- Oct 07 Mon 2013 13:57
彰化騎警隊成軍 4警花走馬上任 14隊員特訓4個月
彰化縣警局昨天在田尾鄉公路花園舉行騎警隊授旗成軍典禮,self storage由彰化縣長卓伯源進行校閱,14名騎警隊成員經過近4個月馬術特訓展現成果,未來每周六、周日下午在公路花園執勤,希望可加強為民服務及達到觀光效益。彰化騎警隊昨天下午在田尾鄉怡心園成軍,吸引大批遊客圍觀,許多遊客還爭相和騎馬的員警合照,騎警隊隊長劉晃聞帶領14名男女騎警隊員英姿煥發的騎馬進場,大家更是響起驚嘆聲。卓伯源授旗後,也與縣警察局長官政哲騎上馬進行校閱儀式,騎警隊展現分列式及隊形表演,相當精彩。卓伯源表示,騎警隊在今年彰化建縣290周年慶時成立意義非凡,是繼台北、高雄,第一個五都之外成立的騎警,因為田尾鄉是彰化知名觀光景點,希望騎mini storage隊未來在公路花園不僅是維護治安尖兵,也能成為親善大使。由於14名騎警隊員在成軍前原本對馬匹都相當陌生,4個月訓練過程相當辛苦,有人摔過馬、磨破皮,但現在已能展現馬上英姿,尤其4名女警更讓人眼睛一亮,長相甜美的女警陳恬玉說,一開始上馬訓練,當然會擔心,但加入騎警隊會有榮譽感,就要盡力表現。騎警隊成立前,也有許多不同意見,有地方人士說馬匹會阻礙公路花園人潮極多的道路通行,增加危險性,也有人認為浪廢警力「當花瓶」、「又不能騎馬去追歹徒」。不過縣警局表示,騎警隊未來每周六、日下午2時到6時分組執勤,能接受民眾報案,或機動性為民服務,以柔性方式拉近與民眾距離,達到預防犯罪,也建立警察清新、活力形象。迷你倉
- Oct 07 Mon 2013 13:53
BeijingLost in scenic spotFirefighters have been searching for three visitors lost in the mountains bordering the capital’s Miyun and Huairou counties, the Legal Evening News reports.mini storage The three women, all in their 20s, got lost in the Yunmengshan scenic spot, and could not be reached by mobile phone. The rescue effort continues.Internet cafes raidedTwo groups of masked men have raided two internet cafes in Chaoyang district, smashing more than 70 desktops and stealing money, the Beijing Youth Daily reports. The two cafes are run by the same owner, who suffered losses of more than 100,000 yuan (HK$126,250). Each raid lasted no more than three minutes and the raiders were gone before the police arrived. Police are still looking into the case.GuangdongChild policy mulledProvincial family planning authorities say they are considering new policies to support parents who have lost their only child, the Nanfang Daily reports. The government will provide subsidies to such families, as well as care for the elderly and other medical services.Bin burner soughtA middle-aged man has set fire to four trash bins along a quiet road in Shenzhen’s industrial zone, the Southern Metropolis Daily reports. The man went to wash his hands near a bus stop after his attempt to ignite a fifth bin failed, according to a witness who reported the incident to police. Firefighters put out the blaze but police are still looking for the man.GuangxiScam bustedPolice in Beihai city have busted a 300 million yuan pyramid scheme that involved more than 2,000 people, People.com.cn reports. Police have arrested 137 suspects and found that the scheme was started by three fraudsters, all from Guangdong province, in August 2009. Each member joining the scheme was asked to make an initial investment of 70,000 yuan, with the promise of high returns. The underground network had expanded across 12 cities in five provinces in the country’s southern region over the past four years.Suicide bid abortedA 19-year-old man in Liuzhou city jumped off a bridge into a river in an apparent suicide bid, but then decided he did not want to die, China News Service reports. He clutched onto the bridge pier and shouted for help until police rescued him. He told them he was drunk and refused to go to hospital for a check-up.HenanAnonymous heroA man has saved a mother and son from drowning in a pond in a scenic spot in Nanyang city, China News Service reports. The mother tried to push her son out of the water but herself sank deeper into the water. The man saved them both with the help of bystanders. He refused to accept money offered by the mother and gave no one his name.Costly incense deniedTourism authorities in Zhengzhou have rejected online reports that a bunch of incense sticks at the Shaolin Temple costs more than 6,000 yuan, People.com.cn reports. The reports say each incense stick is 1.2 metres long. The tourism bureau of Dengfeng city, which overseas the famous temple, dismissed the reports as rumours, saying only short incense sticks are burned in the temple.HubeiCure for scribblersManagers of a popular scenic spot in Wuhan city have set up five touch screens for visito儲存s to scribble on so that they will not deface historic relics, China National Radio reports. The Yellow Crane Tower on the banks of the Yangtze River, rebuilt in 1981, has been a victim of graffiti writers. Managers said the practice was now much reduced after visitors found their scribbles could be saved on the touch screens.Bravery testTwo young men have climbed along the cables of a suspension bridge bordering Enshi and Yichang without wearing any safety gear as a test of courage, the Chutian Metropolis Daily reports. The bridge, linking two mountains, is 560 metres above a valley. The two climbers reached a point about 40 metres above the bridge before being told to stop by police.JiangsuDeath leapA 60-year-old from Guizhou province has jumped to her death from the second floor of a museum in Yangzhou city, the Yangtze Evening News reports. The woman, who suffered from depression, was travelling with her family who hoped that the trip would bring her some relief.Museum scalpersScalpers in Nanjing are making more than 10,000 yuan a day by helping visitors gain entry into a museum without queuing, the Jinling Evening News reports. The scalpers charge each visitor 10 yuan to enter by ladder into a memorial hall to victims of the Nanking Massacre. They usually raise the charge to 20 yuan after 4pm when the hall is about to close.SichuanNo more perksEmployees at Chengdu government agencies and state-owned enterprises did not receive perks such as bonuses, gifts or shopping vouchers ahead of this year’s national holiday, the Western China Metropolis Daily reports. A 37-year-old official said he had to buy mooncakes, crabs and fruit which he previously received from his employer.Collision kills sixSix people were killed when the minivan they were in rear-ended a truck in Mianyang , China News Service reports. The front of the minivan was crushed, trapping the six people on board. All of them were killed. Police suspect the accident was caused by a third vehicle, which fled and has not been identified.YunnanDrug dealer seizedPolice in Xishuangbanna prefecture have arrested an armed drug dealer and confiscated nearly 40kg of methamphetamine, Xinhuanet.com reports. At a police checkpoint, the suspect pulled out a gun and tried to smash his way past, but failed.Fishing season endsThe annual 17-day fishing season at Dianchi lake in Kunming has officially ended, the Kunming Daily reports. The length of the season is decided by scientists to ensure that only large fish are caught.ZhejiangStranded on purposeFlood control authorities say that 58 visitors stranded on Nanji Island, administered by Wenzhou , asked to stay there to watch Typhoon Fitow approach, China News Service reports. But one visitor sought help, saying she was trapped. All the visitors had signed agreements affirming they wanted to stay on the island.Anti-graft drive violatedSome government officials have been continuing to spend public funds on banquets and driving public vehicles for personal uses during the national holiday, Xinhuanet.com reports. An inspection team paid undercover visits to restaurants to look for violators of the anti-extravagance campaign.儲存倉
- Oct 07 Mon 2013 13:50
Smart Money:積金四大市場強中選
強積金投資世界中,儲存打工仔的投資選擇有限,但並不代表大家不能透過積金策略累積財富。所謂:「遲買好過無買」,趁�年底尚有兩個多月之際,嘗試選出四大市場的冠軍級強積金基金,好讓各位打工仔能夠考慮把握機會入貨。本港強積金「四強」表現中港股票信安港股基金險勝中港股票基金向來為港人的至愛投資板塊,摘自晨星(亞洲)截至九月二十七日數據資料,以一年表現計算,信安強積金計劃800系列的信安香港股票基金D錄得18.9%回報,險勝中國股票基金。截至今年六月底的基金概覽,該基金開支比率為1.34%,資產分布亦十分多元化,有金融、工業、公用事業、資訊科技及能源等行業;十大持股則有�豐控股(00005)、友邦保險(01299)、建設銀行(00939)、中移(00941)、騰訊(00700)等股份。該基金由○六年成立至今年六月底止,年均收益率為9.62%,累積回報率達87.28%。歐洲股票BCT勁升36%未見頂市場不斷將歐洲股票基金視為「見底復甦」之選,事實上歐股的確節節上揚,可見投資潛力蓄勢待發。以一年表現計算,以銀聯的BCT歐洲股票基金表現升36.52%最為「標青」,從今年第二季基金表現報告顯示,其投資組合主要持有股票及現金,投資比重最多的市場為英國(30.6%)、瑞士(12.2%)、西班牙(11%)及法國(10.8self storage);涉及股票有NOVARTIS AG、BT GROUP PLC、HSBC HOLDINGS等。該基金三年累積回報率為35.53%。美國股票萬全逾24%回報最佳雖然美國暫時不「退市」,十月中更需要解決債務上限問題,但當地經濟復甦屬於事實,相信美股仍可以迎難而上。以一年表現計算,以萬全強制性公積金計劃的美國股票基金錄得24.64%回報最佳,該基金在○七年三月成立,投資經理為富蘭克林鄧普頓投資。截至今年七月底,其資產值逾二千萬元,基金開支比率為1.66%。現時基金投資組合有94.5%投資美國,1.5%投資加拿大、1.1%投資英國,以及持有2.9%現金。該基金表現方面,由年初至九月二十七日上升25.19%,至於三年年度化升幅為13.21%。日本股票有危有機 宏利奪冠自日本推行QE(量化寬鬆)至今,日股在升跌波幅中不斷攀升,雖然投資風險較高,但大家不要忘記「富貴險中求」道理。以一年表現計算,宏利環球精選(強積金計劃)的宏利MPF日本股票基金以44.86%升幅稱冠。截至今年六月底,基金開支比率為1.99%,投資偏重於金融(20.7%)、消費品(26%)和工業(24.2%)類別股票,持有TOYOTA MOTOR CORP、CANON INC以及KDDI CORP等。而年初至九月二十七日止表現則升31.95%。迷利倉
- Oct 07 Mon 2013 13:22
城鎮化、金融改革及環保概念股為焦點 霸菱:迎接大陸三中全會改革行情
- Oct 07 Mon 2013 12:59
Pomeranz suburban playbook on growth finds home in Cedar Rapids
Source: The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, IowaOct.存倉 06--Get talking to Cedar Rapids City Manager Jeff Pomeranz about economic development and, before you know it, he's pulled a large framed photo off his office wall.The black-and-white shot features a rickety bridge flanked by a sleek new one over the Rio Grande, connecting Mexico to Del Rio, Texas, home to Pomeranz's first job as city manager."I was 27 at the time," said Pomeranz, a native of Queens, N.Y., and now 55. "I get energized making positive things in a community happen. My job is to see opportunity."Along the way, Pomeranz spent eight years in Port Angeles, Wash., at a time when the city's main employer, a timber company, closed its plant. So he's been up close to a community battling decline, too.He prefers the other.It is that preference that the Cedar Rapids City Council shared when in 2010 it grabbed Pomeranz and his resume of economic development triumphs in West Des Moines to help Cedar Rapids get back on its feet after its historic 2008 flood.For Pomeranz, it's been a role reversal.No longer is he part of the fast-growing suburbs around the big city in the Des Moines metro area, where he helped make economic development deals with the likes of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Aviva USA, Jordan Creek Town Center mall, Microsoft and two hospitals.On Sept. 20, 2010, he suddenly started working in the big city in the Cedar Rapids metro area, where some on the City Council were on edge about what they felt they were losing to ambitious neighbors Hiawatha and Marion."The City Council was tired of watching the city's tax base slip away," Corbett said of the thought behind hiring Pomeranz. "And with Jeff coming on board, who already had great success in West Des Moines with a lot of development deals and a lot of growth, it was a perfect fit."In an interview last week in his City Hall office conference room, Pomeranz said that a big city in a metro area can lose its "nimbleness" and start to assume that development will come its way because it is bigger.Not so, he said."It is absolutely critical that a large core city be in the game, be aggressive, be willing to compete," Pomeranz said. "You have to make sure you have a business environment where companies want to move and grow and prosper.""It's not just about throwing dollars out" in the form of economic incentives, he said. Important, too, is helping a developer maneuver through issues such as zoning changes, infrastructure needs and permitting requirements, he said.Pomeranz said West Des Moines did not favor development incentives when he arrived in 1998."We felt companies should want to be in our community," he recalled.But he said economic times changed, and cities discovered that competition among communities nearby and across the nation had intensified. Companies expected economic incentives as a condition of moving in.By way of example, he talked about the call he got about a development project from Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, which made it clear that they also were looking at the Des Moines suburb of Urbandale, the Carolinas and Texas. West Des Moines's offer of incentives ultimately prevailed, and now Wells Fargo Home Mortgage is one of the largest employers in Iowa, he said."'We're looking at a variety of other communities, and incentives will be important,'" Pomeranz recalled Wells Fargo saying. "They always say that."It's reality. It's part of the development arena right now. ... You have a choice. You can say no, or you listen."Then you try to minimize what you have to pay and maximize the scope of the project. That's kind of the dance."Since his arrival in Cedar Rapids in September 2010, the list of private-sector development projects with city incentives stretches to more than 15. In addition, the city also has a development deal with Penford to sell the processor a city park for expansion, and a development agreement in place to build a parking ramp for use by the city and Cedar Crossing Casino.A few other deals are in the works, Mayor Corbett added.One of the incentive recipients is developer Joe Ahmann, president of Ahmann Companies in Hiawatha, who has begun construction on a $35-million upscale office and retail development called The Fountains off Blairs Ferry Road NE and Edgewood Road NE. And he also is ready to renovate the flood-hit former Great Furniture Mart warehouse on First Street SE in downtown.Before Pomeranz's arrival, Ahmann said he nearly turned his back on Cedar Rapids 儲存ver the regulatory hurdles he said he faced in the city."'No, we can't do it, no, we can't do,'" he said he continued to hear from city officials before his arrival. "It was them against us, them against the developer."He recalled asking himself, "Why are we doing business here? Let's go back to Hiawatha."Scott Byers, a Realtor at GLD Commercial in Cedar Rapids, is part of an investor group that bought the long-struggling Westdale Mall at the end of 2012 and that is leasing the property to developer John Frew, who has obtained City Hall incentives as part of a $90 million project to transform the site.Byers called Pomeranz's help and the assistance of his City Hall development staff in the process "huge.""He welcomes you into their world now and tries to solve problems as opposed to what it used to be," Byers said of Pomeranz. "I'm just glad he's a city manager and not a commercial real estate guy because he'd be tough competition."He's very knowledgeable. He understands how deals are made."Hunter Parks, president of the Hunter Companies Inc. in Cedar Rapids, spoke in equally strong terms, saying the city manager has brought "a breath of fresh air" and a dose of "common sense" to City Hall for the development community.Parks said he's built an assortment of smaller projects in the city since Pomeranz's arrival three years ago. Most recently he secured a city economic-development incentive for the last phase of the Edgewood Station commercial development next to Westdale Mall."Instead of saying, 'We can't do it because that's the way it is,' he wants to figure out how to make something work," Parks said of Pomeranz.Lon Pluckhahn, who has been city manager next door to Cedar Rapids in Marion since 2007, said he has known Pomeranz for some years, and he said it hasn't surprised him to hear Pomeranz talk about the need for Cedar Rapids to be competitive on the economic-development front."Jeff's always been very aggressive," he said.Pluckhahn said his city manager predecessor in Marion, Jeff Schott, felt that it was important to streamline the development process so the city could move ahead quickly on projects in Marion -- an understanding that Pluckhahn said Pomeranz appears to have brought to Cedar Rapids.Marion believes in providing financial incentives for projects, too, he said.The Marion city manager pointed to Ahmann's Fountains development now under construction in Cedar Rapids as an example of the kind of project that had been heading to Hiawatha or Marion in the past."That one was pretty squarely aimed and what you find in Hiawatha or Marion," he said of Cedar Rapids's incentives for the Ahmann project.However, Marion isn't shaking in its boots and, in fact, recently secured a commitment from a new manufacturing company that Cedar Rapids also had tried to lure."We don't win them all, we don't have to win them all," Pomeranz said. "What we want to do is put our best foot forward and be as competitive as possible."Pomeranz said the post-flood public-sector investment in Cedar Rapids and now the private-sector investment that is following on its heels is more investment in three years than a community might see in 25 years."We have boom here," he said. "You could go your entire lifetime as a city manager and not be involved in this much investment."Pomeranz said he understands that some people don't believe that City Hall should provide economic-development incentives -- nearly all of which consists of foregoing some or all property-tax revenue for a period of time that would not be coming in but for the new investment -- to support development, attract new companies and help existing companies progress and grow."If you are saying that (property-tax incentives are) wrong, you're saying that development would occur anyway," Pomeranz said. "In West Des Moines, there are a number of projects that, without public support, would not have occurred."I would say the same thing in the city of Cedar Rapids."He said no deal is done just to do a deal."People are going to read this and say, 'It's all about giving money away,'" Pomeranz said. "Well, it's not. ... We want to make sure these projects are in the best interest of the community."Not all deals are good. And we don't do every deal. We keep in mind every day about being financially responsible."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Gazette (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) Visit The Gazette (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) at thegazette.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage
- Oct 07 Mon 2013 12:52
《權證星光大道》國泰綜合證券 成衣旺季 聚陽營收衝
- Oct 07 Mon 2013 12:47
北馬利亞納群島飛機失事 兩中國遊客遇難
- Oct 07 Mon 2013 12:00
Kasich surprises with social agenda
Source: Dayton Daily News, OhioOct.self storage 06--COLUMBUS -- Ohio Gov. John Kasich has surprised some people with a first-term agenda that called for expanding Medicaid to serve more poor people, improving mental health services, giving ex-cons a second chance and rescuing women and children enslaved by human traffickers.The positions seem more the wish list of a social worker than a hard-nosed conservative Republican politician who used to work on Wall Street. And the Medicaid expansion in particular is strongly opposed by many members of his party.Kasich's close friends and the governor himself say a deep Christian faith is driving him to take these positions. Critics say Kasich is pandering to voters, and his likely opponent in next year's governor's race, Democrat Ed FitzGerald, accuses him of paying mere lip service to the Medicaid expansion while doing little to sway GOP leaders in the General Assembly to follow his lead.But while some may question his actions, few would have predicted he would become such a vocal advocate for expanding Medicaid, a program often targeted by Republicans as wasteful. And Kasich has raised eyebrows with the way he has urged support, often peppering his comments with references to God, life after death and his own religious experience.University of Akron political scientist John Green, a national expert on politics and religion, said it is common place for politicians to speak in general terms about religion. But Kasich "also puts these faith-based arguments in a policy context, advancing his particular agenda," he said. "And that is a little bit unusual."Kasich, 61, said in his State of the State address earlier this year that the Bible's lessons run his life."I'm serious, they're very important to me. Not just on Sunday, but just about every day," he said. "I got to tell you, I can't look at the disabled, I can't look at the poor, I can't look at the mentally ill, I can't look at the addicted and think we ought to ignore them. For those that live in the shadows of life, those who are the least among us, I will not accept the fact that the most vulnerable in our state should be ignored. We can help them. And I want all of you to think about this."The governor did not grant an interview to this newspaper about the role of religion on his governorship. But he has mentioned his deep faith often, both in his public remarks and in his 2010 book about his long-standing prayer group. In arguing that Ohio should expand Medicaid to serve 275,000 additional low-income Ohioans -- a position at odds with the fiscal conservatives in his own party -- Kasich told one of the Republicans in opposition that he needed to help people in poverty or he might not get into heaven."I said, 'I respect the fact that you believe in small government. I do too," Kasich told reporters in June as he recounted the conversation with a legislator he did not name. "I also know that you're a person of faith. Now when you die and get to the meeting with St. Peter, he's probably not going to ask you much about what you did about keeping government small. But he is going to ask you what you did for the poor. You better have a good answer.' "FitzGerald, who is Catholic, at first declined to comment but then said, "I've never told people that if they don't agree with me God is going to judge them for that."Former Gov. Ted Strickland, an ordained Methodist minister, said he wouldn't criticize Kasich or anyone else's expressions of faith. But, he noted: "I think on this earth we should try to do good not because we hope for or expect some external reward in the future. But we ought to do it simply because it's the right thing to do. I don't think our motivation ought to be centered on 'Hey this is going to help to help me have a good eternity.'"In his public pronouncements of faith, Kasich falls short of trying to convert followers but frequently hints that Ohioans should read the Bible and pray.At a Memorial Day Service for fallen soldiers this year, Kasich told the gathering: "The Lord has a plan. For those that don't believe, that's OK. Just check it out. See what you think. ... You know the future is coming and it's going to be glorious. And for your loved one who was taken away in service to another human being, it's going to be real glory. The Lord promised. He keeps his promises."He added: "Those who lay their life down for another will receive the crown. We're not going away folks. We're going to move, when you think about it, from life to death the same way that we move from one room to another."The heartfelt expressions -- along with a social justice agenda -- has won over the Rev. Tim Ahrens, pastor of First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, in downtown Columbus. Ahrens bitterly opposed Kasich on the collective bargaining reforms that spotlighted his first year in office and resulted in a one-sided referendum defeat. But he backs him on Medicaid expansion and some of the other issues."When he feels the connection in the call of Christ to serve the poor, he speaks to that. When he doesn't, he doesn't. I don't think he uses that to manipulate," Ahrens said.But such religious rhetoric in the public square coming from a sitting governor can be alarming to non-believers, religious minorities and those who are uncomfortable with a blurring of the lines between religion and government."I am a firm believer in the separation of church and state. For me, that wall cannot be high enough," said David Sofian, senior rabbi at Temple Israel of Dayton. Sofian said he gets nervous when the religious language is more narrow and exclusionary rather than open and inclusive. "America is multi-cultural. I have to side with the politicians who include multiple views," he said.Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, said politicians need to respect that constituents have very different views.If they can't see the difference between their gubernatorial duties and their pastoral duties, they're overstepping the line," she said. "We don't elect our governors to be pastor in chief. They are entitled to their own religious views but not to use their gubernatorial pulpit like a literal pulpit."Kasich grew up attending Mother of Sorrows Catholic Church in McKees Rocks, Pa., where he served as an altar boy and held ambitions to be either a priest or President of the United States. He drifted away from the church as a young man, then was brought back in August 1987 when his parents -- John and Anne -- were killed after a drunken driver slammed into their car as they pulled out of a Burger King parking lot.The accident set Kasich on a course of prayer. A member of Congress at the time, he joined a Bible study group on Capitol Hill and then formed a Columbus-based prayer group with a mix of friends and acquaintances.His regular meetings with the Columbus group over the past 20 years form the basis of "Every Other Monday," the book he published in 2010 as he launched his first gubernatorial campaign. Over the years, the dozen or 迷利倉o men in the group have "become one another's closest friends and surest sounding boards," Kasich wrote.Bob Roach, who first met Kasich 40 years ago, said Kasich still regularly makes it to Bible study every other Monday. Seeing Kasich apply his faith to his policy decisions doesn't surprise the Bible study men."He has always had a lot of compassion for people who are having a lot of problems and troubles," Roach said. "He can be callous and speak before thinking and sometimes put his foot in his mouth, but he has a very good heart. He certainly doesn't lack confidence."Tim Bainbridge, a Bible study member who Kasich appointed chairman of the state Industrial Commission, said, "I think he has shocked a lot of people by what he has done. You can't pigeon hole him. He won't do 100 percent one way or the other. He just does what he thinks is right."In his book, Kasich said he worships at an Anglican church and sends his twin daughters, Emma and Reese, to a Christian school but doesn't make them attend Sunday services. He wrote that his wife Karen "knows the Lord" but skips church. "She worships on her own, in a variety of ways, and a lot of times, she just plain needs a break on Sunday mornings, after getting up early all week and chasing after our girls."Often during public speeches -- particularly during solemn ceremonies or milestone events -- Kasich recounts a religious experience.In his augural address in January 2011, Kasich said: "I am a servant of the Lord. He has opened doors all of my life. The Lord has. He has pushed me over the mountain this time. I don't know why, but I have no doubt that he has. I've spent a large amount of my life trying to figure out how he works. I got a message one day driving up-over by the Hoover Reservoir. It wasn't a telegram. It wasn't a phone call. It wasn't a voice. But it was clear.'Stop trying to figure it out, I'm not going to tell you.'"Kasich went on to advise the audience members to use their God-given talents and remember that God created everyone equal."You know, sometimes I see the scrub lady, and I realize that in the next life, she's likely to have a bigger crown than I could ever dream of. Don't go past them quickly; you could be passing an angel. Quiet reflection is necessary every day so as not to get lost," he said.Fiscal conservatives balking against Kasich's expansion proposal say they're worried about long-term costs and piling onto an unsustainable national debt. Chris Littleton, co-founder and former president of the Ohio Liberty Council, said, "It is neither Christian-like nor charitable to forcibly remove money from one group of people and give it to another. It doesn't matter the worthiness of the charity. Charity is a purely voluntary act."While others see Kasich's faith-based arguments for Medicaid expansion and other policy changes as sincere, Littleton has a more cynical view."He is absolutely pandering to whatever he thinks will endear him to a variety of different voters," he said. "It is an abuse of religious faith."But Lisa Hamler-Fugitt, executive director of the Ohio Association of Second Harvests Food Banks, gives Kasich credit for staking his political career on Medicaid expansion and other social issues that benefit the poor -- policies that most politicians eschew.Kasich's actions reflect a "purpose-driven life," said Hamler-Fugitt, who is not a Republican. "He has staked his political career on Medicaid expansion. There aren't too many elected officials who would do that....That sets him apart."Read the complete story...The story you're reading is premium content for subscribers of the Dayton Daily News, Springfield News-Sun, Hamilton JournalNews and Middletown Journal. Not a subscriber? Get total access to all our in-depth news and exclusive content here.Read MyDaytonDailyNews.com now -- 24-hour digital pass99? for 24 hoursRead MyDaytonDailyNews.com all week -- weekly digital pass$3.99 per weekSubscribe for as little as 33? per dayView OffersFor Subscribers: Register your account for digital access.Access DigitalFor Subscribers: Sign in here if you have already registered your account.Sign InBrought to you by:ChampionReid HospitalRich RoofingKorrect Plumbing-- Gov. John Kasich often talks about his religious faith and life. Here is a sampling of his public remarks:-- "I am a servant of the Lord. He has opened doors all of my life. The Lord has. He has pushed me over the mountain this time. I don't know why, but I have no doubt that he has. I've spent a large amount of my life trying to figure out how he works. I got a message one day driving up-over by the Hoover Reservoir. It wasn't a telegram. It wasn't a phone call. It wasn't a voice. But it was clear. 'Stop trying to figure it out, I'm not going to tell you.'" -- 2011 Inaugural Address.-- "My mom and dad were taken from me in a horrible car crash in 1987, but they didn't die in vain. Their son became a better man. And, you know, maybe through the death of Lee, we can become better people. But you know what, visit the family, hug them, tell them what a great young man Lee West was. Don't just stop after a week. You go and visit them. You will be doing a great service not only to them, but a great service to the Lord, as well." -- 2012 State of the State, addressing the death of a 15-year-old Steubenville High School student in a fire.-- "I'm just a real believer that when you have a chance to help children to find their way the Lord likes it. And if somehow you put yourself in front of the children I don't want to be there when you start getting the big questions asked. It's not important that they're asked here as much as it is when we meet our maker." -- 2012 press conference about the third grade reading requirements.-- "My motivation really flows through that old New Testament and the Lord is pretty clear about how he feels about our children and today, just like when we announced employment first, the sun has broken through the clouds and the Lord has a smile on his face. God bless all of you." -- 2013 press conference on insurance benefits for children with autism.Watch video clips of Gov. John Kasich's statements on religion.Medicaid expansionArkansas last week became the 24th state to expand Medicaid as part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The Supreme Court last year allowed each state to decide whether to participate in the expansion, which would raise the eligibility level to all Americans earning up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level. In Ohio, the expansion would cover an additional 275,000 low-income people. The federal government has pledged to pay the full cost for three years, and then 90 percent after that. Although Gov. John Kasich says he opposes the Affordable Care Act, he argues that the expansion would be good for the state. Total federal aid is estimated at $13 billion over seven years.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Dayton Daily News (Dayton, Ohio) Visit the Dayton Daily News (Dayton, Ohio) at .daytondailynews.com Distributed by MCT Information Services自存倉
- Oct 07 Mon 2013 11:51
里昂中國香港策略研究部董事總經理張耀昌管理的中港股市組合,儲存年初至上月中上升了22%,大幅跑贏MSCI中國24%,也跑贏�指19.6%,故今期請他來前瞻第四季港股形勢。 港股已回升了約三個月,升市可持續多久?張耀昌指出,「這輪升浪與去年9月底至今年1月的升浪相似,上次上升了5個月,由低位至高位MSCI中國上升了25%,今次料持續至年底,目前至年底料仍有8%上升空間。」 他續道,「近兩年,股市有個pattern:年初,經濟慢,市跌,然後政府介入保護經濟,谷番上來,市便升。」 PMI升 港股升 「今年也是,到7月中國領導人覺得經濟太弱要捧一捧,一捧PMI便開始轉勢,市便開始升,問題是可捧多久,如果經濟動力轉慢,PMI開始回落,市便會開始弱。PMI與股市關連度最高,去年PMI開始轉,股市便升,今年也是,PMI是很好的股市指標,當然也要看發電量及工業增加值。」 至於升浪可否持續至明年,他認為,「目前未看清2014年,但可參考去年,去年谷經濟到一定程度後,又放鬆了,經濟一放慢,市便跌。明年中國經濟增長不會有7.5%,目標大約在7%,會慢些。所以,明年股市料也會在一個交易區間,最多有10%上升空間。」正如今年,雖然大市不太好,但個別行業表現很好。 「到12月,我們會再周圍去見公司,睇下情況如何,經濟如何,經濟活動有幾高,去年12月見了幾間建築及機械公司,其實感覺到生意不特別好,廠很靜,所以股市僅升到今年1月,便開始跌,今年我們也會去調查一下。今年MSCI中國每股盈利增長7%,低於年初市場預測的10%,明年預測也是約10%。」 債務急升 產能過剩嚴重 「產能過剩是內地最大的問題,是內地政府最大的挑戰之一,要看今年新政府怎樣處理,若真想減低產能過剩,便要放慢投資或write off過剩產能,但經濟會慢。」 「中國產能過剩很難改變,2008至今,中國負債相對GDP比例升了一倍(見圖一),大部分的債去了工業產能,2008年的刺激方案,大部分應該用在基建等方向,但看2008年至今用最多錢是製造業,這是不合理的,因為全球需求很弱,內地需求又弱,不應增加那麼多製造業產能,所以產能使用率由08年一直下跌,跌至現時的78%(見圖一),目前這水平仍算可以,但若跌至70%水平,其實很危險。很多行業都產能過剩,最嚴重是鋼鐵、鋁,水泥好少少。因此,投資會避開鋼鐵等行業。」 「目前無甚麼行業見到轉機,我們覺得會繼續差,這很容易計,看工業投資,每年以20%增長,但工業生產每年只升10%至12%,投資快過賺錢,所以產能使用率會繼續跌,料持續至2015年。」 「三中全會怕有些人會有失望,長遠規劃會利好股市氣氛,但改變不會特別太多,除了對付銀行的壞帳外,其他全部已講過,如城鎮化、戶口改革、一孩政策、醫療改革、社保改革、保障性住房全講過,所以最主要是經濟好不好,PMI會否繼續升,這個最重要。」 政府正想辦法處理地方債 「內地政府正在進行地方政府債務的審計報告,做完審計後相信會想辦法處理有關債務,有個計劃去處理問題好重要。地方政府債務一直未有一個官方數字,有些人估得很高,約20萬億元人民幣,最低估15萬億人民幣,我覺得公布的數據會接近下限那邊。其實高低不緊要,最少要有個數字,你才知問題所在,政府目前在想很多方法儲存倉處理,例如撇帳或去槓桿,賣些資產或中央政府俾錢幫地方政府減低槓桿,要處理的是最差的債務,不需全部處理,有些負債可用債券再融資,也可拖長些還。若很激進地撇帳,對銀行便不是那麼好。」 至於美國退市,他預期,「年底才退,新興國家屆時料不會再急跌一次,印度已加息,已有些準備,市場已反映了,要看到時退多少。目前亞洲(日本除外)的基金,資金重新部署至台灣、韓國、內地,而全球的錢則去了日本及歐洲,因美國升了很多。」 --------------------------------- 股份篇:短�增持周期股 張耀昌管理的里昂中港股市組合,年初至上月19日累計上升了22%,大幅跑贏MSCI中國24%,也跑贏�指19.6%。主要受惠科網股及濠賭股表現出色,該兩個板塊佔其組合比重很高。 張耀昌於今年4月下旬接受本刊訪問,其間看好的股票,大部分表現突出(見表一)。由於近期股市回升,張耀昌也調整了組合,8月初因為認為會升市,故已加多了一些周期性的股份,與4月的組合比較,現組合多了中信銀行(00998)、平保(02318)、海螺(00914),另外,也多了申洲(02313)、Mindray(美國上市)、國泰(00293)、和黃(00013)、碧桂園(02007)、銀娛(00027)。 短�增加內銀比重 他表示,「未來調整組合或加多些內銀,因為內銀在其組合中佔比較MSCI中國低很多,如果市升,人們通常會買銀行,因為銀行是最大的行業,而且現時政府在進行地方政府債務審計報告,做完相信會想辦法處理。組合已加入中信銀行,因為細銀行會升得快些。」 「股市上升,短�可選較高beta的股票,如信義玻璃(00868)、平保、神華(01088)及中信銀行。長�喜歡科網及濠賭股,濠賭股生意較去年還好,若股價跌下來,可買些。汽車及內房股可放長來看。」 看好申洲國泰 新增的股份大部分會看盈利催化劑,他表示,「組合9月初便加入了申洲,因為Nike有對新波鞋flyknit,大部分是申洲做,flyknit是似襪的波鞋,如織出來般,不是個個都可以做到,一對售價1,300元,幾受歡迎。另外,明年最大的投資主題可能會是全球復甦,我們剛調升國泰投資評級,因為若明年出口好轉,對公司會有幫助,國泰是世界最大的空運貨物公司,出口美國較多,我們組合已買入一些。」 至於消費股方面,他指出,「內地消費其實好好,只是投資者難找到好股票,因為電子商貿好,零售不好。內地烘焙食品如米餅,以及奶類飲品行業較好(見表二),而旺旺(00151)最主要就是這兩個生意,與統一(00220)及康師傅(00322)的即食麵是不同的市場。白酒生意也很好,利潤率高,股本回報率又高,只是目前受反貪腐措施影響,未清楚幾時見底。」 ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏ Profile 現任: ?里昂中國香港策略研究部董事總經理 曾任: ?2002年8月開始擔任里昂證券亞洲地區電訊及互聯網行業研究部主管,2008年被任命為中港兩地策略研究部主管 ?1995年加入瑞士信貸第一波士頓,其後曾到美林工作 ?曾於美國德勤會計師事務所和富蘭克林鄧普頓基金集團,任註冊會計師 學歷: ?加利福尼亞大學伯克利分校理學學士學位,以及賓夕法尼亞大學沃頓商學院工商管理碩士學位及特許金融分析師迷你倉最平
- Oct 07 Mon 2013 11:48
劉佩瓊 港區全國人大代表 吉林省的規模從三個方面均約等於全國的2%。面積18.74萬平方公里,self storage佔全國1.95%;2012年人口2750.4萬人,佔全國2.03%;GDP達到11937.82億元,佔全國的2.31%。吉林省的地理特色是森林覆蓋率高,達到43.7%,有美麗的長白山,是全國六大林區之一。吉林省生態環境優良,是國家生態建設試點區,省內有各類自然保護區33個,長白山自然保護區被聯合國列為「人與生物圈」自然保留地。省內濕地佔土地面積9.22%,向海自然保護區被列入世界級濕地保護名錄。省內有松花江、遼河、鴨綠江、圖們江、綏芬河五大水系,礦產資源豐富,世界最大的人參產地,礦泉水資源豐富,旅遊勝景很多。吉林省的自然地理條件可謂得天獨厚!自然地理條件得天獨厚 吉林省的工業自建國以來就打好了根底,現在汽車是支柱工業。2012年汽車產量達197.56萬輛,僅次於上海,工業總產值1243.96億元,佔全省總產值的22.7%。我們視察了「一汽」、紅旗牌的展覽館及動車裝配車間。其他工業包括食品、石油化工、冶金建材等四大產業,佔工業總產值的68.5%。新發展的醫藥、信息、紡織及能源等共八大產業。可見吉林省的工業頗強大,只是較為集中,以國營為主。 在第三產業方面,高等教育相對於其人口有較大規模,為其他省區、甚至周邊國家提供人力資源。其他服務業較落後,這與人口密度及分佈有關;農產品加工的潛力未能發揮,特別是人參的加工工業沒有積極發展,是一大缺失。在過去十年,國家財政大幅度增加農林水建設的支出;對糧農給予價格保護、對農民的直接補貼都大大改善農民的生活,提高了農民生產的積極性。 我們從長春到吉林市、長白山、延吉等地,對於吉林省能夠在農業及工業生產之外兼顧了林業保護及產業發展、環境保護,更重視科研及教育,可稱為新世紀的模範省。可是省領導也向我們反映一個我國地方政府面對的問題:農業生產及林業保護未能為地方政府帶來稅收,以我國目前的經濟發展極依靠地方政府提供基礎設施、從事投資;人民對地方政府提供各種公共產品的要求日漸增加,例如地方治安、教育、住房、社會保障等。自2003年起我國又取消農業稅,地方政府的財政收支不平衡的問題卻日趨嚴重。分稅制未能按責任分工合理地分配稅入給各層地方政府,特別是基迷利倉政府。2012年吉林省的全年完成地方級財政收入1041.25億元。其中,稅收收入760.57億元,佔地方級財政收入的比重為73.0%。全年完成地方財政支出2471.2億元。其中:教育支出451.05億元;社會保障和就業支出304.0億元;科學技術支出24.96億元;醫療衛生支出160.36億元;住房保障支出145.19億元;節能環保支出113.85億元。地方財政赤字1429.95億元。中央的轉移支付是主要的補貼,但是長期而言如何解決這個矛盾呢?我可以體會到地方官員面對很大的壓力和困難,但是解決問題的關鍵在全國財政制度要與時俱進,中央及各層地方政府在財政資源、職能分工的制度要更新。 在去吉林之前一天,我剛從瑞士回來。我發覺瑞士與吉林不論在地理環境、產業結構及天氣方面都很相似。瑞士沒有加入歐盟,保留了其獨特的發展模式。在我國,自然環境相類的吉林省在農林業及工業方面都有很好的基礎,只是第三產業有待發展。在工業方面,大力鼓勵及投資於特色農林業加工,以提升農林產品的增加值,足以改善第一產業在產值及就業均不利於經濟統計的定義性劣勢。我們視察了長春皓月清真肉類股份有限公司的屠宰加工及肉牛飼養。屠宰加工採用了達到國際高標準的設備及技術,產品除國內市場外更出口二十多個國家,連續八年佔全國出口的百分之五十份額。加上優種肉牛新式的飼養,其經營及管理均可稱農牧業產業化、市場化及現代化的典範。全面指標評估發展 1999年國家林業局批覆《吉林長白山國家級自然保護區總體規劃》,成立長白山國家級自然保護區。自從國家下放林業給地方政府,2006年成立長白山保護開發區管理委員會,為林業保護管理及產業開發創造了條件。在農林牧業之外,林業加工有人造板、地板、實木門,此外有紅酒、營養食品、保健食品、及飲料等。吉林省大力推進與周邊地區的旅遊資源整合,改善交通,加大冰雪旅遊設施投入和市場銷售。長白山景區年接待遊客167.0萬人次,旅遊業收入大幅上漲。長白山景區年旅遊業收入首次突破四億元大關,達到47884萬元,發展潛力很大。 吉林省為我國不同地區保留其特色的環境下得以發展及改善人民生活樹立了榜樣,如果單看GDP其成績卻不突出,中央對各地方政府的業績評估應該有更全面的指標,國務院有關部門應該研究改善目前的制度。自存倉