of economic construction. With its rapidly growing economy and national power, it has successfully solved the subsistence problems of its more than 1.3 billion people. China’s poverty-stricken population has greatly decreased, and people’s rights to subsistence and development have been practically guaranteed.• Accepting the concept of ruling for the people, and improving people’s livelihood to promote human rights. Traditional Chinese culture emphasizes that the people are the basis of a state, and the concept that “the pivot of politics rests in the attitude of the people” and “those who get the popular support conquer the country” have deep roots in Chinese civilization.The Chinese government has made the seeking of welfare for the people as its most fundamental political stand, stressing that the development is for the people, development depends upon the people and development shall be shared by the people, and demanding that its officials at all levels firmly keep in mind their mission and purposes, and firmly build awareness of wholeheartedly serving the people. In recent years, the livelihood issues concerning the people most, including employment, housing, education, healthcare and social insurance, have received unprecedented attention, with investments further increased and effects more obvious. Besides, China has made considerable progress in improving people’s livelihood, which involves poverty alleviation development, infrastructure construction and environmental protection. And people’s subsistence and living status have been fundamentally improved.• Accepting the concept of harmonious development, and planning the realization of human rights as a whole. Traditional Chinese culture emphasizes that “harmony is valuable”, requiring harmony between one individual and the others, individuals and society, and one country and another. The Chinese government has absorbed this from traditional Chinese culture, and made the building of a socialist harmonious society its goal, facilitating more efficient, fairer and more sustainable development of the economy, seeking social fairness and justice, and guaranteeing citizens a job and a life of dignity.In order to fulfill these objectives, the Chinese government has formulated a series of social policies conforming to the stage of the country’s social development, taking into consideration various rights as a whole, and fully guaranteeing all people’s economic, political, social and cultural rights. From the point of view of history, the Chinese people now have the best status of various basic rights, including political right, if compared to that in history.Ladies, gentlemen and friends,The development of human rights in China is not isolated; rather, it is closely related to the fate of mankind, the development of society and the prosperity of the nation. At present, the whole of China is ardently devoting itself to the fulfillment of the Chinese Dream, that is, the great resurgence of the Chinese nation. The Chinese Dream reflects the high ideal of the Chinese people, and the fulfillment of the Chinese Dream is not only the fervent pursuit of all Chinese people, but also an ideal prospect for the development of human rights in China. Then, what is the spiritual essence of the Chinese Dream? And what does the Chinese Dream mean to the development of world human rights cause?I would like to take this opportunity to share my opinion.The Chinese Dream contains the “dream of democracy” about a socialist system, and means to provide the necessary political environment for the development of human rights. For the fulfillment of the Chinese Dream, the most fundamental re迷你倉uirement is to adhere to and improve the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. The essence of democracy is to supervise and restrain power, and achieve the all-round, free and sustainable development of humankind.The democracy that we seek is socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics, the democratic system helpful to keeping the country vigorous, the democratic form conducive to releasing and developing social productive forces and boosting the all-round development of the economy and society, and the democratic approach propitious to guaranteeing and promoting fairness and justice in society and realizing the common prosperity of all the people. Only with such confidence in our system and approach can we guarantee people to enjoy extensive rights and freedom, and fulfill the dream of making the people the masters of the country.The Chinese Dream bears the “dream of rule of law” and means to build a legal environment for the practical guarantee of human rights. The rule of law is a requisite approach to the fulfillment of the Chinese Dream. The Constitution is the very basis for ruling the country, and the requisite nomothetic basis for the fulfillment of the Chinese Dream.During the realization of the Chinese Dream, we must adhere to and improve the socialist legal system all the time, vigorously pursuing and fully realizing social fairness and justice. We should endeavor to develop approaches to human rights protection, constantly improve the judicial and administrative measures for human rights protection, push human rights protection to the path of standardization, legalization and institutionalization, and realize the unity of the principle of universality and that of particularity of human rights. By doing so, we will make people practically enjoy due rights and freedom, and provide effective, orderly and continuous legal guarantee for the fulfillment of the Chinese Dream.The Chinese Dream supports the “dream of happiness” of all the people, and means to construct an economic environment for the improvement of people’s livelihood and happiness index. To enable every Chinese to live with dignity is the basic starting point of the Chinese human rights ideal, and to improve people’s livelihood is a major task of the Chinese government, which is its guideline for ruling the country. Just as President Xi Jinping has pointed out: “The good life that the people look forward to is just the objective of our struggle.”In order to fulfill people’s “dream of happiness”, we should plan and balance the relations between the development of the economy and the improvement of people’s livelihood as a whole, strengthen in all aspects the construction of people’s livelihood in terms of politics, economy, culture and ecology, and increase the happiness index of the people. We should plan and balance all relations of interests in society as a whole, concentrate most vigor and financial resources to practically solve the most practical issues of interests that most directly concern the people to the maximum.We should strengthen the construction of social security systems for citizens, further improve the system of basic public service, and enhance both the level of basic public service and equalization, providing reliable guarantee for the realization of the ideal objectives in the whole society, that is, the elderly are properly supported, the sick are properly treated, students are properly educated, laborers are properly paid, and residents are properly housed.The Chinese Dream inspires the “dream of innovation” of all the people, and means to create a social environment for citizens’ equal right to development. To guarantee the full realization of citizens’ right to development is an important part of human rights construction in China. As President Xi Jinping has pointed out: “The Chinese Dream is both a dream of the whole Chinese nation and that of every individual. We should make all the Chinese people who live in our great country and this great time share the same opportunity of a wonderful life, the same opportunity of realizing the dream, and the same opportunity of growing and progressing together with our country and time.”In this new historic period that urgently requires and calls on talents, we should create a healthy, harmonious and friendly environment for the growth of talents in the whole society. We should continue to deepen the reform of cadres and personnel systems, constantly explore and establish new mechanisms and new systems conducive to the full display of talents, select and appoint talents without being limited to certain types, clear all obstacles for the growth and development of talents, guarantee everyone’s rights to equal participation and equal development, and activate the creativity of the whole nation to the maximum.The Chinese Dream benefits the “dream of peace” of people in the world, and means to guarantee an international security environment for human rights. As President Xi Jinping has pointed out, the realization of our Chinese Dream will not only benefit the Chinese people, but also people of all countries in the world.Peace and development are the themes of the time. With a worldwide perspective, economic globalization, cultural diversification and social informationization are continuously progressing, and international forces are moving toward the direction helpful for the guarantee of world peace. But the world is not peaceful anyhow. The development of each country is still unbalanced, local conflicts constantly occur and worsen, the threat of wars exists, and destabilizing factors are threatening world peace. In such an international background, the Chinese Dream that benefits mankind conforms to the requirement of the times and the trend of the world.Meanwhile, the realization of the Chinese Dream also needs an international peaceful and safe environment as a guarantee. The Chinese government will insist on the unity of sovereignty and human rights, object to any country intervening in the domestic affairs of other countries on the excuse of human rights, propose the principle of sovereign equality and that of non-intervention in domestic affairs, respect the principle of universality of human rights, strictly observe the international human rights standards, protect human rights through international cooperation, guarantee regional security, and promote world peace.Ladies, gentlemen and friends,The world is colorful, and the views on human rights of different countries cannot be uniform. Therefore, diversity and inclusiveness are the basis for people to seek a common ground on major issues and extend the range of consensus while reserving minor differences. I am convinced that through our frank exchanges and discussions next, we will certainly make many new satisfactory achievements, accumulate positive energy for the progressive cause of mankind, and provide new drive for the development of world human rights cause.And last, I wish a complete success to this session of the Forum. Thank you.儲存

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Source: Times-News, Burlington, N.迷你倉新蒲崗C.Sept. 13--Williams (2-1) at Northern Guilford (2-0)This is the Mid-State 3-A Conference opener for each team. Williams hasn't won its first game in conference play since 2008. ... Williams' Jamieon Harvey has a combined 60 carries for 341 yards in the last two games. ... Williams quarterback Christian Miles has completed nine of his last 11 passes for 178 yards and two touchdowns. ... Northern Guilford is the three-time defending Class 3-AA state champion and has a 31-game winning streak. ... Northern Guilford beat Williams 35-7 last year and has won all four meetings in the series by a combined score of 203-35.Eden Morehead (2-1) at Western Alamance (3-0)Western Alamance has started 3-0 for the third straight season and looks to continue its run in this Mid-State 3-A Conference opener. ... The Warriors' Justin Wilson has 17 catches this season, the most among area players. ... Western Alamance has scored in double digits for 17 straight games. ... Eden Morehead is off to a 2-1 start for the first time since 2006. ... Western Alamance won last season's meeting 41-16, which was at least the eighth straight victory in the series. ... For the last six meetings, Western Alamance has scored in the 40s each time and won each of those games by at least 20 points.McMichael (0-3) at Eastern Alamance (2-1)The 54 points Eastern Alamance gave up last week against Southern Alamance are the most since a 2004 loss against High Point Andrews. ... This is the Mid-State 3-A Conference opener for each team. ... Eastern Alamance's 161 points this season rank as the second-most among Class 3-A teams. ... McMichael has lost six straight road games. ... Eastern Alamance receiver Malik Wilson has scored five touchdowns on 11 offensive touches (10 receptions, one carry) this season. ... Eastern Alamance continued a streak of at least four straight victories against McMichael with a 54-36 thrashing last season. In the those past four meetings, the combined score is 196-66.Southern Alamance (2-1) at East Chapel Hill (1-2)Southern Alamance is seeking its first 3-1 start since 2005. ... With 59 completions, 849 passing yards and five passing touchdowns, Southern Alamance's Johnathan Lloyd leads all area players in each category. He has rushed for 271 yards. ... This marks the first game against a Class 4-A opponent for each team. ... East Chapel Hill has won 12 games in the past six seasons (including this year), while Southern Alamance has 14 in that time. ... These teams haven't played since 2004.Graham (0-3) at Ora迷你倉出租ge (3-0)Graham faces former coach Pat Moser, who guided the Red Devils to the Class 1-A state championship in 2000. ... The margin of defeat for Graham has decreased each week, going from 58 to 24 to 16. ... After a 3-0 start, Orange moved into The Associated Press state poll for Class 3-A at No. 10 this week. ... Orange has outscored opponents by a combined 86-0 in the second and third quarters this season. ... Orange's first-team defense hasn't surrendered a touchdown this season. ... The last time these teams met was 2008, when Orange won 35-7.Cummings (0-3) at Greensboro Smith (1-2)Cummings hasn't lost four games to start its season since 2005. ... Cummings' Quae Pinnix has 15 receptions, the second-most among area players. ... Greensboro Smith's victory against Western Guilford last week was its first victory since the last game of the 2011 season, when it defeated Southern Alamance. It was the first victory for first-year coach Antonio Kirkpatrick. ... The 139 points Cummings has surrendered this season are the fourth-most among Class 2-A teams. ... These teams haven't met in at least the past 12 years.Chatham, Va. (2-0) at Bartlett Yancey (2-1)A third victory would give Bartlett Yancey its most victories in a season since 2002. ... Bartlett Yancey has lost four straight games against teams from Virginia. Its last victory came in 2006, when it defeated Chatham 21-14. That was also the last time these teams met and the last time Chatham played a team from North Carolina. ... Chatham has put up point totals of 56 and 78 points in its first two games this season. ... Chatham has a combined 11 victories in the past six years, including this season. Bartlett Yancey has 12 victories in that time.Southern Guilford (0-3) at Eastern Randolph (1-2)Eastern Randolph is looking to avoid its worst start since 2008, when the Wildcats lost their first five games. ... This is the first time in more than 10 seasons that Southern Guilford has lost its first three games. ... Each team lost to Eastern Guilford. ... This is the first non-Guilford County opponent for Southern Guilford. ... Last week's 21-0 loss to Eastern Guilford marked the first time since a 2011 game against Reidsville that Eastern Randolph has been shut out. ... This is the first meeting between the teams in at least 10 years.Be sure to follow scores tonight on Twitter with #tnscores. Feel free to join in as well.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Times-News (Burlington, N.C.) Visit Times-News (Burlington, N.C.) at .thetimesnews.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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  文/羊城晚報記者 梁棟賢  綜觀時下廣州很多豪宅的裝修,儲存裝修材料的檔次越來越高,往往來自五大洲,甚至動輒貼上“歐洲皇室專用”的標簽。然而,頂級的材料就一定能做出有品位的豪宅裝修?對於這個問題,不少業內設計師均投了反對票。  從堆砌高端材料到返璞歸真  廣州市品壹裝飾設計有限公司設計總監、高級室內建築師周俊認為,在高檔住宅的裝修標準方面,一直存在一個誤區:貴的就是好的。由於豪宅業主在經濟實力上有優勢,在選材上可選擇的範圍更廣,加上銷售人員的引導,業主很容易以為,使用高檔材料會讓房子變得更好。“材料的概念被片面地加強了,每一種材料都追求極致,而忽視了材料之間的協調與融合。材料雖然很重要,但是藝術更重要,業主應多聽取設計師的意見,再做出合適的選擇。”  廣州歐申納斯軟裝飾設計有限公司首席設計師向天玉更直言,“最貴的才是最好的”其實是一個誤區。“很多昂貴的裝修材料放射性偏強,直接危害居住者的健康。”向天玉認為,隨著社會物質財富的豐富,人們要求從物的堆積中解放出來,而隨著環境保護意識的增長,人們逐漸嚮往自然,返璞歸真的新自然主義成為室內設計與工業設計的新趨勢。“輕裝修,重裝飾,化繁為簡,選材更注重綠色環保。大理石、花崗岩、複雜造型的主題牆、降低居室淨高的吊頂天花已風光不再,取而代之的是造型簡單、自然原色與天然材質,除色彩外,一切保留自然材質的天然成份。”  家居智能讓豪宅“豪”起來  當然,設計師們並非反對所有的裝飾材料,像近期推出的不少智能化家居方面的新材料、新設備便備受認同。  周俊介紹,近幾年來,豪宅業主對家居智能化和一體化的需求更加明顯,高檔家居的整體規劃性要求更高,安防、燈光、遠程控制方面的技術也更趨完善,新風系統、背景音樂也更多地進入到對生活有更高追求的高端人群家中,讓新蒲崗迷你倉宅業主的生活品質真正得到提升。  向天玉表示,蓋茨的家就是豪宅中的智能化典範,隨處可見高科技的影子。整個建築根據不同的功能分為12個區,通道出口處都裝有機關。其中,智能化程度最高的部分首推會議室,這個房間可隨時高速接入互聯網,24小時為蓋茨提供一切他需要的信息。同時,豪宅內部安裝了強大的電子安防系統,沒有身份識別標誌就會被確認為入侵者。“雖然我們大多數人的房子不可能與之媲美,但現在的豪宅業主已經可以實現:夏天在回家的路上,通過手機遙控提前把家里的空調打開,一回家便能感受到清涼;睡覺前輕輕一按,所有燈光和窗簾自動關閉;出門時按一個按鈕,便�動電子眼等安防設施。”家居智能不僅可以滿足居住者對安全、舒適、便捷等共性化的需求,更提供了尊貴感、超前感、時尚感等特殊化的需求。  專家視點  豪宅裝修應該“軟硬兼施,軟裝前置”  向天玉  (廣州歐申納斯軟裝飾設計有限公司首席設計師)  硬裝和軟裝在施工時有前後之分,因此很多人認為應該先裝修,然後再考慮軟裝陳設。這往往會出現軟裝必須遵循硬裝的現象,很可能硬裝的“殼”限制了軟裝的“核”,無法達到最理想的裝飾效果。但一個空間除了六個面的裝飾外,其他全是軟裝,軟裝相對硬裝、建築而言,更能體現人性、品位、精神層面的追求。所以從理性的裝飾觀念出發,整體豪裝設計應該是由內而外的,內涵決定外延,“軟硬兼施,軟裝前置”才能實現最好的裝飾效果。  豪宅裝修,“藝”比“料”更重要  周俊  (廣州市品壹裝飾設計有限公司設計總監、高級室內建築師)  舉兩個例子便可以讓大家感覺到“料”與“藝”的關係:有幾支普通的顏料,在達芬奇的手中,最終它變成了蒙娜麗莎的微笑;有一塊普通的石頭,在米開朗基羅的手中,它成為了大衛。所以說,起決定性作用的其實不是“料”,而是“藝”。梁棟賢mini storage

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  到了游樂場花錢買票才能玩游樂項目,mini storage這是理所當然的。但是總有一些人想占小便宜,不花錢逃票也能玩得盡興。得知兒子葉小睿逃票到游樂場玩耍還摔傷了腿,他的父母又氣又恨,但是兒子畢竟是在游樂場受的傷,他們以游樂場管理不完善要求賠償。  葉小睿假期和幾個同學一起來到某游樂場玩耍,然而當天他們要是購買了游樂場的通票就沒有錢吃飯了,因此幾個同學商量後想出了一個“兩全其美”的辦法。於是,他們每人只購買了一張普通門票,持該票只能在游樂園及景區內遊覽,但不包含任何游樂設施,因此比通票便宜了不少。他們想再用省下來的錢幾個人大吃一頓。到了景區小睿和同學們就後悔了,原來很多項目都是他們曾經沒有玩過的,看著別人玩得那麼驚險刺激,幾個人都覺得自己手中的觀光門票實在沒意思。就在這時,小睿等人發現游樂場很多項目都排了長隊,管理員為了趕時間有的都不看遊人手中的通票就能允許進場。於是他們也隨著人流混進單獨收費的游樂項目中,這一招還真的讓他們得逞了。  一連玩了幾個大型游樂項目,小睿和同學們別提多高興了。他們越玩越開心,心想,“怎麼這麼順利,次次都讓我們混進隊伍當中!”就在他們再一次成功玩上一個旋轉的游樂項目後,該設施還沒有停穩,小睿就立即從self storage位上蹦了下來,由於座位離地面還有一段距離,他這樣一蹦不小心摔到腿部受了傷。事後游樂場方面立即將小睿送往醫院,並通知了他的父母。  得知兒子玩游樂設施時受了傷,小睿的父母立即要求游樂場方面承擔兒子的醫藥費。但是游樂場負責人則表示,他還沒有找小睿父母算賬呢。原來,在送小睿來醫院的途中,游樂場負責人已經發現小睿等人只購買了普通的觀光門票,小睿也承認他們是逃票混進隊伍才玩游樂項目的。這樣一來,小睿等人就沒有游樂項目通票的“保護”,游樂場方面拒絕承擔責任。小睿的父親卻不認同,他承認兒子逃票的行為不對,但人是在景區內受的傷,游樂場還是有責任的。  ◎ 畫外音:  小睿在游樂設施沒有停下來時就跳下來受了傷,他自己應承擔一部分責任,而游樂場管理不完善導致小睿等人有機可乘也是存在一定問題的。即便遊客沒有買通票,但買了門票,也應該在受保護的範圍之內。  ◎ 相關鏈接:  遊客購買景區門票就是和景區建立了旅遊服務合同關係,景區方面有義務保障遊客在景區內的人身財產安全。雖然小睿等人只購買了普通的觀光門票,但是所有的游樂設施項目也都是在被允許觀光的景區之內,游樂場對遊客安全負有責任。(記者 張瑋)標簽:小睿 游樂場 通票 游樂 逃票迷你倉

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文/邢曉辭“這是一個奇跡的時代,迷你倉最平一個藝術的時代,一個揮金如土的時代。那時,在年輕的我們眼前,一切都像鍍上了玫瑰紅,浪漫無比。 ”菲茨傑拉德在《了不起的蓋茨比》中,如此形容上世紀20年代的紐約繁華與變遷。同樣在上海,有這樣一條路:見證了海上明珠之城的初現,見證了上海灘英傑輩出的崢嶸年代,因而被稱為“貴賓道”。她承載著上海的風華、韻味、格調。梧桐高大茂盛,掩映著鄔達克花園洋房里的上海歷史上的人和事,他們是屬於上海的“蓋茨比和黛西”……80餘年後的今天,新華路一號冀望再度榮耀于此!作為百年九龍倉進入上海市場的一號作品,其即使在僅3席收官之際,也受到了獨具慧眼名流的熱捧!濃蔭深處絕版珍藏百年上海傳奇新華路一號的外觀是樸素而低調,可當你仔細看,建築全石材的外立面全部用手工拼接完成,不留絲毫痕跡,統一的乳白色呼應城市的高貴。定制級豪宅,新華路一號講究純粹、私密的高尚生活體驗。對於這些名流而言,誰不想擁有一處既能享受安逸生活,又能轉瞬融入繁華的理想居所!站在新華路一號正門,面對百年名校上海交通大學,以及南洋模範中學、複旦附中等精英教育,沿著新華路向西漫步,不足百米便是上海文化地標之一——上海影城。驅車5分鐘至上海圖書館、季風書園,尋覓更真實深刻的文學感悟,還有迷你倉華山醫院、交大附屬胸科醫院為代表的周邊醫療資源,以及驅車十分鐘可達徐家匯、靜安寺、中山公園等高端商圈。低密洋房唯有品位方能讀懂一切新華路一號作為上海市中心稀有的低密度社區,純粹私家大宅建面280-370平方米的花園洋房,持續獲得客戶的認可和好評,其舒適闊綽的戶型,豐富的產品線引發客戶的強烈關注。內外兼修,充分表達了港式豪宅生活理念,還有定制級意大利頂級浴缸品牌Agape的高端產品。在中西雙廚連通餐廳的開放空間里,配以Miele精密家用電器、德國Poggenpohl櫥櫃、西門子家電、V&B、Dornbracht、Hansgrohe、Dornbrach等洗浴設施,ABB家居智能化系統。低調中,同樣擁有相同品位的峰層名仕,就一定能讀懂她!雋永�值坐享淮海路上的院子新華路一號經過精心規劃,為照顧與周邊的老洋房天際線相融合,新華路一號特別設計為市區罕有的4-8層洋房社區,1.75超低的容積率,一梯一戶設計。九龍倉將每一戶都做成大面寬、高採光的大平層及頂層複式、底層複式三種戶型。其中,底層複式可享受精緻的南北雙花園,頂層複式則設大露台,俯視淮海路百年梧桐和經典建築群。客廳最大面寬達約12米,客廳、餐廳互相獨立,又彼此連貫,得房率超過83%,引得當代領袖競相珍藏。儲存

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Source: The Philadelphia InquirerSept.文件倉 12--Barbara Chase-Riboud vividly remembers traveling from her home in South Philadelphia to the great temple on a hill, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, where she first took art classes as a little girl."One of my dreams I can remember, going to classes at the museum, was that one day I was going to have an exhibition at the Philadelphia Museum and I was going to have a banner across the facade," said Chase-Riboud, now 74. "I remember very well. It's been a long road. I'm a very old lady!"Long road indeed.From Philadelphia to Paris, China, Africa, and now back to her hometown, at least briefly, for something achingly close to that first great childhood ambition and dream. (Paris has been her home for half a century.)On Saturday, a show of Chase-Riboud's work, "The Malcolm X Steles," will open in the museum's Alter Gallery for a run through Jan. 20. The show consists of about 40 works, including five of the great bronze and fabric sculptures -- the "steles" -- dedicated to Malcolm, five related sculptures, a dozen or so drawings made during the 1960s and '70s, at the time the Malcolm works were conceived and developed, and about 20 of her Monument Drawings from the mid-1990s. Curated by Carlos Basualdo, the museum's curator of contemporary art, the show will travel to the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive in the spring."I'm seeing sculpture I haven't seen for 30 years," Chase-Riboud said the other day, as she chatted before beginning the installation of the show. She had just spruced up a bronze sculpture dedicated to the late museum director Anne d'Harnoncourt, carefully repositioning what appeared to be immobile bronze cords but were in fact braided and painted silk, easily manipulated. ("They seem to be bronze," she said, "but in fact they are only thread.")This exhibition of her monumental sculpture and works on paper barely hints at Chase-Riboud's multiple achievements. She is a not only an innovative and deeply thoughtful sculptor and visual artist, she is a distinguished poet and writer of fiction with multiple novels to her credit, including the best-selling Sally Hemmings (1979), which was savagely attacked at the time of its publication for what many scholars viewed as a fanciful portrayal of Thomas Jefferson's long-running love affair with his enslaved maidservant.That affair has since been solidly confirmed through DNA analysis, and Chase-Riboud's novel and the mountains of research she put into it have been thoroughly vindicated.Her multifaceted, award-winning work as artist, poet, and novelist was also noted in Congress this week, when Rep. Bob Brady (D., Pa.) proclaimed her "a truly renaissance woman" whose achievement is recognized around the world.""What I've been trying to do, certainly with the books, has been to include the black presence in American history," she said. "I hit the jackpot [with Sally Hemmings]. All of my books have something to with excavating these invisibles in history that should have biographies, that should have monuments, that should have all these things but don't -- for political reasons, for gender reasons, for racial reasons, for whatever."This was my mission, and I think it began when I went to Europe for the first time and realized I 存倉as not the center of the world -- that there were continents to explore and civilizations which had nothing to do with my upbringing or my education. They were important. Not only important, they were essential, and finally they turned out as essential for me. I don't think I would have developed my style, my mature sculptures, without having the experience of traveling around the world, brushing against all these other cultures and all these other civilizations, both ancient and modern."Chase-Riboud speaks quietly and fluently, her black hair hanging straight, her slender hands occasionally rising for emphasis, her voice clear and faintly melodic. Her sense of American history and of her own past comes effortlessly to illustrate one point or another, but there is humor too, and a strong sense of irony.She began the Malcolm X series in the 1960s, after Malcolm's assassination. But the pieces were not inspired by that horrific event. In fact, it was only when she was well along with the first four in the series that, still feeling the sting, she decided to dedicate the series to the slain leader.The project actually began as an effort to work through formal problems, and the steles' characteristic fabric "skirts" are the result of Chase-Riboud's decision to stabilize the large sculptures without revealing armature or creating "legs."In this formal answer to aesthetic and technical questions, a distinctly abstract but anthropomorphic form emerged, sculptures that suggest figures, but are, in fact, something else. In the baroque manipulation of forms, these pieces become suggestive emblems of black American pain and transcendence."I wanted something that was purely abstract because that was the way I was going, and I wanted something that would also be a kind of personage, but a personage not recognized as such," she said. "Something incredible happened when I put the fiber and the bronze together and suddenly I had these steles."The pieces, which owe much to the intricacies and flamboyance of Bernini, were attacked at the time they were first shown by several eminent white art critics who suggested that Chase-Riboud was presenting something inauthentic, as though "black" art should only reflect non-European tribalism. That was a surprise to Chase-Riboud at the time. She says she didn't have "a clue that this would create a kind of furor."The Art Museum, she says, "is not about race" nor is it about "black art." What the museum is exhibiting is the work "of an American artist and her discoveries as an artist and as a poet.""I don't want to talk about expatriatism," she said. "I don't want to talk about negritude. This is strictly about art and literature."The Malcolm X StelesSaturday through Jan. 20 at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, 26th Street and the Parkway. Tuesday through Sunday, 10 a.m.–5 p.m., Wednesday and Friday evenings until 8:45 p.m. Adults, $20; 65 and over, $18; students with valid ID, $14; 13–18, $14: 12 and under, free. 215-763-8100 or .philamuseum.org.Contact culture writer Stephan Salisbury at 215-854-5594, ssalisbury@phillynews.com, or @SPSalisbury on TwitterCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Philadelphia Inquirer Visit The Philadelphia Inquirer at .philly.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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本報記者 李銀雁廣西自治區主席陳武說,迷你倉李克強總理在廣西考察時提出 “把北部灣經濟區建設好、發展好,不只對西南地區,而且對中南地區,甚至對全國都具有戰略意義,廣西要成為西南、中南地區開放發展的新的戰略支點。”這是黨中央、國務院對廣西經濟發展重要定位,也是廣西立足當前,著眼長遠、推動經濟更好更快發展的重要目標。據瞭解,李克強總理到廣西考察之後,對李克強新的戰略支點的講話,廣西迅速組織力量進行落實研究。記者從日前召開的廣西全區年中工作會議上瞭解到,廣西將從九方面加以重點研究構建中國西南、中南地區開放發展的新的戰略支點。大通道建設。目前,廣西西南出海大通道已初步形成,但現代交通體系建設還未完成,大通道作用未充分發揮,與形成區域性綜合交通樞紐的差距還較大。為打造新的戰略支點,廣西將完善路網結構,增加路網密度,提升路網質量,提高通達水平,儘快打通通往粵港澳、西南和中南地區的高速鐵路、高速公路通道,爭取國家支持打通南寧—河內貫穿中南半島—新加坡的快速國際通道。能源保障。根據分析,“十二五”後3年,廣西需新增電源裝機1300萬千瓦才能基本滿足2015年的用電需求。為解決能源問題,廣西將提高火電、核電和其他新能源的比重,續建煤電一體化的大型火電廠,積極爭取國家支持加快核電建設,積極開發風電等新能源。發展現代產業。廣西將重點發展現代製造業、戰略性新興產業和以旅遊為龍頭的現代服務業;對糖、鋁、其他有色金屬、水泥和其他建材、鋼鐵、錳等傳統優勢產業加快改造升級步伐;對汽車、機械、石化、電子等產業加快提升產業檔次和技術水平;大力培育發展新材料、新能源、生物醫藥、養生健康等新興產業。工業布局力爭形成“東西南北中”五大板塊:北部灣臨海大產業,桂中以柳州為中心的現代製造業,桂北以桂林為中心的現代製造業和新興產業,桂東和西江沿線梧州、玉林、賀州、貴港主要承接東部產業轉移,桂西(河儲存、百色、崇左)的資源加工業。面向東盟和周邊省區開放合作。打好“東盟牌”,是打造新的戰略支點的優勢和出路。廣西將擴大中國-東盟博覽會的影響力和輻射力;建設、利用好面向東盟開放合作的一系列平台;進一步發揮“南寧渠道”作用,爭取國家將更多與東盟合作的機制平台放在廣西;提升與粵港澳台、西南、中南地區的合作水平,推進兩廣經濟一體化特別是粵桂合作特別試驗區建設,推動與雲南、貴州在能源、交通、產業等領域的合作,建設好與西南、中南省份合作的北部灣臨海產業園。北部灣港口提升和發展。北部灣港口吞吐能力從2006年的3600多萬噸發展到現在的2億噸,但與東部沿海相比,無論是規模還是水平都還有明顯差距。廣西將加快港口設施建設,努力建設超千萬標箱大港,特別是加快大能力專業化深水泊位和深水航道建設;提升現代化港口的管理和服務水平,發展船代、貨代等代理業務,完善港口服務功能;加大集裝箱航線班輪密度,培育開通更多國際新航線。北部灣經濟區一體化。廣西將採取多種措施,推動交通、產業和城鎮發展的一體化進程,促進北部灣經濟區一體化。人才和教育支撐。廣西將鞏固和提高義務教育,大力發展現代職業教育,全面提升高等教育質量,更多地引進高端人才,如經營管理人才、外向型人才、技術人才,以及適應現代產業發展和城鎮化建設的勞動大軍。生態環境建設。廣西將以新理念、新思路和新做法推進生態環境保護建設,大力發展生態環保產業,推動旅遊、綠色產業、無煙產業和循環經濟發展,積極推動生態城市建設。體制機制改革和政策創新。廣西將認真總結 《廣西北部灣經濟區發展規劃》和《國務院關於進一步促進廣西經濟社會發展的若干意見》的政策落實情況,把國家給予的改革創新政策用足用好,承接落實好國家取消和下放的行政審批等事項。要圍繞建設新的戰略支點的需要,研究並請求國家在我區實施新的重大支持政策,促進各領域的改革創新,充分釋放改革紅利。新蒲崗迷你倉

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  近年來,迷你倉隨著蘭州旅遊業的發展,每至旅遊旺季,酒店、賓館需求量激增,於是以家庭為單位的“家庭旅館”便應運而生。在我市這種專門服務于外地客商的小公寓分佈在蘭州各個居民小區甚至大街小巷的寫字樓里,經營者大多是房主本人,或是二房東,專門為外地客商提供住宿等服務。據瞭解,這種“家庭式旅館”的店主大多通過網絡發帖或在各個信息網站發佈招租信息來招攬旅客。這些家庭旅館靠營造家的溫馨和低廉的價格,吸引賓客入住。然而,由於缺乏相應的行業監管,這些旅館條件參差不齊,而且還存在著一定的安全隱患。  家庭旅館大多“藏身”居民區  幾天前,從西安來蘭出差的潘先生因工作需要,想在蘭州住半個月。考慮到逗留時間不短,於是他決定選擇了比較實惠的家庭旅館,通過網絡潘先生在火車站東路找到了一家家庭旅館住了下來。可住了幾天潘先生髮現,雖然這個家庭旅館設施齊全,但服務卻沒法像普通酒店那樣。潘先生說正規的酒店,每天都有人專門打掃衛生,每個客人用過的床單被套,都要統一清洗消毒,但這個家庭旅館卻幾天都沒人來打掃,而且床單一直都沒有人來換洗。而且這個家庭旅館沒有任何證照,住在這裡讓他感覺沒有安全感。  隨後記者對我市的家庭旅館進行了調查採訪。經過採訪記者發現,我市的家庭旅館都是由居民樓“變身”而來,叫價在每日80元至150元不等。一位住家庭旅館的客人說,他們一家三口是來旅遊,租住這種家庭旅館不但可以租一天,也可以租幾天,租期不限。而且還有一種家的感覺。記者瞭解到,由於家庭旅館能提供住宿、洗浴或做飯的功能和服務,這種家庭旅館頗受一些常住蘭州或者前來旅遊的遊客的歡迎。  交錢便可入住衛生安全隱患多  採訪中記者瞭解到,和一般的酒店入住程序不同,到這些家庭旅館居住,客人無須出示身份證。旅館的這種鬆散管理,讓同住一個小區的居民感到不滿。一位居民告訴記者,他家樓上就有一家旅館,經常能看到陌生人進進出出,尤其到了夏天半夜吵鬧聲不斷,樓下的單元門都不知道壞了幾個。而且旅館不對入住的人進行身份核實,萬一客人幹了違法亂紀的事,有可能殃及周圍住戶,這讓人覺得不安全。不僅如此,在服務標準上,家庭旅館也沒法像普通酒店那樣提供標準化的服務。“正規的酒店,每個客人用過的床單被套,都要統一清洗消毒,但家庭旅館能保證每個客人一走,所用物品都統一清洗消毒嗎?而在家庭旅館里,沒有一家能做到。”來自鄭州的周先生說。  據瞭解,目前我市有家庭旅館大約100多家,這些旅館散佈在居民樓或者居民區內。因為靠近市中心地區或學校、旅遊景點,交通便利,而被業主私自改建成家庭旅館或青年公寓,經營者通常打著“租賃”旗號在網上招攬生意。然而,由於這些家庭旅館沒有辦理工商、稅務儲存倉食品監管、衛生防疫等相關證照和行業許可證,服務水準和經營範圍處在無人監管狀態;而且他們也沒在有關部門辦理經營許可證,也沒有一套治安管理系統來甄別客人身份,因而存在著安全隱患。  以經營為目的的家庭旅館居多  蘭州的“家庭旅館”一般分為三類:1.由自家閑置房屋改作客房,房主為顧客提供住宿的同時還樂於向顧客提供飲食,此類經營者一般不以經營為目的,意在廣交朋友,為自己外出旅行做鋪墊。這類房主對顧客的要求往往更高。但這類房主屬於極少數;2.將自家閑置的整套房屋改作客房,純粹用于經營。這樣的家庭旅館同樣以經營為目的,但一般不向顧客提供飲食;這種家庭旅館在我市目前數量比較多;3.租用他人房屋來做經營。此類經營者以開設“家庭旅館”為業,往往更注重經濟收益。經營時間較長,且經濟收益較好的“家庭旅館”還開設了多家連鎖店。  家庭旅館大多屬於無證經營  因家庭旅館屬於家庭作坊式經營,大多都由私人住宅改建而成,基本都未按國家有關法律法規消防技術規範設置消防設施,存在一定的火災隱患。依照相關規定,開辦旅館必須辦理消防許可證。如是否有一定寬度的安全通道、有無安全指示燈、有無滅火器等消防設施,檢查過關的旅館才能獲得許可證,然後再申請營業執照;此外,只要是對外經營的旅館,都必須辦理衛生許可證,如床上用品要有相應的清洗、消毒、烘乾設備,而茶杯、水杯、水壺等也要有專門的水池來進行清洗、有消毒櫃來進行消毒,如沒有這樣的消毒設施,則不適宜開辦旅館。然而記者在採訪中發現,在蘭州由私人經營的家庭旅館一般都沒有開闢專門的消毒間,衛生許可證、特種行業經營許可證、營業執照等證照也大都沒有辦理。  家庭旅館應納入正規管理範疇  由於現行法律、行政法規均未對家庭旅館的性質、歸類及管轄等作出明確規定,所以對其的監督和管理尚處空白。按照國家規定,旅遊部門負責對星級酒店的服務水準進行管理,而沒有評星的酒店,所涉及的經營、食品、衛生、治安等問題,都隸屬於工商、稅務、食品藥監、衛生防疫、公安等多部門進行行業分類管理。由於家庭旅館自發產生且不向管理部門申報,各部門難以採集到它們的信息,實際調查時,經常出現敲不開門、找不到人或說房子是“私宅”的情況,很難納入正規管理範圍。  我市一酒店負責人建議,既然家庭旅館有市場需求,相關部門就應考慮對其堵疏結合:一方面鼓勵個人和企業利用空置住宅、閑置樓宇、農村院落和興建的旅遊商業地產投資經營家庭賓館;另一方面,要求公安、工商、商務、衛生、旅遊等部門聯合起來,加強對該行業的管理和服務,實行“有進有出”的晉級淘汰制,使其真正規範運營起來,提高服務質量,滿足賓客個性化需求。標簽:旅館 蘭州 房主 消毒 家庭迷你倉價錢

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○記者黃夢佳報道新報訊記者從鐵路上海站獲悉,mini storage截止9月9日,鐵路上海站已發售中秋小長假火車票13.4萬張。而昨日起已可購買國慶期間車票,部分熱門方向如西安、拉薩、太原、黃山等呈現緊俏趨勢。鐵路部門提醒廣大旅客,節日客流高峰還需盡早購票,網絡購票旅客請盡早取票。9 月1 9 日將現客流最高峰據介紹,九、十月份歷來是出游旺季,加之受高速不免費等因素影響,今年中秋小長假鐵路將迎來一波較高客流,出行人群將以旅遊、探親為主。方向上主要集中在長三角地區以及京滬、合武、沿海等高鐵動車沿線城市。鐵路中秋小長假運輸從本月18日起至21日,共4天,鐵路上海站預計發送旅客96萬人次,客流最高峰出現在9月19日,當日預計客發達到31.5萬人次。從目前售票情況來看,除了18日夜間部分“夕發朝至”長途直達列車車票較為 緊張外,京滬、滬寧、滬杭甬、合蚌高鐵列車及廈門、福州、南昌、青島等方向動車均有較多餘票,鐵路部門建議有出行計劃的旅客,盡早通過網絡購票、電話訂票、市內代售點購票等方式購票,以免因買不到合適的票而耽誤行程。self storage滿足旅客出行需求,鐵路除實行高峰運行圖外,還計劃加開至常州、無錫、南京、六安、徐州、蚌埠、阜陽、杭州、江山等方向臨客36對。部分高鐵可刷二代證進站另外,鑒於小長假出行高峰時段,臨時到站購票換票的旅客較多,屆時排隊等候的時間較平時可能有所延長,鐵路部門建議網絡購票的旅客盡可能到就近市內代售點提前取票,避免集中在乘車當天再到車站取票乘車。對於使用二代身份證網絡購買京滬、滬寧、滬杭、合蚌高鐵以及沿海鐵路(除寧波東站外)高鐵動車車票的旅客,旅客可嘗試通過刷二代身份證直接進站乘車。另外,上海地區有上海站、上海南站、上海虹橋站三大主要火車站,旅客們在出門前務必要看清車票上注明的乘車站名,千萬不要跑錯乘車站而耽誤行程。小長假期間客流集中出行,市內交通相對擁擠,請旅客們適當提前出門,以免趕不上車而耽誤行程。鐵路部門提醒,自9月1日起,上海鐵路部門開展以“誠實守信,持票乘車”為主題的整治無票乘車專項行動,對無票或持無效車票乘車的行為,除需補票並加收50%票款外,還會將故意逃票人員信息反饋至地方個人徵信管理機構。迷你倉

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