BeijingLost in scenic spotFirefighters have been searching for three visitors lost in the mountains bordering the capital’s Miyun and Huairou counties, the Legal Evening News storage The three women, all in their 20s, got lost in the Yunmengshan scenic spot, and could not be reached by mobile phone. The rescue effort continues.Internet cafes raidedTwo groups of masked men have raided two internet cafes in Chaoyang district, smashing more than 70 desktops and stealing money, the Beijing Youth Daily reports. The two cafes are run by the same owner, who suffered losses of more than 100,000 yuan (HK$126,250). Each raid lasted no more than three minutes and the raiders were gone before the police arrived. Police are still looking into the case.GuangdongChild policy mulledProvincial family planning authorities say they are considering new policies to support parents who have lost their only child, the Nanfang Daily reports. The government will provide subsidies to such families, as well as care for the elderly and other medical services.Bin burner soughtA middle-aged man has set fire to four trash bins along a quiet road in Shenzhen’s industrial zone, the Southern Metropolis Daily reports. The man went to wash his hands near a bus stop after his attempt to ignite a fifth bin failed, according to a witness who reported the incident to police. Firefighters put out the blaze but police are still looking for the man.GuangxiScam bustedPolice in Beihai city have busted a 300 million yuan pyramid scheme that involved more than 2,000 people, reports. Police have arrested 137 suspects and found that the scheme was started by three fraudsters, all from Guangdong province, in August 2009. Each member joining the scheme was asked to make an initial investment of 70,000 yuan, with the promise of high returns. The underground network had expanded across 12 cities in five provinces in the country’s southern region over the past four years.Suicide bid abortedA 19-year-old man in Liuzhou city jumped off a bridge into a river in an apparent suicide bid, but then decided he did not want to die, China News Service reports. He clutched onto the bridge pier and shouted for help until police rescued him. He told them he was drunk and refused to go to hospital for a check-up.HenanAnonymous heroA man has saved a mother and son from drowning in a pond in a scenic spot in Nanyang city, China News Service reports. The mother tried to push her son out of the water but herself sank deeper into the water. The man saved them both with the help of bystanders. He refused to accept money offered by the mother and gave no one his name.Costly incense deniedTourism authorities in Zhengzhou have rejected online reports that a bunch of incense sticks at the Shaolin Temple costs more than 6,000 yuan, reports. The reports say each incense stick is 1.2 metres long. The tourism bureau of Dengfeng city, which overseas the famous temple, dismissed the reports as rumours, saying only short incense sticks are burned in the temple.HubeiCure for scribblersManagers of a popular scenic spot in Wuhan city have set up five touch screens for visito儲存s to scribble on so that they will not deface historic relics, China National Radio reports. The Yellow Crane Tower on the banks of the Yangtze River, rebuilt in 1981, has been a victim of graffiti writers. Managers said the practice was now much reduced after visitors found their scribbles could be saved on the touch screens.Bravery testTwo young men have climbed along the cables of a suspension bridge bordering Enshi and Yichang without wearing any safety gear as a test of courage, the Chutian Metropolis Daily reports. The bridge, linking two mountains, is 560 metres above a valley. The two climbers reached a point about 40 metres above the bridge before being told to stop by police.JiangsuDeath leapA 60-year-old from Guizhou province has jumped to her death from the second floor of a museum in Yangzhou city, the Yangtze Evening News reports. The woman, who suffered from depression, was travelling with her family who hoped that the trip would bring her some relief.Museum scalpersScalpers in Nanjing are making more than 10,000 yuan a day by helping visitors gain entry into a museum without queuing, the Jinling Evening News reports. The scalpers charge each visitor 10 yuan to enter by ladder into a memorial hall to victims of the Nanking Massacre. They usually raise the charge to 20 yuan after 4pm when the hall is about to close.SichuanNo more perksEmployees at Chengdu government agencies and state-owned enterprises did not receive perks such as bonuses, gifts or shopping vouchers ahead of this year’s national holiday, the Western China Metropolis Daily reports. A 37-year-old official said he had to buy mooncakes, crabs and fruit which he previously received from his employer.Collision kills sixSix people were killed when the minivan they were in rear-ended a truck in Mianyang , China News Service reports. The front of the minivan was crushed, trapping the six people on board. All of them were killed. Police suspect the accident was caused by a third vehicle, which fled and has not been identified.YunnanDrug dealer seizedPolice in Xishuangbanna prefecture have arrested an armed drug dealer and confiscated nearly 40kg of methamphetamine, reports. At a police checkpoint, the suspect pulled out a gun and tried to smash his way past, but failed.Fishing season endsThe annual 17-day fishing season at Dianchi lake in Kunming has officially ended, the Kunming Daily reports. The length of the season is decided by scientists to ensure that only large fish are caught.ZhejiangStranded on purposeFlood control authorities say that 58 visitors stranded on Nanji Island, administered by Wenzhou , asked to stay there to watch Typhoon Fitow approach, China News Service reports. But one visitor sought help, saying she was trapped. All the visitors had signed agreements affirming they wanted to stay on the island.Anti-graft drive violatedSome government officials have been continuing to spend public funds on banquets and driving public vehicles for personal uses during the national holiday, reports. An inspection team paid undercover visits to restaurants to look for violators of the anti-extravagance campaign.儲存倉
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