Spending only 72 hours in the formidable meqa city of Chongqing,迷利倉population almost 30 million,can be intense,but in a good way.There is so much to see,to eat,to experience,and scheduling can be tricky.DAY 2 A day in scenic Wulong 8am it takes around two hours to reach Wulong,a spectacular geological site,from downtown Chongqing.Long distance buses go to Wulong every half hour from the Sigongli Bus Station.Metro Line 3 goes to the station.10am Arrival.The reason to visit Wulong scenic area is to appreciate the wonders of nature.The karstic(limestone)formations create the very rare Three Natural Bridges.The three huge arch bridges,Tianlong,Qinglong and Heilong bridges,all have spans wider than 300 meters and widths of more than 200 meters.The bridges stretch over two enormous natural pits,forming a mar- velous spectacle.As the largest natural bridge group in Asia,the three bridges are part of UNESCO’s World Natural Heritage.2pm After lunching in a small restaurant in the scenic area(try rice noodle),tourists can visit Furong Cave.The cave is considered a subterranean hall of art.After thousands of years of limestone deposits,the stalactites and stalagmites form wa—terfalls,flowers,clusters of grapes and shields,formations rarely seen in other karst caves in China.The whole cavern extends 2,700 meters and a typical visit takes two hours.8:30pm The 70-minute live-action musical“Impres- sions of Wulong”is staged every night,weather permitting.With Wulong as a backdrop,it tells the story of boat haulers,the boatmen who literally pulled boats along rivers before marine engines were introduced.Director Zhang Yimou is the show’s consultant.Afterward,visitors can spend the night at Xi—annushan Town,which contains both hotels and family—run inns.Admission:Three NaturaI Bridges:135 yuan (March—October) 95 yuan(November-February) Furong Cave:1 20 yuan(March—Octoberl 65 yuan(November-February) “Impressions of Wulong”238to 588 yuan How to get there:Those who don’t want to traveI by themselves.can book a one--or two··day trip at the Chongqing Sightsee- jng Bus Center,which is in the Tower B.ASE Center at Jiefangbei.The bus Ieaves from the same place.Address:89 Minquan Rd DAY 3 Wulong continued and back to town 9am Tourists can visit other scenic spots,notably Longshui Gorge.The gorge is around an hour’s ride from Xiannushan Town.Visitors walk for around 2km at the bottom of the gorge,200—500 meters deep.Waterfalls,deep ponds and forest create a gorgeous landscape deep in the gorge.The walk is both physically and mentally relaxing.Admission:115 yuan(March—October) 85 yuan(November-February) 2pm After returning to Chongqing from Wulong,it’s time to visit the Three Gorges Museum for history and culture.Before the Three Gorges Hydropower Station pr迷你倉ject started in 1996,Chinese archelolgists rescued 12,000 cultural relics from the area to be flooded.including ancient sculptures and cliff inscriptions.Some are exhibited in the museum.Relics are representative of the Ba-Shu culture;Ba was the ancient name of the Chongqing area and Shu was the name of Sichuan.The culture,with a history of around 4,000 years,had many high ’points in Chinese history.Relics re—flect the prosperous Tang Dynasty(AD 6 l 8—907).the heroes during the Three Kingdom’s Period(AD 220—280),and the great poets and writers,such as Li Bai and Du Fu.The museum is also a Chongqing Municipality Museum,so it records the history and development of the city,World War II capital of the Kuomintang government,which was bombed many times by the Japanese.Opposite the museum stands the grand People’s Hall,built in the 1950s in updated style of the Ming(1 368- 1644)and Qing dynasties.The hall has become an important venue for major meetings,conferences and exhibitions with both national and internatiOnal participants.Address:236 Renmjn Rd.Yuzhong District Tel:023—6367—9014 Admission:Free.Chinese guide service costs 1 00 yuan while English costs 1 50 yuan.How to get there:Take Metro Line 2 to Zengjiayan Station;or public buses,such as Nos.181 and 421,to the People’s Hall Station.Most buses in Chongqing don’t have English—language service.7pm Hongyadong is a fashionable area pop—ular for its nightlife.The general area is like a mountain.Hongyadong leans against a cliff and Jiefanbei is on the top.Hongyadong dates back more than 2.600 years.Before the area was rede—veloped,it contained a large area of buildings on stilts(diaojiaolou),typical architecture in China’s middle western region.Now the area has been turned into an entertainment and dining zone,retaining the style of stilted buildings in new architecture.The area is visually dramatic at night;the outlines of stilted buildings are lighted with gold and silver and red lanterns hang from the eves.The scene at night is similar to the scene of the bathhouse Auraya in Hayao Miyazaki’smovie“Spirited Away.”Visitors can climb from the bottom of Hongyadong all the way up to Jiefangbei.Hongyadong Address:Cangbai Rd.Jiefangbei How to get there:Metro Line 2 to Linjiangmen Station An overview of Chaotianmen area in Chongqing-Yang Shaoquan Clqlkou Ancient Town Wulong scenic area is the place to appreciate the wonders of nature with its rare karstic formations.The 70-minute live-action musical“Impressions of Wulong”is staged every night.Director Zhang Yimou is the show’s consultant.The entrance of the famous Ciaikou Ancient Town.Hongyadong is a fashionable area popular for its nightlife.The general area is like a mountain.Hongyadong leans against a cliff and Jiefanbei is on the top.自存倉
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