- Sep 23 Mon 2013 08:43
南都訊 記者肖陽9月12日,儲存“攜程愛心游”正式�程,10位愛心團友與攜程旅行網相關人員一同參加攜程雅安希望小學與旅遊自助服務系統捐贈儀式,並探訪了兩所四川雅安攜程希望小學。9月13日,攜程雅安希望小學與旅遊自助服務系統捐贈儀式在雅安市旅遊局舉行。記者在現場瞭解到,此次攜程共捐款200萬元,用于兩所希望小學迷你倉援建、修繕,還用于當地旅遊自助服務系統的捐贈等。另,攜程旅行網向當地捐贈“雅安旅遊自助服務系統”,其為當前國內流行,也是最為先進的全數字化智能旅遊自助服務系統。該系統包括兩塊顯示屏,一塊顯示屏可播放雅安旅遊形象宣傳片等內容;另一塊觸摸屏可用于自助服務查詢系統。該系統將安放在雅安的部分酒店、主要景區等公共場所。mini storage
- Sep 23 Mon 2013 08:37
本報訊 (包力達 韓索 記者 楊富) 昨日,儲存倉記者從國航西南分公司瞭解到,針對即將來臨的國慶黃金周,該公司已出台了黃金周大假期間的運輸保障方案,在確保原有航班正常運行的基礎上,採取增加加班航班、更換寬體客機的方法增加運力投入。黃金周期間,國航在成都航空市場共投入加班164班次,增投座位數2.2萬個,主要投向各旅遊熱點。其中,針對需求旺盛的情況,成都直飛稻城亞丁的航班在國慶大假期間將增至每天兩班。據國航西南營銷中心相關人士介紹,今年黃金周客流將呈現波浪式分佈的特點,即節前和節後出現兩個客流高峰,而節中則處於波谷狀態。從目前機票預訂情況來看,黃金周期間國內、國外旅遊市場均呈現需求旺盛的跡象。按照市場部門的預測,成都地區航空客流將提前�動。為此,國航決定加班航班從9月26日開始�動,加班航點集中在各個旅遊熱點地區,重點是三亞、麗江、九寨、林芝等地。從9月2迷你倉日到10月7日,國航在成都至三亞的航班上每天增加一個航班;成都至麗江將增加17個往返航班,成都至九寨增加24個往返航班;9月30日至10月10日,在成都至林芝航線上每天增加一個航班,9月26日、28日,10月3日、5日各加一個成都至海口航班。同時,國航對正班成都至三亞的CA4375/6航班採取用300座的寬體客機空客A330替換200座的A321的方式,增加運力投入。出境游方面,市場增量主要集中在加德滿都。黃金周期間的9月29日、30日和10月6日、7日,國航將在成都至加德滿都航線上各投入三個加班。本月16日,國航開通了成都直飛稻城亞丁的航線。由於需求旺盛,國航對該新航線也做好了加班的準備,計劃于黃金周期間每天增投一個航班。昨日,記者從稻城亞丁機場方面瞭解到,預計從9月27日起,國慶黃金周期間,成都直飛稻城亞丁的航班將由目前的每天一班增加到每天兩班。迷你倉最平
- Sep 23 Mon 2013 08:28
Man of action
Quincy Wong Lee-man applies the same mental makeup to running his business as he does when competing with other athletes.迷你倉 The chairman of Convoy Financial Services Holdings (1019) believes that running a marathon and operating a business is the same - you cannot stop. "You can't stop even when you need to crawl. Because once you stop, you stop. And then, you will think how to quit," he said. "The chances of success diminish if you give yourself too many excuses." Wong has taken part in marathons held in the Sahara Desert and the North Pole. He also enjoys hiking, an activity that has taken him to many places around the globe. But when it comes to his career and business, Wong becomes very serious. "In the business field, when you are fighting hard, you don't have time to think or stop or take a break." But with his smart and clean look, Wong, 46, does not fit the mould of a typical executive who's in charge of the leading financial services company in Hong Kong. Sporting a well-tailored suit and a pair of round vintage spectacles, Wong looks more like a successful salesman, or an innovative entrepreneur. After graduating in Architecture Technology and Management in 1990, Wong began his career as a salesman selling financial products. He also worked for different financial institutions. But on noticing the market demand for wealth management products, Wong started his own company in 1997. "My thinking was simple at that time." he said. "If I bought a product and thought it was okay, then others might think the same thing!" A year later, Convoy, which focused on the general insurance business at that time, was looking for a business shift and merged with Wong's firm. From then onwards, Convoy began focusing on independent financial advisory services. From an initial 10 employees, Convoy gradually grew into one that now employs about 3,000 staff in Hong Kong and China. After weathering several tough times, it is now on more stable tracks. The firm survived both the SARS crisis in 2003, as well as the 2008 financial tsunami. Wong views "crisis" as a combination of "risk" and "opportunity." "Convoy was still making a profit in 2008, though the amount was less. So, we had growth," he said. Wong is also proud of not having to lay off any staff, and all reduction of employees has been purely due to attrition. Of course, the company has had to implement some belt tightening measures, such as spending less on advertising, he said. "However, we did not lay off staff because we care for our employees ... but we cut down on advertising." Wong further explained how the 2008 crisis turned out to be a blessing for Convoy - a time when people changed their impression of big corporate firms and focused their attention on smaller local companies like his. After all, people had a fundamental change in the concept of financial institutions, Wong said, adding that earlier, they used to think that it was better to buy insurance from big insurers and go to banks for all their banking needs. But now people's thinking has changed, he said, adding that earlier they would say, well, these are merely financial institutions. "If they are doing the same business like we are, people will begin to value companies by their professional standards and have confidence in that company." In a bid to raise the quality of its business standard, Convoy applied self- regulatory procedures years back. "While regulations are getting stricter after the Lehman Brothers minibonds saga, Convoy's business is generally not affected," he said. A case in poi自存倉t is the sales recording that was being done at Convoy even before regulations were imposed compelling such procedures at all financial institutions, said Wong. The firm's propriety investment and money lending businesses started only in April this year. They have recorded a total revenue of HK$23.3 million and enjoyed a net profit margin of 76.1 percent and 13.7 percent respectively. Wong said the company's key to success is diversifying its business, and reducing its underlying risks. And for each business segment such as insurance, investment funds, or MPF, Convoy has various business partners to provide a range of products. "If A fails, there is B. If B fails, there is also C. After all, you can choose." There is also diversification in terms of region, and the mainland market is now Convoy's biggest goal. Wong said Convoy had invested a lot since 2009, when it first started tapping the mainland market. But it has also taken the firm a few years of trial-and-error to figure out the market. He likened the whole exercise to "dating a girl." The official "marriage" comes after the long "dating" and "understanding" stage, he said. Currently, Convoy has seven branches in different provinces in China, and most of them are the result of mergers and acquisitions that took place last year. Every place, according to Wong, has its own culture. "If a successful business model is to be replicated in other places, it would be a failure. Nothing is that easy." Wong explained the logic of moving into the mainland is [for customers] to ultimately come back to Hong Kong. "The goal is to build the Convoy brand, so that eventually mainlanders can come to Hong Kong Convoy to seek services, apart from shopping for luxury goods and buying baby formula." Wong believes the best way to know if a brand is successful in China is to find out whether there are any fake websites of the company. "Convoy has already had more than one in the mainland," he said. With the aim of expanding its client base in the China market, Convoy has hired 200 mainlanders who graduated from Hong Kong. "It takes time to build ... I don't believe in short-cuts," Wong said, adding, he hopes the mainland business will break even next year. After all these years, from beginning his career as a salesman and rising to the level of chairman, Wong believes in "being your own leader." "Regardless of your age and experience, people show confidence in you because of the impression you give them." Wong said mutual trust is the ultimate goal. "If they don't trust you, why will they buy your products? They can always choose to buy from another agent." And integrity is key to Convoy salespeople doing business in the field. "I will not ask people to buy the things I don't trust, only because I want to get the commission." Now as a decision maker, he does not only shoulder his own responsibility, but that also of his company. Wong said the road to success is built by oneself, regardless of how rich or poor your family is. "It's fine to depend on your family before you are 30. However, your life is solely yours after that. There's no one to be blame but yourself." He compared it to running, "Some will buy fancy shoes, but it doesn't mean they can run faster. Some even go in for full running gear but they give up after a few days of trying. In the end, all you can do is lean on yourself." This is also the reason why Wong does not have role models, because, as he puts it, action speaks louder than words. "If you believe in yourself, just act!" imogene.wong@singtaonewscorp.com 迷你倉
- Sep 23 Mon 2013 08:20
近日社會熱議應否控制人口增長減少房屋需求,迷你倉最平有人提出要限制每日150 個單程證配額,並改交香港審批。八十後「新移民」區議員張琪騰憶述,12 歲時由福建來港與家人團聚,不但言語不通,一家五口還要擠住板間房,感到很不習慣,直至獲配公屋生活才有改善。今以區議員身分協助新移民的他說,內地把「團聚關」其實很嚴,相信港人對內地人的負面情緒源自自由行的滋擾,建議政府控制自由行人數,雙方矛盾可望緩和。稱負面情緒源自自由行滋擾28 歲的民建聯觀塘區議員張琪騰是家中老么,父親與大姊早於1995 年來港,其後父親申請他、母親及二姊來港團聚,到1997 年一家終於團聚。來港時只12 歲的張琪騰,只懂說普通話及閩南語, 「一句廣東話都不懂」,英語僅識26 個英文字母,就算放棄升中一,改重讀小六也有困難,「在土瓜灣附近找了三四間小學都找不到, �學校一聽到你係新移民就唔考慮」。他們一家租住土瓜灣唐樓100 多平方呎的房間,廚廁皆與其他租客共用,居住環境與鄉下有很大差異,感到很不習慣,「福建的祖屋門前有空地及農地,那時候(來港後)連活動空間都無」。後來,他獲何文田勞工子弟中學取錄,入學後不少新移民同學互相扶持,他平日就透過電視及錄音機迷你倉廣東話, 「�時唔會話驚講錯廣東話畀人笑,所以講講下就識,繁簡對換都掌握」。他終克服英文等學習障礙,順利升讀城市大學社會科學,畢業後在政黨當地區工作,於2011 年參選區議會當選。SARS 抗疫增歸屬感張琪騰說,新移民其實很渴望融入香港社會,如他一家於2003 年入住油塘公屋,同年卻爆發SARS,地區需要大量義工協助抗疫,他便積極參與,培養出服務社區的志向, 「�時發覺自己終於適應�港人身分,可以幫助有需要�人,對社區有歸屬感」。稱內地單程證把關嚴針對近日有關新移民的爭議,他相信是港人難以接受自由行旅客造成太多滋擾,亦對新移民多了怨言, 「以前較少聽到話新移民落�就係倚賴政府、�政府�福利,但?家的確多�」。他說,所接觸的新移民其實希望自食其力,希望得到包容, 「香港係一個包容�地方,亦都係你肯努力就會有出路前途�地方」。他又說,內地審批每日150 個單程證配額其實把關很嚴,不認為要修改,他曾接觸有個案在內地等了五六年仍不獲批,更有內地妻子申請來港與丈夫團聚,其間丈夫突然病重只剩半年壽命,妻子懇求內地部門恩准提前來港也不獲批,令丈夫病逝也未可團聚。他相信要緩和矛盾,政府應�手控制自由行人數。明報記者黃俊鋒儲存
- Sep 23 Mon 2013 08:11
中績見紅已屬谷底 昂納步入強力復甦
美國聯儲局意外未有啟動退市機制,迷你倉美股在中秋長假前再創新高,帶動亞太股市全線上升。�指上周四亦一度突破今年5月阻力,創超過7個月以來高位,最後收報23,502點,升385點,跟2月4日的今年高位23,944差442點,大市成交亦急增至717億元。券商均對聯儲局未有啟動退市計劃感到意外,且在今次議息要點中,估計2016年底前,美國利率將不高於2厘,這對本港地產股、收租股及綜合企業股起正面作用,其中�控(0005)及渣打(2888)更作顯著利好反應,而在退市疑慮消減下,對息口敏感的地產股亦表現突出,其中信置(0083)更急升8.6%,成為升幅最大藍籌,瑞信指其估值仍便宜﹔新地(0016)亦升5%,成交突破20億元。摩根士丹利發表策略報告,預期新地及信置股價於未來60日有八成機會向上。早前捱沽的房產信託基金亦反彈,其中領匯(0823)更升4.4%。美元急跌,金價抽升,招金礦業(1818)急升12%,紫金(2899)亦張逾10%,帶動金飾股受捧,六福(0590)及周大福(1929)跑贏大市。澳門博彩股又再發力,一線股如銀娛(0027)及金沙(1928)一度創新高,惟創維數碼(0751)則遭花旗把評級由「買入」直接降至「沽售」,目標價削46%至3.57元,指創維毛利率受高端智能電視價格戰所蠶食,股價逆市挫4.4%。寬帶中國商機處處寬帶中國升格,成為未來網絡生活重要藍圖,相關設備股仍應看高一線,其中昂納光通信(0877)已公布預作盈警的中期業績,上半年營額減29.8%至2.57億元,業績轉盈虧損2,282萬元,主因集團需競爭網絡產品打價格戰所致,但相信這份中績已是集團近年的谷底成績表,未來短、中、長線都有不同刺激元素,近期已現見底回升之勢,手持淨現金達3.65億元,並無任何借款,成為迎接新時代的優勢。下半年業績好轉昂納過去一直鑽研高增長的新一代有源產品,mini storage信明年初開始,有關新產品將逐步對業務作出貢獻,引領其光網絡核心業務恢復高增長,事實上,集團下半年業務已初露好轉�象,海外大客戶重臨訂購數量大的產品,而國內採購訂單需求亦增。國務院近期頒布新指引,通過推動資訊科技及相關技術的基建發展,加快促進資訊科技相關消費。根據「十二五」規劃,「寬帶中國」策略已定為國策重點,實現結構性調整。於2015年前,中國城市住戶寬頻上網速度,可望達到20兆比特每秒「(Mbps」),預計農村住戶寬頻速度亦達4Mbps,集團正研發新一代100G技術,目標在明年推出產品,成為增長亮點。3、4季銷售大旺昂納亦投資於全新觸摸屏技術上,年中便與OPDITechnologiesA/S(一間專門研發光感應器技術的丹麥公司)成立合營企業進軍觸摸屏行業,第一代觸摸屏製樣預期於年底完成,預期於明年若干海外客戶達成交易。遠景方面,國內拓展寬帶網絡成本將達2,000億至2,800億元(人民幣.下同),3大運營商總計便超6,000億元,這個巨餅足令電訊設備周邊行業大快朵頤,其中昂納便是受惠一員,集團更在6月至今進行多達2,650萬股的低價回購動作,將每股價值提升,加上連年已就迎接寬帶中國大時代做好前期準備,所以明年轉盈後的爆發力絕不容小覷,集團已在去年開始減少40G產線投資,管理層料100G產品將於第3季便可銷售,預期可錄佳績,所以明年、甚至今年下半年應有條件轉盈。昂納現價1.68元較6月結帳面值1.85元仍有折讓,雖然今年首季全球光纖額投入按年跌5%,但80%為100G技術的波分複用範疇則按年錄10%升幅,預期100G產品銷售在第4季起急升,並在3至5年維持強勢增長勢頭,而昂納已趕在去年起配合這變化而作過渡產線更替安排,故可及時迎接這銷售熱潮,只要回復過往最保守的1.3億元盈利,預測市盈率只處9.4倍,而且巨大寬帶潛力亦未發揮,目標2.2港元。self storage
- Sep 23 Mon 2013 08:02
Greene County losing two high-ranking employees
Source: Dayton Daily News, OhioSept.迷你倉 22--XENIA -- XENIA --Two high-ranking Greene County employees who oversee the county's budget and personnel will retire leaving the administration with a temporary void.Howard Poston, the Greene County administrator, plans to retire in February. Ken Johnson, the county's human resources director is leaving Sept. 30.Both positions have been posted on the county personnel website.The personnel office received 17 applications for the human resources position by the Aug. 19 deadline. The search committee wanted a larger pool of applicants to chose from, so the position has been advertised for a second time."The hope is that with a larger pool we may also increase the chance of finding more highly qualified and experienced applicants," said Johnson who is on the search committee with Poston and Lisa Hale, the county's risk management director.If a director is not selected before Johnson, who earns $84,780 annually, retires, the county administrator can appoint an interim director for the department."The organization is structured so that we have people who can pick up the slack, but we're going to be looking to hire the best qualified people," said Tom Koogler, a county commissioner. "They've worked hard. I wish them the best."The deadline to apply for the county administrator position is Oct. 14.Poston and Johnson, are two of 12 board of commissioners employees who plan to retire within less than a year, according to county data. The county commission board employs about 488 people.About 95 county workers, of an estimated 1,132 people who work for an office or department associated with a county elected official, have retired this year, according to data from the auditor's office.Johnson, 65, and Poston, 60, said they decided to leave their positions not long after they became eligible to retire. Johnson, who will have worked for the county for almost five years when he leaves at the end of September, said he has no plans to look for another job. Poston has not ruled out the idea."All options are open, but I probably won't get another job yet," Poston said.The administrator's and human resource director's plans to retire come 迷你倉ess than a year after two new commissioners took office. Freshman commissioners Koogler and Bob Glaser will be serving their second year when Poston leaves in six months."I believe the county is in a great financial position," Poston said. "It's in a great operations position right now. And that's when you want to leave. I think I've been able to, with the past commissioners, put the county in a very strong position and that's the time to leave. You can walk out with everything good."Greene County Commissioner Bob Glaser called Poston's decision to leave an "unfortunate surprise.""I don't think the average person understands the complexity of Howard's job," Glaser said. "Our budget for the county is $45 million dollars, but there's another $2 million that flows through our hands."Poston earns an estimated $132,488 annually in salary and benefits, according to data from the county auditor. He has worked with the county since 1990 when he was hired in the risk management department as a coordinator. He said the experience he gained working in this department helped him learn about other county departments and uniquely qualified him to move to the assistant county administrator position in 1997 and eventually the county administrator position in 2003.Poston's retirement plans come about a year and four months after two county commissioners signed a memorandum of agreement, effective April 2, 2012, that locked Poston into the county administrator position for three years. Poston was guaranteed a 2 percent annual salary increase. If Poston is terminated before the agreement ends, the county is required to pay him six months salary and continue his family health benefits for nine months after his employment ends. The agreement also requires Poston to give six month notice of his intent to end employment with the county."I can retire and it's time to let somebody else become county administrator," he said.--Online: For more news about Greene County, go to our website at MyDaytonDailyNews.com.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Dayton Daily News (Dayton, Ohio) Visit the Dayton Daily News (Dayton, Ohio) at .daytondailynews.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉
- Sep 23 Mon 2013 07:55
啟一級戒備防天兔 珠海空交通大受影響
強颱風“天兔”影響下,迷你倉珠海啟動防颱風一級應急響應,海上交通昨日全面停航,海上所有船隻回港避風,珠海機場有二十九個進出港航班被取消,全市所有在建工程全部停工並撤離工人逾萬人,全市九十二個避難所全部開放,廣珠城軌下午五時起暫停運行,全市大中小學校和幼兒園昨日和今日全面停課。撤離逾萬工人面對來勢兇猛的“天兔”,以及可能與風暴潮、狂風、暴雨等疊加效應,珠海市政府昨日上午會商後啟動最高級別的防颱風一級應急響應,市長何寧卡要求全市總動員,必須做到思想、責任、指揮、措施、物質保障等“五個到位”,嚴加防範“天兔”襲擊,對工作不作為造成重大損失的責任人將嚴加追究。隨後各主要領導分赴橫琴、高欄、鬥門、金灣等地檢查和部署防禦颱風工作。珠海要求所有在建工程須全面停工和撤離施工人員,全市九十二個避難所全部開放,截至昨日下午四時,港珠澳大橋所有施工船隻和工人全部撤離,橫琴島上五十四個在建工程全部停工,高欄港所有施工船隻也撤走,全市共三千四百五十餘艘各類船隻全mini storage回港避風,撤離工人超過一萬人,臨時安置工作約二千三百人。同時,九洲港、香洲港、洪灣港等封港,各海島線、深圳蛇口線、香港線的客船以及“澳門環島遊”全線停航。取消廿九航班珠海機場昨日午後的進出港航班大部分被迫取消,取消多達二十九個航班,受影響乘客須押後行程或轉往廣州白雲機場。隨著“天兔”逼近,昨日下午起珠海風勢逐漸加大,廣鐵集團決定從昨日下午五時起暫停廣珠城軌的營運,受影響乘客需臨時改由公路客運出行。珠海市氣象台昨日早上起掛出黃色颱風預警信號,該市教育局提前決定全市大中小學校、幼兒園、托兒所和教育培訓機構,昨日和今日一連兩天全面停課。珠海昨日並未能強烈感覺到“天兔”的威力,加上昨日竟日西風,且沿岸風力多為五級以下,即使在海邊情侶路,在離岸風向影響下,也予人風平浪靜和波瀾不驚的感覺。截至昨晚發稿時止,“天兔”暫未對珠海造成嚴重破壞。珠海市氣象台稱,在“天兔”外圍環流影響下,今日該市陸地最大風力約八、九級,陣風十級,並伴有暴雨和局部大暴雨。self storage
- Sep 23 Mon 2013 07:47
- Sep 23 Mon 2013 07:39
- Sep 23 Mon 2013 07:32
Horse racing
Source: Tulsa World, Okla.self storageSept. 22--Will Rogers DownsMorning LineSaturday's Post: NoonRace 1$13,500, 3 yo&up, mdn, 350 Yards1 Papas Girl (Carnero) 2-12 Tell the Effects (Wilson) 8-13 Rg Eye Opening Kiss (Gutierrez) 7-24 Spoiled Jess (Means) 5-15 Jackfish (Nieto) 10-16 Ra Catch This Six (Samaniego) 9-27 My Lady Gaga (Wainscott) 12-1Race 2Black Gold Futurity Trials(Races 2-12)$5,000, 2 yo, trials, 350 Yards1 Mr Famous Eagle (Brooks) 7-22 Una Hero (Silva) 5-13 Regard Watah (Packer) 5-24 Wild Invictus (Baldillez) 12-15 Oyuke (Samaniego) 15-16 Jc Lil Rose (Nieto) 9-27 Streakin Valiantly (Carnero) 8-18 Abbys Zoomer (Payne) 10-1Race 3$5,000, 2 yo, trials, 350 Yards1 Ojo Especial (Silva) 8-12 Its My Brimmerton (Brooks) 7-23 Pc Freda James (Salazar) 5-14 Corona for Dancer (Packer) 5-25 Sr Washita Man (Baldillez) 9-26 Brimmerton Beauty (Wainscott) 12-17 Valiant Sonata (Nieto) 10-18 Rocking Ta Ivolene (Wilson) 15-1Race 4$5,000, 2 yo, trials, 350 Yards1 Pyc Wet Paint (Gutierrez) 9-22 Feverish Kaboom (Brooks) 5-23 This Candy Says Bye (Carnero) 7-24 Lil Bit of Memories (Samaniego) 10-15 Just a Zooming (Silva) 8-16 Cash Carver (Salazar) 12-17 Maw Boss (Nieto) 5-18 Loose Runaway (Baldillez) 15-1Race 5$5,000, 2 yo, trials, 350 Yards1 Eyema Blue (Gutierrez) 8-12 Dashs Winning Flight (Nieto) 5-13 Rocketair (Carnero) 5-24 Amuze Me (Silva) 10-15 Leapin Lizard (Baldillez) 12-16 Santavo (Brooks) 9-27 Pappasign (Smith) 7-28 Sayounara (Salazar) 15-1Race 6$5,000, 2 yo, trials, 350 Yards1 B Mighty Heroic (Silva) 15-12 Pappas Will (Smith) 12-13 One Valiant Hero (Brooks) 5-24 Bp Hit the Bigtime (Packer) 7-25 Volcomator (Ernst) 5-16 Corona Catrina (Bennett) 8-17 Hot Cat (Nieto) 9-28 Big Daddy Rabbit (Payne) 10-1Race 7$5,000, 2 yo, trials, 350 Yards1 R Cherokee Rose (Carnero) 12-12 Magics Brother (Gutierrez) 15-13 Sweet Sweet Mercy (Baldillez) 10-14 Heza Volcom (Brooks) 5-25 Bp Coronas Policy (Packer) 5-16 Duit Tuit (Means) 9-27 Smackeroo (Romero) 8-18 Cartel Chica (Nieto) 7-2Race 8$5,000, 2 yo, trials, 350 Yards1 Dashin Go Bye (Gutierrez) 7-22 One Black Magic (Baldillez) 12-13 Stolin Credits (Nieto) 5-24 Seabrooke (Salazar) 5-15 Eyesa Makin Candy (Bennett) 10-16 Ncc Perfect Heart (Gutierrez) 8-17 Runaway E T (Martinez) 9-28 Two Phace (Brooks) 15-1Race 9$5,000, 2 yo, trials, 350 Yards1 Lil Miss Eye Opener (Romero) 10-12 Miss Chain Gang (Nieto) 15-13 Painted Laico Bird (Pinon) 5-14 Miss Eye Special (Samaniego) 12-15 Feature Lauren (Baldillez) 5-26 Comal Blue (Wilson) 9-27 Varsity Jock (Salazar) 7-28 Coronas Sportiness (Gutierrez) 8-1Race 10$5,000, 2 yo, trials, 350 Yards1 Fbi Man (Means) 15-12 Quick N Mighty (Silva) 8-13 Zoom Royalty (Packer) 10-14 Classic Volcom (Samaniego) 12-15 Sassy Tina (Nieto) 5-16 Powerful Feature (Baldillez) 9-27 The Ultimate Eagle (Brooks) 5-28 Azoom Diamond (Carnero) 7-2Race 11$5,000, 2 yo, trials, 350 Yards1 Bp Holland Success (Ernst) 5-12 Miss Perry Gold (Brooks) 15-13 Missin N Action (Nieto) 10-14 Becauseisaidso Lbh (Silva) 12-15 Valiant Chickie (Torres) 8-16 Seis the Royal Cash (Ricardo) 5-27 Jc Big Gun (Baldillez) 9-28 Spit Hit the Fan (Packer) 7-2Win, Place, ShowSatuday's Track: FastRace 1$7,500, 300 Yards, T: 15.759 Victory Over Defeet(Carnero) 5.60 3.00 2.401 Eye Blush (Delgado) 4.80 4.404 Sheza Blue Tresure (Martinez) 7.40Ex: (9-1) 20.20, Tri: (9-1-4) 113.60, Spr: (9-1-4-2) 432.60Race 2$8,000, 250 Yards, T: 13.373 Expecially Kool (Ernst) 10.60 4.40 11.207 Stoncoldsober (Delgado) 15.40 10.008 Okeydokey Kool Ketch (Thomason) 8.00Ex: (3-7) 178.80, Tri: (3-7-8) 2624.20, Spr: (3-7-all-all) 67.70Race 3$7,500, 870 Yards, T: 46.446 Zoomin for Love (Silva) 6.40 3.20 3.004 Heza Chico (Nieto) 5.60 3.203 General Debonair (Romero) 4.80Ex: (6-4) 27.80, Qui: (4-6) 迷你倉6.00, Spr: (6-4-3-1) 57.70Race 4$5,500, 330 Yards, T: 16.949 Sweet Lady Corona(Carnero) 5.40 2.80 2.406 Miracle Fish (Nieto) 3.20 3.005 Stormin Thru (Pinon) 4.00Ex: (9-6) 22.00, Qui: (6-9) 12.60, Spr: (9-6-5-3) 716.10Race 5$5,000, 250 Yards, T: 13.475 Patricks Memories(Carnero) 4.60 6.20 6.004 Bold Denial (Ernst) 7.60 4.001 Go Snowman (Pierce) 4.60Ex: (5-4) 69.40, Tri: (5-4-1) 913.40, Spr: (5-4-1-6) 1220.80Race 6$5,500, 250 Yards, T: 13.392 Toast to Ana (Reyes) 3.80 3.60 2.205 Ncc Blizzard (Freeman) 6.00 3.606 Break the Country (Delgado) 5.20Ex: (2-5) 13.20, Tri: (2-5-6) 227.60, Spr: (2-5-6-10) 315.60Race 7$8,500, 350 Yards, T: 17.672 Dazzlin Effort (Silva) 11.60 4.60 3.004 Dm Shannel (Means) 7.20 4.803 Shake Rattenroll (Pinon) 4.00Ex: (2-4) 77.00, Tri: (2-4-3) 193.20, Spr: (2-4-3-5) 591.70Race 8$17,500, 350 Yards, T: 17.353 Chics Delight (Frederick) 10.80 3.60 3.204 Pure D Spit (Silva) 3.20 2.201 Wagon Her Tail (Carnero) 3.20Ex: (3-4) 15.20, Tri: (3-4-1) 68.00, Spr:(3-4-1-2) 72.30Race 9$5,500, 330 Yards, T: 17.122 Apollo Dasher (Reyes) 4.60 3.60 2.801 Paint Me Furious (Guiterrez) 4.00 3.803 Mx Patriot Gator (Wainscott) 7.20Ex: (2-1) 12.20, Tri: (2-1-3) 60.60, Spr: (2-1-3-4) 384.40Race 10$13,483, 300 Yards, T: 15.489 Its All About Chew(Carnero) 4.20 2.60 2.403 Feature Me Rose (Ricardo) 9.00 6.404 Oh Spit N Run (Ernst) 3.80Ex: (9-3) 26.80, Tri: (9-3-4) 129.20, Spr: (9-3-4-2) 250.70Race 11$16,900, 300 Yards, T: 15.397 This Candys Salty(Carnero) 18.20 8.00 5.403 Bo Carter (Freeman) 11.00 6.402 Dads Got It (Wilson) 4.40Ex: (7-3) 186.80, Tri: (7-3-2) 1005.60, Spr: (7-3-2-5) 3011.90Race 12$8,000, 250 Yards, T: 13.3910 Cementer (Freeman) 17.00 13.60 10.205 Vancouver (Delgado) 27.00 16.803 Core Carver (Pinon) 7.00Ex: (10-5) 225.80, Tri: (10-5-3) 1493.60, Spr: (10-5-3-2) 11,049.50, DD: (7-10) 63.60Remington ParkWin, Place, ShowSaturday's Track: Fast; Turf: FirmRace 1$14,000, 6 Furlongs, T: 1:10.067 Wimbledon Star(Arguello) 11.60 3.00 2.603 Wildcat Angie (Berry) 2.20 2.101 Breaking Fast (B.Landeros) 3.80Ex: (7-3) 30.40, Tri: (7-3-1) 170.80, Spr: (7-3-1-2) 463.80Race 2$36,750, OKB, 7 Furlongs, T: 1:23.356 Gunsmoke N (Birzer) 17.80 7.00 4.602 Verendus (L.Quinonez) 3.40 2.804 Magic Empire (Kimes) 5.00Ex: (6-2) 61.80, Tri: (6-2-4) 493.20, Spr: (6-2-4-8) 622.20Race 3$17,500, 7 1/2 Furlongs (T), T: 1:31.711 Alwayswithapproval(Berry) 8.20 4.40 3.209 Cashinmywranglers(C.Landeros) 9.00 5.806 Whoopie I Ki O (Corbett) 3.00Ex: (1-9) 82.80, Tri: (1-9-6) 309.40, Spr: (1-9-6-2) 1773.60Race 4$12,250, 6 Furlongs, T: 1:12.111 Ziva's Policy (Corbett) 6.00 3.20 2.608 Doc's Heartbeat (Murphy) 2.80 2.402 G.H. Royce (Medina) 13.80Ex: (1-8) 16.80, Tri: (1-8-2) 199.00, Spr: (1-8-2-9) 1724.40Race 5$14,000, 6 Furlongs, T: 1:11.978 Jess N Nat (Thompson) 22.40 12.20 6.805 Shewantsaprenup (Rook) 11.00 5.004 More Than That (Wade) 4.00Ex: (8-5) 230.20, Tri: (8-5-4) 2720.80, Spr: (8-5-4-6) 11,224.20Race 6$28,000, 1 Mile (T), T: 1:40.025 Lady Hughes (Wethey) 17.00 8.20 4.002 Strike Twice (L.Quinonez) 4.00 2.6010 Onemorefastdance (B.Landeros) 3.00Ex: (5-2) 67.40, Tri: (5-2-10) 323.80, Spr: (5-2-10-3) 1065.80Race 7$13,475, OKB, 1 Mile, T:1:39.203 Giacomo and Jack(Birzer) 20.40 8.40 5.207 Phil Baby (Tohill) 6.20 4.002 Heartland Flyer (Arguello) 3.40Ex: (3-7) 177.00, Tri: (3-7-2) 706.40, Spr: (3-7-2-1) 2595.00Race 8$28,000, 1 Mile, T: 1:36.869 Moonshine Mullin(Vazquez) 10.20 5.40 5.001 Frederico (Wethey) 11.00 8.002 Bold Stephen (Birzer) 8.00Ex: (9-1) 161.00, Tri: (1-2) 958.80, Spr: (9-1-2-5) 5417.40Race 9Not available at press time.FYI:Remington Park resumes racing onThursday, Sept. 26 at 7 p.m.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) Visit Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) at .tulsaworld.com Distributed by MCT Information Services文件倉